Can we address the fact that Rin supplied mana to Emiya's Reality Marble, Saber, and a Noble Phantasm, while walking through curses, and carried a unconscious man on her back. She is literally a fucking hero.
Many people do overlook it. Thank you for mentioning it because I was one of those people. I never realised that till now and realise you are right. Rin is a hero here.
@@ShimizuSolace Think that's bad? How do you think they're gonna explain what happened after the Singularities in Fate Grand Order? You know, where after the Final Singularity is cleared, everyone wakes up to find that a whole year has passed? After the events of Fate Grand Order, I am convinced that the world at wide knows of the existence of Mages, and just pretends not to to make the Mage's Association feel better, cause there is just no way you are covering up an entire year passing while everyone "slept".
@@INCOGNITO-iq4qy Excuse me, in that route happened Medusa in casual outfit with GLASSES acting as Sakura elder sister in the epilogue. Acording to my manual of weeb culture, that is top tier.
Important correction: Saber uses excalibur to destroy the Grail, not to save Rin. Archer was the one that saved Rin by releasing her from the Grail chains, making her be safe and sound as she can easily escape. Otherwise Saber's attack would have literally killed Rin together wth the Grail.
I pretty much agree with Drakon. It is very sweet Saber's last thoughts are about Shirou's happiness. If you read the source material you know that the only difference between both endings (true and good) is that in the good one Shirou would give love points to saber, while in the true one (this video) he doesn't. Because of the increase in affection Saber feels Shirou needs her and really wants her to stay, so she stays. In the source material Saber even says she's staying for him. Rin gets very angry as according to her Saber is flirting with him (she also mentions they keep staring at each other for too long)
To be honest, you have Fate Stay Night for Saber's route and Unlimited Blade Works for Rin's. I am not really fussed about it because they are both great.
“I’d like to stay until to end to see what becomes of you two.” Poor Saber doesn’t know that they won’t even give us a kiss scene or a definitive dating 🤦🏻♂️
Well, it has to be that way. Saber's final words before she dies are that she's happy as Shirou has Rin. What she says in this sub version as final words is that she would like to stay but that's not her role as Shirou already has Rin. If she destroys Rin with the Grail she'll die sad because she screwed Shirou's happiness. I deleted this comment by mistake while trying to edit it so I rewrote something similar.
@@skadi7654 Lol no, Realta Nua isn't an ending it's a game version, if you're refering to "Last Episode" that's just a continuation of the Fate route's only ending, of which Fate is only 1 of 3 possible routes none of which are more true then the others. Fate/Hollow Atraxia the sequel to Stay Night doesn't follow directly after one specific route of Stay Night it exhibits properties of all of them while at the same time being different enough that it can be interpreted as a 4th route that happens to exist after the HGW.
@@hellspawn6523 Technically not. Saber is an exception to the normal rule, as she formed her pact when she was on the brink of death, seeking to erase herself from history. She's actually technically the only living Heroic Spirit in Fate Stay Night, as whenever a Grail War ends, she is sent back to the moment before her death, and then summoned again. At the conclusion of Fate Route, she finally ends her pact and truly passes on, which makes her a proper Heroic Spirit, but again that's only after the conclusion of the Route. It's also why she is capable of remembering past Grail Wars that she has been summoned to, such as the Fourth Holy Grail War. This is also why she remembers Shirou when they reunite in Avalon in the Last Episode of the VN. Willingly destroying the Grail is also considered a violation of her pact with the World, as she formed her pact with the intention of seeking it and using it's wish granting powers to wipe herself from history, so after the end of the UBW Route, she also passes on truly. The only Route where Saber does not truly pass on is Heaven's Feel, as in that Route she is corrupted by the Grail and later killed by the combined efforts of Shirou and Rider, meaning she would again revert back to the moment before she died, this time remembering the events of the Fifth Holy Grail War of the Heaven's Feel timeline.
In Fate Zero she destroyed the Grail reluctantly while trying her best to resist the command seals, while here she willingly does it, gives up on her wish, and fades away so that her friends can be happy. They really did her character arc justice with this route.
Jason Ng That is why it's called fate STAY NIGHT , saber probably did this around 4am The citizen probably heard the noise and woke up thought it was a lightning
Just to point out. This explosion 1:09 is at least two or three times bigger than the one caused by Excalibur Morgan against Berserker. Saber Alter may have infinite mana thanks to Sakura but in terms of sheer power ragular Saber with Rin as Master is stronger.
