I 1000% was not expecting house phonk. But this is definitely A WELCOME SURPRISE! Edit: real quick, what is it with all of you acting like geoxor quit music or something. You understand it takes months to make music right??
@@danilotaza I only know the basics of it, but I'm not here to spread misinformation since I don't know much about it and don't even know if any of it was true. Like I said, I'm just here for the music.
@@SimonCantShoot, он про музыку Geoxor в принципе, это во-первых, а во-вторых, да, блять, это творчество. Это хотя-бы не на жопу краску лить и садиться на бумагу, тут реально старались
ive been listening to you for years now, and i swear your phonk is the kind that scratches my brain more than everyone else. Please make more phonk, you are incredible at it.
Primero haces temas buenos de dubstep y ahora haces Phonk???!!!! Por eso eres mi compositor favorito, me ayudaste a pasar varias etapas difíciles en estos últimos años , Gracias geo ❤️
Удивлен как много русскоговорящих людей в комментариях. Рад что Автор экспериментирует в различный стилях музыки. Большое уважение за твои творения! Продолжай в том же духе, отлично получается!
Парень самобытные треки делает. Сам ещё на эйфории залетел, послушал пару треков, не зашло, но почему то подумал, что потенциал есть и местами мониторил его релизы. Через время у него твайлайт выходит и сходу залетает в мой топ чарт, дальше фейри, зенит и ай лайк ю - имбы. Остальные треки у него просто очень хороши, отметить стоит старые - сангвин, биполяр, тоже на репите
@@ВладиславРождественский-в9ъ Мне кажется у меня самая дебильная история знакомства с его музыкой. Я просто играл в geometry dash, наткнулся на лвл с треком название которого точь в точь как мой ник и ахуел
What a rollercoaster of emotions and sounds this album was! Tbh all the tracks sound amazing and very unique, but my favourites gotta be "Extraterrestrial" and "Identity"
Oh man, you've definitely gone off the rails there. The first ever use of drift phonk on this channel. And it already sounds insane. First it was electro, or whatever you call it. Now phonk? I totally did not expect that. Another great banger dude, keep doing what you're doing. I'll still keep an eye out on this channel no matter how many times it has changed since then.
@@TeenPerspektiva stupendous is a very sophisticated word indeed. I enjoy using such abnormally abstract words such as 'penultimate' and 'photosynthesis' in random manners.
Última Canción de Identy Album Cada Maldito Segundo valió la Gran Espera Este Album es Definitivamente Mi Favorito Geoxor Gracias Por Traernos Otra de tus Obras de Arte Simplemente El Significado de Perfección y Talento > • < 💜✨
Really nice!!!! I was shocked to see you delve into drift phonk, it's my favorite genre, almost didn't think it was you for a bit! Keep up the good work ♥
I remember the day he uploaded this album. I remember the first time i listened to all of it i was like “this is kinda weird” so id take a couple more listens to get in the mood of it. The other songs are good, but this one is gorgeous! Definitely not what i was expecting for an album. Im pretty sure ive listened to this song more than 100 times already 😂
Ух ты блин, как пошли биты так сразу со стула упал!))) Не ожидал от тебя фонк услышать, ведь слушаю тебя с 20 года и ничего подобного еще от тебя не слышал, это просто топ!)) Продолжай в том же духе)) Ουάου, βλασφημία, πώς τα κομμάτια πήγαν τόσο αμέσως έπεσαν από την καρέκλα!))) Δεν περίμενα να ακούσω ένα φωνητικό από εσάς, γιατί σας ακούω από τότε που ήμουν 2020 και δεν έχω ακούσει κάτι τέτοιο από εσάς ακόμα, είναι απλά κορυφή!))Συνεχίστε την καλή δουλειά))
Geoxor i really enjoy your music! every song you have is good, even the songs you made a long time ago like timeless. your music is one of my most favorite music of all time. 🙂
This is awesome, Geoxor! The new album together with this Phonk styled song makes you have a unique style, I like your progress in this 2023, I learn it very much. 😎😍🥰❤️
LETS GO- you actually finished this absolute masterpiece of a phonk song hah do this more often my guy.. not only would you have an entirely new audience to your disposition that’ll listen to your tracks but they’ll most likely be rocking their heads like my music freak ass LMFAO, anyways good job geo! Keep it up
This is good quality Phonk, Welcome back Geoxor, I remember when you made Gloom, that was my go-to song, and you come back making another banger, keep it up, King 👑
has been added to the electronic music combo playlist of youtube. last one was calm this one being called litteraly "hellscape" makes me think it will not be the same it did not disapoint, and i'm glad for it :) this EP is a blast :D
I had the same feeling. It's like something change and you didn't like that before. And looking for other artists who is making good songs can take a while.
