I wanted to come out to my parents as gay for a long time, but first I actually decided to take few years to convince my mom that LGBT isn't bad. Everyday brings me closer to the day I come out and honestly I feel way safer now! We'll see what the life will bring... :) good luck to all closeted friends out there!
The other day my mother casually asked me about my sexual orientation and I told her that I think I'm bi. She was totally accepting, but it felt weird because she goes to church and she's not really on the same page as me when it comes to certain social issues, but the fact that she was accepting was nice.
Not all Christians listen to the homophobic things in the Bible. And, whether they like LGBT people or not, in the Bible we are told to care about others.
It’s good to hear she didn’t respond negatively! I hope you continue to question and find yourself! :) I’m bisexual, I haven’t told my parents yet, only friends. I’m goin to pride this weekend, wish me luck :)
Yes that is totally fine I have two as well one is a girl and the other is a boy ( but he is much older than me and I know I'll will never meet him cuz his famous but I can still dream) but yes having two crushed I'd perfectly fine!!
In elementary school I used to crush on two people at the same time, but after I spent time hanging out with each crush separately, I realized which person I liked the most, and developed stronger feelings towards that person.
I'm not a lesbian but my family members think I am for some reason, They think just because I don't wear makeup and dresses that I date girls but I don't. When I told my mom I was dating a boy she was so shocked. you can't assume some ones sexually by the way look or think.
I wish I could do this with my girlfriend but we’re in long distance rn🥺 my mom knows of her ofc but I wanna make it official to my family that she’s my girlfriend 🥰
I'm Bi, came out about a year ago, and I was so scared. I am so lucky to have such an amazing and accepting family, they made me feel so comfortable being who I am!
This is such a cute ad! I saw it and just had to find the original video. I love the message it sends, we definitely need the positivity! This would have been so helpful to me when I was much younger, and to pretty much every other LGBTQ person as well. Cute animation too! Overall an awesome video.
this is the better video about 'coming out' that i have seen. shows communication, honesty and effort to console without trying to minimize/undermine the valid fears a gay kid can go through... but i'm just wondering... as someone who has lost friends because of my orientation, do people like Frankie even exist? i haven't known any straight-identifying people that even talk like Frankie does. the ally-ship i have known still has that "i don't agree with it, but..." flavour that spoils whatever good was intended. But I guess its fine, some of us will just have to be our own ally and hope for the best.
Hey, there; what a great question you've asked here! You hit the nail on the head; it CAN be difficult for many LGBTQ+ young people to have heterosexual friends to advocate and support them in coming out like Frankie does in the video. Make no mistake though--people like Frankie DO exist, and are growing in number every day! And hopefully videos like this one can teach others who want to be allies how to do it more effectively. Don't lose hope! We send you best wishes for finding allies just like Frankie--because you deserve!
this is the perfect way to react when someone comes out to you. dont be rude, dont over react, and dont make a big deal. just go with the flow and talk like everything thing is fine and you are relaxed
What could make the situation worse is being autistic as well. I'm bisexual and autistic and when I came out about it, people thought I was confused about my sexuality due to my autism despite the fact autistic people are more likely to be lgbtq
I'm bisexual myself and I took my time to think about telling my mom that I'm bisexual, until after told her that and she didn't say anything about it.
I'm currently questioning whether I'm straight or bi, and if I do turn out to be bi, there's absolutely no way I can tell my parents. They are very religious and are very homophobic. So is everyone else's parents, but all the kids are very accepting and ready to stand up to homophobia.
We wish you luck in your journey of identifying your sexuality. Your safety is the most important! Since your peers are so supportive, we recommend looking for LGBTQ groups in your area or school for even more support. Good luck!
A LOT of people think I'm lesbian, as I do have crushes on girls and my friends know about them. However, I'm actually bi, I do like boys just not as much as girls. It took me 2 YEARS to come out to my friends. I've never felt so relieved in my life.
So I haven't came out to my parents yet. But I really like this girl. (I'm a girl btw) I'm bi I've came out to my friends but not my relatives. I'm nervous but maybe I should come out soon. EDIT; I came out and they were very excepting. I also asked my girl crush out. Now shes my gf. Yay!
i didn't even choose to come out, my dad took my phone because he was going to "work" on it, and he went through my texts and found out i was trans, and he told everyone living in the house. i was mortified, no one ever said anything or even put forward the effort to call me by the pronouns i wanted, (they knew the pronouns, since they new what gender i really wanted to be) and i was like, tHen wHy tElL mE yOu kNEw iF yOu WeRe gOnNA dO NoThING aBoUt IT?
