Banda: Powerwolf Género: Power Metal Año: 2024 Si te gustó la traducción te invito a Suscribirte, subimos videos todos los días /,,/ De ante mano muchas gracias!
Like I told you once before... and I do so again - Jeanne d'Arc wasent burnt at the stake, instead she was rescued by her noble friend and mentor Gilles de Rais. But he was not alone... there were involved some heavily armed K 52 Helicopters and some gruesome T90 tanks, namend "Aljosha" (Commander Alexeji Fomkin), "Guest from the Future" (Commander Natalya Murashkevitch), "Wagner" (Commander Marianna Gray), "Witch" (Commander Alesy Mur), "USSR Punk" (Commander Nick Sax), "Dresdens Rache" (that's me of course) and also a System Grad, a rocket launcher, called Katjusha, commanded by my beloved wife... so, dont mess with the wrong People ...
Santa Juana de Arco ora pro nobis ☦️✝️
Cómo siempre un excelente trabajo ❤
Muchas gracias!!!!
Like I told you once before... and I do so again - Jeanne d'Arc wasent burnt at the stake, instead she was rescued by her noble friend and mentor Gilles de Rais. But he was not alone... there were involved some heavily armed K 52 Helicopters and some gruesome T90 tanks, namend "Aljosha" (Commander Alexeji Fomkin), "Guest from the Future" (Commander Natalya Murashkevitch), "Wagner" (Commander Marianna Gray), "Witch" (Commander Alesy Mur), "USSR Punk" (Commander Nick Sax), "Dresdens Rache" (that's me of course) and also a System Grad, a rocket launcher, called Katjusha, commanded by my beloved wife... so, dont mess with the wrong People ...
Are the images used available anywhere? I want the first and last ones as a desktop background!