That's music at highest quality of C.Ph.E. It sounds really good and shows how much he learned from his father. Wonderful chromaticism! Only two voice fugue - rarity. In fact not so easy to create. And superb ending. As always you can rely on his mastery of wit that highlights his genius.
Wunderbar lebendig und präzise gespielt. CPE Bachs Einzwelwerke für Orgel stehen leider doch manchmal sehr im Schatten der sechs Sonaten, obwohl sie noch mal eine ganz andere Tonsprache bringen.
Beautiful piece and performance!
A great fugue theme, well done!
A wonderful fugue, excellently played!
Thank you contrapunctus1750
Superb with these breathing vivid historic mixtures!
For me an ideal instrument for Carl Philipps music
That's music at highest quality of C.Ph.E. It sounds really good and shows how much he learned from his father. Wonderful chromaticism! Only two voice fugue - rarity. In fact not so easy to create. And superb ending. As always you can rely on his mastery of wit that highlights his genius.
Indeed a great piece
Nooice job brother! Not his usual empfindsamer stile, but he sure could write an engaging fuge.
Dustinlaferney.....Claro....!!!! Estamos esperando TÚ producción.....
Amazing performance. Can you please share how you put together this setup? I would love to play organ at home but dont know where to start.
Thank you. My organ is from Noorlander, and it is a very fine crafted console. It is a Menuett model. The keyboards are UHT. I can highly recommend
Wunderbar lebendig und präzise gespielt. CPE Bachs Einzwelwerke für Orgel stehen leider doch manchmal sehr im Schatten der sechs Sonaten, obwohl sie noch mal eine ganz andere Tonsprache bringen.
Das stimmt, ich bin eher zufällig über diese Stücke gestolpert und die dmoll Fuge hat mich gleich gereizt. Freut mich, dass es gefällt.
The greatest composer of all time, eclipse even JS.
Certainly no discredit to the family name. I wonder if Quantz was jealous? LOVE CPE Bach!