Jennie Woo they were together for like a month or two and then they didn’t speak for 3 years (i’m assuming idk know irl so I wouldn’t know) and then they got married so it’s not like they were together for 4 years
Hailey to the paparazzi: "I don't really understand what you're doing? You're not even talking?" what's the point of talking if you're just going to ignore them??
That is not the point. There is no point that paparazzies are here for asking questions they can't just follow you. It's just she is not wants to be followed. IT'S JUST HARRASING
She is an model not an famous person. She don't want to be followed when she is walking or buying something. And yes. She loves attention because she is not famous or grown up. She is just 19 year old.
+Beril Fenty she is the daughter of a "famous person", she is hott, she is JB's current fucktoy & she's a model. of course they are going to follow her
+Beril Fenty totally agree otherwise. unfortunately when your parents are famous, you're born into it. I have no patience and would lose my shit over people following me like that 😂
The only reason why people even know that she exists is because of Justin Bieber I didn’t expect this to blow up but then I worded it wrongly what I meant is that most ppl know her for being with Justin not that she isn’t already a queen or that her father wasn’t big already I’m just saying a lot more ppl know her from Justin 👏
Well to be fair they weren’t even official when those video was filmed sooo.. the paparazzi are following her regardless of Justin and yes of course now that she is married to him, she’ll get more notice.
+TubularKid haha nope. watch how she struts down the streets. she's never had this publicity before and nobody knew or cared about who she was until she began "dating" justin. there's too many signs that the relationship is PR. probably to help her struggling career and get her up with her peers (Kendall Jenner, Bella and Gigi Hadid, etc.) Also she's been in love with Justin forever. He's never and to this day hasn't shown any REAL romantic interest in Hailey. A lot to ponder...
+Victoria Figueiredo I know who she is. She's just a rich girl who got connections. She's not even the height of a runway model she just has her dads connections to let her do whatever she wants
I might be the only one that feels this way but I just don't feel that she's a real celebrity like yea she's the daughter of a REAL celebrity, she's not that interesting tbh, I'm sorry that's just my opinion
ignores all of his questions, doesn't make any sort of interaction, gets mad when he stops giving her attention that she acted like she didn't want... wow, narcissism is a weird thing
I've never commented something negative about a celebrity on any social media, but I'm sorry I just have to say did anyone else notice how rude she was? When she told that paparazzi 'move I need to go to the store'. For those who are saying she's just walking away from the paparazzi, living her life, she still seems rude af and when she went in the car with the smirk, all I saw on her face was 'I'm loving the attention'
😂so what if she say "move, i need to go to the store" u excpeting her just STay there untill the guys decide to move? What should she do? 😂😂 This ppl just want a reason to hate
She's walking around like she's famous for something other than knowing the right people. I didn't even know who she was until I Justin was seen with her. Smh.
At 2:32 she said: "I don't understand what u r filming you r not even saying anything" and when he asked her a question she did not answer and kept walking
paparazzi: asks questions. hailey : ignores him paparazzi : breathes hailey: why did u stop asking questions!? paparazzi: hailey are you having a good day today? hailey: ignores
@@trainarrival394 idk 🤷🏼♀️ and also I noticed in the comments people really don’t care to listen, she says: “i don’t understand why you are filming, I’m not talking” and all the hate comments understood a different thing 😂
1- She went from an "outside" cafe to the different building to buy an another cup. 2- swinging her ponytail like crazy. 3- Walking so damn hard like a horse. 4- speaks to pappo that why u not "talking" and filming me. *cHiLl sHe'S jUsT waLkiNg* Yet people say she doesn't craves for attention, smh 👁️👄👁️
She’s don’t please stop assuming! So what ? If she walks hard and swings her pony? She’s a model. Also she just want to have a good time with her friends. She’s doesn’t like paparazzis.
Like a few years ago. Hailey tweeted and I quote "I'm Jelena all the way." Now: 2018 Justin Bieber: Will you marry me? Hailey Baldwin: Yes! Me: what a bich
well some things doesn’t work out, jelena is one of those things. and i ship jelena way more than jailey but just be honest if justin proposed to you would you say no? i dont think so. don’t hate hailey, shes just doing her thing, she makes justin happy, like no one ever could. selena couldnt, the fans coulndt, fame couldnt, it seems like right now hailey is the only one. maybe it will change. but dont say bitch, im pretty sure you’ve changed your opinion in a few years about something that u couldnt control
Richa Gomez oh my god just let them be. You have no idea what they’re actually like or what went down. Famous people are completely different behind the scenes, let them live their lives Jesus Christ
People like her are the last that can complain about being followed around by paparazzi. She's only famous because she's friends with the kardashians, her relations to Alec Baldwin didn't get her anything before that. She only became interested in modelling once Kendall got into it and she had enough fame to wind in too. It's a shame what the modelling industry has stooped to.
