There was ONE of these in my suggestions... hours later and I’m still watching these. Why are these so addicting? Why am I still here? Why can’t I stop? 😂😂😭
Same thing just happened to me. I was watching a video of something else and there was one caption for one episode. I think I'm about 11 episodes in now. 🤣😂 🤔 I'm glad I don't work tomorrow
Me too!!! I lost my 1st husband almost 7 years ago and it still hurts at times. I felt so sad for her loss. I felt even more sad that her mom has her tied up in her shenanigans and not knowing who her father is!! Ugh. So sad!!! Terrible!!
That right there. There’s a sister code. When me n my sis use to go out if she likes someone I don’t even talk to them. If we both like a person we say next n move on. It ain’t worth ending the sister relationship for a guy. R.I.P. sis!
I looked her husband's story up and my God he's a hero. He saved his two sons and an 8 year old girl from drowning in a Georgia lake. He went down on his final rescue but still managed to get all the kids to safety. No doubt that man is a HERO in heaven smiling down. 🖤
No. It should start with an amniocentesis before the baby comes....or better yet....before that when you are having your husbands baby and there would be no need for a test.....
@@nameofcolors he will no disrespect. These days even if the man has no doubt....friends and family provide all the doubt these dudes need to walk away....
T. Thomas you must associate with trash people if this is what you think is normal, common, or expected. I’m expecting my second child with my partner - we are not married and have no plans to marry. Neither fidelity or paternity has ever been a concern or question. I would never waste my time on a person or in a relationship that was so unhealthy and immature that distrust and suspicion were passed off as normal or justifiable behaviors. Gross.
Ellen, Not true, back in the 60's adoption was the answer. Girls were sent away. Shame was put on a whole family. I don't know what language you're using so I won't repeat that word you used. Why is it today 51% of all children are on welfare and it was rare in the 60's and 70's?
My heart hurt for her. Imagine not having a solid man in ur life all ur life,and u finally meet & marry one & then you lose him. She's one amazingly strong woman and I hope she gets the answers she so rightly needs and deserves.
Can we just collectively send that lovely Tykia a collective hug & non-stop prayers? Prayers for peace, closure, happiness & a fine man that will nurture & love this woman for the rest of her days...
That ish made me cry cause I was thinking exactly when she tried to say, he might still be alive. I'll pray for her, through this mess she seems so strong.
I absolutely love this judge .. she puts her heart into every case .. I see her pain when people are crying .. see her joy when people were happy with results .. she is an awesome lady .. 😍
If you both had gone to the wedding he may have lived, but those three children may not have. I hope you can see meaning in your loss and your husband's brave sacrifice. I hope that the enormity of that meaning can start to replace the guilt you feel.
Yes Baby Girl & your MOMMA was absolutely correct.. Family will do it to you when you think they won't as well as all the other SPLIT TAIL HOE's out there..
Older generation always telling us “y’all young folk”... respectfully y’all were off the hinge yourselves. The only difference is everything was secretive.
We all have our faults. However secrets were best for the way I was raised...Seems nowadays being open honest and friends with ur kids clubbing smoking drinking etc with them is best🤣
they were not nearly as bad... That's just a justification. There was far greater fidelity in marriage in the old days. 70s isn't all that "old" tho''' Lotta wild started in the 70s. Progress wasn't all that great.
They technically still cousin because their mothers are sister and that’s probably the reason why she looks like them! I’m sure sure looks like her moms sister
This episode made me very emotional because it should NOT have taken over 30 YEARS to get these results. This woman has been through so much and still doesn’t have closure with knowing her biological father. I blame the mother. Sorry.
So do I blame the mom but I love how this mom owns up to who she was and what she did and let's her daughter know that while she was a young mom she did not think how how her choice's would affect her daughter and the man told the truth of knowing about her and believing she was his daughter
Whew, this Mom. This baby is over 30 years ago. These Moms lying out here. Don't do this to your kids. Get over your embarrassment and tell your kids the truth.
If the cheating with her sister's husband happened due to getting a ride home, then both parties were thinking about doing this for a long time. That is crazy.
I'm surprised that she wasn't angry at her mother. Because even though the man could potentially be her father, her mother has a greater responsibility to her child. I feel really sorry for her and I hope she is able to find peace in her life.
thesunwillshineonme she definitely is annoyed tho. That eye roll 🙄 when mom said she has names for her. If it’s not medically necessary I don’t think I would want to go thru that again. Just gather all the men and head to the Maury show.
Yes, she is. Her mother made a complete turn-around at some point in her life and did well by her child. I am grateful that he isn't her daughter's father. The layer of mess that would be in the long run (his wife's sister's baby) would be a horror! I hope that she locates her biological father and he turns out to be a man who made something of his life, like her mom did. After the struggles she's been through, she's due some blessings.
Yes I agree it was a good result - that creep has the morals of an alleycat, he's not fit to be father to anyone! I'm amazed his biological daughter is standing by him after the way he behaved, cheating on her mother and taking advantage of a young girl who was also family. He is the villain of the piece!
Are you serious? This was a clear abuse of power by an older man exploiting a vulnerable young girl. What a strange set of values YOU have if you think this was a 'relationship' of equals.
What kind of sister are you to go and sleep with your sister’s husband and what kind of husband are you to go sleep with your sister in law. Ratchet. Behavior
@@highlyfavored12 In Africa we still consider them 1st cousins seems Americans have a different culture... But whatever the case by virtue of them being step sisters the blood relationship is still close enough for their children to consider each other sisters in whatever culture
She deserves so much better in her life. She has been handed so much deceit and so much tragedy. She is so much stronger than I am, I hope she gets some real blessings in the future.
