The ULTIMATE Underground Rap Iceberg Explained 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @vadamane
    @vadamane Год назад +33

    Won’t ever forget when Purrp broke vampleek’s computer in half

  • @Hollowsesh
    @Hollowsesh Год назад +87

    So glad Lil B and SesHolloWaterBoyz has a spot in this video. They are crazy influential. Haven't looked back to mainstream music since 2013.

    • @hivemindclips151
      @hivemindclips151 Год назад +7

      i love you by lil B is unironically one of my favourite songs ever

    • @memoriesmuseum2824
      @memoriesmuseum2824 Год назад +5

      Lil b had to be on here. It would be disrespectful to NOT include him

    • @danielsmokesmids
      @danielsmokesmids 11 месяцев назад +1

      You should checkout a little bit of the mainstream now and then. Usually there's not too much to be excited about but it's not all bad

  • @mariofrlan
    @mariofrlan Год назад +30

    Wow, this video was put together EXTREMELY well. Cannot wait for the next part to come out!

  • @heirnwt4779
    @heirnwt4779 Год назад +12

    RESPECT for the Black screen before introducing SHWB thank you.

  • @cozyweatherfilms
    @cozyweatherfilms Год назад +48

    You are actually covering lots of fantastic underground artists that no one ever talks about. I can't wait for another part.

  • @heirnwt4779
    @heirnwt4779 Год назад +39

    Xavier Wulf calling the whole underground « kids » now cause he knows how it turned out now…

  • @siqaeda
    @siqaeda Год назад +5

    i be watching the part where you talk about me when i need words of encouragement to keep going

    • @UVXCX
      @UVXCX  Год назад +4

      I listen to you everyday, you def gotta keep going. Your music got me through my last break up

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +2

      keep making music funeral!! i also listen to you can always craving for your next project. i repeat, always waiting, like the rest of us.🎉🎉

  • @harvarduniversity7683
    @harvarduniversity7683 Год назад +119

    So happy to see that Hi-C got mentioned in this vid skins 222 is literally the best psychedelic song ever better than anything on pizza and Codeine and cartis location (I am a meat rider)

    • @Tripn
      @Tripn Год назад +7

      why even compare the 3 when all 3 are amazing in their own ways

    • @Tripn
      @Tripn Год назад +4

      (location, pizza and codeine, and skins222)

    • @eshxn4
      @eshxn4 Год назад +2

      rare hi-c freeverse trippin balls (2013)

    • @Wheezy1
      @Wheezy1 Год назад +1

      Bro skins 222 is a fucking banger, ing way and hi-c!!!! Are runners up and lsd on my tounge is the shit that i got put on by some rando i found inna yt comment section by accident called blingblingboycashmoney

  • @gloclipp
    @gloclipp Год назад +8

    24:38 omg bro I’m so glad you mentioned hook!!!😭 I absolute love her music but nobody ever talks about her

    • @tiwopx
      @tiwopx Год назад +2

      yuh frr hook is so cool

  • @yeet1872
    @yeet1872 Год назад +6

    18:32 SenseiATL is pretty legendary in the Atlanta underground scene , he was apart of the group Larry League from back then

  • @smokedoutvillain
    @smokedoutvillain Год назад +14

    5:48 for all of the siddhi soldiers

  • @ShadesTv
    @ShadesTv Год назад +17

    I would add riven in the next iceberg you end up doing. Mad underrated and very experimental

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      shhh let lil altima riven keep hidden🤫 wayyyyyyy to good

  • @alexbouvier6455
    @alexbouvier6455 Год назад +7

    Saw hi-c, Cartier god, and i9bonzai in Austin earlier this year and they all performed great sets along with everyone else that night. Gave props to all them and everyone was all so cool, got a pic with i9 and he knows how to dress

  • @gloclipp
    @gloclipp Год назад +13

    Icytwat has been dropping tapes, singles and music videos consistently lately and his beat selection is crazy. He’s so goated

    • @Perclocept
      @Perclocept 27 дней назад

      Have you listened to his work with Kyeoshin?

