Luther Vandross - A House Is Not a Home (from Live at Wembley)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @andymckinney1984
    @andymckinney1984 Год назад +536

    I'm a 54 yr old white "metalhead" Bass guitarist, not that ANY of that matters in any way but when you have the voice of such an amazing voice like this and such a brilliant band backing that voice anyway, the world becomes such a place of beauty and hope again!!! 😉❤️💖

    • @careysharp8340
      @careysharp8340 Год назад +19

      Welcome to the family.

    • @talknheadz
      @talknheadz Год назад +22

      You’re invited to the bbq

    • @swimsis
      @swimsis Год назад +28

      That's what's missing in our world now - music no longer brings people together - i was born in the mid 70s and was raised around all types of music (jazz, r&b, blues, rock, metal, etc.) - now, we are so divided, it's sad - bring back REAL music full of that beauty and hope

    • @wendlynjoycecherry7581
      @wendlynjoycecherry7581 Год назад +18

      I’m 68 and It’s 2023 and this man’s voice still brings tears to my eyes.

    • @JaniceWarmack
      @JaniceWarmack Год назад +15

      Thank you my Brother for being the Child of GOD❤ We need more people like you! Black or White. Keep doing what you do in music and keep listening too Luther!!😊 GOD BLESS

  • @burnettl.jacksoniii1040
    @burnettl.jacksoniii1040 Год назад +530

    I am 60 years old man and this is the most magical performance ever!! My eyes are filled with tears. My mother died 2 weeks after I got married, and she was too sick to attend the wedding. I had an intense dream after she passed where we danced together at my wedding to this song. It breaks me to pieces when I hear this song. This rendition of a House Is Not A Home is the most beautiful rendition ever!! A true masterpiece….

    • @rellucifer
      @rellucifer Год назад +9

      I’m sorry you had to experience that.

    • @Brennonblsn
      @Brennonblsn Год назад +8


      @SNAPLINKSLLC Год назад +1

      ​@@relluciferso we just believe whatever people say on the internet now

    • @ronaldholmes2191
      @ronaldholmes2191 Год назад +14

      I feel you brother my mom passed 10 years ago and loved Luther… everytime I hear him I think of her.. they are still hear my brother i promise 😢❤

    • @shannamcgriff8774
      @shannamcgriff8774 Год назад +6

      Bless you!

  • @wandalee3186
    @wandalee3186 8 месяцев назад +103

    2024 & until my last days. Been a fan since he released Never to Much. That’s when I fell in love with his love songs. No one comes close to his superior talent!! The day he passed away I cried like I had lost my own family but he was family to me! RIP Luther Vandross ❤

  • @leonpowell7417
    @leonpowell7417 8 месяцев назад +62

    The voice, The legend. Never be another Luther.

  • @maryjenkins8043
    @maryjenkins8043 Год назад +358

    Today, would have been Luther's 72nd birthday.... it's 2023 and YES !!! I'm still listening to one of the greatest balladeers of my lifetime...RIP Luther 🕊️🕊️🤍🤍

    • @marinevet887
      @marinevet887 Год назад +9

      Me Too Mary! Luther was one amazing voice of calm and soulful music❤❤❤

    • @SalomeLebeko
      @SalomeLebeko Год назад +10

      Oh the good old days

    • @cindipossidento5688
      @cindipossidento5688 Год назад

      My sister says that to me daily, but I’m fact it is true ….

    • @faith.s_mom
      @faith.s_mom 2 месяца назад


  • @Deecee04
    @Deecee04 Год назад +880

    I knew it was gunna be fire when he kept walking past the mic yelling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @fairlysweetshop
      @fairlysweetshop 10 месяцев назад +19

      What you said!! Ok!! lol!!

    • @monalisharhynes162
      @monalisharhynes162 9 месяцев назад +41

      😂😂😂 I laughed Everytime he walked past

    • @deborahbooker1429
      @deborahbooker1429 9 месяцев назад +8

      Love it!!

    • @euniceagnew1172
      @euniceagnew1172 8 месяцев назад +17

      Luther was such a great voice and entertainer. He sang the best romantic love songs ever. We loved Luther and miss him.❤❤❤

    • @newmooninlibra
      @newmooninlibra 8 месяцев назад +2

      I swear😂🎉🎉🎉

  • @frankharper6408
    @frankharper6408 5 лет назад +1690

    Luther doing a walk by singing 😂😂😂😂!!!! One of the greatest vocalist, if not the greatest of all time!!!!

    • @pearltoles
      @pearltoles 5 лет назад +43

      He was the greatest of all time

    • @mygrandkids7080
      @mygrandkids7080 4 года назад +5


    • @janetjudd4528
      @janetjudd4528 4 года назад +18

      so very true soul at its best

    • @gumbomomma1971
      @gumbomomma1971 4 года назад +15

      Definitely of all time #Legend.

