  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 518

  • @tialyrliketyler8939
    @tialyrliketyler8939 Год назад +358

    This case is the reason that I will never yell "Help" if i'm in danger. I'm going to yell " Fire". People are more likely to call for help if they think that they're in danger.

    • @thebeliversofbieber
      @thebeliversofbieber Год назад +23

      Yup, my mom always told me and my brothers growing up to scream fire if we’re in danger. Cause more people will call than when asking for help.

    • @kieramcgregor
      @kieramcgregor Год назад +5

      I’ve never heard that! Very smart, 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    • @Andrein.3237
      @Andrein.3237 Год назад +1

      @@thebeliversofbieberwait isn’t that illegal lol

    • @Andrein.3237
      @Andrein.3237 Год назад +2

      I think 😂that might count as causing a panic and you might get in trouble for lying

    • @thebeliversofbieber
      @thebeliversofbieber Год назад +11

      @@Andrein.3237 not that I’m aware of but if you’re in danger and help comes to the rescue I don’t think they’d charge you too

  • @kelseyjodonnell
    @kelseyjodonnell Год назад +283

    I do frequent CPR training and something they always stress is to point and choose someone specifically to call 911 while you’re performing CPR, otherwise it’s likely the bystander affect will take place and no one will actually call for help

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu Год назад +15

      Yeah I can imagine, especially when people think the situation is in good hands (yours in this case)… i think the bystander effect mostly happens when people falsely think someone else has the situation under control.

  • @melissaholland6878
    @melissaholland6878 Год назад +1519

    interesting that no one called the police when a woman was literally being stabbed, but the police is called for theft of a tv

    • @charlessarver1637
      @charlessarver1637 Год назад +71

      It's not surprising to me. It's like why are there plenty of coppers out there to write traffic tickets but virtually none to protect neighborhoods from crime and when you call them it takes an absurd amount of time for them to arrive

    • @tisme2888
      @tisme2888 Год назад +49

      The value of "things" instead of people..

    • @charlessarver1637
      @charlessarver1637 Год назад +14

      @@tisme2888 American culture-capitalism

    • @rachaelleann9847
      @rachaelleann9847 Год назад +3

      Ya that's insane

    • @rachaelleann9847
      @rachaelleann9847 Год назад +5

      @@charlessarver1637 they don't care, helping us public doesn't make them money

  • @lacibeth0207
    @lacibeth0207 Год назад +71

    I have experience with the by stander effect. On day I was driving to work and noticed a house down the street from me the fence and garage were on fire and there was a group of people standing watching it and I noticed nobody on their phones so I called 911 and I said to the operator “I’m sure you have had many calls about this but I just wanted to make sure somebody knew “ and the operator told me that she didn’t know about it and that I was the first call about it. If I had driven by just assuming someone else had called who knows how long that fire could have burned.

  • @melissaholland6878
    @melissaholland6878 Год назад +239

    it’s so sad that no one did anything. like you hear it often, and it’s just tragic

    • @Nicholasmcmath-cr1xl
      @Nicholasmcmath-cr1xl Год назад +3

      Agree something should of been done

    • @charlessarver1637
      @charlessarver1637 Год назад +5

      Herd animals are the same way. They just stand around while one of their own is being taken down by a predator glad it's not them. There are notable exceptions though like African buffalo. They'll actually band together to defend their and drive off predators. Too bad humans aren't more like African buffalo

    • @caseyc2497
      @caseyc2497 Год назад +10

      A lot of info has come out that actually a number of people DID call the police and do something but it was left out of newspapers because it didn't fit the narrative

    • @charlessarver1637
      @charlessarver1637 Год назад +1

      @@caseyc2497 they didn't stop the attacker at least not for. So was it the police who were sloppy?

    • @caseyc2497
      @caseyc2497 Год назад +3

      @@charlessarver1637 only TWO people are known to have any idea what was going on. One hated Jews and women so wouldn't help and the other was her friend but he was drunk and gay and terrified of the cops as it was illegal to be gay. Only they deserve judgement, and only if you are ENTIRELY sure that you would throw yourself onto an armed atracker. The VAST majority of the alleged 38 maybe heard a bit of noise but didn't know what it was or didn't wake at all. The whole thing was overblown and the narrative driven hard that New Yorkers were unfeeling and cold.

  • @LiveGrowRescue
    @LiveGrowRescue Год назад +76

    My childhood best friends father was murdered in 07. He was walking home from work, in the hood. He was jumped by 3 teens for his wallet. He was beaten to death at 515pm and everyone on the street just watched and didn't call the police because they didn't want to "snitch". It took over 2 years for the detectives to find the murderers. Absolutely digusting and appalling that people would rather watch someone get murdered than to "snitch".

