👨🔬 (Scientology-Network-No-Not-Work) - But If Au (Gold) Is the Most Conductive element in terms of electricity, Then How could Hg (Mercury) could be evaluated. As far as is known, it's a metal mineral that reacts to temperature and pressure. And has performed for centuries in all kinds of industries mainly the medical area; except in the electric field. In a straight line or cable Au had been proven to be the most conducive Metal but maybe in an interrupted test (On/Off) Mercury could be faster because it´s a liquid. (Theory 79/80) But why the current price of money in the economy is always related to gold and not so much to other minerals. All Federal Reserves are based on the acquaintance of mainly just one mineral. (Fact). What's the market price of Hg?
Yo ya pensaba que era raro 2 videos de mercurio
Excelente trabajo
Me encanta este video me a ayudado mucho para una tarea 😅😅
Gracias por subir los elementos de la tabla periodica 😁
Y si uno lo manipula con las manos? Por ejemplo en el caso de que se rompa el termómetro; o esa vía de exposición no afecta tanto?
El mercurio es mi elemento químico favorito
Te copas uno explicando C carbono se encuentran en todos lados incluso en lo q exaltamos dióxido de carbono xfa me encanta tu canal
Dale 👍
Resubido? Dejavu?
Wooow ❤
BDC ME SALVASTE, ahora puedo terminar una tarea importante
siento que ya vi este video ¬¬
yo quiero saber el origen del mercurio.... como se forma o se crea en el planeta o en el universo?
Cual es su fórmula
No manchen, yo tengo amalgamas con mercurio 😳😳
Si es mercurio puro, tienes que quitártelas de inmediato
La música de
Fondo no deja oor bien 😢
Yo jugaba con mercurio cuando chico haciendo experimentos y no me pasó nada
wtf creo que ya lo vi :o
primer comentario
👨🔬 (Scientology-Network-No-Not-Work) - But If Au (Gold) Is the Most Conductive element in terms of electricity, Then How could Hg (Mercury) could be evaluated. As far as is known, it's a metal mineral that reacts to temperature and pressure. And has performed for centuries in all kinds of industries mainly the medical area; except in the electric field. In a straight line or cable Au had been proven to be the most conducive Metal but maybe in an interrupted test (On/Off) Mercury could be faster because it´s a liquid. (Theory 79/80) But why the current price of money in the economy is always related to gold and not so much to other minerals. All Federal Reserves are based on the acquaintance of mainly just one mineral. (Fact). What's the market price of Hg?
No esto está muy corto