Khalil Came on time, and stayed the whole night. I feel that the only reason things went so well with Sokka is because Dee had to do a lot of manipulating on her end like: cheating his mood, making him come in the first place (even though he was invited by Sarabi!), and making them kiss, and etc. Sokka never did one romantic interaction naturally. I just think we are forcing him into a situation that he is not ready for or in a headspace to handle. However, Khalil very much is. lol Just food for thought #teamK
TEAM KHALIL!! He is a better bet all together. He constantly applies pressure while Sokka is focused on himself. If she got with Sokka it would feel force while Khalil makes it feel more authentic. He wants her and lets it be known while Sokka sits back and just has bad attitudes. With Sokka Sarabi has to chase him but Khalil comes to her naturally which is better. Khalil is top tier!
I think Sarabi can continue trying with Sokka but I feel like she will eventually realize that Sokka has some hidden animosity towards her, like even though he loves the twins and her; a little part of him blames Sarbai for "running" his life, and he just can't get over that.. at least for now. he's still young & is not ready to be a father, and that is shown through his actions of him constantly leaving, coming over mad, and his hesitation when it comes to his parents. With Khalil, I think he's always had a little crush on Sarabi but masked it for the sake of Sokka but he's starting to realize that he can't help who he loves
I think she should just rock with Khalil he actually wants her an be applying that pressure, with Sauka everything seems forced I get it that’s her BD an all but that boy is not interested in her. They should coparent that’s it cause sauka clearly just out here doing what he want 🤷🏾♀️
Khalil shows that he cares for Sarabi way more since the beginning and Sokka seems like he loves her when he wants too!!! And sarabi is to bad to be dealing with him 👏🏾👏🏾
Sarabi looked gorgeous in that purple 😍 Also, it seemed like you had to do a lot just to get Sokka near Sarabi and in a good mood. Teleporting him to her after he ignored multiple “go here together” commands (when every other member of the group came and danced) and cheating his mood to make him happy. I think Sarabi is better than having to chase Sokka around. If he wants to, let him come to her but my baby should NOT have to chase him. Let him work through his issues, come correct, and approach her if he really about it. She shouldn’t have had to run after him all night. My girl is not desperate or pressed.
Dee, I have never been mad at any of your LP episodes but I am today. Please don't forget that Socca has had EVERY opportunity to be with Serabi and establish a relationship with their kids but has chosen not to unless you instigate it. Khalil and even Thaddeus have both checked on her and the kids and even helped out around the house. I'm not suggesting either guy for her but don't want to see her making room for him when he's not doing the same for her or their kids. Socca is probably a good guy but he's not ready to be a Dad or a boyfriend.
Let’s be honest, most people only ship Khalil and Sarabi because they say he seems more “invested” in Sarabi. 1.Sokka is dealing with the stress of breaking away from the hold his parents had on him plus trying to get himself settled for Sarabi and their kids. Yeah he probably should of been told his parents off but the point is he did even if it did take some time and he’s trying to move forward as an individual. His parents were wrong for pressuring him to stay away from Sarabi but let’s not forget Sarabi was the one to break it off when he still wanted to be there for her even if he hadn’t solved the issue with his parents yet and 2. The sims be doing people wrong. Like your sim could be the best person ever but yet the game still finds a way to make them seem off putting. Sarabi and Sokka are endgame for me and Khalil can try it on with someone else.