  • @carrieswank
    @carrieswank Год назад +13

    I’m a paralegal. I don’t know about then, but now there are so many frivolous law suits.
    For instance we had a client that was getting mugged and was able to mace her attacker. Her attacker then turned to run away and tripped on a curb and broke his wrist. The attacker was suing the lady he was robbing for medical and emotional damages.
    We also represented a woman that SAVED a young man by preforming the Heimlich maneuver on him at a in a restaurant. The young man was suing the woman for breaking a rib while doing the Heimlich maneuver.
    People are freaking money hungry.

  • @pixieyla
    @pixieyla Год назад +25

    The bystander effect is insane. I've passed out multiple times in public, smacked my head/face on the ground and every time except one(I was in a store so the employees probably felt like they had to do something)when I came to, people were walking by like I wasn't on the ground out cold, or just looking at me from a distance. Not nearly as serious as poor Kitty, but it's a scary thing to know that people just don't seem to care!

    • @chambanachik1
      @chambanachik1 Год назад +2

      That is so unacceptable. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

  • @shadowspond3488
    @shadowspond3488 Год назад +103

    So sad for Kitty. Im a short girl, and if I see something im scared to stop, but I cant imagine doing nothing if you see someone in crisis. So sad. Reminds me of the Idaho murders, when the roomates supposedly called friends before police...

    • @rachaelleann9847
      @rachaelleann9847 Год назад +13

      Kinda different. They found them dead. Not in need of help

    • @beautysfnm
      @beautysfnm Год назад +2

      @@rachaelleann9847not exactly. It is similar in a way because the roommate saw the person walking out the house but she said she froze in fear and didn’t call the police until 8 hours later. She always heard noises as well and heard someone asking for help

  • @ion4mar455
    @ion4mar455 Год назад +98

    This was such a terrible heartbreaking story. How many people heard her cries.
    I will never forget this case since my mom told me. You have know idea how excited I am that you’re covering this case. Finally!!

  • @maddiejaymes
    @maddiejaymes Год назад +65

    I actually had something happen once that made me think of the bystander effect. I lived in an apartment building with 8 units and one night at like 8 pm all of a sudden someone started crying and screaming “help” and “oh no” and stuff like that in the hall. I was a little panicked for a minute but I went out there. It was my neighbor with his elderly dog who was dying :/
    I sat with them while the dog died and then asked him if he had someone I could call and called his ex wife for him. He ended up taking his dog’s body there:/
    It was all super depressing but it was so weird to me that no one else came out to check on him or see what was going on. Definitely weird to see in action…

  • @jennareyes_
    @jennareyes_ Год назад +21

    Unfortunately NY is still like that. I hear stories all the time about people being attacked there and no one helps. It’s so sad and terrible.

  • @alexm.7295
    @alexm.7295 Год назад +103

    there has been 2 separate occasions where I witnessed domestic violence where I lived and both times I called to report. The most recent one when I lived in Atlanta, the operator told me that it had already been reported and police were on the way so at least there were people there that really cared and also reported it. I understand being scared but I’m kind of person to react first, then have a meltdown down after. I don’t freeze in scary situations luckily

    • @suzyhansen8650
      @suzyhansen8650 Год назад +3

      I think people also assume in those situations that someone else will do something or has done something. I remember a few years ago my husband and I had gone to a sporting event and we were standing with a large group of others waiting for a taxi afterwards. There was a guy across the road who was standing on the outside ledge of his balcony attempting to jump. Everyone just stood there and watched. I was the only person to call the police. There’s no way I was going to just stand there and watch someone kill/injure themselves. In that situation everyone was saying “someone should call the cops” almost as if they were frozen by shock or unsure of how to respond. I think that’s also what happens in emergency situations, people just watch because they don’t know what to do.

    • @sapphirecamui6447
      @sapphirecamui6447 Год назад

      @@suzyhansen8650 Did the police come in time to stop the person from jumping? i really can't imagine being in such a situation and not do anything. And if the person jumped, died, and splashed everyone with their blood ... how would that be good? i can't begin to think of the trauma of that event/those images AND knowing THEY could have stopped it.... geez, some people, are ..... /no words were find to describe/

  • @Karabear6996
    @Karabear6996 Год назад +16

    I've heard this case so many times, but yet I'm still disgusted and shocked at how the people around her failed her. I don't hate to say it, but those people who did nothing killed her just as much as the attacker did. I hate knowing Kitty suffered in her final moments, but I do thank you for saving thousands of people from that year on now that 9-1-1 has been implemented.