We're sorry to hear that you had such a hard experience when coming out. It should be something when you're comfortable enough to do it. Have you checked your school for local GSA's? There could be LGBTQ+ groups in your area that could be the support you deserve.
I'm really confused and trying to figure myself out. I have had a crush before, but that was like 6 years ago when I was about 8 I believe. It was on a guy who I loved to talk to whenever I could. I found him cute and sweet and smart... But there was a mean girl in the school. She somehow found out about me liking him, and teased me about it throughout that school year. She moved away the next year and everyone forgot about that, or at least nobody talked about it anymore. But since then, I became slowly more and more distrusting and distanced myself from others. My emotions have been sort of dulling down since then, except for mostly fear and anger. I haven't had another crush since then and I have such a hard time identifying what I feel at any point in time. I want to feel what it's like to be in love again, to be able to recognize it, though I've been doubting that I ever was truly in love with him. I'm so so confused and I just saw so many people telling their stories and problems, so I thought maybe I could too. If anyone has some advice to help me know what to do, it would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm pansexual and I've known since I was 11 but I told myself that I would wait until I was 13 or 14 to come out or just plain moving out. And recently I've realized that I'm pan demi so I started going to a new school and I made some awesome LGBTQ+ friends and one of them was Christian but bi and we texted all the time about LGBTQ+ stuff but her homophobic aunt found her phone and read all of our texts and knows I'm pan and we are having a service at my school and her aunt and uncle will be there along with my FAM and my family is VERY homophobic and they might kick me out and in my country people get killed because they're gay, lesbian, bi or anything else. And I go to an All girls school and I'll get bullied if it gets out and also I can get punished at school by the principal because I go to a church school. And I also have depression and it has been getting better but it might just get worse if they find out
We're so sorry to hear that your home life and school life is surrounded by homophobia. We can't imagine what that must feel like. We recommend looking online for support groups that can help you as your grow into your sexual identity, but also most importantly ensure your safety.
This is the best video about sexuality I have seen. It is positive & shows good open communication & a nice accepting response but also the real danger & logistics of family does not accept you. Also saying that you do not have to come out until it is safe & you want to is a really good message. So overall I think this is an excellent short video about LGB sexuality!
Thank you so much for your comment! We'd like to share an image of your comment on our AMAZE social platforms. Please reply with a YES for permission of use.
I was so scared to tell my mom that I was bisexual. But one day, me and my mom were talking about growing up. I told to my mom “Mom, I’m bi and I hope you will accept me.” And she said to me “I will always love you even if your lesbian, bi, trans, or anything.” I cried so much when she said that to me at that day. I’m greatful that my mom accepts me as being bi.
My cousin came out by wearing a rainbow sweater in 95 degree weather, he was SO worried that we would be mad but I was over the moon and my uncle was like” ok, what you wanna drink.” I’m thinking about getting my self a rainbow sweater, he said that when he gets back from college he’ll help me come out.
Hi I'm 13, and I have kind of come out as trans... it's been causing me so much anxiety because I'm not allowed to do anything about it. I can't bind or change my name in the school system. My parents say they accept me, but they don't call me my chosen name, and my mom still calls me "baby girl" or whatever. It really hurts. And my dysphoria has gotten worse and worse, to the point where I've started to just hate my body in general :'(
Wow! I actually saw this on a sam collins video (Well, an ad.) And this is actually really nice! I’m a gay transboy so i’ve been given hate for my whole life, even almost got kicked out of my house for this. My boyfriend is my best friend since forever, like childhood, so we’ve been tried to be torn apart for loving eachother. This is a great video!
Issues as a bisexual, nonbinary, genderfluid female Nonbinary: Girl? Guy? Will they judge me? Transgender? AGGH Genderfluid: Girl? Guy? Both? Neither? Can I still be nonbinary? Bisexual: Is am like girl? Is am like boy? Am just straight? Am just gay? The heck is wrong with me? Will dad hate me? >ERROR
I came out as bisexual to my parents and they supported me unconditionally. But coming out to my friends was a whole different story. Although some were totally fine with thatand supported me (I was so damn grateful), others said, "it's just a phase, you'll get over it". And others pretended to be okay with it, but they still pestered me with questions such as: "Oh, so you like women as well? Have you ever had a crush on a girl? Do we know her?" ...yes, yes and yes. And I still get lots of annoying curiosity about my sexuality to this day.
