Sleep Instantly with Rain Sounds - Meditation Music, Stress Relief, Relaxing Sleep Music
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Sleep Instantly with Rain Sounds. Peaceful Piano Music, Meditation Music, Relaxing Music for Stress Relief and Deep Sleep.
Artist: BigRicePiano
Track: Sunny Day
~ BigRicePiano ~
/ bigricepiano
~ Wallpaper ~
~ The Soul of Wind ~
Thank you very much for listening. Enjoy relaxing, Sleeping, Meditation Music and have a wonderful day or evening!
#RainSounds #SleepInstantly #PianoMusic
The Soul of Wind
The rain in the quiet night, the soft sound, the taste of loneliness fills the space. 😔видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
Hope you have a nice day !!!
This time is pretty different... the loneliness is fulfilled by someone I love.
There's is just calm and peace.
The way I feel being with her is priceless.
good night everyone !
Hey you, the one who reads this: whatever brings you here, whether it's to fall asleep or to relax from something stressful, I just wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. If you're going through a hard time right now, it's okay to remind yourself that this is temporary, and there are many good and relaxing days to come. If you're about to sleep, I hope you will have the most beautiful dreams and the most peaceful sleep. You are an amazing person and the world is lucky to have someone like you in it. I hope only good things, love, and strength will come your way. Goodnight (:
Thanks, It is like you understand me :)
I also hope you will have a good life and myself too
Thank you that is appreciated goodnight and cherish everyone and everything around you
Merci beaucoup bonne nuit à toi depuis la France 😴😌😁⭐🌠🌙🌌
❤ I'm glad you're feeling better ❤
❤❤Hope everything gets better for you soon, friend ❤❤
This took me to all my memories about rain, when i was i kid, when a was a student, when i was alone, when looking through windows, when being with my mom, my dad, when i was in secondary school, when i was in highschool, when i came to the university and when i met my wife, ... All came back in a snap when I close my eyes for 15' at noon in a company. All remind me what do i try hard for. Thanks.
A true friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today, just the way you are.
"Friends are just seasons" I understand this words very very much..
Does anyone else likes when its raining outside and your just sitting there or laying there and everything just seems so peaceful 😌
Yes I love the 𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝙸 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝗂𝗍 Տϴ ოႮႺႹ ❤
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It's the best feeling
wow, so beautiful
Dear person who reads this remember it's just a bad day there's always a tomorrow u r loved by someone ❤️😘❤️ remember it's ok to cry it Takes away stress and all the anger temper and also I believe n u have a great day and life 😘 hugs and kisses to you all 😘😘😘
I- wow, thanks..
Wow thanks thx this helps
Tnx😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im done crying now tnx for the message 😪😪🔥
Thank you for the motivation❤❤😊😊
“My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.”
- Edward Elgar
And this world is your mind :)
To You, the soul reading this. I know you’re tired
You’re fed up
You’re close to breaking down
But there’s strength within you…even when you feel weak.
Just know that you can do anything you want to.
All you need do is keep your faith and carry on forward!
Dont give up, I know you can do it!
So nice of you to write this. I really needed it, thank you so much! ❤
I couldn't but then i saw it i saw the fire inside tnx now i understand the meaning of live, wants to bring you down but wen yorr fire is brighter than lives darkness you are can do enything
I love you so much
Thank you dearly I really needed that💗✨ I hope you will also never give up, that you stay healthy, hydrated and happy and that you have many lovely days, months and years☺️✨ and that goes to everyone reading this😊💗✨
Thank you I really needed that… in a few days it’ll be two years since my cousin committed suicide and I’m trying so hard not to brake down in front of my family ❤️🩹
I'm Pluviophile ( Rain Lover ) , i love sounds of rain... it calms me
down and give peaceful relaxing sensation, before i sleep, i will open
pure sounds of rain, just empty my mind and close the eyes... the
vibration of serenity running through my veins and calming effect
massaging my brain... so good, so comfortable, so soothing.. just relax
and sleep with peace.