If that were the case, the test should still show that they share enough dna to suggest he is related somehow. The nature of the relationship may be unknown but the test would show around 25% shared dna if he was a grandparent or uncle or around 12-13% dna if he was a 1st cousin or half-uncle. I would hope the judge would be allowed to disclose that info but maybe not.
Actually, she said "2" others, and she has names. She just assumed he was the father because she was with him the most. He is disgusting. His family is disgraced by his behavior.
Tykia was traumatized by everything and expressed guilt, but unfortunately we can’t go back and change things. They didn’t go to the wedding but her husband is a hero who saved the kids on that day. That day is not her sister’s wedding day it turns out but she made that connection due to the mystery of her paternity. Wishing Tykia all the best ❤️
I want to give Tykia a big hug! I will be praying for her tonight in my prayers. I hope she knows her wonderful husband is with her and they will see each other again in God's loving embrace where no more pain can hurt them. All saints suffer and Tykia seems like an angel and a saint to me!
Eileen D oh no. I'm looking hella crazy but you are needed in my life.😂 Listen, i'll leave you my email so we can talk it's . I do understand if you're uncomfortable with that so no pressure.
Despite everything, this 32yr old woman's attitude is still wonderful. Some people that haven't even been through half of what she's been through would have grown up to be bitter, toxic and very unreasonable. I pray she finds her dad.
Not taking up for the mother but she DID say she was sleeping with TWO other guys at the time. She also testified that she received paternity papers stating that he wasn't the father. Yes, she's nasty for sleeping with her sister's husband but she told the truth. So when she said she had "names" it makes sense; the two other men she slept with.
@@dereithasmith5014 I was thinking th3 same thing. If she did not have any shame sleeping with her step sisters husband then I’m sure his family members are game also.
The problem is when there are too many men to know who the father is and a mother just picks one like it's a game of tag. Men also have a responsibility though, there's no shame in legally confirming DNA. Maybe it should be mandatory before signing the birth cert. In any case, both adults had their fun. It's much more serious for the only consideration for a child to be born, is the parents were just f**kin around short term.
I guess no one heard the fact that there was a faulty dna test. They went & he never completed his/wasn't notified. He is father by default legally, because of failure to complete the testing. It may be his fault or the court's, but its definitely not the mother's.
Both the man and the woman are at fault for cheating on the wife/sister But when you come down to brasstacks it is the woman who is more at fault because she cheated on her sister with the sister's husband. Also a man can tell you anything because they are like dogs but an upright woman can always maintain her standard
LOL!!! @ 14:49 How she rolls her eyes at her mom like, "If You weren't sleeping around with every man out there...I would know who my father is." LOL!!!
Anthony Mayfield Lol! Poor girl, had a momma for a whoe and she actually said, "We're just gonna have to keep looking, I have "names" for her!" Not, "name" but plural! Smh I would be so shame if that was my mother.
No words.......that Mom, said, " I told you " " we just gone keep looking" All quiet like under her breath. Then the eye roll from the daughter.......she has never been able to trust her Mom. I hope they find peace with each other.
I'mBlack&I'mProud X Yup. That’s why I don’t buy into that step-sibling BS. You’re either my stepfather or stepmother’s child and our relationship will be deemed an acquaintanceship.
Chantawn King I believe that’s called a half sibling means they share a common parent. Half blood not full blood. I have a half sister we have different fathers same mom. I was not allowed to called her my half sister tho. I think it made my mom feel bad that we didn’t have the same dad so she didn’t play that half sibling mess. She’d be like she raised us both so we are sisters period.
I'mBlack&I'mProud X is right... the mother was sleeping with HER step-sisters husband so the mother and his wife wasn’t related by blood. But if she’s talking about to daughters- they would half sisters be use of his 50% of DNA.
@@Tscranton1 she just nasty man. How can you not know who the child father is that's crazy she must slept with all them within the same week I just don't understand.
This is America....Where your friends and family will sleep with your man and the spouse don't honor marriage or relationship...That's love?? Folks wonder why jealousy and trust is an issue in relationships...Smh..
I literally just stumbled into clicking on to watch this show, and I am still trying to dry tears! God bless this judge and her compassion, as well as God rest the soul of the defendants husband! He's such a brave soul for what he did to save lives. I rocks with this show tho!😊
I did not come here to cry! I’m already a crybaby. When Tykia spoke about her husband I lost it! Grief & guilt will have you in a state!!! Then when his daughter said you’re still my sister I bawled even harder!!! She does look like him & his daughter too… clearly her mom has a type
True but he also thought that she was his 100%, so no matter what perhaps he should have done something anyway, especially since they knew of each other and even his child knew her.
Don’t know why everyone is in shock and awe. In the South (and elsewhere) this happened regularly during that time. You really think all of Big Mamma’s 12+ children was all Pa Pa’s? Many learn about their illegitimate Bros or Sisters @ funerals and family reunions and there’s always an auntie or two who knows the truth about who’s child that is. Mama looked scared the whole time. She could have saved her Daughter the embarrassment and told her of other possibilities before going there. To think she listened to her momma and didn’t go to the wedding and losing her husband has to hurt. Even if it wasn’t her family by blood, they still thought enough of her as family to invite her to the wedding. NOW momma has NAMES?😳😳 So the Judge made Dad apologize for not being there for her when he had no obligation or reason to be....legally because HE WASN’T the Father...SMH
Happened in my family. I'm one of the few people that know the truth about my family member. Her mama has passed away and her real daddy's daughter told a neighbor and the neighbor told my cousin, smh. That's how she found out who her real daddy is, the big mouth neighbor!! Cuz was in her 50's when she found out. She respects her mama secret and choose to keep it. I tell her, tell yo daddy you know he yo daddy, girl!!!! He her "godfather" and always been sooooo good to her and now we know why. It would crush her daddy to know all these years was a lie so she says nothing. Grandma knows too cause it was her sister that was sleeping with her husband best friend. I be wanting to tell Grandma so bad that I know and cuz knows the truth but it ain't my business to tell. I was with her and her real daddy bout 2yrs ago. I just wanted to tell it. She know you her daddy and we know you've ALWAYS known you her daddy but I couldn't. Just ate me up whole time, smh. Felt good to tell y'all. Least I told somebody, smh
@@msanja70 Seen my cuz recently cause I invited everybody to dinner in family cause my first born graduated from high school and cuz daddy dead now. I say, tell them and "EVERYBODY" if you know the truth cause they could be gone and snatched away from this life and YOUR life when you least expect it.
