Navy Bootcamp - "Filtering out" Recruits who cannot take the pressure

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 732

  • @shep68
    @shep68 Год назад +1555

    Boot camp is boot camp regardless of where you went, when you went or what service you went through. They all suck to one degree or another. Just accept you're going to get yelled at, PT'd and made to feel miserable. That's the point. It's not personal. They want to see if you can handle it; that's it. Put your head down, leave the attitude at home and power through it.

    • @jackomalley3687
      @jackomalley3687 Год назад +51

      Boot camp is easy. Our sargents yelled and screamed at us but PT was easy and the only hard part was eating the chow which was horrible tasting

    • @Captain_Cinnamon
      @Captain_Cinnamon Год назад +18

      Nah bro, I dont accept getting yelled at for nothing. Thats toxic culture.
      I went another way by not going into the bully forces and had a far better show than if i would have.
      If you wanna go, go. But if you think like me and see this for what it is - just unreasonable.
      They could push you with tasks the same. Yelling the assignment. But just yelling into my ears. Fuck, those sergeants were happy I didnt smash them. I am 10/10 a better boxer than any of them

    • @kevinphillips150
      @kevinphillips150 Год назад +19

      Boot camp is not just boot camp. If that were the case, all boot camps would do is teach basic military subjects like a JROTC unit would. There is a stress level that many, many individuals have never experienced and would never experience without the environment. But then each branch has specific purposes in mind for the goals of the training. To say boot camp is the same regardless of the service branch is as misguided as wanting to be an officer at boot camp with a college degree.

    • @jeffeey3117
      @jeffeey3117 Год назад +10

      @@kevinphillips150 boot camp is a.joke. now.ranger.or buds training is a nightmare. You get no sleep

    • @RomanCatholicAspiringScholar
      @RomanCatholicAspiringScholar Год назад +91

      ⁠@@Captain_Cinnamon”getting yelled at for nothing,” well then everyone agrees here, none of us would accept getting yelled at “for nothing,” however, Boot-camp doesn’t put pressure on recruits and treat them harshly “for nothing,” they do it to produce hardened, strong, and disciplined individuals who can handle pressure and stress without cracking and breaking like your comment implies you would. So rather than starting to “box” the instructors, or “smashing” them with your skills that are “10/10” times better, maybe you should respect the people who are developing the people who defend your right to type ignorant comments like that.

  • @EdgarFriendly-op3rn
    @EdgarFriendly-op3rn Год назад +705

    We had a dude flip out one day and scream at an RDC. It was like week 4. Dude just lost it

    • @punkavaug
      @punkavaug Год назад +44

      Woah woah what. Youre telling me you went to BUDs but dont understand why you had to go to bootcamp first? That sounds more than fishy.

    • @maxlewandowski6518
      @maxlewandowski6518 Год назад +9

      276 Able Archer 83 1980-1988 Lewandowski President 😊❤Jesus 😊

    • @punkavaug
      @punkavaug Год назад +10

      @norbertofontanez5550 yeah Im not sure what that means. Neither me nor any of my boys enjoyed bootcamp, learning how to do line handling and the “sailorization”, all of us signed up for one thing and one thing only. But we still understood that theres a path that leads there and why we had to do it.

    • @official_honcho
      @official_honcho Год назад +18

      @@punkavaug in order for you to qualify for BUDs you have to be already a sailor, can’t be a sailor if you haven’t gone through boot camp. After boot camp if you want to do SEAL/SWCC/SARC you have to go through their preparatory school and then from there, they’ll see if you are qualified to go to BUDs, SWCC, or SARC basic training. All special operations teams have basic training, it takes almost a full year to complete and be combat ready. For either of those special operations groups

    • @punkavaug
      @punkavaug Год назад

      @@official_honcho thats not quite how it works. These days you can join the navy with a specwar contract through the delayed entry program. You earn said contract while still a civilian through regular PSTs. After bootcamp, for SEAL/SWCC, you go directly to BUDS prep, and from there on to the amphibious base. For SARC/SOIDC, you join with an HM-ATF contract, after bootcamp you go to HM A school, where you will have to attend ATF PT for the entirety of the duration of that A school. Again, through regular PSTs you get to maintain your contract and towards the end of your time there you decide whether you want to go SARC, DMT or SMT. For SARC candidates, its on to FMTB at that point, and after that they enter the USMC recon pipeline. And it takes quite a bit longer than a year, especially for SARCs. SOCM alone is a year long school.

  • @BZR330
    @BZR330 Год назад +344

    My son went in August 2017. Started with 89 recruits. Graduated 53. It ain’t for just anyone.

    • @QuisUtDeus828
      @QuisUtDeus828 4 месяца назад +36

      Except Bootcamp is for everyone. It's a basic training school it isn't a selection course. Its entire purpose is for the average American to learn the very basics of whichever branch they're going into. Navy boot isn't even physically demanding 😂
      You're talking about a 40-45% attrition rate. If that happened in any branch people would be getting relieved for cause because it means a bunch of people were not doing their job properly.
      When I went through Army basic training in 2005 at a 20 week OSUT (basic and job school combined) we lost about 15 out of 180 people. Of those 15 only 4 were permanently lost, 1 AWOL and chartered, 2 medical, 1 kicked out for misconduct. The rest were injuries and they got recycled into another company when they were healed a month or 2 later.
      Basic training is not hard. You aren't special for passing especially any of the post 2010ish basic trainings when things started becoming super easy

    • @BZR330
      @BZR330 4 месяца назад +4

      @@QuisUtDeus828 it may be getting easier but it’s definitely not for everyone, including me. I could’ve never made it through Boot Camp back in my day. And there were that many in my son’s division that did go home and didn’t make it. Now I don’t know if anybody got relieved of their duties but that is what we were told. Often times the people that answer these questions or make comments aren’t even in the military. It makes me wonder if you ever were. You can say all the right things. That doesn’t make you a veteran.