Tbh i like sokka. I feel that they should honestly work things out. They did not end on bad terms as far as cheating, non committed est... they just had differences in opinions. Sokka did man up and take the leap like sarabi did but it just took him a little longer..*girls mature faster ** anyways my outlook on kahil is that he is actually taking advantage of sarabi and her situation... he was the guy that swooped in and said that he was interested in her... but that was only after he found out how serious the situation was and took the leap from tnere...🙄 I feel that that was a shady move especially if sokka was supposed to be his friend
Idk I get wanting to make it work with Sokka, but the chemistry is just so natural with Khalil LOL like he just texts her, or wants to hang out with her on his own, he came and helped with the babies that one part. With Sokka if you’re not initiating the interaction it doesn’t happen lol... maybe since the relationship is better it’ll change but I’m team Khalil period. On the other hand I want my good sis to grind and focus on her babies, school, and painting. Going on dates and stuff is nice and realistic but shouldn’t be her main focus *aunty advice* 🤣😂
dee you should make a daycare lot, set it as someone’s home and then whenever she goes somewhere you should send them to “spend the weekend with” that sim until she comes back. with the SNB bank you can send sims money soo maybe $120 foot each kid
Tbh ion think she should entertain either one Khalil is sketchy he was sweating Sarabi then when she had the twins thaddeus was helping but Khalil “had to leave” and now everytime he calls he wants her to come out not to come over he clearly doesn’t want any part of that part of her life then he lets Sokka come stay with him knowing how much tension that’ll cause when he find out about whatever they got going on he just strikes me as the kind of dude who sees a girl in a vulnerable state and takes advantage of that and sokkas attitude is Beyond annoying like I get he got a lot going on but so do she it’s giving very inconsiderate and selfish and ion like that
khalil is so much more interested in sarabi i think her and sokka should still have a good relationship for the kids but i think khalil would be good for her
I feel like sarabi shouldn't Evan try to do the relationship thing and just focus on her kids. I feel like sarabi would be like after getting pregnant and soka doing what he did she should just not date. But that's my opinion 🙂
Loved the house renovation...the toddlers' room with the feature "jungle" wall, Sarabi's new loft bed w/desk situation, and the roomier living area. Honestly, I'm not crazy about Sokka. He's always so wrapped up in his own drama that he never has much to offer Sarabi and the twins. If Khalil's serious about Sarabi, he needs to do something that adds to Sarabi's household income. If all the boys have to offer her is "love," she doesn't need to commit to either of them, LOL!
We gotta give Sokka a shot. I mean look at how sour their romantic relationship was. Of course Sokka isn’t going to be in Sarabi’s face as much as Khalil. Since Khalil and Sarabi has a fresh romantic slate it makes it seems he’s more interested than Sokka.
I like Khalil ... sokka seems like he don’t know what to do but Khalil is willing to be there and get to know her and stuff and when was the last time sokka called 🥱 Khalil all the way
Honestly I feel like it wasn't toxic on saravi's part because she was trying to work on her relationship with sakka but Khalil hasn't liked sakka from like the first few episodes 😂😂
Ok in the past episodes I have been team Sakka but I he hasn't tried to show real love and affection and I think Kahali should be the winner but you know the babies are at a young age so I do not think they would be mad just because they at a young age (this just my opinion do not take it to heart if you think differently)
Hi Dee, new subscriber here. I binged watched this whole LP and finally caught up! I'm loving the drama between Sarabi, Sokka, and Khalil, although I'm #teamk. I'd love to see an ep where Sarabi tries to talk to Sokka's parents. They are obviously important to Sokka and they might want to be in their grandkids' lives once they see their little faces.
Hey Dee how you doing today? Hey Twitch 🤗 Hey RUclips 🤗... Omg I fell asleep on twitch right after I was screaming Dee move the table and then baby boy walked around the bed and climbed in 😂😂😂, luv it!!
I think Sokka was upset that she brought both him and Khalil. I would be in a good mood either. And his whole world has been upside down since I left my family. He's family-oriented so think about how he feels being at odds with his parents. He's not with the mother of his children. That boy has every right to feel how he does plus he's still a teenage boy. I think Sarabi should just be about the kids as my dad would tell me boys ain't going nowhere.
I really enjoyed the episode 😊 love how the house came out 😁. Now I am so friggin annoyed wit Sokka azz you got to summon him for him to show, then he got a attitude so bad you got to cheat to fix it. Man forget him, all the while Khalil in there the whole time and gets ignored. Also is Sokka still single what is up wit Yo damn? I am still team Khalil cause dude wants to step up with her having kids. That's a real dude to me. Okay I feel better getting that out. Be here same time next episode cause I love Dee and I appreciate all she does 💘 Sarabi is so pretty go gurl.
Girl you have finally gotten me to subscribe!❤️🔥!! I love your channel and energy. Earlier today I watched your top 50 mods video and I upgraded my sims game and Babbeee! My sims been lit 🔥🔥😆😆😆
Hey Dee, love ya channel/twitch! But I think a lot of yall are forgetting that Sokka is still a teenager just like the rest of them. His parents done shut him out and maybe he feel a little stressed or tense because he have two kids now and he really wanna help Sarabi! He probably lowkey already peeped that Khalil like Sarabi and that’s another thing that’s bothering him. Y’all talking about he ain’t been applying pressure, but he probably just trying to focus on a plan. Lowkey! It’s always easy for someone from the outside to come in and try to help or take over.
