Shnootz - Reaction Video (Morten Harket - All of You Concerned)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @theMaster...
    @theMaster... Год назад +5

    Hadn't heard this one before. Thank you...

  • @silvanaalves9271
    @silvanaalves9271 Год назад +1


  • @ElanurMH
    @ElanurMH Год назад +3

    Happy birthday dear Morten and thank you for all the wonderful unforgettable moments, feelings, thoughts you gave us with your beautiful voice. ❤❤❤
    Oh Matt, you really said the same thing I posted in Instagram to congratulate Morten's Birthday hours ago. I wrote
    "Thank God for creating you and giving us the opportunity to exist with you in the same time period" 😊
    And today the sirens are ringing at intervals in Germany because of disaster alarm tests, but you can also reinterpret it and say Germany is celebrating Morten's birthday 😅

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад +2

      Haha, now I understand a post I saw on Facebook (German forum) about sirens on Morten's birthday. 😆

    • @ElanurMH
      @ElanurMH Год назад +2


    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +2

      Hahaha....yep, that's right. It should be a world wide holiday. So should Magne and Pål's. 💞

  • @lunalairTM
    @lunalairTM Год назад +2

    Love it🦋🦋

  • @sofiamar18
    @sofiamar18 Год назад +3

    Thank you for this extra treat, Matt. 😊 Let me just point out that Morten's birthday is tomorrow (Thursday, 14th September) 😁, but we can start celebrating today. 🥳🎉 The man is so important that we need at least 2 days to celebrate it properly. 😉
    I will come back later to comment on the song. I hope you enjoyed it and that the a-ha family will enjoy this, too. 😊 I had thought some of the a-ha people here had probably never heard it before and The Master has already confirmed it. 🙂

    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +2

      Bawahahah! Yes, he IS that important. 😂 I might make you laugh, but you make me laugh a lot too, Sofia. 😂❤

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад +1

      @@shelld1261 we're such a pair, aren't we? 😂

    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +1

      @@sofiamar18 We really are. 😁

  • @sofiamar18
    @sofiamar18 Год назад +3

    The origins of this song go back to the Wild Seed era (1995), it was surprising to see it released in 2008 (as the B-side / exclusive bonus track of the German single "Darkspace"). Morten had played it live during the Wild Seed tour (among other songs that were, unfortunately, never released - but hey, there's still hope! 😁) and the first time I heard it was on the recording of a 1995 radio session in Brazil - Radio Transamerica, where Morten was interviewed and played snippets of his new songs. (I will probably refer to that radio session again in a few weeks, because one of the songs he played there would appear in very different clothing in the Out Of My Hands album, in 2012 😉).
    It was released in Norwegian in the Vogts Villa album (1996) as "Jeg Kjenner Ingen Fremtid" - the second track on the album, so you'll get to it soon -, which translates to "I know No Future", and I wonder why he chose the title "All Of You Concerned" for the English version. The first line of the song is "I know No Future", and it seems to apply better to the theme of the song than the chosen title. 😛 Like you, I don't really know what to make of it (but I haven't looked very closely at the lyrics).
    Both the English and the Norwegian versions are credited to Morten, in collaboration with Håvard Rem in the lyrics. I also haven't checked the Norwegian lyrics, so I am not sure if it corresponds exactly to the text in English or if there are any substantial differences (I will check that when you do "Jeg Kjenner Ingen Fremtid").
    Morten of course doesn't sound the same in the two versions, there's a 12-year gap between them and, as we know by now, the language also plays a part in the way Morten sings. As much as I love how he sounds in the 90s, surprisingly I seem to like this version better. Well, at least today. 😜 He sounds more subdued and smooth in English and it really fits the song.
    I also love the instrumentation on this one, all those little sonic touches, and that guitar. ❤ I think the Norwegian version will sound very different in that regard, but in fact I haven't heard it in a while and I'm not sure. We'll see. 😉
    Last but not least: thank Lucca for her special appearance today. 😊 She was sleeping so quietly, I am sure she liked what she was hearing. 😁💞 And you sound a little hoarse, so take care. 😉

    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +1

      Oh cool, we get it in Norwegian too. Yay! ❤

    • @ElanurMH
      @ElanurMH Год назад +1

      Oh yes I remember that Session in Brasil and which song you mean from Out Of My Hands. I love that song ❤

