Reddit guide is updated. This is a specialized one-shot setup for SN3. The team will not work for other dungeons. You can add more HP to Shana and go through the dungeon slower (~21 minutes). Average run is now 14 minutes. Fastest 12.5 minutes. The guide was remade (Nov 13) because killer awakenings got buffed, increasing natural dmg cap to 4b against their respective enemy type. Shana now does 4b to 6.5b to god type enemies. This means you can reliably one shot more spawns or do lazier matches. Remember, Ultraman Decker has devil killer latent for floor 1. Playstyle: 1 fire T. Blob heart and leftover fire orbs. Use only one active skill if you can. Floor Guide: 1. 1st Shana, Decker, Kallen, 1st Shana again, Euphemia, Kallen. 2 fire T. 2. 2nd Shana, Kallen 1st turn. Kallen fire T 2nd turn. Water spawn = Kallen + Shana. 3. 2 turn Fujin equip. Shana fire T both turns. 4. Kallen if needed. 2x fire L. Decker 2nd turn. 5. Kallen, Shana first turn. Kaname 2nd turn. Decker 3rd turn and MATCH HEAL L. 6. Varies. Water sucks. 1. If dark spawns = Euphemia OC haste, 2x Shana, Kallen OC haste. Stall for Euphemia if needed. 2. If water spawns = Kallen, Shana, Euphemia first turn (Penguins should be ~40% HP). Target combo shield for 2 turns then Kallen, Shana, Decker (middle guy alive). Sweep final turn. 7. Kaname (+ heal L) first turn. Decker 2nd or 3rd turn. 8. Euphemia. 9. Meimei Tortoise & Leilan Pheasant = 2 fire T one shot. Karan Dragon = 3 hits. 10. 2x VDP heal. 3rd turn is Kallen, Shana, Euphemia + 2 fire T one shot. 11. 2 hits to 50%. Then Kaname, heal L, then heal VDP for rage. Blob fire orbs. 1. 2nd last turn is Kallen, Shana, Decker, TPA heal and one extra heal match. 2. Last turn is Euphemia, Shana, 1 fire T.
Reddit guide is updated.
This is a specialized one-shot setup for SN3. The team will not work for other dungeons. You can add more HP to Shana and go through the dungeon slower (~21 minutes). Average run is now 14 minutes. Fastest 12.5 minutes.
The guide was remade (Nov 13) because killer awakenings got buffed, increasing natural dmg cap to 4b against their respective enemy type. Shana now does 4b to 6.5b to god type enemies. This means you can reliably one shot more spawns or do lazier matches. Remember, Ultraman Decker has devil killer latent for floor 1.
Playstyle: 1 fire T. Blob heart and leftover fire orbs. Use only one active skill if you can.
Floor Guide:
1. 1st Shana, Decker, Kallen, 1st Shana again, Euphemia, Kallen. 2 fire T.
2. 2nd Shana, Kallen 1st turn. Kallen fire T 2nd turn. Water spawn = Kallen + Shana.
3. 2 turn Fujin equip. Shana fire T both turns.
4. Kallen if needed. 2x fire L. Decker 2nd turn.
5. Kallen, Shana first turn. Kaname 2nd turn. Decker 3rd turn and MATCH HEAL L.
6. Varies. Water sucks.
1. If dark spawns = Euphemia OC haste, 2x Shana, Kallen OC haste. Stall for Euphemia if needed.
2. If water spawns = Kallen, Shana, Euphemia first turn (Penguins should be ~40% HP). Target combo shield for 2 turns then Kallen, Shana, Decker (middle guy alive). Sweep final turn.
7. Kaname (+ heal L) first turn. Decker 2nd or 3rd turn.
8. Euphemia.
9. Meimei Tortoise & Leilan Pheasant = 2 fire T one shot. Karan Dragon = 3 hits.
10. 2x VDP heal. 3rd turn is Kallen, Shana, Euphemia + 2 fire T one shot.
11. 2 hits to 50%. Then Kaname, heal L, then heal VDP for rage. Blob fire orbs.
1. 2nd last turn is Kallen, Shana, Decker, TPA heal and one extra heal match.
2. Last turn is Euphemia, Shana, 1 fire T.
I used a team like this to complete the title challenge. Except I used Shizu instead of Decker and relied on Firo to appear on floor 4.