The lofi community is the most beautiful part of RUclips music was very helpful for sleeping and hope anyone who reads this remember to have an amazing day or night
Thank you so much for listening to my music! Your support and wonderful and friendly words are keeping me going ❤️🥰
Also, what's this song if you don't mind me asking?
And your music keep us going
Thank you verymuch 😂
Thank you so much for making this kind of music videos. Hope your RUclips channel will be bigger than now. Also, thanks for putting some very nice pictures in your videos. I love them
@@pokemonpaul7939 pun
I wish everyone who see this a good night with wonderful dreams and a good day tomorrow ❤️
Hi Maev 🙋♀️🙂 I wish you beautiful dreams and beautiful day and night too 💜🙂 and I know The Soul of Winds’ mixes are precious. Maybe if you already heard them all, you‘ll find some time to have a glimpse on our channel too? You‘ll find there a lot of study & relaxing visual playlists too and maybe they could serve you as an alternative from time to time? If you want to subscribe, we would welcome it warmly! 🙂 (we upload new music every week.) 🙂🙌 have a beautiful day!
Thank you so much I wish the best and even better for you😁😁❤
@@LofiCult 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
Thank you, too.
Dreams to you then iwish your chanell to its ben 4 you didint uplowd ma guy good iven im like 2 subcribers kiip it up im bad at inglish but Maev a happy bro i hope you this end gone
Its fine if ur hurt. Just cry, u dont have to care the people who make fun of u why u cry. Just remember. Crying is not only a weakness but also can be a beautiful way of starting ur destiny😊😊
True, and you make me feel better. Thank you
Thank you, whoever you are.
Thanks. really need it tho.. I'm just done with things i cant control 🙂🙂видео.html
My souls is always at easy when I here these songs, if only life could feel like this everyday, where everyone gets along and live life as God it ended. Sadly that's not the case but it brings so much joy that there are still good people in this world.
People that would give u the shirt off their backs if u needed it, people like u guys😁, in fact this community has been my inspiration, u guys plus the gf I found have helped me get past my own depression.
Good luck with the test brother
All these kind comments are making me cry… whoever is out there just know that you are always loved, the one true God loves you, and always will. He loves you so much, God bless y’all.
*Congratulations to The Soul Of Wind on reaching 2 million subscribers on RUclips.* ♥️♥️♥️
And I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. Love you all ♥️♥️♥️
Tysm you a good person you gonna go to haven
@@Talya351 ใบอนุญาตвидео.html
I'm a student studying software development, I was finding it difficult to do my coding assignments but your music playing in the background made me feel relaxed and I was able to complete them successfully 🤗
the last half a year has been really rough for me, i had a lot of financial issues and family fights. I started writing a book to evade my mind. It worked for a couple months and my book even gor accepted and i'm going to publish it but sometimes, sadness overwhelms me. It's one of those times today. This music and rain calms my anxiety and gives me strength to keep going. thank you
I struggled breathing 3 weeks ago because my nose got clogged from a strong perfume scent.. But now I'm better and I can breathe perfectly because of this music and God.. I'm grateful for anything.
As you grew older, you started to care more and harden yourself for others yet not really caring about yourself. Take a break and try to smile for yourself. You don't need someone permission to be happy and relax. Grab a blanket and a glass of water and sit by the window and drink it. I just feel like I wanna write this for myself. Hope other who read this know that you are in need of care too
Waiting For More In Future thanks for sharing
Wishing everyone who reads this comment a wonderful Monday & a great week as well, keep cool and stay safe.God bless U all.cheers from Stockholm
I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you♥️🤞🏾
Closer to death or dying again yea...... -_-
Love u too 😂
Sending love from IReland 🇮🇪
@@Robloxiokoj no reason
to everyone reading this I’m proud of you. absolutely incredibly proud of you. you’ve made it so far
"I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you♥
Damn, sometimes it makes you wish that you can live in the world of Anime, and forget your problems for at least a whole day.