  • @ashe7578
    @ashe7578 Год назад +11

    When I was younger- probably around seventh grade, I was a weird ass kid. Being on the spectrum, I really struggled to socialize and as a result, I was ostracized by my peers. This never really was in issue to me until I was eating lunch alone and a group of probably seven guys cane over to me and began harassing me. I guess that I had sat at “their” table?? The altercation escalated to the point that the guys lifted me up in my chair and shook me out onto the floor. They kept harassing me on the floor by yelling and threatening to kick me if I didn’t move. This happened in a room of over a hundred and fifty students and staff. Nobody said or did anything. I was BAFFLED.

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu Год назад

      That is horrific 😔 Schools I feel are a scary place where no one, especially not the adults seem to feel responsible for student’s safety 🥺 I am almost certain, had this happened with only a handful „bystanders“, someone would probably have helped!

  • @denisebacher5040
    @denisebacher5040 Год назад +18

    I KNOW like you, Bella, I would at least call. But I’d probably intervene as I call.
    I know I would because from 2nd grade through 12 I would not put up with bullies abusing kids. I’d usually just have to say “stop it now” or “knock it off” to get the bullies to move on, sometimes I’d have to threaten the bully.
    When the bully would ask “who’s gonna make me” or “Mind your business”, I always said “I will make you”. My heart pounding in my head at them taking me up on it - but none EVER did, nor did they retaliate.
    And I saw a guy repeatedly slapping a gal ( wife or gf) at a park. I was there with my daughters ( ages 5 and 4) and I probably shouldn’t have but I got out of my car and loudly yelled “Hey! Knock it off! Leave her alone!!”
    He didn’t stop yelling in her face so I again
    yelled “Leave her alone!!”
    “Mind your business!”
    I yelled back at him , “You made it my business!”
    He turned and I threatened him and he starts walking my way and I glance at my girls in my car just watching me.
    And then I look back at him thinking “Crap!”
    But the gal had run to their car and started it, pulling out as he turns to stop her.
    This gave me incentive to run to my car and take off as well.
    You don’t need to stick around or be well versed in some form of fighting ( I’ve never fought anyone ever) . Just have a sense of “what would I want someone else to do if it was me or loved one”.
    And that goes for all those witnesses to Kitty’s murder. Who the F cares if it was a drunken brawl between a man and his wife?!? They could have called the cops.
    Edit: funny thing is, during a r*pe that happened to me 7 years ago, no one intervened. And there were people around. It was outside and I heard people no more than 50 feet away. But no one investigated.

    • @rosa104
      @rosa104 Год назад +2

      Sorry that terrible thing happened to you. I'd like to think I would have intervened! You didn't deserve that. God bless you! ❤

    • @sapphirecamui6447
      @sapphirecamui6447 Год назад +2

      OMG! i'm so sorry to hear/read of what happened to you :( i hope you're better now. you act because you want to be a better person, because probably you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't do anything for those in need, even if nobody helped you when you needed help. your bravery is amazing. i hope you can enroll your girls in self defense classes, if they're physically abled. Stay strong!

  • @MariaFernanda-gn3nu
    @MariaFernanda-gn3nu Год назад +13

    I can’t believe no one called the police or did anything. That’s just insane and inhumane

  • @Emrose93
    @Emrose93 Год назад +9

    I’ve read so much about this case and always thought it awful no body helped only for me to find out later that it had been sensationalised. I feel so sad for Kitty and her family.

  • @sarahangco2085
    @sarahangco2085 Год назад +3

    Please cover the story of Sanda dia!! It’s so tragic and people need to hear about it.

  • @sngray11
    @sngray11 Год назад +4

    Bella, thank you for sharing Kitty’s case with all of us.💗 I had never heard of this case before but I was already well aware of the bystander effect. Which is why whenever my fiancé and I hear or see something that is troubling, we call LE. I would rather help save someone’s life than be complacent and do nothing.

  • @dazenguile4215
    @dazenguile4215 Год назад +3

    0:01 holyyy shit Bella-that smile was incandescent 😍 made me smile lol

  • @lovelybby02
    @lovelybby02 Год назад +130

    It gets me mad when people say they don’t want to intervene because they think it’s a “lovers quarrel”. Even if two people are in a relationship that doesn’t mean it’s ok to be yelled at, or hit, or murdered etc. That excuse just makes me mad.

