Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, I need help

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • www.childhelp.o...
    If you need a little help working out what to do, then give a counselor at Childhelp a call. They help other kids with the same problems every day. You can trust them to do their best to make things better and they are careful not to make things worse.
    Call the helpline and press 1 to talk to a counselor whenever you like.
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    Child Abuse Sexual Abuse I need help

Комментарии • 845

  • @jessegandy7039
    @jessegandy7039 7 лет назад +19

    I use to have a crush on the Little Loca character cause I thought she was a real person. But I was real young and forgot about her. Then I find out this amazing person who played her committed suicide? That's incredibly sad to me. It's like a lot of people took her for granted and didn't show her enough love. I don't know. I just wish Stevie just kept trying to live. 33 is just too young to let your precious life go. I hate that this wonderful person had so much sadness in her mind.

  • @Xxharukapanda
    @Xxharukapanda 7 лет назад +15

    Hearing about her death is so shocking, i enjoyed Stevie's Little Loca vids as they were hilarious, but this and other videos on this channel show how much of a caring person she was. Hope she has found her peace.

  • @Tomorrowandtomorrowandtomorrow
    @Tomorrowandtomorrowandtomorrow 18 лет назад +2

    It is never too late to report abuse or rape. Earlier this year I finally got up the courage to report the man who abused me 16 years ago... his daughter and her friends are now the age I was then... Report abuse and speak out to help save the lives of others. Much love Loca!

  • @waitwaitwaitwaitwait
    @waitwaitwaitwaitwait 18 лет назад +2

    This made me cry so hard. Even reading some of these comments. I actually just called my mom to tell her how much I love her for not doing any kind of shit like that to me. I'm so upset right now. Thank you for talking about this. More needs to be done. xoxo

  • @SexyLexy1031
    @SexyLexy1031 13 лет назад +2

    I was abused when i was little. I'm 32 years old now but when i was 8 i was molested by my grandfather and when i told my dad he didn't believe me. He called me a liar and he treated me like shit for years after that. But when my grandfather died the truth came out and my life was broken for many years until i was 29 years old. All my uncles and aunts , everyone one quit talking to me. I was the victim but i was treated like the monster. I felt worthless but now I have a good support system

  • @keegan94820
    @keegan94820 15 лет назад

    You're a very good hearted person. I hope there are a lot of other people watching this so that they can see how much you care. Thank you so much for posting!

  • @ecstatica23
    @ecstatica23 17 лет назад

    you are not crazy and don't apologize for crying you are a beautiful person it shows you TRULY care. thank you for making this video it does bring awareness... man this world is truly fucked up :( but I take comfort knowing that there are people like you out there.

  • @jilianxoo
    @jilianxoo 15 лет назад

    wow. you are an amazing person for putting this up and making others aware. you are helping anyone who experiences neglect, you're helping their stories and lives known. 900000 people now know something they may not of known these things. wow

  • @quarterday
    @quarterday 17 лет назад

    I am so glad that you've posted this video to get attention for the cause. Thanks to people like you, awareness of child abuse is becoming more widespread. Maybe this video will save a life.

  • @iraisp
    @iraisp 18 лет назад

    I think you are doing something great. Good way to get the word out. I have a one year old and I always look at him and wonder how anyone could possibly hurt such an innocent, defenseless, beautiful little child. Brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.

  • @gabriella8956
    @gabriella8956 14 лет назад

    This made me cry I had a friend who went through Child Abuse & she killed herself in 2007 No child deserves to get beat on it breaks my heart knowing kids go through these things everyday & they die from it! We need more people in the world like you!

  • @hisbabygirl67
    @hisbabygirl67 14 лет назад

    omg u had me cryn girl this is so real and sad and half the time they mess with the wrong families.. and miss the kids that really need it.. god bless you for putting this out there..

  • @julia816
    @julia816 16 лет назад

    we need more people like littleloca in the world.. i understand how you feel, and not being able to help is a terrible feeling.. but thanks for being brave enough to share this with us on youtube!

