Who is Dr Sizwe Mpofu Walsh? The New Apartheid (Latest Book)

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • The Hustlers Corner SA Podcast with @DJSbuTV
    He talks to some of the world's best hustlers sharing their stories to inspire a new generation.
    Who is Dr Sizwe Mpofu Walsh
    Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh (born 4 January 1989) is a South African author, musician and activist. His father is Dali Mpofu a prominent advocate, former SABC CEO and Chairperson of the Economic Freedom Fighters political party.
    He attended Sacred Heart College and St John’s College. He was part of the hip-hop group Entity, along with rapper AKA and Nhlanhla Makenna. He played for the Orlando Pirates Youth Academy between the ages of 13 and 16. Mpofu-Walsh spent a year living in the rural Eastern Cape village of Qugqwala, before undergoing ritual Xhosa initiation in 2007.
    Mpofu-Walsh attended the University of Cape Town, earning an Honours degree in Politics Philosophy and Economics in 2012. He was SRC President in 2010, where his SRC was the first to successfully challenge the university’s proposed fees increase, reducing it from 12% to 8%. At UCT, he co-founded InkuluFreeHeid, a youth-led civil society organisation. He earned a Weidenfeld Scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in International Relations at the University of Oxford, which he earned with distinction. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in International Relations at Oxford.
    Mpofu-Walsh released a song called ‘Mr President’, criticising South African President Jacob Zuma for corruption in 2013. The song was featured in the Wall Street Journal. That year, the Mail and Guardian named him as one of the 200 top young South Africans. He has written on the subjects of racism and corruption for South African newspaper City Press.
    In 2014, his article called “SA’s Three-Way Split” predicted that South African politics would split into three poles. Mpofu-Walsh has been a vocal supporter of free education in South Africa. He published a chapter on a possible free education model in the book Fees Must Fall: Student Revolt, Decolonisation and Governance, published by Wits University Press. Mpofu-Walsh was also part of the Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford campaign, which aimed to highlight alleged institutional racism at Oxford and called for a statue of Cecil Rhodes located on the Oxford High Street to be relocated. The campaign was ultimately unsuccessful at Oxford and was opposed by university academics and anti-apartheid activists including Nigel Biggar, Mary Beard and Denis Goldberg. It was supported by prominent academic Noam Chomsky.
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    Sound: @nkhaotic
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Комментарии • 145

  • @_SMWX
    @_SMWX 2 года назад +57


  • @abtshoni
    @abtshoni 2 года назад +2

    "South Africa is an interesting case of history being told by the losers rather than the winners"

  • @spksiba2993
    @spksiba2993 2 года назад +7

    I had the pleasure of attending Uct with Sizwe and spoke to him on a number of occasions. One of our greatest young minds. I'm excited to read this book. The real history/philosophy of apartheid has always been obscured from South Africans.

  • @surprisemtshali4067
    @surprisemtshali4067 2 года назад +4

    I had no idea who this person is now feel like I know him, thank you for sourcing relevant people to put on the platform for the upcoming generation to familiarize themselves with. Big up Bhut Sbu if you are not using yourself as an example of something you`v done you give access to other people in different spaces thank you for that.

  • @nelingwenya4250
    @nelingwenya4250 2 года назад +3

    Every South African should read this book. Awu awu

  • @selulekompisane5672
    @selulekompisane5672 2 года назад +9

    I like what Dr Mpofu about writing the book in a way that doesnt look down on the readers but rather expects the readers to rise to the book. I wish South African films can adopt the same approach, not to dumb down the storytelling coz you think people wont get it.

    • @AsaTokwe
      @AsaTokwe 2 года назад

      Preach bro🙌🏽

  • @brainftv
    @brainftv 2 года назад +3

    Mzekeke in the flesh, eish maari DJ Sbu really knows how to re-invent himself, much respect.

  • @tshenolomolokwane
    @tshenolomolokwane 2 года назад +3

    I just had to go buy the book after watching this. Few pages into it and I can't wait to sink my teeth into it deeper.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but what is apartheid? Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction

  • @nelingwenya4250
    @nelingwenya4250 2 года назад +5

    What a humble soul.

    • @philipbanda6637
      @philipbanda6637 2 года назад +1

      Sbu u shud never answer calls during an interview it is Bad manners . Please change do not behave like Apartheid pigs.

  • @Mnr_Sebaks
    @Mnr_Sebaks 2 года назад +10

    I'm used to reading books by the likes of DJ Sbu, Gayton McKenzie, Witness Mdaka, Kholofelo Pholafudi ... it's gonna be my first time reading a book like this, just downloaded the Kindle Sample copy for now. Thanks to DJ Sbu for bringing great minds like Dr Mpofu-Walsh to the show

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
      One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
      and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
      ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
      ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
      You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
      ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
      ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
      wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
      be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
      The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
      All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
      He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
      (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
      higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
      This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
      and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
      But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
      lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
      deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
      The bible says that if you will repent
      (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
      FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
      Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
      who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
      Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
      took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
      have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
      ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
      Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
      Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
      most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
      You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
      beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
      obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
      church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
      know you have been forgiven?
      That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
      An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
      and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
      infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
      decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that **_Jesus_** is your only Hope* .]
      Have a great day!

  • @bahumi_afrika3086
    @bahumi_afrika3086 2 года назад +7

    Change is inevitable.
    Africans will rise
    The Universe Has Its Way Of Revealing Its True Potential.
    I Believe We Will Rise Against All Odds.
    Thanks for the knowledge.

    • @Drakqular97
      @Drakqular97 2 года назад

      Slowly but surely my brother!

    • @norbertmlangenindleleni9381
      @norbertmlangenindleleni9381 2 года назад

      Attending to a call during an interview is unethical and unprofessional. Please demeaning other people! Otherwise interview as mind opening.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but APARTHEID was GREAT! its a great thing its BACK!--problem was & still is, from private quarters & White hustler-handler/funders anyway, STATE brutality & violence and looting of black resources to force hybridity that is for white benefit, not apartheid!

