The Book of Colossians

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
    It’s important to note that becoming a Christian is about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith. Here are some resources below to support your faith walk. Know that you are never alone. God is with you always. Here are some steps that people may follow to become a Christian:
    BELIEVE that you are loved and accepted by God
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    COMMIT your life to Christ
    LIVE a life of gratitude to God
    GETTING STARTED: “Study to Show Thyself Approved.” -2 Timothy 2:15
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    SUGGESTED READING: “For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” -Proverbs 2:6
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    “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.”

Комментарии • 32

  • @xboxice2005
    @xboxice2005 Год назад +24

    Luke, the writer of the Gospel that bears his name, was a medical missionary. In the Scriptures he is called “the beloved physician.” Colossians 4:14. The apostle Paul heard of his skill as a physician, and sought him out as one to whom the Lord had entrusted a special work. He secured his co-operation, and for some time Luke accompanied him in his travels from place to place. After a time, Paul left Luke at Philippi, in Macedonia. Here he continued to labor for several years, both as a physician and as a teacher of the gospel. In his work as a physician he ministered to the sick, and then prayed for the healing power of God to rest upon the afflicted ones. Thus the way was opened for the gospel message. Luke's success as a physician gained for him many opportunities for preaching Christ among the heathen. It is the divine plan that we shall work as the disciples worked. Physical healing is bound up with the gospel commission. In the work of the gospel, teaching and healing are never to be separated. Powerful!!

    • @Deidra4truth
      @Deidra4truth 7 месяцев назад

      No it is not bound up as the same. Please don't put your own interpretation into these matters of doctrine.

    • @christianshockley8595
      @christianshockley8595 4 месяца назад +1

      If the Apostle Paul still had the power to heal why would he leave Trophimus sick, while Epaphroditus was also sick to the point of death in Philippians 2:27 and encouraged Timothy to use a little wine for his stomach and frequent ailments (1 Timothy 5:23)?
      Erastus remained at Corinth, and I left Trophimus, who was ill, at Miletus. (2 Timothy 4:20)

    • @Erin-ray
      @Erin-ray 2 месяца назад


  • @mostgreatfull
    @mostgreatfull Год назад +13

    ²³ And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
    *-Colossians 3:23*

  • @mostgreatfull
    @mostgreatfull Год назад +7

    ²⁷ To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; *which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:*
    *-Colossians 1:27*

  • @eclecticlearner5943
    @eclecticlearner5943 Год назад +11

    God is amazing!!

  • @dabaum6278
    @dabaum6278 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for not running ads during scripture. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Much love & Maranatha!

  • @Scott-cl9gy
    @Scott-cl9gy 8 месяцев назад +9

    Peace and blessings to all reading this 🙏 🙌 ❤

  • @gloriajohnson8668
    @gloriajohnson8668 5 месяцев назад +3

    Thank God for the living word wherein we live there by.😇😇

  • @JonathanWilcox71
    @JonathanWilcox71 11 месяцев назад +4

    Blessed be THE NAME of THE LORD!

  • @kennetharchie-q8g
    @kennetharchie-q8g Год назад +3

    Christ in me the hope of glory

  • @VeronicaDaniels-l2j
    @VeronicaDaniels-l2j 2 месяца назад +1

    Pray that Jesus will provide, protection, comfort, and provisions, and great
    fellowship from Jesus Christ Command.

  • @gloryfavorforeverwchristje9343
    @gloryfavorforeverwchristje9343 Год назад +3

    ❤❤❤❤LOVE THIS AT 6AM

  • @abigailm2484
    @abigailm2484 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Max. Excellent job of reading this to us

  • @AndreRosario-zm8pf
    @AndreRosario-zm8pf 6 месяцев назад +1

    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌏✝️ Thank God I will always honor my family Kim Walker

  • @Louie-y8v
    @Louie-y8v 3 месяца назад +1

    Amen ,Father-God,Thank You Always?❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @yukkeungau
    @yukkeungau 5 месяцев назад

    Peace be with you. Pray LORD JESUS Christ Loves all of you+ Repent to Holy Bible ( Rev. 22:20+21) Christ Jesus said that I AM coming soon! Amen. Lord Jesus please come! May the GRACE of LORD Jesus be with all the saints. ( Rev.22-20+21). Peace be with you all.........

  • @yhwhsproperty3360
    @yhwhsproperty3360 10 месяцев назад +1

    Paul's letter to the Colossians

  • @AStepOfGrace
    @AStepOfGrace 5 месяцев назад

    I have sexual thoughts that I know are not of me. But wicked things that I did do, exposed Me to things God bever intended for me. Intentional sin that i did allowed the opening for satan to buffet me. That's my own fault.

