Asbury University Revival: Things To Consider | Ep 755

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 819

  • @ciarajohannessen204
    @ciarajohannessen204 Год назад +113

    I do have a testimony from this place. I am currently in Virginia. My husband is in Kentucky because he got a job there. We are in the process of moving. Well for Valentine’s Day I asked my husband to go to the revival for us since I couldn’t go. And he did which is incredible because he is more shy than I am. He said he was blown away by the number of people and the humble spirit there. They had a time of testimony and MY husband went up to share, which is a miracle in itself. He ended up sharing with the body about our private struggle, our miscarriage. He has been alone out there with this and has been having a hard time grieving. He said when he shared it with the Church. He was met with such love. Apparently the whole church stood up and stretched out their hands to pray for us during this hard time. Matt was moved to tears and blown away. He called me and told me and I was so blessed by it. It was a true gift to know of so many believers to pray for us. Wow so amazing. So glad my husband went, he said he enjoyed the worship there. He said it was very authentic! ❤️

    • @bridgetjohnson2012
      @bridgetjohnson2012 Год назад +3

      You know the minute you two are together again you will be pregnant. Congratulations

    • @tedley8
      @tedley8 Год назад

      the Spirit gives birth to spirit Jn3:6

    • @VLynnie
      @VLynnie Год назад +4

      What a lovely testimony. Praying the Lord comfort both of you and wrap His loving arms around you.

    • @xhaltsalute
      @xhaltsalute Год назад +1

      How wonderful!

    • @justinewhite-hadley3138
      @justinewhite-hadley3138 Год назад +3

      WOW. Beautiful!! Bless you both. May you create a family better then you ever dreamed of, no matter what that family looks like. Hugs from Napa sweet sister. 🤗

  • @Renewing_Mind
    @Renewing_Mind Год назад +67

    The Criticism of emotional worship is astounding to me. I don't know how you can truly be in the presence of God and not feel emotion. I usually get pretty overwhelmed with it when I come close to God, mainly because I think about how great he is and how much he's done for me. Brings me to tears every time, causes me to dance causes me to shout and causes me to leap for joy. I think that's what happens when you worship a living God!

    • @Robert-ie8eb
      @Robert-ie8eb Год назад +12

      Allie is a Calvinist. Their theology tends to be very uncomfortable with emotions.

    • @triniluv1685
      @triniluv1685 Год назад +8

      That's the same thing I said. I be in tears when I remember where He brought me from to think that He has held my hand all this time. He is a good God ain't He. It weird to not show any kind of emotion to your Father who knows you better than anyone or loves you more than anyone ever would.

    • @newinsights5496
      @newinsights5496 Год назад +9

      Seems like all the apologists are very afraid of emotions. Too bad as God says He sings over us with joy, He gets angry, He laughs at the wicked. And we are made in His image! They allow their ‘doctrine’ and own bad experiences to dictate what they think God can and will do.

    • @killerapp201
      @killerapp201 Год назад +9

      I am a reformed believer. I was baptised into a Pentecostal denomination as a new believer. I was emotional. Cried for years begging the Lord for the baptism of His Holy Spirit. As someone who has matured in the Lord some years now, "Calvinists" seem to be matter of fact. Being overcome with emotion in public places feels like a lack of self-control. Let's not divide the Lord's body with our preferences. Maranatha!

    • @isaias9516
      @isaias9516 Год назад +8

      While I don’t disagree with your embrace of emotion, I disagree with the notion that one’s emotions must always appear overwhelmingly positive (not saying this is your position. I’m simply making a point). So for example when the apostle of love, John, was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day and saw the glory of the Lord he fell at his feet as though dead (Rev 1:17). Additionally, in Acts 19:17 we’re told that people were seized with fear while the name of the Lord was extolled. We also know that in response to Peter’s preaching on Pentecost people were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37). The author of Hebrews also warns the saints to worship God acceptably, with reverence and awe, because he is a consuming fire (Heb 12:28-29). True worship after all is done in spirit and truth (John 4:23). Paul also admonished believers saying: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
      With all that being said, and much more could be said, there is a kind of emotional-ism that cares nothing of “truth” or “wisdom” or “teaching” or “admonishing” or “reverence” or “awe” or “acceptable worship” (these are in quotes because their directly from Scripture). Some people equate emotion with worship. While we are to worship sincerely with our spirits or hearts, we are also to be careful to worship thoughtfully, biblically, reverently. So with respect, people like Allie are well aware of the broader issues facing Christians in this country and one of the major issues is a kind of careless, thoughtless, flippant, irreverent worship service that people try and justify because it “feels” right. This is why she expressed concern or cautions. It’s not that she is anti-emotions. It’s that Satan has used hyper emotionalism time and again to deceive many. Heck, many who believe in a false gospel or in false moral standards simply believe it because of their emotions (it feels right to them). They cry, or feel overwhelmed with joy, etc. there are many such testimonies from even well known cults.
      Please know that what I’ve written is not in attempt to bash your comment. Rather, I’m simply defending caution and criticisms that I believe are completely justified in our modern American context.

  • @christiecaudill8539
    @christiecaudill8539 Год назад +330

    I visited the Asbury revival earlier this week. Just so you know who is making this comment… I am 50 years old, pastor of a nondenominational church, raised in a charismatic church, personally feel called to specifically impact millennials and Gen Z.I went there for the same reason that I like to listen to your podcast. I want to see what is going on this generation. I was there for two hours. From the very beginning. I experienced goosebumps and could tell that the Holy Spirit was doing something sweet and special in that place. It’s not a structured flashy program. It is just spontaneous, authentic worship. There was no one preaching or teaching anything during the time I was there. There were people in the altar, quietly praying with others. You could feel that there is a call for repentance and humility. Most of the songs were focused on Jesus. There is no emotionalism. As a charismatic, I can assure you that it is not that type of move. As you pointed out, this is a Methodist background college. You don’t have to worry about that. I am commenting because I am surprised that you were so skeptical. You immediately took the view that there needs to be some caution and that you need to pray that things will get out of hand. My take on this is that the Holy Spirit is there and that he is going to handle this. Yes we can mess up and ruin anything that we touch. But this is a move of God! He has this! He knows what He is doing in the lives and hearts of these young people. I’m so glad they opened this up to the public so that we can see what is happening. While I was there, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to stand in the gap and intercede for this generation. I prayed for protection and what is going on there, but also that God would really birth in them what they need to witness to their peers and change the world by fulfilling the great commission! Of course I want there to be truth but that is something Holy Spirit reveals and it’s not my job. It’s His job. I trust Him to do it. So, I just want to encourage you to trust that he is going to accomplish what he sent out to with this movement. I am sure that there are some people who will do things connected with this that is wrong. That is human nature. But we have to trust that His nature is going to accomplish what he sets out to do. His word says that it will!