I loved the talk from the judge, about the way things use to be because I'm am a product of it. The children are the victim and I was very pleased with her speaking on the behalf of all of us. Thank you 😊
Somebody LYING!! The mother said he wasn’t the father but yet he received paperwork saying he was... The daughter said when she called the place the father in question never showed up to submit a DNA sample... So that means “someone” tricked him into paying child support for all those years???
I thought I was the only one that caught that line , noticed how the judge didn't even say anything regarding that. This is why ratchet nasty loose women are making decent women look real bad out here doing this for so long & getting away with it. If' this was my mom I would not give her the time of day after the court case was over.
I think we are missing the biggest concept, the resemblance is UNCANNY. Put them side-by-side, you cannot tell be that that young lady is not his daughter. It look like he spit her out!!!
Ms. Nyree You are absolutely correct! She was probably "sniffin' " around ALL of her sister's boyfriends too! THOSE are probably the "other" names she has. (...and did you peep the major "👀 roll" she gave her mother, when her mom said, "I have other names". This is too sad.
Omg I live in Macon Ga!! And yes at Lake Tobesofkee there is a memorial to this brave man!! God bless her heart I pray she finds closure because she has certainly been through enough
Wait, So no one is going to acknowledge the fact that SOMEBODY’S COUNTY told this man he was the father and he was put on child support as a result of it and he’s not.... Can someone say lawsuit????
I honestly hate when she says that the court looks out for the best interest of the child. Wouldn't the best interest be knowing who your dad is? Imagine knowing that your dad isn't your dad but he's being forced to pay for you and you could go out in the world and sleep with your brother or dad
Now I’m wondering if she told her the test revealed the man wasn’t her father but they shared enough dna to suggest someone else in the family is her father! So many people see a resemblance. I don’t though.
Girl had me crying talking about her husband . I can tell she loves him so much and is so proud of him and his legacy but she feels guilty about his timing of death…. Girl I wanna hug ya
There was ONE of these in my suggestions... hours later and I’m still watching these. Why are these so addicting? Why am I still here? Why can’t I stop? 😂😂😭
girl same!!! I should be doing homework😭😭😭
Hey Brandy you are gorgeous and sexy. Please dont get mad. And far as this old man isconcern hes of the hook
Same thing just happened to me. I was watching a video of something else and there was one caption for one episode. I think I'm about 11 episodes in now. 🤣😂 🤔 I'm glad I don't work tomorrow
Welcome to the family lol i don’t even know how I started watching Paternity Court but here I am lol
@Brandy Luvli 😂😂 I feel you on that. I ask myself those same types of questions, when it comes to this show.
When she stared crying when she was talking about losing her husband I lost it the tears started flowing. Felt her pain
May His Soul Rest In Peace.
I felt that pain for some reason
I would be mad at my mom
Me too!!! I lost my 1st husband almost 7 years ago and it still hurts at times. I felt so sad for her loss. I felt even more sad that her mom has her tied up in her shenanigans and not knowing who her father is!! Ugh. So sad!!! Terrible!!
2 yrs. ISN'T an AFFAIR... that's a WHOLE RELATIONSHIP! 🤦
😭😭😭😭😭I'm trying to get up off the floor. You are so right though!!!
Yes it is
That part!
Try 7 yrs ........still going.
When your sister gets married you are supposed to see the man as a brother,not a lover 🤮 nasty
That right there. There’s a sister code. When me n my sis use to go out if she likes someone I don’t even talk to them. If we both like a person we say next n move on. It ain’t worth ending the sister relationship for a guy. R.I.P. sis!
She said she was wild and is trying to be a better person.
And you don't ever spend a minute of time with them alone.
In Alabama, it could be brother, uncle, cousin and daddy, all in one.
97% women cheats. black & white the smae.
I looked her husband's story up and my God he's a hero. He saved his two sons and an 8 year old girl from drowning in a Georgia lake. He went down on his final rescue but still managed to get all the kids to safety. No doubt that man is a HERO in heaven smiling down. 🖤
lovemymiyah - Wow! A hero indeed. ❤🥇
lovemymiyah Amen. She also seems humble and sweet her husband is definitely her angel👼 god bless this young man and his wife💞💞💞
lovemymiyah he is in the spirit world Awaiting final judgement. No doubt he will make into those pearly gates
I remember. so sad
Who? Huh
Awww she misses her husband... you could tell she deeply loved him... 😞
He was the first real man in her life that she could claim to be a part of.
Probably was sleeping around on him too
Tee Rezex What makes you think the daughter in question was sleeping around on her husband
@@Valcey777 probably just an idiot troll. She seems to lover her husband, and he seemed like a really good man to her.
Shakam RaishLahab umm are you okay? I love my partner more than anything in my life he is my happiness and joy and will be the father of my children.
The story about her Husband was absolutely heartbreaking
@Heather Gabriel It was. I almost cried. God bless there family!!! Gm how are you doing!!!
@Shakam RaishLahab shut TF up
@Shakam RaishLahab and you factually can prove this how?
