The Best of Chopin: Solo Piano in 432Hz

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @classicaloasis
    @classicaloasis  Год назад +31

    Did you notice the order of the pieces for this playlist?
    00:00 Ballade in G minor, Op. 23, No. 1
    09:35 Nocturne in G minor, Op. 15, No. 3
    14:18 Étude in C minor, Op. 10, No. 12
    17:01 Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9, No. 2
    21:56 Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 55, No. 2
    27:12 Grande valse brillante, Op. 18
    32:26 Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53
    39:25 Waltz in A-flat major, Op. 69, No. 1
    43:54 Étude in A-flat major, Op. 25, No. 1
    46:37 Nocturne in D-flat major, Op. 27, No. 2
    52:51 Prelude in D-flat major, Op. 28 No. 15
    58:09 Waltz in D-flat major, Op. 64, No. 1
    1:00:03 Funeral March, Op. 35
    1:08:19 Nocturne in F-sharp major, Op. 15, No. 2
    1:12:08 Étude in E major, Op. 10, No. 3
    1:16:27 Nocturne in E major, Op. 62, No. 2
    1:22:38 Waltz in C-sharp minor, Op. 64, No. 2
    1:26:13 Fantasie-impromptu in C-sharp, Op. 66
    1:31:35 Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. Posth.
    1:35:53 Prelude in A major, Op. 28 No. 7
    1:36:55 Waltz in B minor, Op. 69, No. 2
    1:40:54 Mazurka in B minor, Op. 33, No. 4
    1:47:03 Adante spianato, Op. 22
    1:51:58 Prelude in G major, Op. 28 No. 3
    1:52:58 Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth.
    1:56:10 Nocturne in E minor, Op. 72, No. 1
    2:01:00 Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4
    2:02:48 Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth.

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 Год назад +43

    2023 , the World still need Chopin. More than ever ....

    • @RAWNATURE99
      @RAWNATURE99 11 месяцев назад +4


    • @CMMark-bv3jo
      @CMMark-bv3jo 10 месяцев назад +3

      I completely agree.

    • @veressvilmos6102
      @veressvilmos6102 9 месяцев назад +3

      ☀❤ Each sound is sophisticated true love for emotionally sensitive people

    • @alepablotoscano
      @alepablotoscano 8 месяцев назад +1

      Sono completamente d'accordo con te

    • @GabrielRodriguez-s9o
      @GabrielRodriguez-s9o Месяц назад

      Quien no vierta lágrimas oyendo la música de Chopin, le hace falta sentimiento.

    @RIDETHESUNSHINE Год назад +18

    “Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man.” - Frédéric Chopin

    • @DelsinM
      @DelsinM Год назад +2

      Where is the reference for this quote? I have read several Chopin biographies and have never seen it.

      @RIDETHESUNSHINE Год назад +2

      You make an excellent point! There are countless places on the internet for this quote being attributed to Chopin, however there is not one reference to where, why, or when Chopin contributed these words to the human record. Son of a gun! Please Be Well, and Stay Strong! Will @@DelsinM

  • @FlexingClassicalMusic
    @FlexingClassicalMusic Год назад +15

    Listening to classical music is like a journey through history. It's incredible to think that the compositions we hear today have been cherished for centuries.

    • @juneboy73
      @juneboy73 Год назад

      As a fan of DM and old metal once I deceided to lost a few minutes to saw Chopin Challenge in tv - this is somekind of very positive drug. Majestry of players, the music and atmosphere. I really recomend it to anybody to calm down at the evening. From few minutes I made few dozens of minutes everyday. Its like rugby - enganchado :)

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 Год назад +11

    Chopin: Such a musical genius , sadly , such a short life...beautiful rendition of this masterpieces...

  • @ceciliaandana7711
    @ceciliaandana7711 Год назад +10

    Yo, Cecilia.Una vez mas escuchando esas hermosas teclas que dan musica de piano atravez de esas manos que las guian. "Maravilloso" Gracia!!!!!!😊❤

  • @KLA0125
    @KLA0125 Год назад +12

    Thank you for the beautiful music

  • @alepablotoscano
    @alepablotoscano 8 месяцев назад +3

    Se la musica di oggi avesse un decimo della bellezza e la perfezione di questa, potremmo ancora chiamarla arte.... Chopin: magico e intramontabile? ❤❤❤

  • @wonderfulmemory2
    @wonderfulmemory2 Год назад +15

    Chopin i love you

    • @Gurci28
      @Gurci28 6 месяцев назад

      Chopin was the first composer of genius to devote himself uniquely to the piano. 0:03

    • @Gurci28
      @Gurci28 6 месяцев назад

      Frédéric Chopin wrote his Ballade no. 1 in G minor, Op. 23, in 1831.

