Hurrah! what a pleasant sound is the sound of melody played on small tuned set of bells followed by hour strike as chord strokes on shorter and longer chiming bars ! Even if electronically imitated it exactly sounds like the real one (small tuned set of bells and shorter and longer rods made of copper).
Jam nya ngingetin alm nenek sy, dulu sy dikasih jam yang kek gini sama alm nenek sy
Saya juga dri nenek juga ,paman,dan mama ,suka jam berbunyi
Hurrah! what a pleasant sound is the sound of melody played on small tuned set of bells followed by hour strike as chord strokes on shorter and longer chiming bars ! Even if electronically imitated it exactly sounds like the real one (small tuned set of bells and shorter and longer rods made of copper).
Jadi inget almarhum nenek moyang saya😭
Iya ,itu jam jadul