  • @sifisozondo3121
    @sifisozondo3121 2 года назад +21

    😳😳😳😳😳DJ Sbu so unprofessional!!!!!! Taking a call during an interview!!!!!!!

  • @sekoaib
    @sekoaib 2 года назад +1

    I went to a school in Observatory close to where Dr. Sizwe went to school and this area was filled with multi racial couples there was a lot of kids who were mixed so Sizwe fit in a whole lot in that environment

  • @bulelanimama1961
    @bulelanimama1961 2 года назад +1

    Wowwww! As a future intellectual I am so so inspired Doctor Mpofu- Walsh's work is part of my wish list for sure!!! DJ Sbu you are so intelligent big bro! Ever since I have been watching it is only consciousness I get. Asbonge.

  • @neodlamini6381
    @neodlamini6381 2 года назад

    That voice Sizwe references at the end is so important, some days its subtle, some days its loud, and if you're lucky enough, its recurring. Listen to it.

  • @drtalkboxsa9412
    @drtalkboxsa9412 2 года назад +1

    Great interview. The talk about wits just took me back down memory lane. Mbuyiseni Ndlozi was one of those influential Witsies who were there in our times

  • @wandilezulu7304
    @wandilezulu7304 2 года назад +4

    Indeed our the system still breathes the 'apart-hate'. I love how Sizwe construe the current existence of apartheid into our system. Nicely put Doc👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽It is privatized.. Many may not see it but it's there...

  • @ntombomzisitshomo6897
    @ntombomzisitshomo6897 2 года назад +1

    Definitely buying this book. The new apartheid oh woooooow.
    Here's is our future leader President Sizwe Mpofu.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but APARTHEID was GREAT! its a great thing its BACK!--problem was & still is, from private quarters & White hustler-handler/funders anyway, STATE brutality & violence and looting of black resources, not apartheid!

  • @brainftv
    @brainftv 2 года назад +2

    "Racist is in the system" - you found the key Sbu! Never forget that.

  • @lavidaNOTA
    @lavidaNOTA 2 года назад +7

    I didn’t read the first book, but this one I had to!

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but APARTHEID was GREAT! its a great thing its BACK!--problem was & still is, from private quarters & White hustler-handler/funders anyway, STATE brutality & violence and looting of black resources, not apartheid!

  • @sibahlezembe9196
    @sibahlezembe9196 Год назад

    Dr Mpofu-Walsh articulates the issue of the new apartheid so well 🤌🏾. I have had arguments about this with people that didn’t understand. I’m glad that Dr Mpofu-walsh wrote this book. Imma go read it😊.

  • @miscellaneouslyric
    @miscellaneouslyric 2 года назад +3

    Damn going to definitely cop this book to support writers like Dr Sizwe Mpofu , about damn time someone wrote something like this, this book is something that the masses definitely need to read to evolve their mindset and actually see the real picture, it would be dope if you got it translated this needs to reach more minds.

  • @tendamudzimugoza8868
    @tendamudzimugoza8868 2 года назад +4

    Amazing young minds 🔥🔥💯💯

  • @magdelinesm4646
    @magdelinesm4646 2 года назад +3

    I'm definitely going to buy the book. Thank you so much Dj Sbu and Dr Sizwe Mpofu

  • @slowsloth8550
    @slowsloth8550 2 года назад +2

    Definitely a must have copy, I have repeated this episode quite a few times to really get the juicy parts of some of the real-life experiences I have gone through.
    I really need to ask my Kids to read this book when they are older.

  • @ebenezermissiontv
    @ebenezermissiontv Год назад

    Sbu, I have been listening to this broadcast many times since it was published. There are lots of questions to ponder and throw around. Thanks to Dr Mpofu and you Sbu for being bold to put it out there.

  • @inyukutv5201
    @inyukutv5201 2 года назад +4

    I'm definitely getting the book 💯

  • @xolanibanda5400
    @xolanibanda5400 2 года назад

    I've always wondered what happened to the other members of Entity. I'm glad I became a Hustler/Squatter and came across this video. The Doc, now has a new fan. Thank you DJ Sbu.

  • @tebogomaphephe3470
    @tebogomaphephe3470 22 дня назад

    Fun fact: The Dr was in a hip hop group called Entity in the early 2000s with the late AKA....

  • @percyhobbs
    @percyhobbs 2 года назад +1

    Dr Mpofu-Walsh is quite the academic, humble and I am really interested in how he came about the cover of his book!! The old South African Flag, The New South African Flag and the Rainbow effect it creates! Like What!!!? Crazy!! Blew my mind. Cant help wondering whether it is a manifestation of his artistic expression, or if this is actually what they meant by the rainbow nation!!?

  • @mokopanemokobane4637
    @mokopanemokobane4637 2 года назад +1

    Good work Leope. Phone answering Please desist.

  • @philarmpumi21
    @philarmpumi21 2 года назад +3

    very inspirational. appreciated

  • @nkululekomasilonkululeko4426
    @nkululekomasilonkululeko4426 Год назад

    thank you Sbu for this educative channel

  • @realcamagu1364
    @realcamagu1364 2 года назад +2

    Great interview gents, Sizwe you have always been a fav. Keep on going. ♥️🙏

  • @mahlatsimojela592
    @mahlatsimojela592 2 года назад +15

    Dr Mpofu is an academic, it’s quiet difficult for Sbu to understand him on an intellectual level. I feel like we would have got more out of him

    • @mahlatsimojela592
      @mahlatsimojela592 2 года назад

      @maxwell mabuza I doubt you are. You can even write your thoughts properly

  • @rramotshidisi1462
    @rramotshidisi1462 2 года назад +6

    The interview is informative and directive as we learn a lot of things on why the system was build so that who ever comes to power won't fixed it

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
      One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
      and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
      ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
      ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
      You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
      ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
      ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
      wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
      be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
      The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
      All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
      He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
      (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
      higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
      This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
      and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
      But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
      lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
      deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
      The bible says that if you will repent
      (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
      FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
      Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
      who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
      Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
      took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
      have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
      ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
      Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
      Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
      most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
      You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
      beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
      obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
      church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
      know you have been forgiven?
      That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
      An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
      and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
      infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
      decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that **_Jesus_** is your only Hope* .]
      Have a great day!

