Have the Bible Without the Church?


Комментарии • 111

  • @P.Whitestrake
    @P.Whitestrake 12 часов назад +24

    Thank you for this, Father.
    A lot of my Protestant friends, even me when I was one, had a mindset that "Only The Bible" & "Only Jesus" & "I need no church."
    That's why I "jumped around" from one Protestant church to another. I grew up Lutheran, but I went to baptist & other Protestant churches when I was in my early 20s. I didn't really care about The Church. My understanding of Christianity was very individualistic.
    After I study Christian history, I found that The Church is just as important. Without The Church, there wouldn't be the canonic Bible we have today. Without The Church we wouldn't know which teachings is true. Jesus also said He built His Church, not telling people to do whatever they like.
    Through history, I found Orthodoxy. I found my belief in The One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic Orthodox Church. I've been Orthodox since 2016.

    • @lepajelena7441
      @lepajelena7441 11 часов назад


    • @d3adp94
      @d3adp94 3 часа назад

      How’s fasting? Love from a Catholic brother.

  • @trevorstevenson4038
    @trevorstevenson4038 2 часа назад +7

    Seriously, thank God for you blokes and Eastern Orthodoxy.
    I'm a recent ex atheist, and your calmness with stoic authority, has been a blessing.

  • @HumanbeingonfloatingEarth
    @HumanbeingonfloatingEarth 7 часов назад +3

    I have survived without a church for 30 years. Love God so much , wish I had a church , but it’s still ok. I asked God…I take comfort in the Dessert Fathers and the Saints

  • @Poolseph
    @Poolseph 13 часов назад +6

    thank you for this teaching tonight father josiah. i am feeling indignant at the venom already present in this comment section and i struggle to not think foolishly about what is being said. if you do see this, please pray for me. i am not yet part of the church, or even ready to be a catechumen, and i have great difficulty coping with my terrible spiritual sickness in the non denominational desert i find myself in. sometimes it feels as if there is no end to the depths of my wretched sin that i have plunged into. thank you, and glory be to God.

  • @donnacolyer131
    @donnacolyer131 14 часов назад +16

    Thank you so much Father! I literally just finished this conversation with my baby brother who thought he did not need. Church was perfectly content just reading the Bible and having Bible studies with Christian Brothers, young and old God‘s timing couldn’t be more perfect. I remember in the Bible, it said, don’t worry about the words I will give them to you, when the time comes his timing was perfect thank you God bless you thank you for visiting our church at All Saints here in Raleigh North Carolina. Blessings always. ☦️🙏🕊️ merry Christmas.

  • @thecopperowl8386
    @thecopperowl8386 13 часов назад +9

    I actually got into an argument with someone about the Bible. It was so holy to them that they completely ignored the mention of demons, and paganism existing in the text. Despite me citing the temple of Dagon in the story of Samson, the golden Cafe, the pharaoh's magicians, Legion. He goes out of his way to say that what I'm saying is hellinist paganism and paganism isn't in the bible. He proved my own point. He didn't seem to understand that these things are mentioned as to be avoided, teach lessons, or that were defeated by Jesus, Samson, Moses, etc.

    • @cluc632
      @cluc632 2 часа назад +1

      Jay Dire has loads of debates about the Bible, and he is very strong in his knowledge and very well informed. Highly reccommend

    • @thecopperowl8386
      @thecopperowl8386 Час назад +1

      @cluc632 thanks

    • @ZaidIsm007
      @ZaidIsm007 6 минут назад

      That would be the elohim and the Nephilim. The lesser gods are real, they just aren't Eloah (the Most High God).
      Check out Jay Dyer and UnderStandingConspiracy for more great information like the other commenter said.

  • @Escargot10-13
    @Escargot10-13 8 часов назад +2

    I've not gone to Church now for almost 2 yrs now. I stopped when I was banned from taking communion due to my marriage (long story) . Once my wife gets here (going through immigration) we will meet with our Father and find out what needs to be done to get back in good standing.

  • @michaelroy6046
    @michaelroy6046 6 часов назад +1

    Christ has Risen!

