The Handmaid's Tale - What's Come True and What Hasn't (Yet)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,4 тыс.

  • @nonameronin1
    @nonameronin1 2 года назад +3907

    Also keep in mind: Atwood has stated that she was initially inspired to write the Handmaid's Tale based on what happened in Iran (a once progressive-leaning nation that suddenly shifted and became a patriarchal nightmare state) and Romania (a nation which forced childbirth to counteract a perceived underpopulation) during the20th century. She wasn't predicting a future, she was telling the U.S it can happen here. And it seems it's already started.

    • @mariaclaudiaquintanaestrad7053
      @mariaclaudiaquintanaestrad7053 2 года назад +93

      exctality whay seh was saying is that, the situation of women being forced to give birth is not something that is unique to this so call distopia and doesnt happen in real life, because if does around the world, it happends a lot and , sadly its been like that since forever

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад +59

      Agreed 1984 already started after 9/11

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 2 года назад +44

      There is also China with the One-Child Policy.

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 2 года назад

      @@robertssut9724 don't forget the Democrats of the Democratic Party. They also helped to make this happen by doing NOT anything to help as they only care about their money. They are just as complicit as the Republicans.

    • @vit968
      @vit968 2 года назад +87

      Don't forget that pre-1979 Iran was also a dictatorship whose authoritarianism and corruptions and its origin as a US coup of a democratically elected govt ruined the image of western progressivism and gave rise to a patriarchal theocratic nightmare.

  • @kazza6078
    @kazza6078 2 года назад +1146

    The part when they took away women's ability to have jobs and have bank accounts was one of the most scary moments in the book for me. It was spoken of in such a way in the book that I knew even reading it back then, that this would be all too easy to do. I have relatives who couldn't have gotten bank accounts without their husband's or father's permission. Who knew I'd relate to a lot more than just that one passage so closely.

    • @melb6746
      @melb6746 2 года назад +30

      That is why on my fidelity account I listed myself as not identifying as a gender. I hate that because I do not believe in non-binary or any of that other stuff, there are only two genders. But I had to put that I did not identify because I was reading this book at the time and I was afraid of what might happen

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 2 года назад +9

      Well I hope that doesn't come to the point where everyone's bank accounts gets frozen willy-nilly.

    • @qida2937
      @qida2937 2 года назад +27

      @@melb6746 I was actually thinking about that. Everyone should be first treated as a human being, gender is secondary. I have the option to not identifying myself

    • @lex6819
      @lex6819 2 года назад +28

      My aunt was always single, and when she was trying to buy her house, the first bank wouldn't give her a loan because she was a woman even though her finances were just fine.

    • @mariedrudi4889
      @mariedrudi4889 2 года назад +64

      The worst part of that, the part that really stood out to me, was all the men standing around letting it happen. Not a single one voiced any outrage or contempt for these new 'laws', they just let it happen. They didn't stand up for their co-workers and friends, and we do see that today. Absolutely vile.

  • @pastlesandfish
    @pastlesandfish 2 года назад +641

    Anyone who thinks The Handmaid's Tale is too far-fetched or that it couldn't happen in real life have A) not been paying attention to history or what is happening literally right now and B) suffer from a severe lack of imagination.
    A 10 year old rape victim had to travel out of state for an abortion because she wasn't allowed one where she was resident. If that isn't something straight out of The Handmaid's Tale, I don't know what is.

    • @mainlyfine
      @mainlyfine 2 года назад +67

      And the Attorney General of Indiana, where the procedure was done, immediately doxxed and threatened to prosecute the doctor who did a lawful procedure in accordance with the law of Indiana. This is the top cop' The AG.

    • @pastlesandfish
      @pastlesandfish 2 года назад

      @@mainlyfine I also heard some Texas lawyer is going after the drug Prep because it "encourages homosexual behaviour." The US is speed running towards fascism. This shows just how utterly inept the Democrats are since they are the ones in charge right now.

    • @kiandraplummer2095
      @kiandraplummer2095 2 года назад +16

      Yep, I hope everyone is invested in doing something as much we as we are commenting and watching it all happen. In the series, the way they showed how people acted and didn't that struck me as the most realistic.

    • @violax3735
      @violax3735 2 года назад +75

      And there are still people who argue the 10 year old should have carried to term. The poor little girl's story makes me so mad.

    • @trevtall1094
      @trevtall1094 2 года назад

      No shit, but people who are equating modern western nations to the handmaids tale are smoking crack. I do think we are heading for societal collapse and it's not hard to see what the cause is

  • @vonricter222
    @vonricter222 2 года назад +102

    Another point in the show I remember that I think parallels with real life is when June was going to refill her birth control prescription but needed her husband’s signature (permission) for it. That parallels with the fact that when women want/need a hysterectomy or tubal ligation, they also require their husband’s permission. This is still happening today.

    • @anthonyjames2021
      @anthonyjames2021 2 года назад

      So you are implying that all women that want/need a hysterectomy or tubal ligation and are not married have to get married so they can get their husbands permission? Hmmm.

    • @LordofFullmetal
      @LordofFullmetal Год назад +19

      @@anthonyjames2021 Actually, often yes. In those cases, the operation is often refused with the doctor's exact logic being " But what if you find a partner, marry him, and then he wants kids". Like that is absolutely a thing doctors say. They will literally put an IMAGINARY future husband's possible desires over the life-saving needs of the woman right in front of them.

    • @GenerationNextNextNext
      @GenerationNextNextNext Год назад

      And they wonder why more women are LGBTQ+ than ever before.

    • @magical_universe793
      @magical_universe793 Год назад

      ​@@LordofFullmetal u have to understand that it is a very big decision to do cuz u never know the woman can always change her mind and then what? Women who sterilize themselves only to regret it and reverse it to have a baby later are an incredible drain of resources in the society to me and a woman who sterilizes herself only to want to reverse it should pay every cent from her own pocket for it not be given tax or government money

    • @bethanyprader2272
      @bethanyprader2272 Год назад +3

      @anthonyjames2021: pretty dam close actually. I was unmarried and they wouldn't do one for me until I made up a medical excuse as to why it needed to be done. Yes, they gave the literal explanation that, "what if you get married and you guys want to have more kids then you have now?". I was 48, I wasn't about to have a child that late in life anyway! My friend in her 50's was denied in a different county and the same reasons were given, that at over 50 she may get married and want to have "more children". @Lordof, thank you for bringing the reality of women's circumstances into light. You are absolutely right!

  • @sapphic.flower
    @sapphic.flower 2 года назад +655

    The part about children being taken from their parents is very real for First Nation kids as well. In Canada at least but idk why it’d be any different in the US. A lot of indigenous kids in foster care were forcibly taken away from their parents and any flaw with their parenting (which is also exacerbated due to racism) is mostly due to issues out of their control like poverty, racism, and government neglect. Of course these kids deserve a better life but a) who’s to say foster care would provide it? And b) why not help the parents to provide that life if they genuinely want to raise their kids.

    • @thegirlabides6851
      @thegirlabides6851 2 года назад

      Well its only gonna get worse in September if the SCOTUS abolishes the ICWA

    • @maddyb7899
      @maddyb7899 2 года назад

      I’m from Australia and the same thing happened where they took children from indigenous families it’s called the stolen generation. It’s fucking sickening and a lot of the kids never found their families again

    • @karendaniel620
      @karendaniel620 2 года назад +19

      They're trying to overturn protections from this here in US.

    • @Cnichal
      @Cnichal 2 года назад +35

      Yep, they had Residential Schools here in the US too. There is nothing the US loves more, then striping Indigenous, Black and other POC of their rights. Well except guns, and saying, “This is not who we are!” When it is in fact who we are, and has always been.

    • @brendazorn4592
      @brendazorn4592 2 года назад +3

      @@karendaniel620 There is the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978 that establishes standards for the removal and placement of Native children. It clarifies that tribes have sovereignty and exclusive jurisdiction over their members who reside on Tribal land and establishes a process for transferring cases to Tribal court in other cases. The law is one of the key components in protecting the rights and culture of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families. Every case that is referred to social services is evaluated to determine if it falls under ICWA. There has been no one that has tried to change this law.
      In 2018, The Family First Prevention Services Act was passed. This law does more to keep families together and limits time that children can spend in group-type homes.

  • @sage9453
    @sage9453 2 года назад +257

    You state that women not having the right to own property (or have a bank account or credit card) has not happened yet in the US. That is not correct. It has happened. It is US history. Women could not have a bank account until the 1960's or a credit card without a male co-signer until 1974. Women could not own property until only white women who were married were granted the right in the late 1800'a.

    • @alternateuniversescollidde313
      @alternateuniversescollidde313 2 года назад +27

      And it still has consquences I know a woman whose husband died and she couldnt pay the credit card bill because they filed in the 60s when women couldnt have their own cc. They wouldn't let her pay because even though she had her own card and it was her money his name was the only one on the account. it hadnt been updated.

    • @DC-wk7yo
      @DC-wk7yo 2 года назад +30

      And it still happens to disabled women and women in conservatorships

    • @ushalexa
      @ushalexa 2 года назад +6

      Thanks for bringing up these points. I was thinking the same thing about US history... but then wondered if I just remembered wrong. I was also dumbstruck by how much Desantos is the spitting image of Newsome and why hadn't I noticed that before? So thanks for confirming I'm not crazy 😂

    • @evaphillips2102
      @evaphillips2102 2 года назад +4

      That might be a hard rule to pass. From what I know men today like the concept of dual income homes which would be impossible if women couldn’t independently build assets. It’s all speculation.

    • @sunnysolaris23
      @sunnysolaris23 2 года назад +8

      I think what they were referring to is a right that was given and then refused again. Abortion used to be illegal, being homosexual used to be illegal. But the point The Handmaids Tale and The Take are making is, that, just because you have fought for certain rights and achieved them it doesn't mean they are a given now and cannot be taken away again. Things can go back to worse.

  • @MR-wz9zw
    @MR-wz9zw 2 года назад +1669

    Actually, the main reason birth rates have declined so much is women's education, sex ed and increased access to contraception. Before, pregnancy was an inevitability. Now it's a deliberate choice, which is actually so much better because it means more children born today are actually wanted by their parents.