  • @lczombies
    @lczombies 18 лет назад

    I am really proud of you for saying this on youtube, it's a very important issue that doen't get nearly enough press. thank you.

  • @EarlyPeanut
    @EarlyPeanut 14 лет назад

    As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I wanted to say thank you for making this video. I remember watching this when you first posed it and it helped me through a dark stretch.
    In my own experience, I found that when you're young no one will believe you but when you're older no one wants to listen. It was very comforting to see someone angry about this when I was convinced everyone's solution was just to turn their backs.
    Thank you a hundred million times over.

  • @tutoringirl
    @tutoringirl 16 лет назад

    There should be more people like you in the world. Your an inspiration. I know so many who would love to talk to you...they go through this shit that your talking about. Thankyou so much for showing such care and compassion.
    God Bless.

  • @edithcooby
    @edithcooby 18 лет назад

    I understand how you feel, I think -- helpless and angry and so incredibly sad that you can't save each and every child who is being abused. Children are so innocent; they just want to love and be loved. And when all they know is hurt, hate and shame it's a terrible crime. Your message was very powerful. Thanks.

  • @defexorcist
    @defexorcist 15 лет назад

    you are something else. i am not willing to have kids due to the way they are treated by our society. i was beaten bad as a kid and still have trouble with it today. I wish there were more people like you in the world. Much Love to you sister!

  • @JulieFunderburk
    @JulieFunderburk 18 лет назад

    Hey Ms.Loca,
    Whenever I come on to youtube I usually check out your videos...Your hella funny chick. However, today I was really happy that you chose to speak out about this issue. Although you are confused about how to help the person who emailed just saved the lives of many children by posting this video. I give you many props to you girl.

  • @MELtheCON
    @MELtheCON 13 лет назад

    Loca this is beautiful!! More people need to know what is happening in this world and people refuse to bring up the important topics... But Loca's done it again! Speaking the truth and not holding back anything. Subjects like these need more exposure and you are giving it the attention it needs. This is deep. Much Love, Meli:.

  • @asertydances
    @asertydances 18 лет назад

    Thank you Queen of the tubey! I am glad that you are spreading the word about this devistation. It's really important for people to know about this. Remember that it is not your responsibility, you are doing what you can right now. Thank you.

  • @kennywrites
    @kennywrites 18 лет назад

    Very powerful. My thoughts and prayers go out to whoever wrote you about their problem, and to everyone who is going through things like this.
    Thanks for talking about this important issue.

  • @originalnilson
    @originalnilson 18 лет назад

    You've done a very good thing here Loca. Child abuse is a terrible thing that people need to know about. Using your high profile channel to raise awareness was very wise. Keep up the good work.

  • @thefoolofapril
    @thefoolofapril 17 лет назад

    Kudos for bringing such an issue to light... you are an angel for wanting to help that person.

  • @OhYeahShauna
    @OhYeahShauna 18 лет назад

    this made me cry. you are a good person for wanting to help and talking about this. i think people shouldnt forget this is happening to others and try to help in anyway they can. Im sorry I dont have any specific advice

  • @Sidneyboy321
    @Sidneyboy321 18 лет назад

    Im happy that u took this stand on this most urgent issue. My hat is off to you!!

  • @GreasyPizzaCheese
    @GreasyPizzaCheese 18 лет назад

    This is a war that many think we cannot win. Whether we can or not, we should never give up on the children. It's easier to sit behind an anomynous computer screen and discuss it than it is to take positive action. But inaction is just a means of self destruction. You are truly a wonderful and caring person Stevie. We love you and know you will do the right thing.

  • @Tanith62
    @Tanith62 16 лет назад

    I love to see compassion and empathy in others!! Im really proud of you for speaking out and having a link to the facts page for people to see for themselves that it is real. Your not just talking about it, your feeling for others sorrows and doing something about it.
    I wish you Peace, Love & Happiness

  • @eyecandie2004
    @eyecandie2004 16 лет назад

    You need to report any suspected abuse! I work with foster children and find it very disturbing as well but someone has to do this work, someday I hope to make a difference.