    • @busanibiyela5878
      @busanibiyela5878 2 года назад +3

      @@carsanovadidrifto800 But like why did He keep quiet when they were creating such strong system against black people?

    • @mzilangwenkosi3533
      @mzilangwenkosi3533 2 года назад +2

      @@carsanovadidrifto800 forget about the Bible cos our own African stories were adjusted to work against us as people of Africa, just so you know the bible was just a forefront weapon to colonize Africans just to be short and on point

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      ​@@mzilangwenkosi3533 Hey Mzilangwe, I hope that you and your loved ones are well. Thank you for engaging and raising some of your concerns with regards to Christianity.
      "forget about the Bible cos our own African stories were adjusted to work against us as people of Africa,"
      - Please expand upon what you meant here,
      -who adjusted our African Stories?
      -which of our African stories are you referring to?
      -how were these stories adjusted?
      -what was the reason behind this adjustment?
      " just so you know the bible was just a forefront weapon to colonize Africans just to be short and on point"
      - I agree with you that power of religion was used, to some degree, to advance the evil agendas of the colonizers.
      -However it does not mean that The Bible was used as "weapon". What I mean is that there is nothing in true Biblical Christianity and in the Bible itself, that would motivate colonization.
      -Please as yourself a very important question: Is there verse the Bible, when read in it's historical context, that would motivate racism or imperialism?
      The truth is that You, me and every other human being, have sinned (and are continually sinning daily) against the one and only God who created the heavens and earth and all that is in them. Our sins can include: Not loving God with all that you are and have, speaking to the dead or interacting with spirits(ie. mediums, African Spiritaulity or Confucianism, physics, etc), sexual immorality ( having strong sexual desire for someone who isn't your spouse, having sex before marriage, homosexual sex, beastiality, rape), theft, murder, not acknowledging the humanity of others, swearing, gossiping and lying. Verses: Romans 1:30, 1 Kings 8:46, "Psalms 5:5, Ecclesiastes 7:20, "Ezekiel 18:4, Romans 3:10, "James 2:10, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Revelation 22:15, ULevitikusi 20:6, ULevitikusi 20:6,27, ULevitikusi 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:1,10-12,14, Deuteronomy 18:20
      God will definitely punish us for our sins as He is described as a "Fire" in Hebrews 12:29, and that He is a Judge that loves justice.
      But... * “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” * ~ John 3:16
      *Jesus* is The Son of God, who came to Earth to live a perfect life, *Jesus* did everything that God wanted Him to do, and even though you have sinned against a Good God, He loved you enough to punish His innocent Son for your sins. ON the cross God poured out all His hatred and wrath for your evils sins on *Jesus Christ*, and He died. But He rose to life 3 days later after his burial, and now He rules heaven and earth.
      Turn from your sins and believe in *Jesus* , that He took the punishment for your sins, and that now lives as Lord, then you will be acceptable to God as His Child.
      What is God promising you now, if you repent and believe in Jesus?
      *Jesus* said:
      John 6:37
      All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.
      JOhn 11:26
      Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”
      John 6:47
      Truly, truly, I tell you, he who believes has eternal life.
      John 6:50
      This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die.
      John 6:51
      I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And this bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is My flesh."
      John 6:58
      This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your fathers, who ate the manna and died, the one who eats this bread will live forever."
      John 8:51
      Truly, truly, I tell you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death
      Mzilangwe, *Jesus* is your one and only hope. *He* is all that you can ever want, have, and need.
      Without *Him* you have nothing.
      Turn to *Him* because, most importantly, *He* Loves you.

  • @sibonisobuda6941
    @sibonisobuda6941 2 года назад

    Wow this guy Dr.sizwe mpofu is chilled and knowledgeable we need leaders like this to transform this country.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      "we" who?...looks like Afriforum only!--APARTHEID was GREAT! its a great thing its BACK!--problem was & still is, from private quarters & White hustler-handler/funders anyway, STATE brutality & violence and looting of black resources to force hybridity that is for white benefit, not apartheid!

  • @kgoroshimampuru5475
    @kgoroshimampuru5475 2 года назад +8

    By the way, congratulations to Dr Mpofu-Walsh on his new career into academia

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
      One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
      and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
      ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
      ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
      You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
      ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
      ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
      wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
      be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
      The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
      All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
      He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
      (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
      higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
      This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
      and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
      But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
      lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
      deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
      The bible says that if you will repent
      (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
      FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
      Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
      who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
      Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
      took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
      have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
      ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
      Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
      Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
      most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
      You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
      beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
      obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
      church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
      know you have been forgiven?
      That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
      An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
      and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
      infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
      decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that **_Jesus_** is your only Hope* .]
      Have a great day!

  • @charlesmokwena8206
    @charlesmokwena8206 2 года назад +1


  • @bonganinyanale6816
    @bonganinyanale6816 Год назад

    Thank you very informative and inspiring. This also teaches us not to judge other people’s life based on our observation, “ucheese, he had it easy.”
    Maybe to close the year you can call different hustlers who you have invited this year and have a grand show. Maybe it is logistically impossible due to time, but it will be intriguing to have all guest at once, with all their different perspectives and knowledge.
    Once again thank you

  • @Nnawe-
    @Nnawe- Год назад

    Here for THE Dr sizwe

  • @Hakshdksbs
    @Hakshdksbs 10 месяцев назад

    He is so handsome and so intelligent. I have a high crush on him

  • @mthandenimthimkhulu6136
    @mthandenimthimkhulu6136 2 года назад

    DJ SBU your Podcast is out of these world it's keeps on growing on a maximum number it's interesting educational inspirational as well Grootman DJ SBU could you please give us an opportunity to asked questions to your geust invited to your Podcast if you don't mind But anyway thanks for bringing our Black Excellent like Dr Sizwe Mpofu Walsh SISI Mandisa Masheko keep on doing the great work Mai living legend DJ SBU I'm so humble by your creativity you are such an inspirational to everyone of us you deserve to get your flowers while you are alive

  • @sikelelamanyakanyaka4127
    @sikelelamanyakanyaka4127 2 года назад

    Great show Sbu and Sizwe. I am interested in the book now and it's mostly based on this introspection you guys have undergone on the show. I find it is also interested that umjita, his name is Sizwe, a nation, a constellation of many elements. It s also interesting how the theme of his name is actually the central thesis of his book. He brings together the apartheid and south African flag which make up the rainbow nation which in effect means the title of his book, 'Apartheid did not die'. Ujamaa

  • @sabelotshabangu1048
    @sabelotshabangu1048 2 года назад +18

    great interview but Sbu you're not professional, you could've called back both those people, respect your Audience and your guest man.