I agree
I want to be in hentai
@@SCRKT007 in a NTR hentai and be the bf?... Better not... XD
Now here is raining, and I'm listening to this music... I hope this moment can be last long.. 😊wish everyone have a beautiful and peaceful day💙
peaceful music
*I love the peacefulness of this music*
Same its just so relaxing it puts my mind at ease
Music fills the void in your heart, soothing
Hello Hasan 🙋♀️🙂 I know The Soul of Winds’ mixes are precious. Maybe if you already heard them all, you‘ll find some time to have a glimpse on our channel too? You‘ll find there a lot of study & relaxing visual playlists too and maybe they could serve you as an alternative from time to time? If you want to subscribe, we would welcome it warmly! 🙂 (we upload new music every week.) 🙂🙌 have a beautiful day!
I have done nothing worth of value in life, i am now 22 years old. The more time pass, the more i'm stressing. I want to have something to be proud of or memories precious to me. I want to be able, when taking a look about my life, to say : "Those were good times." I am done procrastinating, sleeping late, doubting if i should do it or not, I hate myself for not being able to fight these thoughts that pulls me down everytime i'm about to do something valuable. I have now decided that THIS YEAR, i will start something worth of value, something that will define a goal in my life. I don't wanna come back to my comment and see that nothing has changed after the whole year. I will make a change.
Peace ❤️🧘♂️🧘♂️❤️
Hello Malachi 🙋♀️🙂 I know The Soul of Winds’ mixes are precious. Maybe if you already heard them all, you‘ll find some time to have a glimpse on our channel too? You‘ll find there a lot of study & relaxing visual playlists too and maybe they could serve you as an alternative from time to time? If you want to subscribe, we would welcome it warmly! 🙂 (we upload new music every week.) 🙂🙌 have a beautiful day!
My heart is getting clearer. These beautiful videos and sounds make me happy. I like it a lot. I applaud my hard-working friend.😍💗💚
It's comforting to listen to your music before I go to bed after composing all day! Great job today everyone. Good night :)
I've been through society's cruelty
I've only endured the stress long enough for me to release it
I came here just to release the stress and act like it didn't happen
These moments have passed. Focus on how to make this day better than the day before. And if you failed, smile, and try again.
@@OmarElrefaey-f1b thx mate, you too
Hang in there, it's gonna pass and you're gonna be doing just great! ❤
Relaxing sleep music🎧🎵🎵🎶🎶 Thanks❤🌹
I like your anime pic it's cute
I always come to this channel to look for music to help me sleep
This music is out of this world! It helps my get through my studies pretty quickly and efficiently by relaxing
my mind and helping me find the solution to my problems. i have 4 projects i gotta do now, and this is gonna
✨I use this soundtrack for my kids. And after they fall asleep, I can't help but watch them sleep and shed some tears for being so beyond thankful that these are my chilren that I get to wake uo to every single day, watch them grow during the day and pray over them at night. My heart goes out to those moms and dads who lost a child and cann't do the same thing everday. Hug your kids and family close. You will never know when someones last day could be.
Nice wonderful wonderful.
A great rainy jam ❤
Nice music..time to hibernate
This is to relaxing and sad.😭
thank you for such a light happy short moment for me in my painful day
laying on my bed and i listen this music, so relaxing and i fall asleep. thank you
I came here to find relaxing music hoping to fall asleep😊thank you thank you
Nice music!
This music makes me calm down after I get all stressed, it is really helpful, thank u, it really made my day.
I have this on while I'm cleaning house. So peaceful. ❤️
the music is amazing, the scenery is also so peaceful, i like that feeling when i'm alone. It's so quiet ❤️
I love it here! So peaceful ❤️
She's so cute😍😍😍 Thank you for the song🌹🌹🌹
Beautiful pic with the butterfly
any one reading this have blessed life of love
If you are reading this, sleep well knowing there are people you'll probably never meet who wish you the best in your life and want to see you happy. I know I wish you the best and for you to find peace with any troubles that you face
After I discovered this channel it's like tradition to fell a sleep in 10 minutes
Thank u guys Soo much, I wish the best to all of u guys the best with all of my heart and to my gf I'm so blessed to have met her, she's like an angel and we love listening to these songs.