  • @arianab.99
    @arianab.99 6 часов назад +70

    I highly recommend to everyone the book: Your Life Your Game by keezano. I read and it changed my life, it shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual growth and financial success. A must read…

    • @riccky707
      @riccky707 5 часов назад

      tnx, l found it

    • @Dane_Booker
      @Dane_Booker 4 часа назад

      thank you

    • @cluc632
      @cluc632 2 часа назад +1

      Carefull with those teachings. Everything that we are, can be, or have, or could have, comes from God. Through Jesus Christ. We need to align our mind and life with His teachings, and not expect external happyness...Material thing are good, as long as they do not part us from the Truth, Life, The Way...😊

  • @erebos7093
    @erebos7093 7 часов назад +2

    "There are as many interpretations as there are interpreters" beautifully said.
    Every time I bring this up with a protestant they refuse to see it. They always claim it is very clear and obvious to understand the bible. Why is that? Can't they see how many protestant denominations there are? Why do they refuse to open their eyes?

  • @theprisonersprogress
    @theprisonersprogress 13 часов назад +5

    Thank you so much for your work dear Father.

  • @xgingex3962
    @xgingex3962 13 часов назад +43

    I stopped going to church (grew up Methodist) when I was in middle school. Obviously young and ignorant I was under the mindset that “I can know God and have a relationship with Jesus without going to church.” Now in my late 20s and exploring Orthodoxy for a few months I hear Father Theophan talk about the same scripture with St. Paul when he was still Saul in Acts chapter 9 when he has the encounter with Jesus and idk how else to describe it but by saying I was struck by lightning realizing how important the Church is and how important it is to Christ. Months go by further exploring Orthodoxy and God gives me the conviction and courage to experience my first Liturgy. Been attending Liturgy consistently for 4 months and my catechism officially starts next month. It’s been a long road but because of Christ continuing to save me I’ve realized how essential His Church is and it’s importance in growing my faith ❤️☦️

    • @Arkoudeides.
      @Arkoudeides. 44 минуты назад

      You are blessed. I began going to church at 40s.Greetings from Greece brother.

  • @SaintlySaavy
    @SaintlySaavy 9 часов назад +4

    Thank you, Father, for this insightful Acts 10 and 15 presentation. It really helped me see how the early Church discerned and proclaimed infallible teachings through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. What struck me most was how Acts 15 was written post-mortem, after the Council of Jerusalem, showing how the Church formed binding doctrine for the whole Church without relying on a pre-existing Scripture. Protestants often argue for sola scriptura, but this passage directly contradicts that-Acts itself is the record of the Church acting with authority before the Scripture was even written.
    This teaching clarified how these passages refute several common Protestant positions:
    - Sola Scriptura: The Council of Jerusalem did not rely on Scripture alone to resolve the dispute. Instead, it depended on apostolic authority and the Holy Spirit's guidance, recorded afterward in Acts.
    - Denial of Church Authority: Acts 15 shows the Church making binding, universal decisions, underscoring the necessity of a governing and teaching authority.
    - Rejection of Sacred Tradition: The decision at the Council came through a combination of apostolic witness, divine revelation, and communal discernment-all key elements of Sacred Tradition.
    - Private Interpretation of Scripture: The issue in Acts 15 was not resolved by individuals interpreting Scripture but by a Spirit-led council of apostles and elders.
    - Opposition to Infallible Councils: The Council of Jerusalem is a clear example of the Church declaring infallible teaching for all believers, which Protestants often reject as possible.
    Thank you for shedding light on these passages, Father. They’ve helped me understand how the Church’s authority is deeply rooted in Scripture and Sacred Tradition and how these truths challenge many Protestant assumptions. It’s incredible to see the continuity of Christ’s guidance through His Church, then and now.

  • @Owdaks
    @Owdaks 7 часов назад +1

    There are only catholic, protestant or weird jehova witnesses around me in a plus 300 km radius, so what am I supposed to do? It is what it is, wish fellowship was easier, but the Bible, books and internet is all I have for the foreseeable future.

    • @JC-hm7he
      @JC-hm7he 2 часа назад

      You go to the Catholic Church. It’s the only apostolic church that you mentioned.

  • @AlexB-ru1uw
    @AlexB-ru1uw 14 часов назад +8

    Lets go, just finished your last video and now Im one of the first ones here. Perfect timing

  • @Alex-jv5cs
    @Alex-jv5cs 10 часов назад +1

    I’m sad to hear you’re not on the old calendar. but not upset.

    • @superpeaceloveunity
      @superpeaceloveunity 32 минуты назад +1

      It’s ok. St Paisios said that Christ will come two weeks later for the people on the other calendar.