    • @talundizkatyhopho4813
      @talundizkatyhopho4813 2 года назад +1

      That disturbed me. I mean imagine if it was done by a guest to him during a session

    • @tefomoseli2723
      @tefomoseli2723 2 года назад

      This interview is about a unique individual and most importantly about the contribution Sizwe is making to this country.

    • @ngomusoqwabe4684
      @ngomusoqwabe4684 2 года назад

      This is a podcast not a court case relax

  • @ndileka_m
    @ndileka_m 2 года назад

    What an informative interview. So many good nuggets to learn from. I assumed you grew up rich, you faced so many challenges as a mixed child, you living ezilalini for a year, being called umlungu, you were declined for scholarship, and and and 🙌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

  • @EmakhosiniSiyakhuleka
    @EmakhosiniSiyakhuleka Год назад


  • @tumelomadumo597
    @tumelomadumo597 2 года назад +3

    😭😭😭😭Im getting this book.

  • @rendanisiaga3621
    @rendanisiaga3621 2 года назад

    A panel conversation with Dr Mpofu-Walsh, Mandisa Mashego and Nhlanhla Lux would be nice.

  • @ofentsemaluleka5836
    @ofentsemaluleka5836 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for this interview, we are learning a lot from you Sbu, and him also on his channel.

  • @phumzilenala4670
    @phumzilenala4670 2 года назад +1

    Wowwwwwww ! This was amazing guys

  • @akanibaone7082
    @akanibaone7082 2 года назад

    so happy Dr is here.

  • @Innocent5722
    @Innocent5722 2 года назад +1

    New hustler on the block.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      should ask, "hustling" for who?...question is, but what is apartheid? Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @raphaelmokhele7997
    @raphaelmokhele7997 2 года назад +1

    I have a massive intellectual crush on the Dr.

  • @sdcreatives7947
    @sdcreatives7947 2 года назад +7

    I do not like lento of answering calls while on a session

  • @talundizkatyhopho4813
    @talundizkatyhopho4813 2 года назад +41

    This thing of picking up calls during an interview is just uncalled for and unacceptable. Very cringeworthy stuff... Nha that did not sit well with me as a subriber. Very unprofessional. There is absolutely no excuse... Imagine picking up a call on Live TV/Radio while the guest is in the middle of his/her address. I don't see such a thing happening in those media streams.
    That to me actually spoiled a very fruitful conversation.
    I wish Sbu can watch this and see for himself.
    I can bet you now that Sizwes phone was either off or on silent the entire time although he has also has people he is personally close to.
    The good thing is.. The DR laughed it off.

    • @CT-pb3cq
      @CT-pb3cq 2 года назад

      @Steward Musumhi Hey buddy, in as much as I agree with the unprofessional part, but that’s not fair at all, especially for mentioning metro saga.
      Why do feel the need to destroy another black brother emotionally

  • @musamkhize8146
    @musamkhize8146 2 года назад +2

    Such an informative interview 🙏

  • @sakhumzipoto8182
    @sakhumzipoto8182 2 года назад

    Loved this interview, big fan of Sizwe.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but what is apartheid? Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @simonmahlangu923
    @simonmahlangu923 2 года назад

    Shit is scary! I have to get this book, in fact all of his books.

  • @keamo-Tiamo
    @keamo-Tiamo 2 года назад +2

    An interview with vise versa from entity

  • @erealmetrix1097
    @erealmetrix1097 2 года назад +2

    Life changing interview 🤜🤛

  • @giftmanana1815
    @giftmanana1815 2 года назад +2

    Our former UCT SRC President :)

  • @kagishokgwedi4187
    @kagishokgwedi4187 2 года назад

    I think this channel has a wrong name because not just hustlers but even established people need this content.

  • @siphomasilela8569
    @siphomasilela8569 2 года назад +1

    This is a beautiful and informative interview, and the calls made it even more beautiful... God bless.

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the Bible, the
      One True God made You and I to worship him, obey Him, and enjoy Him forever. But You
      and I break His laws daily. You, like me, are not good at all in the eyes of God.
      ‘There is no one good, no not even one. (Romans3:10)
      ‘For all have sinned and fall short of The Glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)
      You have always done wrong in the eyes of God, this is a problem because Psalm 5:5 reads:
      ‘...You [GOD] hate all who do wrong.’
      ‘But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
      wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will
      be revealed.’ Rom 5:5
      The person who sins is the one who will die. Ezekiel 18:20
      All these things and more are counted against us. God is the just judge of the world and one
      He will settle the score for all the wrongs we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous
      (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and infinitely
      higher than us. Being a Good and Just Judge, God will punish You for all Your sin or wrongdoing in the world.
      This means that if You sin ONCE, God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good
      and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. So how can God forgive you and me of all our sins?
      But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and
      lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we
      deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.
      The bible says that if you will repent
      (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross OUT OF HIS LOVE
      FOR YOU-(He took the wrath of God against you for your evil deeds and thoughts).
      Then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all
      who have believed in The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      This is the true Gospel of Jesus:
      Jesus died( Bore the punishment for your evil sins and heart, so that you can be forgiven. He
      took your special spot in Hell) and on the third day, He rose from the grave(So that you can
      have true life and His spot next to The Real God.).
      ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
      Jesus.’ Rom3:24; ‘Because I Live You also shall Live’ Jhn14:19
      Get right with God today, don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgment. It's the
      most important thing you can do. If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross for
      You then you will be born again. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the
      beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like
      obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying, and going to
      church, you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you
      know you have been forgiven?
      That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this, and most importantly please take at least 5 minutes a day to read the Bible. Start in 'Matthew'.
      An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping
      and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is
      infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You
      decide. [ *Truth is independent of human conviction, meaning that what you believe does not change the fact that **_Jesus_** is your only Hope* .]
      Have a great day!