  • @poopooman-q7r
    @poopooman-q7r Год назад +15

    i see SPG and black kray in the thumbnail i click

  • @arabicriflegaming8871
    @arabicriflegaming8871 Год назад +4

    im so glad he talked about metro zu, swear i find a new rare metro zu music vid everytime i search em up on yuo tube

  • @WrathfulSociety
    @WrathfulSociety Год назад +6


    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      love them so much! got surprise when their name got change to slaywitme like who tf is this OHHHHHHH

  • @inferiordior
    @inferiordior Год назад +9

    Most influential rap group gotta be Three 6 Mafia

  • @jinji888
    @jinji888 Год назад +5

    I loved the type beats correlate with the artist. The AS bumper was also really cute. W vid as always

  • @BLACKVeil47
    @BLACKVeil47 9 месяцев назад +2

    Dude you put me onto Hi-C and OmenXIII w these vids, tysm 😭

  • @blood5898
    @blood5898 Год назад +5

    Seeing Midnight Society and Funeral on here made me feel so warm inside.

  • @ashsxlvr
    @ashsxlvr Год назад +4

    love this series man keep it up
    imma be on here once you make it to the deep underworld level of underground rap 🔥

  • @josehernandezq5796
    @josehernandezq5796 Год назад +4

    xxyyxx mention caught me off guard while at work lmaoo, i only remember one song from them but the music was chill from what i can remember

  • @weareadrian
    @weareadrian Год назад +14

    Honorable Mentions 🍾:
    -Larry League
    -Duwap Kaine
    -Yung Weej
    -Warhol SS
    -Tony Shhhnow
    -Wintertime 🫡
    -Franco Laflare
    -Dee Aura
    -Your Stepdad

    • @exrbar4422
      @exrbar4422 Год назад +5

      Duwap was in pt 1

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      you really just naming people and put it up together. some of them are well known like polo. maybe you could tier them up and shi. good names tho.

  • @11platupus
    @11platupus Год назад +8

    Great list you gotta do asap ant, Jimmy wopo, maxo kream,the underachivers ,cousin stizz,Levi carti, and da$h and retch

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +2

      that'd be great, they'd be hailing as the plugg classics. shoutout to Da$h, he been anywhere from any underground artist projects.

  • @bigboi5903
    @bigboi5903 Год назад +3

    Fire video. Can’t wait for part 3

  • @TheRoseBoy11
    @TheRoseBoy11 Год назад +29

    Nothing gets me more GOATed than Underground Hip Hop. One of my personal favorite subgenres filled to the brim with underrated talent. Hyped to see this series continue

    • @dizziblaine1
      @dizziblaine1 Год назад +2

      Ong the underground made me take music seriously

    • @bloodnessx
      @bloodnessx Год назад

      i9bonsai is really good, soo underrated. really love his music

  • @smallBaiBi67_8
    @smallBaiBi67_8 Год назад +28

    Rkx Nephew, Rx Papi and the Whole Surf Gang deserved also a shootout
    They're already legendary and some ex members of Surf Gang like Moh Baretta, RealYungphil and Polo Peerks continue to drop some great experimental drill music
    YUNGCYBERPRINCESS is another underground good artist but not soo much is known about her

    • @yeetyeetonthestreet-colinm1186
      @yeetyeetonthestreet-colinm1186 Год назад

      was thinking of all of them too

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      Surf Gang are the future for sure. and let me bringing names now Boys Nights Out (/hinoni) for those who like DG. Jimi Ono for those who likes GBC. Thestand4rd for those who missing the best time of our underground gen. shit i can't specified anymore but Helix Tears, Sillyteam, Haunted Mound (well known), and whatever group that blxty and mentals in. plus punkinloveee for those who likes hyperpop of underground because of sick of mainstream and overcommercialized hyperpop. thanks.

  • @floopu
    @floopu Год назад +2


  • @regreting
    @regreting Год назад

    I fw with your channel heavy bro, you mentioned a lot of great artists nobody mentions. You’re definitely tapped in to the underground

  • @mimexion
    @mimexion Год назад +4


    • @FL6K0
      @FL6K0 7 месяцев назад


    • @FL6K0
      @FL6K0 7 месяцев назад

      A real Legend

  • @yerkluvr
    @yerkluvr Год назад +1

    lil story about gizmo he grew up down the street from my cousins mom's parents

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад

      tell gizmo to keep making music, the underground loves him

  • @xen5672
    @xen5672 Год назад +12

    Lowkey bro, I love watching these videos man. I always learn more about the rap scene and i get recommendations, looking forward for what you drop in the future regardless if its rap based or not cuz im loving these videos

    • @saucy6623
      @saucy6623 Год назад +1

      just wait till he uploads his reactions to stuff i started watching him last year, he's super slept on yt

