thank you guys so much for your podcast it healed my connection to league and helped me climb from hardstuck gold 4 for 4 years to diamond 4 today. thank you guys so much!
Don’t know if you had a chance to see it but they’ve recently done one for support at least which shed a LOT of light on how to deal with botlane specific tilt. If you haven’t seen it, check it out I thought it was fire. If you have seen it, ay we’re getting some pretty videos outta these guys aren’t we? This is a great time to be a league player looking for help with our journey
i really liked the "outgrowing tilt" i think of it as maturing enough to understand when you're tilted, how to act accordingly, and eventually pointing out possible causes of it
Had a game where my support went AFK not long after getting a double kill botlane. I almost lost it, but then I realized wait a minute my lane opponent is pushing into me and is unable to dive me. I'm 2/0 and now getting solo XP and not losing farm. I can actually be really strong if I'm able to hang on. Then my jungler ganked for me getting me yet another kill and one for my jungler. Through logic I didn't tilt realizing I was in a decent position. And the result was winning a 4v5. I turned around what many would write off as a free loss.
My god, this was just what I needed! 🤩 I had huge issues with toxic relationship with the game and tilt. I would yell at my friends in discord, I would spam ping and I would get so angry that I had trouble sleeping if someone stole farm from me in a game. Then I quit League, and stayed completely away from it for over 3 years. Now I've decided to give it another try, with the goal of building and maintaining a good relationship with the game. Your podcasts have been very helpful in cultivating the right mindset, and creating a process for myself. I joined Saltu in February and the program has been amazing so far! I would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get into the details with Nathan, and join a community of amazing, likeminded players. I still struggle with tilt. I've noticed that I'm much more susceptible to tilting when I'm tired, hungry or feel bad about something outside of the game. Working out also helps keep my mind cool. I think part of the solution for me is to be aware of my own state of being, and not play ranked if I'm under-slept or not in the mood. Thanks for everything you do Coach and Nathaniel 💓
I went from hardstuck low silver player who was banned twice on acccounts for bewing too toxic to sommmeone who got silver 1 simply by not typing.. AND now today after taking the advice form this channel and Alois I have learned a lot and hit plat 4 in 6 days on a fresh account full solo q. (one tricking mundo top) and not tiling / typing
also took a break when i was tilted after a 3 game loss streak just needing to win 1 game for plat.. and a wukon literally feeding intentionally 0/8 then afk. played the next game really well and won through tilt and playing calmly and dealing with it.
my biggest pet peeve is forfeiting. I NEVER forfeit. I consider it a true waste. The challenge of coming back can be fun for me and i can use the rest of the game to learn and practice being in difficu8lt position.
Two things tilt me in League as a support player: My ADC flaming me. It doesn't matter if it's my fault or not, flaming is just distracting. The other thing that tilts me is when people give up and int or afk. Had a game where the game was in the bag. Every lane was winning. We had objective advantage, but our jg was dying a lot. He died on a bad invade and then he just left the game. We were winning hard and our jg just left. A game like that or a couple of games like that and I need to take a break or I will tilt. I can recover pretty well from my own mistakes. I consider myself pretty resilient in that regard. I also don't get too mad at team mates' mistakes. It happens. I get tilted when people flame or sabotage games. That's when I just need to stop for a while. I don't know if I self-sabotage, but I know I don't play as well when I'm angry and distracted. I need to be very calm and thoughtful while I'm playing. Anything that damages my calm is bad for my game. Edit: I would disagree with your assessment about "venting". As a therapist, I would emphasize the importance of processing your emotions. If you're getting frustrated with something, you need to do something with those feelings. You can't just repress them and try to keep trucking, like nothing happened. If you're actually strongly bothered by something, you need a healthy coping mechanism to deal with it. Venting is a big part of therapy. 90% of my job is to listen to people, help them feel heard, and help them understand where their feelings are coming from and develop a plan about what to do about it. Venting can be bad, because that's where you build your bad narrative. But being able to express your frustration about a three game losing streak where you had two inting junglers and an AFK mid after they died in an invade, can be helpful.
