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  • @kiramaepetty
    @kiramaepetty 5 лет назад +13

    Does anyone never just find themselves back here rewatching Kate's NaNoWriMo Vlogs for the millionth time or is that just me?

  • @novellyKJ
    @novellyKJ 6 лет назад +25

    Omg that road sign said Hocus Pocus Drive With Focus, I'm dying. Great kick-off, already going hard at the word count, haha. I got quite a bit done the first day, then slowly tapered off in the second week lol. Oh well. I'll try to maybe catch up later. Thank you for sharing, hope your NaNo writing is going well! :D

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +2

      THAT SIGN KILLED ME. I so lucked out that I caught it bahaha. The tail-end of the second week is the WOOOOOORST. Here's to hoping we can both catch up and recapture some of that first day energy! :)

    • @jazzmineanderson6330
      @jazzmineanderson6330 5 лет назад

      I'm done lol that sign

  • @thelouver6510
    @thelouver6510 6 лет назад +6

    immediately hit the subscribe button the second i heard "i did something bad" start to play.

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      BAHAHA YESSSSSSSS. I'm obsessed. I tried to cut it off before y'all could hear too much of my awful singing though. 😂 But in my head, I'm T-Swift.

  • @BeccaCSmith
    @BeccaCSmith 6 лет назад +14

    Yayyyy!!! I'm so happy everything is starting to fall into place! Day one! I can't believe it!! I'm fighting a stomach bug, but I'm writing through it hahaha! Unfortunately, the only write-in event was no where near me last night! I went to bed at 11 lol. I'm hoping to do 2k today, but we'll see!!

    • @joslyncarter4813
      @joslyncarter4813 6 лет назад +2

      Were you able to write 2000 words?

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      SO GLAD YOU'RE FEELING BETTER!! I can't believe NaNo is already here (and still here now bahaha). I feel like we've all been freaking out for forever and now it's TIME TO WRITE. I'm so excited to hear how your story progresses!

    • @BeccaCSmith
      @BeccaCSmith 6 лет назад +1

      @@joslyncarter4813 Yes! I still can't believe it lol! But managed to squeak out the full 2k!

    • @BeccaCSmith
      @BeccaCSmith 6 лет назад

      @@KateCavanaugh Thank you so much!! It's so true lol! The freak out was real hahaha! Now, it's a different kind of 'word count' freak out lol!

  • @TheNerdyBookNerd
    @TheNerdyBookNerd 6 лет назад +7

    I didn't stay up nor go to an event, and I ended day 1 with only 270 words, BUT I did go to see Mt Fuji, sooo... 😊

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +2

      WHAAAAAT, well I figure that means you DEFINITELY win Day 1! Bahaha I'm so jealous, that's awesome! :) And you STILL managed to write some words.

  • @Wallisimo
    @Wallisimo 5 лет назад

    About to start a massive rewatch of all these NaNo vlogs to get me in the spirit! Diving in! (That 'Hocus Pocus Drive with Focus' sign is the best road sign I've ever seen.)

  • @EmilyBourne
    @EmilyBourne 6 лет назад +1

    Wooo! You fixed novel issues. Great first start to nano, good work!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      WOOHOO!! THANK YOU and you're crushing it too!

  • @diarts4458
    @diarts4458 6 лет назад

    You are so inspiring! I wish I had the courage to go to these things. I do tend to hide away in my Bat Cave :) Great start to NaNoWriMo, Kate. Let the success continue and the inspiration forever flow from your fingers.

  • @aradiasnowdon7016
    @aradiasnowdon7016 6 лет назад +2

    Congrats on your progress! You're far more dedicated than I 😂 I woke up at 4am and spent a few hours just sitting around watching RUclips. I've had 2 writing sessions so far today, I wrote it by hand so idk what my word count is yet. I'm hoping for 2,000!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      I've taken to turning off my wifi for the first part of the morning because otherwise my youtube spiral will start much too early bahaha. That way I can get at least some work in!! And are you writing your whole project by hand?! Or was it just for Day 1? (Also - 4 am?!?!?!)

  • @PhoebeWritesFiction
    @PhoebeWritesFiction 6 лет назад +2

    Yesss, we're off! I was so impatient last night. Really intrigued to hear your 1000th word sentence.

    • @TehBuggy
      @TehBuggy 6 лет назад

      Me too!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      RIGHT. That countdown to the start was AGONIZING. We just wanted to write! Bahaha.