When my mom found out I was asexual she yelled at me, told me I was "brainwashed" by my trans friend (not true, I came out to him), and threatened to send me to a mental hospital if I ever told anyone else. Luckily my friends and the therapist my mom sent me to (thinking she could "fix me", but told me my mom was crazy) are much more accepting
I'm so so sorry that you had to experience this! I'm glad to hear that you have support from your friends and therapist. If you ever need someone else to speak to, I recommend visiting trevorproject.org.
I just wanted to take the time out to say that this ad is SO IMPORTANT. This is something that needs to be advertised and shared. This is how we bring acceptance into the world.
Amaze.org, yesterday my parents and I gat into a fight and when my mom talked to me, she just made me not want to tell her that I’m bi. And If I ever do tell them, they’ll just say that they’ll lead me on the right path!🙄 So, I already ask my friends if I could stay over there if my parents said that. How can I tell them that I don’t want to be “On the right path”? They say it’s a sin... And that makes feel ashamed of who I am and annoyed at how they answered! Please help me...
You can never control how people are going to react when you come out to them, so for your own safety, it may not be safe to come out to your parents right now. Many people wait until they are older and out of their parents' home to come out. It is also risky to assume your friends' parents are going to take you in. We want you to be safe and to have a home, and that may mean not talking to your parents about your sexual orientation for now. Whatever you choose to do, it is important that you find a relative, a friend's parent, a school counselor or other trusted adult that you can talk to about how you're feeling and how best to handle this situation. I know this is emotionally difficult, so it may also help to find a community of other bi young people to speak with. TrevorSpace (www.trevorspace.org/) has forums where young people can share in a safe space. You deserve to be loved and respected for who you are, but make sure you are not putting yourself in danger if and when you come out.
I don’t want to come out to my mom as bi and she goes thru my stuffs and has asked me twice if I am and i always respond no so I decided to wait til I’m in college to tell her so I can’t text her and not see her for a while
Video: yeah, so, that’s normal. We all have crushes. Me, the aromantic enby that I am: some representation we have. Other part of me: 👀 REEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLYYYYY
Hey David, we can't imagine how hard it must be to want to come out to your family. Do you have any friends that can support you and be there for a conversation?
I’m pansexual and I would love to come out to my parents but I’m scared. I’ve came out to a couple of my close friends, dated a couple of girls, and it felt normal. Having a crush on the same gender feels like when you have a crush on the opposite gender, too. And I’d love to tell my parents all this but I’m honestly scared. Advice?
I'm pansexual. I have never said this outloud before. I hope one day I have enough confidence and strength to come out to my loved ones, but for now I am just finding myself, and trying to accept the person I am.
Hey guys, I’m 11 years old and I identify as bisexual. I really need help to come out to my parents. I’m really to scared to but I feel ready and comfortable. But I’m just scared they will be disappointed or even angry.. I want to and I’ve thought about this for so long... Any help or advise? Really need this rn.
Im pansexual but only ONE person knows, its my bff for life that I told after she came out to me as bisexual. Im a girl and have w boy crush, but i love people for personality not gender
This is very helpful because I liegit figured out in a pansexual person and I've been coming out to mostly my friends I'm still no ready to tell my family yet so I'll wait to tell them even though I'm pansexual I still have lots of crushes on boys not so much on girls and I havent meet and trans or other gender pasific people but I know that u will obey day and love them for who they are!!!
Help!!! I was in my mom's car, and she was driving, I told her about a friendship dance that was going on at my school, & she was like "don't dance with any boyzz" (as a joke) & I (jokingly) said, "All my friends are girls!" And she said in reply, "WHAT YOUR A LESBIAN?! NOW FOR SURE IM NOT LETTING YOU GO!" (AS A JOKE!) Does this mean she won't accept me?
Idk if I’m either bi or lesbian... Because, I like girls and I don’t like any guys that other girls think are cute... That’s why I’m considering if I’m a les... Some of my friends I told I’m bi.. but I’m not sure if a I am, 100%...
When I came out to my brother he said he wouldn’t tell my parents but over the years he has told me that it’s unnatural relationship, and had pushed me to come out, also has made jokes and say offensive terms to me. And when I try to confront him about it my cousins (who already knew about it) defended my brother
I love how they completely ignore asexual and a romantic people by saying that having crushes are very normal. That denormalizes ace peeps but other than that it is a great video
I'm not gonna come out till I'm move out bc my family is highly homophobic so ummmm yeah, I have to live with them AND I'm homeschooled so it's not like I can go to school to get away from it.