    • @QuisUtDeus828
      @QuisUtDeus828 4 месяца назад +5

      @@BZR330 I promise you, I don't give a shit whether some random doofus on youtube believes I'm a veteran. My disability direct deposit doesn't depend on it

    • @BZR330
      @BZR330 4 месяца назад +5

      @@QuisUtDeus828 doofus describes you perfectly! Have a nice day!

    • @MrCargod05
      @MrCargod05 4 месяца назад +13

      ​@@BZR330 for a person that never served, you talk a lot of shit on ones that have or currently are. You can't fail basic unless you say "I quit", do something UCMJ worthy, or get seriously medically discharged. It's not that hard. I joined at 118lbs and made it through fine back in 2018 army bct.

  • @blakebarberi4828
    @blakebarberi4828 Год назад +131

    Im exmilitary. The thing people have to remember is that. Physical fitness doesn't prepare you for sleep deprivation, going hungry, not being able to go to the bathroom, dealing with bad jock itch. It's the small things I saw break alot of people. Medically they will hold a soldier back for and ingrown toenail, some suffer vertigo or ringing in the ear because they never flown. Heat exhaustion is another big one. People from cold states never think to prepare themselves to run and exercise in extreme heat. 💪💪

    • @gamer-jm6my
      @gamer-jm6my 2 месяца назад +5

      Iv never flown before I leave for bootcamp iin an month I had no idea flying could cause bad stuff to happen hopefully for me I don’t get vertigo and if I do hopefully I can tough it out I did not come this far to quit I am 21 am my dream is to go military it always was and now I have the oprotunity to do it iv gotten this far it’s going to take a lot to get me to give up now I don’t even humor the thought of giving up. This is my dream and I won’t settle for anything less.

    • @Vet-7174
      @Vet-7174 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@gamer-jm6myget use to flying in the service 🇺🇸

    • @vinfogaming5
      @vinfogaming5 6 дней назад +1

      had an infected ingrown toenail during bootcamp that shit sucked didn't get it checked until I finished bootcamp

  • @mikebrown1052
    @mikebrown1052 Год назад +106

    I had the priivilege of being my bootcamp
    RCPO at RTC San Diego '65. It was great !
    Out of 80 we graduated 79 !!!!!!! Bootcamp is the place to separate the weeds from the valuable/usable plants. I enjoyed it 👌🏿👍🏿👌🏿👍🏿!!!

    • @ezekiellu7463
      @ezekiellu7463 Год назад

      How old do you have to be to go to boot camp?

    • @mikebrown1052
      @mikebrown1052 Год назад +3

      @@ezekiellu7463 I was 20 yoa when I went. I was a Radioman aboard an amphibious assault craft in Vietnam. A Very Exciting Time !!!!

    • @ezekiellu7463
      @ezekiellu7463 Год назад

      @@mikebrown1052 nice! How much does it cost is it expensive to go?

    • @dada3434
      @dada3434 Год назад

      I agree. I joined 2 months after my 17th birthday. One of my fellow recruit from Oakland popped positive in RTC and he was sent home a few days upon arrival. I can't believe it was almost 30 years ago!!!

    • @mikebrown1052
      @mikebrown1052 Год назад +2

      @@dada3434 How sbout 58 for me, and still on this side of the dirt 😆😂😅🤣😅😂😆👍🏿👌🏿👍🏿👌🏿👏🏿👏🏿!!!!
      Of course I give All Praises to JEHOVAH 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽!!!

  • @lpg12338
    @lpg12338 Год назад +137

    I had a guy ask me back in the day why the Navy uniform has so many buttons, I told him because a Marine needs to wait for his dinner…. 🤣. USN 95 - 05.

    • @brandonrivera5902
      @brandonrivera5902 11 месяцев назад +3


    • @walter1554
      @walter1554 5 месяцев назад +3


    • @WaldoBagelTopper
      @WaldoBagelTopper 4 месяца назад +8

      Great, a joke nobody gets except for navy people. Relatable.

    • @lpg12338
      @lpg12338 4 месяца назад +4

      @@WaldoBagelTopper Well, this is a RUclips channel that deals with problems / issues with in the U.S. Navy, so yes it is relatable. 👍

    • @DvlDog1341
      @DvlDog1341 4 месяца назад +1

      Hmm? Not sure what you're implying, but it must have to do with the Marine banging your mom and sister while your daddy watches, then pays the Marine and thanks him for his service. 😮😅😂

  • @drewtech1677
    @drewtech1677 Год назад +514

    Don’t roll your eyes look forward your gonna become apart of the team or be pushed out it’s up to you honey 😂

    • @bigtimepimpin666
      @bigtimepimpin666 Год назад +11

      Navy spelling at its best...

    • @DonDeDon445
      @DonDeDon445 Год назад +25

      Yea cause judging recruits by the first 3 day response always defines who a good sailor is 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @beardedking3345
      @beardedking3345 Год назад +4

      I seen that shit too😅

    • @WootTootZoot
      @WootTootZoot Год назад +5

      That was from a video series, I think, about five years ago. She was gone by the end of that afternoon.

    • @WootTootZoot
      @WootTootZoot Год назад +1

      @@bigtimepimpin666 Better that eating crayon's.

  • @daymeongartrell4809
    @daymeongartrell4809 Год назад +42

    Navy Recruit Camp Company 124... 1989, Great Lakes, Ill. The recruits that were filtered out of my Company had underlying health issues or were injured in training. Other than that, the remainder graduated. We were trained to support each other.

    • @WaldoBagelTopper
      @WaldoBagelTopper 4 месяца назад

      I remember your company! Man, we beat you guys down at Rusty's bar! It was in 1989 and you guys were all crying and shitting yourselves from how bad the beating was! How you been man!?