    • @ratniebenezer2721
      @ratniebenezer2721 Год назад +42

      I am from India & in 1959-1961 while I was a college student. There was a revival in the town I was in & my family was touched in a mighty way by God followed by “tongues”& miracles. All of us in my family were established in the faith but God did a mighty work in our hearts. That was in my late teens. Now I am 80 & my brothers & sisters, my parents & my godly grandmother rejoiced in God’s mighty work in us. Prayers were answered & all of us have a great love for our Savior & have stayed firm in Him. Only 4 siblings are left & I can tell you there was long term fruit . I wish my children had that touch of God in an atmosphere of the mighty Spirit of God & that will make them love of Jesus.
      All glory to Jesus for the work of God in our family & in our extended families. My mother was one of 16 & my dad one of 7 & we had many cousins. Out of that extended family is one cousin who turned away from Jesus. I am praying for him. God is faithful & He cannot deny Himself.
      2 Tim 2:13
      In this day of woke culture .
      we need a move of God . Our God is a God of miracles ! Do it again Lord! Amen
      Love you Allie!

    • @sjg5994
      @sjg5994 Год назад +6

      I love your comment! I was slightly skeptical but my thought was different. I believe in what is taking place. I saw two separate interviews and could hear the humility of the girls being interviewed. They weren't looking for the sensationalism and one wanted to protect what God was doing. My issue is because so many people are going there because obviously the Spirit of God isn't moving like that in the cities where they are. It saddens me that with all the weekly services, Bible studies, and other "revivals", that many needed to go to Asbury to feel God moving. Sir, ad a Pastor, why is that? One of the girls interviewed said it was a little overwhelming to see so many new people there from everywhere, but it's been managed well and orderly. But her main thing was that she wanted people to know that the same God in Asbury is the same God and Holy Spirit that can be in their hometowns. So my question to you is why is that not happening?😔 Why could you not see what's happening with the younger generation around you? It makes me sad.
      Sir, you still have to go back. Were there not prayers of awakening before in your town? Or are there no millenials? Who together is one and mind and spirit to seek God for them until? The SGA president interviewed said it started with just a small group of them who hung back to STAY in His presence. No one rushed off to eat or hang out. They just sat. I also believe wholeheartedly because there was no centralized speaker for everyone to gaze on. People were free to release. Release hurts, etc....and free to help. It is the community of the true church as seen in the Bible. So I ask again, why with all the weekly sermons for months and years does someone need to go to Asbury to really feel God in that way? Nothing wrong with going at all....but we have to think why did this happen in a chapel service at a university but not a church in local cities? God is amazing!

    • @aejmama4111
      @aejmama4111 Год назадвидео.html

    • @aejmama4111
      @aejmama4111 Год назад +15

      You could "feel" a call to repentance. "Most" of the songs were about Jesus. No preaching or teaching. 🤔
      I heard about external spirit issues being mentioned in testimonies, but not sin from within testimonies. That's concerning. So far it's people that are already Christians. Aren't revivals supposed to change the hearts of non- believers mostly? Where's the local repentance of the town or state changing en mass closing up strip clubs, abortion centers, bars, clubs, prostitution? Appears like a gathering of believers from all around singing songs & praying. That's great! But not a "revival".

    • @pennintonchris05
      @pennintonchris05 Год назад +3

      What was your main reason for going
      Was it to be in the presence of Christ?

  • @Bluegrassprincess
    @Bluegrassprincess Год назад +154

    I live 22 miles away and went Saturday. This is true revival with repentance and confession. The worship is pure and lots of people there hurting. The sermon on Romans 12 he admits that it wasn't his best. THAT is when God can move when we are weak He is strong. I had great experience and I also had a not so great. It's revival where dark meets light and light wins! I didn't think the lady praying for me should have introduces her gift of tongues in prayer. But other than that 1000's are coming from all over the world. Most of my church have close ties to Asbury. This is inter denominational, multi generational. It is beautiful.

    • @jesussavesbro9886
      @jesussavesbro9886 Год назад +13

      Yea don't want people using the gifts of the holy spirit in a church and edifying of the body of Christ, that's dangerous.

    • @RepentfollowJesus
      @RepentfollowJesus Год назад

      Let's hope its not fake charismatic word of faith and nar bunch. Methodists started allowing gay women preachers. I hope this is for real. Oops you said reverend. Nobody is to be revered but God. Im iffy on this. You can't leave the gospel out of a revival. Nor even a regular service. I pray God takes control of this and uses it for Truth and real repentance and converts. That would be wonderful. Not emotional, but real. Im skeptical too. I cant do SBC anymore because of the Florida sbc insanity. I cant find a good church in my small town.

    • @WCove99
      @WCove99 Год назад +1

      @@jesussavesbro9886 I know. I don't get the OP.

    • @mwilliams1308
      @mwilliams1308 Год назад +1

      I know what you mean. The whole "gift of tounges" thing that people perform today is not biblical. In the bible when they spoke in tongues, it manifested as everyone in the vacinity hearing them in their own languages. Real gift of tongues is someone who speaks French speaking to you and you hearing it in English (your language). It is not rambling mumbo jumbo nonsense that nobody can understand. That's not the gift of tongues. It's blashpemous nonsense.

    • @cynthiahunter2570
      @cynthiahunter2570 Год назад +1

      Repentance of what?

  • @melissalehman9396
    @melissalehman9396 Год назад +128

    My husband was friends with Zach in college. He knows him to be the truest, most genuine, solid Christ follower he has ever met. He has a mind blowing testimony of Salvation out of a Jewish family and through horrible abuse.
    I can’t testify to the events going on, but I can certainly vouch for his character.
    You are right Allie Beth, there are bound to be wolves in sheep’s clothing that come along with this. I think with all “revival” it will be tested with time. I am praying for genuine heart change, repentance, and encouragement for these students and that it won’t get sensationalized like Brownsville, Lakeland, or Toronto.

    • @NancyLudden2
      @NancyLudden2 Год назад +6

      Absolutely!!! Agree on all accounts.