@@anxiousearth680 If I'm not wrong, in Excalibur's description it is said that the explosion it creates reaches and breaks through the clouds, so it's not a stretch to say that this explosion is caused by Excalibur alone...
Excalibur morgan = Excalibur as both don't have any feat that makes the other stronger than the other the only difference is normal saber is stronger than her alter self.
@@Ultimate0Phantasm Probably i misspoke, sorry. I wasn't say that Excalibur is stronger than Excalibur Morgan. But, as you said, in terms of overall capabilities Saber is stronger than her alter self.
You know... Imagine the realization that Saber is actually King Arthur for those who didn't start with Fate/Zero. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Sorta wish I started with UBW just for that euphoria hit.
@@ascendedreality8546 Saber's identity in UBW is supposed to be a mystery (for newer audiences). Plus he was a man in the legend, and at least in the main series then author seems to respect the legends a bit more.
@@ascendedreality8546 Fate/Stay Night was originally a visual novel with three different routes that are played in a specific order. Each storyline focuses on a different heroine/love interest for Shirou. The first is the Fate Route, in which Saber is the main heroine. She keeps her identity a secret for a long time. It's only during the final fight against Shinji and Rider that she uses Excalibur and thereby reveals her identity. That route was (poorly) adapted into the first ever Fate/Stay Night anime from 2006. Btw. when you say you have watched the first two "movies" does that mean you started with Heaven's Feel? Because that is actually the third and final route of Fate/Stay Night (the second being UBW), by which point the player already knows Saber's identity so it's not really kept a secret. Maybe that's why you thought it's immediately obvious.
Using the greatest of all sacred swords, Excalibur, to destroy an omnipotent wish granting relic. Awesome as hell! Let it be known that there is nothing Excalibur can't cut through!
Scarier thought? This isn't even full power Excalibur. The blade is sealed even when Saber uses it here. So imagine how powerful it would be with all seals removed.
Do you know another character who can use anti fortress noble phantasms? Even archer doesn't have a weapon he can trace and break to match the power of excalibre. The best he can do is a good anti army phantasm.
@@Lexipumpkin783 Huh. I didn't know that. Fair enough I guess. Although like you said it is still weaker tha. The original. By how much is unclear. Although it should still be enough to kill the grail I guess
This time, she wanted to do it, she knew why she was doing it, and knew exactly what it was she was doing. It took less than 10 seconds and the result was complete and total disintegration. Last time...well, Stay Night happened in the first place. Good job Kiri. (Jk, when/how would he have explained anything?)
Hey, does anyone know what song played between 0:00 and 0:27? It sounds like some sort of sword that promised victory but not exactly … it’s driving me nuts 😅
Because Shinji used to be good before he was screwed up by his abusive grandfather. Rin also did it for Sakura who longed for the Old Shinji before he became a horrible person. As we see in the ending Shinji reverted to who he was now that the Grail War was over.
The title is a bit misleading. Rin was already safe as she had already been released by Archer. Saber destroys the Grail but that has nothing to do with Rin's safety. She just does what Rin and Shirou had instructed her to do before the fight started. Not pulverising her when she launches her attack doesn't equal saving her, and it was all thanks to Archer.
@@Star_Golden Fate Route is a different timeline than UBW Route. So, technically, regardless of the Route, it is the second time canonically for that timeline that Saber is nuking the Grail.
I'm sorry but who else felt sad when saber died at 1:34 even though she like saved the world I wanted her too stay and the fact that shirou last words too her was help rin and the last time he saw her was when she went too help rin
Well Artie... Be seeing you in Avalon. Still, it is a bit sad to see Altoria leave so early like this. How come she couldn't stick around a little longer like Archer Emiya?
Several factors 1. The last master archer had was caster, the contestant with the most mana stockpiled up from draining all the souls around town 2. Archer has independant action, so he is more mana efficient, which becomes way more noticeable when he is without a master. 3. Saber put everything into that excalibur, cus with it, she wouldve tied up the last loose end and she had to make sure it had a 100% chance to succeed 4. Saber's previous teamup with shirou is the team with the least mana 5. Rin is on the verge of death after literally walking through liquid death, while also simultaneously providing shirou mana to sustain one of the most mana intensive magecrafts so he dont get shredded by the strongest servant
0:51 I wish there was a longer version of this specific version of this track. The other one's just aren't as cool and this one is apparently literally only the length of the part that plays in the show.