I say see how things are going with Khalil because he’s putting a lot of heat on Sarabi by showing her that he wants her! And I LOVE that! Baby daddy not putting a lot of heat that he wants to be with Sarabi again. Sooo HEEEYYYYY Khalil
Everybody team sokka or team Khalil & here I am being team Thaddeus 😭, I’m sorry but someone coming over and helping with the kids is good step daddy material 😂😂
Heyy I like this series my only lil thing is the long pauses where nothing really happens. I know it’s a limited edit series but, personally, just taking those lil things that we don’t really need to see out would make it more enjoyable. Either way great series.
I meeeeaaannnn i'm definitely team Khalil. But I also wouldnt be mad if she just got a completely fresh start with romance and met someone entirely new. Someone who isn't from her school and is just unbiased and away from everything.
Khalil seems a lot more invested in trying to be with sarabi. It could go any way tbh 😬
I agree💯
Khalil Came on time, and stayed the whole night. I feel that the only reason things went so well with Sokka is because Dee had to do a lot of manipulating on her end like: cheating his mood, making him come in the first place (even though he was invited by Sarabi!), and making them kiss, and etc. Sokka never did one romantic interaction naturally. I just think we are forcing him into a situation that he is not ready for or in a headspace to handle. However, Khalil very much is. lol Just food for thought #teamK
TEAM KHALIL!! He is a better bet all together. He constantly applies pressure while Sokka is focused on himself. If she got with Sokka it would feel force while Khalil makes it feel more authentic. He wants her and lets it be known while Sokka sits back and just has bad attitudes. With Sokka Sarabi has to chase him but Khalil comes to her naturally which is better. Khalil is top tier!
one of her goals should be to get her “license” and a “car” since that’s what most teens do lol.
I think Sarabi can continue trying with Sokka but I feel like she will eventually realize that Sokka has some hidden animosity towards her, like even though he loves the twins and her; a little part of him blames Sarbai for "running" his life, and he just can't get over that.. at least for now. he's still young & is not ready to be a father, and that is shown through his actions of him constantly leaving, coming over mad, and his hesitation when it comes to his parents. With Khalil, I think he's always had a little crush on Sarabi but masked it for the sake of Sokka but he's starting to realize that he can't help who he loves
I think she should just rock with Khalil he actually wants her an be applying that pressure, with Sauka everything seems forced I get it that’s her BD an all but that boy is not interested in her. They should coparent that’s it cause sauka clearly just out here doing what he want 🤷🏾♀️
I agree! It feels really forced
Thought I was the only one took the words out my mouth
girllll i know you peeped lena getting flirty while she was talking to khaillllll ..
That’s who he should be with then 👀
@@tikaliahwade2923 rightttt
Khalil shows that he cares for Sarabi way more since the beginning and Sokka seems like he loves her when he wants too!!! And sarabi is to bad to be dealing with him 👏🏾👏🏾
Sarabi looked gorgeous in that purple 😍 Also, it seemed like you had to do a lot just to get Sokka near Sarabi and in a good mood. Teleporting him to her after he ignored multiple “go here together” commands (when every other member of the group came and danced) and cheating his mood to make him happy. I think Sarabi is better than having to chase Sokka around. If he wants to, let him come to her but my baby should NOT have to chase him. Let him work through his issues, come correct, and approach her if he really about it. She shouldn’t have had to run after him all night. My girl is not desperate or pressed.
Period sis!
Ash O no offense but its not dat deep.
Periodt don’t chase these dudes let them chase you.
“For all you sokka and sarabi Stans this is for you ..” WHAT ABOUT US KHALIL STANS 😩🥴
Lol ikr 🤣
Right. I agree
Dee, I have never been mad at any of your LP episodes but I am today. Please don't forget that Socca has had EVERY opportunity to be with Serabi and establish a relationship with their kids but has chosen not to unless you instigate it. Khalil and even Thaddeus have both checked on her and the kids and even helped out around the house. I'm not suggesting either guy for her but don't want to see her making room for him when he's not doing the same for her or their kids. Socca is probably a good guy but he's not ready to be a Dad or a boyfriend.