    • @Chad_Fuckhammer
      @Chad_Fuckhammer Год назад +3

      I agree. Like 10 yr ago I went to a "revival" meeting at a Russian speaking church where John Scotland from the Toronto Blessing was guest preacher and God showed me him in a vision as Joe Camel, the Camel cigarette mascot. It was really funny. I was laughing so hard. I think it was God saying to me "He is a caricature of what he could have been. He could have been like John the Baptist walking with the same anointing given to Elijah." Not everything about those revivals was all bad. Was it quickly tainted? Yes. But all bad? No. Just the people who were elevated gave into their fragile egos and started acting out their deep seated flaws. Becoming slaves to the attention of others. Like the biggest nerds in high school that all just became cooler than Miles Davis over night. "Much will be required of a servant who is entrusted with much and still more will be demanded of him entrusted with more." (Luke 12:48) They clearly blew it. (Brownsville, Lakeland, Toronto.) Apparently they didn't get "the more" but obviously enough that skeptics in and out of the church alike were trying to compare those revivals to "Leap of Faith" with Steve Martin. Can't imagine what kind of miracles with happen in the midst of he who is entrusted with "the more." Like I've been to churches I'd never return to and experienced God very powerfully so I know better than to apply all or nothing thinking to moves of God. Like one time I had an open vision of Jesus walking across the room to hug and hold me in His arms at a house church that now teaches astral sex and having husband and wife sex with Jesus and I'm pretty sure they all "swing." When it happened the preacher's knees buckled and she fell backwards to the ground and then stood up weak and in a daze weeping and repenting saying "How could I ever believe He's not there? Jesus is right here, right now!" and like 30 seconds later she was back to being snotty and stuck up like she was before she got God blasted to the floor by the mighty winds of God's wings. Just saying you can't always judge a move based on the preacher present. It might not be the preacher it's flowing through. The conduit might be someone in the pews. Last time I read the Gospels Judas Iscariot was part of the most powerful move of God there's ever been and will ever be. So powerful he committed suicide out of guilt for having rejected it. Point is a usurper or 2 or 3 or more doesn't necessarily make a revival not real. If it did 200 holy messengers wouldn't have fallen from grace when The Law was given at Mount Horeb. Not everyone reacts well to God's manifest glory. Some rise while others fall. If we judge it by who or how many fall we might miss the small remnant of righteous ones who didn't and end up rejecting them, too, just for having been there. Not saying I think you're using an all or nothing standard to judge the authenticity of revivals. Just saying in general cause I think it's good food for thought.

    • @karenmartin4221
      @karenmartin4221 Год назад +1

      There were wolves in sheeps’ clothing in the 1972 Jesus Revolution as well.

  • @Susi.312
    @Susi.312 Год назад +57

    Allie, I just love that you reminded us that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives just as powerfully as He is working at Asbury. He is not more dedicated to the work there than he is in our lives, wherever we may be. Thank you for your program, I’m a new listener and a fellow follower of Jesus.😊

    • @abbiefortney7530
      @abbiefortney7530 Год назад +2

      I agree that was so encouraging to hear
      Thank you allie

  • @aaronlevitt6820
    @aaronlevitt6820 Год назад +186

    I grew up in a Charismatic church until I was 11. (In fact, I took my first steps as a baby in that church, and was dedicated to the Lord by the pastor. I even still have the tape.) I received really good Bible education there in the "Children's Church" program.
    I'm not Charismatic, but I try to keep with me the best of what I received there: passion, sincere worship, and bold faith. (Why can I imagine a Pentecostal walking to Jesus on the water, but not a Baptist?) I'm closer to Baptist than Charismatic, but I try to avoid falling into the Baptist stereotypes of being a bit lackluster, laid-back, and perhaps a bit too staid and comfortable in the Faith.
    Some churches REALLY need to borrow a few cups of Pentecostal passion. Let's not be guilty of giving God faint praise when we glorify Him! He has saved our souls from the eternal fires of hell! The least we can do is remain gratefully overwhelmed by His surpassing love!

    • @lanchparty
      @lanchparty Год назад +16

      Agreed! I have a Baptist background and have been Methodist for 20 years (my church disaffiliated from the UMC this past fall), but sometimes I want a little Pentecostal!!! I fear others will judge me if I lift my hands in worship, but that's what we SHOULD be doing! HE saved us from eternal torment and I am so grateful.

    • @dorcasmcleod9439
      @dorcasmcleod9439 Год назад +2

      @@lanchparty Question, Is God pleased with your raising your hands while worshipping him? 1 Corinthians 14:40
      2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves.
      The question isn't, What do I think or how do I feel? It is what does God want? What pleases him?

    • @saltandlight316
      @saltandlight316 Год назад +12

      Agree! Grew up Pentecostal. I am still Pentecostal. We were never taught that our emotions and experiences override what the Bible says. We were taught exactly what she said. We were taught that the Bible is the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit will never ask you to go against Scripture. I was also taught that God saved our very souls from hell, and He has been so good to us when we don't deserve it, so the least we can do is jump, shout, run the aisles etc. King David worshiped like this all the time in Scripture. The thing I love about being Pentecostal are their praise, their worship, and their excitement for Christ... in my opinion, most denominations have lost that aspect of pure worship.

    • @cynthiahunter2570
      @cynthiahunter2570 Год назад +11

      I’m not saying this is you, but a lot of people tend to make the false assumption that because men are not as vocal and dramatic as women, that their emotions are not as strong. This is false. Just because a grander, more visual and vocal display is made, does not mean that a person has a deeper and richer experience. The same idea can be said of worship and praise. Joy, worship and praise are felt inwardly but not always displayed outwardly, and are no less valid when not displayed outwardly. I wish more Christians were concerned about the fruit of the spirit rather than the gifts of the spirit. Galatians 5. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24Now those who [h]belong to Christ Jesus crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

    • @cynthiahunter2570
      @cynthiahunter2570 Год назад +7

      I wish more Christians were concerned about the fruit of the spirit rather than the gifts of the spirit . Galatians 5. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24Now those who [h]belong to Christ Jesus crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

  • @feemosky
    @feemosky Год назад +27

    You have my 5 ⭐ anytime Allie because you are a genuine soldier of Christ and an astute defender of the faith.

  • @gabardqui5930
    @gabardqui5930 Год назад +64

    Dear sister when God moves he takes care of his own, no need to overworry for what will the outcome will be, God is still on the throne and what His Spirit is doing or will do, no one nor nothing can stop it. There will always be tares in the wheat fields, he knows it, but He is not worry about it. He is God!

  • @graceanne2941
    @graceanne2941 Год назад +11

    I pray for genuine repentance and revival all over the world 🎉

  • @draconislycanthropy
    @draconislycanthropy Год назад +2

    Hi there! Catholic convert here (2013). I’m here trying to better understand my Protestant brothers and sisters and to see what’s going on at Asbury. I don’t normally comment, but I wanted to let you know that I really respect and appreciate your balanced perspective and especially your prayer intentions regarding this situation. In the Catholic Church we have entered Lent, which is a liturgical season of penance, conversion, and turning back to the Lord. How beautiful that this revival coincides with Lent. The Lord is moving. Praise be to Jesus, who was, who is, and who ever will be!

  • @leslielousma7913
    @leslielousma7913 Год назад +38

    Our Pastor and his family drove down Monday to see this revival and to pray for revival in our little country Methodist church in Michigan.