    • @gumbomomma1971
      @gumbomomma1971 4 года назад +23

      So very blessed to see him perform in person when I was 14 years old. My first grown concert💞
      Debarge opened for Luther

  • @koledo99
    @koledo99 10 месяцев назад +1200

    Who is still watching this legendary performance in 2024…? Phenomenal

    • @Frierfel
      @Frierfel 10 месяцев назад +8

      me sometimes

    • @jonbadboy112
      @jonbadboy112 10 месяцев назад +34

      The walk pass the mic while warming up his vocals is insane.....Blessings

    • @sasha9635
      @sasha9635 10 месяцев назад +8

      Right here

    • @heavinkosh3403
      @heavinkosh3403 10 месяцев назад +10

      I'm right here now. Straight Legend 💯💪❤️😍

    • @peterjonesdelacruz
      @peterjonesdelacruz 10 месяцев назад +4


  • @lyricjones2297
    @lyricjones2297 9 месяцев назад +112

    He is the greatest male vocalist hands down Still

  • @laconyagreen3488
    @laconyagreen3488 9 лет назад +2562

    When he walk pass the mic with that first note!!!! CLASSIC. Who is more creative than this dude.

  • @kevinbeck6419
    @kevinbeck6419 2 месяца назад +21

    I'm still listening to him he's one of the greatest singers of all time

  • @HopeLeon-r3m
    @HopeLeon-r3m 2 дня назад +4

    I'm 71 and I think he's just so incredibly amazing!!❤❤❤❤❤
    RIP GOD BLESS 🙏💕 You...

  • @benjaminjenkins394
    @benjaminjenkins394 Год назад +239

    This song is extremely complex for any vocalist and Luther just does it effortlessly. He is carrying the song himself and there are times when the music drops out and he is just left to hit them notes with no help. Amazing! This is why many trained vocalists won’t even touch his stuff because it is just too difficult to do and do well. Luther was a legend.

    • @bethburnett1076
      @bethburnett1076 Год назад +6


    • @themersh4064
      @themersh4064 8 месяцев назад +2

      Talent conquers fear.

    • @tonyafarris6288
      @tonyafarris6288 7 месяцев назад +3

      OMG I was just thinking how smooth and easy he's throwing out those vocals. Absolutely Amazing 😍

    • @kay9549
      @kay9549 7 месяцев назад +2

      Luther had a heavenly blessed voice. Such a talented man, with such a vocal range.

    • @paulettesmith4071
      @paulettesmith4071 26 дней назад +2

      Hello Benjamin: It sounds like you’re a vocal coach. I agree, another vocalist that can hit those high notes, Mariah Carey, the late Whitney Houston and the late Minnie Ripperton. Such a beautiful song.

  • @willbrink
    @willbrink 7 лет назад +778

    THE greatest male singer of a generation, and perhaps any others too. Astounding.

    • @edwardrivera7864
      @edwardrivera7864 6 лет назад +3

      Puerto Rico

    • @willbrink
      @willbrink 6 лет назад +2

      Russia @@edwardrivera7864

    • @Hondo99
      @Hondo99 5 лет назад +3

      Different genres, but I always thought Freddie is the best male singer this world has seen. This man is right up there, for sure.

    • @KorpusV6
      @KorpusV6 5 лет назад +19

      Blake D Freddie is not in this bracket. Sorry but Ray Michael Stevie Luther James Marvin are in this bracket. Freddie is with John Paul Elvis and Frank below these guys.

    • @Hondo99
      @Hondo99 5 лет назад +2

      I have to agree !!

  • @herbertjburrell9178
    @herbertjburrell9178 5 лет назад +519


    • @saytellustvshow6147
      @saytellustvshow6147 4 года назад +5

      Ditto, I hear you :-)

    • @goyneser1
      @goyneser1 4 года назад +10

      47, it ain't over Young Buck! More memories to enjoy and create.

    • @hiryuimajin
      @hiryuimajin 4 года назад +15

      I'm a 27 year old man and I am so sad that I never get to see them good ones live.

    • @patwilson1257
      @patwilson1257 4 года назад +13

      I’m 70, and failing in love with fine, sexy 70 yr old. It ain’t over. The fire is still burning.

    • @terrijaclson5941
      @terrijaclson5941 4 года назад +4

      I can relate with memories
      Terri Jackson

  • @jeffmartin_UK
    @jeffmartin_UK 5 месяцев назад +90

    Oh shit. I was actually there. I remember going to the box office when we got there, to pick up our tickets,. only to be told that the mixing desks were in our seats! We were then given tickets for the most unbelievable place ever. Touching distance of the revolving stage. Absolutely amazing night. ❤❤❤ RIP Luther. ❤

  • @patriciataylor2661
    @patriciataylor2661 Год назад +100

    He KNEW his voice was magic!! Dead and gone, but his voice lives on, for me anyway. Such a master of song ❤️🔥!!

    • @KeatingWoodman404
      @KeatingWoodman404 Год назад

      Hello 👋Patricia, how are you doing? Hope you are fine. I'm Keating wood and am from Denver Colorado, where are you from? You seem like a real country girl

  • @ShailaSawyer
    @ShailaSawyer Год назад +44

    Me. I just celebrated my 66th birthday. Luther is always going to be a part of that.

    • @5Mdwarrior
      @5Mdwarrior Месяц назад

      Happy Birthday..I'm celebrating my 60th

  • @CityOfPs
    @CityOfPs 3 года назад +480

    This man is one of the rare talents that sounded EXACTLY the same in person as on his recordings.

    • @VeraHull1966
      @VeraHull1966 2 года назад +5

      Yes, LUTHER and Karen Carpenter

    • @JavierRodriguez-jw4xv
      @JavierRodriguez-jw4xv 2 года назад +3

      no need for voice corrector or auto tune either. ON POINT!

