Mk was straight CHILLEN on defense. 🍿🍿

  • Опубликовано: 3 фев 2022
  • In and out in and out 😂😂

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @JokerdroppinbucketzzPRIVATE
    @JokerdroppinbucketzzPRIVATE 2 года назад +5

    Idk if gio is doing it for content or he’s just delusional…. You can’t be pulling 12 half court shots and go 1-25 . 20 of them were air balls and side of back boards lmaooo

  • @yessir916
    @yessir916 2 года назад +794

    Watching him dribble actually hurts. How you gonna pull all these moves and literally go nowhere but backwards???

  • @kailcancook3910
    @kailcancook3910 2 года назад +39

    Ah yes doing basic dribbling moves and shuffling your feet a bunch of times. Killer handles G

  • @tammywhite143
    @tammywhite143 2 года назад +5

    Moving your feet that fast and still going no place at all is a skill in itself

  • @djhint4312
    @djhint4312 2 года назад +3

    It honestly amazes me why y’all thought it was a good idea to put this scrub in hoh creator league.

  • @staynielherbayn657
    @staynielherbayn657 2 года назад +588

    This man playing basketball like he’s got early Parkinson’s disease. 😂

  • @SpoofyJuliani
    @SpoofyJuliani 2 года назад +26

    I love how he never even tries to go around the defender 😂

  • @JsASpectator
    @JsASpectator Год назад +11

    "In and out"It barely went in💀

  • @j_quan2594
    @j_quan2594 2 года назад +182

    This dude is hilarious, man tires himself out dribbling in the same spot on throws up a prayer😭

  • @gloriyahboregah6384
    @gloriyahboregah6384 2 года назад +161

    “In and out” u lucky it hit the rim bro

  • @jamesfarr7851
    @jamesfarr7851 2 года назад +2

    Bro had a seizure mid-game

  • @good_mood_films2.043
    @good_mood_films2.043 2 года назад +2

    The fact that he did all that dribbling and he missed 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @MrAlohaGabe
    @MrAlohaGabe 2 года назад +806

    Im just saying there could have been other creators that are waves ahead gio to be given this opportunity. HOH you’re a joke for this

  • @wardenxghost9113
    @wardenxghost9113 2 года назад +82

    He wiggled his legs and dribbled slowly then missed a half court shot! The crowd goes wild!!!!

  • @Evbot1337
    @Evbot1337 2 года назад +2

    Hope he gets better soon, fetal alcohol syndrome is tough to deal with

  • @JoeTheStreamer1952
    @JoeTheStreamer1952 Год назад

    Bruhhh his aggressive dribbling kills me😂😂😂😂

  • @echoantunes1957
    @echoantunes1957 2 года назад +743

    Gio plays and he HOPES the ball goes in every time

  • @brandonr1590
    @brandonr1590 2 года назад +384

    Gio needs to go Mia for a year or two and train 3x a day

  • @makemegood1
    @makemegood1 2 года назад +1

    He was so happy it went in and out bc he barely every gets that close🤣

  • @BlueCircuit
    @BlueCircuit Год назад

    MK is all like keep dancing for me little boy 😂