  • @kellyaxelrad
    @kellyaxelrad Год назад +13

    This case has stuck with me for years ever since I learned about it in school. There were so many chances for her to be helped or saved, it’s so terrible no one did anything. She deserved so much better. RIP Kitty ❤️ And it’s always nice to have another video from Bella 💞

    • @charlessarver1637
      @charlessarver1637 Год назад +2

      It's always reminded me that human beings are just like other animals

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu Год назад +1

      The case never happened this way. Several people helped Kitty and she died in her friend’s arms. 😢

  • @mroycroftify
    @mroycroftify Год назад +3

    I’d love to hear you do the case of Lizzie Borden, it’s an OLD unsolved American case that got a nursery rhyme made after it! Love ya Bella 🥰

  • @alyssakelley1956
    @alyssakelley1956 Год назад +9

    I think this is exactly what happened in the Idaho case! She was like there are five other people in the home one of them being a man, surely someone would have done something if there was truly something wrong.

  • @kathrynbillinghurst188
    @kathrynbillinghurst188 Год назад +3

    Although horrific, this story/case is fascinating…thanx Bella! 🌹🥰❤💋

  • @liapolsinelli7908
    @liapolsinelli7908 Год назад +1

    You are such a good person! Thank you for always spreading messages through all of your videos, I really feel like you are educating us about important topics while talking about cases. I don’t know if it’s similar but there have been many times where I’ve seen reckless drivers or cars pulled off to the side of the road and I always call and report it because you never know what can happen

  • @yanna_
    @yanna_ Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this case, bella. Truly connected with me on a deeper level as I have experienced this bystander effect. The more people we can hear talking about this case or even just the knowledge that such thing as the Bystander Effect exists could help people snap out of it and actually call for help when something like this happens.

  • @EmilyJohnson-zo1ku
    @EmilyJohnson-zo1ku Год назад +6

    Was leaving a baseball game today with hundreds of other people and a guy said to his girlfriend “I wonder if anyone pressed the button for the crosswalk?” And then he proceeded to do it himself just in case someone else hadn’t. I told him I had just watched a video about the bystander effect and he said earlier in the day a huge group didn’t get the walk signal and the officer said “well no one pushed the button”😂 Low stakes but very common example of bystander effect

  • @zenasawafta6956
    @zenasawafta6956 Год назад +7

    This is such an interesting case Bella and you presented it so well. Raising awareness of the bystander effect in this way is going to make a difference to how people respond in emergencies. Thank you!!!

  • @leesahannex
    @leesahannex Год назад +6

    Yes Bella I just stepped on the treadmill and you uploaded this!!! Love watching your true crime vids whilst I get my steps in ☺️☺️ hope you’re loving London life!!!! 🩷🩷

  • @mazzS
    @mazzS Год назад +3

    Thankyou for telling Kittys story❤️Great message Bella.

  • @kellylyons9229
    @kellylyons9229 8 месяцев назад

    I experienced a bystander effect on holiday abroad. There was a young lady celebrating her 21st birthday with her sister and toddler in a pushchair. A group of 8 guys joined their celebrations and only 1 spoke the same language. I'd been watching as there guys were much older than her and the situation concerned me. Her sister was very uncomfortable and when she was away from the table with the little one i went over to speak to her. Turns out the guy had said they would take birthday girl out clubbing and pay for everything and the sister had no money on her phone. I ended up intervening when i overheard them say one more drink and they were leaving. I grabbed the girl for a "chat" explained why she was in a dangerous situation and how worried her sister was. I managed to get her to stay at the hotel with my family and told the guys to do one. Later after the guys were gone and she was safe with me, literally a ton of people kept coming over to say they had seen her situation, was worried etc but not one of those people took action. I'm so very glad that i stepped in and prevented a potentially dangerous situation

  • @chantalc4575
    @chantalc4575 Год назад +6

    My dumb ass has listened to this whole thing waiting to hear how this could possibly have created 9/11 😢 its just at the end i heard bella says "thats how 911 was created" and it clicked.

  • @jaselleromero
    @jaselleromero Год назад +4

    Crazy how the TV was more important then a human life

  • @Javii1
    @Javii1 Год назад +2

    When I read the title, I was thought it was talking about 9/11. I was so confused

  • @astridjuney77
    @astridjuney77 Год назад +4

    I always wonder how I'd handle these situations and try to mentally prepare

  • @citasix
    @citasix Год назад

    Bystander effect is true. Myself and many other people were slowed down and trying to avoid a work truck that was veering in and out of lanes and bumping up on curbs. Driver was clearly under the influence. I immediately called police on speaker phone, apologized for using my phone (lol), then described what was happening, where I was, but still kept my distance since the truck was driving so wrecklessly.
    Later the police contacted me after they located the truck and driver and they told me I might have saved a life that night and thanked me. They asked if I'd come to court because the drive was apprehended because he was under the influence and I said absolutely. The surprising thing was, I was the only one that called them that night!!! I was surprised because there were so many cars all trying to avoid the truck for several miles. I think the driver got a plea deal since I never had to go to court, but I would have happily shown up.