@@Sirius_3331 what? No, i just never had enough music, i found myself enjoying a lot the process of discovering new sounds and artists, no matter when, who or what they make. I have my tastes yes, but i'm certainly not picky that's for sure!
@@squa_81 Well everyone have a different taste to different songs that's normal. It's by everyone a choice to like it or not. No need to answer me back because I'll take my time to give a choice.
@@Sirius_3331 i thought you were talking about how i came to make my playlist, i didn't get you were talking about the new release (good music, and everyone has the right to not like it as it's pretty special) my bad :) Have a lovely day :D
I am so glad that the new Geo album has been released. I was really waiting, another thing that really surprised and pleased me was the phonk from Geoxor
I 1000% was not expecting house phonk. But this is definitely A WELCOME SURPRISE!
Edit: real quick, what is it with all of you acting like geoxor quit music or something. You understand it takes months to make music right??
Wasn't Geoxor in some controversy around the time of his last release? Maybe that's why. I don't know though, I just listen to the music.
@@Fenom007 could you explain the controversy pls?
@@danilotaza I only know the basics of it, but I'm not here to spread misinformation since I don't know much about it and don't even know if any of it was true. Like I said, I'm just here for the music.
@@Fenom007 Oh, don't worry then.
I think it's the first time i've seen such a mature reply on yt
This EP is a combination of different genres, what a wise move. totally creative.
What a comeback! It's almost like November 2021 with Aurora, Heal her and Blusk
@@mech57 well its at least a year since I rumember listening these 3 while playing 12 or 13 months ago
Those sucked
i kinda thought of it like a slowed down phonk version of zenith
what a time to be alive xD
Time to hear this phonk thingy >•< 😎😎
Phonk top, You can even call it a masterpiece.
And hello from Russia, all my friends are really enjoying your music
Перевод на русский:
Фонк топ, можно даже назвать шедевром
И привет из России, всем моим друзьям прям понравилась твоя музыка
В английском нет выражения "[вещь] топ", это чисто русское выражение, на английском по другому будет
@@averageenjoyer4404 переводил через Яндекс, т.к. я тупой на английском не шарю
@@averageenjoyer4404 t h e p h o n k ' s t o p t i e r
@@cllown можно сказать absolute banger
de verdad Geoxor tus canciones son muy buenas, me ayudan para el estudio, gimnasio etc, QUE GRANDE QUE ERES.
Wow was not expecting phonk but this is great!
Got into your music in 2021 and loved that style, but im absolutely loving the differences in this EP!
Happy to hear that!
Oh my goodness it's phonk! Let's gooooooooooooooo!
You know this time when you sit in your car, its 2am and you are going full throttle on the highway? That’s the spirit of songs like this.
Wow, phonk. Спасибо за твое творчерство. 1:43❤
Мне первая часть твоего коммента даёт вайбы того индийского видео "Waow iphon". В любом случае, полностью согласен
Вххахвхаххахаха! Фонк назвал творчеством!