Zeros scene was much more dramatic and more impactful regarding presentation imo, but this one was impactful in how sabers character change was shown since zero and dat temporary super sayian like mana burst in prep for Excaliblast.
Lena Wyman How is there even more than one Holy Grail War? It seems to me that it always goes to shit or that even if it is won the grail just says “yeet bitch” and just goes ballistic.
I feel so sad that Artoria had to destroy the second Grail that's right in front of her. This is why I love first Series FSN, Artoria at least have sweet dreams. BTW fuc this nonsense of these new UBW FSN.
You can hear the hesitation when she says Ex... it gets better when you realise her nature as a counter guardian, you'll get your wish one day king of knights
Wasn't Archer the one that actually saved Rin? If he hadn't freed Rin , she would have died because of Saber's Excalibur. More than saving Rin what she does is not killing her, and even that is thanks to Archer.
Can we address the fact that Rin supplied mana to Emiya's Reality Marble, Saber, and a Noble Phantasm, while walking through curses, and carried a unconscious man on her back. She is literally a fucking hero.
Many people do overlook it. Thank you for mentioning it because I was one of those people. I never realised that till now and realise you are right. Rin is a hero here.
Did saber still alive? after destroy holy grail She's gone but in ova she's alive
@@MrZhaf alternate ending
@@percievalcrawford1555 which is right ending?
Fuyuki's news in two words:
Gas. Explosion.
The Church's excuse for evacuation under the guise of a gas leak is getting old.
Don't they have any better excuse?
Bakuretsu Bakuretsu Lalala
@@ShimizuSolace Think that's bad? How do you think they're gonna explain what happened after the Singularities in Fate Grand Order? You know, where after the Final Singularity is cleared, everyone wakes up to find that a whole year has passed? After the events of Fate Grand Order, I am convinced that the world at wide knows of the existence of Mages, and just pretends not to to make the Mage's Association feel better, cause there is just no way you are covering up an entire year passing while everyone "slept".
Man, the Mage Association gonna have a hard time covering THAT up lmao.
Blake Gerber Nah...they got Chtulu Caster monster covered from the public and Saber Excalibur vs Rider covered this is nothing.
Gas leaks. Gas leaks everywhere.
Stephen2462 Yes gas leak with a plus-shaped explosion
Gonna have to pull out the Men In Black neuralyzer for this one.
Angry Robot that's the Mage association Main Np
Such a shame she saved Shinji
He has to go back to the Matous in shame.
That's a fate worse then death for him
Well heveans feel 2 shinji is dead wooohoooohooo
@@godza8107 the only good thing that happened in that route
@@INCOGNITO-iq4qy Excuse me, in that route happened Medusa in casual outfit with GLASSES acting as Sakura elder sister in the epilogue. Acording to my manual of weeb culture, that is top tier.
@@godza8107 YUSSS
Saber, I command you with my Command Seal.
Did they release this ep already?
@@Jxnaa113 Not yet.
@@anxiousearth680 :'(
If that isn't how UBW parody ends ima going to be pissed...
Baeber gets over her hatred of Command Spells.
Saber : **Ekkusu ...*
Megumin : *...puroshon**
Underrated comment
Kazuma's Excalibur
Bakugo: *cataparuto*
i love this comment lol
Proof theyd be best friends😅
Important correction: Saber uses excalibur to destroy the Grail, not to save Rin. Archer was the one that saved Rin by releasing her from the Grail chains, making her be safe and sound as she can easily escape. Otherwise Saber's attack would have literally killed Rin together wth the Grail.
when in mention archer i never actually call him archer i always call him shirou or future shirou
But did saber die? In ova she's alive
@@MrZhaf it's happy ending of UBW route.In UBW true end saber's heart is saved just like in fate but she won't be able to able to stay with them.
EX~~~~CURRY BAR!!!!!!!!
千羽 lol
nope, getsuga tenshou
When Saber gets hungry
And now I’m hungry
Ok, if this is not going to be in 2d season of Emiya cooking show I will riot
I really wanted Saber to stay with them because she would’ve been a badass auntie for their kids
haha she did stay in the other ending the OVA of FSN-UBW its called "Sunny Day" go check it now!