  • @Bakarost
    @Bakarost 6 часов назад

    Orthodox but havent been to church in a year, unfortunaly i am more american than orthodox apparently since i dont feel the need to go. Dont have a problem w church just dont feel guilt for not going

  • @LaphroaigFan
    @LaphroaigFan 13 часов назад +3

    Father, which work were you reading from of St. Vincent? I'd love to read it. It seems both him and St. Seraphim of Sarov are pursuing me lol. That may sound strange, but no matter where i go those two keep popping up.

    • @SalGargini
      @SalGargini 12 часов назад +1

      I don't know, but I would guess The Commonitory

  • @DesertGuy702
    @DesertGuy702 10 часов назад +4

    I thought I could do this for years. I was of course wrong. Happy to be back in Church.

  • @zeusmallo777
    @zeusmallo777 9 часов назад +1

    Thank you Father Josiah what a blessing you are. You should come to Canada ottawa Ontario so we can take your blessings and pray with you and learn from you.🙏 ❤️

  • @NorthwestSpiritWalker
    @NorthwestSpiritWalker 14 часов назад +11

    Praise yeshua, the answer, the light, the truth, the way.
    Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ love

    @WORKOUTSOLUTIONS 14 часов назад +9

    ✝️💥⛪️🥇GOD GIVES US STRENGTH ✝🙏💪🕊️

  • @Eevee-Rose
    @Eevee-Rose 11 часов назад +1

    I’m searching for an orthodox church, The Hague, the Netherlands. 🙏🏻 🙏🏻🩷

    • @tommytaylor109
      @tommytaylor109 4 часа назад

      There is a couple there, I think the Russian orthodox is central The Hague

  • @jacktracy8356
    @jacktracy8356 9 часов назад +2

    Salvation: Romans 8:28 KJV "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose. 29 For whom HE did foreknow, HE also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of HIS SON, that HE might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom HE did predestinate, them HE also called: and whom HE called, them HE also justified: and whom HE justified, them HE also glorified.
    Eternal salvation: 31 What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, who can be against us? 33 who shall lay any thing to the charge of GOD’s elect? It is GOD that justifies. 34 Who is he that condemns? It is CHRIST that died, yea rather, that is risen again, Who is even at the right hand of GOD, Who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of CHRIST? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD, which is in CHRIST JESUS our LORD."

  • @cultofhercules
    @cultofhercules 4 часа назад

    At this point I believe I should just move to Greece if I want to take my faith seriously. There is nothing out there where I live. It's all non-practicing catholicism, and the catholic church services themselves are incredibly watered down.

  • @WilliamSwartzendruber
    @WilliamSwartzendruber 10 часов назад

    I think Protestantism schisms so frequently because there's no fixed interpretive framework. You need either something like the Vatican's Magisterium or the fixed (immutable) consensus of the Church Fathers. The end result of not having this always seems to be that you will disagree with your denomination's private interpretation, break off, and form your own denomination. Protestantism is littered with defunct denominations that no longer exist, but gave birth to new factions before they died out.

  • @AnastasiaAna-v3b
    @AnastasiaAna-v3b 5 часов назад

    Who boast let him boasts only with the *Living and not hand-made GOD* of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, who is able to raise up children of Abraham even from stones!

  • @timmiller7338
    @timmiller7338 14 часов назад

    aftermath calculator?

  • @Life-xg9pf
    @Life-xg9pf 13 часов назад +10

    "Let us accept that the church is the dwelling place of Christ" (22:44). Protestants believe that our hearts and minds are the dwelling place of Christ. No wonder many, many Orthodox and Catholics live however they want the whole week (don't care at all about following the Bible's teachings in their daily lives), and then go to church on Sunday, confess their sins to the "Father" and start the next week the same (not caring at all about the Bible's teachings).

    • @SaltShack
      @SaltShack 13 часов назад +4

      You forgot the bumper sticker. Confession and repentance, true repentance, perseverance in the faith as Scripture commands is error?Misapplication of the Truth might be more edifying than embracing error, but all things being equal embracing Truth is what we should all be seeking.

    • @st.maximusvstheuglies1309
      @st.maximusvstheuglies1309 12 часов назад +2

      Your comment pretty much fits Matthew 15:19 to a 'T'. Who doesn't "care at all about the Bible's teachings again?

    • @SalGargini
      @SalGargini 12 часов назад

      Sounds like you've never met an Orthodox person.

    • @hannahbaker3080
      @hannahbaker3080 12 часов назад +7

      You have a very strange view of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. Do you spend much time outside of Protestant circles?