i am 1 month late and as a iron 3 sup main i understand i also play adc and i never flame my sup i just have chat turned off its useless :T never use it and if they spam ping you mute them :) i used to be that guy who would flame but i stopped because its useless and it doesnt make you improve
@@mr.nobody4994 either you will get perma banned or chat restricted or a 14 week ban lol maybe use one ping to tell them and they will listen to you? just dont annoying them if your toxic they wont listen just one or twice pings
Tilting in chess is very much just resigning. I think the biggest chess tilt we have seen in modern age was Magnus Carlsens (current best player) resigning after only 3 moves have been made, or him ripping his shirt apart, because he made a blunder.
Hi, I was hard stuck bronze/ silver for since like s7 or sth and i tried to beat it last season without any success... since I found your content by google tilted "why are my teammates bad" or sth I stopped tilting , focused on my fundamentals and found a Champion I love playing (Azir) i went from B1 to G3 in 13 days and i see BIG improvement since and started to understand why I was hard stuck was only me. ty bbc lets see how far I can get and then maybe join the MLA once i hit Plat :D keep on the good work !
@@huntingdddd It’s crazy how your mindset affect you also I was thinking that all this toxic stuff in my head is just true and not toxic at all…Ridiculous! gl hf
About the venting, especially as it relates to posting online (discord example but could be twitter or whatever). I think there is an important distinction to be made between anger posting and positive release posting. Sometimes I make a joke post about a negative experience. By turning the negative experience into a joke with a friend or a community, I move past it really quickly. An anger post might be "why can't I get a decent jungler?!?!?!" but I might post something like "League going great tonight 👍" with a picture of my loss streak. Ultimately, it goes to how a person actually feels. I'm good at not getting tilted anymore so a loss streak is just mild frustration, which posting about helps me move past. Regardless of how a person posts it, if they are seething about whatever happened then that speaks to larger issues.
My own example of tilt, I focused too much on my teammates that feed, rather than focusing on myself and putting myself in a position to carry. Very subtly, I would let my teammates performances influence my own play to the point where I felt like I was a little bit of a passenger even in the games I was winning. I had the attitude that I was doing my job, and with a little grinding I would climb. This would possibly be true, but anyone that does this would eventually stagnate and be "stuck" at their true elo eventually. If you're going to learn, you may as well start straight away at whatever ELO you're at.
pretty accurate ive been there. I still get mad when they are inting or trolling intetionally but I try my best to win the games that I have an easy time and they are doing their best.
Thats why I find the solo queue contract such an amazing tool. You can eliminate a lot of your tilting just by thinking of all the possible things that can go wrong and understanding this is going to happen to you too. Why is such a powerful thing.
Just today I put my chat in Party only mode, I would often type, not even flame, and try to communicate, but my team often wouldn't. Surely whenever something went wrong, it was because my team wouldn't listen, I used to think. Now that I can't type messages to them, I can accept that I have to focus on my play, of course I still ping. So far my games have been far more relaxed and focused.
Great episode as usual! Just want to say one thing, maybe as a warning. In the case of the Neeko main writer who is going into a hefty work position, I would probably say fully detaching from hobbies can be a very slippery slope and dangerous. The way our brains work in terms of learning information and skills is gradually picking up information day to day, you know spaced repetition and all that or in the case of league here the daily 3 blocks. Pretty sure in the advice it was stated to play less games not totally quit, but I just wanted to even further emphasize it Fully abandoning the skills one is working hard at and getting fulfillment out of in favour of "locking in" is a surefire path towards burnout and losing sight of one's motivations, but yes re-evaluation of priorities is needed in critical points at life
I have played a lot of multiplayer games over the years and would describe myself as pretty tilt proof. However, there is one thing that really gets me in league: that incessant surrender vote spamming. It’s just so disrespectful to the other 4 people who might still be in the middle of a teamfight, desperately trying to win a 4v5. And your only contribution is starting an impulse surrender vote out of frustration, distracting your team in the process.
Right on time, really needed this, used to be emerald, had a lose streak to gold1 because of 4 days of pure tilt and mental boom, I know im better than gold, and plat i've alreayd done it...I only have some serious anger issues.
