@@LaurenceDay-d2p make it 3. I am not lonely at all. I have been an elder orphan for years and have never even considered leaning on some one else for financial support or to take care of me.
I guess I'm an Elder Orphan. that's a new expression for me! I'm 77yrs old. Just me and my cat. I've always been ok on my own, I thought but I'm now struggling with anxiety and not doing so well! Your videos show me that I'm not really alone. There are lots of us, that helps. I'm not really alone! 😊
This really hits home. I started planning for my old age when I was in my 30's ( I am 66 yrs. old now). I subscribe to a Long Term Care Plan. I started planning this after I took care of my grandmother when I was only 16 years old. My grandmother had been a widow for over 50 plus years. She was very loving, kind and caring. She had given her five children money so they could buy a home. She had many grandchildren and great grandchildren, most of them lived near her. They rarely came to visit her, only when they needed money. As a teenager I saw how her children abandon her as well as her grand and great grandchildren. I could see and feel the hurt my grandma felt. I always visited my grandma and took her to all her doctor appointments and shopping every weekend. I didn't want her to feel lonely. When her health deteriorated, no family member wanted to take care of her so I did. I worked full time, school part time, husband, home and child to take care of. The family members who abandon her in her time of need felt great regret and guilt when she passed. I am not going to depend on ANYONE when I cannot care for myself. These days family members are self-absorbed and greedy and they do not do anything for anyone unless there's something in it ($) for them. When you get old you have to plan ahead because no one is going to take care of you but yourself. God Bless.
@@AmeliaHouck-o9j Thank you. You have another jewel in your Heavenly Crown. As I age the only person I need to impress is in Heaven. He knows my life history and when I face him in judgement I pray my life on earth pleased him. Pray for family members that treated their elder so heartlessly. One day they will get old - what comes around goes around - Karma. Miss Amelia take good care and God Bless.
@@Jean-ni6ofyou must be one of the lucky ones that have never been with bad company ….its truly toxic when you are. The only way to escape is get away from it.
I am 81 and I like being alone, far from the maddening crowd. December is like all other months - time to be enjoyed. Hiking in the snow, sipping tea on a cold night while reading a good book, and delicious hot soup are simple pleasures I enjoy. Every day, no matter how cold and snowy, is a gift to treasure. Even though I am alone I do not consider myself an "orphan" or anything of the kind.
Having just returned home after 3 weeks in hospital due to a broken hip my time in there made me realise that living alone with no relatives just how vunerable we are to health issues that reduce your capability to take care of daily chores that can't be avoided. Once you loose your health, then you are in trouble, and if it is becomes so severe that you end up in a care home, thaen the future looks very bleak. If we don't make an effort to survive on what we have, no one else will do it for us. Looking forward to more video's, you have a new subscriber.
I'm pushing 60, and I'm completely ALONE. Betrayed by toxic "family". No close friends, and few acquaintances. No one will help me. I've already decided when I cannot take care of myself anymore, I'll checkout on my own terms. The options are much worse.
Have you explored the idea that they're really is a God have you thought of going to a local church to give you a different perspective on life. Hey I'm 62 so I'm no spring chicken either but I want to encourage you to explore the idea that there's more to this life than you know right now.
@BlitzenSpeaks That's great to hear I just wondering encourage you you could make new friends and they're always looking for volunteers at church to help with projects and so that's a great way to make new friends.
I have always hated about the holiday seasons for many reasons. The cold and darkness, rainy Washington state winter. The holidays have always been so much family time. I am single never been married no kids. I also have the fear of riding alone. I have just retired at almost 65, I am so scared of my future. Thank you so much for the video. You have given me some good tips.
Nonsense! Why be scared? Of what? Develop your send of self and build your confidence. I'm 81 and have lived alone - and enjoy it - since I was 18 years old. Why do you fear riding alone? I go hiking and biking alone, even at night. Rainy winters are good for hiking, and also good for coming home to a hot bowl of soup and a warm, relaxing bed. Learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and you will have a pleasant retirement. I have.
Living alone in my early 70s. I feel like an elder orphan. My parents are long gone. My siblings live thousands of miles away and we are not close. I adopted my kids late in life so they are only in college now. So far, it's always been me taking care of them. I doubt they will ever be able to take care of me. They're too young and their lives and jobs are uncertain. So I try to stay fit and healthy, enjoy my hobbies, and hope for the best.
Me too … alone no kids. Getting ready to retire from a job that did not give me the sense of accomplishment I had hoped for. I have older siblings that I’m not too close with. They make me feel like I’m a burden to them.