    • @luigivega5483
      @luigivega5483 2 года назад

      @@JavierRodriguez-jw4xv a

    • @destinysade4230
      @destinysade4230 2 года назад

      100% agree!

    • @kellgarett
      @kellgarett Год назад +2

      Luther was a perfectionist when it came to orchestration and vocal performance. His background singers and band had to be on POINT and they were because Luther would not have it any other way. This is one of the most beautiful songs and performances in his vast repertoire of classic masterful hits.

  • @datruthwillsetyoufree8033
    @datruthwillsetyoufree8033 8 месяцев назад +11

    A chair is still a chair. One of the greatest songs ever sang by one of the absolute greatest

  • @mikelclark9723
    @mikelclark9723 3 года назад +163

    You can't ever stop listening to Luther

  • @scaryflickchick74
    @scaryflickchick74 2 года назад +875

    Very rare hearing someone who can sing even better live than in studio. The man was spectacular. 🔥🔥❤❤

  • @big5029er
    @big5029er 4 года назад +634

    That walk pass the mic is so damn cold and it's April 10, 2020

  • @Jus_brose
    @Jus_brose 10 месяцев назад +108

    There’s feeling in me that’s saying it’s unfair he’s gone 😢😢

    • @philiphilton985
      @philiphilton985 6 месяцев назад +2

      Still heartbroken by his passing!

    • @SpiritualLifeCoach43
      @SpiritualLifeCoach43 3 месяца назад +3

      Be grateful he was here and his music lives on 🎶 we are all on Gods clock 🕒 🙏

    • @philiphilton985
      @philiphilton985 3 месяца назад +1

      @@SpiritualLifeCoach43 - So right!!

    • @darinabstonjr9512
      @darinabstonjr9512 3 месяца назад

      Think about what your hearing right now. Forever his music will bring people to love.

    • @faith.s_mom
      @faith.s_mom 2 месяца назад

      Oh, for real!!! 💔

  • @TheAndy3333
    @TheAndy3333 8 лет назад +225


    • @gjone1
      @gjone1 6 лет назад +6

      100% #FACTS ... Even Pavarotti said so!!!

    • @kingalpha8389
      @kingalpha8389 5 лет назад +2

      @Fkyo Flag What does a car has to do with this?🤣

    • @tommymusicwayne7540
      @tommymusicwayne7540 5 лет назад

      @Fkyo Flag h fry5

  • @TimoBrown79
    @TimoBrown79 Год назад +284

    I can’t think of one single other male vocalist who can sing like this man right here. His voice is as smooth as melted butter. ❤️

  • @ImNotACatLawyerButIPlayOneOnTV
    @ImNotACatLawyerButIPlayOneOnTV 3 года назад +396

    Only Luther can do a full minute and a half just going "ooooOOOHHHHhhhhh" and I will still watch every second 😍

  • @aiesharashawna5985
    @aiesharashawna5985 6 месяцев назад +15

    This man was heaven sent ...his vocals are the most beautifulest thing ive ever heard

  • @Ostipherous
    @Ostipherous 4 года назад +240

    Music will never again be this fine! NEVER!

    • @MarquesTheProducer
      @MarquesTheProducer 3 года назад +4

      you're not looking for the right thing if you feel that acoustic music doesn't exist anymore. check out these songs:
      1. Like I Want You - Giveon
      2. In Love With Another Man - Jazmine Sullivan
      3. Lovely - Brent Faiyaz
      4. Misunderstood - Lucky Daye
      5. Frozen - Sabrina Claudio
      6. idontwannabeyouanymore / when the party's over - Billie Eilish
      7. Open Up - Daniel Caesar
      8. Empty Boxes / How I Feel /Blind - Tamar Braxton
      9. Lose Each Other - Teyana Taylor

    • @robertpattinsonfan5658
      @robertpattinsonfan5658 3 года назад +3


    • @eckofame
      @eckofame 3 года назад +4

      Luther was in a class by himself we will never have another

    • @tarasmith1606
      @tarasmith1606 3 года назад

      So go

    • @roseeze166
      @roseeze166 3 года назад


  • @user-cf5ks2jv7v
    @user-cf5ks2jv7v 3 года назад +693

    My dad’s been gone twelve years, and my earliest memories were him cooking in the kitchen playing Luther. I’ll forever be grateful for Luther, because he gave me something I can always hold onto and listen and feel my dad until it’s my last day.

    • @bc5127
      @bc5127 3 года назад +5


    • @royaltyb1837
      @royaltyb1837 3 года назад +6

      Awwww 😭

    • @shashamarie4760
      @shashamarie4760 3 года назад +12

      What a beautiful memory. 💜🙏

    • @louisegross7899
      @louisegross7899 3 года назад +6

      Much love baby when you listen to luther it takes you to another place

    • @louisegross7899
      @louisegross7899 3 года назад +2

      Much love baby when you liste n to luther it takes you to another place

  • @treadeffectfitness2446
    @treadeffectfitness2446 3 года назад +737

    Its amazing how one human can capture thousands of people's attention without any fancy lights, props, or theatrics. Just him alone on the stage with his music and voice. What a gift the creator allowed this man to have!

