Sounds like Alaska! The Scandinavia of North America. Slower paced, quiet, contemplative. Going to the McDonald's in the town I lived in wasn't worth it! It was more expenisve than the locally owned cafe 2 minutes up the street and tasted like garbage. How's the weather though? I've been through -60 mornings and 3 hours of sunlight a day and it's not fun! Or for everyone, but it makes you a stronger person and helps you realize how lucky you are when you're not that cold. Example: my beard would freeze after about 3 minutes of being outside, brushing the snow and scraping the ice off my car.
Thanks, sounds like I’d love it there!
Now this is a worthy PSA ♥️
Sounds like Alaska! The Scandinavia of North America. Slower paced, quiet, contemplative. Going to the McDonald's in the town I lived in wasn't worth it! It was more expenisve than the locally owned cafe 2 minutes up the street and tasted like garbage. How's the weather though? I've been through -60 mornings and 3 hours of sunlight a day and it's not fun! Or for everyone, but it makes you a stronger person and helps you realize how lucky you are when you're not that cold.
Example: my beard would freeze after about 3 minutes of being outside, brushing the snow and scraping the ice off my car.