    • @Gurci28
      @Gurci28 6 месяцев назад

      Completed in 1835, it is one of Chopin's greatest and most popular works. 3:00

    • @Gurci28
      @Gurci28 6 месяцев назад

      The ballade has featured prominently in several films.

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 Год назад +6

    Chopin's music transports me to away lands where everything is love and peace...

  • @pablokalincausky8359
    @pablokalincausky8359 10 месяцев назад +3

    Great sound, for sure. Thanks guys...

  • @2016deldiariovivir
    @2016deldiariovivir Год назад +9

    Amo a Chopin ❤

  • @helena8465
    @helena8465 Год назад +12

    I will definitely have this playlist on while reading! I especially love to listen to Chopin while reading Dostoyevsky's novel The Idiot.

    • @jorgkayser8257
      @jorgkayser8257 Год назад +2

      Fürst Myschkin hätte sicherlich Chopin auch bewundert und seine Musik geliebt - und vielleicht hätte es - wenn Aglaia auch zugehört hätte, ein schönes Liebespaar gegeben - und Dostojewski hätte einen ganz anderen Roman geschrieben und Chopin hätte garnichts von seiner schönen Wirkung durch seine wunderbare Musik gewusst. Freundlichst Ihr JK

    • @helena8465
      @helena8465 Год назад

      ​@@jorgkayser8257Oh, yes, I completely agree! Myshkin and Aglaia could have danced to a Chopin waltz. Or maybe, Nastasya and Myshkin could have listened to a nocturne while admiring the moonlight.
      Chopin and Dostoyevsky lived in the same century, so maybe there was a chance Dostoyevsky heard of Chopin? After all, he did travel to Western Europe several times.

    • @jorgkayser8257
      @jorgkayser8257 Год назад +1

      @@helena8465 Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Das haben Sie schön formuliert. Ja, das wäre es gewesen! Aglaia und Fürst Myschkin hören beim Mondenschein eine Nocturne von Chopin : Und wir hätten neben Romeo und Julia ein neues Liebespaar gehabt. Und ich bin ganz, ganz sicher : Sie wären auch glücklich geworden! Viele Grüße Freundlichst Ihr JK PS: Dostojewski hatte wahrscheinlich gar keine Zeit, Chopin zu hören, da er hauptsächlich in den Westen reiste, um die Spielkasinos ( Bad Homburg) aufzusuchen, da er immer in Geldnöten war, da er der einzige Verdiener der Großfamilie war, Btuder mit Familie und andere Verwandte musste ( musste er eigentlich nicht, hat es aber gemacht) mit ernähren.

    • @helena8465
      @helena8465 Год назад

      ​@@jorgkayser8257I like how you compared Aglaia and Myshkin to Romeo and Juliet. I see how that comparison works! It makes a lot of sense!
      Thank you for explaining more in depth about Dostoyevsky's travel to Europe. I knew he wasn't doing well financially when he left Russia but I didn't know he was in such dire straits!

    • @jorgkayser8257
      @jorgkayser8257 Год назад +1

      @@helena8465 Dankeschön, liebe Helena, ( Helena war die schönste Frau im Altertum, weshalb der trojanische Krieg entbrannte!) Da ich alles VON und ÜBER Dostojewskis gelesen habe, darf ich Ihnen zum Lesen vielleicht zwei Empfehlungen geben: Einmal eine wunderbare Novelle : Helle Nächte, oder auch Weiße Nächte und den wunderbaren Entwicklungsroman : Der Jüngling. Viele Grüße Freundlichst Ihr JK

  • @hiobaname
    @hiobaname 11 месяцев назад +4

    the best collection with the best sound quality,thank you ❤

  • @nairmiadaira3769
    @nairmiadaira3769 Год назад +9

    Que delícia ouvir Chopin após nadar por uma hora.Muito relaxante!

  • @georgeroussev2607
    @georgeroussev2607 10 месяцев назад +3

    Уважаеми дами и господа, моля дайте информация за изпълнителя, както и годината на изпълнение и къде. Мога да споделя, че това изпълнение е с най-висока стойност, (най-добро!) от тези които съм чувал! А съм чул доста, Шопен с трите мелодии едновременно е най-високата летва за пианистите.
    Георги Русев 60год.

  • @stevenotte3447
    @stevenotte3447 8 месяцев назад +1

    Moood Baby, Chopin choppin the ringed wood of the musical tree like no other ! The probabilities of those nimble fingers with Chop sticks in both hands woulda been Gastro !