Don't scare of your sexualy, because this is normal,I'm a girl and i'm bisexual... but my present don't kown.. and I'm scare.. (sorry for bad inglish but I'm italian)
I wanted to come out to my parents as gay for a long time, but first I actually decided to take few years to convince my mom that LGBT isn't bad. Everyday brings me closer to the day I come out and honestly I feel way safer now! We'll see what the life will bring... :) good luck to all closeted friends out there!
You can do it!
I believe in you
That’s actually really smart
U are ready when ur ready
Sica Ti Same. I think I’m gonna come out this summer
The other day my mother casually asked me about my sexual orientation and I told her that I think I'm bi. She was totally accepting, but it felt weird because she goes to church and she's not really on the same page as me when it comes to certain social issues, but the fact that she was accepting was nice.
Not all Christians listen to the homophobic things in the Bible. And, whether they like LGBT people or not, in the Bible we are told to care about others.
Same actually. How did it come up in your conversation? Me and my mom were talking about phones freezing haha!
I’m lesbian and my moms religious...I don’t know if she will accept me so I don’t wanna come out yet
b1njjj95 I wish that could happen to me but I don’t think I’m ready to tell her I don’t like any gender
It’s good to hear she didn’t respond negatively! I hope you continue to question and find yourself! :)
I’m bisexual, I haven’t told my parents yet, only friends. I’m goin to pride this weekend, wish me luck :)
*"It's called unconditional love dude"*
wow. Let's just take a second to think about this. 😊
I read this comment as he said that 💀
..it’s gonna be hard for me...I got to a catholic school but I’m gay...I can get kicked out from my school for it TwT
Hey, it's okay I'm bisexual too, if they kick you out of school it's their loss
Doughnut chan yes, because everything in this world is hard, but im sure you will go thru this... 😉😉
Aww you guys thank you❤️😄
Is Cayden anywhere here me friends😊
*and I am attracted to girls and fictional boys oof, this vid was helpful thanks! ^w^*
Mily Loves EddsWorld
Mily Loves EddsWorld I l9be eddsworld too
Lel same
Is it normal having 2 crushes?
Yes that is totally fine I have two as well one is a girl and the other is a boy ( but he is much older than me and I know I'll will never meet him cuz his famous but I can still dream) but yes having two crushed I'd perfectly fine!!
@@Lady_in_Yearning yeah!!! 👌😊
In elementary school I used to crush on two people at the same time, but after I spent time hanging out with each crush separately, I realized which person I liked the most, and developed stronger feelings towards that person.
Yep I have 3 and one is a girl
I'm not a lesbian but my family members think I am for some reason, They think just because I don't wear makeup and dresses that I date girls but I don't. When I told my mom I was dating a boy she was so shocked. you can't assume some ones sexually by the way look or think.
Itoldyou9 exactly, everyone thinks I’m straight because I’m not a stereotypical lesbian
I'm really girly but my whole family still thinks I'm a lesbian.
Me 2
Nah it's so stereotypical bc they thought that being away from ur prescribed gender affects ur sexual orientation
I’m non binary and my mom and sister force me to wear makeup
I came out to my mum as lesbian in April with my girlfriend and this made me feel a lot more confident
Proud of you ❤️
Come out in April but propably not in April 1th
@@Devdevbruh troll.
I wish I could do this with my girlfriend but we’re in long distance rn🥺 my mom knows of her ofc but I wanna make it official to my family that she’s my girlfriend 🥰
*"we ALL have crushes"*
me, and asexual aromatic: *TRIGGRED*
I have never loved someone except in a family way
I’m aro ace too i know how ya feel
Oh, well, what can you do?
Update I’m a lesbian now
Platonic crushes?
Your local demigirl just tellin ya'll that you all are absolutely frickin valid and I love you all
Heck yeah. Fellow deniwoman here!
Call me old fashion, will never accept this trend of times! Deceived!!!!
Hello fellow demigirl
I'm a Pansexual guy and I agree with you
What pronouns do you go by? So I can get an idea of what pronouns I want to go by
This video legit made me cry for how relatable and useful this is 😭
Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone were as respectful and accepting as Frankie!