@@SimonCantShoot, он про музыку Geoxor в принципе, это во-первых, а во-вторых, да, блять, это творчество. Это хотя-бы не на жопу краску лить и садиться на бумагу, тут реально старались
@@Chertilbnik , чувак, это был прикол.
@@Chertilbnik Полностью согласен
Что ж господа мы за сегодня прослушали аж 5 новых треков геохора, теперь можно сладко спать. Спасибо за треки, они крутые!
The drop was amazing! This might be my second favorite one after Silence! Holy crap this was so good!
Great music as always Geo! 😊
I wouldn't expect you to do phonk anytime but this was beautiful, hope we can hear more type phonk beats in the future 🔥🔥
ive been listening to you for years now, and i swear your phonk is the kind that scratches my brain more than everyone else. Please make more phonk, you are incredible at it.
This is Geoxor's evolution as a artist🧬! Absolutely spectacular album!
More like his degeneration from grace... He's NO LONGER his 2016 golden self...
Это большая неожиданность услышать фонк от geoxor.
Твои 5 новых треков сделали мой день.
Спасибо ^^ ! ⟩•⟨
Primero haces temas buenos de dubstep y ahora haces Phonk???!!!! Por eso eres mi compositor favorito, me ayudaste a pasar varias etapas difíciles en estos últimos años , Gracias geo ❤️
QUÉ GOD, bro. Espero te encuentres de lo mejor :)
I love how each video has it's own thumbnail and visual effects, well done Geoxor, this is one of your best albums yet!
Удивлен как много русскоговорящих людей в комментариях. Рад что Автор экспериментирует в различный стилях музыки. Большое уважение за твои творения! Продолжай в том же духе, отлично получается!
У Гео давно было много русскоговорящих сабов (Ибо сам слежу за ним уже года так 2-3 и даже тогда их было много), просто как факт тебе говорю)
Парень самобытные треки делает.
Сам ещё на эйфории залетел, послушал пару треков, не зашло, но почему то подумал, что потенциал есть и местами мониторил его релизы.
Через время у него твайлайт выходит и сходу залетает в мой топ чарт, дальше фейри, зенит и ай лайк ю - имбы.
Остальные треки у него просто очень хороши, отметить стоит старые - сангвин, биполяр, тоже на репите
@@ВладиславРождественский-в9ъ Мне кажется у меня самая дебильная история знакомства с его музыкой. Я просто играл в geometry dash, наткнулся на лвл с треком название которого точь в точь как мой ник и ахуел
@@StarDust928лол, считай повезло
@@StarDust928Тоже играл в гд, там трек нандайо был, узнал автора и офигел
What a rollercoaster of emotions and sounds this album was! Tbh all the tracks sound amazing and very unique, but my favourites gotta be "Extraterrestrial" and "Identity"
I absolutely love this
Holy Phonk! Thank you for this amazing album, Geoxor. Good luck! Stay the same talented!
I dont think anyone was expecting Phonk, you got some amazing talent spreading out your views on different genres like this Geo, keep up the work. ❤
Best Phonk I've heard to date, your style works really well with it
Anyone gon talk about the fact that he made his own spin on the vocals from Dreamspace? Really nice use of those vocals 👍
Oh man, you've definitely gone off the rails there. The first ever use of drift phonk on this channel. And it already sounds insane.
First it was electro, or whatever you call it. Now phonk? I totally did not expect that.
Another great banger dude, keep doing what you're doing. I'll still keep an eye out on this channel no matter how many times it has changed since then.
woa, ive always listened to geoxor and i loved his electronic beats but this is a whole new type of music and i’m here for it, i love phonk sm
Tudo que eu precisava era de um phonk do Geoxor, ficou foda demais
This song absolutely blew me away. What a stupendous surprise, who knew you would do phonk!
As the premiere chat goes: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ooh, "stupendous", thats a word you dont see used every day. Nice.
@@TeenPerspektiva stupendous is a very sophisticated word indeed. I enjoy using such abnormally abstract words such as 'penultimate' and 'photosynthesis' in random manners.