  • @alexandreteitelroit2108
    @alexandreteitelroit2108 4 месяца назад +1

    Bravíssimo Chopin! 😊

  • @Rogerunion
    @Rogerunion 11 месяцев назад +4

    Música dos Deuses!!!

  • @faranakrostami693
    @faranakrostami693 Год назад +2

    Perfect, I loved it

  • Год назад +3

    I can't imagine what this guy could do with a digital piano.

    • @thomasbradley9012
      @thomasbradley9012 Год назад

      Tune it to 432 then play his song on it. Thats literally what would happen, but it would just look like him playing a digital piano, and noone would realize what happened.

  • @palmabaccari2542
    @palmabaccari2542 6 месяцев назад +1

  • @marinajaramillo4769
    @marinajaramillo4769 Год назад +1


  • @videogamesworld420
    @videogamesworld420 3 месяца назад +1


  • @MirjaRiihimaki
    @MirjaRiihimaki День назад

    These pianists know how to play Chopin's music. To play Chopin needs sensitive fingers!

  • @krystynarachfa5404
    @krystynarachfa5404 11 месяцев назад +2

    Beautiful but I would like to see the names of the artists included in the songs.

    • @MatthewSchlegel
      @MatthewSchlegel 10 месяцев назад +1

      This is a Frederic Chopin playlist, all of the songs are by Frederic Chopin

  • @morbidmanmusic
    @morbidmanmusic 9 месяцев назад +1

    Now i have to put it to 438 so it's right..,

  • @Velzevul666
    @Velzevul666 Год назад +1

    what does the 432Hz mean?

    • @classicaloasis
      @classicaloasis  Год назад


    • @boehmfriedrich
      @boehmfriedrich Год назад +1

      4+3+2=9 ....have a look at Tesla, it works with the Univers and Earth Rotation and Vibration....440 is a wrong Tuning, they Changed them 1939 to 440 Hz

    • @Nt37Aseconsa
      @Nt37Aseconsa 2 месяца назад

      means that is the tone of happiness, when you translate geometry into vibrational structure, all sides of square and so in ends up in the number 9.

  • @maiteirastorza6536
    @maiteirastorza6536 10 месяцев назад +2

    Sobran los anuncios.

  • @Alexagrigorieff
    @Alexagrigorieff Год назад +1

    Somebody enlighten me what's so special about 432 Hz tuning over 440 Hz?

    • @thomasbradley9012
      @thomasbradley9012 Год назад +1

      Do some research, what do you feel if you compare the music. You dont need others to tell you what or how to think or feel, thats what makes you human; you do the thinking and feeling and come up with your own thoughts on the matter. Good luck, the road to finding the truth is long and dark.

    • @applebananapen5431
      @applebananapen5431 11 месяцев назад +1

      I believe this is what Chopins piano was tuned to, meaning this is more accurately what he composed then to sound like.

    • @MrKerlac
      @MrKerlac 4 месяца назад

      @@applebananapen5431 Rockefellers changed this frequency globally, to cut people out from the "natural frequencies"

  • @TheWvitorsilva
    @TheWvitorsilva 11 месяцев назад +1

  • @yuriigorg721
    @yuriigorg721 Год назад +3

    His music 🎵 is so complicated….. It’s hard to listen doing something ….

    • @Alonsovil
      @Alonsovil Год назад +2

      Para mí es fácil, hasta manejo bicicleta escuchando sus nocturnos en avenidas 😮

    • @leylinegoddess
      @leylinegoddess Год назад +1

      liszt is more complicated but what twists my mind is that both my cousin and i played chopin's waltzes 60 years ago. now it is historical fantasy. did i really do that? yes and my sister was a concert pianist and played the polonaise to an audience

    @TRACTS4JESUS Год назад +4


  • @gixelz
    @gixelz Год назад +5

    i'm sorry but this is a terrible performance of ballade 1 so far.

    • @aguitstar
      @aguitstar Год назад +2

      I disagree strongly

    • @penalisator7615
      @penalisator7615 Год назад +2

      It isn’t good but it isn’t terrible. If you want a terrible ballade no.1 performance listen to Andras Schiff

    • @camillejao
      @camillejao Год назад +1

      I kind of agree

    • @Alonsovil
      @Alonsovil Год назад

      I think so

    • @applebananapen5431
      @applebananapen5431 11 месяцев назад

      L take

  • @김수진-j7e2k
    @김수진-j7e2k Год назад +2

    쵸핀이라고 읽은 놈 쇼팽이다