  • @llaslah
    @llaslah 15 лет назад

    Aw, you're lovely for tyring to help this person.
    I got abused as a kid, and the guy is still out there, uncharged, free to do it again. Why? Because my mum told me to forget about it. I feel dead inside now :(

  • @Jckojcko
    @Jckojcko 17 лет назад

    You go Girl! Get the word out. Forget the ppl that make fun. Never appologize for crying for these children. Tears mean you have a soul. If anyone is being abused, I offer this advice. Tell someone, and keep telling until you get the help you deserve. Remember you did nothing to deserve this. The adults that hurt are the ones at fault. Not the child. God bless you and thanks again for doing this video.

  • @PRGMRav
    @PRGMRav 18 лет назад

    Loca, this was a really serious blog! Homegirl, you got all tored up. I hear you--child abuse is a serious problem. This is one of the best blogs I've seen on RUclips.

  • @xcoheedkidx
    @xcoheedkidx 18 лет назад

    I really give you props for using your youtube popularity to raise awareness on some very important issues.

  • @arachnereid
    @arachnereid 16 лет назад

    As a teacher, I just want to say that we are required to report any suspected abuse to our bosses, and it probably does go to social services, though not as directly. If a student is only comfortable talking to a teacher or counselor, it might be easier than a phone call to a stranger, and it will eventually get to the same place. It will likely result in parents getting in trouble, and kids getting removed from their home and family, which is probably a big reason many stay silent.

  • @middmidder1113
    @middmidder1113 18 лет назад

    So sad. Thank you for posting this loca. This needs to be heard.

  • @looptiloo11
    @looptiloo11 18 лет назад

    There are some really sick people ouy there. It is truly scary. You are doing a wonderful thing bringing this out to thousands of people. God bless you.

  • @vampiper
    @vampiper 18 лет назад

    i was abused when i was 9 or 10 years old... and it left the worst scars on me... i'm doing therapy right now, and i'm really glad to say it's really working out for me...
    so, i really hope that person is fine.. cause i know it's a really hard situation... my best wishes...
    thank for the video girl =)

  • @dremwkr
    @dremwkr 18 лет назад

    Yes, you are right, it is a very difficult situation for all involved. However, it is better that the problem be addressed than to ignore it or dismiss it. Because over time, without intervention things tend to get worse not better.

  • @graffititm
    @graffititm 18 лет назад

    Stevie/Loca, you kick ass girl, I can only hope that more people take your example and get the word out on all the screwed up stuff thats going on! I applaud you for this video sweetheart! Much kudos for a job well done.

  • @monicalove13
    @monicalove13 17 лет назад

    Nothing that is as terrible as a lot of other children, but it is still nice to know that there are others that will always support us 100% Thank you for making this video, and it was SO touching that you kept crying for those who have been in pain.

  • @3dcow
    @3dcow 18 лет назад

    what you have done here is extremely usfull thank you for bringing such injustice public. The children must be helped because the ability to help these children is in all of us and we must do whatever we can to help them in their lives.

  • @thomaslester6305
    @thomaslester6305 16 лет назад

    I find it very brave of you to show the aliveness inside you when confronted with the ugly things going on out there. Hope that you will find ways to cope with you pain and continue contributing to more respect, care, love, justice, fairness, equal possibilities, and joy to a world that really needs it. I feel sad, when looking at some comments below, because I really would like us to enrich one another's lives. I see the need for compassion is not only needed out there but also here.

  • @hmoore5799
    @hmoore5799 17 лет назад

    this video brought tears 2 my eyes i have seen so many of my friends go through abuse it seems like today its normal but its NOT!!!!! my friends come to me & tell me their stories and in the begining i didn't know what to do and let me tell u the first person you give help 2 is always the hardest and help thoes you can because thats the best thing u can do lots of love

  • @mfranck1
    @mfranck1 16 лет назад

    Call Child Protective Services and keep repeating it to every adult you can find until someone takes action. You deserve to be PROTECTED and SAFE.