@Jamal Patterson I'm sure you don't even know who is a simp, you just had to make an irrelevant comment you vile filth
Antaya Fairless please ignore this person they trolled on another comment too
If you read the story about her husband. He saved not only his 2 kids but he saved a little girl too. 😢 RIP Hero ❤
DNA Testing should start in the delivery room for every child, get it done and let it be known
It would be nice.. However it doesn't take an hour. Takes days.
If you’re a low quality person, associating with other low quality people lol
No. It should start with an amniocentesis before the baby comes....or better yet....before that when you are having your husbands baby and there would be no need for a test.....
@@nameofcolors he will no disrespect. These days even if the man has no doubt....friends and family provide all the doubt these dudes need to walk away....
T. Thomas you must associate with trash people if this is what you think is normal, common, or expected. I’m expecting my second child with my partner - we are not married and have no plans to marry. Neither fidelity or paternity has ever been a concern or question. I would never waste my time on a person or in a relationship that was so unhealthy and immature that distrust and suspicion were passed off as normal or justifiable behaviors. Gross.
We blame the younger generation all the time, but the older folks were playing around and were just as loose and nasty.😒😒😫
Yup the 50s 60s and 70s had the biggest thots!!
Only difference is they had no social media to expose them.
They were young too
Ellen, Not true, back in the 60's adoption was the answer. Girls were sent away. Shame was put on a whole family. I don't know what language you're using so I won't repeat that word you used. Why is it today 51% of all children are on welfare and it was rare in the 60's and 70's?
Yep.. that's where the new generation gets it from. The old generation.
Am I the only one who loves this judge?
I like her as well
CHANTAL JACKSON YES!! That’s why she has 643k subs. 🤣 🙃 🙃 🤣
I LOVE her so much
i love her tooooooooooooooooooooo
No. I love her too. She's awesome
My heart hurt for her. Imagine not having a solid man in ur life all ur life,and u finally meet & marry one & then you lose him. She's one amazingly strong woman and I hope she gets the answers she so rightly needs and deserves.
Can we just collectively send that lovely Tykia a collective hug & non-stop prayers? Prayers for peace, closure, happiness & a fine man that will nurture & love this woman for the rest of her days...
Yes Ma'am... Amen... 🙏😘✌
I agree with you. Beautiful blessings for her from our Heavenly Father.
In JESUS name! Amen!!!
Amen may the Lord bless her and mend her broken heart🤗
So sorry for your loss. I too felt your heartbreak. So I am sending you hugs and love.
OMG when Tykia started talking about her husband I started tearing up! The pain is still fresh for her.
Ki Ki Brown dang that was sad.
I did as well!!!
OMG she made me tear up too that pure love
That ish made me cry cause I was thinking exactly when she tried to say, he might still be alive. I'll pray for her, through this mess she seems so strong.
Lol age cannot be her excuse, at any age: dont sleep w ya sisters husband TF 😂
Just nasty....🤢🤢😖
Sad AF
No respect for your sister/wife no respect for yourselfs .
@@FNJ720 Right!
I absolutely love this judge .. she puts her heart into every case .. I see her pain when people are crying .. see her joy when people were happy with results .. she is an awesome lady .. 😍
That judge owes that man and Tykia an apology. she made him aplogize to a little girl that was not his daughter
You forgot to mention beautiful
This woman is. Disgraceful. This man us. Disgusting
This man is. Disgraceful
The mother is. Disgraceful
Man I really cried listening to this sista talk about her late husband. I pray The Most High restores her.
Yah got him in reserved sis
I'm from Macon and I go to Lake Tobesofkee all the time. I remember when he died saving those kids. A true hero!!
they from macon
I’m from near that area and remember that too. This is sad 😔
I used to work with Sheila and I remember her telling me about it.
@@478meka yeah, I used to work with Sheila at the Medical center and Coliseum hospital.
Keisha B u are sexy😘😘😘
Her husband died a hero. Not only was he brave and selfless, he was very handsome.
If you both had gone to the wedding he may have lived, but those three children may not have. I hope you can see meaning in your loss and your husband's brave sacrifice. I hope that the enormity of that meaning can start to replace the guilt you feel. momma always told me, "Baby, don't have women just hanging around your house!" I'm glad I listened to my momma!
April Jones how funny it doesn’t matter what race you are my mom also gave me the same advice
Jessica Singh true
Yes Baby Girl & your MOMMA was absolutely correct.. Family will do it to you when you think they won't as well as all the other SPLIT TAIL HOE's out there..
That is so true but it's really a shame when you can't have your own sister around.
That's a saying that has been around for many generations and will continue to be passed on for many years to come.
Older generation always telling us “y’all young folk”... respectfully y’all were off the hinge yourselves. The only difference is everything was secretive.
They were just as bad
We all have our faults. However secrets were best for the way I was raised...Seems nowadays being open honest and friends with ur kids clubbing smoking drinking etc with them is best🤣
they were not nearly as bad... That's just a justification. There was far greater fidelity in marriage in the old days. 70s isn't all that "old" tho''' Lotta wild started in the 70s. Progress wasn't all that great.
Yep and there was no social media.
“An honest mistake” that went on for TWO YEARS THOUGH?! GTFOH! That’s as a life choice!
The Real Evvonne ikr 😒😒😒😒
Sorry but once is a mistake after that it is a choice.. Truly SAD & HEART BREAKING for this young woman..
Where's Maury when you need him.
@@rhiannonlewis7963 👌😁
When the lady said “You’re still my sister”. That’s deep!!! I pray 🙏🏾 sue finds her father. As I find mine too 😭
That made me cry!!!!!!!
Don’t really care about the comment but I’m a Pisces too so I gave you a like
They technically still cousin because their mothers are sister and that’s probably the reason why she looks like them! I’m sure sure looks like her moms sister
Prayers for the both of you to find your dad in Yeshua's name amen.