Alone and ok with it. Enjoying solitude. Avoiding going out during holidays. Estranged from adult children. In today's modern society very few care. The hard fact is the elderly are used up. Younger generations blame prior generations for their financial woes. The only thing that matters to others is what another person has to offer. Need to take old age on by ourselves with others or not.
Right. I'm constantly reading where some Millenials and Gen Z keep saying that boomers just need to die and get out of the way so they can have our jobs (if we're still working) and our houses. Wow.
At 73 I have two long term friends in a different state. I have visited. I enjoy my solitude. I cook, walk and talk to a few neighbors. I try toive in gratitude and I take a good amout of medications. All is well.
I too, am an elder orphan who, now in my early 70s, is starting to feel more vulnerable and isolated. Reaching out, as you suggested, is important. My social circle is small so I'm trying to shore it up and strengthen it. There is a monthly gathering of a few seniors which I've started attending. I have a therapist too, and all of this helps but the confidence I felt just 5 years ago has been replaced with worry and fear. It's tough.
I understand. I do not have family. People pass on and I never had kids. We moved to an area way back, for husband's job 25 yrs ago. It never was a friendly area. I do not want any people around. I would like to move back to my hometown, but hard to move alone, with my pets. One day at a time.
I have my disposal (Neptune Society) already paid. I use an app to track if I'm still alive and to call the scoops if I don't respond once every 72hrd 😂
You know what's going to make you feel better? A job. I am completely alone with zero family & friends. I do have a job that keeps me crazy busy. Thank God
@@HD-yq9jx Fair enough, my point is that work is a normal part of life, not a punishment to be avoided at all cost. Other issue is life expectancy. If you're going to live until your 90's, then you should prepare to work a lot longer than your 60's. No job is going to provide enough resources to sit on the couch for 3+ decades
What about if you are no longer ABLE to work? I'd planned to croak in my cubicle but health problems arose at age 63 and I haven't been able to work since.. And good luck getting a job when you're old and in this market. Not to mention people suck. As a loner, I am very happy holing up in my apt.
@@pamelalundgren8163 My thinking is retirement is great for 2 types - health issues / given new jobs by family (provide free daycare for grandkids). Other than that, retirement is hell.
Born in '53 and yes I would say I'm an 'elder orphan'. However my continuous helping the natural world via the internet (not a paying job lol) is what's important to me. It makes you feel wanted and needed when you help others---people or nature, than sit around lamenting the situation. But certainly loss of family and those times are essentially all gone. That's a hard thing to live with. You built up and had definite relationships with them...then they're gone and those relationships exist no more except as memories.
Born in 1960 .... Having had no family .... But did well at school .... After graduating from university with a double first in Education and Science, I was able to plan a simple but demanding process for both my future in education and employment and thus I could not have done this if I had been family orientated so the loneliness you are talking about doesn't really apply to me although our situations earlier on may have been the same .... N.
Not me. I enjoy the cold weather - go hiking unless the temp is below 40 F. At 81 I realize that every day is a gift, even when it is snowing or raining. Better to live alone than in one of those hellish "rest homes".
Im going to let things pan out naturally, I cant fight anymore and worry about how it will be, been doing that all of 50 years..61 now and tired of it all..
I have been thinking about getting married , just so I may have someone, but it is not a guarantee . I am trying so hard to take care of myself . I drink very little , no meats and no smoking .