Hello boyos. I really often find myself disagreeing with the way you look at the game, especially in regards to topics like "Not having to do an outrageously good job, but just your job. I am not sure if this stems from playing top lane, but it often feels like just being slightly ahead, or even, does not actually allow me to do very much, unless the rest of my team is winning by quite a bit? This is different when you're playing something like Malphite of course, where no matter your own state in the game, you can always ram into a carry to disrupt them, but on something like a Darius or Sett, the less mobile, kind of sluggish juggernauts, it feels like you will be too squishy to really close in when you're "just doing your job". Maybe from a midlane stance in particular, it feels more tolerable because your abillities allow you to be less comittal? Like you can just kind of throw out the Lux Binding, and there's a good chance it might end up giving you something? I wonder what your opinion on this kind of thing is.
i don't tilt because i make [inevitable] mistakes, i tilt because other people repeatedly do---& i don't say that in a sense of, "well im allowed to make mistakes & they're not". i say it with the context of, "this is a bad idea, we know it's a bad idea, im TELLING them this is a bad idea, they do it anyway & it, of course, costs us". my tilt looks like afk farming. because i'm not going to contribute to inting, but im not going to just sit in fountain either, my logic is, i can at least contribute to gold intake & split push if/when possible. & despite the mental boom, i STILL shot call [with pings] to try to steer the team in the right direction to turn the game around. its frustrating.
Same. I start to avoid my team whatsoever when I feel like there is a big mental gap between teams and start to split hard. If you can't win 5v5 then at least try to win a split.
One thing I’m wondering about is shouldn’t the goal be to try to play perfectly even if it’s not possible? Aiming for perfect without expecting perfect
How to fight off tilt : Watch a video or do literally anything for the next 20 minutes after a game. I usually take a 20 to 60min break between my games, win or lose to refresh my mind and stay sharp and involved. Stats say I perform better on my first game of the day, so I make every game my first game of the day, at least feels like it.
I got masters in Smite without tilting hard. I got GM in overwatch and just ignored the tilt. I’m playing league now and I basically tilt at myself so hard I stop playing the game for weeks at a time. This game is built different… I’m just sticking to garen until he gets reworked in 10 years. I hate making mistakes it kills my mental.
@@noiseisgold3n42I think tilt comes from having expectations and then those expectations not being met and getting punished for it. This can be expecting a certain level of play from teammates and tilting when they don't play that way, from having expectations of yourself and playing below them, or even having expectations for how the game should work and getting tilted when that is not how it works (like getting tilted that your champ or role has weaknesses you see as too much or unfair)
Stepping away from League is something worth trying if the game gets too overwhelming. It took me a long time to realize it didn't made me happy, but obsessed. Don't neglect your real life, take care of yourself, it will affect your gaming performance.
I actually disagree with you guys on venting, it depends on how you vent can be the problem but if you are going over the game and talk with a person, this is my thought process of what happened. This should act like a Reset button, but you have information that you can improve upon, and hopefully try not to make the same mistakes.
I think venting can be good but I think it's important to not feed and reinforce false narratives. This can be very subconscious and might be an issue even if it doesn't seem like it. That said, getting some frustration out can be quite healthy too
If ive been playing the game for I believe roughly 2 years would it even be worth to join the mid lane school? Even if i dont play an "approved" champion? I would appreciate any insight you guys have.
How to beat tilt ,open all chat roast inting bot lane ,then roast afk jungler ,then roast enemies top top laner , go clear your entire junglers camps ,take every single cs do not team fight sit back and watch the inters die repeatedly.
writing this comment b4 watching the vid: for sure tilt is undoubtedly bad for mmr, and personal mental health etc but for content its fucking hilarious, and why dota has always been better than league because it has voice chat, the game is pure entertainment but people going mental and yelling on coms adds to it in a great way
what a bunch of crap, thay just keep saying the same thing over and over again and in the moment they have to face reality 1:17:00 they just don't the game is unbalanced skill does not have a measurable impact on the outcome of the game ergo the rank system does not reflect your skill and that why is gonna get change by the end of the year and these bozos are gonna end up as the greatest snake oil seller of all time.видео.html&ab_channel=Dune2021 - clip from dune Accept that you have a problem. Learn how to mitigate it. Losing isn't the end of the world, even the best players lose. "Let go."
thank you guys so much for your podcast it healed my connection to league and helped me climb from hardstuck gold 4 for 4 years to diamond 4 today. thank you guys so much!