    • @hawkstringfellow
      @hawkstringfellow 4 месяца назад +1

      I graduated Navy Boot great lakes divison 309 1999

    • @hawkstringfellow
      @hawkstringfellow 4 месяца назад

      Anyone still have there book camp year book 😊

    • @hawkstringfellow
      @hawkstringfellow 4 месяца назад

      I do

    • @hazegrayprepper4396
      @hazegrayprepper4396 4 месяца назад

      ​@@hawkstringfellowI graduated in 1999 as well, Division 392

  • @waltrobinson3587
    @waltrobinson3587 Год назад +14

    Listen, I know bootcamp can be hard cause I went through bootcamp in 1972 at Paris as a Marine. But we are all brothers!!💯. But I will give any young man or woman thumbs up for trying!!🇺🇸. Thank you for trying young people and God bless you

  • @TedJ71
    @TedJ71 Год назад +22

    I went in 1972 and I don’t think we lost anyone that I can remember ! Our drill instructor was an E6 Seabee, never forget him!

    • @jamesrobertson7906
      @jamesrobertson7906 4 месяца назад +3

      My CC was QMC Keith Bohannon SeAL team1. He was a force of nature.

    • @thepitpatrol
      @thepitpatrol 2 месяца назад

      Ted, i went through in 82, and it was not like this video, lol. I could have done that standing on my head.

  • @randallreid424
    @randallreid424 3 месяца назад +22

    I’m an army guy and did my basic training starting on October 17, 1989 the same day there was an earth quake in San Francisco that also affected the World Series and I ended up being an early arrival that was lucky enough to get to spend a couple zero weeks bc there was some recruits that were affected by the quake and they were given a couple of extra weeks for good reason. I remember a spec 4, a black dude that was cool as hell to me that gave me some great advice and that my zero weeks weren’t anything compared to what was coming and man was he right. The great advice you ask, one: don’t ever lock your legs no matter how long you stand in place, if you lock your legs at your knees and you are in a standing position for a while it will cause you to pass out, he said just keep your legs relaxed and just wiggle them just enough that it’s not noticeable and that i would see for myself what happens when people do lock their legs and damn if ain’t a trip when someone falls out right in front of you bc they locked up. 2: you don’t want them to know your name, if they know your name then you fucked up and will be the example. Well I failed number two bc I was the first recruit after my two zero weeks to have my fucking name called out bc my drill was picking on the short fat kid right beside me and said a fat joke that I thought was funny enough that I laughed out loud and damn if he didn’t say Private Reid likes to laugh at the fat kids so let’s show private Reid why that’s not funny and all I heard was drop mother f er and start counting and this with all our equipment strapped to us bc we just got off the cattle car and hadn’t made it inside our barracks yet. While I’m pushing they were running around the building and when they got to me they were told to go over private Reid and let’s see how funny that is too him and man all I could picture was the fat kid tripping over me and causing everyone else to crush me, props to him he cleared me all four times and when they were done I got to take my laps by myself and was fucked from that moment forward, I did pushups every time I was seen and I got into a little more trouble after that where my punishment just about killed me but that is for another day. I honestly thrived in basic training after I came to an acceptance moment some time in week two and after that though I did screw up once I adjusted quite well and finished very strong in my class. If you are thinking about joining any part of our military and your heart is in it do it I promise you won’t regret it and it’s something that you will be proud of for the rest of your life and the honor that comes with it is pretty special and you will meet the most diverse people the world has to offer and you will forever be part of a brotherhood and no one can ever take any of that away. Hoo rah!!

    • @Buddha-w6h
      @Buddha-w6h 3 месяца назад +1

      I was in the First mixed fema😊le/male boot camps in 1974. I was ex peacecorps And 25.a journalist. A women. My drill sgt John Dugger was a supportive intelligent mtn of a military trainer. I needed to realize the potential that must be enacted to walk the Way of Warrior..which females have living in them. But are never appreciated when they let it out.. An incident occurred..a bad thing..but I never reported my Sgt . ..I regret to this day at 76 ..that I sold myself out
      .i was deployed to Germany MOS. 91F. Things. went from.bad to worse iny mind due To that incident from.base camp. tour was four years. My dad was ww2 ,my first son died result of Iraq.
      I became a buddhist nun In. .1994 .. Peace Warrior finally came Home. Jtp

    • @TheWeekendMariner
      @TheWeekendMariner 3 месяца назад

      @@Buddha-w6h Ok schizo

  • @americanazheck
    @americanazheck Год назад +6

    Dec 7 ,1977 RTC Orlando. 17 years old...what an eye opener for me.

  • @DougPoulton
    @DougPoulton 4 месяца назад +71

    Navy boot camp was a joke. The hardest part was not laughing when the RDC got all animated pretending to be pissed.

    • @n1ksf
      @n1ksf 3 месяца назад +10

      More laxed now vs decades ago..

    • @herbsofdafield
      @herbsofdafield 9 дней назад

      I had an ex seal that beat leukemia, a buff ass Chief that was the number Chief at Great Lakes and a skinny asian that ate fire and pissed vinegar. They "beat"/pt'd us so hard that the berthing walls & ceiling would condensate, and it was like it was raining in doors. We had very different experiences at boot.

    • @DougPoulton
      @DougPoulton 8 дней назад

      @@n1ksf It was a joke in 1967 when I went, it must be sickening today with all the woke DEI trans shit being forced fed to the fools dumb enough to join. I heard the Nav even waived the requirements to be a high school graduate.

  • @onebridge7231
    @onebridge7231 2 месяца назад +4

    As a Silent Service Veteran, just know that getting through boot, A-school, and any specialized school is not the real Navy. The Navy only really starts when you begin doing your job, then it becomes like any other job really. If you don’t like your first job, then go to recruiter or look to transfer into a new MoS. Military Service can be a great career, just need to find the role and service that fits you best. Try Air Force or other branch if Navy was not a good fit.