I remember when her husband drowned. This happened where I live. Such a brave firefighter 🙏🏽
guytondebra did the child survive if I don’t mind me asking
guytondebra - How did he drown?? We’re the children saved? (Did he know how to swim?)
Please answer or if someone has more information, post a link please 🙂
CH - We searched but no info was found
I seen them b4 in macon where i stay
This episode made me very emotional because it should NOT have taken over 30 YEARS to get these results. This woman has been through so much and still doesn’t have closure with knowing her biological father. I blame the mother. Sorry.
It's her fault. Don't be sorry 🥺
I agree
So do I blame the mom but I love how this mom owns up to who she was and what she did and let's her daughter know that while she was a young mom she did not think how how her choice's would affect her daughter and the man told the truth of knowing about her and believing she was his daughter
Whew, this Mom. This baby is over 30 years ago. These Moms lying out here. Don't do this to your kids. Get over your embarrassment and tell your kids the truth.
That Mom left because she knew all along who her real Father is. Nall baby she is your step cousin.
If the cheating with her sister's husband happened due to getting a ride home, then both parties were thinking about doing this for a long time. That is crazy.
Not crazy, nasty.
I agree
@@leesteal4458 yep
Definitely yes. She mentioned that she was in love with her sister's husband 🤮😏😏🤔🤭
@@leesteal4458 exactly 💯 😢
When she mentioned her husband dying saving drowning kids, I started crying.
I'm surprised that she wasn't angry at her mother. Because even though the man could potentially be her father, her mother has a greater responsibility to her child. I feel really sorry for her and I hope she is able to find peace in her life.
thesunwillshineonme she definitely is annoyed tho. That eye roll 🙄 when mom said she has names for her. If it’s not medically necessary I don’t think I would want to go thru that again. Just gather all the men and head to the Maury show.
She was annoyed and hurt but not everyone disrespects their parent in front of ppl, especially if you add tv to the mix.
thesunwillshineonme oh no she was def upset. She rolled her eyes the entire time.
Girl. She was respectful but read her face and body language. She was not thrilled with her mother.
Am I the only one who goes straight to the comments and laughs my a** off reading them while the episode is playing?🤣😂😅
no!... lmbo.. that Exactly what i do!!😂🤣
No and HELLZ NO‼️
I do that tooo 😂 😂 😂
Gigi I fail to see what's funny
Are you a Hater, I don't know. I
Takia is a lovey well raised young woman. So glad history did not repeat itself.
Yes, she is. Her mother made a complete turn-around at some point in her life and did well by her child. I am grateful that he isn't her daughter's father. The layer of mess that would be in the long run (his wife's sister's baby) would be a horror! I hope that she locates her biological father and he turns out to be a man who made something of his life, like her mom did. After the struggles she's been through, she's due some blessings.
testedatried 123 it's true.
Yes I agree it was a good result - that creep has the morals of an alleycat, he's not fit to be father to anyone! I'm amazed his biological daughter is standing by him after the way he behaved, cheating on her mother and taking advantage of a young girl who was also family. He is the villain of the piece!
glamdolly20 it takes two to tango don’t just blame this situation on him.
Are you serious? This was a clear abuse of power by an older man exploiting a vulnerable young girl. What a strange set of values YOU have if you think this was a 'relationship' of equals.
I wish that young lady a lifetime of peace and happiness she deserves it.❤️
Oh wow she made me cry talking about her husband I'm not sure how I would cope without mines
Alexandria Robinson hope you never get to find that out cause it's painful and you feel like being saw in half
Yes, i cried 2
Alexandria Robinson 2 major men in her life not here for her, so sad.
Alexandria Robinson that's what I worry about all the time,I love him to death idk what I would do
Alexandria Robinson I cried too. I was listening on my earbuds while I was at work. Then the elevator doors opened up I must have looked like a fool.
Absolutely DiMare. 🙏 ❤️ 🙏
My heart goes out to this young lady, she lost her husband and she don't know who is her father.
I pray that God will strengthen her 🙏 .
What kind of sister are you to go and sleep with your sister’s husband and what kind of husband are you to go sleep with your sister in law. Ratchet. Behavior
Topaz fire whew chile the ghetto
Step sister
U know right
That’s not ratchet, it’s called having no morals
@@dpinksjay2417 Exactly
When the young lady told Tykia, "You're still my sister!" I lost it :'(
That's because she's still her 1st cousin 🤷🏽♂️ way are people not getting that???
Chipesha Chanda exactly! That's what I'm saying. No comments that they share mothers who are sisters; they are 1st cousins
@@chandavlog5221 ..Actually she is not her first cousin.The lady slept with her step sister's husband.
@@highlyfavored12 In Africa we still consider them 1st cousins seems Americans have a different culture... But whatever the case by virtue of them being step sisters the blood relationship is still close enough for their children to consider each other sisters in whatever culture
@@chandavlog5221 Her one comment is not representative of "Americans". In my family she would still be a 1st cousin.
She deserves so much better in her life. She has been handed so much deceit and so much tragedy. She is so much stronger than I am, I hope she gets some real blessings in the future.
Keiko Sah me too #1 her mother is toxic
My heart goes out to this poor women I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and all the nonsense u had to go through growing up
Somebody in his family is her daddy. She looks just like them.
Michele Alexander Right!!!!!!
Michele Alexander that is true and sad. She admitted she was with a lot of men
If that were the case, the test should still show that they share enough dna to suggest he is related somehow. The nature of the relationship may be unknown but the test would show around 25% shared dna if he was a grandparent or uncle or around 12-13% dna if he was a 1st cousin or half-uncle. I would hope the judge would be allowed to disclose that info but maybe not.