  • @santanasg8445
    @santanasg8445 6 лет назад

    Woooo it’s so awesome you got to go to a midnight kick off! Good luck on the rest of nano Kate! :D

  • @ListenIhaveanidea
    @ListenIhaveanidea 6 лет назад +1

    Watching a week late because time management is not my strong suit but I am refeeling all of the nano kickoff night feels!
    Yay for hitting over 2k on the first day! I know you’re way ahead now but still it is such a great start!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      Time management apparently isn't my strong suit either bahaha, I have so many videos and vlogs to catch up on! :) And I'm going to need it, I'm struggling with motivation so I'm thinking listening to everyone else will help.
      AND THANK YOU! :)

  • @imit1989
    @imit1989 6 лет назад +1

    yay, congrats, Kate, on writing more than 2k, I wrote just 33 words. Have a blessed day!

  • @BedtimeBookworm
    @BedtimeBookworm 6 лет назад

    Save the cat is super short and totally worth the read! I love your idea of putting together every 1k word to make sentences, that sounds fun! Maybe I’ll do that too lol. I haven’t sat down to start writing yet but I just got off work so here we gooooooo 😆

  • @blog_of_obvious_things
    @blog_of_obvious_things 6 лет назад +2

    wow awesome costume! and congrats on your progress!

  • @tmjd79
    @tmjd79 6 лет назад

    Congrats on figuring out some of the problems you were having. That's always a plus. I had a marathon writing session for day 1, and managed to get around 3,770 words. I am not going to be keeping up that pace, lol, but I wanted to give myself a big head start for when I inevitably fall behind later. Anyway, my 1k, 2k, and 3k words were Just, In, and Acting. If we grab every thousandth word, then hopefully when we get to 50 we will have enough words to scramble into a few decent sentences. :)

  • @novicewriter3402
    @novicewriter3402 6 лет назад +1

    I'm so impressed you went to a write-in and that make-up was amazing! Glad the book's going well so far. I stayed up until 11 but then I was too tired and I had to get up early to write essays so meh. I did go over my word count (which, due to essays is teeny for the first couple of days).

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      AWW THANK YOU! :) Congrats on surpassing you're word count goal! And on managing to write your NaNo story AND essays in the same day, that's awesome.

  • @TheThreeBookshelves
    @TheThreeBookshelves 6 лет назад

    I haven’t purposely stayed up until midnight since before my son was born. 😆 That’s an awesome number to finish day one with, good job! I somehow managed to hit my goal today despite my son having a shorter nap and needing to take him to the doctor’s this afternoon!
    Oh BY THE WAY I may have tagged you in the Nanowrimo tag. I don’t think you’ve done it before, unless I missed it when I looked through your videos for it, but if you haven’t, what the hell man?!

  • @aleksandragieralt7370
    @aleksandragieralt7370 6 лет назад

    Also I'm glad you made her an athlete in the end :) I think it makes sense for someone with athletic skills to be able to escape a situation like this (although I don't know how they escape yet) and also its nice to have characters who have interests, hobbies and a life outside the main plot, because it makes the stakes of the main plot higher (like this is what the character has to loose if things don't work out) and makes the character more relatable/representative (all the goalies reading the story will think "ME TOO!"). Plus this automatically gives her a group of friends - you've got a soccer team full of secondary characters to work with :P

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      YESYESYESYES! Thank you, that's exactly what I ended up thinking and persuaded me to go with it. :) So many more options to play around with!

    • @aleksandragieralt7370
      @aleksandragieralt7370 6 лет назад

      @@KateCavanaugh You're welcome! Yes indeed I love the idea :)

  • @cynthiadesgagne8548
    @cynthiadesgagne8548 6 лет назад

    I stayed up until midnight yesterday, but not for Nanowrimo. I didn't think of that.
    Can't complain, I had a great writing day! I'm using Alexa Donne's tip of marking every 500 words with a star on my calendar and I really wanted that 5th one today :)

  • @jessicanadodson8793
    @jessicanadodson8793 6 лет назад

    Very fun, and so glad you were able to determine how to track your progress this go around!
    A few more brainstorming options you might consider for "who done it/why it's done":
    --The prince's family (if he's a playboy that needs to be dragged out of the spotlight. Or if they need publicity to push an agenda. Or a sibling/uncle/something that wants to take the prince's place.)
    --A crazed fan (someone who is obsessed with either the country or the Prince specifically)
    --A citizen of the Prince's country (who needs something to happen and feels there's no other option to get it to happen--a specific law to be passed, some horrible thing going on in the country/behind the scenes that needs to be stopped, or something more personal like they need a new kidney for their wife/son/mother/whoever and they are desperate enough to resort to kidnapping)
    Don't know if any of these will help... Congrats on a great start!