    • @randomguy1453
      @randomguy1453 12 часов назад +11

      One could easily allege a similar accusation to a protestant, allow me to for demonstration purposes:
      It's no wonder so many protestants live their whole lives without following the commands of God, for they have not the Church to instruct them on the commands and they make for themselves which parts to take and which parts not to take from the Scriptures, let us not even begin to speak of the lack of fasting or any routine spiritual disciple, as "faith alone" requires no obedience but only intellectual assent to an idea, but no real change in the life of a man.
      This is called a strawman, this characterization of protestantism is horrible, and it is exactly what you have done to the Catholics and Orthodox, Lord have mercy.

  • @Howie47
    @Howie47 56 минут назад

    No, not "the Bible without the Church". However, it's God's purpose for us all to have Christ in us without the Church. Indeed, we that have Christ, are the Church. It isn't an organization, nor an assembly at all. The Church can partially assemble on occasion. But there should be no rules concerning that. The goal of the church is to raise up "mature" Christians who themselves can bare everlasting fruit. It is not to keep them within the boundaries of Church leaders and doctrines that tell them how their lights must burn. Remember who the "light bearer was?" "The day will come when no one shall teach the ways of the Lord, for all shall know His ways, from the greatest to the least." -Jeremiah 31:34 and Hebrews 8:11 That day has already come. But the strong refuse to let go of their domination. They refuse to leave symbolic Jerusalem and go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Christ. A Gospel that sets mankind free to serve God, not other men/leaders. The Heavens and the powers of the Heavens shall be shaken and all the stars of heaven shall fall from the sky. Until there is but one light, that enlightens the whole. That light is Jesus Himself. The light of every man that comes into this world. All shall know Him, worship, serve Him. They'll will be no intermediaries, just Jesus! "And there was no Sun to lighten New Jerusalem. For the Lord Himself enlightens it." - Rev. 21:23

  • @kirkbeck8813
    @kirkbeck8813 8 часов назад

    Tom told me that he goes to church even though he is disappointed with what he sees. He is bored and sees the Church less and less relevant to the culture.

  • @escapegulag4317
    @escapegulag4317 Час назад

    If you have the Holy Spirit , you have the church. No dead works needed.

    • @superpeaceloveunity
      @superpeaceloveunity 33 минуты назад

      How do you know whether they are dead or life filled works?

  • @tomrusack3266
    @tomrusack3266 6 часов назад +1

    The bible doesn’t change, the church does. It’s the church that walked away from parishioners not the other way around.

  • @jacktracy8356
    @jacktracy8356 9 часов назад +2

    As a real Christian, I am forgiven of all sins by GOD's grace through faith in the real sacrifice of CHRIST shedding HIS real blood and giving HIS real body on a real cross one time for all sins of all true believers. No popes or priests or RCC sacraments or works of any sort involved. Also, as a real Christian, I myself with every true believer are the Church and a King and a Priest in that true Church which is spiritual and eternal.
    1 Peter 2:3 KJV "If so be you have tasted that the LORD is gracious (forgiven of all sins).
    4 To Whom coming, as unto a living stone (ROCK/Petros), disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of GOD, and precious,
    5 You also, as living stones (stones/Petras), are built up a spiritual house (the true spiritual Church), a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices (fruit of the spirit, obedience, thanksgiving), acceptable to GOD by JESUS CHRIST."
    9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of HIM Who has called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous LIGHT"
    (Parenthesis Mine)

    • @neyneynanamo2071
      @neyneynanamo2071 6 часов назад +4

      Ah yes...I remember how all the Apostles started their speeches with "As a real Christian, I..." and waved their hand in the air like nobody`s business.

    • @reeckstar6625
      @reeckstar6625 2 часа назад

      Having faith is a work. You decided to have faith. Therefore you yourself are claiming to be saved by works as well. God gave you the ability to have faith, but it's a work, just like God gives us the ability to receive the sacraments out of faith.

  • @eugenenunn4900
    @eugenenunn4900 11 часов назад +3

    Wow. The rude tone isn't nessisary but its not surprising sense he doesn't believe Prot are even Christians. He stated that in his book. Im very thankful that it is Christ who saves people and not a specific religious institution.

    • @SeraphimWebster
      @SeraphimWebster 10 часов назад +4

      Christ established a Church.

    • @neyneynanamo2071
      @neyneynanamo2071 6 часов назад

      Protistans are Christians the same way Trans Women are Women.