  • @wtfigoitw
    @wtfigoitw 17 лет назад

    why is everyone putting me thumbs down. i was telling the person that said "the children deserve to be abused" that he will never understand what is going on.

  • @Shaylob
    @Shaylob 18 лет назад

    Awww, Loca you are the most touching and caring person ever. I am so happy I found your videos, they make me happy.

  • @catherinemusica
    @catherinemusica 14 лет назад

    The issue of child abuse is important enough for many of you to add your thoughts. I read every single comment that I get. Some of you post your personal stories and it is sometimes not possible for me to make those posts public because of your age or because the story is just too personal. I still appreciate and respect what you have to say even if I cannot publish it.
    My hope is that any child caught up in an abusive situation calls the above number so that the abuse can be stopped.

  • @meishme
    @meishme 17 лет назад

    I'm glad someone had made this....
    Its sometimes hard to tell people what they are going though,
    I'm tired of people abusing there child
    they cant do that,
    the problem is that they are still scaried if they would get hurt again after everything their parents had done to them more and more often.

  • @tyrhermod
    @tyrhermod 11 лет назад +1

    with my experience in the past, the best route to go is to go directly to the police. as you said while going to the counselor the child will not be taken away immediately and get the help they need while the abuse may remain till the child gets relocated. the authorities will at least immediately locate them to a safe place.

  • @ThomasMusicWizz
    @ThomasMusicWizz 16 лет назад

    I honestly agree and believe EVERYTHING you said. My whole life I've lived in a wonderful enviroment and an amazing, loving family and by watching your video, it has really opened my eyes to the unbelievable amount of ongoing child abuse that is occuring throughout the world. I admire the fact that you care so much and that you have posted such a truthful and touching video, and I hope it really tell the community about the importance of the stopping of child abuse.

  • @itzadreamer
    @itzadreamer 18 лет назад

    ::HUGS:: you're so right. Children everywhere are being abused. To have a 3 year old little girl come up to you and say "Why did daddy hurt me" and have her honestly just asking because she doesn't understand is heart breaking believe me! I suggest the song "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride. This song will probably make you cry...but it's a beautiful song.
    - Drea

  • @fivebyfive88
    @fivebyfive88 18 лет назад

    I'm so happy that you made a video about this shit. I was a victim of child abuse, but didn't do anything about it. My stepdad Dan would beat me and I was too scared to talk to anyone about it. Then he started beating my little brother who was like 5 years old, and I called the cops on him one day. Dan got put away for 6 years!

  • @catherinemusica
    @catherinemusica 18 лет назад +1

    Seriously, I cant believe that things like this happen and we forget in our busy world. Right now there is a child hurt, lost and being beat.

  • @paranrm
    @paranrm 16 лет назад

    We need to educate the public on the abuse that occurs in this country. And as an American we need to concentrate on preventing all forms of abuse not growing some corn for over priced fuel when we have starving people in the USA. Don't get me started!! You go girl.

  • @ZepGirl420
    @ZepGirl420 18 лет назад

    seriously hearing about that shit makes me the same way. i dont see how a person could harm a child in any way. they are our future. children are so awesome and amazing i could never understand how people can be so evil. i work with kids and i have to deal with some kids in that position and its just heartbreaking. seeing someone so out of control about such a serious situation. good job on getting this message out there. more people need to know.

  • @Mbeebeelove
    @Mbeebeelove 18 лет назад

    Damn loca that shit was deep ass hell! Thank you for addressing that situation. You did everybody a favor because no one ever speaks about things like that. Much love Loca!

  • @TheMarMar
    @TheMarMar 18 лет назад

    I don't know if you have ever read it. There is a book called " A child called IT" by Dave Pelzer. It is very graphic and have tissues near by. Dave Pezler suffered severe child abuse. I can send you the book if you like. I just finished reading it to my 9 yr old son. I had told him about it when explaining what abuse was. He wanted me to read it to him. He cried with me while I read the book. It is truely heart wrenching.Let's continue to try and get the word out about child abuse!