The way I does drop everything for this LP isn't healthy 😭😭
I feel like all of these issues are signs that maybe she should leave Sokka alone!!!
Let’s be honest, most people only ship Khalil and Sarabi because they say he seems more “invested” in Sarabi. 1.Sokka is dealing with the stress of breaking away from the hold his parents had on him plus trying to get himself settled for Sarabi and their kids. Yeah he probably should of been told his parents off but the point is he did even if it did take some time and he’s trying to move forward as an individual. His parents were wrong for pressuring him to stay away from Sarabi but let’s not forget Sarabi was the one to break it off when he still wanted to be there for her even if he hadn’t solved the issue with his parents yet and 2. The sims be doing people wrong. Like your sim could be the best person ever but yet the game still finds a way to make them seem off putting. Sarabi and Sokka are endgame for me and Khalil can try it on with someone else.
Right that man going thru so much! Sarabi leaving him would probably just make him even worse I feel like he’s really trying and pushing thru for her
@@Twinblicks Same. Sokka is so precious.
Tbh i like sokka. I feel that they should honestly work things out. They did not end on bad terms as far as cheating, non committed est... they just had differences in opinions. Sokka did man up and take the leap like sarabi did but it just took him a little longer..*girls mature faster ** anyways my outlook on kahil is that he is actually taking advantage of sarabi and her situation... he was the guy that swooped in and said that he was interested in her... but that was only after he found out how serious the situation was and took the leap from tnere...🙄 I feel that that was a shady move especially if sokka was supposed to be his friend
Idk I get wanting to make it work with Sokka, but the chemistry is just so natural with Khalil LOL like he just texts her, or wants to hang out with her on his own, he came and helped with the babies that one part. With Sokka if you’re not initiating the interaction it doesn’t happen lol... maybe since the relationship is better it’ll change but I’m team Khalil period.
On the other hand I want my good sis to grind and focus on her babies, school, and painting. Going on dates and stuff is nice and realistic but shouldn’t be her main focus *aunty advice* 🤣😂
dee you should make a daycare lot, set it as someone’s home and then whenever she goes somewhere you should send them to “spend the weekend with” that sim until she comes back. with the SNB bank you can send sims money soo maybe $120 foot each kid
Like she did with Single Father 👏🏾
Tbh ion think she should entertain either one Khalil is sketchy he was sweating Sarabi then when she had the twins thaddeus was helping but Khalil “had to leave” and now everytime he calls he wants her to come out not to come over he clearly doesn’t want any part of that part of her life then he lets Sokka come stay with him knowing how much tension that’ll cause when he find out about whatever they got going on he just strikes me as the kind of dude who sees a girl in a vulnerable state and takes advantage of that and sokkas attitude is Beyond annoying like I get he got a lot going on but so do she it’s giving very inconsiderate and selfish and ion like that
Going through post Partum depression and your videos help me cope. Thank you and keep creating these awesome LPs
I hope it gets better for you. Hang in there and be positive. ( I’m still going through it too)
@devida Lindsey You rock mommy and i wish the best for you, mommy hood is a journey please hang in there
@@meekgamess omg. I just started watching your videos as well. The black widow challenge is everything. Thank you as well.
@@ciarab.3409 thank you. I'm doing my best.
@@devidalindsey5976 thank you so much Love and you’re welcome
😂😂 @ the kids hanging in the cut being sketchy. True teen movie vibes. Lol
lmao she tryin to be on her hot girl ish by bringing both of them to the dance 💀💀
Yo “we did it, something Spanish” I’m crying 😭
khalil is so much more interested in sarabi i think her and sokka should still have a good relationship for the kids but i think khalil would be good for her
Yeah, Khalil is my fav. They will look cute good together honestly
Dee, you don't need to be forcing things with sokka you know he isn't invested at all, Khalil is way more invested !🥱💘
I feel like sarabi shouldn't Evan try to do the relationship thing and just focus on her kids. I feel like sarabi would be like after getting pregnant and soka doing what he did she should just not date. But that's my opinion 🙂
i agree
Khalil acts like he wants to be with Sarabi, but Sarabi has to chase Sokka to try and make it work
I'm personally team Khalil cuz he seems more invested but thats just me👀
I saw the notification and immediately said “get tf off my screen” to what I was watching... respectfully though
Loved the house renovation...the toddlers' room with the feature "jungle" wall, Sarabi's new loft bed w/desk situation, and the roomier living area.