  • @jes8874
    @jes8874 Год назад +69

    I'm in Kentucky and God is moving hallelujah 🙏

    • @PrairieeGirl
      @PrairieeGirl Год назад

      It looks so awesome and genuine. Did you travel there or do you live there?

    • @jes8874
      @jes8874 Год назад +1

      I live in Kentucky but I'm about an hour away. I'm going back tomorrow for the weekend. I will keep you updated. There has been some people that has tried to come in to seek, kill and destroy in. We are trying to rebuke and praying. Also, I'm going to let the holy spirit lead me and help people with deliverance. May God continue to guide us and cast out and deliver people and spread his grace and jesus's mighty name. Amen

    • @paulswilley3737
      @paulswilley3737 Год назад +1

      @@jes8874 don’t go wit a planned agenda. You will ruin it

    • @jes8874
      @jes8874 Год назад +1

      @@paulswilley3737 I'm not going with anything planned from me. I'm following the holy spirit through the faith and love of Jesus Christ. That's all I'm doing brother

    • @jes8874
      @jes8874 Год назад +2

      I don't do any planned agendas because as the Bible says my way is the wrong way. It's all the Lord's way and his will be done in anything he decides to do with me. I'm up for it. It's all fair game. He leads me not the other way around. I never plan my days. It's all on the hand of my father

  • @metrodrumstv
    @metrodrumstv Год назад +17

    I have 5 children. All are now adults except for one. Having kids and seeing them grow and develop has been the most incredible and precious thing 💗. There is a lie that permeates our current culture that having a family is selfish for the planet. Hard work? Absolutely! Being a parent is no easy job! No room for selfishness if you want a great family environment. But I am convinced that anything truly great in life only comes through hard work, perseverance and learning to put others before yourself. If you are blessed with children, be thankful for the tough times along with the blessings.

  • @tracyconway1660
    @tracyconway1660 Год назад +12

    I’m with you Allie. I’m grew up in a Southern Baptist church so I do approach the term “revival” with skepticism as well. I am praising God for the worshipping of Jesus that is going on but like you said it has to be with a place of deep repentance for the ways we have grieved God so I think the best test is what happens when it is over. If lives are changed and good fruit is produced then we can call it a revival. To me it is Praising & worshiping God which I love but the revival part comes after it is over.(just my opinion). This is not meant to be negative, in fact I wish I could go to it myself. We need The Light, The Love, and The Forgiveness that Jesus gives us in this dark and evil world. God bless!

  • @nataliedye6458
    @nataliedye6458 Год назад +36

    Thank you for your take on this Allie. Having come from a NAR background, I have been hesitant to rejoice until I see that there is evidence of genuine repentance and fruit. This was a blessing!

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 Год назад

      Has the LGBT Community Infiltrated the Asbury "Revival"? #Asbury #revival #AsburyUniversity #Ky
      Warriors for Christ

  • @katelynwade771
    @katelynwade771 Год назад +4

    The only thing to consider is or think about is how God is gathering his people!!!! Praise Jesus!! The Lord touched me at the Asbury Revival. I’ve been set free and healed in new ways and old ways!!!

  • @ChaplainDeanna
    @ChaplainDeanna Год назад +3

    Praying for revival in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Father, lead the hearts of the university students here to repentance, faith, and to your Father’s heart.

    @WKGWOMANINTN Год назад +1

    Praying for Jesus Christ to be glorified, in Asbury and throughout the world.

  • @e.y.3336
    @e.y.3336 Год назад +26

    It's a beautiful thing watching God's anointing on you. It doesn't matter the topic because you always make it God centered. May God's blessings overflow in all you do

  • @mr.bidgood3501
    @mr.bidgood3501 Год назад +46

    I really and truly want the Asbury revival to be true holy and righteous. I’ve heard mostly good things but there’s always going to be some criticism which is fine as long as it’s grounded in the Word.
    So desperate for something not counterfeit

    • @PrairieeGirl
      @PrairieeGirl Год назад

      I would be encouraged that this is a genuine move of God in Kentucky. It was spontaneous and unplanned and it is centered around testimony and repentance. There is no focus on man that I can see or some marquis preacher from a megachurch. And I pray God protects this revival from that going forward. It doesn't surprise me that God chose a humble small college campus on a blip on the map in Kentucky to pour out His grace and His love in this hour. Especially with darkness increasing daily in our society. He is a God of mercy. I watched the video where they interviewed people who were there at Asbury 53 years ago as students in that revival. You can still hear their wonder and awe as they talk about how God moved in 1970 at that same college. Some of them still got choked up talking about it.

    • @dnp7162
      @dnp7162 Год назад


    • @britzel71
      @britzel71 Год назад

      1000% Amen 🙏

  • @redeemedvintageseamstress4728
    @redeemedvintageseamstress4728 Год назад +8

    Your thoughts and cautions are spot on with revival and staying true to God's Word. Your heart seems genuine in praying for God to protect from the enemy coming in to steal. Very, VERY good! AND especially the admonition to know that wherever we are, we too have access to all God is doing and wants to do in matter where we are. It's not about "going to wherever God is working". He can work in our hearts wherever we live and whatever state our hearts are in! Praise God! ❤️

  • @dubosesjoy
    @dubosesjoy Год назад +6

    Parenting my 6 children is one of my greatest joys! It is a sacrifice, but the things that truly matter in life are worth sacrifice. 💕

  • @Underthesun97
    @Underthesun97 Год назад +1

    God does what He wants doesn’t matter what we think or feel. Praise God 🙌🏼

  • @malainajesko675
    @malainajesko675 Год назад +5

    Motherhood and selflessness are a BEAUTIFUL thing.... the Hands and Feet of Jesus. Motherhood is an honor and a privilege. Children are a gift from God and should be treat like nothing less. Thanks for speaking truth Allie!

  • @fandude7
    @fandude7 Год назад +3

    Like Bereans, it is wise to always "check things out first" and then proceed. Thank you for your analysis ABS.

  • @donnaharris9270
    @donnaharris9270 Год назад +17

    I lived in Wilmore for 5 years while attending Asbury Seminary, back in the 1980s. So I am super excited & wish I could go! But the thing I am most encouraged by is the fact that the Scriptural foundation of both the University and the Seminary is very strong. The students and faculty are not going to go off the rails because of their excellent foundation. (Although that doesn't mean that 100% of the attendees will have the same foundation.) IMO Asbury is the "perfect" place for this to happen...because it's "normal" stance is to be open yet skeptical, and fully committed to Scripture. In fact, the progressive wing of the Methodist Church often denigrates Asbury because of the strong commitment to Scripture. Praise God!!!

  • @deni-gibbs
    @deni-gibbs Год назад +1

    Thank you SO MUCH for talking about "feelings". I'm always wanting the "feel" good feelings...& if I don't have those I feel God has left me. I'm a lot better now. Love your show!