Looks can be deceiving though. Personally I think she looks most like her mother.
Actually, she said "2" others, and she has names. She just assumed he was the father because she was with him the most. He is disgusting. His family is disgraced by his behavior.
Your husband is a hero and gave his life up for another person.... He goes to Heaven...
*Three* people. Children at that 😇
These old biddies are out of control, goes to show it happened throughout history
These THOTS today cane from somewhere.
@@TheTruth-ul7rz The old biddies were MARRIED.. and condoms didn't work back then. Modern THOTS = feminism + welfare state
@@TheTruth-ul7rz 😂😂😂😂
Tykia was traumatized by everything and expressed guilt, but unfortunately we can’t go back and change things. They didn’t go to the wedding but her husband is a hero who saved the kids on that day. That day is not her sister’s wedding day it turns out but she made that connection due to the mystery of her paternity. Wishing Tykia all the best ❤️
I want to give Tykia a big hug! I will be praying for her tonight in my prayers. I hope she knows her wonderful husband is with her and they will see each other again in God's loving embrace where no more pain can hurt them. All saints suffer and Tykia seems like an angel and a saint to me!
Ain't you the girl that was spilling tea on Wendy William's page ? Why did you stop?
SoiréeOnRosay lol yes I am! Wendy blocked me - I was excommunicated lol. XoXo 😘 😘
Eileen D oh no. I'm looking hella crazy but you are needed in my life.😂 Listen, i'll leave you my email so we can talk it's . I do understand if you're uncomfortable with that so no pressure.
Eileen D well said and f wendy.
SoiréeOnRosay So where can this tea be found? Asking for a friend, lol...
Despite everything, this 32yr old woman's attitude is still wonderful. Some people that haven't even been through half of what she's been through would have grown up to be bitter, toxic and very unreasonable. I pray she finds her dad.
So sorry about her husband. And on top of that she still doesn't know who her father is. Smh 🤦 stop sleeping around and know who your child father is.
Too true
The defendant's mother said, she got (NAMES) not a name. But, (NAMES) to give her daughter 🤣
Funny how the man gets slander but the mother did nothing wrong. This woman doesn't know who her father is after 32yrs! That's the mothers fault!!
Women back their own
That’s nothing new. It is an inherent social bias.
I love the judge 👩⚖️ but she jump the gun in making this man apologize before the DNA results were in
Judge made him apologize for not beign in her daughter life! Without open the DNA test First!
But the way she rolled her eyes when her mother said she’ll do whatever it takes to help her find her father. 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️ Really tho.
Carla Brazil yeah she totally. Lost all Respect for her mother I sure did
Not taking up for the mother but she DID say she was sleeping with TWO other guys at the time. She also testified that she received paternity papers stating that he wasn't the father. Yes, she's nasty for sleeping with her sister's husband but she told the truth. So when she said she had "names" it makes sense; the two other men she slept with.
@@ddnquestion1 😂😂😂😂 me too
Remember all the randoms she smashed....
I do appreciate how the mom owned her bad decisions and didn’t try to down play it as I’ve seen some others do
She s had plenty of yrs
Maybe her father is his brother or a nephew but a family member cause she looks like them.
@@dereithasmith5014 I was thinking th3 same thing. If she did not have any shame sleeping with her step sisters husband then I’m sure his family members are game also.
My heart just breaks for Tykia. I can’t imagine how it must feel to lose her husband😢☹️
First time I see a mum genuinely and eloquently apologising to her for her past actions and how it may had effected her daughter. That was nice.
It’s shameful that these women put these dudes on child support knowing that these men aren’t the biological parent. I can’t respect that.
The problem is when there are too many men to know who the father is and a mother just picks one like it's a game of tag.
Men also have a responsibility though, there's no shame in legally confirming DNA. Maybe it should be mandatory before signing the birth cert.
In any case, both adults had their fun. It's much more serious for the only consideration for a child to be born, is the parents were just f**kin around short term.
@Shakam RaishLahab and also your mother 🤫
Anything to shelter Pookie and Dem from taking responsibility for planting all that low life seed.
@Ricardo Cadet thank you bro. we need more men to speak the truth.
I guess no one heard the fact that there was a faulty dna test. They went & he never completed his/wasn't notified. He is father by default legally, because of failure to complete the testing. It may be his fault or the court's, but its definitely not the mother's.
They both nasty
Right smdh
Yes they are.
*sadie auguster* True. But, who are you to talk? Aren't you that girl that did that thing you do when you did what you did?
I cried when the girls hugged n she said "your still my sister." That was so comforting. 😊❤❤❤
Takiya is a beautiful woman. Inside and out
Nobody heard Mom say it was TWO Other Men as well???
Miss. Sabali I did
Miss. Sabali
That's me want to know
Miss. Sabali She did say it at 4:03
We did. 😥 We did... 😫
Mama had some hot summers lol
Hot times in the city, lol
Yes when u get caught up in heat it get that way
Yes but very cold winters for her daughter (no lol)
Ahiitte 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Haha fr
I just love this woman she’s so powerful yet humble , Wise and sassy and ughhhh too many qualities I doubt she have flaws 🥺😍
True saying, “What done in the dark, will eventually come to light” 💡
And when it comes to light, you still won't get the truth!
Her hubby is a hero! Wow!
I think she was talking about the daughter's husband who died saving someone's life.
nenew24 He’ll be remembered as such....💜🇺🇸💜
Island Girl so sad
Ericka Jones No hero the daughters husband died saving a family
Absolutely....I live in the town that he passed....I go to that lake all the time...the next time I go...his memory will be on my mind.
I really feel for the daughter , she's been through it , God bless her :(
When one losses his life for another person to live, that's the degree of humanity. May God protect his soul in peace
I wish her all the healing and happiness in the world..