Everyone: *Talking about their stories*
Me: I question my sexuality every 2 seconds so I can't come out
Pfft mood
I was too, then I realized I'm not attracted to anyone!!!!
i am a straight ally
I'm a straight ally...
Maybe. Probably. I've never been attracted to anyone, boy or girl (or not).
Biromantic isn't a part of LGBT community service
Alannah Frederic! It’s under the “+” part of “LGBTQ+”
So you are bi?
I'm transgender and pansexual. I feel lucky to say that my parent love and support me. I'm getting my second hormone blockers shots in a week!! ❤️🏳️🌈
@@normieslayer1169 ???
what are you biologically???
@@memuslordus1218 does it even matter????
Good for u!!
I'm Bi, came out about a year ago, and I was so scared. I am so lucky to have such an amazing and accepting family, they made me feel so comfortable being who I am!
This is such a cute ad! I saw it and just had to find the original video. I love the message it sends, we definitely need the positivity! This would have been so helpful to me when I was much younger, and to pretty much every other LGBTQ person as well. Cute animation too! Overall an awesome video.
this is the better video about 'coming out' that i have seen. shows communication, honesty and effort to console without trying to minimize/undermine the valid fears a gay kid can go through... but i'm just wondering... as someone who has lost friends because of my orientation, do people like Frankie even exist? i haven't known any straight-identifying people that even talk like Frankie does. the ally-ship i have known still has that "i don't agree with it, but..." flavour that spoils whatever good was intended.
But I guess its fine, some of us will just have to be our own ally and hope for the best.
Hey, there; what a great question you've asked here! You hit the nail on the head; it CAN be difficult for many LGBTQ+ young people to have heterosexual friends to advocate and support them in coming out like Frankie does in the video. Make no mistake though--people like Frankie DO exist, and are growing in number every day! And hopefully videos like this one can teach others who want to be allies how to do it more effectively. Don't lose hope! We send you best wishes for finding allies just like Frankie--because you deserve!
if ur parents wont accept you're bi, tell them bye-bye
read it out loud and you'll get it.
You can't just "leave" your parents as a minor. You need a job, a home etc
I get it!
this is the perfect way to react when someone comes out to you. dont be rude, dont over react, and dont make a big deal. just go with the flow and talk like everything thing is fine and you are relaxed
What could make the situation worse is being autistic as well. I'm bisexual and autistic and when I came out about it, people thought I was confused about my sexuality due to my autism despite the fact autistic people are more likely to be lgbtq
The funny part is I knew for 5 years before coming out
Why does it matter who's first?
just saying fam
I'm bisexual myself and I took my time to think about telling my mom that I'm bisexual, until after told her that and she didn't say anything about it.
I came out to my friends and then they all came out too they where like we're not straight either lol
Let me guess bi right
Out of all the friends I have there are only like 3 or 4 of them straight
I'm currently questioning whether I'm straight or bi, and if I do turn out to be bi, there's absolutely no way I can tell my parents. They are very religious and are very homophobic. So is everyone else's parents, but all the kids are very accepting and ready to stand up to homophobia.
We wish you luck in your journey of identifying your sexuality. Your safety is the most important! Since your peers are so supportive, we recommend looking for LGBTQ groups in your area or school for even more support. Good luck!
A LOT of people think I'm lesbian, as I do have crushes on girls and my friends know about them. However, I'm actually bi, I do like boys just not as much as girls. It took me 2 YEARS to come out to my friends. I've never felt so relieved in my life.
That's AMAZE-ing!
So you are more Into girls
Nobody cares about your gender. Just live your life
So I haven't came out to my parents yet. But I really like this girl. (I'm a girl btw) I'm bi I've came out to my friends but not my relatives. I'm nervous but maybe I should come out soon.
EDIT; I came out and they were very excepting. I also asked my girl crush out. Now shes my gf. Yay!
I wish I had a date
Congratulations 💜
Aww congratsssss!!!!!! I am bi too!!!
i didn't even choose to come out, my dad took my phone because he was going to "work" on it, and he went through my texts and found out i was trans, and he told everyone living in the house.
i was mortified, no one ever said anything or even put forward the effort to call me by the pronouns i wanted, (they knew the pronouns, since they new what gender i really wanted to be) and i was like, tHen wHy tElL mE yOu kNEw iF yOu WeRe gOnNA dO NoThING aBoUt IT?
We're sorry to hear that you had such a hard experience when coming out. It should be something when you're comfortable enough to do it. Have you checked your school for local GSA's? There could be LGBTQ+ groups in your area that could be the support you deserve.