  • @chrisgregory9516
    @chrisgregory9516 Год назад +11

    😭😭😭 It's so wonderful!! My wife n I have been twice and it's so amazing!! All races, ages, denominations and all for the glory of GOD!! I pray that this spreads through out our nation and the world!! You all are so valuable and have such an amazing purpose on this earth!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

  • @patrickadams2864
    @patrickadams2864 Год назад +19

    Sister Allie keep standing strong

  • @ElleeZee289
    @ElleeZee289 Год назад

    I appreciate this edifying perspective that is not cynical but also ministers to those who are not part of the Asbury event

  • @dennisduchene6383
    @dennisduchene6383 Год назад +1

    My first time listening / watching you Allie and without question I see God's anointing upon you as you speak Truth from The Word of God of whom we know is Jesus Christ as He is, now, yesterday, and forever the Word made flesh who dwelt among us, and now dwells within All true believers and followers of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have just prayed that God will continue to use you and expand the territory of influence He has given to you, for His precious Honor and our Glory and our deep need.

  • @lylelylers
    @lylelylers Год назад +2

    There's hope in the reporting of this, hope that this revival can truly be a movement, Even beyond the United States. My heart has remained burdened for the lost, pleading like the persistent widow for them and I pray wildfires of revival have time to sweep throughout the world before the church is raptured and the tribulation begins!!! 🙏 John 17:17

  • @TryingTheHardHikeATAdrieWashne
    @TryingTheHardHikeATAdrieWashne Год назад +9

    Parenting is hard! I had to work really hard to be a good mom, but I am so happy I had three lovely children who are now lovely adults!

  • @AllysonMarie0512
    @AllysonMarie0512 Год назад

    Praise this revival and I pray this spreads through the whole USA and worldwide. We desperately need this and for people to know God loves you were you are and he just wants your heart.

  • @lewisedwards4058
    @lewisedwards4058 Год назад +20

    So good to hear that this seems like a legitimate revival! Too many forget one of the fruits of The Spirit is self-control.

    • @1Corinthians6Verses9thru11
      @1Corinthians6Verses9thru11 Год назад

      Yes, but fruit is achieved by abiding in Christ; gifts on the other hand can be received instantaneously by God's Grace (similar to initial justification). But I think that you are, more than likely referring to the actual orchestration of the Holy Spirit within the context of revival, that would (because of God's nature) be pure, peaceable, and easy to be entreated (similar to the Wisdom from Above).

  • @TabithaDavis
    @TabithaDavis Год назад +23

    I had the same concern about the NAR but they made it clear NO CELEBS ONSTAGE, only celeb onstage is Jesus. I pray the as this is truly a move of God, He will be able to protect it.

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 Год назад

      Greg Locke, Sean Feucht, NAR and the Seven Mountain Mandate The Good Fight Radio Show

    • @jeanette3023
      @jeanette3023 Год назад

      What's a NAR

  • @linak7155
    @linak7155 Год назад +6

    I was in my late thirties when I had my son. In my mid forties, I had a nine year old (not a toddler but certainly a young son). I actually think having had him later has kept me young at heart. Forty-seven for me is young cuz I'm pushing sixty. In any event, the points in this video were well taken. A young woman with wisdom is becoming rare these days ..

  • @joelfields9807
    @joelfields9807 Год назад

    Excellent comments on Asbury. I'm a very conservative continuationist I'm praying as well that the NAR stays out! May God give the leaders wisdom! God bless!

  • @daviddavis450
    @daviddavis450 Год назад +1

    Thank you for the wonderful prayer for the Lord's church, and encouraging His people.

  • @nancybinion11
    @nancybinion11 Год назад

    This is why we need the gift of is discernment. To know what is good or bad.

  • @Momofukudoodoowindu
    @Momofukudoodoowindu Год назад

    Allie... you are so inspiring to me. Thank you for helping me become a better wife, a better daughter of the king, with a more refined tongue so that I can have articulate and effective conversations with others. I take notes on every one of your shows and practice these discussions on my free time. You are such a gift.

  • @lizsuarez1226
    @lizsuarez1226 Год назад

    Being a mother is the biggest blessing! Plus I travel with my boys all the time

  • @berlinmiller4617
    @berlinmiller4617 Год назад +11

    Amen, appreciate your Spirit lead encouragement to all of us!🙏✝️🛐💕

  • @MrNMrsHarte
    @MrNMrsHarte Год назад +2

    Why did you skip Acts 2:39? I agree with how emotions need to be checked and any belief needs to be aligned with Scripture. But hearing and reading that verse for the first time in college helped me understand that baptism with the Holy Spirit wasn't just for the people then, but for ALL that the Lord calls to himself. And I'm so thankful. Thank you for your show! I enjoy hearing your discernment and faith in these times the Lord ordained us to live it!

  • @beeveedee9355
    @beeveedee9355 Год назад +8

    Thank you for your comments about Chelsea Handler. What Chelsea didn't say, doesn't realize is that when she's 85 there will be no family there to care for her, she will be lonely. As a 65-year-old single woman, having cared for my mother the last 2 years of her life, I'm left wondering who will be there for me when I'm that age... that's when having family is important. I have nephews who ignore me. My best friend's daughter calls me aunt and will more likely be there for me than my own extended family. Singleness has advantages--it can be a selfish life, or as Paul suggested, a life of service to others, used by the Lord--but family is so important in this life.

  • @hprincessbride5277
    @hprincessbride5277 Год назад +2

    Thank you sister for the discernment on Asbury! Praying like you, real “dying to self conversions” and God’s protection! God convict and transform as only You can! In Jesus name amen!

  • @joycook3093
    @joycook3093 Год назад +14

    It certainly doesn't hurt to be cautious and make sure the Word is being followed, I feel.

  • @jonathanjennings7243
    @jonathanjennings7243 Год назад +7

    Very very nice commentary. Very intelligent, very well spoken. Your contribution is a blessing
    Thank You

  • @rebasanborn9495
    @rebasanborn9495 Год назад

    I love that, “make them go touch grass!” Amen!!!

  • @melindamercier6811
    @melindamercier6811 Год назад +17

    If this is a genuine revival, praise God! We need it! My biggest concern is the number of NAR members who have decided they will attend this service. I pray they themselves are changed but do not influence with their false, heretical doctrines.

    • @donnaharris9270
      @donnaharris9270 Год назад +1

      Asbury is very grounded in Scripture. So I am very excited, and mostly not afraid of it going off the rails, because the Scriptural foundation is so strong. That does not mean that some attendees won't go the wrong direction, but as for the students there, they will be shepherded in the right direction.

    • @jeanette3023
      @jeanette3023 Год назад

      Ephesians 4:11-12.. Mathew 3:11-12.