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      Sipho Masilela
      Hey, I hope that and your loved ones are well.
      Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and for your response. I see that you have two main concerns, and I would like to address them to the best of my ability. I will be doing so piece by piece , please
      1. ) There are many versions of the Bible, so how would one determine which Bible version is true? (And which one do I use? I use ESV for this year. Next year I will use the CSB)
      -Response: So the Bible is a historical and spiritual book ( really more of a document) that is made up of books and letters that were written, with the help and inspiration from God, by witnesses who were either there at the time of the events described or they gathered eyewitness accounts of those events from people who were directly or indirectly involved or just bystanders.
      These books were written in the languages of their authors at that time, Old Testament Hebrew, Aramaic, and New Testament Greek.
      We have copies of these books and letters (but there are a few verses that are debatable among scholars ) in the form of manuscripts/codices.
      Now universities, seminaries, and organizations have these manuscripts and translate them into modern languages, and hence the many different Bible versions. The variation of the different versions across different languages is not significant, in that the translation does not change the intended meaning of the text. For Example:
      Psalms 5:5-6: "Abazidlayo abayikuma phambi kwamehlo akho; uyabazonda bonke abenza okubi.
      6-Uyabhubhisa abakhuluma amanga;
      uJehova uyamenyanya umuntu wegazi nowenkohliso."
      Psalms 5:5-6: "The boastful shall not stand before your eyes;
      you hate all who do wrong.
      6 You destroy those who speak lies;
      the LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man."
      Eziekel 18:20 : "
      Motho ya etsang sebe ke yena ya tla shwa. Mora a ke ke a jariswa bokgopo ba ntatae, le ntatae a ke ke a jariswa bokgopo ba mora wa hae. Ho loka ha ya lokileng e tla ba ha hae, bokgopo ba ya kgopo le bona e be ba hae.
      "Ezekiel 18:20
      The soul of the one who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself
      The meaning of these verses, taken from different versions of the Bible, is not changed at all.
      This is why one can change Bible versions yearly.

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      2.) " Secondly, there are many Gods, and they are all true Gods. Read genesis chapter 3 and understand that each God created man in his own image. We don't know how many they were when they created men. So, there is no one true God, there are Gods!!! Which one are you serving? "
      "there are many Gods, and they are all true Gods"
      Response: There can be one true God because gods that differ fundamentally can not co-exist. I do agree with you that people, as God has given us free will, should be able to choose which god they want to follow. However, that does not mean that any god you so wish to follow, is real. You can make up a god if you want, but you will only be worshiping and following a figment of your imagination.
      Now then who, or what is the true God?
      The God of The Bible-who is the same God of the Torah-is The One and Only True God.
      Exodus 3:15
      God also told Moses, "Say to the Israelites, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob--has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.
      Exodus 20:3
      You shall have no other gods before Me.
      Deuteronomy 28:58
      If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law which are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name--the LORD your God--
      The Real question is, are you going to repent from your sins and put your faith into your ONLY Hope, Jesus Christ?
      "Read genesis chapter 3 and understand that each God created man in his own image. We don't know how many they were when they created men. So, there is no one true God, there are Gods!!! Which one are you serving? "
      Response: You mean Genesis 1:26- "26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
      This verse introduces one of the most important truths about The One and Only True God:
      That God is Triune.
      This truth or doctrine is referred to as the trinitarian view of God.
      Christians who actually believe in the Bible and do what is instructed in it, also believe that in the Bible God is described as three distinct persons with the same being:
      God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit.
      For example
      The Persons who are equally God, meaning that God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit are equal in Essence, Power, Knowledge, Love and all aspects; and therefore when we were made, we were made to reflect (one of the qualities) the Triune aspect of God. Hence the "in our image". Likewise, You, me as well as the billions of people in the world are completely different persons, each with our own consciences. But we all share the same being, we are all Human beings. We are all equal in essence and value.
      The explanation is I could find is from cru.org: www.cru.org/us/en/train-and-grow/spiritual-growth/core-christian-beliefs/understanding-the-trinity.html and ruclips.net/video/uA23-bUOdTI/видео.html
      "The Bible speaks of the Father as God (Phil. 1:2), Jesus as God (Titus 2:13), and the Holy Spirit as God (Acts 5:3-4). Are these just three different ways of looking at God, or simply ways of referring to three different roles that God plays?
      The answer must be no, because the Bible also indicates that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons. For example, since the Father sent the Son into the world (John 3:16), He cannot be the same person as the Son. Likewise, after the Son returned to the Father (John 16:10), the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit into the world (John 14:26; Acts 2:33). Therefore, the Holy Spirit must be distinct from the Father and the Son.
      In the baptism of Jesus, we see the Father speaking from heaven and the Spirit descending from heaven in the form of a dove as Jesus comes out of the water (Mark 1:10-11). In John 1:1 it is affirmed that Jesus is God and, at the same time, that He was “with God”- thereby indicating that Jesus is a distinct Person from God the Father (cf. also 1:18). And in John 16:13-15 we see that although there is a close unity between them all, the Holy Spirit is also distinct from the Father and the Son.
      The fact that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons means, in other words, that the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. Jesus is God, but He is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God, but He is not the Son or the Father. They are different Persons, not three different ways of looking at God."
      So then we assume that in Genesis 1:26 God The Father is peaking to God The Son and to God The Holy Spirit, hence the 'We' in the verse is referring to God The Son, God The Holy Spirit, and God The Father included. This is talking about not many gods.
      3.) " And as for Jesus, the one who speaks to the dead and does magic, read Mathew chapters 17…”
      Jesus never speaks to the dead. Nowhere in the Bible does He have a conversation with a dead person. He has only commanded the dead to live.
      He was not a magician. He only performed miracles. What is the difference between magic and miracles?
      They differ in the source of power and intention. Magic is done with the demonic power, with the intention to entertain and for selfish gain.
      Miracles are done with power from God, with the intention to heal, restore, and give life(but not in our time).
      What about “Matthew chapters 17…”?