That is the most sweetest and perfect way of explaining the LGBT and coming out😍
I accidentally came out to my parents and I’m still being punished. It’s been 3 months.
Homophobic parents
This cousin is so supportive and this is so wholesome omg-
I'm really confused and trying to figure myself out. I have had a crush before, but that was like 6 years ago when I was about 8 I believe. It was on a guy who I loved to talk to whenever I could. I found him cute and sweet and smart... But there was a mean girl in the school. She somehow found out about me liking him, and teased me about it throughout that school year. She moved away the next year and everyone forgot about that, or at least nobody talked about it anymore. But since then, I became slowly more and more distrusting and distanced myself from others. My emotions have been sort of dulling down since then, except for mostly fear and anger. I haven't had another crush since then and I have such a hard time identifying what I feel at any point in time. I want to feel what it's like to be in love again, to be able to recognize it, though I've been doubting that I ever was truly in love with him. I'm so so confused and I just saw so many people telling their stories and problems, so I thought maybe I could too. If anyone has some advice to help me know what to do, it would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I love this video!!!❤️🏳️🌈
I hate this video but nice cat
I'm pansexual and I've known since I was 11 but I told myself that I would wait until I was 13 or 14 to come out or just plain moving out. And recently I've realized that I'm pan demi
so I started going to a new school and I made some awesome LGBTQ+ friends and one of them was Christian but bi and we texted all the time about LGBTQ+ stuff but her homophobic aunt found her phone and read all of our texts and knows I'm pan and we are having a service at my school and her aunt and uncle will be there along with my FAM and my family is VERY homophobic and they might kick me out and in my country people get killed because they're gay, lesbian, bi or anything else. And I go to an All girls school and I'll get bullied if it gets out and also I can get punished at school by the principal because I go to a church school.
And I also have depression and it has been getting better but it might just get worse if they find out
We're so sorry to hear that your home life and school life is surrounded by homophobia. We can't imagine what that must feel like. We recommend looking online for support groups that can help you as your grow into your sexual identity, but also most importantly ensure your safety.
i am panromantic and demisexual 😅
I’m bi and pan.
Update: I said this when I was 13 or fourteen. I’m bi and ace
pansexual is spicy bi
I'm bisexual and demisexual
This is the best video about sexuality I have seen. It is positive & shows good open communication & a nice accepting response but also the real danger & logistics of family does not accept you.
Also saying that you do not have to come out until it is safe & you want to is a really good message. So overall I think this is an excellent short video about LGB sexuality!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your comment! We'd like to share an image of your comment on our AMAZE social platforms. Please reply with a YES for permission of use.
I was so scared to tell my mom that I was bisexual. But one day, me and my mom were talking about growing up. I told to my mom “Mom, I’m bi and I hope you will accept me.” And she said to me “I will always love you even if your lesbian, bi, trans, or anything.” I cried so much when she said that to me at that day. I’m greatful that my mom accepts me as being bi.
That is SO amazing!!!
My cousin came out by wearing a rainbow sweater in 95 degree weather, he was SO worried that we would be mad but I was over the moon and my uncle was like” ok, what you wanna drink.” I’m thinking about getting my self a rainbow sweater, he said that when he gets back from college he’ll help me come out.
Hi I'm 13, and I have kind of come out as trans... it's been causing me so much anxiety because I'm not allowed to do anything about it. I can't bind or change my name in the school system. My parents say they accept me, but they don't call me my chosen name, and my mom still calls me "baby girl" or whatever. It really hurts. And my dysphoria has gotten worse and worse, to the point where I've started to just hate my body in general :'(
Wow! I actually saw this on a sam collins video (Well, an ad.) And this is actually really nice! I’m a gay transboy so i’ve been given hate for my whole life, even almost got kicked out of my house for this. My boyfriend is my best friend since forever, like childhood, so we’ve been tried to be torn apart for loving eachother. This is a great video!
Thank you for watching and for sharing your story
Im a 13y lesbian and I only told my best friend, which is also lgbt, about it, I'm too anxious and insecure to tell to anymore other people about it
this is so wholesome and helpful to anyone who needs it. thanks for sharing this, AMAZE!
Glad you think so!
I told my friend I was bisexual, and she told everyone for me. That's cool, cause no one cared
But here's the thing. *We need tips on what to do with the unaccepting parents*
Issues as a bisexual, nonbinary, genderfluid female
Will they judge me?