Now I want a fanfic of that.
Basically Hellsing where each head of the Tohsaka-Emiya family inherit Artoria as their Servant bodyguard.
hmmmm.... can Master impreganate their servants?
Ceasar be flatter than rin's chest
@@tart6178 chill man
Damn, the gas leaks are getting out of hand!
Lmao damn massive destruction
Now there are two of them!
Fans: so how are you going to animate this?
ufotable: y e s
I pretty much agree with Drakon. It is very sweet Saber's last thoughts are about Shirou's happiness. If you read the source material you know that the only difference between both endings (true and good) is that in the good one Shirou would give love points to saber, while in the true one (this video) he doesn't.
Because of the increase in affection Saber feels Shirou needs her and really wants her to stay, so she stays. In the source material Saber even says she's staying for him. Rin gets very angry as according to her Saber is flirting with him (she also mentions they keep staring at each other for too long)
To be honest, you have Fate Stay Night for Saber's route and Unlimited Blade Works for Rin's. I am not really fussed about it because they are both great.
Dunno why, but I get chills every time I hear Saber call out her swords name.
That's the, time to get fucked by Excalibur
Its a combo between the music, the visuals , and the fact that its used pretty sparingly
You'll get more chills in zero, with Iri serving as her hype gal.
It’s because Japanese pronouncing Excalibur with such emotional emphasis that English speakers just lack.
I love it when she says Excalibur. Especially the Calibur part.
“I’d like to stay until to end to see what becomes of you two.” Poor Saber doesn’t know that they won’t even give us a kiss scene or a definitive dating 🤦🏻♂️
Well, it has to be that way. Saber's final words before she dies are that she's happy as Shirou has Rin. What she says in this sub version as final words is that she would like to stay but that's not her role as Shirou already has Rin.
If she destroys Rin with the Grail she'll die sad because she screwed Shirou's happiness.
I deleted this comment by mistake while trying to edit it so I rewrote something similar.
Saber came back actually. Idk how, but Rin somehow extended her contract with her, but needs Shiro to hold her in this world.
That's in one of two endings. And that Was only possible because rin made a contract with her again.
no..... shirou should be with saber . Realta nua is the true ending .
@@skadi7654 Lol no, Realta Nua isn't an ending it's a game version, if you're refering to "Last Episode" that's just a continuation of the Fate route's only ending, of which Fate is only 1 of 3 possible routes none of which are more true then the others. Fate/Hollow Atraxia the sequel to Stay Night doesn't follow directly after one specific route of Stay Night it exhibits properties of all of them while at the same time being different enough that it can be interpreted as a 4th route that happens to exist after the HGW.
@@TizerakYT you interpret all you want . Realta nua last ending is true ending .
1:49 I just love how they just look at each other. Saber looks like she accepted her death, she slowly fades away~
It's so sad D:
She already death long time ago before becoming a Servent.
@@hellspawn6523 Technically not. Saber is an exception to the normal rule, as she formed her pact when she was on the brink of death, seeking to erase herself from history. She's actually technically the only living Heroic Spirit in Fate Stay Night, as whenever a Grail War ends, she is sent back to the moment before her death, and then summoned again. At the conclusion of Fate Route, she finally ends her pact and truly passes on, which makes her a proper Heroic Spirit, but again that's only after the conclusion of the Route. It's also why she is capable of remembering past Grail Wars that she has been summoned to, such as the Fourth Holy Grail War. This is also why she remembers Shirou when they reunite in Avalon in the Last Episode of the VN. Willingly destroying the Grail is also considered a violation of her pact with the World, as she formed her pact with the intention of seeking it and using it's wish granting powers to wipe herself from history, so after the end of the UBW Route, she also passes on truly. The only Route where Saber does not truly pass on is Heaven's Feel, as in that Route she is corrupted by the Grail and later killed by the combined efforts of Shirou and Rider, meaning she would again revert back to the moment before she died, this time remembering the events of the Fifth Holy Grail War of the Heaven's Feel timeline.
In Sunny Day ending, Saber stayed in Fuyuki
@@mrquocviet6479 really
In Fate Zero she destroyed the Grail reluctantly while trying her best to resist the command seals, while here she willingly does it, gives up on her wish, and fades away so that her friends can be happy. They really did her character arc justice with this route.