Please do, but only if it seems right for both of you. Taking care of ourselves is work. Mutual encouragement can help. Jack LaLanne and his wife Elaine set an example for us, with reasonable exercise, diet at home and throughout the day. I'm vegan and asexual, being twice divorced with two grown children who live far away. UU Friends only are best for me. Getting involved can lead to unnecessary conflict and disappointment. We all have wounds, issues, demons and desires. But who takes time and try to process or understand what is going on for us for our own sake and well-being? It is about love or caring for anyone, watching for what gets in the way. Going to the store can be a challenge. At least once a week, I see someone having a bad day, as any of us can, and vent or take it out on someone. But the more we're aware, we are less likely to. Especially when affected by all the civil and political strife. Some 2,500 years ago, the Taoist Lao Tzu wrote in his epic Tao Te Ching or Path of Change: "If you see something you like in someone, strive for that quality." iow don't be jealous "If you see something you dislike, look within. In meditation, go deep. No fight. No blame." iow Back off. Take a breath. See "what's really going on," as Oprah would say. More importantly: "Know the ways of man but keep to a woman's care." And yet, domestic disturbances and violence keeps getting worse. Our dreams clearly warn us of what we project on others. Jesus warned of the proverbial beam of pride in our eye. It's easy to see evil etc in others, but not ourselves. All the world religions teach us to have empathy for ourselves and others. To treat one another as we all need to be, amending when we fail. This Golden Rule has always been The Golden Path thru life. When two people can do this, there is hope for the world. How can there be peace if not in our own homes? It begins inside each of us to know this peace. This applies to all of us, no matter our orientation. We all have masculine and feminine traits. Even if we don't identify with either. We're born of a man and a woman. The Tao of Yin and Yang coming together in us makes us whole. Two people can do this and/or keep their religious teachings. For eg Knowing the evil in us in Matthew 15:19; 23:1-13. Jung confirmed it to avoid any hypocrisy from unbridled pride. Jung reminded us who alone is good and why we need the Redeemer. Can we save ourselves like St. Peter? The lesson of his denial has yet to be learned. St. Paul would have women be submissive to men, even in bed, contradicting what Jesus said. If Paul answered Jesus' question, would the Christian religions persecuted their own and each other? The history of the Catholic Church and Christian religions is the main reason many refuse to belong. That is unavoidable. But many don't have any faith which can help them to "do as they say, not as they do." Jung saw as others had long before him, there is light in our darkness and Symbols of Transformation. Spiritual Alchemists saw this transforming their base nature into heavenly gold. "Purge the darkness from our minds!" Jung's vision of a bright greenish gold crucifix perplexed him until he came across these learned women and men. For many of them, Jesus was their Philosopher's Stone or transforming substance. Even Van Morrison sings of this. (RUclips Van Morrison - The Philosopher's Stone) Jung kept a crucifix to help him and his patients in their dark moments of terrible suffering. We only need ask, unlike Peter. The Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene is very revealing about the wrathful powers in us. Jesus would love her most of all. Peter would be jealous that Jesus appeared to her first, a woman, instead of him. Male dominance is a huge stumbling block. It really is a fear of the feminine in ourselves and women, many of whom also resent, rather than embrace. God loved King Solomon for wanting to know good from evil to rule wisely. Eve was very brave. Cf Psychology and Alchemy by C G Jung The Gospel of Mary Magdalene wiki or gnosis . org (I have to misspell the website because RUclips doesn't allow links.)
Yesterday (when I was young) … Roy Clark God is Going to Cut you Down … Johnny Cash Listen to these two songs … find something else to do rather than putting forth such garbage useless meaningless presentations Read your KJV 1611 Bible everyday and no other all this time on earth and you have not learned a damned thing about anything Good day
Sage Advice Community churches and programs do make a world of difference in planning and living out our days. Ancient rituals of prayer and meditation also help us for our transition. This life is only a passage. We are clearly not alone, as seen in our dreams and visions until we return to The Eternal Dream. Jung, Von Franz and Kubler-Ross stressed making peace with ourselves and our life events. Things we've done or failed to do, especially what we've suffered haunt us, God knows. Ancient Greeks knew to pay homage in The Temple of My Familiar, even in our heart. (book by Alice Walker) We have a God, or Goddess, or Both, we can talk to. In whose image are we made? Our parents? Theirs? Where did the mystery begin? Could we be back here again? Any Deja Vu? When we see our face in the mirror, do we see our best friend? And if we see ourselves in the mirror of our dreams, is that us, too? Guess Again Maybe meditate on the dream and see what happens. Especially ask who they are and hear what they may have to say. Could we have as much understanding about ourselves, as Jung prescribed? Eg Taking time with what we feel and experience, even somatic sensations. Jung would sit down, maybe do yoga, to see if there's an image or voice. Especially if from a dream that he'd interact with, same as with anyone. So-called imaginary friends from childhood often come back again. Nicole Krauss reminded us of this in her novel The History of Love. War soldiers and others distressed were aided by unseen friends. Synchronistic events indicate their presence, even reading a book. Or sitting at the shore reading a newspaper, feeling good alone. And yet, not alone. Even those gone before us, look after us. Dreams can help us until we return to The Eternal Dream. Cf Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Gustav Jung On Dreams and Death by Marie Louise von Franz (excerpt) "In the final analysis, the fear of death is the fear of the final confrontation with the Self." (end of excerpt) Ie Meeting one's Maker But the more we pray about our passing, that fear subsides. It is true: "The fear of God can be the beginning of wisdom." It can also be the beginning of love and acceptance. On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross On Grief and Grieving: Finding Meaning in Loss by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler. (book review excerpt) "In a posthumously published book co-authored with David Kessler, Kübler-Ross expanded the model of the five stages of grief to address a wide range of personal losses, recognizing that it might be more about change than solely about grief. This broader framework, more commonly known as the Kübler-Ross Change Curve, encompasses various forms of loss, including the death of a loved one, job or income loss, major rejection, relationship breakups or divorce, drug addiction, the onset of illness or infertility, and even minor setbacks like losing insurance coverage. Kessler has also proposed "Meaning" as a sixth stage of grief" (end of excerpt) Jung saw this long before from his dreams and his many patients in coming to terms with life events and all we feel and experience, which dreams clearly address, per NIMH. National Institute of Mental Health Khalil Gibran in his book The Prophet, said he was told: "Pain is the cracking of our shell of understanding." If we could talk with those who hurt us, what would we say? Especially if we could talk with those we've harmed, even if we've amended. Having worked with combat veterans, this can be very beneficial, even in a ritual. So-called psychosomatic sensations and illnesses are often psychogenic in origin from unrealized or neglected trauma we've suffered. Working with these sensations by seeing what they feel or look like or make us want to do can be very beneficial. Dreambody by Arnold Mindell (The body's role in revealing the higher Self, as well all the elements of our psyche.) Jacob Moreno saw this long before in re-enacting or reliving trauma to help us. Psychodrama as developed by Moreno is especially helpful for combat veterans. It is effective for the rest of us to recover and care for our wounds we've suffered. "In his autobiography, Moreno wrote of encounter with Sigmund Freud in 1912. "I attended one of Freud's lectures. He had just finished an analysis of a telepathic dream. As the students filed out, he singled me out from the crowd and asked me what I was doing. I responded, 'Well, Dr. Freud, I start where you leave off. You meet people in the artificial setting of your office. I meet them on the street and in their homes, in their natural surroundings. You analyze their dreams. I give them the courage to dream again. You analyze and tear them apart. I let them act out their conflicting roles and help them to put the parts back together again.'" Many Blessings and Peace
Please don't use the term old, people don't get old things do. The spirit doesn't age. The term bold blossoming it's kind of good. With all the online groups you don't have to be alone. Take a class, call up old friends or acquaintances, if you live in an apartment building inviteo one of the tenants out for coffee
We're all in this alone, together.
Old and alone,the most peaceful way to live. I find much comfort in the beauty and silence of nature.I am alone but not lonely.
That makes two of us!
@@LaurenceDay-d2p make it 3. I am not lonely at all.
I have been an elder orphan for years and have never even considered leaning on some one else for financial support or to take care of me.
"...just start chatting with the person who makes your coffee in the morning" ... that's me 😅
I guess I'm an Elder Orphan. that's a new expression for me! I'm 77yrs old. Just me and my cat. I've always been ok on my own, I thought but I'm now struggling with anxiety and not doing so well! Your videos show me that I'm not really alone. There are lots of us, that helps. I'm not really alone! 😊
Jesus loves you❣
I'm 61 alone and love it that way 😊
I'm 81 and enjoy it.
me too
I am 62, alone, but have Jesus, and that's all I need to live with hope. Keep the faith, and God bless knowing Jesus loves you all ❣ Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas 🎄 to you as well, How are you doing this evening?
This really hits home. I started planning for my old age when I was in my 30's ( I am 66 yrs. old now). I subscribe to a Long Term Care Plan. I started planning this after I took care of my grandmother when I was only 16 years old. My grandmother had been a widow for over 50 plus years. She was very loving, kind and caring. She had given her five children money so they could buy a home. She had many grandchildren and great grandchildren, most of them lived near her. They rarely came to visit her, only when they needed money. As a teenager I saw how her children abandon her as well as her grand and great grandchildren. I could see and feel the hurt my grandma felt. I always visited my grandma and took her to all her doctor appointments and shopping every weekend. I didn't want her to feel lonely. When her health deteriorated, no family member wanted to take care of her so I did. I worked full time, school part time, husband, home and child to take care of. The family members who abandon her in her time of need felt great regret and guilt when she passed. I am not going to depend on ANYONE when I cannot care for myself. These days family members are self-absorbed and greedy and they do not do anything for anyone unless there's something in it ($) for them. When you get old you have to plan ahead because no one is going to take care of you but yourself. God Bless.
My long tern plan involves a pillow to my face 💀
@@AmeliaHouck-o9j Thank you. You have another jewel in your Heavenly Crown. As I age the only person I need to impress is in Heaven. He knows my life history and when I face him in judgement I pray my life on earth pleased him. Pray for family members that treated their elder so heartlessly. One day they will get old - what comes around goes around - Karma. Miss Amelia take good care and God Bless.
You are an old soul I think you’re awesome.🌟
I'm old now, alone, but also feel I'm growing daily closer to God and I find much comfort in this.
Me too.