    • @nd9814
      @nd9814 2 года назад +1

      And the way to make up for declining birth rates is to make immigration policies that encourage people to come here. The problem is, the right wing is also in favor of a white, ethno-state. So they hate immigrants.

    • @Hanzeeeee
      @Hanzeeeee 2 года назад +36


    • @flynnwhimster5371
      @flynnwhimster5371 2 года назад +79

      actually, in the book's epilogue, it was described that the main causes of the decline were the pesticides, plastics, and nuclear fallout.

    • @keirfarnum6811
      @keirfarnum6811 2 года назад +137

      It doesn’t help that it costs $10k+ to have a child these days. Unfortunately, instead of making a country conducive to having children by keeping housing and healthcare affordable, wages increasing with inflation, and providing families with the resources they need to make raising children easier, the extreme right will take an extreme, utilitarian perspective and just decide to force women to have children. That’s how they think.

    • @elan825
      @elan825 2 года назад

      @@keirfarnum6811 I couldn't have said it better myself! They don't want to pay for happy, healthy children. They'll just force the poorest to reproduce the labour force and deny them financial aid to force them to work, while rich politicians can still send their mistresses and daughters away for safe abortions. The poor must have babies under all circumstances and the rich can pick the healthy babies they want to adopt. Or use the bodies of poor women to grow their bio-kids for them.

  • @SpectrumPOV
    @SpectrumPOV 2 года назад +183

    Clarence Thomas left out the Loving case, which legalized interracial marriage, in his list of cases to overturn. No question it was because he's in an interracial marriage.

    • @LittleHobbit13
      @LittleHobbit13 2 года назад +39

      Yeah, I think that should be the condition under which they get to reevaluate any of the previous rulings. They can't touch the others until they rule against Loving. Show us how far your beliefs go, Thomas.

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 года назад

      He's not said anything about overturning intermodal marriage. That's fear mongering by democrats

    • @sbh2888
      @sbh2888 2 года назад +12

      Oh I believe he already said that he won’t be going after interracial marriage, 😂
      It’s like the saying-“the only legal abortion is mine”

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад +2

      @@44ARISEandSHINE44 Abortion is in the Bible, too. He would be seen as a hypocrite if he came out against interracial marriage.

    • @kaiyakershaw1028
      @kaiyakershaw1028 2 года назад +7

      @@44ARISEandSHINE44 those who oppose all abortions and those who oppose interracial marriage often overlap. For many years (and still today) people who identified as conservative Christians used the Bible as support for opposing interracial marriage. The “unequally yoked” passage, for example, has been interpreted to mean that believers should not marry unbelievers and that people shouldn’t marry outside their “kind”. To be clear, these are not theologically sound interpretations and I do not agree with them, but to ignore the fact that the Bible has been used against people in interracial relationships is to invite its continued misinterpretation.

  • @Alexa-uk8lj
    @Alexa-uk8lj 2 года назад +80

    Society tells you to not have children until you can financially afford it and have the time to commit, but now "they" are shocked there are fewer births. I'm confused. 11:09 I don't think that's Tomi Lahren

    • @Dr.Beetlejuice110
      @Dr.Beetlejuice110 2 года назад

      We are all confused your not alone. The hipocracy and double talk in people that believe this extremist crap is unbelievable. So you want me to have kids when I'm not economically not ready so you can basically have people to serve their future kids. That's what I'm seeing.

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад

      Nope, that's McEnany.

  • @harave7916
    @harave7916 2 года назад +19

    While the USA is removing rights, their neighbor Mexico is giving rights: same sex marriage, same sex adoptions, depenalized abortion, rights to mistreses/ lovers after leaving relationship if they lived with the person: monetary support and property rights.

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад +5

      Mexico also has affordable dental care.

    • @BD091959
      @BD091959 2 года назад

      I call Mexico is this is what's happening immoral

  • @TheOfficialTarynTots
    @TheOfficialTarynTots 2 года назад +36

    I remember my wake up call as a teenager. It was a combo between history classes and government class.Also, because of what I was reading and some good teachers. I couldn't have imagined losing rights or our country that I was always taught was the land of the free limiting other people because of their faith. My teachers emphasized the importance of voting and I took it to heart. I wish all teenagers would become aware so they understand what is at stake if they don't vote.
    I know when I was in school, most kids didn't care about voting or what happened. They didn't see a change in their day to day lives as their representatives changed. So what did they care. I know some people who are voting age that didn't open their eyes till Roe v Wade was overturned last month.

    • @DakotaCoughlin
      @DakotaCoughlin 4 дня назад

      Voting dont help Hillary Clinton showed votes are rigged

  • @mainlyfine
    @mainlyfine 2 года назад +150

    Please make this a regular series. You are bringing important political information that directly affects our lives to people who otherwise would not be aware. We now have our very own Aunt Amy guarding the nations wombs.

    • @nyna59
      @nyna59 Год назад

      Another of misinformation, b careful who what you think is true, physiological warfare

  • @ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502
    @ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502 2 года назад +319

    Wow, what a great and totally fictional show. So glad that nothing like this could ever happen in real life

    • @iamV10010
      @iamV10010 2 года назад +78

      Ha. Ha ha ha.. ha ha..ha...haaaaa
      Please hug me I'm scared

    • @catofthecastle1681
      @catofthecastle1681 2 года назад +17

      Wow, go back to middle school and get some better critical thinking skills!

    • @ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502
      @ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502 2 года назад +25

      @@catofthecastle1681 ?

    • @whataqtify
      @whataqtify 2 года назад

      Are you saying that we currently have a society that are forcing women to have children? Wealthly couples are rounding up women, raping them, forcing them to give birth, and talking the babies?
      Sorry but that's just not happening. Abortion isn't a human right, it doesn't matter if you are religious or not, FYI I'm not. Not getting pregnant isn't that complicated, women can take birth control, men can wear a condom, or women can take Plan B which is available over the counter.
      If you want to see something sickening just watch how an abortion is actually preformed once the fetus is past the first trimester. That's sickening, how anyone supports this, saying women's rights is a joke.
      They say, My Body My Choice but there's actually 2 bodies there and 1 of them should have some rights.
      Also My Body My Choice wasn't what they were screaming last year, it was Your Body My Choice.
      What's the difference?

    • @ryanedwards7487
      @ryanedwards7487 2 года назад +10

      @@catofthecastle1681 I guess someone never read Johnathan Swift in school…

  • @DMMA0726
    @DMMA0726 2 года назад +52

    I also can't help but thinking about the way things play out with all women losing access to their money in the beginning, as right now we're rapidly stepping away from cash following the pandemic.

    • @magma4168
      @magma4168 2 года назад +2

      Yep, this is scary AF.

    • @DMMA0726
      @DMMA0726 2 года назад +5

      @@magma4168 people laughed at me years ago when I talked about moving from the US. I now have friends asking me to save up for a down payment on an apartment if they find one in Montreal. This shit is indeed scary.
      Not factoring in whatever the fuck Vladimir is doing over there and that impending doom.

    • @babyruthless9670
      @babyruthless9670 2 года назад

      And the majority of people who lost their jobs because of the pandemic are women. So, more women depending on their spouses with all that implicates

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад

      @kshamwhizzle "Trump will never become President." I heard that one a lot, too.

    • @dakotamabry1645
      @dakotamabry1645 2 года назад

      What I believe was happening anti discrimination laws may exist but it never stopped it , all the government had to do was make hiring woman to expensive.. our insurance is more expensive then men's, the u.s fires woman for being pregnant already without access to abortion or birth control we would immediately be on the chopping block even if we didn't have kids , it's already happens it would just increase after I saw it in the show I wanted to deny it ever happened but I thought of little girls in Iran in one day they just pulled them out of school .. the u.s says woman have their education.. how many girls had to drop out due to problems with their period being dismissed or becoming pregnant.. in some form it happens it's just not as in your face .. I said an abortion ban is dangerous and people say will it's just the states , we'll guess what now it's going to a federal level and birth control is already being attacked and gay marriage is next .

  • @Tacom4ster
    @Tacom4ster 2 года назад +72

    I hope for a V for Vendetta revolution

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад

      This aint britian, over there they have no rights, here in america we can vote the right people into power

    • @Tacom4ster
      @Tacom4ster 2 года назад +3

      @@54032Zepol break out the Guy Fawkes masks still

    • @Ariel_is_a_dreamer
      @Ariel_is_a_dreamer 2 года назад +2

      Yes. Yes. Yes.

    • @emilymatthews2990
      @emilymatthews2990 2 года назад

      I’ll start a resistance against our increasingly fascist government.

    • @noneofurbusiness5223
      @noneofurbusiness5223 2 года назад +1

      @@Tacom4ster former Catholic here
      Uhm . . .NO!

  • @StrikerVaskin
    @StrikerVaskin 2 года назад +254

    The Take, I love what you guys are doing. Could you please do a video on this topic?
    The Pregnant Woman trope in the horror genre, such as:
    Women getting impregnated by aliens.
    Women turning into bloated hives for alien reproduction.
    A woman giving birth to a demonic child.
    A woman carrying a baby for an evil cult.
    Even men getting impregnated by an otherworldly seductress.
    Misogynist, sexist, rape culture, shock horror or just pushing a fear of aliens and demons?
    Alien vs Predator: Requiem and Slither are all levels of wrong. Don't forget about Buffy The Vampire Slayer and The X-Files.
    There are some horror stories that show a betrayed woman turning into an alien mother, only to kill those who wronged her as a form of women empowerment. Is this problematic?

    • @kaitlnwhite6809
      @kaitlnwhite6809 2 года назад +11

      I recommend Wisecrack's analysis on women and mothers in the horror genre.

    • @pixelpulse0755
      @pixelpulse0755 2 года назад

      In a sense it also mirrors real life because fetus are technically parasites. The relationship only benefits one party as that party takes away the host's nutritious and a woman's immune system lowers its functioning so the body's antibodies don't attack it.

    • @StrikerVaskin
      @StrikerVaskin 2 года назад +4

      @@kaitlnwhite6809 Okay then, thanks for the insight!