    • @rhondabandy2522
      @rhondabandy2522 3 года назад +10

      I listens to Luther Vandross every day takeing a bath my wholes family love him and I got to hear him every day 2021.

    • @kimwise8016
      @kimwise8016 3 года назад +4


    • @kimwise8016
      @kimwise8016 3 года назад +5

      @@bretro23 yyyyyeeeeessssszzz

    • @kimwise8016
      @kimwise8016 3 года назад +4

      @@rhondabandy2522 ooookkkkkk

    • @MrStefano0813
      @MrStefano0813 3 года назад +4


  • @markd6123
    @markd6123 5 месяцев назад +23

    Definitely proof that Angels are real , and they are here with us ! Luther had to be Angelic, because no human could sing so flawless !

  • @living9377
    @living9377 3 года назад +397

    I miss Luther, Aretha, Prince, Whitney, Michael and them. All gone too soon.

    • @hannaniahbrown5640
      @hannaniahbrown5640 3 года назад +24

      And Marvin.

    • @1980starjustice
      @1980starjustice 3 года назад +14

      Too just think we were alive at a time they all were out performing putting out music and we were alive during their time here on earth breathing the same air and witnessed the greatest is something to treasure for the rest of our lives 💯…

    • @louisegross3886
      @louisegross3886 3 года назад


    • @louisegross3886
      @louisegross3886 3 года назад +1

      Yep all day long

    • @louisegross3886
      @louisegross3886 3 года назад +6

      @@hannaniahbrown5640 oh hell Marvin gaye all day long

  • @jonathanball8918
    @jonathanball8918 Год назад +65

    I could listen to Luther sing 24/7 one of the greatest vocalist of our time

  • @sylviagarza
    @sylviagarza 8 лет назад +671

    Even after 27 years, this song is still the best.

  • @deloresflannigan4439
    @deloresflannigan4439 22 дня назад +16

    I am still listening to the great Luther in November 2024. It will never be another. His voice is truly from the Mighty God above. ❤️❤️❤️ Rest in Jesus!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @jelx1107
    @jelx1107 4 года назад +107

    This is a perfect example of a voice that is also an instrument.

  • @budgrantrules
    @budgrantrules Год назад +72

    One night a long time ago (1981) I was in the USAF living in the dormitory at March AFB in CA. One night as I was getting ready to go to my midnight shift, I was listening to this song. I waited for it to end and then I grabbed my hat and opened the door. To my surprise there was a young female airman (they lived on the top floor) sitting outside my door. She looked up at me literally crying her eyes out. She said she was sitting there for the whole time just listening to the song through the door and had never heard anything so beautiful in her life. That was weird in a sweet way ... spoke volumes to Luther's gift.

    • @bernadettegriffin8569
      @bernadettegriffin8569 10 месяцев назад +2

      It has the same effect on me. The man was to reference one of his songs, so amazing.

    • @TheLc904
      @TheLc904 9 месяцев назад +2

      I was stationed at Mather AFB in Sacramento in 1990-92. Thank you for your service from a USAF retiree

    • @budgrantrules
      @budgrantrules 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@TheLc904 retired myself in 2001

    • @curlieleehing5528
      @curlieleehing5528 9 месяцев назад +1

      Masterpiece! Gone too soon 5:13

  • @Tony-xi6gs
    @Tony-xi6gs 2 года назад +217

    I'm 43yrs old and have been listening to Luther since a kid growing up. Pure Godly Talent. Ty sir for your music, your voice .. never will be another rip

    • @SUPREME-ri8wt
      @SUPREME-ri8wt Год назад +4

      Big FACTZZZZ im 44 and I grow up on this too but I never expected that I'll be sitting in the same position as they did 38 years ago and listening to this exact same Song 🥹‼️

    • @TiernanWebb
      @TiernanWebb Год назад

      How many times do you think someone said that before he was born?

    • @joannjameson4955
      @joannjameson4955 Год назад +4

      I loved Luther from his first album to the last album.He kept my heart smiling 😊❤️♥️🙂😘 .So talented.

  • @ralex3697
    @ralex3697 9 месяцев назад +94

    This talent does not exist today. Auto tune, profanity and nakedness is what we have 2024

    • @SummonSkeletons
      @SummonSkeletons 3 месяца назад +6

      bold claims from someone who does not dig deeper to find good music. sad.

    • @louisegross3886
      @louisegross3886 3 месяца назад

      @@ralex3697 yep I half of the singers if it wasn't for auto tune pirobly be sounding like dead cats dying there are very few artists that has that true vocals

    • @Diane-nn2np
      @Diane-nn2np 7 дней назад +1

      Luv, luv, luv u so much.

  • @paulgosling6886
    @paulgosling6886 2 года назад +429

    His unique voice still gives me goosebumps......R.I.P. Luther.

  • @dumisatonyjohnson8145
    @dumisatonyjohnson8145 5 лет назад +476

    Class all by himself
    You'll never see or hear anything like him ever again

    • @allisonkalloo2293
      @allisonkalloo2293 5 лет назад +4

      NEVER EVER!!❤❤❤

    • @marionbotelho9350
      @marionbotelho9350 4 года назад +2

      True that its so true and with money you can buy a bed , but not sleep.with money you can buy a clock but not time. With money you can buy a house but not a home.