  • @CJLOVE23
    @CJLOVE23 Год назад +2

    BELLA!!!!! Why haven’t I been receiving your notifications 😫😫 Is anyone else having issues with not getting notified for Bella’s new videos??

  • @Alex-ey5qc
    @Alex-ey5qc Год назад

    I really like the way you approached this. I learned about this case in a couple psych classes and they didn't really mention the inaccuracies. The call for people to take action even if there are other people around is SO important, there are so many times where I feel like I should have done something and didn't and it's those experiences and stories like these that push me to act when I do

  • @jessicaogram238
    @jessicaogram238 5 месяцев назад

    A couple of years ago I witnessed a lad being picked on for his sexuality and I wouldn't believe that no one was saying anything so I stepped in to help him. Since that point the bully never did anything while I was around. Keeping in mind I was a very shy girl being bullied myself, I stuck up to men older than me. I actually became friends with the lad who was picked on a couple years later. I just couldn't comprehend the fact there was a whole train full of people witnessing this and doing nothing. I later learned about the bystander effect. I'm proud to say I am the one who helped and I hope if anything were to happen in the future, I would help.

  • @donnasulja6038
    @donnasulja6038 Год назад +1

    Incredible work Bella and your msg is a big one for us all to seriously take in.
    Truly great work 👏👏👏

  • @PhillyGirl2233
    @PhillyGirl2233 Год назад

    Loved your explanation of this case. Especially your detailed explanation of the bystander response and deminished responsibility. My daughter is a jump in to help person, for aid or moral support. Kudos to you my sweet! ❤

  • @grownuppill264
    @grownuppill264 Год назад +1

    I’m medical school were taught in an emergency not to tell “Someone call 911! Someone grab the AED!” But to instead, as you begin to render aide point at someone in the crowd and say “YOU call 911, YOU find the AED” to avoid the bystander affect!

  • @Tiana-cm2qx
    @Tiana-cm2qx Год назад +1

    Ever since learning about the bystander effect I will always call 000 or do the thing that is required.

  • @PaolaCLife
    @PaolaCLife Год назад +1

    It happened many times to me, when I saw it happening, either I jumped in to help or quickly called for help. But I was also the victim a few times, having men attack me in day light in public and I would be yelling out for help and people would just walk by and not help me. I luckily had super power come over me and managed to kick myself out of trouble and run, but NO ONE ever helped me. It makes me sad that humanity is not HUMAN at all! 😢

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu Год назад

      I’m really sad this happened to you. I’ve had however had the opposite experience. People normally did step in immediately when I was in danger or someone else was. I’m not yet sure why people’s experiences in this regard are so different. Maybe the place you live?? 🤔🤔🤔

    • @PaolaCLife
      @PaolaCLife Год назад

      @@LittleKikuyu I do think the location and culture there affects more or less this kind of situation. When all this happened to me I was living in Brazil. Which people love to say is so welcoming but in reality is sexist and very not about looking out for each other. This was one of the many reasons I moved out of there.

  • @Eileen346
    @Eileen346 10 месяцев назад +1

    My mother in law was murdered in broad daylight on a beach , many people witnessed the entire thing and did nothing .. it is so important to speak up for others , it can save a life . Never put yourself at risk. Just call the cops

  • @aryadwivedi873
    @aryadwivedi873 Год назад +6

    Hi Bella! I just wanted to tell you that I really love you and your videos. The way you talk about these cases makes them even more interesting, and your dog Mia is adorable! I'm really happy for you. Moving to a new country is the beginning of a big adventure. I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!
    And, if it's okay, could you please cover these cases from India:
    - Geeta and Sanjay Chopra kidnapping case
    - The Nirbhaya Case
    - The Tandoor Murder Case
    Sending lots of love to you and your family ❤️

  • @LittleKikuyu
    @LittleKikuyu Год назад +6

    Several people actually helped Kitty or rather tried to help unsuccessfully. The case seems to have been completely twisted by the media right away after it happened. 😳 There is an analysis of this case in the book „Humankind“ by Rutger Bregman, who disproves that it was an example of the bystander effect but rather the press SENSATIONALIZED it as such. 😰Because that sells more newspapers 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @Renee529
    @Renee529 Год назад +9

    I understand people being scared, but to not do anything makes them part of the problem. How can you SEE this happen and not do anything??