@@notdengrus hahah in what sort of situation can you sneak in a "photosynthesis" during normal conversation, i am really curious
I _did_ use the word 'photosynthesis' in _this_ conversation didn't I?
@@notdengrus aight bro, thats a stretch and we both know it
Nice phonk ☠️🔥
speechless, geoxor and the best 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love phonk, this is so clean, it's my new favorite song lmao. Hello from France btw
No me esperaba para nada un phonk, pero tampoco sabía que lo necesitaba.
Una vez más Geoxor sorprendiendo con increíble música, gracias por esto
Фонк от Геоксора как отдельный вид искусства ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Última Canción de Identy Album
Cada Maldito Segundo valió la Gran Espera
Este Album es Definitivamente Mi Favorito
Geoxor Gracias Por Traernos Otra de tus Obras de Arte Simplemente El Significado de Perfección y Talento > • < 💜✨
Really nice!!!! I was shocked to see you delve into drift phonk, it's my favorite genre, almost didn't think it was you for a bit! Keep up the good work ♥
I remember the day he uploaded this album. I remember the first time i listened to all of it i was like “this is kinda weird” so id take a couple more listens to get in the mood of it. The other songs are good, but this one is gorgeous! Definitely not what i was expecting for an album. Im pretty sure ive listened to this song more than 100 times already 😂
5 awsome songs in one day. It was worth to waiting
This is the best background I've ever heard!! You are not only the best in dubstep but also in phonk too!!
You make a Good phonk!! Tnx Geo!
Geoxor never fails to impress, amazing as always!
Damn i came here After 3 year maybe to see how the Chanel was and now she did phonk (m'y fav style ) wow
Jesus Christ geoxor back with the hardest and most slappiest tunes i ever heard.
it's nice to see you explore new genres and theme, nailed it
I didn't know it was possible to create such a banger🔥🔥🔥
Damn the comeback be hard
We have drove into phonk I see love your work as always💙💙💙💙
I'll take it as a birthday present lol
no way I was not expecting phonk from geoxor!
Ты уже и до моего любимого стиля музыки добрался 3>
Ух ты блин, как пошли биты так сразу со стула упал!))) Не ожидал от тебя фонк услышать, ведь слушаю тебя с 20 года и ничего подобного еще от тебя не слышал, это просто топ!)) Продолжай в том же духе))
Ουάου, βλασφημία, πώς τα κομμάτια πήγαν τόσο αμέσως έπεσαν από την καρέκλα!))) Δεν περίμενα να ακούσω ένα φωνητικό από εσάς, γιατί σας ακούω από τότε που ήμουν 2020 και δεν έχω ακούσει κάτι τέτοιο από εσάς ακόμα, είναι απλά κορυφή!))Συνεχίστε την καλή δουλειά))
Wow this is probably my favorite of your new album! I hope you make more phonk music I would love to hear it.
Просто жесть, смесь фонка и дабстепа, слов нет передать эту зачаровывающую музыку❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Geoxor i really enjoy your music! every song you have is good, even the songs you made a long time ago like timeless. your music is one of my most favorite music of all time. 🙂
This is awesome, Geoxor! The new album together with this Phonk styled song makes you have a unique style, I like your progress in this 2023, I learn it very much. 😎😍🥰❤️
Your tracks have accompanied me every day for 4 years. Thank you for continuing to make great music!
My gosh, I knew you were amazing with many styles of music, but I didn't expect you to be amazing with phonk as well.
I was quite surprised that it was phonk, I love it more like this please💖💖💖 I can't wait for another album I love u geoxor ❱•❰ saludos desde México
I had no idea Geoxor could make phonk, I love phonk so much, so to see Geoxor come back with this banger is crazyyyy, love you man keep up the fire.
As a current soldier if I ever go to combat Geo’s is the music I’ll be missing the most, lol.
Чуваак )) Фонк под конец это нечто !
ayeee!! finally after months!!