  • @daantjemaantje
    @daantjemaantje 6 лет назад

    I did stay up untill midnight. Which isn't very hard for me as I usually go to bed around 1AM. XD I wrote the prologue of 1081 words at midnight. And today I got to 2791 words. I still have almost 2 hours before midnight, I don't know if I will write more or that I will wait for tomorrow. I found your channel by accident. And altho one of my friends is also doing Nano and I talk to her all the time. I think it will be fun to follow your Nano month too. :)

  • @aleksandragieralt7370
    @aleksandragieralt7370 6 лет назад

    Congrats on figuring everything out!! I'm so behind! I dressed up as a character from my book - Henrietta the nightmare (I just wore a long grey dress, flower crown, smokey eye makeup and grey nail polish). I didn't figure everything out yet! I know my entire plot and it's taking so long!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      OMG HOW FUN!! Dressing up like one of your characters, that's awesome. I might do that next year! :)

    • @aleksandragieralt7370
      @aleksandragieralt7370 6 лет назад

      @@KateCavanaugh Yeah that was a lot of fun! You really should :) XD

  • @spicybookslady6922
    @spicybookslady6922 6 лет назад

    I did not started writing at midnight. I did it at night, when Day 1 was almost over because I needed to think on the idea a little more.
    For Day 1 I wrote 1,791 words and I'm very proud of that even though I may change most of them during revisions.
    I did not attended any kick off or dresses as anything for Halloween 😢
    You did fantastic! ❤️

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      I think it's awesome that you allowed the idea to ruminate AND still managed to write over the daily goal! That's incredible. I'll be changing a lot of my words too, even though this is a re-write, so I feel you. But we're just going to make it better with each draft!

  • @MollyLikovich
    @MollyLikovich 6 лет назад

    Loved the video! It’s my 5tth year doing nano! & I’m down to beta read for you! I’ve had some short stories and poems published before but I’m an aspiring novelist as well 📝✨

  • @dianeverrochi6468
    @dianeverrochi6468 6 лет назад

    Does it have to be a *foreign* government? Who's next in the line of succession? They'd be my first suspect!
    No in-person events for me so far. I worked until almost 10, drove home, and considered staying up for about 30 seconds before just conking out. My pre-November fears have calmed by virtue of tabling/replacing the 10/30 project.
    I did discover something new! I remember doing that! While driving so that I couldn't write it down! I have no freaking idea what it was anymore! Hoping it comes back when I get home and do my second round of sprinting.

  • @bethanybandit6610
    @bethanybandit6610 5 лет назад

    I'm watching this to prepare for Camp Nanowrimo!

  • @laurafoster327yt
    @laurafoster327yt 6 лет назад

    LOL Hocus Pocus drive with Focus.

  • @joslyncarter4813
    @joslyncarter4813 6 лет назад +2

    4:12 - that's a LOT of coffee!☕

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      Bahaha, seriously, SO MUCH COFFEE! ☕️ I really need to scale back...but...I may wait until November is over haha.

    • @joslyncarter4813
      @joslyncarter4813 6 лет назад

      @@KateCavanaugh Sounds like a good idea. Bottoms up!

  • @ramz1377
    @ramz1377 5 лет назад

    Wow really love the makeup

  • @mickeymiles9394
    @mickeymiles9394 6 лет назад

    Woot woot!! Great start to the month!! I managed 2146 for day one- and I dressed up as princess peach- posted pic on insta- !!

  • @lisaw.8382
    @lisaw.8382 6 лет назад

    It's my first NaNo and I didnt know the kickoff would be such a big thing, so I was asleep haha. I'm feeling way more confident because I found out I am able to write 2000 words in 80 minutes, which is a record for me. I just finished writing 1977 words and it's 22:30 and i'm really really tired XD I didnt dress up for halloween... I live in the Netherlands and unfortunately it isnt really celebrated here...

  • @rishikamirchandani3917
    @rishikamirchandani3917 6 лет назад

    I couldn't stay up so I started writing in the morning and got 2k doing sprints really helped me.

  • @alstegall7392
    @alstegall7392 6 лет назад

    I like the idea of your 1000 word sentence. I liked it so much I thought about doing it myself (potentially allowing for minor connectors.) Taking a look at my first two words though, I've got "Mom" and "toilet". I'm not sure what Freud would say about that, but I think I'll give the exercise a pass :)

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      😂😂😂 That's amazing! I'm debating rearranging them completely, because there's no way it will continue to make sense otherwise. You could always try that! But that's hilarious.

  • @Kat_Author2021
    @Kat_Author2021 6 лет назад

    I stayed up till 1am... My first sprint was from 12:10 to 12:20, and I wrote 142 words. The second sprint was from 12:40 to 12:50, and I wrote 112 words... bringing my total to 254 words. Then I had to go to bed because I was exhausted. Lol. Then when I woke up, I wrote 198 more words in a 13 minute sprint.

  • @TheHexedLibrary
    @TheHexedLibrary 6 лет назад

    It's almost 10pm and I just got home from work/running errands. I'm definitely not accomplishing any writing today. If you need to talk out the whodunnit (lol) aspect, I'd be happy to do some google hanging out to help! =)

  • @clownsims1600
    @clownsims1600 6 лет назад

    I actually stayed up until 4am. But I'm a full time student so I rarely go to bed before midnight anyway

  • @LauraTwoPointO
    @LauraTwoPointO 6 лет назад

    I’ve never gone to a NaNo event. I want to but I’m also so uncomfortable and awkward in person. Lol.