    • @isaias9516
      @isaias9516 Год назад +3

      @@donnaharris9270except that there are queer, trans, etc, students there that have come out saying how over the past 4 years the school has made strides in a direction that their lgbtqia+ community like. Sorry, to say but that’s indicative of compromise rather than biblical fidelity.

    • @triniluv1685
      @triniluv1685 Год назад +2

      @@isaias9516 hence God sent a revival to call then to repentance

    • @isaias9516
      @isaias9516 Год назад

      @@triniluv1685 There has been no reports of them repenting from this. Thus my point, a false doctrine surrounding those issues crept in. Sure, other real issues have been repented of. Praise God. But this doesn’t mean that they’ve repented from their ungodly sexual stances.

  • @jeaniepeterson1282
    @jeaniepeterson1282 Год назад

    Allie, thank you for your very well laid out and thoughtful comments regarding Asbury. Everything you said was spot on correct. I do come from an Assembly of God background and so appreciate your cautions to the students. A moving of the Holy Spirit upon people’s hearts doesn’t mean we are supposed to check our wisdom and discernment at the door. It is because of a deep caring for these students that you caution them against wolves in sheep’s clothing such as leaders from the NAR movement. It is beyond my understanding how some people could in any way be offended by your wonderful encouragement and yet gentle, loving caution to them. Paul does the same thing in the New Testament. Anyway, well done, Allie! Keep up the great work you are doing!

  • @benicio1967
    @benicio1967 Год назад

    This is why I loved Moses so much. No matter how uncertain he was, no matter how much he was reticent to do something he did it. I’ve always wished I could be more like him. Fear has had a very negative effect on my life. Some people simply never overcome their fears.

  • @culturalobserver8721
    @culturalobserver8721 Год назад +1

    Thank you for applauding the Asbury University Spiritual Awakening, and also for your word of caution as well! I have felt very similar about revivals as you have. Although genuine faith awakenings are needed in our messed up culture, we need to approach revivals with caution and much biblical wisdom. Good job on your commentary! 👍🙏

  • @kristiLB93
    @kristiLB93 Год назад +1

    Thank you for your encouragement towards believers whether experiencing an in personal, possible revival and as well as any believer anywhere! Preach!!

  • @hikingdruid
    @hikingdruid Год назад

    So much Love; Growing and Flowing!!! Welcome to the Great Awakening, Brothers & Sisters! Yay, Jesus!!! Thanks, Allie...great show!!!

  • @Megan-1234
    @Megan-1234 Год назад +3

    I LOVE what you said about sacrifice. I want to put it on my fridge for my family see every day.

  • @pastorkevinsanders
    @pastorkevinsanders Год назад

    I appreciate your approach--expressing concerns without writing the whole thing off.

  • @maureenufkes2491
    @maureenufkes2491 Год назад +2

    I’ve had negative experiences with the charismatic movement. But as Allie said, as long as what is going on is not being ginned up and manipulated by people, and God’s word is being preached, I think this could be a good thing. May the Holy Spirit open many people’s eyes to the truth of Christ!

  • @Elo560
    @Elo560 Год назад +13

    Thanks Allie for your solid comments on Asbury revival… while we rejoice with them we pray that the wolves stay away and the young people grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. I think it’s an amazing outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this generation and pray it’s the beginning of the great endtimes harvest. Satan has made a bid for our kids but God is greater and has His plan for them. Too many false voices out there masquerading as followers of Jesus.
    Also Chelsea handler I think is regretting not having children… “the lady doth protest too much”!😢

  • @aleengaggo3831
    @aleengaggo3831 Год назад

    Allie… I have started listening to your podcasts consistently and it has been truly blessing me. The Holy Spirit is speaking through you… It is a breath of fresh air and I praise Jesus for bringing me here. May He continue to strengthen and encourage you in His work and for His kingdom. May He continue to fill you with perseverance and a heart after Him. May you continue to be overwhelmed by His presence in your life and be spurred on to run this race. Thank you for all that you do, truly.

  • @BonnieJoan
    @BonnieJoan Год назад

    Thank you, Allie, for your wise counsel.

  • @jobrown8146
    @jobrown8146 Год назад +18

    Very balanced review of Asbury and I appreciate the cautions that you gave.

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 Год назад

      Has the LGBT Community Infiltrated the Asbury "Revival"? #Asbury #revival #AsburyUniversity #Ky
      Warriors for Christ

  • @gloriamiller5515
    @gloriamiller5515 Год назад

    Thank you Allie for speaking to those that aren’t there. That just because they are not there are still experiencing the Holy Spirits move. He is with us all at all times. And for praying for discernment, protection awareness. Those that don’t know Him will try to infiltrate and I appreciate you speaking to that. And quoting scriptures that back up Gods move. I’m beyond rejoicing in Gods move.

  • @colombiana521
    @colombiana521 Год назад +4

    We have to remind ourselves that Jesus said in the last days will He find faith… yes I understand that wolves can come in, but Jesus protects His sheep. The world is ready for a revival of the Holy Spirit! In Jesus Name

  • @hogfarmer
    @hogfarmer Год назад +2

    I am also nondenominational raised AOG.; between those, charismatic. I so appreciate your perspective and agree wholeheartedly. …. A beautiful difference between OT and NT is that we are now His temple. We no longer have to “go” to a place (temple) …. we carry it in us… everywhere we go. 🙏🏻love your prayer for what’s happening at Asbury I am grateful, thankful, excited about people being snatched from the enemy! 🙌✝️🙌.
    I see that “emotions” have become a god, an idol we worship in this country and we see the fruits of that all around us. Devil is not immune from using it to deceive in the church. He would love to divide us over this. Discernment is absolutely necessary in ever increasing deception. Thank for saying it more clearly than I can…

  • @douglaswebster1028
    @douglaswebster1028 Год назад +2

    "Look among the nations and watch, be utterly astounded! for I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you!" Habakkuk 1

  • @erinsargent8158
    @erinsargent8158 Год назад +4

    We pray for revival. Revival comes. We deny revival. Typical biblical pattern. We serve a living God. I’m not about to take away someone’s genuine encounter with God by doubting it. That serves no purpose and does not honor God. God gave us discernment. I pray everyone there is using discernment. I pray they do grow closer to God.

  • @KathyakaNina
    @KathyakaNina Год назад

    My church was having a Conference the week of the Asbury revival & I love that the Pastors that came to preach said that God can move here (where there conference was at) & his presence will move greatly where ever the church is. I don’t know if I remembered fully what one of the Pastors said 1 night, but a good reminder was that we have to be willing to be part of what God is doing & not miss that opportunity

  • @adriana12995
    @adriana12995 Год назад +2

    I take issue with the people who don’t want you to question this whole Revival thing. If people are already cautious of false churches, trying to shut down questions or criticism certainly doesn’t help. It’s like you either have to believe this all true or you’re the bad Christian. The more I question this, the more the reactions from the people being questioned confirms any suspicion that one might have. Its like you can’t even doubt it despite how much false doctrine has plagued our society.