    • @mina_en_suiza
      @mina_en_suiza 2 года назад +2

      I would love this

    • @c.c.l.9139
      @c.c.l.9139 2 года назад +17

      It makes sense that horror and sci-fi would take something that a lot of people fear and heighten it for fiction. They do that with basically every human fear, like fear of death, illness, failure, loss of identity, or abduction. Why should pregnancy be excluded?

  • @tessarae9127
    @tessarae9127 2 года назад +16

    UGH I have accidentally gone to one of those fake abortion clinics before. I was PI$$ED. Told them to 🤬 off for being misleading. To actually schedule at a real clinic took a month… 😓

  • @nicholeayt509
    @nicholeayt509 2 года назад +109

    Thanks for this video. The only positive thing about the US overturning Roe v Wade is how it's made complacent people (including me) wake up and look around. I think people in many parts of the world are looking at their own laws and historical precedent and deciding what they need to do to NOT let this happen to them!

    • @karencowrie
      @karencowrie 2 года назад +8

      I live in 3rd world Caribbean country. Our politicians are inept and corrupted. They however are in all their awfulness better than the zealots you all have.

    • @sole.gutierrez4870
      @sole.gutierrez4870 2 года назад

      It's funny how people only put attention to abortion rights once the US is affected while Mexico or other third world countries have been this way for years yet no one gave 2 shits about us

    • @nicholeayt509
      @nicholeayt509 2 года назад +4

      @@sole.gutierrez4870 fair point.

    • @Okiedokie595
      @Okiedokie595 2 года назад +2

      Isn't abortion the ultimate separation from your children?

    • @sole.gutierrez4870
      @sole.gutierrez4870 2 года назад +3

      @@Okiedokie595 a fetus or clump of cells that can potentially but in danger my health is not a child

  • @thatrobloxplayerwhothinksm7936
    @thatrobloxplayerwhothinksm7936 2 года назад +14

    When I went to a drag show during the summer, one of the last acts in the show was a number dedicated to the Handmaid's Tail and the similarities to the destruction of Roe. V. Wade. It was very empowering and it brought tears to my eyes as the dystopian society in the book/tv show is a probable era that may happen.

    • @natty4316
      @natty4316 2 года назад +3

      Hahahahahah you went to a drag show 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @kinkyxkitten666
      @kinkyxkitten666 Год назад +2

      @@natty4316 yeah they're amazing and wholesome. Unlike you, repubtard.

  • @liambrannelly45
    @liambrannelly45 2 года назад +29

    I could listen to Margaret Atwood's voice until the end of time, so beautiful and full of wisdom :)

    • @Kova-ow2en
      @Kova-ow2en Год назад

      Not at all. Just a conspiracy theorist Schizophrenic

  • @DeLaSoul246
    @DeLaSoul246 2 года назад +12

    In the U.S.A., women didn't have the right to open a bank account without male representation until 1974.
    Yes, you read that right: NINETEEN-SEVENTY-FOUR was the year U.S. women were given the right to open a bank account without a man representing them.
    Roe V Wade happened in 1973.
    Women were literally allowed to have an abortion BEFORE they had the right to open a bank account in this country.
    I do not feel the explicit loss of financial independence for women is so far-fetched either.

    • @noneofurbusiness5223
      @noneofurbusiness5223 2 года назад

      NO. Married women were allowed to have *OWN* banking accounts in 1960's.
      Then the 1974 Act

    • @phoenixtoash2396
      @phoenixtoash2396 3 месяца назад

      If this happens again .. I'll most likely die.

  • @raistlinmajere7149
    @raistlinmajere7149 2 года назад +102

    I still have hope we won't go down this road. But this is terrifying to think about

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад +2

      Better watch out for the rise of mordor, you know if it happened once already itll happen again

    • @cjmhall
      @cjmhall 2 года назад

      Of course it will happen. The fundamentalist evangelicals and white nationalists have had enough of individual freedoms and liberal values and are ready to impose their beliefs by force if necessary.

    • @dolphmanity
      @dolphmanity 2 года назад

      You have been brainwashed.

    • @marymiller6188
      @marymiller6188 2 года назад +2

      Considering the atrocities committed in the past its definitely possible…the only difference is this book made white women the victims…during slavery, Jim Crow and now these horrible things happened to women of color and black women in particular

  • @AngelDRose
    @AngelDRose 2 месяца назад +4

    You need to do an update to this after the supreme courts latest ruling.

  • @ritikabhattacharjee
    @ritikabhattacharjee 2 года назад +93

    A very detailed analysis, great quality as usual. I loved the research behind each topic, like the Equal Rights Amendment’s strongest opponent being female and also “immoral” women being incarcerated in the past. I think the scariest thing about America today is that the government doesn’t reflect the values of the majority and gets closer to eroding the line of church and state, and novels like this one are critical and necessary to remind us of how easily oppression occurs when we get complacent.

    • @shellbellheart_tv
      @shellbellheart_tv 2 года назад +11

      @@osmosisjones4912 so no teacher should ever mention that they are married, right? If you can't talk about your love life, that includes all straight relationships. Teachers having pictures of their spouses on their desk also displays an aspect of their love life, so no family photos. In fact, we should ban the phrases "my husband" and "my wife" entirely, since teachers saying those are conveying an aspect of their love life.
      And what do married couples wear? Wedding rings. So no rings on your ring finger, because that conveys an aspect of your love life.

    • @RisingUnderdog
      @RisingUnderdog 2 года назад +4

      @@shellbellheart_tv the bill simply meant don't talk about sexual things with kids. Especially behind a parents back. Why is that so hard to understand? People that call it the "don't say gay" bill live in an echo chamber where they think the majority think just like them.

  • @alabaster2163
    @alabaster2163 2 года назад +11

    Hey kids. In the second book she explains these stories are just newspaper clippings from around the world. They have all been happening. Just not all in 1 place. Read, it really helps your knowledge and understanding.

  • @PaigeSinclaire
    @PaigeSinclaire 2 года назад +45

    I can’t believe this is happening in my lifetime. I was in pre law for years a year from my MBA and never did I think this could happen, I’ve been so sickened by our world I wake up fearing the future.

  • @kellyhere2031
    @kellyhere2031 2 года назад +4

    I remember hearing my English teacher in 12th grade tell us that it would be our future. Then, I thought he was crazy. Now, I think me thinking he was crazy is crazy.

  • @cirrusism
    @cirrusism 2 года назад +10

    All of the handmaids tale has happened before already in history...

    • @chasetonga
      @chasetonga 2 года назад

      Yes, Margaret Atwood has already stated this.

  • @StLProgressive
    @StLProgressive 4 месяца назад +3

    A sitting US Senator, Katie Britt, the same woman who did 2024’s widely panned SOTU address response, just released a bill that would establish a federal database of pregnant people. Trump said in a truly terrifying interview a week prior that it would be just peachy for states to monitor pregnant people. The implications of this are stunning. Think about how that would be accomplished, how invasive and abhorrent. Are we talking about registering when they first get their periods, when they stop at menopause? Will over the counter tests still be allowed or will we have to go to a federal clinic? The direction we’re heading is terrifying.

  • @grahamdamberger7130
    @grahamdamberger7130 2 года назад +8

    So basically, from my understanding through this video, it sounds like the Handmaid's Tale is restarting the world back to the very beginning. Turning women back into traditional housewives, banning any relationship or marriage that is not straight, allowing men to lay with multiple women while still legally married. It feels like the men in this novel and TV series are literal children of the devil himself, and women are their playthings that they can discard at any time. And what's even scarier, is that our world today, could be under the influence of the devil himself as well.

    • @donHooligan
      @donHooligan 2 года назад

      the beginning of civilization was *NOT* the beginning of the world.
      it was literally the beginning of the end times.
      if we go extinct in 1,000 years, the end times (last 1%) began 10,000 years ago.
      your "beginning of the world" is when Mammon began his reign and people began (believing in) worshiping money.

    • @grahamdamberger7130
      @grahamdamberger7130 2 года назад

      @@donHooligan True. And many believe that dinosaurs and cave people most likely existed before. But my question is, when was mankind first created?

    • @donHooligan
      @donHooligan 2 года назад +2

      he wasn't
      the Hebrew word "bara" does *NOT* mean "created" means "filled in" or "grew into"
      the "creation" is the creator...
      "god" is in everyone...and like indigenous people always knew...the dog you feed is the one who wins...if you nurture goodness, you will be good. if you nurture selfishness, you're the devil.
      in a good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, God (Krsna, i believe) says "I am the force that animates life in the universe" ...which totally fits with string theory. (Einstein's 'unified field')
      if you don't believe in evolution, invest in some wild foxes. only breed the tamest ones, and soon (3-5 generations) you will have a new breed of dog....they evolve quickly.

    • @noneofurbusiness5223
      @noneofurbusiness5223 2 года назад

      Guess what 😁
      There used be a matriachy. Not perfect, but better than this.

    • @phoenixtoash2396
      @phoenixtoash2396 3 месяца назад

      Not traditional house wives. But slaves. Owned like a slave. Is what traditional housewives are.

  • @baronesswithabrush1991
    @baronesswithabrush1991 2 месяца назад +3

    and now a 'commander' is up for V.P.

  • @LesbianCinemaCircuit
    @LesbianCinemaCircuit 4 месяца назад +3

    Watching this in 2024 feels so present, it's not a warning now, it's a reality

  • @Fey_Fatale
    @Fey_Fatale Год назад +4

    9:10 Women historically not being allowed to own property HAS happened. Women weren't allowed to get credit cards on their own until 1974. For context, my mother was a legal adult by then - not that long ago. Women also would have had difficulty purchasing a home until that time. We have the Equal Credit Opportunity Act to thank for that. How long do you think until that's done away with too?

  • @kazza6078
    @kazza6078 2 года назад +20

    When I saw the insurrection on Jan 6, handmaids tale was the first thing I thought of. I thought "this is their seizure of power; they're going to kill everyone just like in that book and then were really screwed" And they're still trying.

    • @nd9814
      @nd9814 2 года назад +3

      1/6 never ended. They just moved to the Supreme Court

    • @102wolfking
      @102wolfking 2 года назад

      If you think that was an insurrection that was one pitiful excuse for an insurrection

    • @kazza6078
      @kazza6078 2 года назад

      @@102wolfking it was both an insurrection and a poor excuse for an insurrection.