Honestly, I'm not crazy about Sokka. He's always so wrapped up in his own drama that he never has much to offer Sarabi and the twins. If Khalil's serious about Sarabi, he needs to do something that adds to Sarabi's household income. If all the boys have to offer her is "love," she doesn't need to commit to either of them, LOL!
I wanted her to be with Khalil,. He's so cute
We gotta give Sokka a shot. I mean look at how sour their romantic relationship was. Of course Sokka isn’t going to be in Sarabi’s face as much as Khalil. Since Khalil and Sarabi has a fresh romantic slate it makes it seems he’s more interested than Sokka.
I'm literally sitting here looking for my name in the twitch comments 😭😭
Dee I love all of your LP you just make them more fun to watch💗💜💙💕
Sokka looks better with his hair up... hmm cute dance Dee
“Sumthin spinach” 😂😂😂Dee takes me out bro
I like Khalil ... sokka seems like he don’t know what to do but Khalil is willing to be there and get to know her and stuff and when was the last time sokka called 🥱 Khalil all the way
What’s up with the ring on Sokka’s finger 🤔???
Honestly I feel like it wasn't toxic on saravi's part because she was trying to work on her relationship with sakka but Khalil hasn't liked sakka from like the first few episodes 😂😂
I like Khalil but I’m here for Soka too because DATS HER BABY DADDY 😂 she gone keep going back to him for a while -realistically 😂
Ravasheen made some base game compatible oils diffusers. I love them💖💗 Hey Dee gurlll. And we love deserving the love on twitch so hey stream👋🏾😋😘
Yes I stand for sokka and Sarabi
HEYYYYYYYYYY TWITCHHHHHHH.....i know all yall mama happy yall made it on RUclips cuz i'm so proud of yall🥰🥰🥺🥺
Ok in the past episodes I have been team Sakka but I he hasn't tried to show real love and affection and I think Kahali should be the winner but you know the babies are at a young age so I do not think they would be mad just because they at a young age (this just my opinion do not take it to heart if you think differently)
I wish I could live in that house in real life!!!!! I love it so much!!!!❤
And I love your videos😍
I’m sick with a fever so I’m going to watch some of this and go back to sleep
Sarabi went tf awf in that purple 👏👏👏
Heeeyyyy Twitch chat!!!
I actually dig the idea of her taking both of them to homecoming.
your lp's never cease to amaze me! especially the realism! liked subbed and commented
Hi Dee, new subscriber here. I binged watched this whole LP and finally caught up! I'm loving the drama between Sarabi, Sokka, and Khalil, although I'm #teamk. I'd love to see an ep where Sarabi tries to talk to Sokka's parents. They are obviously important to Sokka and they might want to be in their grandkids' lives once they see their little faces.
Hey 👋🏾 Twitch. Run away teen pregnancy and Single Father are my favorite LP’s Dee.
Hey Dee how you doing today?
Hey Twitch 🤗
Hey RUclips 🤗... Omg I fell asleep on twitch right after I was screaming Dee move the table and then baby boy walked around the bed and climbed in 😂😂😂, luv it!!
I’d just like to say... HEY TWITCH!!!!! 👋🏾
I love all of the pastel colors in the house & in the kids room, so cute😍😍😍
I think Sokka was upset that she brought both him and Khalil. I would be in a good mood either. And his whole world has been upside down since I left my family. He's family-oriented so think about how he feels being at odds with his parents. He's not with the mother of his children. That boy has every right to feel how he does plus he's still a teenage boy. I think Sarabi should just be about the kids as my dad would tell me boys ain't going nowhere.
I'd say that the colors you went off of were lilac and sea foam or a spring green but im not sure😬 also I love your content and the diversity in it🤍
Sarabi and Sokka 😌 ✨the way it should be 🥰
Dee, Ravasheen has oil diffusers on either the Sims Resource or their website.
I COULDN’T WAIT FOR THIS 😂💛 , i kept on refreshing your videos 😭.