The music in this is just amazing
The Song name???😥😥😥😥
so now we can safely assume that the grail is also an angel (Evangelion reference)
volclaire2 That, technically was not the grail. It was something that will be explained in Heaven's Feel.
KInda. Angry Matthew is happy now.
アルトリア・ペンドラゴン 聖杯は壊せたけど中身の泥は消せなかった気がする
The people in this city just couldn't notice the sudden bright light in the sky......... lol ........
Jason Ng maybe they did but the VN didn't mention it or some BF vlock the light.
Jason Ng the mage Association probably blamed it on a gas leak.
Jason Ng
That is why it's called fate STAY NIGHT , saber probably did this around 4am
The citizen probably heard the noise and woke up thought it was a lightning
"Aw shit here we go again"
"Just some random nuke dont worry mate we've been through two"
Well, it's lucky for the mage association that this was the last Holy grail war.
More technology eventually would make impossible to cover it.
Just to point out. This explosion 1:09 is at least two or three times bigger than the one caused by Excalibur Morgan against Berserker. Saber Alter may have infinite mana thanks to Sakura but in terms of sheer power ragular Saber with Rin as Master is stronger.
It's possible that Excalibur ignited the grail's pool of curses. So it's more of a secondary explosion.
@@anxiousearth680 If I'm not wrong, in Excalibur's description it is said that the explosion it creates reaches and breaks through the clouds, so it's not a stretch to say that this explosion is caused by Excalibur alone...
Excalibur morgan = Excalibur as both don't have any feat that makes the other stronger than the other the only difference is normal saber is stronger than her alter self.
@@Ultimate0Phantasm Probably i misspoke, sorry. I wasn't say that Excalibur is stronger than Excalibur Morgan. But, as you said, in terms of overall capabilities Saber is stronger than her alter self.
0:32 the fact that shinji is alive makes me sad
Damn, it actually feels like Saber is more of a mother in this route. Thanks abridged
You know... Imagine the realization that Saber is actually King Arthur for those who didn't start with Fate/Zero. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Sorta wish I started with UBW just for that euphoria hit.
I just got into fate, but only watched the first two stay night movies. How is it not immediately obvious? Do you not get her name for a while?
@@ascendedreality8546 Saber's identity in UBW is supposed to be a mystery (for newer audiences). Plus he was a man in the legend, and at least in the main series then author seems to respect the legends a bit more.
@@ascendedreality8546 Fate/Stay Night was originally a visual novel with three different routes that are played in a specific order. Each storyline focuses on a different heroine/love interest for Shirou. The first is the Fate Route, in which Saber is the main heroine. She keeps her identity a secret for a long time. It's only during the final fight against Shinji and Rider that she uses Excalibur and thereby reveals her identity. That route was (poorly) adapted into the first ever Fate/Stay Night anime from 2006.
Btw. when you say you have watched the first two "movies" does that mean you started with Heaven's Feel? Because that is actually the third and final route of Fate/Stay Night (the second being UBW), by which point the player already knows Saber's identity so it's not really kept a secret. Maybe that's why you thought it's immediately obvious.
@@Wurzelknecht Fair.
Damn look at the size of that gas leak
Excaliber, a.k.a. Saber's Sword Nuke.
Sword of Removing That General Direction😅
And there you go, history just repeated itself.
But at least no passerbys died and Saber is happy
@@hairglowingkyle4572 why doesn't the grail explode this time?
@@GilangRamadhan-03 cause the grail turned humanoid thingy and then Saber managed to kill it before it wrecks havoc...?
@@hairglowingkyle4572 thats all? No explanation why the results are different despite the fact both Grails are corrupted by angra mainyu?
@@GilangRamadhan-03 watch the fuckin anime im too lazy to explain
fuyuki news: "umm..there is a..gas..explosion?"
That explosion.
Shinji: Oh no! An angel attack,
Using the greatest of all sacred swords, Excalibur, to destroy an omnipotent wish granting relic. Awesome as hell! Let it be known that there is nothing Excalibur can't cut through!
Scarier thought? This isn't even full power Excalibur. The blade is sealed even when Saber uses it here. So imagine how powerful it would be with all seals removed.