  • @noreverie
    @noreverie Год назад +8

    hoped to see yabujin on the iceberg

  • @gizmoent
    @gizmoent Год назад

    Much love fam

  • @lzxoxox
    @lzxoxox Год назад +1

    man i love these vids sm

  • @mikeypolo12
    @mikeypolo12 Год назад +4

    His ZOTiYAC not a part of Midnight Society? YAC has to be by far my favorite underground artists I've been listening to him for the past 4 years hez maturing well n is great with the way he switches genres and stays putting out a ton of music to keep his fans fed n interested, he jus needs to do more interviews, even tho i love him being under the radar, keepin him to myself no homo, but he def deserves the stardom n mainstream attention if im gunna be an unselfish fan

  • @Tra982
    @Tra982 2 месяца назад +1

    10:25 omg this beat 🤯

  • @jac0b_nero
    @jac0b_nero Год назад +11

    Mike and ethereal should defo be up there

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      mike who

    • @jac0b_nero
      @jac0b_nero Год назад

      @popolmengompol just mike. Very similar to earl sweatshirt

  • @21_God
    @21_God Год назад +3

    W for having three underground kings and originators in the thumbnail

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +2

      lil b pack and soulja ocean gang tho, real ones know

  • @prestonlawrence6364
    @prestonlawrence6364 Год назад +2

    Need a full video of raider klan and SGP

  • @jawtii
    @jawtii Год назад +9

    the hi-c love so real

  • @BlxzeSZN
    @BlxzeSZN Год назад +2

    10cellphones should definitely be on this one..

    @SLICKYMANE 11 месяцев назад

    Super chill n nostalgic video mane 🙏🏾

  • @7atinz
    @7atinz Год назад +3

    Crazy cuz I just finished the 1st one 6 minutes ago 💀 perfect timing 🙏🏾

  • @5thlandSoulja-e3d
    @5thlandSoulja-e3d 8 месяцев назад +1

    Spaceghostpurrp introduced the underground to 5Fingerposse literally the best Rap Collective to come out

    • @masontroyadams8386
      @masontroyadams8386 8 месяцев назад +1

      nah raider klvn, shwb, and metro zu were definitely better but i still rock with 5 finger posse theyre fire

  • @dregen414
    @dregen414 Год назад +3

    If you haven't already, on the lower tiers add bmb deathrow members like freddy three or taco el

  • @yung404error8
    @yung404error8 Год назад +1

    Olivers revenge is a return to form for him

  • @okkbloom
    @okkbloom Год назад

    so glad u covered Luci4

  • @kolbyhaynes9065
    @kolbyhaynes9065 Год назад

    Crazy to me how many of my favorites you mentioned. A lot of ‘‘em never heard much about especially circle 5
    Listen to them almost everyday still

  • @Dawgshit214
    @Dawgshit214 Год назад +2

    Cyrax and silk money and wifigawd defined my music taste in my early years, absolutely ahead of their time, dmvs finest

    • @Dawgshit214
      @Dawgshit214 Год назад +2

      Shoutout to syringe too, I forgot about him holy fuck

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      love Sy and anti life

  • @finngriffin9566
    @finngriffin9566 Год назад +6

    Where's the sybyr/syringe mention?

  • @shadyvillebaby
    @shadyvillebaby Год назад +4

    fun fact: fukkit used to be in members only before leaving in early 2016 due to not liking X and joined midnight society which caused x to beef with the entirety of the group. Kamiyada and original god both had verses on imsippinteainyohood that were later scrapped because the beef, and x stopped using virus beats as a result
    edit: dats also the reason y theres like 2 mins of empty space after x verse on imsippinteainyohood

    • @tyjutsukun7948
      @tyjutsukun7948 Год назад +2

      Tbf OG and Kamiyada verses were kinda mid. Fuck with em bof heavy (same with Midnight) but dem shits were not it

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      good riddance🎉🎉

  • @slowlyrottingflesh5528
    @slowlyrottingflesh5528 Год назад +1

    I stg this the only guy who actually knows about the underground I fuck with it

  • @Dragn1
    @Dragn1 Год назад +8

    You gotta add 1030Tuwop, Rewindraps, Texako, Marrgielaa, Warhol ss, Xhulooo, Thouxanbanfauni, kankan, iazey(jace), tdf,kankan, Maajins, Yung smiley, Slump6s,Desire, Ethereal,Benjicold, Smokingskull,boofpaxkmooky, Tonyshhnow,10kdunkin,1600j

