Over Half a Year Making My Game! | YesterSol Metroidvania Devlog

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @NeatGames
    @NeatGames  Год назад +1

    Wishlist here: store.steampowered.com/app/2248230/YesterSol/ (^_^)v

  • @StealthyShiroeanGames
    @StealthyShiroeanGames Год назад +2

    Wow, the changes you made are pretty good. Especially with the bosses. Seems like they've come a long way. I'm definitely liking the one boss with the saw a lot more than when I saw him in the short you made. Great work!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks a bunch :D I hope I get better at making them~

    • @StealthyShiroeanGames
      @StealthyShiroeanGames Год назад

      @@NeatGames Definitely! I've played through Super Neat Cat in its entirety and looking forward to seeing how you've grown as a game dev with YesterSol. Been meaning to try out the latest alpha for a while now, but only finished up a move to Japan with my family. So I imagine it might be some more time yet before I can offer any comments there.

  • @JacobyYTUBE
    @JacobyYTUBE Год назад +2

    The spear concept is pretty creative! I like the idea, keep up the good work mr game dev!❤

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks! Will do and you too :D

  • @sseudes
    @sseudes Год назад +3

    Very cool idea, good work.
    The character looks a lot like Shino or I'm just seeing things?

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Where is that character from? I want to check them out :D Sorry for late reply, I took a RUclips break ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @sseudes
      @sseudes Год назад

      @@NeatGames Naruto. Shippuden.

  • @hapo2846
    @hapo2846 Год назад +3

    I love the shop idea you have! One thing you should definitely add is a few power ups. One should definitely be a size change like super-small or super-sized which can be used in different situations.

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks for the comment! Cool idea~ I am trying to think of a few more :D

  • @Skeffles
    @Skeffles Год назад +3

    Brilliant to see how the game is progressing! Good luck getting into the alpha stage.

  • @baltcito263
    @baltcito263 Год назад +2

    This is looking awesome!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks! And thanks for watching :D

  • @thelivingstickman7158
    @thelivingstickman7158 Год назад +2

    Great vid

  • @runrajrun
    @runrajrun Год назад +2

    The scene with the mushroom lighting looks really great!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks! I do like glowing mushrooms :D (I always put them in my games haha)

  • @error17_
    @error17_ Год назад +2

    Awesome creativity

  • @thephysicsgamer123
    @thephysicsgamer123 Год назад +2

    cool gamedev aside, that Moonwalk was top-tier

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Haha Thanks! Decades of practice :D

  • @MrMooGames
    @MrMooGames Год назад +2

    Great devlog and even better moonwalk. Your game is really coming along. It looks like it’s playing really well. Lots a cool mechanics and your world building is super effective. Can’t wait to play!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks a bunch Mr Moo! Great job on your game as well :D

  • @elissamni
    @elissamni Год назад +1

    this game has such a potential

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks DevLisa :D I hope people find it fun (and not too buggy haha)

  • @nerdyturkey312
    @nerdyturkey312 Год назад +3

    This game deserves to be a hit!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      I hope so :D and thanks!

  • @6121-to5iy
    @6121-to5iy Год назад +1

    You are mr beast of the gaming world!!!!

  • @Floorium
    @Floorium Год назад +1

    All the new additions are looking great. Still love the lighting you have :)

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks! I'm glad it came out well :D

  • @ShinyEmeraldGames
    @ShinyEmeraldGames Год назад +3

    Great Devlog! Nice to see the progress! The "I fixed some bugs" over and over again is literally me working on my platformer game rn
    The new levels look epic, but yeah I also currently have some trouble coming up with level ideas xD
    The hazards are a nice feature and make the levels more interesting overall :-) Great job!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks Emerald!! It definitely takes endurance to make platforming games hehe, we can do it :D

  • @eboatwright_
    @eboatwright_ Год назад +4

    I really like the simple art style, and how everything in each area looks cohesive, but each area is unique

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks! And that's great to hear~ I really tried hard to find an easier art style that still looks kinda nice :D

  • @soulsborneseeker
    @soulsborneseeker Год назад +2

    Awesome progress!

  • @lifeisalmostserious
    @lifeisalmostserious Год назад +2

    Hey man good job with this one!! You have made so much progress. I am learning too but I am quite old.. Still trying hard tho

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      I started learning gamedev 4 years ago~ I might not look it, but I'm 40 years old haha :D Never too old to learn!

    • @lifeisalmostserious
      @lifeisalmostserious Год назад

      @@NeatGames LOL you look so young. Let us join you on the journey.

  • @noontimedreamer
    @noontimedreamer Год назад +3

    Great job man! The game has become so atmospheric. And your progress in mapping out the world is inspiring.

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks for the comments! I really like planning the world :D

  • @bigturtleworks
    @bigturtleworks Год назад +2

    The amount of work that you've been able to do in half a year with a full time job and other creative work is incredible. Great work dude!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks bigturtle :D I do a lot of brainstorming at work(make a to-do list) and then implement it at home ~

  • @cheezum
    @cheezum Год назад +7

    Awesome progress! One suggestion: The character seems kind of lifeless, especially when jumping and dashing, so less stiff animations would help. Keep up the great work!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks for the feedback! I will tweak it for sure~ :D

  • @azrhyga
    @azrhyga Год назад +1

    Great devlog!! Also looking a great game!! Good luck working on it :D

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks! You too! :D

    • @azrhyga
      @azrhyga Год назад

      You're welcome!! Thanks a lot!! @@NeatGames

  • @marxy37dev
    @marxy37dev Год назад +2

    I like the new progress, especially the boss!! Any plan for some boss lore in the future? ;)

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks Marxy! And for sure~ I'm thinking of all the NPCs and Bosses backstories now :D

  • @RockyMulletGamedev
    @RockyMulletGamedev Год назад +1

    Good progress ! 💪

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks a bunch sir mullet :D

  • @ayvesstarforge
    @ayvesstarforge Год назад +2

    While I Like The Charater Design... It Doesnt Really Have Anything 'Special' To Make Him Different... If I Took His Sheet And Another Mystery Wizard Sheet, Then Painted Both Black, I Couldnt Tell Them Apart. I Dont Really Mind This. But Something To Keep In Mind! Overall A Great Video🎉

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks for the feedback! I am trying to make him simple and unique, but it is tough to achieve haha :D

  • @경희김-e4p
    @경희김-e4p Год назад +2

    Teacher! Hello! I'm the student of your class. I am sad because I can't see you at second term! See you at next grade!!!!😂😂❤

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Oh hello!! Thanks for watching~ Sorry for late reply, I took a RUclips break ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @G3TCH
    @G3TCH Год назад +2

    you should add warning before attacks of the princess wasquita , so you know when to dash or it would feel unfair

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Good point~ She has a little telegraph for the attack, she puts her arms up before going down, but I will improve her animations for sure :D

  • @makra42069
    @makra42069 Год назад +1

    That moonwalk tho 💯💯💯💯

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Haha thanks! Sorry late reply too a youtube break :D

  • @BoredDeveloper
    @BoredDeveloper Год назад +2

    Amazing work! It's becoming more and more beautiful!!
    btw weird that youtube thinks that it's Hollow Knight lol

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks as usual BoredDev! I think google know I love Hollow Knight haha