Looking at the resistors on the board, it looks like the thermal design is pretty decent, there seem to be no hot or burnt parts. I also like the clamps pushing on the mosfets, they give a sort of spring loading, keeping the pressure on, no matter what. Nice video, thanks Thomas.
At a grocery store not far from me is a large Best (now Eaton) ferroresonant online UPS which is primarily used to run the lights. The thing is LOUD when it is running. Ferroresonant UPSes drive the transformer with a square wave but the output is an extremely clean pure sine wave. They don't have particularly high conversion efficiency- around 70 percent- but they are much simpler than high frequency pure sine wave UPSes and they are often used in applications where extremely clean power is required and failure is not an option.
Looking at the resistors on the board, it looks like the thermal design is pretty decent, there seem to be no hot or burnt parts. I also like the clamps pushing on the mosfets, they give a sort of spring loading, keeping the pressure on, no matter what. Nice video, thanks Thomas.
that is exactly how I see it too, old electronics tell a story if we just look a little bit :-)
At a grocery store not far from me is a large Best (now Eaton) ferroresonant online UPS which is primarily used to run the lights. The thing is LOUD when it is running. Ferroresonant UPSes drive the transformer with a square wave but the output is an extremely clean pure sine wave. They don't have particularly high conversion efficiency- around 70 percent- but they are much simpler than high frequency pure sine wave UPSes and they are often used in applications where extremely clean power is required and failure is not an option.
love me some ups