Millionaires flowers with vibrant colors look so fantastic and breathtaking. I am looking forward to seeing that in person soon. Your video is so magnificent!
Thank you for watching the video and the compliment! My hometown area called "The Banshu Region" has a whole bunch of hidden beautiful places. Come here someday!
Millionaires flowers with vibrant colors look so fantastic and breathtaking. I am looking forward to seeing that in person soon. Your video is so magnificent!
Thank you for watching the video and the compliment! My hometown area called "The Banshu Region" has a whole bunch of hidden beautiful places. Come here someday!
ありがとうございます✨ そう言っていただき嬉しいです♫ 西脇市へはあまりまだ足を伸ばしたことがないのですが、色んな場所で地域の方々が町おこしに励んでおられ、こちらでもウエルカムな空気感が漂っていて、とても良い時間が過ごせました。今年の紅葉は西脇へ行こうかと今考えています🤗
ありがとうございます😊 パワースポット大人旅さんのように、その土地や歴史の知識をもっと深められるようになりたいです✨