    • @carsanovadidrifto800
      @carsanovadidrifto800 2 года назад

      4.) “The Bible is a wild book. Everyone is there, both good and bad and the God in the Bible is not one God!!! It is many God's.”
      Response: I already discussed the fact that there is only one God(nature and essence), which is shared by three distinct individuals, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
      5.) “Now here is the thing my brother, I am writing my own scripture through my life... And the God that I save does not need to be marketed like the so called "God of the Bible" that you serve…”
      As stated earlier, there is only one real God is the “God of Bible” who created the Universe, Heaven, Hell, and who also created the living and non-living things, and most importantly He created You, me, and every other human being. So if “the God” that you serve is the true God (The God of the Bible), He wants you to serve Him firstly by doing what He has commanded you to do: to turn from your sins and to believe in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ so that you can be forgiven of all your sins, to become perfect in God’s eyes, and enter into Heaven.

      To tell people the truth is not marketing, especially because it is done out of love, respectfulness, and gentleness. God loves You and everyone else. The call is to come,
      Matthew11:28-30 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
      1 John 3:23 - “And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and we should love one another just as He commanded us.”
      6.) “ You don't even know which God in the Bible is the one you serve... So don't come here and tell me stuff that you don't understand, you're in a cult under the Christian banner and you go ariund recruiting people to join... STOP IT.”
      “You don't even know which God in the Bible is the one you serve..”
      “So don't come here and tell me stuff that you don't understand, you're in a cult under the Christian banner and you go ariund recruiting people to join... STOP IT.”
      7.) “ If your God was true, you would realise that it is not your assignment to worry about other people. People are left to God.”
      “ If your God was true,”
      Dealt with this earlier, but nonetheless, He is the only true God.
      “you would realise that it is not your assignment to worry about other people. People are left to God.”
      -Actually it is. Ever since i became a Christian by the grace of only true God, I actually started to love, to treat with dignity, to appreciate and care for people.
      Mark 12:29-30 “Jesus replied, “This is the most important: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
      ” You must focus on making your life better and making this earth a better place to live in... Make your earthly Contributions, take care of your famy and leave heavenly things for the day you die.”
      “leave heavenly things for the day you die.”
      -Actually, Christians are expected to live their lives in a which would make them rich in heaven.
      Matthew 6:19-20 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
      8.) “ "God" is not a control freak, he doesn't go around controlling people. He gave us free will right? Which ever one it is who created us, and thus, we are 100% responsible for our own lives and decisions. People need to stop blaming God for the own doing and giving Gods the responsibility to control their lives so they can blame them when things go wrong! We are hear on earth, let's focus please. Amen.”
      “ "God" is not a control freak, he doesn't go around controlling people. He gave us free will right?”
      -Yes, He gave us free will. He gave you free will to choose to live in a life of complete obedience to Him, or not. You have a right to choose God or to reject Him. Choosing Him means that you will have to trust in the fact that Jesus died for you so that you can be forgiven (but rose to life 3 days later, He is now King over Heaven and Earth), and that you will submit to God’s commandments in the Bible.
      “Which ever one it is who created us, and thus, we are 100% responsible for our own lives and decisions. People need to stop blaming God for the own doing and giving Gods the responsibility to control their lives so they can blame them when things go wrong!”
      “Which ever one it is who created us,”
      - Dealt with earlier.
      “People need to stop blaming God for the own doing and giving Gods the responsibility to control their lives so they can blame them when things go wrong!”
      - I agree. People should realize that to follow the true God (the God of the Bible) means to also live in the true way, Matthew chapters 5-7 is a basis for the true way of life that God wants us all to live.
      9.) “We are hear on earth, let's focus please. Amen.”
      To end things on a lighter note, thank you for your time.
      To conclude: Turn to Jesus, He is your only hope.

  • @Zuks_Collection
    @Zuks_Collection 2 года назад

    Best Podcast ever

  • @thatheforest5806
    @thatheforest5806 2 года назад

    I'm buying his book👌👌

  • @uoucapital
    @uoucapital 2 года назад +2

    Sizwe Reminds me of the Spook Who sat by the Door

  • @Basehoptv
    @Basehoptv 2 года назад +2

    the amount of knowledge in this

  • @manny8042
    @manny8042 2 года назад +2

    Big Shout outs to Sizwe, phenominal mind and Dj Sbu too!

  • @thamsanqasibaya4819
    @thamsanqasibaya4819 2 года назад +2

    Ngicela uBhut' uSbu ayivale i-fow'ni during interviews. Siyacela Bhuti

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but the Qs was/is what is apartheid? True Racial Justice for BLACKNESS, dismantled by Violent STATE(anti-black survival) Brutality, thats what...Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @linkking7366
    @linkking7366 2 года назад

    You must interview the Dr with Panuel

  • @melusimnisi
    @melusimnisi 2 года назад


  • @TankieBoleke
    @TankieBoleke 2 года назад +1

    Dj Sbu, where can I get the hardcopy?

  • @andilencapai295
    @andilencapai295 2 года назад

    When looking at the economy one of thee most tragic of situations is the lack of financial literacy in high school,entrepreneurship,investment management,taxation and commercial law,should have been compulsory subjects in high-school as of 1994 and not Shakespeare,how do you expect people to participate in an economy that they do not understand,hence a high unemployment as well as a dismal state of inequality...