  • @lght5548
    @lght5548 4 месяца назад +5

    May God Bless and keep safe these new recruits and all who serve this great nation, including my own young Airborne Ranger 🪖🇺🇸

  • @Lamentors3Co
    @Lamentors3Co Год назад +19

    True, out of 99 original Recruits. My Boot Camp Division Graduated just 32 or 34 originals.

    • @neft5449
      @neft5449 Год назад +2

      Dang, what year was this?

    • @darkphoenix4568
      @darkphoenix4568 8 месяцев назад +1

      Bruh, that's about a 66% drop.

  • @Not.Jason.from.the.southwest
    @Not.Jason.from.the.southwest Год назад +8

    I think that more attention should be brought to the training challenges of the Navy and Air Force boot camps. It is my opinion that the Navy experience is so far away from the average American that it's somewhat invisible. It takes an incredible amount of training and logistics to get these young people ready to perform in the fleet.

  • @larryd9549
    @larryd9549 10 месяцев назад +6

    My company, 902 RTC San Diego '84, made it all the way through with out losing a single guy.

    • @RyderGroveSt
      @RyderGroveSt Месяц назад

      Back when your generation had some hard asses. These recruits today cant even handle being away from their cellphones..

  • @jamesnubz
    @jamesnubz Год назад +15

    My uncle, who was a Marine then went to the Navy as an officer and my Uncle who was an Army vet, they would always tell me "no bootcamp is ever easy because you are going in as a civilian. Just embrace the suck, do what youre told and youll do fine"

    • @Irela-w2y
      @Irela-w2y Месяц назад

      My dad just told me that today! I leave January 14th :)

      @IAMCOSAMA 22 дня назад

      @@Irela-w2ythat’s awesome man what branch you heading into

  • @marthaalvarez8872
    @marthaalvarez8872 Год назад +9

    Thank you for your service 🙏

  • @gmontie40
    @gmontie40 3 месяца назад +3

    Never take any of it personal. Know it doesn’t last forever. Know they will push you but only you can break you.
    I found my Army basic training easy to get through. But I grew up an Army brat.

  • @CactusCowboyDan
    @CactusCowboyDan 4 месяца назад +11

    I’ve met many soldiers who just say to never join up because it’s not worth any of it.

    • @Gandhi_Physique
      @Gandhi_Physique 2 месяца назад +1

      Everyone has their opinions. Plenty say it is the best thing they have ever done and want to go back when they leave. Up to you to do your research.

    • @CactusCowboyDan
      @CactusCowboyDan 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Gandhi_Physique I’ve done my research and I used to live on an army base. All the soldiers I ever met said it wasn’t worth it

    • @ChrsGotFourEyes
      @ChrsGotFourEyes Месяц назад

      Depends on their MOS and experiences. All servicemen ​i met either liked or loved their service @CactusCowboyDan

    • @3sightwicked
      @3sightwicked 18 дней назад +1

      @fr like some ppl used to the tough love and some ppl come from a tough environment me personally im built for it n imma join eventually it rlly depends what background you come from

    • @Gandhi_Physique
      @Gandhi_Physique 18 дней назад

      @@3sightwicked You'll only really know when you get in there, but yeah I see what you're saying.
      People are different, they gonna think about it differently.

  • @kennethclarkjr4638
    @kennethclarkjr4638 4 месяца назад +5

    Man, boot camp is so different now. I was wearing the bell bottom dungarees with the white dixie cup back in 1995. To me, this was a little bit softer than what I was used to.

    • @SV-kr9fu
      @SV-kr9fu 3 месяца назад

      The Navy has the worst dress uniform for junior enlisted.

  • @RaymondOrtiz-me4hv
    @RaymondOrtiz-me4hv 4 месяца назад +7

    Went to basic rtc great lakes graduated jan 1973.

  • @andrew5875
    @andrew5875 Год назад +5

    I personally went to MCRD San Diego. We dropped two
    guys from Pneumonia. They pushed and almost made it to the end. I learned a lot of
    stuff there that I still use to this day. It was one helluva eye opener for a small town farm kid from Minnesota that’s fer sure!

    • @richsuga
      @richsuga Год назад +2

      I got pneumonia at MCRD Parris Island in 1991. Didn't get dropped back, but had to do a PFT while I still had it to keep that from happening. Good times!

    • @andrew5875
      @andrew5875 Год назад +1

      @@richsuga Awh man that’s rough boss.

    • @a7hazen
      @a7hazen 4 месяца назад +1

      I graduated with a broken rib and pneumonia. I was hospitalized to receive IV antibiotics for cellulitis in my foot and VGE took out half the squad bay during range week. Didn't get dropped. You decide how far you make it.

    • @andrew5875
      @andrew5875 4 месяца назад +1

      @@a7hazen Gott damn my guy fuckin just pushed through that shit hell yeah!!

    • @a7hazen
      @a7hazen 4 месяца назад

      @andrew5875 I did the hump to Warriors Breakfast holding my side in. I was not gonna get dropped just before Marine Week. Fuck that. Additionally, medical holds at MCRD take MONTHS. I was in MRP at Geiger for 8 weeks, but once you're at ITB they want you to FMF ASAP. I spent that shit lifting weights and running HIIT. I just had to be able to do pullups to get cleared to train.

  • @StephenRada-q6g
    @StephenRada-q6g 24 дня назад

    June 1980 - MCRD San Diego
    Platoon 1062... 💪💯
    PFC out of boot camp. God speed to soldiers that served & bless those who gave all.

  • @ctaz8746
    @ctaz8746 2 месяца назад

    Navy Vet here Great Lakes Boot Camp 1996. It was rough then but manageable, i can only imagine what it's like now!

  • @sunrayrosin7181
    @sunrayrosin7181 25 дней назад

    it seems so much nicer and more kind to help people over come their lack of solid parenting than ever before . They don’t get to rough you up or put the hurt on you like back in the day. And the fleet looks like plenty co ed comforts that simply were not part of the military life I experienced.

