Re-Wrapping My McLaren In Dub Fire Red

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @tbrit7
    @tbrit7 7 лет назад +614

    NOW you've got yourself a super car Sam!

    • @DFWsCars
      @DFWsCars 7 лет назад +20

      ya! That green just somehow didn't make the car pop.

    • @tbrit7
      @tbrit7 7 лет назад +1

      The benefits of wrapping!!
      ...applies to more than just cars....

    • @davidprice4086
      @davidprice4086 7 лет назад +4

      it looks so good

    • @seenthroughglass
      @seenthroughglass  7 лет назад +61

      Thank you! I am so so happy with the way it has turned out

    • @tsihre2jz762
      @tsihre2jz762 7 лет назад

      Seen Through Glass yh looks great

  • @dudez0884
    @dudez0884 7 лет назад +45

    Will you put a ⚪️.?

    • @seenthroughglass
      @seenthroughglass  7 лет назад +96

      Hahah I was soooo tempted

    • @BakersTaste
      @BakersTaste 7 лет назад +2

      Seen Through Glass 😂😂I was so sad when I saw you didn't do the dot

  • @DFWsCars
    @DFWsCars 7 лет назад +161

    Yes, so glad! That Green was not my favorite color in the world. Kind of looked like a military McLaren.

    • @24Kemist
      @24Kemist 7 лет назад

      wich is a great colour

    • @DFWsCars
      @DFWsCars 7 лет назад +9

      I know some like it, just for me it was too pea soup colored. Big improvement w/ the exhaust.

    • @DFWsCars
      @DFWsCars 7 лет назад +3

      you're saying the red is a great color?

  • @marijnsourbron2799
    @marijnsourbron2799 7 лет назад +105

    Love the car Sam! The editing was on point aswell, as always.

    • @seenthroughglass
      @seenthroughglass  7 лет назад +60

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it

    • @malrifin9
      @malrifin9 7 лет назад +1

      Marijn Sourbron with this wrap it is now a real supercar good choice sam

  • @rosenignatov4496
    @rosenignatov4496 7 лет назад +229

    If you liked it, then you should have put a wing on it

    • @seenthroughglass
      @seenthroughglass  7 лет назад +7

      I'm not really a big fan of the wing

    • @TheBazerker
      @TheBazerker 7 лет назад +36

      Seen Through Glass It seems you're not a fan of Beyoncé either :(

    • @HamzaAli-lu1fs
      @HamzaAli-lu1fs 7 лет назад +4

      Seen Through Glass novitec wing looks decent

    • @79mjm79
      @79mjm79 7 лет назад

      Sam Irvine
      i dont think he likes fans either...consideting making it harder to hear him over air-conditioning

    • @zooboyjoe
      @zooboyjoe 7 лет назад

      Top commenting 10/10

  • @HammerRocks
    @HammerRocks 7 лет назад +3

    It turned out great. Going for a black glitter bonnet and roof sets off the red and black contrast nicely. It really shows off the lovely curves of the McLaren. Well done +SeenThroughGlass.

  • @GuyRodger
    @GuyRodger 7 лет назад +4

    Now you've lost the 540C badges on the side skirts you can get yourself a decent ECU tune to take advantage of the Larini exhaust

  • @stevepotterton6716
    @stevepotterton6716 7 лет назад +3

    Car looks great!!! The new wrap and side skirts suit the car perfectly. Well done!!!

  • @natewhite7481
    @natewhite7481 7 лет назад +4

    That black hood makes the car look so sick!

  • @gjbf1
    @gjbf1 7 лет назад +1

    Well done Sam. Looks and sounds great now. Real supercar looks and noise. The red and black two tone works extremely well. Congrats.

  • @byronohene-adu440
    @byronohene-adu440 7 лет назад +55

    Why not Vino Tinto?