I hope you are ok my friend...I feel the same too 🙏
Same for me.
So, I am not alone I have all those leaving comments. TY
Better to be alone than in bad company.
@@Jean-ni6ofyou must be one of the lucky ones that have never been with bad company ….its truly toxic when you are. The only way to escape is get away from it.
Nail head
As you get older you realize this, and regret all the time you spent on worthless people.
@@LaurenceDay-d2p I agree
I do know what this feels like especially when the closest lets you down.
I’m old and alone in December. It’s great to be walking in the grey skies and the rain.
I love love love sunny Tucson in DEC,gonna be sunny and 72 on 12/8/24,PTL
I love to walk in the snow, and at night. Me and my wonderful big dog love the hikes.
I am 66. I study music, physics, astronomy, just about anything. I love the challenge, because my forgetfulness is starting to scare me.
Owner of a lonely heart, much better than, owner of a broken heart.
Yes. lol
Well said.
Not a lonely heart, just alone with my heart in silence
I am 81 and I like being alone, far from the maddening crowd. December is like all other months - time to be enjoyed. Hiking in the snow, sipping tea on a cold night while reading a good book, and delicious hot soup are simple pleasures I enjoy. Every day, no matter how cold and snowy, is a gift to treasure. Even though I am alone I do not consider myself an "orphan" or anything of the kind.
Having just returned home after 3 weeks in hospital due to a broken hip
my time in there made me realise that living alone with no relatives just how vunerable we are
to health issues that reduce your capability to take care of daily chores that can't be avoided.
Once you loose your health, then you are in trouble, and if it is becomes so severe that you end up
in a care home, thaen the future looks very bleak.
If we don't make an effort to survive on what we have, no one else will do it for us.
Looking forward to more video's, you have a new subscriber.
So very true Barbara . Please take care & Merry Christmas!!!
I am nearly 80 yrs., old. I have been living by myself with my cat for 16 yrs. Thank God I trust in Him wholly. He looks after me.
I'm pushing 60, and I'm completely ALONE. Betrayed by toxic "family". No close friends, and few acquaintances. No one will help me.
I've already decided when I cannot take care of myself anymore, I'll checkout on my own terms. The options are much worse.
I understand you completely , I’m taking care of my affairs when I can no longer take care of myself !
I'm trying to choose between carbon monoxide poisoning and hypothermia.
Have you explored the idea that they're really is a God have you thought of going to a local church to give you a different perspective on life. Hey I'm 62 so I'm no spring chicken either but I want to encourage you to explore the idea that there's more to this life than you know right now.
I've been a Christian over 40 years. I read the Bible, and pray daily.
@BlitzenSpeaks That's great to hear I just wondering encourage you you could make new friends and they're always looking for volunteers at church to help with projects and so that's a great way to make new friends.
Easier said than done. ♿️
@richardscathouse NOT REALLY.
I never assumed anything.. life doesn't play fair, never did.
Asumming was a big mistake I made..
I have always hated about the holiday seasons for many reasons. The cold and darkness, rainy Washington state winter. The holidays have always been so much family time. I am single never been married no kids. I also have the fear of riding alone.
I have just retired at almost 65, I am so scared of my future. Thank you so much for the video. You have given me some good tips.
Nonsense! Why be scared? Of what? Develop your send of self and build your confidence. I'm 81 and have lived alone - and enjoy it - since I was 18 years old. Why do you fear riding alone? I go hiking and biking alone, even at night. Rainy winters are good for hiking, and also good for coming home to a hot bowl of soup and a warm, relaxing bed. Learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and you will have a pleasant retirement. I have.
How are you doing this evening Mark.
It's just me, myself and i 💪
Living alone in my early 70s. I feel like an elder orphan. My parents are long gone. My siblings live thousands of miles away and we are not close. I adopted my kids late in life so they are only in college now. So far, it's always been me taking care of them. I doubt they will ever be able to take care of me. They're too young and their lives and jobs are uncertain. So I try to stay fit and healthy, enjoy my hobbies, and hope for the best.
Me too … alone no kids. Getting ready to retire from a job that did not give me the sense of accomplishment I had hoped for. I have older siblings that I’m not too close with. They make me feel like I’m a burden to them.
@Instkarma9765 oh golly, I am so sorry, please reach out if you are lonely ❤
Alone and ok with it. Enjoying solitude. Avoiding going out during holidays. Estranged from adult children. In today's modern society very few care. The hard fact is the elderly are used up. Younger generations blame prior generations for their financial woes. The only thing that matters to others is what another person has to offer. Need to take old age on by ourselves with others or not.
I hear you.