    • @marionbotelho9350
      @marionbotelho9350 4 года назад

      Love you luther sing it baby i love it❤❤

    • @dreamski412
      @dreamski412 4 года назад +5

      Only Jaheim could sing like Luther and I wish he would come back to sing for us ❤️

    • @jonesejackson
      @jonesejackson 4 года назад

      Yes sir!!! Always the King 💯

  • @danielcropp8553
    @danielcropp8553 7 лет назад +253

    HIs vocal power and his ability to sustain notes for a long time with an exceedingly clear tone was astounding.

  • @matthewalfred1432
    @matthewalfred1432 5 месяцев назад +32

    I’m 36 years old. Mom dukes stayed playing this man’s music on a daily basis, from me being a little boy to becoming a man. His music still slaps! Talk about timeless music!

    • @justicemiller4878
      @justicemiller4878 4 месяца назад

      I agree. I’m 28 & my grandma used to wear the Dance With My Father album out picking me up from school. 😂 I play it regularly these days 😂

    • @PulseTheMagazine
      @PulseTheMagazine 4 месяца назад


  • @baz1648
    @baz1648 Год назад +27

    It’s 2023. This is the greatest soul singer of all time in my opinion. There are some other greats for sure but to my ears it’s not particularly close.

  • @susandockery1838
    @susandockery1838 Год назад +109

    Luther Vandross could not be touched with his vocals. Best artist of all times. Voice impeccable. Could listen to his music day and night

  • @anthonyrichardson7188
    @anthonyrichardson7188 9 лет назад +240

    that man's range is absolutely insane... and it all sounds soft as a feather... gosh I miss his music!!

    • @kentchr76
      @kentchr76 9 лет назад +3

      Me too.. me too.

  • @terifrost69
    @terifrost69 2 дня назад +2

    I love his smooth incredible voice. Only one like him in my lifetime❤

  • @sal3579
    @sal3579 3 года назад +92

    Luther had an incredible voice. Taken too soon. He deserves to be recognized as one of the best voices in our time. Miss good music!

  • @Guru1983
    @Guru1983 9 лет назад +304

    He did this without effort. Monster vocalist. Straight nailed it!!

  • @demetriuscrawford4833
    @demetriuscrawford4833 Год назад +64

    Bro him walking past the mic in the first 20 secs like that was disrespectful😂best male singer hands down🙏🏾

  • @justanadams9430
    @justanadams9430 8 месяцев назад +14

    Luther Vandross definitely deserves to be inducted into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

  • @mariek.6660
    @mariek.6660 Год назад +142

    Luther is one of the ONLY ones who can AND will bring me to tears. Every. Single. Time. Such an angelic voice. I love him so much.

  • @mariahyohannes
    @mariahyohannes 3 года назад +214

    "It's driving me crazy to think that my baby wouldn't be!" Is my absolute favorite part 😫Luther tells a story with his many inflections and phrasing

    • @calvinjones6447
      @calvinjones6447 3 года назад +4

      We need to bring back that Good RNB!!!!
      Sick Sonic comes close.!!
      Don't stop what you GUYS are doing ❤❤!

    • @anniewatts2253
      @anniewatts2253 3 года назад +2

      @@calvinjones6447 yes yes

    • @clintjoseph86
      @clintjoseph86 2 года назад

      Facts! Told my wife that same thing this past Valentine’s Day when we were listening to this

    • @patriciathompson1145
      @patriciathompson1145 2 года назад

      What a voice, my god

    • @tasminwilliams174
      @tasminwilliams174 10 месяцев назад

      Minesss tooo

  • @henryhill9616
    @henryhill9616 2 года назад +80

    His vocal range is absolutely amazing!!!

  • @paulgosling6886
    @paulgosling6886 2 месяца назад +13

    Forget auto tune. Forget ear pieces. Luther was a pure natural.

  • @pc1610
    @pc1610 Год назад +41

    I made my first child in 1983 to this album. Luther you owe half of my child support payments

    • @Moonwalker4ever87
      @Moonwalker4ever87 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @AnthonyFisher-uw2oo
      @AnthonyFisher-uw2oo 4 месяца назад


    • @AnthonyFisher-uw2oo
      @AnthonyFisher-uw2oo 4 месяца назад +2


    • @faith.s_mom
      @faith.s_mom 2 месяца назад


    • @rosemarygreen7350
      @rosemarygreen7350 2 месяца назад

      You just couldn't help your self it was too good to yours ears there is no stopping when Luther Vandross is playing in the back ground my child is 30 now 😅😅😅 ik the feeling

  • @donnaramos-burns1002
    @donnaramos-burns1002 4 года назад +113

    His singing makes me heartfelt. This song is timeless

  • @tamecabaccus5472
    @tamecabaccus5472 4 года назад +85

    No gimmicks, just vocals. Oh how I miss you Luther.. Big & Little Luther

    • @lorenziearrington8193
      @lorenziearrington8193 3 года назад


    • @janehyden1652
      @janehyden1652 2 месяца назад

      me too saw him at the fox in detroit during his skinny days. he was fabulous!!!!!!!!!!