  • @sanaqamar1
    @sanaqamar1 Год назад

    I am happy for American youth who are seeking God

  • @tomandkatherinewilliams7784
    @tomandkatherinewilliams7784 Год назад +2

    Pretty intense show today. Handled it all so wisely. Thank you❤️

  • @ProdSangreNueva
    @ProdSangreNueva Год назад +17

    Nothing wrong with emotions. God created them. It’s kind of silly to dance when you are sad. But when you are overwhelmed with joy at the realization of his mercies and love, man, let me tell you, you’ll dance like David 🤭. To him who much is forgiven…loves more. The funny thing is that we should ALL love more.

    • @devinvanleeuwen1671
      @devinvanleeuwen1671 Год назад +1

      @Hannah Doty
      Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
      Proverbs 28:26 - He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered.
      I would be careful with such a statement. Just because our emotions are natural does not mean they are right or good. One needs only an elementary level of knowledge of the bible to understand that, David's emotions of lust for Bathsheba and jealousy of her husband caused him to murder a man, Cain murdered his brother because of his jealous emotions, the fearful emotions of the Israelites when travelling with Moses led them to rebel against Moses and Aaron and refuse to enter the promised land. Your emotions are tainted by sin, everything about us is tainted by sin and susceptible to temptation and deceit from the devil, so test the spirits, and test your own heart. Just because you feel all warm and fuzzy inside about something does not makes it right or true, so test what you feel against God's own Holy Word.

    • @jennifergriffith4526
      @jennifergriffith4526 Год назад


  • @tomparks3518
    @tomparks3518 Год назад

    I fill that the results of this revival will be seen when the people go out from this revival and spread the gospel.

  • @valfrez3786
    @valfrez3786 Год назад +3

    I really appreciate your program and take on the topics you are discussing. Have you considered opening the show with a word of prayer before diving in? I think it would be a nice touch

  • @saltandlight316
    @saltandlight316 Год назад +12

    "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be there among them." -Matthew 18:20

    • @carolberubee
      @carolberubee Год назад +6

      Don't forget the context of that verse. It has nothing to do with prayer and fellowship. The passage is about church discipline. Jesus is saying that He is in agreement with the 2 or 3 who have the integrity to correct a brother who sins against another, and that He is in agreement if they end up having to take the issue to the entire church and remove the offender. See also 1 Corinthians 5:3-4.

    • @missyjosieful
      @missyjosieful Год назад +1

      Context, context, context!

    • @kirs10dubya57
      @kirs10dubya57 Год назад +1


  • @thejoyfuldyslexic5138
    @thejoyfuldyslexic5138 Год назад +5

    Being childless is extremely hard. We are keenly aware of the benefits of motherhood thats why people spend their life saving on IVF and adoption. The truth is that these often fail or are not achievable due to cost, health history, or even past issues with the law no matter how small or long ago. I know a family who was denied adoption because her husband had a noise violation for playing his radio to loud at the beach when he was 18, he was 40 when trying to adopt. Please give us grace as we walk this earth and try to appreciate the blessings and good that is available in our life and don’t make motherhood an ideal. Society shames us childlessness women and way to often so does the church.

  • @Charlie_127
    @Charlie_127 Год назад +1

    Amen sister in Christ, God is with us always, those who believe in His Son Jesus, thank you Lord for Your Word and present with us and love us just as much, I pray for those students and that no wolves in sheep clothing will pounce on those students, Thank-you! I didn't watch any other channel but your to hear your thoughts on the revival. All true, well said little sister in Christ!

  • @paulalane8638
    @paulalane8638 Год назад +43

    I'm 66 and I'm very sad for my granddaughters! What are parents teaching their children? My heart is breaking, especially for the 14 year old in VA who was kicked, knocked around, and bullied in hallway at school so she committed suicide! This is so wrong! We have a culture of death and have murdered so many unborn we are reaping more death!💔😭 Yes, LORD help us! We must turn back to you, seek and obey you..teach our children your ways!!!🙏📖

    • @AEChronicler
      @AEChronicler Год назад +3

      I'm so sorry for your loss. And I agree, we need to seek, obey and trust in God even more.

    • @Judithestears
      @Judithestears Год назад +1


    • @WCove99
      @WCove99 Год назад +3

      That's so horrible. Some people I saw on You Tube comments actually said we should bring bullying back. So evil.

    • @gabardqui5930
      @gabardqui5930 Год назад +2

      Dear sister, God is with you and hears your prayers and will answer when you call up to Him. He heals the broken heart and binds your wounds. Just ask Him to show himself as your Healer and Savior for you and your family. Just believe in Him! God bless you!

    • @myleshagar9722
      @myleshagar9722 Год назад +1

      Non stop war and killing innocent people all over the world bring God's judgement.

  • @greatfulchristian4314
    @greatfulchristian4314 Год назад

    Ty. Yes I believe Asbury is a true revival!!! There's no barking like dogs or unholy laughter or gold teeth like we have seen in the past. The Lord is orderly and He will use any one of us to show His Love His Mercy His Kindness His Compassion. Lord Thank You for pouring out Your Spirit

  • @oceansideemma_
    @oceansideemma_ Год назад +3

    I’ll enjoy my child free life as much as I hope you enjoy your parenting life :)

  • @GodsgalMN
    @GodsgalMN Год назад

    Great show again Allie. You're a STAR! God has placed you in this position -
    "For Such A Time As This!" So proud of you girl!! God bless you. 🙏🏼

  • @tonyaradcliffelovell2487
    @tonyaradcliffelovell2487 Год назад +2

    Excellent, good, sound advice on Asbury! Amen!

  • @thomasscott2639
    @thomasscott2639 Год назад +1

    Allie Beth you are genuine and sweet Young lady. Thank you Lord for Allie

  • @haroldcarverbooks
    @haroldcarverbooks Год назад +1

    I've been a Christian since the early 70's. I haven't been to Asbury, and I wasn't sure what was happening there. But I needed to know what started it off so I listened to the first sermon preached that Wednesday. Was it a call to repentance? It depends on if it is an invitation to repent or if it is a conviction to do so. I was convicted because I was a bit dry from life's events and complacent to remain that way. Half way through I started to cry but I did not mean to, I just was. And all the way to the end. I realized how much more I need the love of God in me to be able to share that love with others. That I should move out of my place of complacency to seek Him more and accept and then give His love.
    It's okay to cry if you need to, to laugh if your happy, or to sit in quiet repose if needed. But if God is in it then it will bear fruit of peace, love and joy, and strength of His word. I'm not so caught up in if these people are faking it, being too emotional, or if there just being foolish. I am only interested if they have received God's word, and if that word has moved them, and if that movement is to be a stronger and better Christian than the day before.