Right. I'm constantly reading where some Millenials and Gen Z keep saying that boomers just need to die and get out of the way so they can have our jobs (if we're still working) and our houses. Wow.
At 73 I have two long term friends in a different state. I have visited. I enjoy my solitude. I cook, walk and talk to a few neighbors. I try toive in gratitude and I take a good amout of medications. All is well.
Wonderbar 🌟
I too, am an elder orphan who, now in my early 70s, is starting to feel more vulnerable and isolated. Reaching out, as you suggested, is important. My social circle is small so I'm trying to shore it up and strengthen it. There is a monthly gathering of a few seniors which I've started attending. I have a therapist too, and all of this helps but the confidence I felt just 5 years ago has been replaced with worry and fear. It's tough.
I understand. I do not have family. People pass on and I never had kids. We moved to an area way back, for husband's job 25 yrs ago. It never was a friendly area. I do not want any people around. I would like to move back to my hometown, but hard to move alone, with my pets. One day at a time.
I have my disposal (Neptune Society) already paid. I use an app to track if I'm still alive and to call the scoops if I don't respond once every 72hrd 😂
@@richardscathouse I will contact Neptune Society right away. Never heard of it but very glad to know of it. I too have no family.
Yes, it certainly is .
Live in affordable senior housing myself. I am not lonely. This part of life is different for everyone. Figure out what makes you content and do it.
There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. Truth is I prefer not dealing with people as much as possible. Makes everyone happier
Old and alone in December is....Peace.
Just came back from a carribean cruise. What i found amazing was how many single both men and women were cruising alone.😢
You know what's going to make you feel better? A job. I am completely alone with zero family & friends. I do have a job that keeps me crazy busy. Thank God
No thanks, retirement is so sweet! 😅
But there is a life o live and it is not at the work place
@@HD-yq9jx Fair enough, my point is that work is a normal part of life, not a punishment to be avoided at all cost. Other issue is life expectancy. If you're going to live until your 90's, then you should prepare to work a lot longer than your 60's. No job is going to provide enough resources to sit on the couch for 3+ decades
What about if you are no longer ABLE to work? I'd planned to croak in my cubicle but health problems arose at age 63 and I haven't been able to work since.. And good luck getting a job when you're old and in this market. Not to mention people suck. As a loner, I am very happy holing up in my apt.
@@pamelalundgren8163 My thinking is retirement is great for 2 types - health issues / given new jobs by family (provide free daycare for grandkids). Other than that, retirement is hell.
Born in '53 and yes I would say I'm an 'elder orphan'. However my continuous helping the natural world via the internet (not a paying job lol) is what's important to me. It makes you feel wanted and needed when you help others---people or nature, than sit around lamenting the situation. But certainly loss of family and those times are essentially all gone. That's a hard thing to live with. You built up and had definite relationships with them...then they're gone and those relationships exist no more except as memories.
Frightening and very true - I am certainly an elder orphan (72) and widower, with no kids example. Not nice in any way.
I am sorry about this, How are you doing today.
So many elder orphans here. Should start a group. We can inter react when we feel like it.
Born in 1960 .... Having had no family .... But did well at school .... After graduating from university with a double first in Education and Science, I was able to plan a simple but demanding process for both my future in education and employment and thus I could not have done this if I had been family orientated so the loneliness you are talking about doesn't really apply to me although our situations earlier on may have been the same .... N.
Meet ya’ll back here on Christmas Eve!
For me it’s about control of guality of life rather be dead than in nursing home
Nov and Dec is tough for us loners.
Not me. I enjoy the cold weather - go hiking unless the temp is below 40 F. At 81 I realize that every day is a gift, even when it is snowing or raining. Better to live alone than in one of those hellish "rest homes".
Im going to let things pan out naturally, I cant fight anymore and worry about how it will be, been doing that all of 50 years..61 now and tired of it all..
@ 3:57 "Aging is hard enough" with "aging" prounced "ajjing." Caught ya, AI! Was this thing even written by a sentient human?
maybe there should be some actual pictures or videos representing cold weather
The video is about feeling better, not dwelling on your misery.
I have been thinking about getting married , just so I may have someone, but it is not a guarantee . I am trying so hard to take care of myself . I drink very little , no meats and no smoking .
I hope you find someone. 🙏 ✨
@@catcauldron217 Finding someone that cares , is the hardest part .
Please do, but only if it seems right for both of you. Taking care of ourselves is work. Mutual encouragement can help.
Jack LaLanne and his wife Elaine set an example for us, with reasonable exercise, diet at home and throughout the day.