  • @marybr5154
    @marybr5154 2 года назад +14

    I feel sorry for USA women who won't be able to get an abortion. I know how it feels; in my country it is not even remotly possible for abortion to become legal. Sucks living on a country where religion still has such power over the laws that get approved.

    • @dakotamabry1645
      @dakotamabry1645 2 года назад

      I guess atleast woman their can see their cage , the woman in the u s are deluded - and doctors are being sensored .. they say they can just travel. It's safe to have a baby because it has acceptions . I tell them woman are going to jail for miscarriages- they say it's because they did drugs that caused it .. regardless of the argument even for children that are raped the baby doesn't deserve to die and she could just choose adoption.. the nuances do not matter .. and the worst part is other woman are in support of these ideas. I really tried to tell them before abortion was illegal .. and it's said so callously that these woman can no longer kill their own children .

  • @kokuhakuqiun4215
    @kokuhakuqiun4215 2 года назад +4

    Margaret Atwood might’ve just predicted a Real-Life Gilead.

  • @trooper40below
    @trooper40below 2 месяца назад +10

    Project 2025

  • @NotAFanOfHandles
    @NotAFanOfHandles 2 года назад +4

    It's like America read both 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale and went, yeah, lets use these as a guidelines for _how_ to run our country. 🤦 *smh*

  • @MisterNiles
    @MisterNiles 2 года назад +7

    Side note: It's crazy to me that the star of the TV show is a cult member.
    I've been watching this novel come true since it came out. I'm so sad that Atwood turned out to be prophetic.
    See you guys on the wall. We're doomed.

    • @ChelleSimon
      @ChelleSimon 2 года назад

      She’s a cult member?

    • @MisterNiles
      @MisterNiles 2 года назад +2

      @@ChelleSimon Scientologist. A shame.

  • @Pou1gie1
    @Pou1gie1 2 года назад +4

    @9:25 Women not being allowed to own assets or have access to money has happened in the US (and other countries). In the late 1970's women were granted to the right to have a bank account, loan, mortgage, etc. without their husband or father's permission (i.e. Equal Credit Opportunity Act). Also, in the recent past property was handed down to the next male in her family or her husband.

    • @brendazorn4592
      @brendazorn4592 2 года назад +1

      My grandmother's both inherited the farms after my grandfathers died in the early 1950's. One purchased a house in town. The other got a job and rented her own apartment. Both had thier own bank accounts. One of them was adopted by two old spinster women who in the late 1800's owned their own dress shop, their own house, had a bank account, and did not ask anyone's permission for any of it.

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад

      @@brendazorn4592 It sounds like they were lucky.

  • @juliaboskamp9666
    @juliaboskamp9666 2 года назад +10

    it has been a few months since roe v wade has fallen and news has come that young girls have become pregnant by their rapist.
    many women have been horribly injured because of problems during pregnancy and the doctors were afraid to intervene because the fetus still had a heartbeat (but no brain functions) and it almost cost these women their lives

  • @Name-ru3di
    @Name-ru3di Год назад +2

    "First they came for the Communists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Communist;
    Then they came for the socialists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a socialist;
    then they came for the trade unionists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a trade unionist:
    Then they came for the jews
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Jew
    then they came for me
    and there was no one left
    to speak out for me."

    • @gregerjohn8728
      @gregerjohn8728 9 месяцев назад

      since when is communist a good thing?

  • @hadara69
    @hadara69 2 года назад +4

    "In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own."
    ~Founding Father *Thomas Jefferson,* in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

  • @jameslevan3792
    @jameslevan3792 2 года назад +26

    The entire premise of the Handmaid's tale was based o Atwood taking what happened to black and indigenous women in the past and have white women cosplay these situations in the future.
    Because no one makes that connection that's why you unironically made this video, this is nothing new, its only just now effecting you

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад

      Women used to make things happen man, they made teo amendments all by voting, niw this new generation is so scared and caged in they want everything handed to them without a challenge

    • @DC-wk7yo
      @DC-wk7yo 2 года назад

      Yup. 100%

  • @thatbee3585
    @thatbee3585 2 года назад +6

    I’ve been wanting to watch handmaids tale. I heard it was pretty dark and intense . But I heard it was really good .

  • @EclipsedStarlight
    @EclipsedStarlight 2 года назад +18

    The U.S. is a scary place.

  • @PlusUltraAdrian
    @PlusUltraAdrian 3 месяца назад +2

    If Project 2025 becomes a reality, then Gilead will become more of a reality. But we can prevent this from happening if we vote. We still have the power to prevent this while we can.

  • @MW53516
    @MW53516 7 месяцев назад +2

    I knew a guy that joked that things in the US would be easier if women didn’t have rights and men ran everything like Handmaid’s Tale “wouldn’t that be nice”…if this is what Twitch bros say then imagine what our lawmakers say behind closed doors

  • @cybelemarie7913
    @cybelemarie7913 2 года назад +21

    Gilead could easily begin in Utah among the Mormon theocracy.

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад +1

      Dont go to utah then, its everyones to freedom of religion

    • @melodyclark1944
      @melodyclark1944 2 года назад

      After 175 years?

    • @magma4168
      @magma4168 2 года назад +8

      @@54032Zepol freedom from religion is as important as freedom of religion.

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад

      @@magma4168 and in democracy even a republic like ours in the u.s. like minded people vote for what they think is best for themselves, so christians are gonna vote for christians and its no big secret that muslims vote for muslims the line ends when women dont vote for women. Back when women first got their right to vote in 1920, candidates made it their platforms for womens rights and issues and women would vote for them! Look up the 19th amendment, now what happened to womens voting power???

    • @magma4168
      @magma4168 2 года назад +5

      @@54032Zepol or we could tone down on this tribal bullshit and try building a civilised society where people of different faiths and atheists can coexist and have rights. Although you have a point with women often not voting with their best interests.

  • @texadian3392
    @texadian3392 5 месяцев назад +1

    While I pretty much totally agree with most of the opinions previously posted here...I think in some ways, this is also actually a very "Canadian" reaction to the slowly back-sliding social norms in the US.
    Because Margaret Atwood is, indeed, Canadian.
    And here in Canada, most of us watch the US news/current events compulsively, due mainly to the heavy influence US culture, politics, and policies have upon the entire world (but especially upon Canadians). However, we are vastly more progressive than the American public.
    Canada officially legalized non-cis, non-heterosexual, and all other forms of marriage between any two consenting adults an entire decade before our southern neighbors did. And today, in 2024, there are very few of our population (even in our Conservative Party) who would ever want to even *TRY* to change that right.
    Our Prime Minister even made very public statements in the wake of the "accidentally" leaked Alito opinion (prior to the actual overturning of Roe) to assure any and all American women that, though they may potentially have to pay 'out-of-pocket,' all would be free to seek ANY form of healthcare (reproductive or otherwise) in Canada -
    though don't many US citizens essentially pay out-of-pocket for a significant amount of their medical services anyways? I know I certainly always had to, in the 19.5 years I lived there - and that was even under an oil-industry executive's healthcare plan (ie my father's)!
    Since, as a culture, many Canadians tend to define themselves as specifically *NOT* American (or maybe even just a politer, better-educated version of American), is it really any wonder that many Canadians tend to react to many of the more-conservative US politics/movements/trends/policies by moving in the complete oppite direction?

  • @giovannipiazza1626
    @giovannipiazza1626 Месяц назад +3

    Why isn't anyone comparing this to JD vance stuff?

    • @PaulPaul0
      @PaulPaul0 Месяц назад +2

      He’s exactly what came to mind every single day more interviews and audio comes out of him obsessing over women giving birth….The whole agenda Heritage foundation wants to do

  • @angelanelson5113
    @angelanelson5113 2 года назад +5

    This really makes me want to find ways to get all male leadership out, it’s time we see what some smart women can do for this world. I was just posting on another video, we will remain victims if we don’t fight for our rights and fight to do the right thing.
    If we do nothing rather than support the right things, then we are only being a part of the problem. We are only helping bad people and bad things to happen, unjust laws to be made and once those laws become enacted, your lack of support for the right thing now effects you whether you like it or not.

    • @ChelleSimon
      @ChelleSimon 2 года назад +2

      All male leadership out?? LOL you are 🤪

    • @mievaselli7910
      @mievaselli7910 2 года назад +2

      Getting all male leadership out would not help all that much IMO. A female despote might still want other women to produce workers to enrich the oligarchy and soldiers to protect the oligarchs. Government made of the likes of Amy Coney Barrett would not be an improvement. Having a queen did not stop the UK from being patriartical and imperialistic.

    • @angelanelson5113
      @angelanelson5113 2 года назад +2

      @@mievaselli7910 I know you’re right, I’ve always been pro-diversity and that includes genders. Frustration makes me want to just give an all woman board of directors a chance to show men that women are capable of being leaders.
      In all honesty my belief is that having MULTIPLE points of view to allow us to be better come up with solutions that are of the highest value. When more solutions are considered the results for us will have a greater value. It’s when things become so micro-focused by one group everyone else looses. All male, all female, all one race or another, all the same age, all anything will slant the results and not give everyone the best results.
      Primary example, a majority of old white males in the supreme court created the current situation we find ourselves in, taking away women’s ability to choose what is best for their own health. For me it doesn’t matter because I had a hysterectomy but I am not an island and I would not presume to legally block another Women’s right to choose something that might save their life. And for some, when the doctor tells you that both you and your baby could die if you don’t have the abortion, why does a group of old white men get to give her a death sentence?
      So Mikva Selli, I do apologize, it is not my belief that we should segregate anything, women can be corrupted just as men can, no matter what gender we are all human and therefore susceptible to make the same mistakes, which is why it’s important to avoid group think, this only serves to neglect everyone else’s point of view. We cannot truly be a thoughtful society when we devalued others

  • @theshevirgo
    @theshevirgo 2 года назад +3

    Parable of the Sower is more what’s happening

  • @berliozophile
    @berliozophile 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for doing this, very well done!

  • @lemsip207
    @lemsip207 2 года назад +2

    Everything in the book has already happened somewhere at some time.