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      but the subcersive racism is what Shakespeare is about especially in his book TEMPEST(the genetic war that State brutality propped!) Its how STATE violence and BRUTALITY used police and state brutality to ensure desegregation and white genetic survival happens at the expense of blackness..for a start here is someone who gets it "the Dutch did not stop there through their young ones they created Afriforum"---someone who gets this white shenanigan to make sure that no one steps into their toes and Afriforum is delivering! and the Dutch is the Jewish-Arab by the way!(Genesis 36-Dukes of Edom is the Dutchy of Europe; Isaiah 63; Obaddiah=same power that was involved in the german thing...helped by like-looking race)...so the Qs should be, but the Qs was/is what is apartheid? True Racial Justice for BLACKNESS, dismantled by Violent STATE(anti-black survival) Brutality, thats what...Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @ephraimthomas2391
    @ephraimthomas2391 2 года назад +2

    Sbu looks nervous in this one

  • @thebusiness8501
    @thebusiness8501 2 года назад +1

    Very interesting I'm from POLOKWANE and I'd love to buy this book where can I purchase it?

  • @manezaf8
    @manezaf8 2 года назад +1

    Sbu bra yam you don't have to look at the camera at all.... Look at your guest it's okay!!

  • @tiisetsomalunga2457
    @tiisetsomalunga2457 2 года назад +5

    How can you talk about a book without reading it? That's just laziness and patronizing. You could have asked insightful questions.
    How disappointing.

  • @nozukogacula5448
    @nozukogacula5448 2 года назад

    Please invite Dr Sizwe, Mandisa Masheo, NlanlaLux, Andile Ngxita, Celeste Ntuli, Pro Bonang Mohale in a joint interview please 🙏

    • @andilemtimkulu1458
      @andilemtimkulu1458 2 года назад

      Kindly check some of the previous videos , some of the people you have mentioned have already been to the podcast.

    • @uLazaru_icelibrity
      @uLazaru_icelibrity Год назад

      I second u chief on that point

  • @clintonantoni7559
    @clintonantoni7559 2 года назад +1


  • @mvubu6823
    @mvubu6823 2 года назад +2

    The only Mpofu with a brain. He must get it from his mother.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      so "true"!...poor black lawyer father's head must be only porridge-SHAME!-more white brains to the bleks neh!

  • @tinker2054
    @tinker2054 2 года назад +5

    Stop answering calls when you have a guest. You tryna show that u busy or Eng? Be professional chief umdala.

  • @sorrinobodi6093
    @sorrinobodi6093 2 года назад


    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      Artist Brocos was right then...

  • @Avisolu
    @Avisolu 2 года назад

    fix your sound Sbu eq it a Lil bit? or higher me brazo I got fl studio skills you could use

  • @thabangtv6170
    @thabangtv6170 2 года назад +1

    I always wish that interviews whereby the interviewer is going to talk to an author, they should at the very least read the book. Not peruse through it throughout the interview. It gives a sense of ill-preparedness. I feel like the interview could have been better .

  • @zenaviv
    @zenaviv 4 месяца назад

    @14:08 EsiNgamleni😂😂😂

  • @jordan_crypt
    @jordan_crypt 2 года назад +1

    Hi Hustlers
    ! I am the Bybit Ambassador for South Africa. How do I get in touch with you about a possible marketing opportunity?

  • @alfredngwenya8557
    @alfredngwenya8557 2 года назад +13

    This thing of answering phone calls during the interview is sooooooo unprofessional, i cringed the entire time watching it. This is not a good look my man

    • @manapemokobodi2148
      @manapemokobodi2148 2 года назад

      It's a podcast thing

    • @alfredngwenya8557
      @alfredngwenya8557 2 года назад +3

      @@manapemokobodi2148 that's not true, i've never watched another podcast where the host would take a call during the interview unless it was part of the content

    • @manapemokobodi2148
      @manapemokobodi2148 2 года назад

      I have seen MacG answering a call, they no longer do it though

  • @uoucapital
    @uoucapital 2 года назад +3

    Dangerous Conversations

    • @zamileakazakes1840
      @zamileakazakes1840 2 года назад

      I live in a rural area so it's hard to access or buy books out here, is the book New apartheid have an audiobook??

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      interesting....for whom?

  • @zamileakazakes1840
    @zamileakazakes1840 2 года назад +1

    Does a New apartheid have an audiobook?

  • @keabetswemokwena7498
    @keabetswemokwena7498 Год назад

    I feel like an idiot for not figuring out that he is Dali Mpofu's son

  • @thorisomotiang5397
    @thorisomotiang5397 2 года назад

    What was the overall objective of the apartheid government?🤔

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      simple to use police and state brutality to ensure desegregation and white genetic survival happens at the expense of blackness..for a start here is someone who gets it "the Dutch did not stop there through their young ones they created Afriforum"---someone who gets this white shenanigan to make sure that no one steps into their toes and Afriforum is delivering! and the Dutch is the Jewish-Arab by the way!(Genesis 36-Dukes of Edom is the Dutchy of Europe; Isaiah 63; Obaddiah=same power that was involved in the german thing...helped by like-looking race)...so the Qs should be, but the Qs was/is what is apartheid? True Racial Justice for BLACKNESS, dismantled by Violent STATE(anti-black survival) Brutality, thats what...Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @obi5025
    @obi5025 2 года назад

    Sbu s interview skills lack . He could have done better.i like sizwe s mind set.