  • @ManaSosa
    @ManaSosa 16 лет назад

    You have nothing to be sorry about. Children are sooo attached to their parent that they would go through a lot of shit just to be accepted and loved by them. In most cases they try to win the abusive parents favor over another adult. I personally think is b/c they haven't developed how to solve those types of problems. You did the right thing by telling the child to report it. All the child needs to do now is realize what's really happening. Thank you for spreading the word!

  • @SYstematiklySYkotic
    @SYstematiklySYkotic 18 лет назад

    This is such a serious topic that needs to be continuosly addressed, and i thank you loca, for doing that. I have a 13 yr old boy, and am 7 weeks pregnant, and sometimes i have to wonder if i am being selfish by being willing to give birth to such a beautiful, innocent human being and bringing that into this horrible world for him/her to see. I can only hope that my children can help others, and also see a lot of the good things in this world. cont...

  • @catherinemusica
    @catherinemusica 18 лет назад +1

    That would be awsome if you could connect her and this other person. Thank you so much

  • @gangsak
    @gangsak 15 лет назад

    it's amazing how kind can be some people. u r an angel

  • @godleeone
    @godleeone 16 лет назад

    Your concern is appreciated. It almost goes without saying that people who abuse children should be put in prison. If any of the youtubers out there know of children that are being abused, please contact the proper authorities. Otherwise you are condemning a child to undue suffering, that will likely result in that child turning to drug and alcohol abuse later in life, or worse. Every child has a right to happy childhood.

  • @moh2o
    @moh2o 16 лет назад

    Little Loca, you are a very compassionate woman. I am so glad that there are fine Latina women like you. You have a heart. You are a good example. Your heart is soft and not hard. I love you. You are an angel. God Bless you. Thank you for caring.

  • @lee5537
    @lee5537 17 лет назад

    Children who go through this, every second of every day it's so sad..And I know people like myself get angery when someone attacks a child.And for the children who are being abused, your abuser will try and keep you quiet,but don't be scared tell someone you trust, a teacher, an adult you like, a policeman,and you will get help and your abuser will also get help.And people like JacobsShadow would do everyone a great favor by falling off the planet..

  • @1LoudBass
    @1LoudBass 18 лет назад

    I'm glad you shared that most people think that if your abused then you will abuse too. also a child might not know that it's wrong,tell they start school

  • @theaterofmemory
    @theaterofmemory 18 лет назад

    You will probably save someone's life with this information. It is great that you are bringing it to mind. Brava!

  • @Pollepepe
    @Pollepepe 18 лет назад

    thank you very much for talking about this! It is so scandalous, so sickening and it happens every day. Behind the closed doors....
    I am feeling about that exactly like you, I could always start crying...

  • @riminiiipartygirl
    @riminiiipartygirl 16 лет назад

    i read it!!! it's sooo sad, but really good. It's amaising how long it takes for him to get out of the house, that's the sad part, they should be able to tell someone and get help right away!!!

  • @sweetangelvoice7
    @sweetangelvoice7 17 лет назад

    wow, thank you for posting this. I think people need to hear it. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby and it hurts so much to know that some people are hurting there own children.... it makes me sick... cause I would love to be a mom...

  • @Mika20
    @Mika20 18 лет назад

    The world is a sick place, and people are sick, especially in these cases. I feel more bad to know that stuff like this would happen, and no one would know. I just pray to God that all the children who suffer like this be saved. And to people who know who's being abuse just say something to help them. No child deserves this, none. And this is very sweet of you to speak out of this.

  • @lordcheshire
    @lordcheshire 16 лет назад

    oh stevie... i'm crying with you now. This is so.. i have no words. You seem to be a so soooo good person if only we had more people like you in this fucking crazy world.

  • @aidanchick
    @aidanchick 18 лет назад

    I am a child advocate. Everytime I hear statistics on child abuse I cry. I cry for all the victims, and survivors of child abuse. I had to do a presentation on Child Abuse, what it is, and how to report when I was doing my early childhood education.. It was the first time it really hit me, with in the first two sentences of my hour long presentation I started crying. I dont know how I made it though but I did. I will make a video responce to this video soon, with my information, my views etc...