  • @tonywillson7640
    @tonywillson7640 Месяц назад +5

    WHAT A TALENT remember this concert was the first time seeing him live and one I will never forget. What a honour to be far the best concert I ever attended. Boy can this man sing . It’s now 2024 and I am 60 and it still brings so much joy and happiness every time I hear he’s music. UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST MALE VOCALISTS OF ALL TIME . RIP Luther thank you for your music it makes me feel happy every time I listen to you 👑🙏

  • @rashidabdul-ghani4933
    @rashidabdul-ghani4933 3 года назад +70

    A crooner like this only comes along once a century. Expect the next one around 2080. This is natural talent; you can't be taught to sing this way.

    • @rashidabdul-ghani4933
      @rashidabdul-ghani4933 3 года назад +1

      @bike suisala: Think about it, Frank Sinatra, Jesse Norman, Billie Holiday, Theodore Pendergrass; who can even imitate these artist today?

  • @zxqwarmblue2
    @zxqwarmblue2 4 года назад +114

    Some people, like Luther, were born to sing.

    • @DJRenee
      @DJRenee 4 года назад +6

      I just recently learned that his father was a magnificent singer and that is where this beautiful voice comes from....amazing.

  • @suzannerey8438
    @suzannerey8438 3 года назад +245

    Luther, one of the most beautiful voices ever.. you’ll always be treasured, you’ll always be missed 💛

    • @PrettyNicky50
      @PrettyNicky50 2 года назад +2

      Truly he will. My aunt says to this day he's her all time favorite artist..."never too much" that he gave well legend!!

  • @shawna-mariewalker4288
    @shawna-mariewalker4288 4 дня назад +3

    walking past the mic screaming is nasty work. a freaking legend

  • @melimaine2218
    @melimaine2218 4 года назад +202

    I remember sitting next to him in a hair salon many years ago on Flatbush Aveune in Brooklyn. I was so star struck I couldn't speak. Rest in peace Luther.

    • @pantallygilka2854
      @pantallygilka2854 4 года назад +4

      Well Jel girl lucky you I'd a be worshipping at his feet

    • @evacormier6626
      @evacormier6626 4 года назад +5

      Lucky you

    • @MisterMel92
      @MisterMel92 3 года назад +2

      Tell us more!

    • @tonitwitty9529
      @tonitwitty9529 3 года назад +3

      Was Luther getting a Jerk Curl? Most of us had it back then lol.

    • @ctwilyums6372
      @ctwilyums6372 3 года назад +4

      Jheri Curl Luther! That's wassup. Best r & b vocalist of the '90's!!

  • @mickeygaywilkes6267
    @mickeygaywilkes6267 Год назад +495

    It is 2023 ! I will always listen to his beautiful voice. It just does something to my soul. ❤❤❤❤❤👄

    • @patritablackston2064
      @patritablackston2064 Год назад +6

      I'm right here with you Mickey& Gay in 2023💗

    • @ciarasgacha333
      @ciarasgacha333 Год назад +4

      Most definitely listen forever

    • @cheri238
      @cheri238 Год назад +3

      We all will be here who loves Luther for sure.❤

    • @RRED2
      @RRED2 Год назад +1

      Right with You Bro 😊😊😊

    • @sarahnisbett8725
      @sarahnisbett8725 Год назад +4

      Isn't he wonderful

  • @elrod1240
    @elrod1240 7 лет назад +119

    what a command of the stage this man had....................

  • @cheryllaredo7771
    @cheryllaredo7771 9 месяцев назад +94

    Me, and I'm a little old white woman. Legends never die.

    • @faith.s_mom
      @faith.s_mom 2 месяца назад +5

      Me, too!! 68 and still being moved by this man. We were so lucky to have had him in the world with us, but he passed from us far too soon. ❤ RIP Luther💔🙏

    • @derricdove9519
      @derricdove9519 2 месяца назад +2

      You know great music when you hear it . Sweet lady keep on keeping on .

    • @agentit8182
      @agentit8182 Месяц назад


  • @Abayommi
    @Abayommi 5 лет назад +122

    Lord this man was so so, OMG, I can never stop listening to him. Luther and Whitney were not here long enough. Thank you Lord for these gifts.

    • @charlesmurray8528
      @charlesmurray8528 4 года назад

      I jays live

    • @godsofirelocalcd6321
      @godsofirelocalcd6321 4 года назад

      I was fortunate to experience Luther and Whitney live in concert. Where Whitney Huston was the opening act for the Luther.

    • @mariogreeff6994
      @mariogreeff6994 4 года назад

      Lauryn WJackson hi

  • @ttd8429
    @ttd8429 Год назад +53

    My dad transitioned in December of 2021 prior to his passing Luther vandross is one of the artists whose songs he would sing or play his saxophone to this song specifically. So I listen to this quite often now as it brings back so many great memories growing up in our home and those even after being grown.
    ❤we love you and miss you so much papa 4/21/2023 2:20am

  • @1bls
    @1bls 3 года назад +97

    Like Pavarotti, the man didn’t need a microphone, his voice filled the hall.

  • @JaniceCarter-w7f
    @JaniceCarter-w7f 8 месяцев назад +26

    Hay I am 78 trust all the comments here are so on target. Blessed voices on earth the Lord sent. The other is me. 😊

  • @octoberknites4098
    @octoberknites4098 4 года назад +52

    The walk past the mic... Lord. This man. ❤

  • @SpicyWife4Life
    @SpicyWife4Life 4 года назад +243

    Silk, velvet, smooth, unmatched... God broke the mold when he gave the world this gift we came to know as Luther Vandross. His music will undoubtedly live on for eternity. Thank you Luther for the incredible music and memories. S.I.P.