  • @Fey_Fatale
    @Fey_Fatale Год назад +2

    7:46 How about some women just don't WANT a baby. That's still a choice that is largely invalidated 🙄

  • @JohnReviews
    @JohnReviews 2 года назад +3

    I forgot Rory was on this show.

  • @blyndeaf8503
    @blyndeaf8503 2 года назад +4

    I’ve never seen or read handmaiden’s tale because a friend described it to me and it just honestly seems too disturbing to be enjoyable for me. I honestly don’t think our society would go this far, but I didn’t think abortion would basically become illegal either… it’s honestly crazy the times we’re living in and the multiple ways it’s burning. I hope there’s positive change soon.

  • @loopylynda1974
    @loopylynda1974 2 года назад +2

    I do not disagree with many of you about the fact that women of color have suffered similar atrocities and far worse through slavery & in other countries but living in a predominantly white ruled society which I don't agree with but trust me I work for a nonprofit & know of how bad the deck is stacked & has always been against my black & Hispanic friends but that being the case I think the book being written by a white women with the main character being white has a better chance at penetrating white women as relatable.
    Unfortunately white women probably won't be as affected if the main character was black & as sad as that is anyone looking at the world honestly knows that is the reality.
    Again agree with you in the need to get the message out about what slavery really was and what happens to black women still today but this has to resonate first with white women before they will be able to expand their compassion to the brutality suffered by all women of color. Hope I made sense! You know don't know you but maybe this could be something you might yourself take on as a book to convey these things.
    Just look at what white suburban moms are doing regarding CRT all over this country. The fact that they are trying to rewrite history especially about slavery should be example of this. I do not believe this is right and fight for a world of equality for all but the sad truth is if this did do what it should in terms of properly showing the disparities occurring today or in our brutal past to woman of color the show would not be a hit and probably never be allowed to be read with the current book bans we are seeing.
    Trust me I have wanted to shake people and say what is wrong with you don't you see what is happening but I know sadly that until this racist misogynistic white Christian geriatric group of predominantly men die off this is the closest we may get to pointing the books aims at calling out the life of women in Gilead.

  • @1m2rich
    @1m2rich 2 года назад +1

    Public schools don't do that governor De Satis and you know that.

  • @KellyClement
    @KellyClement 2 года назад +1

    Was the book "the Bluest Eye" banned too. It should be.

  • @tulipchic34
    @tulipchic34 2 года назад +7

    I’m Australian and the main difference between us and Americans is the religious factor. Americans appear to be way more conservative due to their beliefs whilst in Aus we still have religious people but it doesn’t work against the population in general when it comes to healthcare. To not have access to abortions would not ever happen here.

    • @54032Zepol
      @54032Zepol 2 года назад

      Y'all also have less than 100 million people with zero immigration, don't forget America is a melting pot not black and white like in aus y'all have no right to hear arms, freedom of speech etc.

    • @tulipchic34
      @tulipchic34 2 года назад +1

      @@54032Zepol 29.1% of Australians were born overseas. We have had an open immigration policy since the 1950,s. Australia is very multicultural. Majority of non white immigrants are from china and India.

  • @terefoneterefone1248
    @terefoneterefone1248 2 года назад +3

    Next step...Move to Canada 😌

  • @truegemrn
    @truegemrn 2 месяца назад +1

    This is coming true. But it’s coming from BOTH sides. Left and right. It’s not you vs me. It’s us vs the govt. The sooner we all start to realize that, the better off we’ll be.

  • @WhatIThink45
    @WhatIThink45 8 месяцев назад +2

    I read that the lead star is the show is also religious? If that’s true it’s sad because religion is the main cause of female oppression.

  • @giftyitama5787
    @giftyitama5787 2 года назад +4

    Utter nonsense

    • @WokeandProud
      @WokeandProud 2 года назад +1

      More like conservatives wet dreams.

  • @yasminefathalah7042
    @yasminefathalah7042 2 года назад +1

    09:10 Acctualy it did happene in the US the English commun law did not allow married women to own property it was called "couverture" this was the law in many US states until the begging of the 1800s

  • @deliverancetwo
    @deliverancetwo 2 года назад +2

    Two words “EPIC INFORMATION”

  • @talyabasaman
    @talyabasaman 2 года назад +3

    God I love living in France!

  • @whynotstartusingyourbrain8726
    @whynotstartusingyourbrain8726 2 года назад +3

    If you want to know what Republicans want watch the handmaid's tale. If you want to stop it go vote.

    • @-._.-KRiS-._.-
      @-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад

      Listen to what they say. They are telling everyone exactly who they are and what they want to do. I agree that we all need to vote against them.

  • @LissieJade
    @LissieJade Год назад

    I know that this is 8 months old, but the bank accounts being frozen thing is happening. I see more and more women talking about their banks freezing their accounts and taking their money now. I'm genuinely terrified as my fiance is the stay at home dad while I work

  • @michellebaker6302
    @michellebaker6302 Год назад +1

    It's pretty insulting to the actual women who have lived so much of this to claim that America is anything like it. A slap in the faces of the women who have lived in situations extraordinarily similar to the show and would've done anything for our freedoms.

  • @Akane21100
    @Akane21100 2 года назад +20

    The Take, I love your videos, but your lack of discussion about topics such as this, without an intersectional approach is incredibly tone deaf. Black and Brown women have historically endured all of this and more. I don't understand why once White women seem to be affected that discussions like these are brought to light, and why BIPOC writers who have written more in depth about these topics are not mentioned, acknowledge or given credit.

    • @niloofarrafatpanah2
      @niloofarrafatpanah2 2 года назад +6

      Or middle eastern muslim women

    • @Imjusthereforkicks
      @Imjusthereforkicks 2 года назад +1

      Yes yes yes! Thank you! It irks me that Handmaid’s Tale is thought of fiction when in reality it is a recount of what women of color have already experienced at the hands of the US government.

    • @theoriginalbunnygirl
      @theoriginalbunnygirl 2 года назад

      Forced birth was put onto WOC? When?

    • @DC-wk7yo
      @DC-wk7yo 2 года назад +1

      "if feminism isn't intersectional, it's just white supremacy"

    • @alimadjire360
      @alimadjire360 2 года назад +2

      @@theoriginalbunnygirl Literally any history book will tell you that enslaved women were used to "breed" more slaves. Even if reading isn't your thing, you might want to do a quick google search before asking embarrassingly stupid things next time.

  • @tragicallyhypno3158
    @tragicallyhypno3158 2 года назад +3

    Christ lied to us. The real golden rule is: "Do unto the fascist what they would do to the most vulnerable of you. But do it quickly because they are already doing it."

  • @waseemchoudhry4465
    @waseemchoudhry4465 2 года назад +2

    If Maryland gets struck by this, I’m moving to either Canada, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, or Australia. Because America is falling apart

  • @deelask3024
    @deelask3024 2 года назад +2

    Okay I love God but I think the separation between church and state is very important right now they're trying to change that if you don't want it to become the handmaid's tale then do something about it damn it because it's getting that way already I'm getting scared if we allowed our country to be turned into a religious theocracy we're going to be in a lot of trouble every woman that wants rice is going to be a lot of trouble

  • @Spicie95
    @Spicie95 2 года назад +7

    It is surreal looking at the US from an outside perspective (I´m Danish). Our countries are very different, so I could easily comfort myself that I live in a country where we all have access to medical services and free education, so we should be smart enough not to take away anyone's rights, right??
    But sadly we always have politicians so far on the right they can't even see the right leaning moderates. I recall hearing of at least one politician lamenting abortion rates in Denmark, and one of the worst of the right leaning parties is currently running a campaign exclusively against gender queer people. I really hope we as a planet can turn this ship back in the correct direction.

    • @violax3735
      @violax3735 2 года назад +3

      The erosion of abortion rights combined with the rise of Trump-lite leaders is genuinely scary.
      I live in the Czech republic and the public opinion here is strongly pro-choice... but then I look our neighbor country Poland and yikes. And even here, we have "pro-life" organizations (many with ties to Russia) who would erode those rights. The Christian Democratic Party only had about 5% in the last election... but they're in the government, and they listen to the "Pro-life" people. Luckily they're a serious majority, but it's still something to keep an eye on because while there are typically signs when "the tides" start changing, the actual change of laws can happen literally overnight.

    • @chiaraimpeduglia1308
      @chiaraimpeduglia1308 2 года назад +2

      @@violax3735 I'm from Italy and share your same worry. Our constitution actually protects all its citizens' right to work, and to an extent abortion too, only if it's done to protect the mother and if everything else was tried to save both and was unsuccesful. Plus it actually states that the right to life of an unborn person is never equal to that of someone who already exists. So it basically says that an existing person is worth more than an unborn one.

    • @Spicie95
      @Spicie95 2 года назад +1

      @@violax3735 Yes, Poland's laws are scary too. Luckily, I heard that the Americans overturning Roe, caused EU to make abortion a right for all the member states, so hopefully, Poland will be saved.

  • @boxtears
    @boxtears 2 года назад +2

    Pretty disgusting that this video again makes America the center of the universe, basically ignoring countries where women have more rights than in America. Was Afghanistan really the only country outside the US that you bothered doing any research on?

  • @nvrndingsmmr
    @nvrndingsmmr 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely brilliant video!

  • @ZeeZeeNg
    @ZeeZeeNg 2 года назад +3

    While some people may criticise the actions of the Soviet Union and former Communist Party states in the 20th century for various reasons, one thing they did right was to empower women's access to healthcare and reproductive rights. Abortion was legalised in the Soviet Union in 1920 & 1955 (banned in 1933 during the Stalin era), Yogoslavia in 1952, Hungary in 1953, Poland in 1956, Bulgaria in 1956, Cezechoslovakia in 1957, Cuba in 1965, East Germany in 1972. One exception was Romania, it was banned from 1967-1989 by Nicolae Ceaușescu with Decree 770, to increase population growth.
    In comparison, capitalist countries only legalised abortion much later. Abortion was legalised in the United Kingdom in 1967, Canada in 1969, the United States in 1973, France in 1975, Australia in 1998.
    Looking at modern day US in 2022, it appears that America is the country that is turning towards anti-democratic, authoritarian fascism, the exact thing it accuses other countries of.