    • @tomdavies1406
      @tomdavies1406 7 лет назад +7


    • @accurate.love2
      @accurate.love2 7 лет назад +3


    • @Electricalwav
      @Electricalwav 7 лет назад +10

      Byron Ohene-Adu ayyyyeee that's a 70k dollar wrap.

    • @accurate.love2
      @accurate.love2 7 лет назад +2

      very dollaaaaah but poud is worth moreee xD

    • @omnipresentobserver4403
      @omnipresentobserver4403 7 лет назад +3


  • @YachtReport
    @YachtReport 7 лет назад

    Big improvement Sam, I think it looks great. I own a GT2RS which has a carbon bonnet so I know some will like it and some won't but I'm digging it. My car is black anyway so the bonnet doesn't stand out as much. Side skirts complete it. Well done.

  • @CarSpotterUS
    @CarSpotterUS 7 лет назад +10

    I prefer this color on the car! I gotta work my ass off so one day I can own cars like this and re-wrap/ modify them when i please!

    • @CarSpotterUS
      @CarSpotterUS 7 лет назад +2

      are you gonna redo your intro? it still has the green wrap/ the stock exhaust in it

  • @mfiv2006
    @mfiv2006 7 лет назад

    I absolutely LOVE this new wrap!!! I commented in the past that I hated the military green wrap you had prior to this one. It was just not right for the McLaren. But this new gorgeous wrap in red metallic with the black roof and bonnet plus the side skirts, has transformed your car from drab to fab!!!

  • @mrthemagneticnorth
    @mrthemagneticnorth 7 лет назад +3

    Everything now looks spot on. Congratulations it's a stunning car.

  • @Ferrari360modenagtr
    @Ferrari360modenagtr 7 лет назад

    Awesome content Sam. Big part of me joining the McLaren owner club was because of your videos. I just picked up mine last Friday. The car simply did not disappoint. Now I can see why people pick McLaren over other cars. The technology, the amazing grip, the amazing acceleration. It grip like AWD, my previous GTR can't even corner like what this car can.

  • @jeremyfrey2344
    @jeremyfrey2344 7 лет назад +286

    Amazing! Love the black hood/bonnet

    • @jeremyfrey2344
      @jeremyfrey2344 7 лет назад +7

      469th view, 69th like. I must be doing *something* right in life!

    • @seenthroughglass
      @seenthroughglass  7 лет назад +43

      Thanks glad you like it too

    • @johnblacksmith9505
      @johnblacksmith9505 7 лет назад +2

      totally nailed the new spec. Love it.
      Bring on the ROAD TRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP!!!! :-)

    • @expectedlime_8076
      @expectedlime_8076 7 лет назад +2

      Seen Through Glass absolutely beautiful car, Sam

  • @AnimilesYT
    @AnimilesYT 7 лет назад +2

    When you drove the red 540c I didn't like the colour that much. And I still don't like it.
    But the slightly darker red with gold sparkles and black you've used on your car looks stunning. It's truly amazing! You absolutely nailed it!

  • @arthurrmcphee
    @arthurrmcphee 7 лет назад +12

    Nice wrap! One question on the vid- What car was that coming the other way at 1:19?

  • @leebula7
    @leebula7 7 лет назад

    Nailed it! Liked the red but blown away once the sparkles and bursts started popping. The black hood works sooooo well.

  • @jackmildren3116
    @jackmildren3116 7 лет назад +20

    Is there any reason why you don't use yannimize

    • @Baiiz13
      @Baiiz13 7 лет назад +5

      Mr T Make's its not cheap mate.

    • @Paddyf64x
      @Paddyf64x 7 лет назад +18

      Mr T Make's Price + waiting list being the main ones

    • @innerhammer
      @innerhammer 7 лет назад +7

      I think STG and SOL are cool with Yiannimize but for them Dub Customs are way better.

