
Комментарии • 4

  • @RogueStallion31
    @RogueStallion31 Год назад +1

    #1) The term “review bombing” is reductive, ignores consensus/valid opinions, and effectively undermines the entire purpose of the site. Large swaths of people have a right to oppose this movie.
    #2) This was not simply “art”, it was a documentation of historical accounts, purposefully skewed, filled with inaccuracies and lacking evidence, all with the admitted purpose of pushing political narratives/agendas. The consequences of revisionist history are dire, in many places against the law, and so protest is absolutely necessary in this case.
    #3) Whitewashing of characters (fiction or nonfiction) has been so vehemently opposed, with liberals and POC constantly pushing biased identity politics, putting great importance on race and proper representation. If you cannot see the irony in which white historical figures (and beloved fictional characters) are so frequently being race-swapped, while we’re all gaslit saying that race all of a sudden doesn’t matter, then you’re dense. Couple this with the vitriol in which Europeans and other white people endure on a daily basis- obviously the Egyptians have less tolerance for this woke identity politics.
    This is the same rule in which those controversies were brought up, so this protest is just as racist as those whitewashing controversies. Don’t be a hypocrite and a contrarian.

    • @ShawnWellingAXI
      @ShawnWellingAXI  Год назад

      You make great points at the same time it is a balancing act as as we oppose the documentary are we engaging in cancel culture because we disagree with the politics or social construct of the film to the extent we participate in the very mob ideology we oppose by canceling the project with such veracity. The point I make is we have very right to oppose and or support but we do it absent of the cancel culture virus that we oppose. I did on the same show have to do the balancing act in spades when asked about the doc "Leaving Neverland" but there that very doc was an inflated cancel culture attempt on one human and therefore I had a different tolerance for me to bite back with civility.

    • @RogueStallion31
      @RogueStallion31 Год назад +1

      @@ShawnWellingAXI I think what the majority of the cancelling party wants is some accountability from those involved. The afrocentrist crowd, liberal media as well as government have been very adamant about proper representation, opposing “whitewashing”, reprimanding the “other” for cultural appropriation and using identity politics as a club now for years. Ironically (and I do have a link to support this), there have been more instances to the contrary (blackwashing) and perhaps an overrepresentation of black people in media, while still pushing this racial caste system (undoubtedly wrong-mixed messages here). Many African Americans hypocritically appropriate culture, claiming that “they are the real jews/egyptians/indigenous/europeans/etc”, when they were simply born in America, Africa, West Indies etc., all because people long ago shared their same skin colour? It’s a logical fallacy. So with this context, Jada Pinkett and Adele James marketed this “documentary” with the selling point based on race (“black queens doc”, “cleopatra was black”- quoted foremost in the trailer, incorrectly depicting culture of the time and portraying ancient greeks + Ptolemy as black also?); There are absolutely so many bold things that this documentary does, when the brunt of information available refutes it, and the producers have admitted that this was done for political reasons. So they’ve brought this on themselves! The fundamental criticism is accuracy- if people were just racist then Queen Charlotte for example wouldn’t be as popular as it is, because it isn’t a documentary. Accepting the Cleo doc would set a precedent for revisionist history, and would fail to meet the standards of proper representation and cultural appropriation that these same people (Afrocentricts) have so vehemently held the rest of society to. Lastly, not only is “blackwashing” real (and rampant), but these accusations of racism and gaslighting are inexcusable. We have to call out bad behaviour in society and acknowledgement is what we want to see. If this is okay then we shouldn’t put up with the bullying from the other side. Look at the outrage right now about Moana not being dark enough… it’s hypocritical.

    • @RogueStallion31
      @RogueStallion31 Год назад +2

      @@ShawnWellingAXI Cancel culture, or outrage culture as I call it, has worked wonders for liberals to influence the culture of society, media and government. The changes implemented as a result have fostered a hurtful and damaging situation for those that hold different beliefs, lifestyles and identities (in addition to those that don’t). What we are seeing, while at times as crass and misguided as it always is, is cancel culture being implemented by its usual victims- and they hold valid concerns. So Jada, Adele, the director, they brought this on themselves and unless they acknowledge and apologize, they will continue to be unpopular. It’s as simple as that, hypocrites are the most unlikable of people. They can undo this cancelling by validating the concerns that all these people have.