Both the man and the woman are at fault for cheating on the wife/sister
But when you come down to brasstacks it is the woman who is more at fault because she cheated on her sister with the sister's husband. Also a man can tell you anything because they are like dogs but an upright woman can always maintain her standard
Much respect for the young woman she said you still my sister that's real
They look just alike though. I wonder if the mother slept with someone in his family🤔
With a sister like that, nobody needs an enemy!!!!
Tammie Terrell KA GOTTDAMN BOOM 💣, SIS
Step sister
i’m so very sorry for the loss of her husband, what a selfless and brave man. 🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺
LOL!!! @ 14:49 How she rolls her eyes at her mom like, "If You weren't sleeping around with every man out there...I would know who my father is."
Anthony Mayfield exactly! Like oh Lord here we go again...
A dna test should of been done when she was born to avoid this whole mess
Anthony Mayfield Lol! Poor girl, had a momma for a whoe and she actually said, "We're just gonna have to keep looking, I have "names" for her!" Not, "name" but plural! Smh I would be so shame if that was my mother.
No words.......that Mom, said, " I told you " " we just gone keep looking"
All quiet like under her breath.
Then the eye roll from the daughter.......she has never been able to trust her Mom. I hope they find peace with each other.
@@lisaratliff7566 Totally I agree I left a comment about that I was so mad!
Started at one recommendation 2 days ago & now I'm still watching... I've even memorized the intro! Lol.
My 11 year old son knows the intro, commercials and ending 😂😂😂
A two year mistake. 🙄 His voice 😒
Juleen Forbes so the mom is not held accountable
Juleen Forbes he is full of it. Lol
Juleen Forbes lol I was thinking the same thing his voice 🙄
Juleen Forbes he's disgusting she's disgusting and selfish
Right next to the child that was made from that "2 year mistake"👍
I’m watching this and today is the 10th year death of my mom , and the judge words just comforted me so much, and I needed that.
"Step-sister" means no blood relationship!! Still trifling and morally wrong tho!!
I'mBlack&I'mProud X Yup. That’s why I don’t buy into that step-sibling BS. You’re either my stepfather or stepmother’s child and our relationship will be deemed an acquaintanceship.
Chantawn King I believe that’s called a half sibling means they share a common parent. Half blood not full blood. I have a half sister we have different fathers same mom. I was not allowed to called her my half sister tho. I think it made my mom feel bad that we didn’t have the same dad so she didn’t play that half sibling mess. She’d be like she raised us both so we are sisters period.
Chantawn King that’s half not step.
I'mBlack&I'mProud X is right... the mother was sleeping with HER step-sisters husband so the mother and his wife wasn’t related by blood. But if she’s talking about to daughters- they would half sisters be use of his 50% of DNA.
She found a Great Man and I'm sorry you lost him.
Tykiya is so well manner I hope she finds her father.
lisa johnson Well, if she does. I pray that it is a healthy reunion and NO MORE DRAMA!!!!
Very lovely young woman.. Bless her HEART.
@@MrsAsamoah yes, that man sleeping with his wife's sister seem ignorant and messy. I hope the other men were at least single!
I’m sobbing 😭 I love judge Lauren she is so wise. A woman to look up to for sure.
Her daughter looks so embarrassed!
HayHayit'sJayJay 😔😕
I’m embarrassed for her! Poor thang 😳
I would too, who wants to actually know their mother was the definition of a thot, smdh
“I got names for her.” Omg how many potential fathers were there 😬😲🤢🤦♀️
She testified that she slept with two other guys at the time.
Got Some names😟
Its completely sad my heart goes out for her daughter
@@Tscranton1 she just nasty man. How can you not know who the child father is that's crazy she must slept with all them within the same week I just don't understand.
But she didn’t have names when the child support people asked...
This is America....Where your friends and family will sleep with your man and the spouse don't honor marriage or relationship...That's love?? Folks wonder why jealousy and trust is an issue in relationships...Smh..
Ms. Nyree This happens in all industrialized countries, not just America. We just put it on TV for your viewing pleasure.
This is America
This is worldwide baby
Black men
And they tries to justify it too .
Judge Lake truly speaks so much life into others! Lord bless her 💕
Curtistine Miller they do!!! LOL 😂
Beautyfull Hearts UMMMM 😜
Too many people unfortunately.
msware0104 right smh
It honestly sucks
I literally just stumbled into clicking on to watch this show, and I am still trying to dry tears! God bless this judge and her compassion, as well as God rest the soul of the defendants husband! He's such a brave soul for what he did to save lives. I rocks with this show tho!😊
Drowned while saving children? OH MY GOSH!! I lost it. Gee Wiz!
I did not come here to cry! I’m already a crybaby. When Tykia spoke about her husband I lost it! Grief & guilt will have you in a state!!! Then when his daughter said you’re still my sister I bawled even harder!!! She does look like him & his daughter too… clearly her mom has a type
That judge be telling him talk to your daughter and say something to her before the results... Just To find out HE'S NOT THE FATHER....
Yeah that was tough.
True but he also thought that she was his 100%, so no matter what perhaps he should have done something anyway, especially since they knew of each other and even his child knew her.
Bruh Man OMG!!!
Noooo the tmnt is better looking lol
Don’t know why everyone is in shock and awe. In the South (and elsewhere) this happened regularly during that time. You really think all of Big Mamma’s 12+ children was all Pa Pa’s? Many learn about their illegitimate Bros or Sisters @ funerals and family reunions and there’s always an auntie or two who knows the truth about who’s child that is.