    • @johnblacksmith9505
      @johnblacksmith9505 7 лет назад +10

      his work is trash compared to Dub Customs

    • @jgtrulli
      @jgtrulli 7 лет назад +4

      Probably because of the waitinglist, he's fully booked for several months, comparing to Dub where there is a way shorter one

  • @thomasfan7470
    @thomasfan7470 7 лет назад +1

    I absolutely love that red!!! Your McLaren looks epic with all the changes that have been made! Can't wait to see more of it in future videos! You should wrap the Fiat in the same red and have your own red crew!!

  • @AdamvanNoort
    @AdamvanNoort 7 лет назад +3

    Gold Wheels Sam!

  • @AutomotiveMike
    @AutomotiveMike 7 лет назад +1

    I need to film this car so badly at Top Marques!

  • @arsyirider7378
    @arsyirider7378 7 лет назад +3

    Tbh it looks incredible Sam, well at least way much much better than the satin khaki green😂👌

  • @autofreakjakobus
    @autofreakjakobus 7 лет назад

    I'm blown away by how good your car looks right now! The black hood makes such a difference as well. And that exhaust, it just sounds incredible 😍

  • @armandogaribaldi682
    @armandogaribaldi682 7 лет назад +30

    I thought i went colour blind for a second

  • @RaffyUkon
    @RaffyUkon 7 лет назад +2

    The black bonnet looks great. Awesome red too!

  • @brodyobrien2782
    @brodyobrien2782 7 лет назад +5

    it's 2am Sam... I have work in the morning

  • @davidevans6052
    @davidevans6052 7 лет назад

    I think the black compliments the red so well... Looks incredible ..... Great job Sam

  • @Jack-cu7rl
    @Jack-cu7rl 7 лет назад +184

    what he really wants is a ferrari...

    • @Simon-jq4fj
      @Simon-jq4fj 7 лет назад +32

      Jack Newman He wants that 488 spider badly

  • @lithmalkarunarathna1640
    @lithmalkarunarathna1640 7 лет назад +1

    Love the colour Sam!!!Great choice.And your videos are getting better and better...Keep up the good works...

  • @ben_sewell1415
    @ben_sewell1415 7 лет назад +6

    Anybody else notice the neat head on collision sam had at 1:19!?! That other guy was #HOONING

  • @SeaNaCl
    @SeaNaCl 7 лет назад

    I thought this video was just going to be another boring wrap video but in reality it was very entertaining and kept me interested throughout. This is why STG is my favorite.

  • @blvckpunto
    @blvckpunto 7 лет назад +142

    Lol am I the only one who really likes the bonnet?

  • @HassTahir
    @HassTahir 7 лет назад +1

    Thats amazing!!! The red with the black bonnet looks stunning! Nice work!

  • @TheAdaaamski
    @TheAdaaamski 7 лет назад +3

    McLaren 124 Spider?

  • @deytims
    @deytims 7 лет назад +1

    I am absolutely stunned!
    The colour is incredibly beautiful, dub did an amazing job creating it!
    Also, I am absolutely sold on the black bonnet and roof!
    I think it fits perfectly, looks awesome on its own and gives it a very personal character.
    But I would have loved some smaller details aswell, maybe some pinstripes, a line around the front lights or something on the inside.
    Overall: I can only congratulate on this car again and am very lucky to be able to see it!

  • @kimi88cz
    @kimi88cz 7 лет назад +3

    Golden wheels now?:D

  • @pmwhappylivecom
    @pmwhappylivecom 7 лет назад +2

    I very rarely leave comments to videos, but just had to this time! The whole car just looks absolutely stunning Sam!! You sure you don't wanna give THIS car away!!?

  • @MrYeezy77
    @MrYeezy77 7 лет назад +3

    Sam always gets close to creating a gorgeous car and then somehow he manages to ruin it. F-Type = amazing red with white lipstick, 540c = amazing fire red with black bonet...

  • @davidprice4086
    @davidprice4086 7 лет назад +3

    dude your car looks completely different and it looks so good!