    • @Cryptwitchbloodyhorror
      @Cryptwitchbloodyhorror Год назад +3

      yabujin dani Kiyoko nosgov too

    • @philipkuleff7414
      @philipkuleff7414 Год назад +1

      Some of them are on His other video but the other ones I agree with you

    • @philipkuleff7414
      @philipkuleff7414 Год назад +1

      Bru forget it I just checked and they ain’t on there

    • @Dragn1
      @Dragn1 Год назад +1

      @@philipkuleff7414 I’m mad he ain’t add anybody on my list to the 3rd iceberg…it’s alright though

    • @akfoutyseven4284
      @akfoutyseven4284 Год назад +1

      ​@@Dragn1 or lil shine

  • @clixd3435
    @clixd3435 Год назад

    Ay keep this up homie u going places

  • @linci5580
    @linci5580 Год назад +7

    I know that most likely there are many artists that were left out of the iceberg, but I know an artist that should definitely be on this list, his name is RiverKinn, he is the brother of another better known artist called Killstation, and RiverKinn arrived to meet several other artists present and mentioned in this iceberg, such as Ghostemane, Lil Peep and Gizmo. RiverKinn produces all of his music himself, whether instrumental or vocal. The small fanbase he has is very affectionate with him calling him a fox, as he uses a lot of references to nintendo games in his songs, especially Star Fox and Zelda Ocarina of Time. Anyway, ever since I met him I've always considered him a hidden gem not only in rap but in alternative music as a whole.

  • @x_x.2003.mp4
    @x_x.2003.mp4 Год назад +2

    Iceberg with every one of my favorite rappers lol

  • @tjtookind1888
    @tjtookind1888 Год назад +5

    Some honorable mentions imo who I think are coming up are artist like, redveil, Kenny Mason, davidthetragic, mavi, Ovrkast, wakai, and so many others with this kind of style. Though it’s not the same sound as the SoundCloud era and eras prior or after, I think they have the same feel as the underground scene and should definitely get some recognition for their versatility!

    @MMBREEZO Год назад +8

    if vampleek blow up them screenshots ruining everything😂

    • @2shynee85
      @2shynee85 Год назад

      @Beno! Hn

    • @gauzemelt
      @gauzemelt Год назад +3

      fr, that’s the only reason why he not blowing up. he a weirdo 😭

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      underground ARE for weirdos so

  • @blackstar_savage2315
    @blackstar_savage2315 Год назад

    Glad you back UV, you da goat

  • @Shalashaska1997
    @Shalashaska1997 Год назад +3

    wonder if any of the emo rap wave ppl like convolk, 9tails or guardin will be mentioned. love these videos 🙏

    • @UVXCX
      @UVXCX  Год назад +4

      More so like 93FeetofSmoke, fatse, I talk about bro for like a split second

  • @zuulwav
    @zuulwav Год назад +3

    Icytwat makes such good music

  • @inferiordior
    @inferiordior Год назад +2

    Pouya actually WAS in Rvidxxr Klvn, along with Fat Nick at around ages 15-17

    • @roaddecay4552
      @roaddecay4552 Год назад

      Nah they were just around them

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад

      i miss buffetboys😢

    • @inferiordior
      @inferiordior Год назад

      @@roaddecay4552 they were literally on early group tapes and listened as members, Purrp jus kicked em out after a few months ☠️ for Mike Dece it took like 2 weeks lmao

    • @inferiordior
      @inferiordior Год назад

      But they were all basically Rvidxr Klvn affiliates up until 2015-2021

  • @koldnj
    @koldnj Год назад +2

    Three six mafia is seshhallowwaterboyz’s fathers 😂

  • @joj0_kamiya235
    @joj0_kamiya235 Год назад +1

    Oh this went DEEP cus bro actually mentioned Midnight Society

  • @d3vl1n_
    @d3vl1n_ Год назад

    Love your videos

  • @4kumetsu
    @4kumetsu Год назад +2

    man i loved midnight society

  • @YungKD_SSBM
    @YungKD_SSBM Год назад +2

    3:43 Peggy actually started producing when he was 15 and he claims he started rapping when he was 12, idk for sure. I could be wrong.

  • @wait_kuz
    @wait_kuz Год назад +1

    Damn, i thought surfgang would be in pt. 2 for sure.