I wish there would be a podcast like this for botlane or at least someone as good in communicating their knowledge of botlane
Don’t know if you had a chance to see it but they’ve recently done one for support at least which shed a LOT of light on how to deal with botlane specific tilt. If you haven’t seen it, check it out I thought it was fire. If you have seen it, ay we’re getting some pretty videos outta these guys aren’t we? This is a great time to be a league player looking for help with our journey
i really liked the "outgrowing tilt" i think of it as maturing enough to understand when you're tilted, how to act accordingly, and eventually pointing out possible causes of it
Had a game where my support went AFK not long after getting a double kill botlane. I almost lost it, but then I realized wait a minute my lane opponent is pushing into me and is unable to dive me. I'm 2/0 and now getting solo XP and not losing farm. I can actually be really strong if I'm able to hang on. Then my jungler ganked for me getting me yet another kill and one for my jungler. Through logic I didn't tilt realizing I was in a decent position. And the result was winning a 4v5. I turned around what many would write off as a free loss.
My god, this was just what I needed! 🤩
I had huge issues with toxic relationship with the game and tilt. I would yell at my friends in discord, I would spam ping and I would get so angry that I had trouble sleeping if someone stole farm from me in a game. Then I quit League, and stayed completely away from it for over 3 years. Now I've decided to give it another try, with the goal of building and maintaining a good relationship with the game. Your podcasts have been very helpful in cultivating the right mindset, and creating a process for myself. I joined Saltu in February and the program has been amazing so far! I would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get into the details with Nathan, and join a community of amazing, likeminded players.
I still struggle with tilt. I've noticed that I'm much more susceptible to tilting when I'm tired, hungry or feel bad about something outside of the game. Working out also helps keep my mind cool. I think part of the solution for me is to be aware of my own state of being, and not play ranked if I'm under-slept or not in the mood. Thanks for everything you do Coach and Nathaniel 💓
I went from hardstuck low silver player who was banned twice on acccounts for bewing too
toxic to sommmeone who got silver 1 simply by not typing.. AND now today after taking the advice form this channel and Alois I have learned a lot and hit plat 4 in 6 days on a fresh account full solo q. (one tricking mundo top) and not tiling / typing
also took a break when i was tilted after a 3 game loss streak just needing to win 1 game for plat.. and a wukon literally feeding intentionally 0/8 then afk. played the next game really well and won through tilt and playing calmly and dealing with it.
i slammed fist on my desk really angry but took 20 min break before playing and stayed locked in
my biggest pet peeve is forfeiting. I NEVER forfeit. I consider it a true waste. The challenge of coming back can be fun for me and i can use the rest of the game to learn and practice being in difficu8lt position.
Two things tilt me in League as a support player: My ADC flaming me. It doesn't matter if it's my fault or not, flaming is just distracting. The other thing that tilts me is when people give up and int or afk. Had a game where the game was in the bag. Every lane was winning. We had objective advantage, but our jg was dying a lot. He died on a bad invade and then he just left the game. We were winning hard and our jg just left. A game like that or a couple of games like that and I need to take a break or I will tilt. I can recover pretty well from my own mistakes. I consider myself pretty resilient in that regard. I also don't get too mad at team mates' mistakes. It happens. I get tilted when people flame or sabotage games. That's when I just need to stop for a while.
I don't know if I self-sabotage, but I know I don't play as well when I'm angry and distracted. I need to be very calm and thoughtful while I'm playing. Anything that damages my calm is bad for my game.
