@cederstrand1 The reason why alot off the words are alike is becouse english and swedish comes from the same Indoeuropean langue structure. for exampel; *Apalją in forn germanian got to be Apple in english Appel in dutch and in swedish its Äppel. all pretty similar and there are alot more words that are much alike to the sound but the meaning is changed, Like starve in english is starben in german but its mean "die"
@tamzokes i can see what you mean but the host here has a subtle humour thats just brilliant but difficult to translate i guess. and this show always had like a stiff image, but in contrast they joke about averytging and have quite a smart and provocative kind of humour.
all of my friends tell me I talk just like an american... But we in Scandinavia are famous for talking very good english compared to the people in southern europe. I guess that's because Scandinavia is so close to Great Britain...
No, here in Sweden, we all learn English from second, or third class, and like nine years forward or something. It's like the Swedish second language, hehe :)
Really? You think we speak good English because we are close to Great Britain? Do you realise how stupid that sounds? How would that affect our English? The reason we speak good English is because we have a great school system and because we've got a lot of English media in Sweden. Most stuff on TV is in English here. That's because we're good in English. And that's also why our accent is more close to the American one than the British.
The swedish people are in fact some of the best in the world at speaking english as a second language :)
Got to love how Yayo looks when the K-unit walks in..
Begnan Larsson G-unit
lol yayo wasn't there bro... that's young buck
I miss this show..
Well, i'm from sweden too. we started up with our studies of english in the first or the second grade.
Så vacker helt sjukt otroligt
De va väl lite å ta i
Haha kul att se K Luuk tillsammans med 50 Cent och Lloyd Banks :)
3:53 I like how Kristian Luuk stuttered there because he almost said ”G-g-g-G-Unit!!” 😄
luuk, kom tillbaka!!
@AsianInMyPantz Yeah but the grammatics and the speed/flow of the speech is something we´re great at.
tog mig halva klippet innan jag fatta att de va luuk xD måste erkänna att han gör riktigt bra ifrån sig.
fett niceee
Skulle aldrig bo granne med såna, jag bor granne med svenskar, och det min lilla replyer är jag stolt över! :)
thx bud :)
@Zronxziq driver du? Vet inte hur gammal du är männsika men jag kommer ihåg de här programmet som om de vore igår, bästa talkshowen någonsin, Luuk
@cederstrand1 The reason why alot off the words are alike is becouse english and swedish comes from the same Indoeuropean langue structure. for exampel; *Apalją in forn germanian got to be Apple in english Appel in dutch and in swedish its Äppel. all pretty similar and there are alot more words that are much alike to the sound but the meaning is changed, Like starve in english is starben in german but its mean "die"
@basseAEG Yes couldnt be more right but its also because many of our words are pretty alike english..
4:20 "What where you passing out there"😅
@gretagris1 Bra fråga, dock är jag sådan som bryr mig mer om hur musiken låter och inte vad de låter osv.
Säga vad man vill om 50, men ni måste ju hålla med om att han verkar vara en ganska ''down to earth'' och soft snubbe?
@UppsalaBaronen Hur länge satt du och funderade över antalet K:n du skulle skriva?
Welcome to sweden.
G-unit i love ya guys ya good. the man who made the interview with G-unit. he is like afried from the G-unit.
haha look at 50 and lloyd banks at the last how they cross there arms haha
50=the truth
@tamzokes i can see what you mean but the host here has a subtle humour thats just brilliant but difficult to translate i guess. and this show always had like a stiff image, but in contrast they joke about averytging and have quite a smart and provocative kind of humour.
hahaaa look at 50 & banks in the end!
50 is the realest
he looked so cute when he was 28 but now he looks sooo hot
jävla nice..jag vill ju träffa han :(
@QueerW0RLD yes !
sååå rolig hahaha!!!
G-unit i love ya guys ya good. the man who made the interview with G-unit. he is like afried or nervous from the G-unit.
Fan vad förvånartsvärt bra engelska Lok pratar :P
@TheNeutralGuy ...2003?
det är här han e som bäst ... han peakar detta året tycker jag
That's the full version?
Maybe there is no part 3 huh punk?
man såg på 50 cent att han blev nervös när k-unit kom in.
Yo he grew up alot
all of my friends tell me I talk just like an american... But we in Scandinavia are famous for talking very good english compared to the people in southern europe. I guess that's because Scandinavia is so close to Great Britain...
Någon som har avsnittet när Bruce Springsteen är med?
@SiljeSilla men i disslåtar då? då har 50 en chans för han är sjuk på att dissa sönder
:O i'd love to see the Eminem and 50 Cent rap battle
låten 4:43? :O
50 dont have them tats no more ?? got them removed
50 cent till Uppsala!!! Nuuu !!
K-Unit FTW!
lloyd banks är inte död...?
K-Unit haha fyfan alltså ^^
HAHAHAHA K-UNIT där skrattade jag xD
hahahaha !!! G- Unit meets K-unit xD
No, here in Sweden, we all learn English from second, or third class, and like nine years forward or something. It's like the Swedish second language, hehe :)
@Amanueel nää, alltså jag är inte ngt 50cent fanboi.
Haha nice att dom spelar värsta hårdrocken när G-Unit går in
50 looks pissed wen the k-unit comes
How is
Skickat d kord
@basseAEG WE speak good english because our dialect arent so freaky wierd its normal dude det skall du veta!
@jaksnopp 50 cent & snoop dogg- pimp
@jaksnopp du måste skämta?
åh fan jag minns det här. fråga inte mig varför
infjard varför, jag e nyfiken
@tamzokes Needles to say, I didn't say I hated the U.S. I love the U.S.
The legendary K-Unit is gathered! xD
3:03 It took him 2 minutes and 48 seconds to lose his girlfriend.
hur du skrev det ser bara fel ut hahahahah
50 cent 4:25. He is like Dafuq?!
Det är jävligt vanligt att artister från grejer som klockor osv från nya labels, så det är inte en dum fråga på något sätt.
one sees that 50 cents does not sit comfortably in the chair
haha jag dog... xDDDD go K-unit!! :D :D
hahaha vafan K-unit
snoppmorfar du har fan rätt jag vill också träffa honom plus eminem
K-UNIT hahaha that will be cool too
whgat the fuck detta var 2003 nu 2012 e eminem gammal men jag visste inte att 50 cent var så gammal
@jaksnopp P.I.M.P
hahahaha k-unit xD
Ett tag trodde jag att han hade sin mamma tatuerad naken på armen :).
I thought only Britain spoke English in Europe. So, Swedish people speak English?
Det hade varit mycker roligare om det hade varit KKK-unit :D Undra va 50 cent hade sagt, hehe.
LOL K-unit
Sounds exactly like Chris Brown !
@al0ttafagina not what ive heard, most have a funny swedish-english accent
@SiljeSilla S-s-s-s-s-s-s-shady!! G-g-g-g-g-g-g-unit!!
K-Unit was Comidians lol
hehe i know ur not 100% serious, but still...Every show is scripted so they all knew whats goin down =)
@vohmrin me 2
vilket skämt
han verkar va lite blyg , haha : )
having a bad day? Grow up kid.
offff..kor flaut... Gla d e i sverige! haha
What? =/
svengelska är inte engelska!
2:27 fail :p
Really? You think we speak good English because we are close to Great Britain?
Do you realise how stupid that sounds? How would that affect our English?
The reason we speak good English is because we have a great school system and because we've got a lot of English media in Sweden. Most stuff on TV is in English here. That's because we're good in English. And that's also why our accent is more close to the American one than the British.