  • @ShtCinnVsTrDx
    @ShtCinnVsTrDx 7 лет назад +3

    black bonnet approved

  • @resnonverba137
    @resnonverba137 7 лет назад +1

    Looks so much better than before - not convinced by the black bonnet.

  • @Gochsener
    @Gochsener 7 лет назад +3

    looks orange to me ;) not my favorite red (at least on video), I like the darker reds more or the really clean reds

  • @mdawsss18
    @mdawsss18 7 лет назад

    absolutely nailed it, the orange/gold sparkles in the sun is awesome ... and, i usually hate black bonnets but it actually really suits this car.

  • @ahanp5661
    @ahanp5661 7 лет назад +3

    u need a carbon wing

  • @Josh2121
    @Josh2121 7 лет назад +2

    you thought about some gold wheels for it now? similar to the 4C and will match the gold flake

  • @georgegeorge5095
    @georgegeorge5095 7 лет назад +565

    This car screams for a rear spoiler

    • @E55BaeMG
      @E55BaeMG 7 лет назад +3

      George Olarian a BIG one.

    • @harveyleggett9677
      @harveyleggett9677 7 лет назад

      George Olarian Hell yeah

    • @danI43541
      @danI43541 7 лет назад +1

      George Olarian Vorsteiner Vorsteiner Vorsteiner Vorsteiner...

    • @harveyleggett9677
      @harveyleggett9677 7 лет назад +3

      George Olarian Have you seen the novitec one?

    • @w-james9277
      @w-james9277 7 лет назад +3

      Ewww no!

  • @matthpotte
    @matthpotte 7 лет назад +1

    Absolutely love it, black bonnet makes it stand out and love the flake.

  • @crazywh
    @crazywh 7 лет назад +4

    Looks like a stripper gave the whole car a lap dance...

  • @motkawon
    @motkawon 7 лет назад

    while I wasn't so sure about the dot on the jag I think you really killed it with this now. Love the bonnet and the roof!

  • @stuad70
    @stuad70 7 лет назад +3

    Intro tastic... As a petrolhead and longtime subscriber I wish to god you'd shut up for at least one video and let us enjoy the sound and experience of you driving your rather brilliant car for 10 mins. No offence I love your channel, humour, self critism, and true passion but I just wanted to make a simple request. Ta muchly.

  • @justinregister795
    @justinregister795 7 лет назад +1

    I LOVE the two tone looks. DUB killed it!

  • @1989osu
    @1989osu 7 лет назад +12


    • @pmp1337
      @pmp1337 7 лет назад +3

      Don't forget! DISCOUNT CODE!

  • @DJ_NOOB
    @DJ_NOOB 7 лет назад

    Sam you absolutely nailed it. Love the black hood (or as you say bonnet) and roof. I liked the other wrap and didn't want you to change it but man this does look killer.

  • @jortepap
    @jortepap 7 лет назад +71

    hm.. ok haha,
    this is actually one worst looking reds i've seen.
    Just hate that orange in it. Red needs to be real red for me. Or a little darker, metallic red. Not with some ugly orange/gold glitter .. that looks soo bad imo😁
    But doesnt matter.. its your car. To each his own

    • @joshstreet3919
      @joshstreet3919 7 лет назад

      Jort Rinket my cars a proper red but when it's clean and the suns on it, it looks orange. It's strange.

    • @jortepap
      @jortepap 7 лет назад

      Josh Street
      yes and thats exactly what I hate.
      Bright red just NEEDS to be gloss and not metallic. That ruins it

    • @joshstreet3919
      @joshstreet3919 7 лет назад

      Jort Rinket yeah it's just a gloss red but it has a metallic black roof and mirror caps

    • @davidprice4086
      @davidprice4086 7 лет назад

      it looks so good

    • @jortepap
      @jortepap 7 лет назад

      David Price​
      haha like I said.. to each his own

  • @samuelheads7471
    @samuelheads7471 7 лет назад +1

    Yes Sam. I love it. especially the black bonnet

  • @7iQek7
    @7iQek7 7 лет назад +42

    hahahahha thats shite

    • @andyenglish3646
      @andyenglish3646 7 лет назад +48

      Let's see a picture of your car pal...