Lucky seven
Holy Grail killed by Saber
Fate/stay night unlimited blade works;
Holy Grail killed by Saber................again
Except now she has more peace with what she has done knowing what the grail really is
where as kiritsugu left her in the dark
Do you know another character who can use anti fortress noble phantasms? Even archer doesn't have a weapon he can trace and break to match the power of excalibre. The best he can do is a good anti army phantasm.
Dragon Warhammer you can actually make a weaker version of Excalibur and has one
Dragon Warhammer in fact ironically she showed Shiro how to use it
Huh. I didn't know that. Fair enough I guess. Although like you said it is still weaker tha. The original. By how much is unclear. Although it should still be enough to kill the grail I guess
This scene has higher animation tbudget than the entire sds season 3
More like it has higher budget than whole seasons 1-4 of sds
here come the jojo fans saying "JOJO THIS IS THE LAST OF MY HAMON TAKE IT!"
UBWは、stay nightのなかで一番幸せで救いがありすぎるルート
3億円を盗んだ下北沢のならず者 イリヤを忘れたとは言わせない
パパパンパンダ ubwでもセイバー救われてますよ。何話か忘れたけど最終決戦前に士郎に「やるべき事が見つかった」的なこと言ってたし聖杯を壊そうとする時点で王の選定やめてるわけだし
marvel MCU セイバーが一番救われてるのがどのルートかと考えた時にセイバールートかなぁと思いました。あと ubwはイリヤが生きています。大事なことなのでもう一度いいます。イリヤが生きています。自分のコメントの書き方がいけなかったと反省してます。すみません
間桐臓硯 ルール?
@@間桐臓硯-u6i 3つとも同時並行かつ
Saber: God damn it! Well at least it’s not from Kiritsugu.
This time, she wanted to do it, she knew why she was doing it, and knew exactly what it was she was doing. It took less than 10 seconds and the result was complete and total disintegration.
Last time...well, Stay Night happened in the first place. Good job Kiri.
(Jk, when/how would he have explained anything?)
No, Rin had to go back and dismantle the grail to end the system later on.
Yep that was the only way in order to make sure that Angra Mainyu is 100% removed from the Grail.
ノ ル マ 達 成
Saber the person who destroy the grail twice
1:19 that hit me right away...
@@pH-kc6mg ご指摘ありがとうございます。恥ずかしながら訂正させておきます
Poor Mango just cant catch a break...
Hey, does anyone know what song played between 0:00 and 0:27? It sounds like some sort of sword that promised victory but not exactly … it’s driving me nuts 😅видео.html hope i could help
Okay Rin that's all good and all but WHY DID YOU SAVE SHINJI
Because Shinji used to be good before he was screwed up by his abusive grandfather. Rin also did it for Sakura who longed for the Old Shinji before he became a horrible person. As we see in the ending Shinji reverted to who he was now that the Grail War was over.
@@richardshiflett5181 yes, i can remember that in FSN Shirou even says to Rider that Shinji used to be his friend and asked her to protect him
Because Wakame-kun is the real main character of FSN
Because Wakame did nothing wrong.
first 5 second there is my core memory of this anime, what a cute way to animate saber holding her own power 😅
なおsunny day
man the feels!
The title is a bit misleading. Rin was already safe as she had already been released by Archer. Saber destroys the Grail but that has nothing to do with Rin's safety. She just does what Rin and Shirou had instructed her to do before the fight started. Not pulverising her when she launches her attack doesn't equal saving her, and it was all thanks to Archer.
the title has been edited thank you for pointing it out
Nice man =P
0:21 change da world
my final message. good b ye
Saber is badass. Love her
Damn Mage Organisation would need so Foundation level of cover up
or I guess there’s the usual gas leaks I guess
They're gonna carpet bomb the city with memory erasing spells after this😅
*sees Excaliber* RIP Arthurian fan grammar
Damn this is the 2nd time saber has to kill the grail
The 3rd if you include the Fate route
@@Star_Golden Fate Route is a different timeline than UBW Route. So, technically, regardless of the Route, it is the second time canonically for that timeline that Saber is nuking the Grail.
Saber... Dear... Does that Grail look holy? No. Hit it so hard it stops existing
Who else cried at the ending of this
ok to those comment about the misleading has been changed. I aplogize for not changing it sooner.
Yeah, the title was wrong before
What was the title Before?