  • @Jtr_ceral_killer
    @Jtr_ceral_killer 3 месяца назад

    I went to RTC orlando. 94. Boot camp is 90% mental. I was 120lb 5ft 7in when i went in. Stayed the same through out bootcamp. Not too difficult. Got advanced through acedemic reasons. The others that got promoted went into the nuke program.

  • @xxxnyb
    @xxxnyb 4 месяца назад +4

    Navy boot camp is more mental than physical

  • @dotesondots
    @dotesondots 5 месяцев назад +7

    When I went to Navy boot camp, the first months were hard. After everyone had settled into being a recruit, not a civilian, the last weeks were fun because we were cut some slack and got taken to Disneyland as a group.

    • @AnimeSmash37
      @AnimeSmash37 4 месяца назад +2

      My group went to Vietnam for vacation

  • @MikeNelson-s4o
    @MikeNelson-s4o 2 месяца назад +1

    That’s why they want young people. Fresh out of high school. Their bodies are young and moldable! They can almost always get them in military shape.also, these young recruits are impressionable.they will do what you tell them, a lot easier than an adult who’s been around the block a time or two! And the way it’s got to be! You need these recruits to listen and obey commands without question!

    • @DracoRex-Maestro
      @DracoRex-Maestro 2 месяца назад +2

      Military shape 😂😂😂😂 yeah if you’re ok with being fat lol

  • @Adirahl
    @Adirahl Год назад +7

    Bootcamp was a joke.
    One of my RDC'S got Mast for withholding mail from recruits she didn't like and cheating on her wife with a recruit.
    They yelled at me for not "being focused on the mission" and " malingering".
    No one listened to me when I told them I was constantly in pain. Instead of getting me the medical attention I needed, they mocked me. After graduating they finally sent me to a podiatrist, my bone was fractured and needed to be removed.
    It's been 1.5 yrs since the surgery, I walk with a cane.
    That's not even half of the unnecessary and cruel bs I went through in bootcamp and during service.
    Because of all of it, I'm permanently disabled.
    Would I do it again? No.

    • @brianlee6163
      @brianlee6163 Год назад +1

      Holy shit! Shouldn't she have gotten court-martial instead of NJP for having an affair with a *recruit*?!
      I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. Obvs, not every CPO in the Navy is on the up and up.

    • @WillisAdams-s5n
      @WillisAdams-s5n Год назад

      You can a medical review for being able. Get your medical records and reach va representatives who specialize in this.

    • @Adirahl
      @Adirahl Год назад

      ​@@WillisAdams-s5n I'm currently at 90%

    • @Adirahl
      @Adirahl Год назад

      ​@brianlee6163 Nope. Much worse has been done with a slap on the wrist

    • @brianlee6163
      @brianlee6163 Год назад

      @@Adirahl That's really unfortunate, and I certainly hope you're getting a check from the VA now. It's total BS your issues weren't addressed any earlier.
      Side note, especially not knowing when you went to RTC, was Dr Studabaker the podiatrist you saw? (Edit: Just saw that you went to a DPM *after* boot camp)

  • @alanfan8941
    @alanfan8941 4 месяца назад

    I don’t know what it is like now but boot camp in the spring of 1977 at RTC Orlando was easy. It wasn’t enjoyable but it wasn’t as difficult as I had expected. I got through it by just doing what I was told without questioning it or commenting on it.

  • @GhostBearCommander
    @GhostBearCommander Год назад

    The DI has wise words. Very thankful for his service.

    • @brianlee6163
      @brianlee6163 Год назад +1

      *RDC - Recruit Division Commander

    • @n1ksf
      @n1ksf 3 месяца назад

      ​@brianlee6163 we called them CC's 'Company Commander' could be a PO2 with a PO1, Or Chief and a PO1..always 2, same gender..

  • @Cantetinza17
    @Cantetinza17 23 дня назад

    I went through RDC in 99-2000. Hearing what they don't have to do compared to what I had to do and beyond me. It's like, "Dang their lucky to be doing it now."

  • @JMK719
    @JMK719 3 месяца назад

    I watched the MC recruits in boot camp and then this, the difference is huge! The Navy is really 100x softer than the Marines. The recruits in the MC have tremendous amount of discipline and endurance. When the DI all up in their face, their eyes always keep straightforward and continue to respond while being screamed at. While the Navy recruit was having a side eye and attitude. Imagine you have the time and capacity to have attitude in boot camp. That means the pressure the RDC apply is not enough. They’re still full of ego and self. They don’t get broken down enough. That’s why in the fleet nowadays we receive a bunch of junior sailors with attitude and ego but don’t know or don’t want to follow rules, always questions “why” and full of self entitlement.

    • @justduro1527
      @justduro1527 3 месяца назад +1

      I think this was like day 3? When she being yelled it.
      Its normal thar she did that since its so early, she is there to learn you know.

  • @MikeNelson-s4o
    @MikeNelson-s4o 4 месяца назад +2

    They used to do a horrible job of weeding out the non hacker, as they were called. Treat them like dirt, and keep them around for weeks, watching their former units continue their training.they should have sent them home immediately after knowing they won’t make it. Today, I think they do a better job figuring out if someone will make it before they even send them to boot! It costs a lot of money to send someone to training. Back in the seventies, I saw this myself. In army basic training. I felt sorry for those few guys who couldn’t hack it. They went through hell! And my own brother! He came home after two months, when his leaders realized he shouldn’t be there. He was a lot older than me, so, I can’t imagine what he went through, but when he came home, he was messed up. A nervous wreck! Became an alcoholic , and smoked like a train! And died before his time. He was drafted.
    Bottom line! They need to screen recruits better before they even send them to training.

  • @eddeewhat5553
    @eddeewhat5553 Месяц назад +1

    I did Air Force boot camp. He said it exactly right. You’re tore down to be built up.