I'm vegan and asexual, being twice divorced with two grown children who live far away. UU Friends only are best for me.
Getting involved can lead to unnecessary conflict and disappointment. We all have wounds, issues, demons and desires.
But who takes time and try to process or understand what is going on for us for our own sake and well-being?
It is about love or caring for anyone, watching for what gets in the way. Going to the store can be a challenge.
At least once a week, I see someone having a bad day, as any of us can, and vent or take it out on someone.
But the more we're aware, we are less likely to. Especially when affected by all the civil and political strife.
Some 2,500 years ago, the Taoist Lao Tzu wrote in his epic Tao Te Ching or Path of Change:
"If you see something you like in someone, strive for that quality." iow don't be jealous
"If you see something you dislike, look within. In meditation, go deep. No fight. No blame."
iow Back off. Take a breath. See "what's really going on," as Oprah would say.
More importantly: "Know the ways of man but keep to a woman's care."
And yet, domestic disturbances and violence keeps getting worse.
Our dreams clearly warn us of what we project on others.
Jesus warned of the proverbial beam of pride in our eye.
It's easy to see evil etc in others, but not ourselves.
All the world religions teach us to have empathy for ourselves and others.
To treat one another as we all need to be, amending when we fail.
This Golden Rule has always been The Golden Path thru life.
When two people can do this, there is hope for the world.
How can there be peace if not in our own homes?
It begins inside each of us to know this peace.
This applies to all of us, no matter our orientation.
We all have masculine and feminine traits.
Even if we don't identify with either.
We're born of a man and a woman.
The Tao of Yin and Yang coming together in us makes us whole.
Two people can do this and/or keep their religious teachings.
For eg Knowing the evil in us in Matthew 15:19; 23:1-13.
Jung confirmed it to avoid any hypocrisy from unbridled pride.
Jung reminded us who alone is good and why we need the Redeemer.
Can we save ourselves like St. Peter? The lesson of his denial has yet to be learned.
St. Paul would have women be submissive to men, even in bed, contradicting what Jesus said.
If Paul answered Jesus' question, would the Christian religions persecuted their own and each other?
The history of the Catholic Church and Christian religions is the main reason many refuse to belong.
That is unavoidable. But many don't have any faith which can help them to "do as they say, not as they do."
Jung saw as others had long before him, there is light in our darkness and Symbols of Transformation.
Spiritual Alchemists saw this transforming their base nature into heavenly gold. "Purge the darkness from our minds!"
Jung's vision of a bright greenish gold crucifix perplexed him until he came across these learned women and men.
For many of them, Jesus was their Philosopher's Stone or transforming substance. Even Van Morrison sings of this.
(RUclips Van Morrison - The Philosopher's Stone)
Jung kept a crucifix to help him and his patients in their dark moments of terrible suffering. We only need ask, unlike Peter.
The Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene is very revealing about the wrathful powers in us. Jesus would love her most of all.
Peter would be jealous that Jesus appeared to her first, a woman, instead of him. Male dominance is a huge stumbling block.
It really is a fear of the feminine in ourselves and women, many of whom also resent, rather than embrace.
God loved King Solomon for wanting to know good from evil to rule wisely. Eve was very brave.
Psychology and Alchemy by C G Jung
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene wiki or gnosis . org
(I have to misspell the website because RUclips doesn't allow links.)
I drink what I want. The bigs are already trying to take the meat for themselves. I won't eat the bugs 😢
Too risky. If it doesn't work out she'll take your house and half of your life savings.
Yesterday (when I was young)
… Roy Clark
God is Going to
Cut you Down
… Johnny Cash
Listen to these two songs
… find something else to do rather than putting forth such garbage useless meaningless presentations
Read your KJV 1611 Bible everyday and no other
all this time on earth and you have not learned a damned thing about anything
Good day
Chat GPT?
Don't get a pet unless you can take care of it. It may become more work that you can handle and a bigger expense than you expect.
Nope, gotta have my cats. That expense is just as important as my health insurance premiums. 🐈
True and many places do not allow pets .
Sage Advice
Community churches and programs do make a world of difference in planning and living out our days.
Ancient rituals of prayer and meditation also help us for our transition. This life is only a passage.
We are clearly not alone, as seen in our dreams and visions until we return to The Eternal Dream.
Jung, Von Franz and Kubler-Ross stressed making peace with ourselves and our life events.
Things we've done or failed to do, especially what we've suffered haunt us, God knows.
Ancient Greeks knew to pay homage in The Temple of My Familiar, even in our heart.
(book by Alice Walker)
We have a God, or Goddess, or Both, we can talk to. In whose image are we made?