  • @theorderofthebees7308
    @theorderofthebees7308 2 года назад +123

    The Take, you are mistaken the first time that children are separated from parents in the United States did not happen in 2016 but during chattel slavery in the US in which children born on plantations were often separated from parents . It happened a. Second time to Native American children who were removed from their parents and forced to go yo boarding schools to remove the “ Indian “ out of them . The United States has a history of removing children from parents for centuries

    • @cbpd89
      @cbpd89 2 года назад

      Noticably all targeted at people of color. This country has an MO, and it's racist as hell.

    • @bigsprucerabbitry6238
      @bigsprucerabbitry6238 2 года назад +5

      And residental schools for native americans, during WWII for Japanese Americans, and with many new imigrant groups to small extents. Long histroy, not just the US though, Canada and Australia have a lot to answer for too.

    • @dakotamabry1645
      @dakotamabry1645 2 года назад

      The u.s also took children away from single ,unwed, mothers. They wouldn't even let them hold their baby.. they also take them away from female prisoners

    • @phoenixtoash2396
      @phoenixtoash2396 3 месяца назад +1

      Yup. My great grandmother was one who was forced away from her family and put into a school to get the Indian out of her. Then when she was of legal age they sold her to a man from Austria.

  • @patriciaa4451
    @patriciaa4451 2 года назад +1157

    Nothing makes me more angry than women who walk through doors opened for them by our foremothers and slam those doors behind them. If the world you're campaigning for actually came to be you wouldn't be allowed to speak either. It's why Mrs Waterford is such an interesting character. Conservative women stand to lose just as much as the rest of us. They are betting on their association with the conservative movement to save them from the same fate as the rest of us. You are not the exception. Mrs Waterford isn't spared the miserable existence of women in Gilead just because she's a collaborator.

    • @Canev821
      @Canev821 2 года назад +7

      Some women just don’t support feminism. Honestly I happy doing what my bf says

    • @gangurogeisha
      @gangurogeisha 2 года назад +119

      @@Canev821 Good for you. Here’s a cookie. 🍪

    • @razorwindrazor3981
      @razorwindrazor3981 2 года назад +125

      The same women who wouldn’t even have the rights they do now if feminism never existed. It’s bad karma to bite the hand that feeds you. Feminism opened the door for you to choose the life you live now. And yet you want to stand by idly while that right to choose is taken away from others. You think that being obedient and submissive will shield you from the consequences? You don’t have a clue.

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад

      @@Canev821 that’s still feminism because you CHOOSE to do that, no one is forcing you!! Feminism is about the woman’s choices being respected and equal pay!

    • @alepolait8951
      @alepolait8951 2 года назад +119

      @@Canev821 If you were free to choose who you are dating, or even the fact that you are dating at all, if you can have sex before marriage without being stigmatized for it. You are definitely benefiting from what feminism has accomplished. Congratulations.

  • @IslandVibez_Virgo
    @IslandVibez_Virgo 2 года назад +471

    Yep this is totally fictional, never happened in the U.S. at all🙃 Wait! Wasn’t there this thing called “slavery” where Black women literally had to live like this for years?🤔

    • @RisingUnderdog
      @RisingUnderdog 2 года назад

      Slavery used to be everywhere, not just the US. USA was one of the first countries to abolish it. Black people aren't the only skin tone to ever be slaves either. Cry more!

    • @Luciphell
      @Luciphell 2 года назад +2

      Actually no, there wasn't.

    • @emem6935
      @emem6935 2 года назад +41

      @@Luciphell More like Lucifer, huh?

    • @Luciphell
      @Luciphell 2 года назад

      If you want to campaign against injustices to women, Africa and the Middle Eastern countries are where you want to devote your energies. Women in America have it better than any women in world history. They are free to do what they want, be what they want, be with who they want, change into who they believe themselves to be, and get an abortion(not where they want, they may have to travel to a different state OH NO!)

    • @witchplease9695
      @witchplease9695 2 года назад +51

      @@Luciphell Keep deluding yourself.

  • @raddish4256
    @raddish4256 2 года назад +137

    Does it have to go as extreme as Handmaid's tale to be terrifying? I am a gay black middle aged man..I worked with ACTUP and various Aids organizations in the 80s and I've always been uneasy with the lack of vigilance for the defense of all people's basic men came dangerously close to being placed in "quarantine centers" with approval of reasonable people. No one remembers not even the ones who were there..because we've fooled ourselves into thinking we've made progress. The old ACTUP message was simple. Silence=Death.
    It applies to so much more now.

    • @oliviastar3812
      @oliviastar3812 2 года назад +7

      the public are still being misled

    • @spicycopper2436
      @spicycopper2436 2 года назад +10

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.
      -Martin Niemöller

    • @kat65tutko99
      @kat65tutko99 2 года назад +1

      I haven't forgotten. It's fresh in my mind. I lost so many of my gay brothers including my best friend, Cliff. The ignorance and lack of care from the Reagan Administration was astounding, not to mention the far-right religious zealots spreading hate and lies about the virus. Yes, it's very fresh in my mind. The death of Larry Kramer was a gigantic loss to our community. Peace to you. 🏳️‍🌈

    • @raddish4256
      @raddish4256 2 года назад

      @@kat65tutko99 peace and love to you brother. It's so strange that after so many months I only now recieved notification. I was however heartened by your response and your reference to brother Kramer. Be well. Be safe. Be kind.

    • @chuckbarnett_tx
      @chuckbarnett_tx 2 месяца назад

      ​@@kat65tutko99 do you not see the irony of blaming Reagan and the "far-right" for the consequences people face from their own actions?
      A bit absurd, don't you think?

  • @negakirine
    @negakirine 2 года назад +597

    Margret Atwood has stated that one of the countries that inspired Handmaid’s Tale is communist Romania.
    I was born in 1980 in Romania and experienced the last ten years of communism, with all its darkness, cold and poverty. Fortunately, it ended before I came to an age where all girls were lined up like cows and forcibly pushed into an ob/gyn‘s office who would then check if they were still virgins and fertile. 😒
    My mother was not that lucky. She lived through the most part of the time where women were „encouraged“ to marry and have 2-3 children. But they also had to go to work work, which gave birth to „the generation with the key around their necks“ to which I belong. No one really took care of these kids, there were no proper systems in place. The daycares and kindergartens were awful and I’ve had my share of violent and kids hating caretakers.
    You couldn‘t find contraceptives, abortion was illegal and men were raised to think that pregnancy is a woman‘s issue so most didn’t even try to keep the woman from getting pregnant. The government wouldn’t care if you had health issues and were at risk of having disabled children… like my mom was.
    Make no mistake! Banning abortion does not mean that women will not get them, if they need them. They will, just in very dangerous and dirty conditions which will lead to tragedies: life-long issues, trauma and even death.
    The people who make these laws, do not have the best interest of women at heart, not even of children. In the words of the great George Carlin: „They are not pro-life! They are anti-woman!“. They are drunk with power and delusional and all they are interested in is control.

    • @negakirine
      @negakirine 2 года назад +40

      @A 7108 yes, good point! It was a huge scandal back then, once the world media found out about the conditions of these orphanages, where children were neglected, tied up, abused by staff and older peers and then basically thrown on the streets once they were of legal age, most of them doomed to end up as criminals and prostitutes. Very, very sad. And for a while, those were the images that defined Romania as a country.

    • @amandaalves6936
      @amandaalves6936 2 года назад +49

      I just witnessed my friend's Romanian grandmother have PTSD episode when Roe was over turn . It break my heart . 😢 😭

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад +14

      This hurt my heart so much to read. My heart breaks for you, and for the danger I am now it!

    • @jojoyayathereal
      @jojoyayathereal 2 года назад

      @@amandaalves6936 The handmaid's tale is less likely to happen in the US.
      Banning abortion is bad but;
      According to statistics only about 258 to 63 women deseased bf roe V wane bc miscarriages
      Wach the statistics on Freedom toons Shamus video
      Also the thing on the handmade tale is they are forced to give birth and cannot go out of the country
      State to abort.
      But if abortion is banned, you could not have regular random sex without protection or go to another state (or pull out).
      Only a small percentage of abortion are the results of rape/life harming. conditions. Even Donald trump/most pro lifer's don't support in these cases.
      For example just because free healthcare is banned doesn't mean that we live in the purge where poor people are homo(nope)cided.
      But in support of you, either side has radical beliefs that make people choose a total abortion ban or say things like "only women can talk about abortion.
      " This tricks ppl into not taking responsibility for the pregnancy because it's a woman's issue and they think they have no say.
      Not all women will be affected by an abortion ban. Because as I said. And that why Manny women are pro life because they're been lied to with stuff like "abortion is a basic right"
      Abortion is a healthcare Choice that's no denial. But also abortion are done by doctors.
      Also, Radical christians also banned All men and only from having homosexual activities. The truth is no matter if it affects you, people will still ban it. Like how Robespierre hated the rich.
      I think the 10 year old one was an accident since Conservative are way more against child asault than with Liberals. Also this is an accident like also in some countries that have banned guns the punishment of illegally owning a gun is higher than robbery homicide or r4p3
      especially when Fox News and Manny republican said the law was bad and also shared their conservative view on child rape.
      Also the fact that mosr child rapes cases are 50% Girls, 50% boys.
      Also half of the cases are same sex.
      Meaning you aren't pro choice/meat bc you're beliefs doesn't mean you need to want to ban it. Manny things I morally hate think shouldn't be illegal.
      Most pro lifers don't have sex at all only in severe cases.