  • @MikeDarr61
    @MikeDarr61 2 месяца назад

    Basic training Feb ‘78 RTC great mistakes. Back then you marched everywhere while carrying a M1 rifle. If you never held an M1 rifle it gets heavy after a while. We didn’t lose one guy all the way through.

  • @frankcuoco1501
    @frankcuoco1501 3 месяца назад +2

    Always remember boot camp is not what the rest of your enlistment will be like😊stay strong boot

  • @MikeJohn-hh8no
    @MikeJohn-hh8no 4 месяца назад +1

    Well I can tell you from experience out in the fleet is a hell of a lot better than where you're at right now. I went to Great lakes also. I worked the flight deck of an aircraft carrier for the squadron. When you get out of the fleet it's not that bad it really isn't it. Got those immature people but they'll get over that. And I didn't know you could quit I didn't know that was an option..

  • @nagoh4321
    @nagoh4321 Месяц назад +1

    Imagine having the dude with a lisp yelling at you 😂

  • @lorrainelaeng3116
    @lorrainelaeng3116 4 месяца назад

    Hod bless you all, trainers & trainees!
    Thank you all for your service to & for our country! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @SeanMurphy-lm3po
      @SeanMurphy-lm3po 4 месяца назад

      Boot camp is one of those things you will be proud you succeed at for the rest of your life, but I have never met anyone who wanted to do it again.
      Us army 1976-1982

  • @pamelamays4186
    @pamelamays4186 Месяц назад +1

    In my Navy boot camp in 1985, one recruit was sent home because of a case of measels.

  • @bobsmoot2392
    @bobsmoot2392 2 месяца назад

    They are "mean" to them because they love them, and want them to survive/thrive. True tough love.

  • @Sergioluisvega
    @Sergioluisvega Месяц назад

    Keep pushing!

  • @jamess9890
    @jamess9890 4 месяца назад +3

    “Feel uncomfortable” . Lol the navy

  • @scarletfrances5004
    @scarletfrances5004 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for your service 🙏🇺🇸👍👌❤️

  • @ScoutCrafter
    @ScoutCrafter Месяц назад

    There were always the individuals that really didn’t want to be there and it was hilarious when they would fail on purpose or claim injury thinking they would be sent home only to be recycled. (Start over) I often thought to myself that this is what I asked for but imagined it must of been much harder mentally for those who were drafted.

  • @joumasepoes88
    @joumasepoes88 7 месяцев назад +2

    1992 RTC Great Lakes Co.154 Div 22

    • @markgarner2725
      @markgarner2725 4 месяца назад +1

      RTC Great Lakes, 1994.
      Company 94-176.
      Have you seen how RTC is set up now? Around 1999 or so, the whole place was redone.
      Each bldg can house four companies. Each bldg has a galley, a gym, and classrooms, so these precious little darlings don't have to go outside in bad weather.
      Gee, that'll really prepare them for being out in the fleet.

  • @jayd3337
    @jayd3337 4 месяца назад

    The July 18th 2011 was the day I was at Great lakes. Boot camp after I was medically discharged had me speak up a lot more for myself. I was 28 when I went in, put up with a lot of unfair bullshit before I went. I got medically discharged out because I had pigment syndrome... My division so wanted to keep me...
    I can say this though, it's made me a better person

  • @NorthernWisconsinandStuff
    @NorthernWisconsinandStuff 4 месяца назад +2

    Went to Navy boot camp. Then after that I went to USMC boot camp. USMC harder physically by far. But a lot more fun. Hated the Navy. On subs the whole time. Bunch of seamen. Give me a fireteam any day. You can accomplish anything with them.

  • @zackgraves5848
    @zackgraves5848 4 месяца назад +2

    I wish navy bootcamp was like this.

    • @kyliepope3751
      @kyliepope3751 3 месяца назад

      Is it not?

    • @ProdByXorak
      @ProdByXorak Месяц назад +1

      what is navy boot camp like. Heard it’s 🍦

    • @zackgraves5848
      @zackgraves5848 Месяц назад

      @ProdByXorak I went through boot camp about a year ago. Maybe I just got stuck with a bad division. Imagine 85 people and half of them can't accomplish the basic task of not talking. The MA (the recruit assigned to be the police of the division so to speak) would be telling everybody to shut up over, and over, and over, and over again. And then we would get punishment exercises for it over, and over, and over again. It was the same shit every rucking day and none of those chucklefucks seemed to get the message. We called the punishment exercises "getting beat" and we got beat up to five timed a day for three months straight. It was rough.

  • @luciddreams5272
    @luciddreams5272 2 месяца назад

    I had a blast in rtc. It was exactly the experience I wanted and needed at 18 years old. Plus breakfast at the yogurt section was the best thing ever🤤 memories oh the memories when life was just fold clothes shave stand in line and shut up. We got paid to exercise 😭 i was in paradise

  • @SimRacingVeteran
    @SimRacingVeteran 12 часов назад

    Just have to realize that it’s all a game and you just need to keep playing. Turn off the feelings and push forward.

  • @Noreallyitsmikey
    @Noreallyitsmikey 5 месяцев назад +2

    Boot camp isn’t for everyone. I’m not sure why people in my division dropped out, but most did within 3-5 days of starting. I was so tired that I don’t have any recollection of the first couple of days of boot camp, but it seems that once you make it to your living quarters, everyone stays.

  • @BigT2664
    @BigT2664 4 месяца назад

    Navy boot camp, Marine Corps boot camp, Army basic training, or Air Force basic training... they all have their challenges. Pushing recruits during training is important regardless of the branch. Finding your personal limitations while building teamwork and camaraderie produces valuable members of the military team.
    From what I've read, Navy and Air Force entry training run between 6-8% failure rate. That's not bad numbers. Marine Corps boot is known as the toughest followed by Army basic. Failure rates for both run from 11% at basic and boot up to 18% who don't complete their individual skill training.
    Like the Drill Instructor said, not all of those 18% are kicked out, some are processed back into training or in some cases reclassified into other job skills. For instance, an artillery crewman recruit who becomes a food specialist or a military policeman instead.
    Every single member of the military team is important. We cannot function without each other. I remember talking with another veteran who told me he hadn't done anything important... Just loaded ammunition on planes. I can tell you for those of us who were in Afghanistan in the middle of a firefight, those planes coming in and providing support firing that ammunition that he had loaded consider his job extremely important for their survival.

