“Under the Hawthorn Tree” was an engaging, captivating, and heartfelt movie. My family has enjoyed watching this movie numerous times. This movie was beautiful, profound, and deeply moving. The collaboration between Ms. Zhou Dongyu and Mr. Shawn Dou was absolutely brilliant. Their performances were realistic, compelling, and powerful. The entire cast was excellent. Mr. Chen Chunsheng’s singing is melodious. Thank you, Ms. Zhou Dongyu and Mr.Shawn Dou, for your hard work, dedication, and natural acting skills. My family will always follow, support, and pray for “you.” 👏💫✨⭐️🌟🥇🏆😊🤩💛👏
Watched this movie recently loved the performance of main leads loved Zhou dongyu very much cute and adorable and the songs are melodious wonderfully directed by Zhang yimou ❤
The film "Love haw" (Under the Hawthorn Tree by Zhang Yimou), is a very emotional film successful. The music and the contents are very melancholy and touched my heart. A romantic love which ended so sadly. The song "Hawthorn" is for me a very touching love song. A very good movie with actors exel patients. Thanks
“Under the Hawthorn Tree” was an engaging, captivating, and heartfelt movie. My family has enjoyed watching this movie numerous times. This movie was beautiful, profound, and deeply moving. The collaboration between Ms. Zhou Dongyu and Mr. Shawn Dou was absolutely brilliant. Their performances were realistic, compelling, and powerful. The entire cast was excellent. Mr. Chen Chunsheng’s singing is melodious. Thank you, Ms. Zhou Dongyu and Mr.Shawn Dou, for your hard work, dedication, and natural acting skills. My family will always follow, support, and pray for “you.” 👏💫✨⭐️🌟🥇🏆😊🤩💛👏
Watched this movie recently loved the performance of main leads loved Zhou dongyu very much cute and adorable and the songs are melodious wonderfully directed by Zhang yimou ❤
The film "Love haw" (Under the Hawthorn Tree by Zhang Yimou), is a very emotional film successful. The music and the contents are very melancholy and touched my heart. A romantic love which ended so sadly.
The song "Hawthorn" is for me a very touching love song.
A very good movie with actors exel patients. Thanks
Awesome singing!
我不停的聽這首歌。 這部電影真的太感人了。。。
這首歌給我感覺 好像想傳達老三的口吻 叫靜秋要好好過~ 我又哭了!嗚嗚
Крутой фильм, китайский
I'm and you!?
เศร้ามากกก สงสารพระเอก
@hanamatang 真說得好。 T_T