    • @rhyswelding3657
      @rhyswelding3657 7 лет назад +6

      Andy English so in order to have an opinion about the new colour, he needs to own a better car?

    • @veggietaco8468
      @veggietaco8468 7 лет назад +6

      Rhys welding it sounds like an insult not an opinion

    • @rhyswelding3657
      @rhyswelding3657 7 лет назад +1

      TS GC just because it's insulting doesn't mean it's not an opinion. I agree, he could have worded it more delicately but it's still his opinion.

    • @Elitezombie03
      @Elitezombie03 7 лет назад +1

      Lmao I wouldn't mind having a mclaren

  • @HeidiandFranny
    @HeidiandFranny 7 лет назад

    Looks great Sam! Looks like paint! Loved the monochrome into. You're totally kickin' it. Well done!

  • @ANDRE_675
    @ANDRE_675 7 лет назад +2

    I am in love with the new look of the car now it just needs the super-lightweight forged wheels from McLaren that will make it look even more aggressive

  • @tonisukles858
    @tonisukles858 7 лет назад +1

    As a fan of the DOT I really like the black bonnet, it makes the car pop.

  • @janvandenbos7085
    @janvandenbos7085 7 лет назад +1

    Very nice the red colour Sam STG, exhaust sounds amazing wow !

  • @charybe
    @charybe 7 лет назад +1

    Sparkling color, black bonnet & hood (that's a killer), side skirts... I like everything ! (don't tell seb but I think you will overshadow his gorgeous Lotus)

  • @Remyl0.0l
    @Remyl0.0l 7 лет назад +1

    omg congrats! ever since u say u rewrapping i've been waiting for the results!

  • @OddBallMotoring
    @OddBallMotoring 7 лет назад

    I was thinking "cool, he wrapped it red. Not a bad choice." Then I saw the intro and thought "Hollywood has a lot to learn about car movies and they can start by studying this." Finally, I saw the new color, and my jaw dropped immediately. All I could say was "holy shit." Amazon color combination Sam! I absolutely love this car now! The intro to this video was fantastic as well!

  • @Humz864
    @Humz864 7 лет назад

    6:39 Yes you can spec a 720S with the MSO carbon fibre bonnet
    And the bonnet on your car looks epic

  • @97JGK
    @97JGK 7 лет назад

    This is the most beautiful wrap colour I've ever seen. Amazing.

  • @Rafz90
    @Rafz90 7 лет назад

    The quality of these videos are perfect!! And beautiful choice of colour. Looks amazing.

  • @Kellen6795
    @Kellen6795 7 лет назад

    Gotta say I love the new colours!!! That red and black look absolutely incredible!!

  • @SilveryFoxster
    @SilveryFoxster 7 лет назад

    Excellent colour choices Sam, the car seems so much more alive in red. Would be good to see the wrapping being done.

  • @SASKR88
    @SASKR88 7 лет назад +1

    Love the changes Sam, looks amazing!!!!

  • @Simon-jq4fj
    @Simon-jq4fj 7 лет назад +2

    Beautiful wrap! I liked the satin khaki but this is even better.

  • @hcooC
    @hcooC 7 лет назад +2

    Killer! Well done Sam - looks awesome!!

  • @mikewilson1957
    @mikewilson1957 7 лет назад +1

    About bloody time, finally a great job mate!!!!

  • @nicosand86
    @nicosand86 7 лет назад

    it looks a million times better!!! the old wrap made the car look constantly dirty(on youtube atleast). excellet choice Sam!!

  • @HammerRocks
    @HammerRocks 7 лет назад

    The side skirt is a subtle and tasteful mod that makes a huge difference to the look of the car. Great choice.