  • @knightchef
    @knightchef Год назад +9

    It’s really not that hard, if you can just simply do what you are told minus an attitude youll do just fine.

  • @TaniaGarciaduenas-y7e
    @TaniaGarciaduenas-y7e 3 месяца назад

    😢❤❤My children never give up you are strong optimist every day is a day of trial 🙏🙏

  • @discardedroses
    @discardedroses 3 месяца назад +1

    I know babygirl with the braids did not just roll her eyes at him 😂

  • @queenschamp
    @queenschamp 4 месяца назад

    Man. I wish I was old enough to have gone to bootcamp in San Diego. My worst memory from bootcamp is the cold, and just waking up in the middle of the night to shovel snow. 😂

  • @regularguyprepper
    @regularguyprepper Год назад +1

    The first 2 weeks of all boot camps suck. The difference is that after the Navy and Air Force start to get better after the initial culture shock and taking away your individualism and you start to adapt, but the Marines and Army still are the pit of misery for the whole process of boot camp it's a different environment. But it makes sense to be honest each branch has a culture and specific goals and missions that need to be met, what fits one doesn't necessarily fit another. All the same team and each has a role to play.
    It's an experience. To those who have never been a good way to describe it is it's the most fun you never want to have again.

  • @DanielWright-np3fq
    @DanielWright-np3fq 3 месяца назад +1

    These Boots look like Giants to me.

  • @dezm1844
    @dezm1844 Год назад

    Went through OSUT at Fort Benning. It was fun other than sitting on the range in February.
    My favorite was the ruck marches, what about y’all?

  • @christopherallenpeer753
    @christopherallenpeer753 Год назад +2

    I hated Boot Camp. It was probably the worst time in the military. You just gotta get through it, and then remember to pick your rate, as it becomes your fate.

    • @duped8273
      @duped8273 Год назад +2

      I liked boot camp it was fun because I made a lot of friends.

  • @JimGibson-j9o
    @JimGibson-j9o 2 месяца назад

    It was easy. I wanted to do it again but while I was doing it I thought I wasn't gonna make it. All but a few of us made it through the 1st time. 1975 Viet Nam vet. Navy rtc san Diego

  • @Sub-Zero-392
    @Sub-Zero-392 21 час назад +1

    In the Navy 🎶

  • @Koolej98
    @Koolej98 15 дней назад +1

    Keisha always has an attitude....

  • @carlariggs525
    @carlariggs525 Год назад

    glad I went through Navy boot camp in the early 80's. CC's didn't scream; didn't have to wear that stupid camo; pt time wasn't stressful; and the people were a lot smarter.

  • @mikeclark9731
    @mikeclark9731 2 месяца назад

    This looks like gym class in middle school!!!😂😂😂😂 Semper FI!!!!

  • @clarkjoh8948
    @clarkjoh8948 3 месяца назад

    Boot camp for me : worst scenario: don't cause a scene right in front of an rdc : got into some troubles , but got through: July 2012 : div 299: div 318: even the strongest recruits I knew : even quit basic training 2 weeks after I got asmoed

  • @Joel-by3ck
    @Joel-by3ck 4 месяца назад +1

    Basic training summer of 87 fort Jackson SC home of the infantry not for the weak at heart

  • @rjlovell1
    @rjlovell1 4 месяца назад

    Unfortunately, the limits of trainees today is so much less than previous trainees. It’s sad but many if not most recruits just don’t have what it takes and that can all be attributed to parents, society and your bringing.

  • @mdan1984
    @mdan1984 4 месяца назад +1

    I'd tell him his breath stinks. Yelling in my face like that 😂

  • @sora.valentine
    @sora.valentine 13 дней назад

    What medical and testing reasons would get you kicked out of boot camp? I want to make sure i pass everything so i can stay with my first division

  • @charlesryan4646
    @charlesryan4646 4 месяца назад +1

    My daughter is in the middle of bootcamp right now in San Diego. The Marines ain’t doing any interviews with recruits lmao.

    • @zachbozman5381
      @zachbozman5381 4 месяца назад

      Ummm you know this isn’t a normal thing right? They only did it for the little mini movie about bootcamp. Same shit they did with the marines a few years back..

  • @skipwin9895
    @skipwin9895 4 месяца назад

    1-5 day. Let's get it on!!

  • @Show_Time123
    @Show_Time123 Месяц назад

    I want to be a fighter pilot and I’m going to continue those dreams until they come true

    @CHRISMESCALERO 4 месяца назад +1

    Sound Off division and year of graduation !!!!
    068 Class of 97

    • @mikestanley9176
      @mikestanley9176 4 месяца назад

      San Diego RTC Company 160 July- September 1980

  • @edwinkirkland8856
    @edwinkirkland8856 4 месяца назад +1


    • @SV-kr9fu
      @SV-kr9fu 3 месяца назад

      Why didn't you go SF or Ranger?
      Jump School was pretty easy.

  • @edwardpate6128
    @edwardpate6128 Год назад +18

    This looks pretty soft compared to when I went through Navy Boot camp at RTC Orlando in 1980.

    • @jackis5581
      @jackis5581 Год назад +1

      It does say in the one part that they were asked to keep the hardness to a minimum.

    • @jazasaguma
      @jazasaguma Год назад +12

      im sure people who went to basic in 1940 say the same thing about the 80's

    • @texanaggie
      @texanaggie Год назад +3

      i went to RTC San Diego sept 90, i found boot camp to be a breeze, do what your told and shut up , not a hard concept

    • @jacobregan8679
      @jacobregan8679 Год назад +6

      Lol everyone thinks their experience was the hardest. It all sucks. It's boot camp not summer camp.