Emppecé a escuchar tu música en 2019, es increíble como evolucionas. Saludos desde México 🇲🇽😎
Oye pana saludos desde México :D
Saludos desde Tecamachalco
Nah mentira xd
Saludos desde Colombia :P
LETS GO- you actually finished this absolute masterpiece of a phonk song hah do this more often my guy.. not only would you have an entirely new audience to your disposition that’ll listen to your tracks but they’ll most likely be rocking their heads like my music freak ass LMFAO, anyways good job geo! Keep it up
Never did I expect Geoxor Phonk wtf, this slaps.
Please do more music like this cause I love your type of style and also Phonk music so this is a perfect blend please make more like this❤❤❤
Its your first phonk? Its sounds epic!
только только под прошлыми видео хотел написать что вам стоит попробовать стиль фонка и тут выходит это! спасибо, очень доволен)
This is good quality Phonk, Welcome back Geoxor, I remember when you made Gloom, that was my go-to song, and you come back making another banger, keep it up, King 👑
didnt think id hear geoxor doing phonk :D
came out pretty good!
good job :]
YOU MADE PHONK??? I knew you were amazing but now that you're trying different genres, you're really proving it! I love it!
Wow.... Interesting Phonk 🧐🥤
Man Geoxor is unbelievable!! Sheeeeesh your so talented bro, keep it up I am always be one of your biggest fan since 2019!!❤
Имба лютая, с возвращением
Ого фонк от Geoxor . Неожиданно но приятно😊❤❤😊
Это имба
Под дотку хахахах
@@cllown солидарен
Supongo que soltara todas las canciones ya que youtube las filtro antes xD
has been added to the electronic music combo playlist of youtube.
last one was calm
this one being called litteraly "hellscape" makes me think it will not be the same
it did not disapoint, and i'm glad for it :)
this EP is a blast :D
I had the same feeling. It's like something change and you didn't like that before. And looking for other artists who is making good songs can take a while.
@@Sirius_3331 what?
No, i just never had enough music, i found myself enjoying a lot the process of discovering new sounds and artists, no matter when, who or what they make.
I have my tastes yes, but i'm certainly not picky that's for sure!
@@squa_81 Well everyone have a different taste to different songs that's normal. It's by everyone a choice to like it or not. No need to answer me back because I'll take my time to give a choice.
@@Sirius_3331 i thought you were talking about how i came to make my playlist, i didn't get you were talking about the new release (good music, and everyone has the right to not like it as it's pretty special)
my bad :)
Have a lovely day :D
My favorite artist and my 2nd favorite music genre, i didnt think it was possible
Love you, from Mexico :D
It's currently 2:49am I want to sleep but I can't stop replying all geoxor's music in this album much love bro it's good to see you back
omggg im sooo hyped
1:59 DRIFT ON FIRE!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Geoxor Esta De Volta!!!!!!
PHONK?!! I never thought Geoxor would try to make a song with it. EVER!
Welcome back geo, glad to have you again making bangers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Phonk is contagious, love the new content brah!
That was unexpected. Literally I love phonk
Phonky beats dropping hard! Love the new album!!! 💜🔥
This is 🔥. As always you did an amazing job
I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything from you for a while, good to see I can bust out the speakers again at work.
This goes straight into the Phonk Playlist🔥🔥🔥
Nice to see that Geoxor also tries this Genre💯
Воу! Сразу же 5 новых треков, так еще и phonk, это что-то новенькое, спасибо огромное за ноыые треки
I am quite surprised to see Phonk for Geoxor but I am not complaining, you nailed it!
Ни разу фонк у тебя не слышал,а так круто!❤
I am so glad that the new Geo album has been released.
I was really waiting, another thing that really surprised and pleased me was the phonk from Geoxor
I enjoy your music a lot so it was a surprise to hear Phonk music because I love that genre too! So this has been a very amazing day thanks Geoxor!