I can't express how much I love this.
I've been sleeping to this for about a month now, and the audio is so well balanced😍😍
Wait how do you sleep and respond to a RUclips video 🤔
This video gives me a feeling that I too can't understand, it feels sad and happy at the same time
I came here to find relaxing music hoping to fall asleep😊
You will friend.. it is so peaceful here ❤️
Same. Let's all drift away together...
You came to the right place.
@@VirtualFeats same
@@animekingediting2392 i kno it makes things easier for everyone ❤️
I'll be here everytime I'm feeling down.
Uhhm. I love ur musicc
Hi kilu 🙋♀️🙂 I know The Soul of Winds’ mixes are precious. Maybe if you already heard them all, you‘ll find some time to have a glimpse on our channel too? You‘ll find there a lot of study & relaxing visual playlists too and maybe they could serve you as an alternative from time to time? If you want to subscribe, we would welcome it warmly! 🙂 (we upload new music every week.) 🙂🙌 have a beautiful day!
@@LofiCult Ohh Yessir..
@@uzistacy5986 Hey kilu, so happy to read your comment here! :-) Thanks so much! 😊 💞 and I'd be happy to keep in touch! Have a wonderful week! For real made me very happy to read your comment here😊🙌
it's wonderful when everything is peaceful, i like your music and they make me comfortable in my sleep
2:03:26 自分用
Thank you so much for this. I do enjoy your videos as they help me relax and sleep. Right now, I'm just listening to this to relax. Again, thank you so much. I am inspired by you.
God is good and God is great. i thank him everyday i breathe. don’t take advantage of the world take advantage of the time you have in it and make it the best you could be
So relaxing...thanks for sharing
Such beautiful music! I love the sound of the rain
i missed it so much forever grateful
To who ever reads this, I hope you have a beautiful day.
This somehow gives a feeling of learning about loved ones who are not here with us anymore, about their lives and personalities, from someone who were close to them
Nostalgic, sad, and calm music
Thank you for your wonderful relaxing music ❤️❤️❤️
Your video is the best❤️❤️❤️😍
Yeah right
thank you for to music Meditation Music, Stress Relief, Relaxing Sleep Music
I actually fell asleep that was the best sleep I ever had in just a month(yes I didn’t really get to sleep for a month) I’m so happy I finally got to sleep :D
Wen im sad everything i watch the music of the channel soul of wind it this channel end i love this channel you deserve more subs END like thank you so much for this beautiful music thank you so much again im not sad right now because you relaxing me now thank you so much you de best
The day is gone
and somehow
you aren't yet
somehow you're still alive
somehow you're still here
but you're still exactly the same
ever unable to change
too cowardly to take the first step
too weak to stand up for the things you love
and sometimes,
that hurts much more than anyone will ever know
but maybe one day
you'll learn to live with yourself
maybe one day you'll learn to love yourself
even if you never change
so please don't give up on yourself just yet
this feels like home
the home that i never had
If u have sad feelings let it out and go mad this song will bring back lots of memories,don't worries about the people out there who are mean we love u💞🥰🥺
Love analeigh
Just for today, let me soak into my sorrows and sadness…Not wanting to do anything but consciously flowing with the heartaches and Just letting time slip away slowly..just for today, let these tears flows until it can’t anymore….so maybe then, tomorrow can be another day to try and start anew…..again.
I think the musick and the rain is every relaxing
Why does it remind me to sleep?❤😊
i love it trough countless time of pain treas and imagning happiness i love it so much i wish it also would get me the will to live as i ever think is right
I like it because of the sound of the rain and it looks so sad. Like one thing we used to have. It will be like what I was thinking about in the past.