I like my shoe salesman or hairstylist to wear a t-shirt or sweater, but for personnel on a billion dollar ship to wear a uniform, or at least a buttoned or zippered collar. Wake up Ulstein , you have mush to learn about duties, tradition, professionalism and respect of position. Why not tattoos or nose piercings, earings, bracelets on the staff, beach sandals on your staff ...........................................
Well done. Finally, bridge designs becoming what they should be,... congratulations on these great ideas - from one Bridge Designer to another-
have a nice pitchy sail.otherwise, other automation in the bridge is routine and due
I like my shoe salesman or hairstylist to wear a t-shirt or sweater, but for personnel on a billion dollar ship to wear a uniform, or at least a buttoned or zippered collar. Wake up Ulstein , you have mush to learn about duties, tradition, professionalism and respect of position. Why not tattoos or nose piercings, earings, bracelets on the staff, beach sandals on your staff ...........................................
Engage! Make it so. ;)