    • @olivermaloney4823
      @olivermaloney4823 4 года назад +9

      I will love his music for ever may god bless him.

    • @prestonmcleod1726
      @prestonmcleod1726 3 года назад +3

      So true!!! He may be gone but he music will live on!!!

    • @jazzyejan
      @jazzyejan 3 года назад +1

      Still listening now 7/22/2021😍. NOW AND FOREVERMORE. TIMELESS MUSIC
      LOVE IT🥰🍾❣️💖

    • @debbiestoutamire6172
      @debbiestoutamire6172 4 месяца назад

      You got that right ❤❤❤❤

  • @paulaslife3781
    @paulaslife3781 5 лет назад +199

    Wow after all these years. I've still no words, his talent and voice blow me away every time !!!! With tears.......

  • @lynnmcallister5926
    @lynnmcallister5926 10 месяцев назад +764

    Who is still listening in 2024?😊

    • @venetia98
      @venetia98 9 месяцев назад +2

    • @curtisgrier7524
      @curtisgrier7524 9 месяцев назад +3

      Listening right now

    • @ady8097
      @ady8097 9 месяцев назад +6

      Yup. Listening right now. February 2024 RIP dear Luther ❤❤❤

    • @downsouth822
      @downsouth822 9 месяцев назад +2

      Ya better believe it

    • @andrewclaridge3249
      @andrewclaridge3249 9 месяцев назад +2

      Saw him 5 times live. Still listen to him most days. Unreal voice...

  • @debbieg445
    @debbieg445 5 лет назад +90

    Whomever put a thumbs down on luther is hard of hearing or has no real clue what a blessed musician Luther Vandross was Luther was one of the greatest singers in the world . 💛

    • @michaelaldrich2046
      @michaelaldrich2046 4 года назад +1

      Thanks 4 making moments even more special Luther, GOD bless your rest.

  • @edwarddejong8025
    @edwarddejong8025 8 лет назад +1918

    As a studio musician, Luther had incredible precision with his voice. He could easily have been an opera singer, but he chose a R&B career and made some enduring music. Notice he doesn't have an earpiece feeding him a backing track. That man had a computer in his head, and could remember his arrangements perfectly. There are very few people who can perform live close to studio quality like he could, without the aid of a backing track to guide them.
    He contributed to other people's music; who can forget Bowie's use of Luther? And his work with Aretha? He was such a quality musician, everything he touched was great. Unfortunately in his lifetime, it was not possible for a gay black man to be accepted singing love songs, so he didn't have much personal freedom, and had to be very careful. I love his work, and have most of his recordings. This is one of his most beautiful songs. Look carefully at his lips from 9:20 on as ends the song, and moves so precisely, like surgeon, he dishes out the enunciations one after another in slow motion.
    I wish that white radio had played more of his songs, only a few actually crossed over, and then he could have been recognized as the giant of music that he was. He was a major artist, but he could have been even more famous than he was. He only sold 35 million albums approximately, and had he been let onto the MOR radio stations more, he could have tripled that easily to 100 million.
    R.I.P. Luther, we love you!!!

    • @mrsain19
      @mrsain19 8 лет назад +51

      +Edward De Jong thats the first thing i noticed too. no earpiece.

    • @Ornacia29
      @Ornacia29 8 лет назад +9

      How did David Bowie use Luther? Id be interested in looking at that

    • @edwarddejong8025
      @edwarddejong8025 8 лет назад +32

      +29Prolife Luther did the backing vocals on the young american album,
      In early August, many of the band members gathered in Philadelphia to begin work on the album that would become Young Americans, which is where the R&B transformation truly took hold.
      While Bowie had originally intended to work with the house band at the city's Sigma Sound - which had spawned hits by The O'Jays, Lou Rawls, The Three Degrees and Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - they were unavailable due to a scheduling conflict, and he brought in several members of his touring band, as well as some key new collaborators who would play a huge role in the album: Alomar; his wife, soul singer Robin Clark; and a young friend, future R&B superstar Luther Vandross. The latter two, along for the ride, were playfully riffing on one of the songs in the studio; Bowie loved it and had them sing on nearly every song. It was the first high-profile work of Vandross' career.

    • @TheSlinkyinky
      @TheSlinkyinky 8 лет назад +84

      Thankyou for this thoughtful and informative post about Luther; I did not know about The Bowie connection. ... I was at this event in Wembley and it still sends shivers down my spine when I see recordings of that night....His vocals were just like the vinyl I had of him and I couldn't believe how perfect he was live that night and I was part of that . Pure class, it was a HUGE privilege to see this great artist live. .... Perfect timing, tone and diction.... RIP Mr.Vandross..

    • @geddstock
      @geddstock 8 лет назад +20

      Please stop with this tech b/s just listen and let it "hit" you 👊🏿👊🏿

  • @booann87
    @booann87 7 лет назад +245

    I get sad all over again. Wish he was still here. There will never be another. Truly in a class all by himself!,💖💖

  • @C2_318
    @C2_318 7 дней назад +1

    Those walk bys are both legendary and hilarious

  • @eltonwilliams6825
    @eltonwilliams6825 8 лет назад +83

    Pure Unadultered Talent... Miss you Luther

  • @NatureB3
    @NatureB3 4 года назад +62

    Yesterday marked the 15th anniversary of his passing and the only artist who did 2 things, (1) make a remake sound original and (2) when he passed men cried (I did). Rest on genius your music will live forever. Thanks for your music making a couple of generations.

