Hey man nice video! Im impressed by your guys skills. Im also currenty working on a b2 Audi 80, but mine is a 2 door. Quick queation, did you fabricate the fiberglass widebody or did you buy it? Im looking to do something like that on mine. Also if the widebody is bought, can you please share a link to the manufacturer?
Alltid lika intressant att kolla på era filmer . Grymt bra som vanligt .👍👍
Och jag hoppas presentatören får bra betalt så det blir mycket Turtlesgrejer! 👌
Plåtporr 🥰
Alltid lika bra! Grymt!
Jävlar vad duktiga ni är, så snyggt..
Grymt som vanligt
Hey man nice video!
Im impressed by your guys skills. Im also currenty working on a b2 Audi 80, but mine is a 2 door.
Quick queation, did you fabricate the fiberglass widebody or did you buy it? Im looking to do something like that on mine.
Also if the widebody is bought, can you please share a link to the manufacturer?
Hey. Thanks. Nice with a 2-door b2. The widebody kit is purchased from here: acm.se/category/64
Va det där generalen?? eller nån som byggt på samma koncept?
Det är inte generalen, men förstår att du trodde det 👍
Hasses gamla som helsing har nu