Mama looked scared the whole time. She could have saved her Daughter the embarrassment and told her of other possibilities before going there. To think she listened to her momma and didn’t go to the wedding and losing her husband has to hurt. Even if it wasn’t her family by blood, they still thought enough of her as family to invite her to the wedding. NOW momma has NAMES?😳😳
So the Judge made Dad apologize for not being there for her when he had no obligation or reason to be....legally because HE WASN’T the Father...SMH
Go-Go big facts...
Happened in my family. I'm one of the few people that know the truth about my family member. Her mama has passed away and her real daddy's daughter told a neighbor and the neighbor told my cousin, smh. That's how she found out who her real daddy is, the big mouth neighbor!! Cuz was in her 50's when she found out. She respects her mama secret and choose to keep it. I tell her, tell yo daddy you know he yo daddy, girl!!!! He her "godfather" and always been sooooo good to her and now we know why. It would crush her daddy to know all these years was a lie so she says nothing. Grandma knows too cause it was her sister that was sleeping with her husband best friend. I be wanting to tell Grandma so bad that I know and cuz knows the truth but it ain't my business to tell. I was with her and her real daddy bout 2yrs ago. I just wanted to tell it. She know you her daddy and we know you've ALWAYS known you her daddy but I couldn't. Just ate me up whole time, smh. Felt good to tell y'all. Least I told somebody, smh
Regardless of the area this happens everywhere
@@msanja70 Seen my cuz recently cause I invited everybody to dinner in family cause my first born graduated from high school and cuz daddy dead now. I say, tell them and "EVERYBODY" if you know the truth cause they could be gone and snatched away from this life and YOUR life when you least expect it.
@@MsKeva771 sad what being hot in the pants does to a generation of people
I loved the talk from the judge, about the way things use to be because I'm am a product of it. The children are the victim and I was very pleased with her speaking on the behalf of all of us. Thank you 😊
God bless Tykia, she is a wonderful woman and role model. Such a beautiful and wonderful woman. I am praying for her tonight.
Somebody LYING!! The mother said he wasn’t the father but yet he received paperwork saying he was... The daughter said when she called the place the father in question never showed up to submit a DNA sample... So that means “someone” tricked him into paying child support for all those years???
baby doll
She wasn't responsible for the courts failings back then.
I think that in some states if the father doesn't show up in court to contest paternity than he is automatically assumed to be the father.
He wasn't paying for child support. He had a letter from child support about doing DNA testing, not about him paying.
I thought I was the only one that caught that line , noticed how the judge didn't even say anything regarding that. This is why ratchet nasty loose women are making decent women look real bad out here doing this for so long & getting away with it. If' this was my mom I would not give her the time of day after the court case was over.
It wasnt the mother because she went to court saying he wasnt the father to begin with. U donr get child support from someone whose not the dad..
Papa annnnd mama was a rollin stooone... 🎶
Krissi Kiss They some dirty, dirty, skanky so and so’s!
Krissi Kiss 😂
I think we are missing the biggest concept, the resemblance is UNCANNY. Put them side-by-side, you cannot tell be that that young lady is not his daughter. It look like he spit her out!!!
Can't trust anyone !!! JUST NASTY!
Angel Sauls Exactly Right can't trust nobody and it very disappointing
Dee Dee Moore VERY
Angel Sauls So true
Angel Sauls I just found out my step sister broke up a relationship years ago then slept with him
Linny w It's a SHAME
😱She said, "she got names" 😂 probably jealous of the sister, so she slept with her husband....Sickening😡
Ms. Nyree You are absolutely correct! She was probably "sniffin' " around ALL of her sister's boyfriends too! THOSE are probably the "other" names she has. (...and did you peep the major "👀 roll" she gave her mother, when her mom said, "I have other names". This is too sad.
Ms. Nyree ;she'll never admit it though...
Yeah, that was very telling. She did say she was "wild."
lovey Wow. Typical BW. Always looking for someone else to blame.
He sound like he inhaled helium😂😂😂
Peace Harmony
Peace Harmony hollerin😂😂💀💀💀
Peace Harmony SHUT UP AND GO TO TIME OUT!! 😂😂😂😂
Peace Harmony he sounds like someone shook his teeth in a cup and threw 'em back in his mouth.
Someone take this person's phone right now!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg I live in Macon Ga!! And yes at Lake Tobesofkee there is a memorial to this brave man!! God bless her heart
I pray she finds closure because she has certainly been through enough
Wait, So no one is going to acknowledge the fact that SOMEBODY’S COUNTY told this man he was the father and he was put on child support as a result of it and he’s not.... Can someone say lawsuit????
He is paying for hurting his wife😕🤷🏽♀️
🤣🤣🤣 That's good, but not lawful. Well, maybe in God's eyes ! LOL
I honestly hate when she says that the court looks out for the best interest of the child. Wouldn't the best interest be knowing who your dad is? Imagine knowing that your dad isn't your dad but he's being forced to pay for you and you could go out in the world and sleep with your brother or dad
@@patriciabennette9702 Right !
Who else wanted to hear what the judge told Tykia at the end 🙋🏾
I know right I'm mad they didnt keep rolling
🙋🏾 But my guess is some more comforting and encouraging words regarding the loss of her husband.
Now I’m wondering if she told her the test revealed the man wasn’t her father but they shared enough dna to suggest someone else in the family is her father! So many people see a resemblance. I don’t though.
I love the judge 👩⚖️ but I think she jump the gun on making this man apologize before the DNA results were in.
Same here
She was making him apologize for the sin of sleeping with his wife's sister .
I don’t he’s the one who walked in saying “oh I’ve always felt like she was my daughter” but he’s only seen her one time
I agree, she tends to side with the women alot.
@@spreadlovenothate5017 and rarely holds them accountable
Girl had me crying talking about her husband . I can tell she loves him so much and is so proud of him and his legacy but she feels guilty about his timing of death…. Girl I wanna hug ya