  • @ByStiixz
    @ByStiixz 7 лет назад +1

    the way you shoot your cinematic shots is amazing! idk why your channel hasn't got more subs as SoL

  • @aazron87
    @aazron87 7 лет назад

    Loved the video Sam, your editing and production has improved massively.
    That colour is also beautiful. Found the next colour my car is going.

  • @greenchilli6660
    @greenchilli6660 5 лет назад

    It's amazing how the McLaren 540c / 570s / 570GT can all take on such an insanely different look just by wrapping them in a different colour or colour-scheme, it gives so much joy to owning a car like that because you can basically switch cars without ever having to switch a car ;)

  • @jeffkovacs6521
    @jeffkovacs6521 7 лет назад +1

    Really like the wrap (though the close ups skew a bit orange... ironically, the images from the drone seem to be the best on-camera representation) and your decision on the hood/bonnet is spot on!

  • @ia3215
    @ia3215 7 лет назад +1

    That first black-screen with pure sound though😍

  • @jamiebaker2806
    @jamiebaker2806 7 лет назад

    This looks amazing sam and I think the contrasting colour was a good touch and those side skirts make a huge difference to the car

  • @PatrickWDwyer
    @PatrickWDwyer 7 лет назад

    I used to watch your videos and then they were just to long for me to watch, but now I am back and they are amazing

  • @ryansylvester303
    @ryansylvester303 7 лет назад

    Love the wrap and the black parts are great and gives the car a nice pop. Nice job by Dub Customs and a great choice by you. Thumbs up!

  • @ADiaryForMom
    @ADiaryForMom 7 лет назад +1

    That color combination is exquisite!

  • @Kpaojd
    @Kpaojd 7 лет назад +2


  • @shafayet.1
    @shafayet.1 7 лет назад

    I never doubt your choices because in the end the car usually turns out better with your addition than without.
    Good video as always, nothing too click-bait-y (which isn't expected), nice editing.
    Looking forward to the next few videos.

    • @shafayet.1
      @shafayet.1 7 лет назад

      Also, the gold flakes are a really nice touch.

  • @enjoytheridedude
    @enjoytheridedude 7 лет назад

    The new look it's great Sam, I especially like the roof and the hood and the side skirts look great!

  • @dsjjajkford3494
    @dsjjajkford3494 7 лет назад

    Awesome colour Sam, looking forward to seeing all the content down in Monaco

  • @josephbehm3565
    @josephbehm3565 7 лет назад

    I loved the Green! it was so unique and looked very sharp! But i also love the new wrap and those side skirts!!!!

  • @rishabh731
    @rishabh731 7 лет назад

    Amazing! That color and scheme is just unbelievable!!

  • @ellisd82
    @ellisd82 7 лет назад

    Car looks spot on - did like the green, but it is a winter colour. Amazing looks now! like the black bonnet and roof.

  • @kylemenard580
    @kylemenard580 7 лет назад

    I think it looks awesome, Sam!!! Great choice!!! Black bonnet and all!!!
    Your excitement about it also makes me really excited so great video, I can't wait to see more!!!

  • @sadubone
    @sadubone 7 лет назад

    i swear to god, doing the bonnet and the roof in black you're my new favorite person. love the color. that is stunning, bravo. and sounds fierce. :)

  • @user-od9iz9cv1w
    @user-od9iz9cv1w 7 лет назад

    Love the new wrap and skirts! One of the better looking McLarens out there right now.

  • @joshuasears8408
    @joshuasears8408 7 лет назад

    Awesome production Sam! Love the car too! Cinematography on point!

  • @Cerbium
    @Cerbium 7 лет назад


  • @yousafshaikh6222
    @yousafshaikh6222 7 лет назад

    Thank You for giving the 540 a very appealing look. WoW

  • @KramerMaxim
    @KramerMaxim 7 лет назад

    Kick ass wrap! I really liked the previous army theme, I love this red, but I can't decide, I need both!