    • @snowps1
      @snowps1 4 часа назад

      Where did he say Protestants aren't Christian?

  • @ReadDaGospel
    @ReadDaGospel 13 часов назад +3

    How else do you build the church without the bible?

    • @hannahbaker3080
      @hannahbaker3080 12 часов назад +8

      The church made the Bible, not the other way around

    • @SeraphimWebster
      @SeraphimWebster 12 часов назад +5

      When was the church founded and when were the Scriptures written ?

    • @P.Whitestrake
      @P.Whitestrake 11 часов назад +1

      How else you build The Church? Sorry, The Church was built by Christ. The Bible is the "product" of The Church & written within the boundaries of The Church by the people who had the authorities to expand The Church. The Church came first. Read Christian history from the 1st to the 4th century AD.

    • @neyneynanamo2071
      @neyneynanamo2071 6 часов назад +2

      The Bible was given to us by the Church, not the other way around...Where in the Bible is the Bible mentioned? Nowhere...it`s always The Church.

    • @jayjankovich
      @jayjankovich 3 часа назад

      The way they did it before there was a bible.

  • @SarayEcheverri-w9w
    @SarayEcheverri-w9w 13 часов назад +3

    It's so hard for me to believe in the Papacy or Orthodox way of the church. If you cannot be One Holy Church, How can I believe that everything you teach is the truth????

    • @SeraphimWebster
      @SeraphimWebster 12 часов назад +13

      The Orthodox Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
      If you believe the Bible, you implicitly believe in the Church because it gave you the Bible.

    • @SarayEcheverri-w9w
      @SarayEcheverri-w9w 11 часов назад

      @SeraphimWebster Yes! But the Orthodox Church left the One church. How can I believe you now? Orthodox now try to look better than protestants but they are another schism. I'll believe the One Church when it is actually one

    • @SaintlySaavy
      @SaintlySaavy 10 часов назад +2

      If you don’t believe in the Church that gave you the Bible, how can you possibly trust anything else?
      As a Catholic, I see Orthodoxy as a cousin-our other lung, as one of the popes beautifully put it. In fact, an Eastern Orthodox Christian can receive communion at our Mass, a sign of the shared apostolic faith and sacramental unity that still exists between us.

    • @Richard-EmmanuelCalcoen
      @Richard-EmmanuelCalcoen 9 часов назад +2

      @@SaintlySaavy You shouldn't forget to say, that the orthodox don't feel the same way about RCC...

    • @SaintlySaavy
      @SaintlySaavy 9 часов назад

      ​@@Richard-EmmanuelCalcoen True, but, we are called to come from a place of love.
      Pope Urban II once called for unity in defense of our brothers in the East, urging the faithful to rally to their aid with the words,
      “For your brethren who live in the East are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them. ... The Lord, beseech you as Christ’s heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians. ... Moreover, Christ commands it.”
      Today, the West could benefit from the East's spiritual depth and liturgical beauty. In turn, we in the West have a responsibility to stand alongside our Orthodox brothers and sisters, particularly in the face of growing secularism and relativism that threatens the heart of Christianity.
      I pray for the day when we are united again in full communion. Imagine the strength of a truly united Church, East and West, proclaiming Christ to the world! Wouldn’t that be a beautiful testament to the faith we share?

  • @kimsland999
    @kimsland999 8 часов назад

    Amazing people still believe in this utter nonsense.

  • @Life-xg9pf
    @Life-xg9pf 14 часов назад +3

    I'm here only to see if he's attacking Protestants...again.

    • @mik569
      @mik569 14 часов назад +2

      It's not attacking. It's correction. Orthopraxy and Orthodoxy.

    • @ZBielski
      @ZBielski 14 часов назад +20

      I think attack might be a strong word but I do think the church needs to understand that just because the Orthodox worship correctly does not mean God rejects protestants if they are truly repentant. There's a lot of people who have no clue Orthodoxy exists and I refuse to believe they are damned because they haven't yet found the church and as far as I know that's close to the consensus with most Orthodox. A lot of us were protestant before.

    • @katehobbs5327
      @katehobbs5327 14 часов назад

      @@ZBielskibless you, brother ❤

    • @janeyjenjen5972
      @janeyjenjen5972 14 часов назад +5

      At least you’re here. Welcome!

    • @mik569
      @mik569 13 часов назад

      ​@@ZBielskiagreed. My comment was banned. Perhaps I was harsh. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have Mercy on me a sinner ☦️