  • @IAmGODseven
    @IAmGODseven Год назад +2


  • @JonathanWilcox71
    @JonathanWilcox71 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @KathyCliff-yk1xx
    @KathyCliff-yk1xx 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @jordonus8018
    @jordonus8018 8 месяцев назад

    *Chapters and substories/sections
    Ch 1 Salutation and thanksgiving: 0:00 (or 0:13 if you're impatient)
    Paul's prayer for the Colossians: 1:09
    Christ's preeminence: 1:57
    The Ministry of Paul: 3:16
    Ch 2: 4:17
    The sufficiency of Christ: 5:12
    Ch 3 The true center of Christian life: 7:33
    The Christian family: 9:44
    Ch 4: 10:40
    Tychicus and Onesimus: 11:16
    Greetings and final instructions: 11:38
    *Chapters + Greetings and final instructions
    Ch 1: 0:13 (or 0:00 if you're patient)
    Ch 2: 4:17
    Ch 3: 7:33
    Ch 4: 10:40
    Greetings and final instructions: 11:38

  • @mostgreatfull
    @mostgreatfull Год назад +1

    ²¹ Touch not; taste not; handle not;
    *-Colossians 2:21*

    • @mostgreatfull
      @mostgreatfull Год назад +1

      If men would become temperate in all things, if they would *touch not, taste not, handle not,* tea, coffee, tobacco, wines, opium, and alcoholic drinks, reason would take the reins of government in her own hands, and hold the appetites and passions under control.
      CTBH 36.3
      Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene

    • @mostgreatfull
      @mostgreatfull Год назад +1

      Through appetite, Satan controls the mind and the whole being. Thousands who might have lived, have passed into the grave, physical, mental, and moral wrecks, because they sacrificed all their powers to the indulgence of appetite. The necessity for the men of this generation to call to their aid the power of the will, strengthened by the grace of God, in order to withstand the temptations of Satan, and resist the least indulgence of perverted appetite, is far greater than it was several generations ago. But the present generation have less power of self-control than had those who lived then. Those who indulged in these stimulants transmitted their depraved appetites and passions to their children, and greater moral power is now required to resist intemperance in all its forms. The only perfectly safe course is to stand firm, observing strict temperance in all things, and never venturing into the path of danger.
      CTBH 37.1

  • @KimHoldeman
    @KimHoldeman 27 дней назад

    I’m just

  • @lindaschillinger5901
    @lindaschillinger5901 Год назад


  • @mostgreatfull
    @mostgreatfull Год назад +1

    ⁶ As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
    *-Colossians 2:6*

    • @mostgreatfull
      @mostgreatfull Год назад +3

      Do you ask, *“How am I to abide in Christ?”* In the same way as you received Him at first. *“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.” “The just shall live by faith.”* *Colossians 2:6; Hebrews 10:38.* You gave yourself to God, to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him, and you took Christ as your Saviour. You could not yourself atone for your sins or change your heart; but having given yourself to God, you believe that He for Christ’s sake did all this for you. By faith you became Christ’s, and by faith you are to grow up in Him-by giving and taking. You are to give all,-your heart, your will, your service,-give yourself to Him to obey all His requirements; and you must take all,-Christ, the fullness of all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness, your everlasting helper,-to give you power to obey.
      SC 69.2
      Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very first work. Let your prayer be, *“Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.”* This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and thus your life will be molded more and more after the life of Christ.
      SC 70.1
      A life in Christ is a life of restfulness. There may be no ecstasy of feeling, but there should be an abiding, peaceful trust. Your hope is not in yourself; it is in Christ. Your weakness is united to His strength, your ignorance to His wisdom, your frailty to His enduring might. So you are not to look to yourself, not to let the mind dwell upon self, but look to Christ. Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love-this is the subject for the soul’s contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness.
      SC 70.2
      Jesus says, *“Abide in Me.”* These words convey the idea of rest, stability, confidence. Again He invites, *“Come unto Me, ... and I will give you rest.”* *Matthew 11:28.* The words of the psalmist express the same thought: *“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”* And Isaiah gives the assurance, *“In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”* *Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 30:15.* This rest is not found in inactivity; for in the Saviour’s invitation the promise of rest is united with the call to labor: *“Take My yoke upon you: ... and ye shall find rest.”* *Matthew 11:29.* The heart that rests most fully upon Christ will be most earnest and active in labor for Him.
      SC 71.1
      When the mind dwells upon self, it is turned away from Christ, the source of strength and life. Hence it is Satan’s constant effort to keep the attention diverted from the Saviour and thus prevent the union and communion of the soul with Christ. The pleasures of the world, life’s cares and perplexities and sorrows, the faults of others, or your own faults and imperfections-to any or all of these he will seek to divert the mind. Do not be misled by his devices. Many who are really conscientious, and who desire to live for God, he too often leads to dwell upon their own faults and weaknesses, and thus by separating them from Christ he hopes to gain the victory. We should not make self the center and indulge anxiety and fear as to whether we shall be saved. All this turns the soul away from the Source of our strength. Commit the keeping of your soul to God, and trust in Him. Talk and think of Jesus. Let self be lost in Him. Put away all doubt; dismiss your fears. Say with the apostle Paul, *“I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”* *Galatians 2:20.* Rest in God. He is able to keep that which you have committed to Him. If you will leave yourself in His hands, He will bring you off more than conqueror through Him that has loved you.
      SC 71.2
      When Christ took human nature upon Him, He bound humanity to Himself by a tie of love that can never be broken by any power save the choice of man himself. Satan will constantly present allurements to induce us to break this tie-to choose to separate ourselves from Christ. Here is where we need to watch, to strive, to pray, that nothing may entice us to choose another master; for we are always free to do this. But let us keep our eyes fixed upon Christ, and He will preserve us. Looking unto Jesus, we are safe. Nothing can pluck us out of His hand. In constantly beholding Him, we *“are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”*
      *-2 Corinthians 3:18.*
      *-Steps to Christ 72.1*

  • @AStepOfGrace
    @AStepOfGrace 5 месяцев назад

    This is how wicked we are.