  • @saturntautonico8730
    @saturntautonico8730 6 лет назад

    From today and yesterday, I got a good amount of writing done, but this book just isn't working out how I wanted, but we'll see this month.

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      For sure, you never know how the rest of the month will go! Plus you may have a realization and figure out, part of the way through November, exactly how it needs to be told. I'm a fan of skipping around scenes on the zero/first draft, so if you know something certain, you could always try writing that scene? GOOD LUCK!

  • @KerriB
    @KerriB 6 лет назад +1

    I stayed up til 1:40am to write but only got 379 words done lol the first scene of this book is really hard to write because I don't normally write sex scenes. The only reason I am is because it's important that I describe the main character's feelings since this is the first woman he's been with since the tragedy (so nothing too graphic). He just lost his true love before they could consumate their marriage and is his way of coping is to get drunk. He's so drunk that he starts confusing the woman with his beloved because they're simlilar in appearance. After I get over this first scene today, the words will definitely flow easier!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      OHMYGOSH, what an intensely loaded first scene! (That's my favorite kind of first scene, honestly. Throw me right in the middle of the action!) Also I'm weeping for your main character. :( :(

  • @nakumachanga06
    @nakumachanga06 6 лет назад

    No there was no kickoff in my area #smalltownproblems. I did not stay up but did write during lunch time. I am still nervous even though I have a little over 500 words. I did figure out my opening scene at like 3 am dealing with my sick son. Rain and trick or treating don't mix.

  • @LexiLG
    @LexiLG 6 лет назад

    I stayed up until midnight but that's only because I couldn't seem to sleep which is normal for me.

  • @nutshell93
    @nutshell93 6 лет назад

    ghost host! I like your coffee mug!

  • @rachelpastors
    @rachelpastors 6 лет назад

    As for the who-dun-it... what if these people are only trying to start a war, and aren't part of either government. They just want to see the world burn, or they've been paid to do it.. (Think Princess Bride lol) Good luck on your writing! I'm a Nano Rebel this year too!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      I do love me some Princess Bride. 💕 I like that idea too! Or like a crazy far-off faction of another country. I have so many possibilities! It's just choosing one bahaha. :) GOOD LUCK this year and REBELS UNITE! :)

  • @arin5937
    @arin5937 6 лет назад

    I wrote around 170 words before I finally went to bed, and I'm planning to end the day at around 2,500

  • @AuthorJCCarpenter
    @AuthorJCCarpenter 6 лет назад

    The Prince's parents could be foreign diplomats and that could be the reason he's kidnapped... Just an idea...

  • @Cykotica
    @Cykotica 6 лет назад

    I mostly just dressed up as myself for Halloween. Haha. I did not write at midnight, even though I was up. Just wasn't feeling it. Got my word count in tonight though. So, we have liftoff!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      LIFTOFF ACHIEVED! And what a great costume then. ;)

  • @alyssa.h
    @alyssa.h 6 лет назад

    I wrote 2k words so far today, and I'm still participating in a write in today 🤣

  • @mimilils9335
    @mimilils9335 6 лет назад +6

    Yesterday was day 1 ( obvs ) and I write 1,542 and my aim is 25,000. I'm only 12 tho xxx

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      WOW that's incredible!! That's a fantastic goal and you're already off to an awesome start.

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      Have you heard of NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program?

  • @lindsaygillard7929
    @lindsaygillard7929 5 лет назад

    Anyone else waiting for project purple to be published

  • @erinpintaro4514
    @erinpintaro4514 4 года назад

    Hello Kate🙂

  • @Okie_Stitches
    @Okie_Stitches 6 лет назад

    I have a cafe du monde mug!

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      NO WAY! It's one of my favorites, I just got it! :) Such good memories and holds so much coffee/tea bahaha.

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад

      What does yours look like??

    • @Okie_Stitches
      @Okie_Stitches 6 лет назад

      Mine is very similar to yours. I saw yours, and was like, “She has a beast too!” Biggest mug ever. 💗

  • @Miss_Dux
    @Miss_Dux 6 лет назад

    Did anyone else at the write in dress up?
    Maybe it’s both? They want them to think it’s for the money, but secretly he’s been kidnapped for political reasons

    • @KateCavanaugh
      @KateCavanaugh 6 лет назад +1

      YES! There were a couple of us dressed up after all. So I wasn't alone but we were definitely in the minority hahah.
      And I like that idea!! Plus that would make the resurgence and "realization" of who it is at the end all the more sweet! Now I just got to figure out how to do it. :) THANK YOU!