  • @FredrickVonShwinkel
    @FredrickVonShwinkel 18 лет назад

    Don't give this feeling up! Its what make a change, its love. God bless everyone

  • @Neekolassify
    @Neekolassify 15 лет назад

    awwh. i almost cried.
    you're an angel with a good heart. :3
    i'm glad you think about helping the children and what's going on in this world.
    it's people like you that make me smile :D..just keep in contact with the kid and try as much as you can...

  • @SynicalKitten
    @SynicalKitten 14 лет назад

    this made me cry, it's so amazing how much you care.
    you are seriously amazing.

  • @samsarajade
    @samsarajade 18 лет назад

    I'm crying now. I suppose it's so much easier not to think about these things. I have 3 children and I couldn't bear the thought of any of them being in pain. That some children are tortured everyday is just too painful to think of. But as painful as I find it, it's a zillion times worse for those children.

  • @nykolee831
    @nykolee831 18 лет назад

    coffins should never be made that small. small enough to carry a child.... i remember as a jerseykid threatening my mom for not lettin me have my TV on at bedtime(when DYFUS was hot in the 80s) when the kids accross the street were gettin beat with precolator coffee cords. after the years and the way the world is today, it makes me think about things a whole-nothe way. pullin my heart-strings you are... great message stevie ryan

  • @TweedleDea
    @TweedleDea 18 лет назад

    I've also read that book and while it's a hard read and very raw, I think it's good that people know that it happens and we, as adults, should ALWAYS believe a child even if you suspect a child is lieing. It's better to be sure then to find out later that you were wrong. I think that Dave showed that in his book. There were so many instances that were overlooked that could have saved him earlier. He has writen other books too chronicaling his life into adolecence and adulthood.

  • @camongold
    @camongold 17 лет назад

    hih . i was really moved by your video. people like you really make this world a better place. and i want you to know that i never really thought about it that much but, watching your video really made me think about how twisted this world is. your an amazing women and i give really great thankx to you hunni. your such an inspiration. may god bless you.

  • @NicoleH92Lee
    @NicoleH92Lee 16 лет назад

    That was amazing for you to do.
    Don't listen to ANY rude comments on this video. Kids need to be protected! Everywhere this is happening..and I am glad to see a beautiful girl to care so much.

  • @thinkofwhy
    @thinkofwhy 18 лет назад

    If we hate and blame the abuser we'll never solve the problem, and it will continue as it has for more generations. We all have to take responsibility for each event, because we, as a whole, create each one.

  • @CheyValentine
    @CheyValentine 16 лет назад

    Thank you for making this video. I know you just helped alot of people.. Thank You. I wish there was more people out there like you.

  • @12041976
    @12041976 16 лет назад

    well my 3 years old son is abusing me !! well , it is real , children are getting abused by the moment , please listen to those little ones , take care of them , love them and do not leave them to face this ugly world alone !! love your children , cause they might not be able to say it , but they love you more than anything else , love them back !

  • @boisfrancs
    @boisfrancs 18 лет назад

    In cases like that, the police should be notified immediately. The parents need to be locked up and the children removed from that environment and placed in the care of a social services agency. Not the best situation, but much better than what they would be getting at home.

  • @iheartslug
    @iheartslug 18 лет назад

    Don't feel guilty. It sounds like you helped that kid a lot. You did a wonderful thing.

  • @cmill7652
    @cmill7652 18 лет назад

    you should feel really special that someone came to you about this. i decided i wanted to be a social worker after i read a book called "a child called it" by david pelzer. Its about this kid who was abused by his mum....but he came through and now has a son and wife of his own. its so sad. its so important people report any cases. good luck girl x

  • @jacquelinedepas
    @jacquelinedepas 16 лет назад

    it was nice of you to post the video. I was shocked too.
    And almost crying as you were speaking.