    • @sapphirecamui6447
      @sapphirecamui6447 Год назад +2

      1 man with 1 knife! gather all those people and they could have easily overtaken him. a scratch or 2 might come to the folks trying to help, but not as bad as to die. And not only he stabbed her, but he r*ped her too?? i understand the times were different, with a different mentality, but still. a cry for help should not go unnoticed...

  • @kirendhanda8021
    @kirendhanda8021 9 месяцев назад +1

    Yes the guilt of someone hurt and assuming I’m in a crowd of thousands & surely someone will help is real 😢 I would hope that I will help.

  • @kgcampbell_
    @kgcampbell_ 11 месяцев назад

    This is one of the craziest stories I’ve ever heard, poor Kitty & all of the victims. God rest their souls. 😢

  • @ericaperalta8983
    @ericaperalta8983 Год назад

    I learned about this in school when studying psychology. It’s so sad she lost her life in such a senseless way, especially knowing maybe she could have been saved.

  • @withcharmtospare
    @withcharmtospare Год назад +2

    Absolutely heartbreaking. I’m glad someone who cared for her was there at the end but it’s wild. We’re always fed this lie about how close knit communities used to be when everyone knew their neighbors. But that didn’t even help too much in this case. I do agree the media had a big hand in how it’s told nowadays.

  • @madiherr555
    @madiherr555 Год назад +3

    things like this are a life lesson until they happen to you or one of your loved ones
    just because your friends are going to jump off a bridge doesn’t mean you should too. always remember to have your own brain and make your own decisions. that’s all you really have

  • @Whitericeinmysalad
    @Whitericeinmysalad Год назад +2

    Interesting. Thanks for covering this case. I never really thought about how 911 was created. Now I know.

  • @courtneyscroggs1761
    @courtneyscroggs1761 Год назад +2

    Glad to see you back ❤

  • @rubybonsparkletits2323
    @rubybonsparkletits2323 19 дней назад

    I witnessed an attempted abduction a few months ago, and I'm happy to say there were at least 5 of us on the phone with the police as it was happening. And some absolutely awesome teenage boy drove his car in front of the car as he was trying to escape and blocked the abductor from leaving! It was awesome to see so many people reacting. I will say, though, while the teenager was confronting the bad guy, there were at least 8 full-grown men standing there watching with their arms crossed, like they were watching a game of golf smh

  • @reginasousa31
    @reginasousa31 Год назад

    I was not expecting this case to make me so upset and mad. I can't believe that people did nothing to save this woman. I have no Words.

  • @dianamariecentro4664
    @dianamariecentro4664 Год назад +2

    That poor women, people sucked back then as well. Rest in peace ❤

  • @larar7205
    @larar7205 Год назад +1

    This is actually a case that I read about in my psychology class a long time ago. The bystander effect is a really scary thing.

  • @Ciarasmtipp123
    @Ciarasmtipp123 Год назад

    Fantastic message! This was so eyeopening for me and something I will be more aware of in my day today - don’t expect other people to help! Be the help you would want if you were the one in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation 👏🏽

  • @Jay-np3xs
    @Jay-np3xs Год назад +1

    In 2017 my cousin (19F) was murdered and left outside her car on a road way and multiple cars drove past and never called 911. If someone would’ve done something I believe she would still be alive today

  • @MarijeOskam
    @MarijeOskam Год назад +1

    i kind of understand witnesses saying they ‘did not understand what they were seeing’ because i honestly think i wouldn’t understand either, especially in the middle of the night when i just woke up. seeing someone get attacked in such a brutal way would shock me so much that i think my brain will want to refuse to process what is happening. obviously this is not a reason to just stand by and do nothing but i can certainly understand it

  • @Letssaylalathings
    @Letssaylalathings Год назад +2

    This story is so insanely sad

  • @Zaners82123
    @Zaners82123 Год назад

    The documentary showed her brother a simulation of her screaming. It's so freaking sad and scaru

  • @DianaBilash-zu9gr
    @DianaBilash-zu9gr Год назад

    And this is why if you ever need help and you’re in an environment where there’s people around you … look directly at one person and focus on them while asking for help this will make them more likely to give you assistance because it’s directed at them specifically! Super important tip, that could save your life.

  • @graciemecker
    @graciemecker Год назад +3

    There was so many people that could’ve helped her 😢

  • @leighsfever
    @leighsfever Год назад

    i’ve studied about the latane experiment in my psych classes and about the kitty genovese case in my legal studies classes but i never really connected them in any way until now. pretty interesting actually!