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад

      @@ElanurMH I think it is a very strange song, but I couldn't help loving it too. 😁 And meanwhile I remembered another song he did a snippet of on Radio Transamerica and recorded in Vogts Villa, so I will probably mention that session again sooner than I thought. 😉

    • @ElanurMH
      @ElanurMH Год назад +1

      ​@@sofiamar18Exactly very strange song and I also still love it😊 As I heard it the first time back then I always hoped to see this song in an Album. I was so happy to find that song in OOMH❤

  • @marjoriemcbride6557
    @marjoriemcbride6557 Год назад +3

    This is a song I love so much sung in the original Norwegian by Morten…Jeg Kenner Ingen Fremtid or I Don’t Know The Future. I don’t know why he decided to change the title in this English language version. I actually prefer it sung in Norwegian, but am always happy to listen to another chance to hear Morten sing anyway.
    I’m a couple of days late in coming to this as I’ve been away on holiday to Co.Donegal in Irish Republic…so a belated 64th birthday to Morten for yesterday! 🎂❤️

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад +2

      Ha, I wondered why you hadn't seen this. 🙃 You had a good excuse, I see. 😁 But it seemed many of the "regulars" on the a-ha/ Morten reactions missed this one, strangely.
      You know, the "original" is not the Norwegian version, he sang it in English in 1995 on the Brazilian Radio Transamerica. I don't remember if he had a title for it back then (I am almost sure he didn't mention a title). But I agree that ot's a strange choice for a title, why not "I Know No Future" like the Norwegian title? 🤔 Well, only Morten could answer that, I guess, and maybe there was a good reason. 😉

    • @marjoriemcbride6557
      @marjoriemcbride6557 Год назад +2

      @@sofiamar18 I didn’t know he sang the English version first Sofia…I just assumed the Norwegian version would come before the English one. I like the 1996 live one which he sang as part of the concert at Bredveit women’s prison.

  • @shelld1261
    @shelld1261 Год назад +3

    And Morten sings to us…
    “Will you still need me, will you still feed me
    When I'm sixty-four?”
    Of course, we all say yes. Some of us will even say Morten is so special that he deserves two days of celebration for his birthday. (Couldn’t resist, Sofia 😂)
    Ah, but poor Sofia and Elanur already heard my joke. Difference being I said Morten is singing it to Inez. I just looked at all the lyrics to the song(been a while since I listened to it) and pictured Morten strumming a guitar, singing it to Inez. Hahaha… it would be so cute.
    Again, this kind of goofy sweet and whimsical thing I could actually see Magne doing over Morten, but ah well. I know Morten does have some whimsy in there somewhere.😋😁
    I agree with all you said above, Matt. I love the music here and your interpretation. I would just listen to this song for the music alone. ❤
    I know I say all the time that I am in love with the deep and raspy voice, but his angelic “Ahhh ahhhh’s” are so, well…angelic here. 😂
    If there is a Heaven, this is one of the sounds you would hear after you enter the gate, right? That’s where my head went right away.
    “We’re lucky to live in a world where Morten Harket exists” should be written in stone. We are so blessed that this man decided to share his most amazing talents with the world. To all to remember to be grateful for how much he gave up and went through (as well as his family and loved ones) for us to experience the talents. ❤

    • @mattsnider2667
      @mattsnider2667  Год назад +2

      Indeed, we are. And my channel is blessed by your comments, Michelle (is it okay if I call you that?). Really appreciate your involvement with the channel. ☺

    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +2

      Aww shucks, Matt. Thank you 🙏🏼 can call me Michelle too. You just have to sing the Beatles song to me. 😉😂Just you and Paul McCartney can get away with it. Well, Magne, Pål, and Morten could if they sang the song to me as well. 😋😁💕

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад +1

      I'm relieved to know you appreciate te celestial "aaahhhaaaaahhaaaa"s. 😊 I was afraid they would do nothing to you. His voice is amazing in many different ways. ❤ I really like how he sings this one.
      I almost borrowed your joke (the 64 one) for my Morten's birthday post on Facebook, but I didn't. I wanted to mention you if I did, but you aren't there.

    • @sofiamar18
      @sofiamar18 Год назад +1

      @@mattsnider2667 why would you do that, Matt, if she doesn't like to be called Michelle? 😁 In fact, when she revealed her name I also had an urge to call her Michelle, but I checked it. 😅

    • @shelld1261
      @shelld1261 Год назад +1

      Ah, Matt’s being a brat. He was being a jokester, like our Magne is. He made me laugh out loud with that one.🤣
      It’s all good. 😂