  • @redrvm666
    @redrvm666 Год назад

    brooo what is that beat from 4:32 to like 5:02 over the lil b part

  • @basedboy6848
    @basedboy6848 Год назад +1

    the real underground iceberg

  • @dojczman
    @dojczman Год назад +1

    Can someone please help with the songs/beat at 16:02 , 32:01 , 32:46 and 21:30?? 🙏🙏🙏 Would really appreciate it

  • @joethefoebeats
    @joethefoebeats Год назад +5

    Vamp leek is insane glad he got on the list

    • @keizu.
      @keizu. Год назад +2

      his relationship with lone was insane they needa drop a song together again

    • @asasouthard780
      @asasouthard780 Год назад

      He a pedo

  • @citgodumb
    @citgodumb Год назад +4

    when sybyr

  • @byrondunn5822
    @byrondunn5822 Год назад +2

    divine council is the best thing to come out of the underground

  • @xamwrldxo
    @xamwrldxo Год назад +1

    i didnt expect luci4 being on here 💀🔥

  • @griffingutches8261
    @griffingutches8261 Год назад +2

    Vamp leek was #1 on my replay/wrapped last year. Happy to see him on this list.

    • @ivarsv123
      @ivarsv123 Год назад +2

      too bad he’s super weird

    • @XD-ly7fp
      @XD-ly7fp Год назад +1

      @@ivarsv123 story as old as time when it comes to the underground lol

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад +1

      ​@@ivarsv123underground ARE for the weird so

  • @vnarchist
    @vnarchist Год назад +2

    fuck i’m mad that i gotta wait for the nxt one . i’m being put ON . can u make a list of songs used in the video ?

  • @ermond26
    @ermond26 Год назад +1

    Bandcamp days real ones kn about dat 💪🏿🔥🖤✝️

  • @psychologically_horrifying
    @psychologically_horrifying Год назад +1

    it‘d be so helpful if there was a spelling of their names on the screen when they come up or like at least an albums cover😭 im tryin to find all of these an its not fun lol

  • @farmingbp2650
    @farmingbp2650 Год назад

    This is why I subbed 🔥

  • @tiwopx
    @tiwopx Год назад

    diego world 2 def was one of my fav tapes of 2022

  • @FL6K0
    @FL6K0 7 месяцев назад +2

    Original sounds that people took off and ran with.
    Slimesito, Goonew, Wintertime Zi, SGP, Thouxanbanfauni, Black Kray, Lil B, Hi-C, Yung Lean, $ilkmoney, Duwap Kaine and XXXTENTACION. Izaya Tiji? Can you count Izaya Tiji as an originator or did he branch off from the Duwap Kaine tree ?

  • @vedza5448
    @vedza5448 10 месяцев назад

    Finally somebody mentioned midnight society🙏

  • @kxrnxge165
    @kxrnxge165 Год назад +16

    where tf is fauni💀💀

    • @theknownskeleton3586
      @theknownskeleton3586 3 месяца назад

      Thouxanbanfauni but aint ppl gonna say alldat no more... trap legend fr fr

  • @adri.progression
    @adri.progression Год назад +2


  • @yungdc88
    @yungdc88 Год назад +2

    is Craig Xen in there?

  • @scpfoundation4572
    @scpfoundation4572 Год назад

    amazing vid gang frrrr

  • @lostcartier
    @lostcartier Год назад

    what’s the beat in the background at @10:43

  • @CamScobie
    @CamScobie Год назад +3

    I think idontknowjeffery needs to be in one of these

  • @teslacoileray4906
    @teslacoileray4906 Год назад

    You know the name of the instrumental you used for the Raider Klan segment?

  • @somerandomdudethatcommente5191
    @somerandomdudethatcommente5191 6 месяцев назад

    I’m from Pittsfield, the Joey and devstacks got me hype

  • @saucy6623
    @saucy6623 Год назад

    Im so proud of uv man

  • @nawtursav11or
    @nawtursav11or Год назад

    this a really good vid u covered most relevant but still kinda obscure shit

  • @Kkayy020
    @Kkayy020 Год назад +1

    Vampleek looks like Ski Mask 😂

  • @chopper4683
    @chopper4683 Год назад

    used to think i was the only one who knew bout icytwat

  • @selenebauer3601
    @selenebauer3601 Год назад

    I waited for this

  • @miroku.619
    @miroku.619 Год назад +1

    i miss wintertime

  • @CT_-ts1bs
    @CT_-ts1bs Год назад +1

    not hating cuz i loved this video and i think you did very well. but where is city moruge? unless i just missed it in the video

    • @popolmengompol
      @popolmengompol Год назад

      if you like City Morgue, i rec Death Tour. same vibe, go look up. thank me later📶