  • @nxmteem
    @nxmteem Год назад +7

    Uploaded right on time, cant wait to hear about the whole case!❤

  • @AliceEvelyn93
    @AliceEvelyn93 Год назад

    Thank you so much h for sharing about this case :) I always knew of it but didn't know the details or anything about her actually life. Her as a person not just a case. Thank you for sharing this. The more we tell the details of these people in the stories the better we know that these are real people.

  • @tinacarrier7452
    @tinacarrier7452 Год назад +5

    I find it a little ironic that someone called the cops and held him there until the cops arrived when he was robbing an apartment. Too bad there wasn't someone like that guy there yhe night he murdered someone.
    I also don't think her friend was much of a hero either. She heard someone screaming and didn't investigate. Imo she's no better than any of the others that chose to ignore.
    I personally would have called the cops AND gone to help her.
    It's just so sad that some people don't make it their responsibility to step up. At least call the cops!!!!

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu Год назад +2

      People did call the cops and her friend actually did rush to help her. Kitty died in her arms. The case has been misrepresented everywhere since it happened 😢

  • @Spijen
    @Spijen Год назад

    I’ve been playing love and pies for a couple weeks now and just skip the dialogue so I didn’t even know it was a mystery game 😭😭 I literally play it while I watch these lmao

  • @kathryngarfield9097
    @kathryngarfield9097 Год назад +2

    In the 1960s, a home telephone was still regarded as a luxury item. For many people, public telephone kiosks were their only experience of using a phone. This maybe why no one called police xx not condoning this but maybe they had to pass them to get out to get to a phone?? So we’re scared, personally I would of ran at him making lots of noise in hope he ran away .. but who knows when your faced with it… if they did have telephones then they were responsible too In away 😢hope this explained the phone situation ❤

  • @mindy2347
    @mindy2347 Год назад +1

    This was a very good video and topic to talk about, thank you!

  • @daisycarino269
    @daisycarino269 Год назад +1

    Someone in my neighborhood was screaming at like 4 am I was scared but I screamed out what’s going on ! Where are you ?? I called the cops & I was gonna walk out with my pit bull to investigate. But other neighbors woke up too & also went to check & it turns out she was intoxicated & fell off her roof & fell on a bunch of glass. Man was I scared but idk I guess rather that then her being attacked ? It was a disturbing morning.

  • @hannahcollie5822
    @hannahcollie5822 Год назад

    I actually had a near drowning incident June of last year. Me and a friend got carried out by a wave and neither of us could swim. About 20 people were on the beach and noticed what happened but only one person tried to help us. no one else called for help or assisted in anyway they just watched.

  • @savvyno
    @savvyno Год назад +1

    There are meta analysis on the bystander effect studies presenting that most of the time people actually do help one another. The effect is not quite as scandalous as the press made it look like. Kitty’s case got twisted out of sensationalism.

    • @fatamy8597
      @fatamy8597 Год назад

      how has it been twisted when no one literally called for help??

    • @savvyno
      @savvyno Год назад

      Look it up. It’s really interesting. The people who spoke to the press later spoke out about how the press twisted the story to make it sound more scandalous. Later some of them didn’t even want to speak to the press anymore. One person who didn’t call anybody was an openly racist person the other was frightened of the police because he was gay and at the time homosexuality was frowned upon or even illegal. 38 persons spoke to the police but it’s not like all of them noticed the incident. We know how the press is changing up stories all the time to make it more scandalous. Kittys case is tragic and people really did not do enough to help her. But in cases where people notice other people noticing the danger the likelihood to actually intervene is bigger.
      Google: New Study Suggests Bystander Apathy Is Not the Norm
      And also there is a book called humankind by Rutger Bergmann. He also has a whole chapter on kitty’s case where he deeply investigated the story.

  • @technodaisy18
    @technodaisy18 Год назад +1

    Omg i love Love & Pies! So glad to see you sponsored by them 😊

  • @Neha-eo9nd
    @Neha-eo9nd Год назад +1

    I once called 911 to report an accident on the highway, instead of being appreciative that someone called because there were no emergency vehicles at the scene I was basically yelled at and put down by the operator for calling to report an accident on the highway.
    Just putting it out there that this type of interaction with operators will make people not so willing to call.

  • @Saily_Kawathekar
    @Saily_Kawathekar Год назад

    Sooo heartbreaking that no one helped that poor soul 😢 I hope she haunted them all!

  • @incredibleedibledez
    @incredibleedibledez Год назад +1

    I left a relationship where I was abused by my partner and part of the reason why I left was because I didn’t want my kids growing up in that as situation like I had. I was staying with some friends when my friend’s husband started drinking and got violent with her. There were five or six other couples in that house and I was the only person that did anything. All I kept thinking to myself was how sad it was that no one stepped up to help her out it that entire house full of people.