Our parents? Theirs? Where did the mystery begin? Could we be back here again?
Any Deja Vu? When we see our face in the mirror, do we see our best friend?
And if we see ourselves in the mirror of our dreams, is that us, too?
Guess Again Maybe meditate on the dream and see what happens.
Especially ask who they are and hear what they may have to say.
Could we have as much understanding about ourselves, as Jung prescribed?
Eg Taking time with what we feel and experience, even somatic sensations.
Jung would sit down, maybe do yoga, to see if there's an image or voice.
Especially if from a dream that he'd interact with, same as with anyone.
So-called imaginary friends from childhood often come back again.
Nicole Krauss reminded us of this in her novel The History of Love.
War soldiers and others distressed were aided by unseen friends.
Synchronistic events indicate their presence, even reading a book.
Or sitting at the shore reading a newspaper, feeling good alone.
And yet, not alone. Even those gone before us, look after us.
Dreams can help us until we return to The Eternal Dream.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Gustav Jung
On Dreams and Death by Marie Louise von Franz
"In the final analysis, the fear of death is the fear of the final confrontation with the Self."
(end of excerpt)
Ie Meeting one's Maker
But the more we pray about our passing, that fear subsides.
It is true: "The fear of God can be the beginning of wisdom."
It can also be the beginning of love and acceptance.
On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
On Grief and Grieving: Finding Meaning in Loss
by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler.
(book review excerpt)
"In a posthumously published book co-authored with David Kessler, Kübler-Ross expanded the model of the five stages of grief to address a wide range of personal losses, recognizing that it might be more about change than solely about grief. This broader framework, more commonly known as the Kübler-Ross Change Curve, encompasses various forms of loss, including the death of a loved one, job or income loss, major rejection, relationship breakups or divorce, drug addiction, the onset of illness or infertility, and even minor setbacks like losing insurance coverage. Kessler has also proposed "Meaning" as a sixth stage of grief"
(end of excerpt)
Jung saw this long before from his dreams and his many patients in coming to terms with life events and all we feel and experience, which dreams clearly address, per NIMH.
National Institute of Mental Health
Khalil Gibran in his book The Prophet, said he was told: "Pain is the cracking of our shell of understanding." If we could talk with those who hurt us, what would we say?
Especially if we could talk with those we've harmed, even if we've amended. Having worked with combat veterans, this can be very beneficial, even in a ritual.
So-called psychosomatic sensations and illnesses are often psychogenic in origin from unrealized or neglected trauma we've suffered.
Working with these sensations by seeing what they feel or look like or make us want to do can be very beneficial.
Dreambody by Arnold Mindell (The body's role in revealing the higher Self, as well all the elements of our psyche.)
Jacob Moreno saw this long before in re-enacting or reliving trauma to help us.
Psychodrama as developed by Moreno is especially helpful for combat veterans.
It is effective for the rest of us to recover and care for our wounds we've suffered.
"In his autobiography, Moreno wrote of encounter with Sigmund Freud in 1912. "I attended one of Freud's lectures. He had just finished an analysis of a telepathic dream. As the students filed out, he singled me out from the crowd and asked me what I was doing. I responded, 'Well, Dr. Freud, I start where you leave off. You meet people in the artificial setting of your office. I meet them on the street and in their homes, in their natural surroundings. You analyze their dreams. I give them the courage to dream again. You analyze and tear them apart. I let them act out their conflicting roles and help them to put the parts back together again.'"
Many Blessings and Peace
I like simplicity, just I want to sleep forever.
We'd better enjoy this holiday, because when Trump ruins Medicare, and steals our social security, lots of us will be homeless with nowhere to go.
Let’s be positive!!! 🙏
@@catcauldron217Nope. Thanks to Christian nationalists this will be exactly like nazi 🇩🇪
Please. Trump is just the latest boogeyman incompetent to do anything 😢
A lot of us will go nowhere together. We will have each other!
Then why didn't that happen in his first term? People like you are scary stupid.
Please don't use the term old, people don't get old things do. The spirit doesn't age. The term bold blossoming it's kind of good. With all the online groups you don't have to be alone. Take a class, call up old friends or acquaintances, if you live in an apartment building inviteo one of the tenants out for coffee
Trump is a double edged sword
You lose so much credibility using AI voice
As a single, older, homeless gent, I am universally hated and the feeling is mutual.
I'm not homeless, but old single men have no more sense of belonging anywhere, and are often stereotyped as creepy.
@@drc3po Yep. And the more we withdraw and reject society, the creepier they believe we are. Textbook projection.
@@drc3po Yep. And the further we withdraw and reject society, the creepier they believe we are.