  • @thembanimgenu190
    @thembanimgenu190 2 года назад

    Imagine the apartheid State maintaining de Kok who murdered black people in their hundreds if not thousands, and after all that the supposedly antithesis of the apartheid State maintains the same Eugene de Kok whatever the excuse being given may be, it is the same de Kok, this book couldn't have come at a better time than this.
    The statement of apartheid cronies "let's celebrate" reminds me of a clip that went around in a few years back Ramaphosa saying he watched Meyer dancing and Ramaphosa thought to himself "he wouldn't be dancing after they given up so much" 😄
    If you look closely now it is clear why Roelf Meyer was dancing and celebrating, the Dutch did not stop there through their young ones they created Afriforum to make sure that no one steps into their toes and Afriforum is delivering. And black people where are we, looking up to the failing State.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      WOW! "the Dutch did not stop there through their young ones they created Afriforum"---someone who gets this white shenanigan to make sure that no one steps into their toes and Afriforum is delivering! and the Dutch is the Jewish-Arab by the way!(Genesis 36-Dukes of Edom is the Dutchy of Europe; Isaiah 63; Obaddiah=same power that was involved in the german thing...helped by like-looking race)...so the Qs should be, but the Qs was/is what is apartheid? True Racial Justice for BLACKNESS, dismantled by Violent STATE(anti-black survival) Brutality, thats what...Apartheid is a GENETIC WAR, in which BLACKNESS is the OASIS that the WHITES(the Recessive gene pool "aa"=Indo-European(Aa/a-; aa/a-), Arab-occident(a-/a-), Asian(aa/aa) & Jews/Afrikaaners(Aa/aa), the dominant genepool= bantu (AA), and African(-mixed darkskin with Indo-Arab-Asian=is Aa/Aa-recessive gene carriers)contend for, and feel they have A RIGHT to DRINK from this "common waterhole", or as one musician put it, from the "common oasis"-and as one White woman in the "Israel repents for racism" said, that it is not the White peoples place to defend the THE SURVIVAL OF THE BLACK GENE POOL, because WHITENESS can go extinct alone,m as blackness doesnt need Whiteness, but it will go extinct and carry BLACKNESS WITH IT! BUT, blackness will only go EXTINCT if they inter-marry and genetically mingle with the WHITENESS, but if alone, blackness will NEVER GO EXTINCT...
      APARTHEID was a GOOD THING that was for the PRESERVATION of the BLACK GENEPOOL by separating from the WHITE GENE POOL. What was SO WRONG and PSYCHOTIC was the STATE VIOLENCE that was meted out on the BLACK RACE because if BLACKNESS STAY SEPARATE, then WHITENESS would go extinct quicker, and so BLACK SEPARATION was seen as a strategy for DRIVING WHITENESS TO EXTINCTION, consequently they were SUBJECTED to the utmost violence in order to drive them to CALL FOR DESEGREGATION which would make them available to WHITENESS through inter-racialism, which would DRIVE BLACKNESS TO EXTINCTION!...STATE VIOLENCE was used as A STRATEGY to DRIVE BLACK people themselves to call for DESEGREGATION, which would effectively drive BLACKNESS to EXTINCTION. So RACISM is basically a GENETIC WAR against the SURVIVAL of the BLACK GENE POOL-!...
      every so-called "activist" for "desegregation, abolition of slavey,anti-racism, anti-colonialism(since the black group areas were in this sense regarded as -"communes" where WHITENESS cannot reach and destroy the BLACK gene pool which is a TARGET of WHITE SUPREMACY by GENETIC ANNIHILATION),""social justice" is calling for the WHITE GENEPOOL sruvival against the BLACK GENE POOL survival. The DARKSKIN BLACK WOMAN is at the HEART of the RACIAL "justice" Question for Whites, because she is the ONLY woman who can give birth to the strong DOMINANT "AA/AA" genepool of the Black male, but therefore also the ONLY one who can contribute the stronger "Aa" genepool of the other races if she is co-opted in what the artist Brocos calls according to Genesis 10-Table of Nations-"Hams-Redemption" in which the BLACK WOMAN altruistically SACRIFICES herself for the SURVIVAL of the "aa" genepool of WHITE women as "Aa/Aa" However the BLACK WOMAN who has children with the WHITES, inevitably goes EXTINCT and BECOMES A FOSSIL-(DINOSAUR) RECORD IN THE WHITE CLOSET, never to be recovered as "AA" ever again.
      When the mixed "black" woman marries back whether int he Black or White genepool, she can only ever return the WHITE "aa" gene pool of albinism (Indo-European), and ginger/dwarfism(occident jews-middle east, south and east european, asiatic, & Arab-) in the black genepool and thereby becoming even more destructive because the "aa" is camouflaged by "blackness"!As for the "black" mixed race son of a white mother, he will inevitably end up also with an albino-ginger girl child as Whiteness defies to give birth to anything but whiteness, while this mixed race "black" son will eventually also return "aa" because part of his gene pool is the male "x" that is compromised by the white mother's's "aa" The RAINBOW NATION is a white survival strategy and the EXTINCTION of the BLACK GENE POOL!-why genetics, even just 101, is NEVER taught in BLACK SCHOOLS, yet it is taught to Whites of all races right from kindergarten and thats why they cross the racial boundary so easily because they understand clearly from childhood that it is the only way for their survival, at the blacks expense, and so BLACKS must never discover why black dominant genepool despite being dominant is still a minority in the whole world(out of over 8billion the "AA" genepool i a paltry 500million or less as one third of this is getting compromised fast!-as "African"- "AA/Aa"), and how they are being driven to extinction-Bantus need to ask themselves the pertinent question why there is an exponential rise in albinism-ginger and dwarfism as inadvertently chronicled in the youtube channel "AfrimaxEnglish: Born different" All those videos are a so-called "social justice" campaign agenda, but they show how whiteness(neanderthal and denisovan) in all the other races has negatively impacted the "AA" race in a highly destructive manner...will blacks continue this hybridity self-extinction narrative or will they too want to survive and quit seld-annihilation? Only Black can STOP the hybridity narrative, nobody else...and its word of mouth in the most ignorant, rural and urban areas that need this education as thats where they are being turned into poor-black turned rich-white treva's who then become the ambassadors of self-annihilation!lol-Africa when will it ever learn?!

  • @lyndonadams8060
    @lyndonadams8060 2 года назад +2

    I can't stand Sbu yirrrr

  • @luckymtshweni5366
    @luckymtshweni5366 2 года назад +2

    The boy speaks well but his ideas are fallacious.He should not be taken seriously.

    • @billypuff6709
      @billypuff6709 2 года назад

      Fallacious is like lucky mtshweni, only you not me.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      double agent?...