Edit: I would disagree with your assessment about "venting". As a therapist, I would emphasize the importance of processing your emotions. If you're getting frustrated with something, you need to do something with those feelings. You can't just repress them and try to keep trucking, like nothing happened. If you're actually strongly bothered by something, you need a healthy coping mechanism to deal with it. Venting is a big part of therapy. 90% of my job is to listen to people, help them feel heard, and help them understand where their feelings are coming from and develop a plan about what to do about it. Venting can be bad, because that's where you build your bad narrative. But being able to express your frustration about a three game losing streak where you had two inting junglers and an AFK mid after they died in an invade, can be helpful.
i am 1 month late and as a iron 3 sup main i understand i also play adc and i never flame my sup i just have chat turned off its useless :T never use it and if they spam ping you mute them :) i used to be that guy who would flame but i stopped because its useless and it doesnt make you improve
Dealing with flame is easy. Mute them. Boom. Problem solved.
@@mr.nobody4994 i have chat perma muted and the game is alittle bit more manageable
@@NkenKenY tried that but I feel like not being able to tell the monkeys to focus makes me lose games.
@@mr.nobody4994 either you will get perma banned or chat restricted or a 14 week ban lol maybe use one ping to tell them and they will listen to you? just dont annoying them if your toxic they wont listen just one or twice pings
Tilting in chess is very much just resigning. I think the biggest chess tilt we have seen in modern age was Magnus Carlsens (current best player) resigning after only 3 moves have been made, or him ripping his shirt apart, because he made a blunder.
Hi, I was hard stuck bronze/ silver for since like s7 or sth and i tried to beat it last season without any success... since I found your content by google tilted "why are my teammates bad" or sth I stopped tilting , focused on my fundamentals and found a Champion I love playing (Azir) i went from B1 to G3 in 13 days and i see BIG improvement since and started to understand why I was hard stuck was only me. ty bbc lets see how far I can get and then maybe join the MLA once i hit Plat :D keep on the good work !
Goodluck brother, I have had a similar experience with their content aswell
@@huntingdddd It’s crazy how your mindset affect you also I was thinking that all this toxic stuff in my head is just true and not toxic at all…Ridiculous! gl hf
Love this thanks for sharing. ❤ think a lot of us relate in a similar way to this experience
@@joshcarlyle3706 thanks
About the venting, especially as it relates to posting online (discord example but could be twitter or whatever). I think there is an important distinction to be made between anger posting and positive release posting. Sometimes I make a joke post about a negative experience. By turning the negative experience into a joke with a friend or a community, I move past it really quickly. An anger post might be "why can't I get a decent jungler?!?!?!" but I might post something like "League going great tonight 👍" with a picture of my loss streak. Ultimately, it goes to how a person actually feels. I'm good at not getting tilted anymore so a loss streak is just mild frustration, which posting about helps me move past. Regardless of how a person posts it, if they are seething about whatever happened then that speaks to larger issues.
Good perspective
My own example of tilt, I focused too much on my teammates that feed, rather than focusing on myself and putting myself in a position to carry. Very subtly, I would let my teammates performances influence my own play to the point where I felt like I was a little bit of a passenger even in the games I was winning. I had the attitude that I was doing my job, and with a little grinding I would climb. This would possibly be true, but anyone that does this would eventually stagnate and be "stuck" at their true elo eventually. If you're going to learn, you may as well start straight away at whatever ELO you're at.
pretty accurate ive been there. I still get mad when they are inting or trolling intetionally but I try my best to win the games that I have an easy time and they are doing their best.
The more I understand the “why” behind the consequence of a tilting event the less tilting that becomes. Tilt comes from confusion in my experience.
Thats why I find the solo queue contract such an amazing tool. You can eliminate a lot of your tilting just by thinking of all the possible things that can go wrong and understanding this is going to happen to you too. Why is such a powerful thing.
*Thinking* before acting tends to lead to a better outcome
@@ReticentRon how can i get soloq contract?
Just today I put my chat in Party only mode, I would often type, not even flame, and try to communicate, but my team often wouldn't. Surely whenever something went wrong, it was because my team wouldn't listen, I used to think. Now that I can't type messages to them, I can accept that I have to focus on my play, of course I still ping. So far my games have been far more relaxed and focused.