  • @lilliana493
    @lilliana493 8 месяцев назад

    I was s*xually harassed on a tram a few years ago, and it was a busy tram, lots of people saw what was going on, and nobody did anything. The man followed me off the tram and luckily I managed to get back on the tram to go to the next stop before he could follow me again, but even then, there were so many people who could see what had happened and I wasn’t once asked if I was okay, and nobody intervened while it was happening. It’s baffling how common this sort of crime is and the amount of people who just don’t do anything even when they’re literally witnessing it!!

  • @saleenayasmin
    @saleenayasmin Год назад

    The bystander effect is HORRIFYINGLY real. So so heartbreaking 😢 RIP Kitty

  • @BarbieArrie
    @BarbieArrie Год назад +2

    Could you do the Brooklyn farthing case she’s from my home town Berea ky still a mystery!

  • @sallykohorst8803
    @sallykohorst8803 Год назад +2

    So sad to die because some nut decides to take a victim for no reason. The first screams cops should have been called. And 911 was not yet used interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  • @j6453
    @j6453 Год назад +1

    I wonder if there's more to this story. 4:08 is the key. She had a high paid job running a sports betting operation. Everyone was too scared to do anything. The letter to her family member 50 years later. It sounds like she ran afoul of the mob.

  • @pardo3023
    @pardo3023 Год назад +1

    there was one time me and my friend were in a department store and this lady was actively running away from this man yelling LEAVE ME ALONE!!! and it seemed like they knew each other and she needed to get away from him. while this was happening literally nobody batted an eye and kept on shopping. me and my friend called the cops and the cops didn’t do anything either

  • @nemofish3504
    @nemofish3504 Год назад +1

    I’ve heard this case before… it made me so mad lol and still does

  • @ickleshouse
    @ickleshouse Год назад

    I have heard abut this, there was a case in my local town where a disabled boy was beaten by a group of youths and no one stepped in... we as a couple was horrified, we had an incident where we were on our way to work on a busy road with winding benda and a lady was sat in her car clearly broken down.. could not move we turned round and my husband found somewhere safe to park after dropping me off. i directed traffic until he joined us, and we managed to push her to safety.. two other people joined us.. not an urgent thing but was definately an unsafe spot for her to break down

  • @novaelizabethhh
    @novaelizabethhh Год назад +1

    bella ur room is soooo cute

  • @nailamohamed5475
    @nailamohamed5475 Год назад +1

    Missing your funky earrings.....bring them back, bring them back 😊

  • @alicruz5717
    @alicruz5717 Год назад +1

    It’s so upsetting that everyone except for ONE person failed this woman. I know it’s not necessarily fair but I feel like if you witness something like that and DONT speak up right away, you deserve to be charged as an accessory.

  • @user-laurengift
    @user-laurengift 4 месяца назад

    I agree it seems odd to me that this would be the bystander effect. None of these witnesses, as I’m aware of, saw anyone else seeing what they were seeing, so why would they think someone else will call? I could understand if there was a group of people who saw it, and they all saw each other witnessing it, they might think someone else will do it. Personally, even then, I would still call. It’s just odd to me.

  • @keasiamonea
    @keasiamonea 5 месяцев назад

    i can’t fathom seeing something like this and not doing anything

  • @cinderellaks8514
    @cinderellaks8514 Год назад

    nooooooo ..... i dont believe my eyes🙀🙀🙀Bella posted on monday again 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @maja3984
    @maja3984 Год назад

    Last week, my boyfriend and i were out with his family, walking on a big boulevard which is very busy, with cars and with people.
    We see a woman with a baby being harassed by a man, he was yelling and hitting her in the middle of the street. We of course called the police and the saddest part is that during the 15 minutes that we were waiting for them to come, not ONE sigle person stopped to intervene. Sadly, the woman didn't press charges and we saw the man walking freely on the same street the next day 😢

  • @naivenostalgia
    @naivenostalgia Год назад +1

    I live in Connecticut & can confirm it is pronounced "New "Kay-nin." "Kay" like the letter "k." But that is 100% not the way it looks or an intuitive pronunciation whatsoever.😂

  • @Sarah-ts1jh
    @Sarah-ts1jh Год назад

    Absolutely terrible. Also, how can someone see a 2 YEAR OLD bleeding out on the street and do NOTHING?? crazy!!

  • @labreezy12
    @labreezy12 Год назад

    Please do the body found in the barrel on Malibu beach allegedly related to pop smoke’s murder, or the body found in a duffel bag in SF Golden Gate Park