Transgender? AGGH
Can I still be nonbinary?
Is am like girl?
Is am like boy?
Am just straight?
Am just gay?
The heck is wrong with me?
Will dad hate me?
Everyone in the comments I saw so far so lucky to have parents that accept you for who you are
' CGI robots' 😂😂😂
( Computer Generated Imagine)
I told my dad at a resturaunt 'I think im pansexual' and he was really nice about it.
I came out as bisexual to my parents and they supported me unconditionally. But coming out to my friends was a whole different story. Although some were totally fine with thatand supported me (I was so damn grateful), others said, "it's just a phase, you'll get over it". And others pretended to be okay with it, but they still pestered me with questions such as: "Oh, so you like women as well? Have you ever had a crush on a girl? Do we know her?"
...yes, yes and yes. And I still get lots of annoying curiosity about my sexuality to this day.
I have no clue why but this should be a TV show maybe because of CN
When my mom found out I was asexual she yelled at me, told me I was "brainwashed" by my trans friend (not true, I came out to him), and threatened to send me to a mental hospital if I ever told anyone else. Luckily my friends and the therapist my mom sent me to (thinking she could "fix me", but told me my mom was crazy) are much more accepting
I'm so so sorry that you had to experience this! I'm glad to hear that you have support from your friends and therapist. If you ever need someone else to speak to, I recommend visiting trevorproject.org.
I like girls so that means I’m 🏳️🌈+
LGBT I support (:\/)
I like both Boys and Girls so I'm Bisexual
1:54 I see the Nirvana and pink floyd reference
Sara Sancho Obradors same
“coming out is when someone lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender decides to tell someone.”
just came out to 5 cousins last night at my uncle's birthday party... turned out waaay better than anticipated
One of my teacher linked this for a project In a Christian school
And no im not crying
I just wanted to take the time out to say that this ad is SO IMPORTANT. This is something that needs to be advertised and shared. This is how we bring acceptance into the world.
This. is. an. ad?
Amaze.org, yesterday my parents and I gat into a fight and when my mom talked to me, she just made me not want to tell her that I’m bi. And If I ever do tell them, they’ll just say that they’ll lead me on the right path!🙄 So, I already ask my friends if I could stay over there if my parents said that. How can I tell them that I don’t want to be “On the right path”? They say it’s a sin... And that makes feel ashamed of who I am and annoyed at how they answered! Please help me...
You can never control how people are going to react when you come out to them, so for your own safety, it may not be safe to come out to your parents right now. Many people wait until they are older and out of their parents' home to come out. It is also risky to assume your friends' parents are going to take you in. We want you to be safe and to have a home, and that may mean not talking to your parents about your sexual orientation for now.
Whatever you choose to do, it is important that you find a relative, a friend's parent, a school counselor or other trusted adult that you can talk to about how you're feeling and how best to handle this situation. I know this is emotionally difficult, so it may also help to find a community of other bi young people to speak with. TrevorSpace (www.trevorspace.org/) has forums where young people can share in a safe space.
You deserve to be loved and respected for who you are, but make sure you are not putting yourself in danger if and when you come out.
AMAZE Org, ok Thanks for the advice!
I’m attracted to my friend who’s straight and I’m bi 🤦🏾♂️
I don’t want to come out to my mom as bi and she goes thru my stuffs and has asked me twice if I am and i always respond no so I decided to wait til I’m in college to tell her so I can’t text her and not see her for a while
I love your pfp
this account has inspired me to make a book about sex-ed!! I plan to have it published one day!
That's AMAZING! Can't wait to read it!
Recently came out as Asexual Panromatic. My parents and siblings had a positive response. Happy Pride 🏳️🌈
Same! Happy pride
I still haven't found my sexualty
@@Lady_in_Yearning thanks for the advice
It takes time to find out what your sexuality is but I'm sure your gonna know one day.
I still havent come out as bi yet, i am just to worried
This video made me happy, I constantly appreciate channels like this
this is the youtube channel i needed a year ago
Do they just teleport into random places and change clothes?
This video is excellent I'm glad this resource exists. 👌💚
Glad we can help!
Video: yeah, so, that’s normal. We all have crushes.
Me, the aromantic enby that I am: some representation we have.
Other part of me: 👀
I wish my family was as supportive as him and it is so "easy" to come out ;v;
Hey David, we can't imagine how hard it must be to want to come out to your family. Do you have any friends that can support you and be there for a conversation?