Great episode as usual! Just want to say one thing, maybe as a warning. In the case of the Neeko main writer who is going into a hefty work position, I would probably say fully detaching from hobbies can be a very slippery slope and dangerous.
The way our brains work in terms of learning information and skills is gradually picking up information day to day, you know spaced repetition and all that or in the case of league here the daily 3 blocks. Pretty sure in the advice it was stated to play less games not totally quit, but I just wanted to even further emphasize it
Fully abandoning the skills one is working hard at and getting fulfillment out of in favour of "locking in" is a surefire path towards burnout and losing sight of one's motivations, but yes re-evaluation of priorities is needed in critical points at life
What does tilt look like in chess? Watch Tyler1
Tilting in chess is very common
I really need this episode… thank you guys!
hi a dota player here
thanks allot for this podcast it helps me allot in dota and it makes my 55 hours I spend on league more worth it hehe keep up
Got the David Goggins book in the background. Love it.
I have played a lot of multiplayer games over the years and would describe myself as pretty tilt proof.
However, there is one thing that really gets me in league: that incessant surrender vote spamming. It’s just so disrespectful to the other 4 people who might still be in the middle of a teamfight, desperately trying to win a 4v5. And your only contribution is starting an impulse surrender vote out of frustration, distracting your team in the process.
Cant wait to watch all of it I struggle with this one personally
i love this podcast so much!
Right on time, really needed this, used to be emerald, had a lose streak to gold1 because of 4 days of pure tilt and mental boom, I know im better than gold, and plat i've alreayd done it...I only have some serious anger issues.
Can we get another ranked update on you guys' league journeys and your personal findings so far? Would be nice to get up to date on that once again!
i love the gameplay section
Hello boyos.
I really often find myself disagreeing with the way you look at the game, especially in regards to topics like "Not having to do an outrageously good job, but just your job. I am not sure if this stems from playing top lane, but it often feels like just being slightly ahead, or even, does not actually allow me to do very much, unless the rest of my team is winning by quite a bit?
This is different when you're playing something like Malphite of course, where no matter your own state in the game, you can always ram into a carry to disrupt them, but on something like a Darius or Sett, the less mobile, kind of sluggish juggernauts, it feels like you will be too squishy to really close in when you're "just doing your job". Maybe from a midlane stance in particular, it feels more tolerable because your abillities allow you to be less comittal? Like you can just kind of throw out the Lux Binding, and there's a good chance it might end up giving you something?
I wonder what your opinion on this kind of thing is.
i don't tilt because i make [inevitable] mistakes, i tilt because other people repeatedly do---& i don't say that in a sense of, "well im allowed to make mistakes & they're not". i say it with the context of, "this is a bad idea, we know it's a bad idea, im TELLING them this is a bad idea, they do it anyway & it, of course, costs us". my tilt looks like afk farming. because i'm not going to contribute to inting, but im not going to just sit in fountain either, my logic is, i can at least contribute to gold intake & split push if/when possible. & despite the mental boom, i STILL shot call [with pings] to try to steer the team in the right direction to turn the game around. its frustrating.
Same. I start to avoid my team whatsoever when I feel like there is a big mental gap between teams and start to split hard. If you can't win 5v5 then at least try to win a split.
One thing I’m wondering about is shouldn’t the goal be to try to play perfectly even if it’s not possible? Aiming for perfect without expecting perfect
BBC: No one smashes keyboards in chess
Tyler1: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
How to fight off tilt : Watch a video or do literally anything for the next 20 minutes after a game. I usually take a 20 to 60min break between my games, win or lose to refresh my mind and stay sharp and involved. Stats say I perform better on my first game of the day, so I make every game my first game of the day, at least feels like it.
I got masters in Smite without tilting hard. I got GM in overwatch and just ignored the tilt. I’m playing league now and I basically tilt at myself so hard I stop playing the game for weeks at a time. This game is built different… I’m just sticking to garen until he gets reworked in 10 years. I hate making mistakes it kills my mental.
the difference is probably the speed at which enemies snowball. Idk about Smite, but league is VERY snowbally right now.