I'm sorry but who else felt sad when saber died at 1:34 even though she like saved the world I wanted her too stay and the fact that shirou last words too her was help rin and the last time he saw her was when she went too help rin
That one big "GaS eXpLoSioN"
Ekusu-Caliber !!!
How it feels when I go to piss and there’s still toilet paper in the toilet
Unlimited Budget Works
@@うっちー-x3w いや絶対違うだろw
@@XiTeihen ポリゴン・・・ふーん(察し
@@XiTeihen あぁ、あれか。
0:17 I can't this gives too much CAAEEESSSAAARRR vibes
Wow, that was some gas leak...
Saber: screw the “no public fighting” Excalibur go brrrrrrrrr
Well Artie...
Be seeing you in Avalon.
Still, it is a bit sad to see Altoria leave so early like this.
How come she couldn't stick around a little longer like Archer Emiya?
Archer has Independent Action and didn't use a mana hungry move like Excalibur
@@danielpimenta140 Except for the fact that he was able to conjure Unlimited Blade Works without a Master. 100% sure that didn't happen in the VN.
@@falcodante It doesn't. But for some reason he duels Shirou with Durandal (a european longsword) for no good apparent reason...??
@@falcodante actually Archer does conjure UBW without a master, but this is right after he offs Caster. This happens on day 14.
Several factors
1. The last master archer had was caster, the contestant with the most mana stockpiled up from draining all the souls around town
2. Archer has independant action, so he is more mana efficient, which becomes way more noticeable when he is without a master.
3. Saber put everything into that excalibur, cus with it, she wouldve tied up the last loose end and she had to make sure it had a 100% chance to succeed
4. Saber's previous teamup with shirou is the team with the least mana
5. Rin is on the verge of death after literally walking through liquid death, while also simultaneously providing shirou mana to sustain one of the most mana intensive magecrafts so he dont get shredded by the strongest servant
Honestly thought this was part of either Rebuild of Eva or a Trigger show
How come? Out of curiosity
That star thing that exploded after saber used her excalibur looks like what happens when an angel explodes
oh lord, cross-shaped explosions give me evangelion flashbacks.
civillians: Did a star just fucking collapsed?
I wish the screen wouldn't dim when she fires of Excalibur
Escanor : i guess Ufotable does decide the animation.
Just a Reminder:
Saber said to Shirou "We'll Talk Again Later"
Fate is my number one favorite anime and this is why
Weird I remember Edward Richtofen swooping in at the last minute and taking the holy grail for himself...
I wish there was a longer version of this specific version of this track. The other one's just aren't as cool and this one is apparently literally only the length of the part that plays in the show.
What is the name of that OST?
@@annieart4772 just search saber excalibur theme
Zero has a longer part of that melody
Ex......Caliburrrrrrr!!!!! Beautiful
People In Fuyuki: Oh another earthquake.
You mean Gas leaks
@@rodolfosanchez3397 yes but not that it may not happen :\
And the muggles didn't see anything.
Quick question, what’s the name of the music that starts at around 0:30?видео.html
Suika He Thanks.
Shinji got his dream. Sleeping naked with Rin.
that huge Crit stars!
Zeros scene was much more dramatic and more impactful regarding presentation imo, but this one was impactful in how sabers character change was shown since zero and dat temporary super sayian like mana burst in prep for Excaliblast.
i was like no one will really get the holy grail in the story because when someone gets it, the fate line ends lol
Lena Wyman
How is there even more than one Holy Grail War? It seems to me that it always goes to shit or that even if it is won the grail just says “yeet bitch” and just goes ballistic.
FGO had someone win the grail war before the events of the game, they used their wish to create Chaldea.
I feel so sad that Artoria had to destroy the second Grail that's right in front of her. This is why I love first Series FSN, Artoria at least have sweet dreams. BTW fuc this nonsense of these new UBW FSN.
You can hear the hesitation when she says Ex... it gets better when you realise her nature as a counter guardian, you'll get your wish one day king of knights
I love reading the jokes in the comments almost as much as watching this scene
Long live Fate and long live the jokes about this masterpiece ❤
Holy grail
Save Return
even though shinji tried to rape rin, she still saved him.
Wasn't Archer the one that actually saved Rin? If he hadn't freed Rin , she would have died because of Saber's Excalibur. More than saving Rin what she does is not killing her, and even that is thanks to Archer.
Rin, you absolute badass. Why did you save Shinji?!