I was just catching up on the last few episodes and now there's a new episode! I'm loving this LP so far!❤
I really enjoyed the episode 😊 love how the house came out 😁. Now I am so friggin annoyed wit Sokka azz you got to summon him for him to show, then he got a attitude so bad you got to cheat to fix it. Man forget him, all the while Khalil in there the whole time and gets ignored. Also is Sokka still single what is up wit Yo damn? I am still team Khalil cause dude wants to step up with her having kids. That's a real dude to me. Okay I feel better getting that out. Be here same time next episode cause I love Dee and I appreciate all she does 💘 Sarabi is so pretty go gurl.
Awwwwn. Thats beautiful. Love it 😊💝
Girl you have finally gotten me to subscribe!❤️🔥!! I love your channel and energy. Earlier today I watched your top 50 mods video and I upgraded my sims game and Babbeee! My sims been lit 🔥🔥😆😆😆
Eeeeeep! I saw my name! That livestream was amazing! As always Dee, keep up the AWESOME work! I love your LP's.
Hey Dee, love ya channel/twitch! But I think a lot of yall are forgetting that Sokka is still a teenager just like the rest of them. His parents done shut him out and maybe he feel a little stressed or tense because he have two kids now and he really wanna help Sarabi! He probably lowkey already peeped that Khalil like Sarabi and that’s another thing that’s bothering him. Y’all talking about he ain’t been applying pressure, but he probably just trying to focus on a plan. Lowkey! It’s always easy for someone from the outside to come in and try to help or take over.
I love the house and send the babies to daycare and you should send the babies to see their dad.👍♥️😀
Hey twitch chat. I love the new room colors it’s soothing yet kid friendly I love it.
LOL idk why but whenever you sign the Dora song and you say “something Spanish” always cracks me off
The only reason Sokka wasnt all over Sarabi because their relationship romantic was so sour
Heyyy twitch chat!!! Love your videos Dee, I get so happy when you post. Love you girl.
toddlers do not use walkers and swings and it takes up so much space. I love the bunkbeds though. I am way too invested lol
20:10 "we pain ta tid" GO AWF DEE🤣🤣🤣
Soon as I make my tacos and sit down ❤️✊🏽
The colors are teal and lavender, dee
Early kinda I love this LP and I love Sakari and Wiyot they’re so cute
I love this LP so muchh! I couldn't exit out of my other video fast enough lmao
Yassss already know y’all girl was in the stream last night‼️🤍
I say see how things are going with Khalil because he’s putting a lot of heat on Sarabi by showing her that he wants her! And I LOVE that! Baby daddy not putting a lot of heat that he wants to be with Sarabi again. Sooo HEEEYYYYY Khalil
Teal, sis. Ravensheen has the oil diffuser that offers moods,buffs,like relaxation
I feel so strongly about it because this is my life hold time lol love you Dee😘😘😘
Cute! where did you get the white cubed storage in the kid’s room?
to summon a sim to a lot ,, yu go to mc command center right ,, then press mc cheats and it should say “summon sim” .
Can you put sliding doors in front of the washer and dryer ?
thadeous should be like sarbi’s gay bestfriend
Love this and so much fun on twitch.
Where did you get the pillows and things on Sarabi's bed from?
Question: Are you planning on getting Sarabi through college as well or will that be playing into another college mom series?
Thanksgiving at soka parents house and let them babies meet their grandparents pls..
Everybody team sokka or team Khalil & here I am being team Thaddeus 😭, I’m sorry but someone coming over and helping with the kids is good step daddy material 😂😂
Heyy I like this series my only lil thing is the long pauses where nothing really happens. I know it’s a limited edit series but, personally, just taking those lil things that we don’t really need to see out would make it more enjoyable. Either way great series.
ive been trying to search for the decor and clutter you have in the toddlers room, but i cant seem to find any of it! Where did you get that stuff
i love this new set up!!!!
I meeeeaaannnn i'm definitely team Khalil. But I also wouldnt be mad if she just got a completely fresh start with romance and met someone entirely new. Someone who isn't from her school and is just unbiased and away from everything.
Dee I think the colour may be aqua or aquamarine.
The more I think about it. . . Cereal might be soup???
Me: wakes up a 12:00 am
Also me: I'm bored oet me see if dee posted cause I've been checking all day
Dee: video
Me: okay let's resume