@@noiseisgold3n42I think tilt comes from having expectations and then those expectations not being met and getting punished for it. This can be expecting a certain level of play from teammates and tilting when they don't play that way, from having expectations of yourself and playing below them, or even having expectations for how the game should work and getting tilted when that is not how it works (like getting tilted that your champ or role has weaknesses you see as too much or unfair)
Sorry bro but garen has been like that forever, don't expect a rework
@@phillipemecaI hope so
@@jacksonmagas9698essentially this is how I feel and I hate that I’m learning so slow.
Stepping away from League is something worth trying if the game gets too overwhelming. It took me a long time to realize it didn't made me happy, but obsessed. Don't neglect your real life, take care of yourself, it will affect your gaming performance.
Very important subject
kept getting distracted by curtis hiked up shorts lelelel
Just in time to curb my tilting 👍
How'd you get that picture of me for the thumbnail
CIA Australia
I actually disagree with you guys on venting, it depends on how you vent can be the problem but if you are going over the game and talk with a person, this is my thought process of what happened.
This should act like a Reset button, but you have information that you can improve upon, and hopefully try not to make the same mistakes.
I think venting can be good but I think it's important to not feed and reinforce false narratives. This can be very subconscious and might be an issue even if it doesn't seem like it. That said, getting some frustration out can be quite healthy too
Daniel Naroditsky has definitely broken a few mice while tilted
LMFAO I immediately thought of that clip of him smashing his mouse on stream when he said that. Love to see another Danya fan here.
If ive been playing the game for I believe roughly 2 years would it even be worth to join the mid lane school? Even if i dont play an "approved" champion? I would appreciate any insight you guys have.
I have wondered this as well. I just can’t enjoy the game when not playing a champ I enjoy
They have an faq on their site
I don't think the "jokingly" ff:ing is subconscious at all, it's a completely conscious decision in which you give up the game and your mental.
They absolutely smash keyboards in chess. You can find tons of clips
Definitely monk-like as a kid but when that internet cut off, then that was the rage mode. Praise ethernet for stability 😂
"We cant be focused on the results without knowing what led to the wins". - CURTIS, Coach. 2024
I drop from gold 2 73 lp to silver 1 22 lp in a week... I'm not playing great but God so many tilted teammates all of a sudden...
Ranked seems really bad lately ngl
@@emprahsfinest7092 i had two games where no one wanted to win even if we are behind :( in iron 3
Ego creates tilt
To watch some tilt in chess just watch a chess stream like chessbrah. It's the same as in league
How to beat tilt ,open all chat roast inting bot lane ,then roast afk jungler ,then roast enemies top top laner , go clear your entire junglers camps ,take every single cs do not team fight sit back and watch the inters die repeatedly.
you get reported for that lmao did you get a 14 week ban?
im getting tilted because im getting tilted
writing this comment b4 watching the vid: for sure tilt is undoubtedly bad for mmr, and personal mental health etc but for content its fucking hilarious, and why dota has always been better than league because it has voice chat, the game is pure entertainment but people going mental and yelling on coms adds to it in a great way
i tilt like Nathan)
I don't think I like being referred to as a "BBCer". You all know why.
Bottom line if you play League of Legends and you want to climb. YOU NEED A THERAPIST. NOW STROKE THE FURRY WALL.
You either know what you did wrong and can improve or you get mad and don’t 😂
o7 hit that like button
i hate this game
Just choose something else lol. Tilt is gay
what a bunch of crap, thay just keep saying the same thing over and over again and in the moment they have to face reality 1:17:00 they just don't the game is unbalanced skill does not have a measurable impact on the outcome of the game ergo the rank system does not reflect your skill and that why is gonna get change by the end of the year and these bozos are gonna end up as the greatest snake oil seller of all time.
Keep telling yourself that and I'm sure you'll be challenger in no time
epic troll
Deluded comment
so true king if a challenger was put in iron it would not have measurable impact on the outcome of the game!видео.html&ab_channel=Dune2021 - clip from dune
Accept that you have a problem.
Learn how to mitigate it.
Losing isn't the end of the world, even the best players lose.
"Let go."