  • @leahannkelley875
    @leahannkelley875 Год назад +33

    I find Chelsea so sad. To continually talk about how happy she is not having a child screams how very unhappy she really is. What a pitiful person she is. May God have mercy on her.

    • @connieschultz9493
      @connieschultz9493 Год назад

      I never liked Chelsea Handler. She's very selfish. She will regret her abortions when she is old and sick and there's no one to take care of her

    • @Gfdcnjjyfx
      @Gfdcnjjyfx Год назад

      Or perhaps you’re annoyed that a woman is proud and bragging about a lifestyle that you’re unable to have because of the choices you made?

    • @Gfdcnjjyfx
      @Gfdcnjjyfx Год назад

      To project your sadness onto her is what REALLY screams insecurity

    • @Gfdcnjjyfx
      @Gfdcnjjyfx Год назад

      @hannahdoty190 what’s the point of commenting this? What do you hope to gain in the kingdom of heaven by commenting on a woman’s mental health with a negative undertone? Surely you could be off praying for her or something instead of contributing to a cesspool of negativity?

    • @Gfdcnjjyfx
      @Gfdcnjjyfx Год назад

      @hannahdoty190 also if you’re able I’d be interested if you could explain how Chelsea handler is “obnoxious”? And while you’re at it, explain how insecurity is “loud”? By this logic we can label any person that speaks loudly as insecure? Not sure about that honey

  • @lh1053
    @lh1053 Год назад

    As a catholic and knowing where the world is today, including our church, this does not surprise me. We will be seeing the Lord make miracles and the Christians will be less and less, but we will be so so strong. Amen.

  • @rebeccaragan9916
    @rebeccaragan9916 Год назад +1

    I love to see the Holy Spirit at work!

  • @joannawert3095
    @joannawert3095 Год назад +11

    I'm a mother of twelve - seven adult children, five miscarriages. I look forward to meeting the rest of my children in heaven someday.

  • @sarahebeid6382
    @sarahebeid6382 Год назад +2

    Love your comments about the Asbury revival

  • @LittleCreek30
    @LittleCreek30 Год назад +2

    Jesus preached in front of many different people. People who believed and people who denied, and accused him. I am hesitant to make a decision on whether or not this is a true movement of God or not based on who showed up. I’m praying for God to move as He wills. If we need to humble ourselves and say yes to it then we should. It really is hard to discern nowadays with so many voices.

  • @stevewalker1021
    @stevewalker1021 Год назад

    Coming from a charismatic methodist congregation that believes in spiritual gifts and is connected to Asbury Seminary, I was trying to discern what was going on there. I was initially skeptical but read several articles that detailed some of the mechanics the student organizers were following to keep it student led and holy spirit driven. That encouraged me. The word I came away with was "make room for the Holy Spirit". One thing to think about is a revival an event or a movement. I believe it is a movement, if it is a true revival we will know in the future by the fruits that it produces.

  • @waldensmith4796
    @waldensmith4796 Год назад

    Thanks for raising awareness on the revival. Agree as you mentioned all in a revival is based on repentance Forgiveness experiencing salvation and spiritual transformation also a revival must meet bible standards. I trust Ash univ in KY meets all revival criteria as we are noting from the postings. Keep up the good work Allie.

  • @Farmhouselivingroom
    @Farmhouselivingroom Год назад +1

    Holy Spirit! Break out across this nation and may Your name be lifted up !

  • @anndufour90
    @anndufour90 Год назад +2

    Something I want to share; Our faith is not a feeling! I pray for whatever is truly going on there that it is all to glorify our Lord! ❤️

  • @lynettew5241
    @lynettew5241 Год назад +1

    LOVE your podcast! Praise God for sound biblical teaching! ❤

  • @ritavehon2836
    @ritavehon2836 Год назад +136

    My thoughts on Chelsea's talk about kids is that she has to feel that way since she aborted her children (I don't know anything about her abortion(s), but just what you have mentioned). In speaking this way, she's basically defending her choice to abort. I think a 'mom' who has aborted her child cannot get over the tragedy of taking your own child's life. And in her case, it seems she did it for totally selfish reasons. This anti-kid speak probably helps her come to terms with the sadness and anguish one feels after abortion, whether she realizes it or not..

    • @cappylover192
      @cappylover192 Год назад

      She has to cope. It’s like people who got the vax who can’t admit they didn’t make a good choice.

    • @lestweforget3430
      @lestweforget3430 Год назад +2

      God bless her 👼 and her unborn🙇‍♀️ 🙏 child/children. The peaceful presence that comes over me, is knowing the place they go is more beautiful and full of all kinds of love, more than we can ever even begin to imagine. God is beautiful and so are all of his children. God bless you all! (Roygbiv... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) 🏳️‍🌈 ❤🍊💛💚💙🔵💜🌈

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx Год назад +6

      I heard a woman speak on her 3 children she had aborted. She carried baby shoes around in the style of the sex of each of her children. She repented her decision but her womb was damaged by the abortions and she couldn't have children. It was so sad it brought tears to everyone's eyes!

    • @mariavani8839
      @mariavani8839 Год назад +1


    • @ritavehon2836
      @ritavehon2836 Год назад

      @@KM-zn3lx So sad. Such pain after abortion.

  • @bethanymcahren5347
    @bethanymcahren5347 Год назад +3

    I wish you would go and experience the revival for yourself instead of being skeptical. I grew up Southern Baptist and experienced the presence of God in such a powerful way. It wasn’t in a charismatic church. It wasn’t emotionally driven. It was spiritually driven. The Holy Spirit changed me and healed me from an eating disorder and addiction and I began speaking in tongues. My advice for those being critical of the move of God… go experience it yourself. If you have a desire to feel His presence, ask Him. He will show up right where you are. I called out to Jesus in the depths of my despair and He showed up. I realized at that moment that I wasn’t truly saved, I had never truly surrendered my heart. He uses revivals to stir and change hearts for surrender. It’s non-denominational. This started at a Methodist private school and chapel, but I assure you, the move of God doesn’t care about denomination. I can’t say it enough… if your skeptical, go see it and experience for yourself.

    • @PatientVoicesMatter
      @PatientVoicesMatter Год назад

      Someone had a possible seizure or something happen, and they said it was a demon being driven out. Demons do not live within Christians. There needs to be preaching, its 99% singing.

  • @healthyamericanolivia
    @healthyamericanolivia Год назад +1

    Always appreciate your commentary and analysis, Allie! Thank you 🙏

  • @brucefournier2391
    @brucefournier2391 Год назад

    Discernment is Biblical, Philippians 1: 9-10 as an example. We praise God. In faith we pray for the Spirit to indwell and lead us forward to the Lord's Day. Thank you for your insights of Asbury!