    • @twostep1953
      @twostep1953 Год назад +4

      @@texanaggie (A&M Class of '76) My son went through Navy Boot Camp in spring 2023; he was appalled at how many recruits simply can not shut up and do as they are told. My thought is that schools no longer teach that. Start to finish, he resented group punishment for idiots because things such as 'shower parties' for those who won't act right are no longer allowed.

  • @crispy-_-chicken
    @crispy-_-chicken Месяц назад

    Division 162 I miss it 1997 ❤

  • @kevinzhang6623
    @kevinzhang6623 Год назад +70

    Rolling her eyes lol. Fire blanks at her and she how much she's rolling her eyes.

    • @Flemdragon
      @Flemdragon Год назад +2


    • @Npc-fh3cu
      @Npc-fh3cu 4 месяца назад +8

      I don’t blame her lol. Id roll my eyes too if I had to get yelled at for $30k a year

    • @fool4563
      @fool4563 3 месяца назад +5

      You're definitely somebody who hasn't served

    • @kevinzhang6623
      @kevinzhang6623 3 месяца назад

      @@fool4563 You're definitely the turd in your platoon, or one of those civilians browsing the internet searching for random people to call out.

    • @user-bu3un5yl8f
      @user-bu3un5yl8f 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@Npc-fh3cu30k a year is an insult. It should be 50k and discounted food, while being fully covered for medical

  • @jeredgonzalez6870
    @jeredgonzalez6870 Год назад +10

    The lady getting yelled at will unfortunately get promoted and demand respect and show none. They are a dime a dozen and I’ve seen it happen numerous times.

    • @txsnowman
      @txsnowman 4 месяца назад +3

      Care to tell us why you think that

    • @dexter6052
      @dexter6052 4 месяца назад

      @@txsnowman cause SHEs BLACKKK

    • @guygrisdale9409
      @guygrisdale9409 3 месяца назад

      @@txsnowman he's right tho. I "seent" it with my own eyes countless times.

  • @jozette-pierce
    @jozette-pierce 4 месяца назад +1

    These are good looking kids, and sharp looking instructors. Great job , guys. We feel safer with you around.✔🇺🇸💯❤🇺🇸

  • @tonygansen3834
    @tonygansen3834 3 месяца назад

    I'm a NAVY vet... gotta weed out the weak ones! It's the job, you will always hate to love....

  • @AnthonyScott-j8c
    @AnthonyScott-j8c 3 месяца назад

    Graduated Navy Boot Camp in April 2011. I found a school more frustrating because freedom was dangled over our heads…

  • @1G1508B
    @1G1508B Год назад +1

    I was in bootcamp and was MA and a sailor made it to week 6 and his appendix was going to burst and as he left my arpoc was a uptight goody 2 shoes and while everyone wanted to say bye and hooyah he said keep your eyes syraight i told him to go f himself in front of my chief and told everyone to give 6 hooyahs for his 6 weeks he put work into very well and they did and chief let it slide and actually chewed out the arpoc.

  • @logicalatheist1065
    @logicalatheist1065 Год назад +3

    Is this cub scouts?

    • @RobFingerbleedsfrom6
      @RobFingerbleedsfrom6 Год назад

      Yeah I think some people may take our comments out of context but it’s like do you know if you’re going in the arm services you should expect some hard times and hard training and yes it does definitely seem like Boy Scouts

    • @logicalatheist1065
      @logicalatheist1065 Год назад

      @@RobFingerbleedsfrom6 yeah, basic was super easy, infantry school cranked it up.

  • @0n3wayfilms
    @0n3wayfilms 4 месяца назад

    Did y’all high school jrotc wear high waters?😭

  • @hawkstringfellow
    @hawkstringfellow 4 месяца назад

    Don't quit if u go to anyboot camp don't quit

  • @philchurch1115
    @philchurch1115 Год назад

    82 to 88 VS-41 and VS-33 two west packs AZ2 and I was 25 and a college grad (2yr) so my company commander made me in charge of the guys that missed home and were having a hard time ..I help 20 guys through their sh!t and everyone graduated..

  • @kyrawallace2285
    @kyrawallace2285 4 месяца назад

    When I went through in summer of 2019, we started with over 100 recruits and ended with about 64. Boot camp will weed out the ones who aren't supposed to be there

    • @justduro1527
      @justduro1527 3 месяца назад

      Not always.
      Some may be made for it but lets say they got injured and couldnt continue or got infected with something.

  • @jimmcmahon4022
    @jimmcmahon4022 4 месяца назад +1

    Did mine in San Diego. Promoted out of boot.

  • @Basta11
    @Basta11 4 месяца назад +1

    My selective memory was that bootcamp was easy. Its more of a mental game than a physical one. Some people, however, make it way harder for themselves.

  • @jayfurness6695
    @jayfurness6695 25 дней назад

    Went to Boot
    Halloween Day 1979
    ETU, and MTU EXTRA Training because I was 21 when I joined
    Thought I was a Big Shot? Hahahaha
    MTU, I was almost ready to quit. Training when everyone else was writing letters and some free time.
    Then hardly any sleep, do Boot?
    The Company Commander was pushing me to quit. I said HELL NO. He made a man of me that day. The rest of Boot was much easier. Did service in Japan on a Tin Can.

  • @DarioEvangelista-fb6vi
    @DarioEvangelista-fb6vi 2 месяца назад

    Military discipline for tough guys.

  • @Gamingandlipstck
    @Gamingandlipstck 6 месяцев назад +1

    ASMO... I never was but I know that's hard for Sailors to be sent back...

  • @king52xx
    @king52xx 2 месяца назад

    Thinking about joining the navy , is it too late, I wonder