    • @jojoyayathereal
      @jojoyayathereal 2 года назад

      The handmaid's tale is less likely to happen in the US.
      Banning abortion is bad but;
      According to statistics only about 258 to 63 women deseased bf roe V wane bc miscarriages
      Wach the statistics on Freedom toons Shamus video
      Also the thing on the handmade tale is they are forced to give birth and cannot go out of the country
      State to abort.
      But if abortion is banned, you could not have regular random sex without protection or go to another state (or pull out).
      Only a small percentage of abortion are the results of rape/life harming. conditions. Even Donald trump/most pro lifer's don't support in these cases.
      For example just because free healthcare is banned doesn't mean that we live in the purge where poor people are homo(nope)cided.
      But in support of you, either side has radical beliefs that make people choose a total abortion ban or say things like "only women can talk about abortion.
      " This tricks ppl into not taking responsibility for the pregnancy because it's a woman's issue and they think they have no say.
      Not all women will be affected by an abortion ban. Because as I said. And that why Manny women are pro life because they're been lied to with stuff like "abortion is a basic right"
      Abortion is a healthcare Choice that's no denial. But also abortion are done by doctors.
      Also, Radical christians also banned All men and only from having homosexual activities. The truth is no matter if it affects you, people will still ban it. Like how Robespierre hated the rich.
      I think the 10 year old one was an accident since Conservative are way more against child asault than with Liberals. Also this is an accident like also in some countries that have banned guns the punishment of illegally owning a gun is higher than robbery homicide or r4p3
      especially when Fox News and Manny republican said the law was bad and also shared their conservative view on child rape.
      Also the fact that mosr child rapes cases are 50% Girls, 50% boys.
      Also half of the cases are same sex.
      Meaning you aren't pro choice/meat bc you're beliefs doesn't mean you need to want to ban it. Manny things I morally hate think shouldn't be illegal.
      Most pro lifers don't have sex at all only in severe cases.

  • @kaitlnwhite6809
    @kaitlnwhite6809 2 года назад +1027

    I would actually like to point out that the Handmaid’s system and oppressions are very similar to what enslaved Black women went through. And while there isn’t an explicit mention of the group when described for unfit groups, minorities, particularly Black and Brown women, have frequently had the label of unfit or immoral placed upon them. A bit disappointed with the lack of discussion of race or intersectionality in this video, but good analysis otherwise.

    • @EnitVal
      @EnitVal 2 года назад +126

      Agreed. Intersectionality is so important when discussing Handmaid’s Tale but it never seems to happen.

    • @UrsulaTheeSeawitch
      @UrsulaTheeSeawitch 2 года назад +37

      I was just about to add this. Thank you.

    • @grapesyrop
      @grapesyrop 2 года назад +8

      no exactly

    • @iusescotchtape
      @iusescotchtape 2 года назад +92

      I was surprised they didn't make a connection to slavery because I find The Take does a better job at acknowledging intersectionality. I thought they would finally make the connection when talking about women not being allowed to read in the Handmaid's Tale.

    • @IfWeRanTheWorldXers
      @IfWeRanTheWorldXers 2 года назад +83

      Thank you for saying this! What's also forgotten is that in Atwood's book, all POCs and and white LGBTQIA+ people were sent to the radioactive camps near the beginning and never heard from again. That way, Atwood didn't have to deal with how race, racism, queerness, transness, transphobia, and queerphobia complicate fertility and notions of "womanhood." The show does a slightly better job due to the diversity in representation, but discussions about The Handmaid's Tale almost come off like retcons because people are vibing on the show and not dealing with how utterly white the book itself was.

  • @eithnedoyle6007
    @eithnedoyle6007 2 года назад +292

    I liked the video, but I do think it doesn't talk enough about how people of color, and specifically women of color, have similar experiences to the handmaids tale in us history, and how they will be most effected by these new laws in the present and future

    • @DC-wk7yo
      @DC-wk7yo 2 года назад +38

      And disabled women as well

    • @honeybadgergrrl77
      @honeybadgergrrl77 2 года назад +19

      And poor women.

    • @pamelahernandez1050
      @pamelahernandez1050 2 года назад +14

      Yes they rarely give any in depth analysis about these issue in their other videos too.

    • @zkme2734
      @zkme2734 2 года назад +7

      they only talk what they know about

    • @flaviocluberlang2545
      @flaviocluberlang2545 2 года назад

      Yeah Margaret sanger wanted to make less black people. 52 percent of african american pregnancies end in abortion. In 2017 more African Americans were aborted than born

  • @amberlikely420
    @amberlikely420 2 года назад +213

    I’ve always said this isn’t too far-fetched. What happened in the book/show was implementing subtle changes and then next thing ya know, we have a whole new society truly doesn’t have our best interest (women) in mind

    • @raincandy1653
      @raincandy1653 2 года назад +1

      Just like what's happening now. It all started with Texas having manhunt laws on abortion then it escalated to Roe v Wade being overturned. Who knows what'll other rights would be overturned until we end up like we were 500 years ago

    • @Sexxxyism
      @Sexxxyism 2 года назад +5

      Yes, imagine people being locked down, forced to wear face coverings and being told they must have vaccines and such.

    • @raincandy1653
      @raincandy1653 2 года назад +1

      @@Sexxxyism ತ_ತ

    • @SomeGuyWhoPlaysGames333
      @SomeGuyWhoPlaysGames333 2 года назад +1

      This is happening, but I don’t think it will fully come true. Most Americans are opposed to what’s going on and if it gets bad enough, civil war will break out. And though the idiots, who favor this crap, like to act tough, many of them aren’t tough at all.

    • @santsi7306
      @santsi7306 2 года назад

      Frog in a pot of boiling water is a dead frog

  • @magma4168
    @magma4168 2 года назад +518

    Atwood went on record saying that she had made a point to only depict processes that had actually occurred in real life, so nobody'd say "yeah, you have evil imagination, but that's unrealistic".
    PS. We feel your pain, USA. Love, Poland.

    • @magma4168
      @magma4168 2 года назад +39

      @@osmosisjones4912 nice bait

    • @shelby4771
      @shelby4771 2 года назад +32

      Yeah that’s what the lead actress Elisabeth moss says in all of her interviews for this show: everything depicted has already happened at some point in history. Thanks for the love from Poland! The US is looking more and more grim every month here 🥺

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад +35

      @@osmosisjones4912 the quality of life of the child matters. Forcing it to be born and then thrown into an orphanage to be abused is not the least bit moral. Choosing to birth it when everything is set up for it to not be deprived or emotional or monetary resources is the best thing to do in order to make a child who is productive to itself and society.

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад +34

      @@osmosisjones4912 and the result of the Romania experiment which the US is emulation right now was a generation of overwhelming poverty and crime!! The QUALITY of a child’s life is what matters the most, not it being forced into existing.

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад +27

      @@osmosisjones4912 it is not a baby until it can survive outside of the mother! Until it is fully formed it is not a baby. When quality is a choice and it can be ensured then that choice must be taken. This experiment has been done before in Iran and Romania and it FAILED.

  • @chanmarr8118
    @chanmarr8118 2 года назад +77

    I love that Clarence Thomas keep making these comments. I wonder how he’d feel about backtracking on interracial marriages. He might as well follow through on all these beliefs.

  • @tharinwattanayakorn5295
    @tharinwattanayakorn5295 2 года назад +192

    You know what I love about the Dystopia of the Handmaid’s Tale, the fact that it’s entirely possible, in other dystopias like 1984 or the Hunger Games, their dystopian societies are blown to extremes that aren’t possible in real life, but not Gilead, it feels entirely possible.

    • @lazyboyz
      @lazyboyz 2 года назад +33

      If we read what we read in the news in a book, we'd call it a dystopia. We are literally living in a dystopian society.

    • @TamaraSL
      @TamaraSL 2 года назад +44

      1984 is very much possible, and is very much happening.

    • @tharinwattanayakorn5295
      @tharinwattanayakorn5295 2 года назад +3

      @@TamaraSL Ok, in my personal opinion, I don’t think society is becoming 1984, sure it may be bad in many aspects, but it’s not 1984 bad.

    • @TamaraSL
      @TamaraSL 2 года назад +25

      @@tharinwattanayakorn5295 depends where you are looking, modern Russia and China have a lot of obvious signs of 1984 being relevant.

    • @sunnysolaris23
      @sunnysolaris23 2 года назад +21

      Also aspects of the Hunger Games are already very real. A bored elite bathing in luxury while the poor majority is exploited and played off against each other to keep the luxury of the few intact - very much already happening.

  • @Itsgay2read
    @Itsgay2read 2 года назад +1397

    It can't be understated that the book, not the show, emphasized that Black and Brown women were relegated to Unwomen, which also has historical precedence. The show glossed over the racial aspects of feminism just a tiny bit.

    • @PatriciaDeAnna
      @PatriciaDeAnna 2 года назад +167

      A lot actually! It basically began appropriating Harriet Tubman’s story.

    • @Itsgay2read
      @Itsgay2read 2 года назад +82

      @@PatriciaDeAnna say it louder for the folks in the back! That's very true

    • @homosexualamphibian359
      @homosexualamphibian359 2 года назад +31

      I'm so glad someone said this.

    • @winxclubstellamusa
      @winxclubstellamusa 2 года назад +20

      What happened to the unwomen in the book?

    • @kkO_oki
      @kkO_oki 2 года назад +62

      they did it bc they didn’t want a all yt cast, but yeah they could’ve featured the unwomen

  • @rabiatuallie5466
    @rabiatuallie5466 2 года назад +474

    I keep seeing everyone compare what’s going on in the U.S. right now to the Handmaids Tale. But personally I think Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler is a more accurate prediction.
    I would love to see you guys make an in depth video about that book and Octavia Butler’s work as an author.

    • @rabiatuallie5466
      @rabiatuallie5466 2 года назад

      I would also like to point out that BIPOC women have been dealing with in adequate care when it comes to abortion rights for YEARS!!! And have been advocating for themselves and all women this entire time. It’s time white women catch up.

    • @io7625
      @io7625 2 года назад +58

      Yes! Honestly it feels like things are converging to be a combination of several dystopic novels and movies and it's horrifying

    • @kaitlnwhite6809
      @kaitlnwhite6809 2 года назад +16

      VERY much agreed!

    • @chrissiem3958
      @chrissiem3958 2 года назад +23

      YES! THANK YOU! Those books freakin' rocked me in a horrible way, and as a matter of fact, there is a review of Parable of the Sower by Gloria Steinem in which she says (something to the effect of), '.... the only thing more terrifying than dystopian fiction is when you can see the beginnings of it already taking place....'
      Ms Butler is SOOOO underappreciated, in my opinion. Well done, bringing her up 👏👏👏

    • @DaroriDerEinzige
      @DaroriDerEinzige 2 года назад

      Personally, I just think its crazy and we should burn it down before it spreads even more.
      But I'm European and got free education :/

  • @juliopeinado2660
    @juliopeinado2660 2 месяца назад +13

    Because of Project 2025, The Handmaid's Tale is not a work of fiction. It is a suggestion. Eventually, The Handmaid's Tale would be considered a non fiction book. Looking back knowing that some people wanted this makes me disgusted.