  • @jonathanakagbosu2355
    @jonathanakagbosu2355 9 лет назад +79

    This man had angelic vocals. R.I.P. Luther Vandross

  • @jlsoler3575
    @jlsoler3575 5 месяцев назад +11

    He is The Voice...Love Him...I am 62 y/o..Miss him..He was the Papi of 70 and 80...

  • @juanencarnacion4470
    @juanencarnacion4470 8 лет назад +136

    can't no one do it better. years after his death and no one has been able to fill his shoes. greatly missed !

  • @MMB-wu2um
    @MMB-wu2um 8 лет назад +36

    There will ALWAYS BE "ONE LUTHER".

  • @adrieneweaver4869
    @adrieneweaver4869 Год назад +37

    There are many male vocalists I've heard of since the 70's. Luther is on the top of my list. Thank you God for blessing him with that wonderful voice.

  • @GreatGrandmaAnon
    @GreatGrandmaAnon 8 месяцев назад +7

    There will never be another Luther Vandross...So loved and cherished and missed. Rest in Paradise.💔

    • @kay9549
      @kay9549 5 месяцев назад

      @GreatGrandmaAnon absolutely, such a blessed individual with a beautiful voice. His music is still with us, plz enjoy.

  • @deanplessy1140
    @deanplessy1140 Год назад +35

    Burt Bacharach and Luther Vandross. Two exceptional musicians now making music in the heavens

    • @faith.s_mom
      @faith.s_mom 2 месяца назад

      Dionne Warwick (dated Bacharach, too) did a gorgeous rendition of this, as well.

  • @dennisbennett6492
    @dennisbennett6492 Год назад +22

    He bad, my kids came from listening to him❤

  • @RunWayUnderground
    @RunWayUnderground 8 лет назад +65

    OMG/G!!!! This Brotha's voice/talent is truly amazingly Blacknificent!!!

  • @darranblack1767
    @darranblack1767 8 месяцев назад +6

    Just loop this on a DVD player. Then let it stay on while you gone from the house.

  • @pnmusic6206
    @pnmusic6206 4 года назад +608

    Vocally I don't think there's ever been anyone as smooth as this guy and I don't think there ever will be.

    • @AllHailTheAle
      @AllHailTheAle 4 года назад +12

      100% with you there. Silky smooth, arguably the greatest!

    • @tlckids8799
      @tlckids8799 4 года назад +5

      Hands Down The Best

    • @thisistrack2473
      @thisistrack2473 4 года назад +7

      they said the same thing bout Nate King Cole, there is always "a ram in the brush!" 9/2020

    • @earlineelliott7496
      @earlineelliott7496 4 года назад +9

      He is still the greatest and always will be. He’s smooth. It was and is one of the best romantic songs ever.

    • @lovepaper53
      @lovepaper53 4 года назад +4

      Beg to differ, Johnny Mathis was just as smooth.

  • @susanreynolds199
    @susanreynolds199 9 лет назад +191

    This was when music was music you could understand it and feel it

    • @jamesdanilo5122
      @jamesdanilo5122 2 года назад

      Hello Susan how are you doing today hope things are fine

  • @queenblp2012
    @queenblp2012 8 лет назад +89

    Wow, still so breathtakingly beautiful. Timeless and classic

  • @AveryAccord
    @AveryAccord 2 месяца назад +9

    My father sang this to my mother 43years ago and she fell into his arms and here I am today. Young gentlemen this song is powerful and it will show you the true power of love. Don't pull this out unless you plan on loving her with all of your mind, body and soul.

  • @tonjenewilliams1106
    @tonjenewilliams1106 5 лет назад +80

    The music is just an accessory. Luther is raw and pure God-given talent. RIP Mr. Mellow.

  • @happyspirit0717
    @happyspirit0717 2 года назад +172

    How do you define this performance? Luther cannot be defined. Just a maestro in every sense of the word. A singing tour-de-force for his innate understanding, sensitivity and absolute control of his craft and music. But it's the way he sings in all his nuances and connects each of his songs, like this classic, so deeply to his audience that sets him apart in another sphere. RIP.

    • @sybilwindham604
      @sybilwindham604 Год назад +3

      Rance Allen, Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross, and Whitney Houston are the world's best vocalists. Others are close, but these 4 here can't be touched, in my humble opinion.

    • @sherrishepherd6002
      @sherrishepherd6002 Год назад +3

      You should have added two more. Aretha Franklin and Marvin Gaye and that list is complete for me

    • @philliptaylor3855
      @philliptaylor3855 Год назад


    • @philliptaylor3855
      @philliptaylor3855 Год назад

      😅😅? Kevin Gates Kevin Gates super grim

    • @typicallytalya
      @typicallytalya Год назад


  • @Jabbarjohnson
    @Jabbarjohnson 5 лет назад +40

    Luther's "A House is Not a Home" is the standard for slow-jamz that others can only hope to aspire to.

  • @CookingwithNeeka123
    @CookingwithNeeka123 5 месяцев назад +132

    Am I the only one listening to this song in 2024 and tearing up?