What about asexuals and aromantics-
I’m pansexual and I would love to come out to my parents but I’m scared. I’ve came out to a couple of my close friends, dated a couple of girls, and it felt normal. Having a crush on the same gender feels like when you have a crush on the opposite gender, too. And I’d love to tell my parents all this but I’m honestly scared. Advice?
SarahsStuff well if you think it’s too risky to tell your parents now you could wait until you’re older and able to live on your own
Is it normal to have crushes on boys for awhile but then suddenly only like girls and not boys?
yes! Attraction can take on many forms all at once or over a period of time.
hi yes, can i order a frankie? i need one right NEOW
I'm pansexual. I have never said this outloud before. I hope one day I have enough confidence and strength to come out to my loved ones, but for now I am just finding myself, and trying to accept the person I am.
Hey guys, I’m 11 years old and I identify as bisexual. I really need help to come out to my parents. I’m really to scared to but I feel ready and comfortable. But I’m just scared they will be disappointed or even angry.. I want to and I’ve thought about this for so long... Any help or advise? Really need this rn.
Sadly, enough, I came out as Aromantic Asexual so I’ve only had one crush in my life.
Im pansexual but only ONE person knows, its my bff for life that I told after she came out to me as bisexual. Im a girl and have w boy crush, but i love people for personality not gender
My family is all muslim im so scared to tell them im bisexual should i..?
Go get treatment. You really need shrink. Become a decent human
It really depends on how you feel.
You can decide when it’s the right time to tell them.
You take your time & think
@@LeslieGilliams996take your own advice
I'm straight
dont I’m person, nice to meet you
Ankyri that is the best comment I have ever seen
Good for you
Good for you👍
We all need a franky
Now don't forget that not all people have crushes, aromantic and asexual people are part of the LGBTQ+ too :)
True Not Everyone have crushes
Also Some Asexual people have a boyfriend or girlfriend , they are in relationship
I came out to my friends as bisexual and Genderfluid they understand but I don't know how to tell my parents
This is very helpful because I liegit figured out in a pansexual person and I've been coming out to mostly my friends I'm still no ready to tell my family yet so I'll wait to tell them even though I'm pansexual I still have lots of crushes on boys not so much on girls and I havent meet and trans or other gender pasific people but I know that u will obey day and love them for who they are!!!
I wish I had a friend like Frankie, he’s so accepting
I was in my mom's car, and she was driving, I told her about a friendship dance that was going on at my school, & she was like "don't dance with any boyzz" (as a joke) & I (jokingly) said, "All my friends are girls!" And she said in reply, "WHAT YOUR A LESBIAN?! NOW FOR SURE IM NOT LETTING YOU GO!" (AS A JOKE!)
Does this mean she won't accept me?
I love the fact he’s not stereotypical nice job amaze
Me:-comes out of pantry- yO-I’m Pan :D
I came out as Bi a year ago. And I am so glad that I did
Idk if I’m either bi or lesbian... Because, I like girls and I don’t like any guys that other girls think are cute... That’s why I’m considering if I’m a les... Some of my friends I told I’m bi.. but I’m not sure if a I am, 100%...
When I came out to my brother he said he wouldn’t tell my parents but over the years he has told me that it’s unnatural relationship, and had pushed me to come out, also has made jokes and say offensive terms to me. And when I try to confront him about it my cousins (who already knew about it) defended my brother
I love how they completely ignore asexual and a romantic people by saying that having crushes are very normal. That denormalizes ace peeps but other than that it is a great video
I'm not gonna come out till I'm move out bc my family is highly homophobic so ummmm yeah, I have to live with them AND I'm homeschooled so it's not like I can go to school to get away from it.
We need a frankie printer so that all of the people who need a frankie in their lives also can have a frankie to talk to. xD
I wish i had an older sibling-
I just came out to my mom as a bisexual panromantic! I’m so happy it went well!!
Don't scare of your sexualy, because this is normal,I'm a girl and i'm bisexual... but my present don't kown.. and I'm scare.. (sorry for bad inglish but I'm italian)
Frankie seems so supportive
My closet friend came out as a gender fluid bisexual. I thank God for allowing her to be confident in herself
충아해요 ~ ❤️
I haven’t come out of the when and how pantry...*tHe if it wereY DIdn’t sAY PaNSexUAl*
Sorry for my bad spelling I have dyslexia