ASMR - Gum Chewing Ramble with Bubble Blowing!


Комментарии • 37

  • @drauglurdarkambient
    @drauglurdarkambient 5 месяцев назад +1

    perfection. It’s like the moment I clicked on the video my brain 🧠 immediately started to relax and melt
    Goose bumps run through my body. As if the most delicate cloud falls over me,
    and touches my head and runs along the back to the very waist, and rises along the back back to the back of the head.
    And I am so smiling all over because I love you

  • @jasonclark4791
    @jasonclark4791 Год назад +3

    Thank you for your videos . I never realized gum chewing could be so soothing to listen to.. it sounds so crazy,but It really does help you relax and get ready for sleep . If you get the Time, I sure hope you post more videos, thanks again ! ❤

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I’m so glad you have found it relaxing!! Thanks for watching!

  • @seeleygirl6178
    @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +4

    You deserve Waaaaaay more subscribers! So articulate and intelligent and calming. Interesting too!!

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад +1

      I’m so glad you enjoyed!

  • @katelyndaviss
    @katelyndaviss Год назад +2

    You always help me go to sleep when I’m overthinking ❤️ thanks

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I’m so glad! That makes me happy! I hope you Can rest well ❤️

  • @seeleygirl6178
    @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +2

    Your voice and chewing and style are the best. Love the rambles and storytelling. My hubby was even interested in your travel stories! And he’s not a fan of Asmr.

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      Thank you so much!! I’m so glad!!!

  • @Palesa-Amanda
    @Palesa-Amanda Год назад +7

    I recently came across your channel and I love your videos ,so soothing😢❤Thank you
    Love from South Africa 🇿🇦

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed! Thank you for watching!!

  • @CbTaurus.x
    @CbTaurus.x Год назад +2

    Cute hair girl, loved the ramble and the chewing thanks have a blessed week ahead x🫶

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      Thank you! So glad you enjoyed!

  • @aaronburger6525
    @aaronburger6525 Год назад +2

    Yes! Bubble. Blowing. Please do more of this!

  • @seeleygirl6178
    @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +1

    You can use the big mug for makeup brushes or a small plant, like a succulent.

  • @danahollander4364
    @danahollander4364 Год назад +1

    The Frigo Cheeseheads brand makes a little snack pack bag of cheese and beef sticks! They come with either cheddar or string cheese and that might be a good way to work some protein into a snack! They don't have a huge huge amount of protein, but it might be good to reach for if you're feeling snacky! Ya know instead of chips or something else. Just a suggestion!
    Love the plant idea for the nursery! I'm sure your friend will paint something amazing 🥰🌿

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      That’s a great idea and sounds like a yummy snack! Thanks for the recommendation!!! And thanks for watching ❤️❤️

  • @edaha55
    @edaha55 Год назад +3

    Premier Protein now has a "clear" drink with 20 grams protein, just in case you need a break from the milky drinks! Also, there is a maternity belly band to support your growing belly and take pressure off your back- Amazon! You got this, Mama! ❤❤

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      My sister let me borrow her belly band and that is definitely helping!!! Good to know about the premier protein, because you’re right - the “milky” drinks can get old after a while!! Thank you!!❤️❤️

  • @CbTaurus.x
    @CbTaurus.x Год назад +2

    Fill your Paris mug with sand and pebbles a place a fake plant inside they look really pretty x

  • @boombox3510
    @boombox3510 Год назад +1

    can you do snapping as well

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I can try!! I don’t think I’m very good at that!

  • @missyandsky
    @missyandsky Год назад +2

    When will you know the twins gender? How exciting! Love your channel

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад +2

      It’s a boy and a girl!

    • @missyandsky
      @missyandsky Год назад +1

      @@asmrnorth oh wonderful!!

  • @seeleygirl6178
    @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +1

    Cottage cheese! Protein bars, ensure?

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I did find some protein shakes called Fairlife! They are pretty good! I made some protein balls today that should also help!!

  • @bigbabolpage2915
    @bigbabolpage2915 Год назад +2

    More Bubblegum Bubbles pls

    • @seeleygirl6178
      @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +1

      Hair looks great wavy!! So pretty!

    • @seeleygirl6178
      @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +1

      Maybe do a video about all the best items you need and liked for babies. Even little things.

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      I’ll keep that in mind and try to do it as I go along!

    • @asmrnorth
      @asmrnorth  Год назад

      Thank you❤️

  • @Kylec983
    @Kylec983 Год назад +1


  • @imslavemale3964
    @imslavemale3964 Год назад

    The video was great Queen
    But the sound not too much good because i think the problem is about your microphone 🙏🌷