  • @theotherotter
    @theotherotter 2 года назад +321

    Atwood was inspired by her time in east Germany under surveillance feelings and Romania under Ceausescu. Like the whole system where women where tested at work and checked if they had periods, investigate miscarriages. It's very insulted that twitter people think that it's just what happened to their ancestors in us and Canada and don't even bother to read the end of the book where in passages of lectures are described our tragedy

    • @loewenmakrele
      @loewenmakrele 2 года назад

      I can only speak for east Germany, but while the surveilance was definitly extreme, abortions where legal since 1972. In comparison to West Germany (or the US) women had more rights in the GDR. In West Germany men could just forbid their wifes to work till 1977, in East Germany women they could work any job if their husband liked it or not since 1950. And while in West germany police officers were hiding behind two way mirrors in public bathrooms to catch gay men, it was legal to be gay in the GDR (Did not mean it was accepted to be kissing on the street, but they did not have to fear the law because of their sexuality) . The GDR sucked in it's own way without torturing women about their reproductive choices or sexual preferences. People were denied higher education if they did not join the only Party, people were forced to work for the surveilance by blackmail. There was psychological torture in the prisons especially for people who tried to flee the country. People got shot fleeing the country. The suicide rate and the alcohol addiction rate were high. Some books and some music were baned and only awailable on the Black market. You had waiting lists for a lot of stuff (cars, Television, Telephone, sometimes for decades).

    • @DaroriDerEinzige
      @DaroriDerEinzige 2 года назад +6

      Actually, that's Horse sh!t.
      She was inspired by the whole Islamic Stuff especially from Iran. Not Eastern Germany in which that, what you stated, NEVER happened. That's just "Oh, they were Communists, so everything evil happened there!"-Stuff and quite telling tbh.
      Please, educate yourself.

    • @violax3735
      @violax3735 2 года назад +14

      @@DaroriDerEinzige I'll echo this.
      It's not that life in the Eastern block was great, but in some aspects, it was surprisingly less discriminatory than in some of the democratic world. Part of the reason is that religion was frequently suppressed by the communist regimes - not outright banned, but not given any real power in politics.
      One stark example is communist Poland. Since 1956, Poland allowed abortions to women with "difficult living conditions", up to the point where abortions were essentially allowed on demand, and women from "democratic countries" would come there to get an abortion. In 1993 a few years after the regime fell, most abortions were banned and it's only gotten worse since.
      It's not that the regimes were "nice", but women in communist countries were expected to work, not be stay-at-home moms. That meant there had to be a relative freedom when it came to abortion access, that there were decent maternity leaves, some sort of accessible kindergarten system, and generally, women were treated equally to men by law. (Which is to say, their lives were still shitty, but it was not the same sort of shitty as you see in many strongly patriarchal societies).

    • @DaroriDerEinzige
      @DaroriDerEinzige 2 года назад +2

      @@violax3735 Thank you.

    • @theotherotter
      @theotherotter 2 года назад

      @@DaroriDerEinzige ohh the dumb people from twitter found this comment., read the book to the end and it's in book written about it. or look at her interview where she is showing the receipts and talk about inspiration. you don't need to educate yourself you are already lost. the islamic part also is with removing the eye as punishment, but her main Inspo how the system worked is Ceausescu's Romania.

  • @corneliahanimann2173
    @corneliahanimann2173 2 года назад +210

    Another day to be thankful, that I don't live in the US.

    • @susannaharnhart4910
      @susannaharnhart4910 2 года назад +19

      As an American emigree, me too.

    • @solidshake12
      @solidshake12 2 года назад

      A senile Prez and a Dubya type moron as VP... What could possibly go wrong?!

    • @rachel-gi6ul
      @rachel-gi6ul 2 года назад +17

      On God bruh, I'm trapped here, help

    • @michalinarochna9552
      @michalinarochna9552 2 года назад +16

      I feel for you but as someone living in Eastern Europe I can tell you that we have it even worse 😅

    • @corneliahanimann2173
      @corneliahanimann2173 2 года назад +12

      @@rachel-gi6ul yep, my condolences to you, it's not something I earned, I was simply lucky to have been born outside of the US, but I am extremly thankful for that. I would not knowvhow to cope with the fact that some people are cheering and tearful of joy when going backwards, and I also wouldn't want to look into the future 18 years from now when a bunch of children, that have been born with resentment, get the right to vote. I hope I'm unnecessarily pessimistic and that things will take a turn for the better for you. Stay strong over there😊

  • @cronchyskull
    @cronchyskull 2 года назад +172

    It's paralysingly scary to think about. I'm not in the US, but civil liberties are slowly being eroded here in the UK; a law to quash the right to protest being rushed past the House of Lords, an ALREADY tenuous position on abortion rights, the exportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, and a growing attack on gender expression, lgbtq+ rights, and access to transitioning in post-Johnson leadership race policies rather than, like, the more immediate cost of living crisis and the crispification of our famously rainy country. (Damn, feels kinda good to write all of this out).
    To say that I'm seeing red right now has more than one meaning.

    • @MrEvldreamr
      @MrEvldreamr 2 года назад +3

      Thats bc everything you mentioned is a measurable deteiment to UK lifestyle.
      For example, the lgtb rights, the higher the level of acceptance of alphabet rights the higher the level of depressiona nd suicide amongst young girls who identify.
      Asylum seekers are really just illegal immigrants. I hear ppl conflate the 2 all the time. You cant enter a country illegally for economic gain, you CAN enter a country if your own country is in turmoil, genocide war etc. Thats why syrians and afghans get the privilege of refugee status while rwandans dont.

    • @Snuzzled
      @Snuzzled 2 года назад +18

      @@MrEvldreamr Your correlation and causation are all messed up. You seem to be implying that "identifying as" lgbt causes high rates of depression and suicidality, and that giving them more rights will just encourage more people to become lgbt and thus be more miserable. But the reality is that these people "identify as" lgbt because.... they're lgbt. The reason the depression and suicidality is high is because of the discrimination and lack of rights. And I'm not sure why you're only highlighting lgbt girls, when lgbt men also suffer.

    • @loveyourself1803
      @loveyourself1803 2 года назад +1

      @@Snuzzled wrong

    • @shesalilsapphicokay
      @shesalilsapphicokay 2 года назад +5

      I'm so scared that we're going to be the next Gilead, that its only a matter of time. I try to be grateful for what we have, and to remind myself of what we have, as UK women, but I'm fighting off the panic at the same time.

    • @Snuzzled
      @Snuzzled 2 года назад +4

      @@loveyourself1803 Nope. Feel free to refute anything I said with actual proof, though. :)

  • @marcor7044
    @marcor7044 2 года назад +54

    Atwood was right, more people should have seen this coming

  • @lilytranchida6356
    @lilytranchida6356 2 года назад +143

    It’s sadly true everything shown in The Handmaids Tale has happened somewhere before. Indigenous children were stolen for their parents in Australia (sometime in the 20th century I’m going off my history class) to try and erase their culture and assimilate them into white Australia. That trauma still effects the survivors and their descendants who have lost ties to their heritage.

    • @emmaking8596
      @emmaking8596 2 года назад +2

      That’s bc Atwood deliberately stated she didn’t include any things that never occurred Ik history

    • @lilytranchida6356
      @lilytranchida6356 2 года назад +1

      @@emmaking8596 yes, I know, The Take mentioned that.

    • @kevinrussell1144
      @kevinrussell1144 2 года назад +2

      Platoons of white women hanged by religious fanatics and displayed on walls? Where the hell did that happen? In the US? Our history has many bad episodes, but let's keep a little perspective.

    • @lilytranchida6356
      @lilytranchida6356 2 года назад +8

      @@kevinrussell1144 1. there’s countries other than the US my guy
      2. Why u gotta make it a white thing? U clearly haven’t seen the show
      3. I clicked on ur profile and saw a very long comment u posted under someone else comment
      If u haven’t watched the show maybe don’t jump to so many conclusions. It’s not an attack on religion, it’s an attack on the people who use religion to push women and other minority groups down

    • @kevinrussell1144
      @kevinrussell1144 2 года назад +3

      @@lilytranchida6356 Thanks for the civil response. We'll just have to politely disagree. (Here comes the long response you can just ignore.)
      You’re right: I have not seen the show. It strikes me as pro-abortion propaganda and suggests/implies that anyone who disagrees is a religious fanatic and wants to keep women down.

      I didn’t make it a “white thing”. The imagery of the show has young white women being hanged and displayed by the patriarchy (this was supposed to be Iran, according to Atwood, but why is the state called Gilead--a good Moslem name?--and the actresses are mostly white)? Some one is not being truthful.
      I view the book as distorting (for political reasons) what has happened in North America over the last 50+ years. There is no religious patriarchy that I can see, but +60 million babies have been aborted.
      You can reply that I’m just a man and have no opinion worth hearing, but that’s not the message I’ve concluded. Margaret Sanger (the High priestess of Planned parenthood) was an admitted racist (and socialist “Progressive”) who promoted abortion to “thin out” brown and black populations. Since RVWade passed, the Welfare state has been created, the family unit is demonized, and all those babies (many of them black and brown) have vanished. The population rate in North America is cratering not because of religious fanaticism, but because of environmental doom-saying and post-modern nihilism promoted by the likes of Atwood. Some Gilead.
      Since I’m also told now that men can get pregnant, I guess I am allowed an opinion on this issue, but only if I first watch Atwood’s anti-religious-anti-male screed? How can you reply to that?

  • @jayl0v3ly
    @jayl0v3ly 2 года назад +23

    I felt the mental EXHAUSTION in that sigh from Ketanji Jackson Brown before she addressed Ted Cruz’s pointless question. Who keeps electing him? 🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @noneofurbusiness5223
      @noneofurbusiness5223 2 года назад

      Just had a client walk in w/ a cane & say during conversation that Biden is senile, because he's wobbly on his feet. Felt like saying, oh so ur senile?