  • @dremwkr
    @dremwkr 18 лет назад

    The Priest Says: I have had to deal with such family situations both a medical professional and as a Priest. Some things I have learned to lessen the chances of things getting screwed up. Have the child or teen explain the abuse to a teacher, counseler, minister, someone he/she can trust.

  • @donald347
    @donald347 18 лет назад

    Ryan receives an e-mail from a boy who is being abused and needs council on what to do. So far, she can't be faulted for doing what she does well- acting. Next, she advises the boy to contact an adult he trusts, such as a teacher. This was the correct step to take. It was important the boy gets help as soon and possible. From here the details get sketchy.

  • @endoh666
    @endoh666 17 лет назад

    OMFG That last story made me cry, literally. Those statistics are crazy and i only wish i could meet the parents of that four year old boy and put them through the same torture they put their son through.

  • @Lollyrocker
    @Lollyrocker 18 лет назад

    I've been through all that. From the ages of 3 and 9 i was sexually abused. I only told my mum when i was 11 and there was then not enough evidence to bring the man to justice. I used to be ashamed of what happened to me and i hated the pity that was put upon me. Pity makes you weak. i am a strong person now. Even if i have no confidence and i'm am an extremely shy person.
    You are so right about children speaking out. Sometimes it isn't that we can't. Its that there is no one there to listen.

  • @donald347
    @donald347 18 лет назад

    Imagine if Ryan appeared in court to testify on a serious matter and spoke as Loca with all hat conviction, yet at the same time doing it in character. I don't know how else to make clear how this is disrespectful to trivialising of an extremely serious situation. She is not a commentator on it, people, she is a participant in it. This is what we cannot lose sight of. This is why I respond to it.

  • @merrykite
    @merrykite 18 лет назад

    hey loca--
    wow! that is really messed up, girl, and good on you for trying to help! the only thing i can think of is to call Child Protective Services. I know that any teacher or doctor HAS to report abuse or suspected abuse to CPS. each state has their own office, so google it with your state. They will help!

  • @turquoisedreamer
    @turquoisedreamer 16 лет назад

    Her English was clear enough to grasp her message. There's a time to laugh and a time to be serious. This is certainly not a time to 'lol'.

  • @joshig1983
    @joshig1983 17 лет назад

    People keep saying that kids should report the abuse but the common problem is not only fear. It is that people rely on their parents to teach them right and wrong. The worst abuse is actually teaching kids that they should be abused. Learn as much as possible from the kid before taking action. Don't teach the kid not to tell anyone else by mishandling the situation but also dig into it and take action. Evil triumphs when good people fail to act.

  • @daly0206
    @daly0206 16 лет назад

    man this video hurt me,i cried like the whole time..i dont know how people have no hearts and can do this to kids;to anyone for the hurtful.little loca my prayers and blessings will go out to yu&yur frend.i hope they get out of that situation soon.

  • @Roopops
    @Roopops 16 лет назад

    The statistics for child abuse each day and each year are shocking. i had to study this for my childcare course in college. I have qualifications for childcare and when i hear about this stuff it shocks me that parents can do this sorta stuff to their children. its despicable behaviour, they shouldn't be allowed to have children. this stuff angers me so much. and i send you big hugs girl, it was really great of you to make this video and get the word out! *big hugs hunny*

  • @dansgurl101
    @dansgurl101 16 лет назад

    I know how that feels. My cousin sexually abused me when I was 6, 11, and 13. And when I told my family when I was 14, they acted like it wasn't a big deal. Like keeping the family intact was more important than the emotional well-being of their sister/daughter. Naturally he is still in the family, and nobody knows still. But I keep a close eye on my younger cousin because I don't want her to feel the same pain that I felt.

  • @Angelscurse
    @Angelscurse 18 лет назад

    OMG that was deep Im crying and I know it happens everyday but yeah you should be a public speaker cause what your saying is really impacting

  • @ctrainwayne5908
    @ctrainwayne5908 7 лет назад +3

    Looks like her issues got to her... Rest in peace fellow human...