Tired of celebrities walking around like they are gods. I admire there sense of style, voice or phisique but just because you are so & so doesnt make you better than anyone. Oh another thing, you choose to live in the eyes of the world so why treat the paparazzi that way? He was just doing his job. Bye!
+Livvy McLaughlin .. I mean I get that it must be really annoying to have people following you around taking pics and asking personal questions all the time but it is their job it's part of being a celebrity there's no way in changing that. I'm glad they're adding laws for paps but then when you think about it , it IS a paps job too. It's just how it is /:
celebrities call the Paps themselves, you think they are in every parking lot or all the airports waiting for them? NOT! in fact the actors even pay them to be photographed! P.s. my friend is a paparazzi
all i saw was paparazzi harassing her..she's trying to live her life and these people crowd her constantly and bombard her with questions, it must get really frustrating
+cxrlinex kxogh i mean duh he's one of the biggest celebrity's rn..none of us actually know her personally or have even spoken to her most likely so how do we know whT she's thinking? NOBODY KNOWS WHAT SHE IS THINKING EXCEPT HER.
"Crowd and bombard with questions" Sorry, did you watch a different video from what I was watching? That's not "crowding" nor "bombarding" with questions. If you think that's bad watch what Bieber has to go through smh.
Oh my god she is NOT a freaking superstar to act like that! Even Karlie Kloss or Cara Delevingne TRY to answer questions and take photos from both the fans and paparazzi then this Hailey (who?) acts like she's a Queen. Eeew
Lol why do people want to record her , she has some attitude, she was like move u peasant to that paparazzi and also she only has fame of Justin, but she still not even that famous she just acts she’s all that like boi, people record u coz of Justin , never would they before that
+Lovely Tran but that doesn't mean shes loving the attention, which is what im trying to say. if she answered, shes likes attention. if she doesnt answer, she likes attention. theres no winning for her and its sad.
omgxitsgabby I don't need to grow up she's only with Justin for the clout if u know what that means and u can't judge people or harass them just on there opinion
why are people saying shes being an asshole. she just walking and living he life. if she doesn't want to talk to the paparazzi then she doesn't have to. if it was Beyonce ya would be saying how she a diva and she need to slay.
NONONO Beyonce doesn't even talk about being a diva she might seem like a person who does but when u actually see the real her she is the most kindest person on earth that I know she's so considerate and loves others she ain't only a diva she's a loving diva😕😕
+Kristine Long have you never seen another celebrity with papparazzi most celebritys have been uch worse towards them. Stop hating just because it's hailey. There fucking paps. Paps are rude.
+Sarah she said to the one filming her I don't get why your following me around your not even talking to me but when he started talking to her she ignored him
+N Gamer .The fact that you know her because of justin,doesn't mean she is famous because of him. You probably don't know much about fashion that's why you don't know her. ☺
+Paulina Nuñez may I ask you how YOU found out about her because 99% of everyone found out about her through Justin. And she isn't even a celebrity or supposedly "famous"
Why is she all of a sudden relevant to everyone oh wait yeah Justin. Keep in mind she isn't used to this she doesn't even have a body guard with her. And people didn't even know who she was lol...Justin stop making her famous lmao
No, he was in love with her years ago, but she was too young. And he was also young and very busy. Now, she isn’t. And now he’s ready to commit. He considered her marriage material years ago.
+Marialaura Cevallos De Barrenechea ikr. Why do the bieber fans always gotta point out every single flaw in one of his girlfriends. To be honest if they're his "fans" they would actually be happy for him that he found somebody to love. 😂😂😂smh
+BOY of course a rat named "BOY" would comment on something like that. let me guess you probably have no life and play vg everyday and you probably think you're so cool and shit🤔
I'm so ashamed of myself for taking 5 minutes out of my day to click this video because I'm nosy and bored and I most likely will click on similar videos like this. Smh lol I need to go out more damnit!
I don't understand why I just watched the whole video
probably because of the sound of her walking
+Vitória Sophia
Damn. Her sounds of her footsteps is really soothing.
+Vitória Sophia FR though I thought I was the only one who thought this, its fascinating somehow....
+araceli d.l A sound that hypnotizes the ear
Same. Spent four damn minu-hell almost 5 ass minutes watching a person walk.
The ponytail swinging was just too much lmao
Exactly 😒
Ik I was like dang
Andrea Clemente omg. You noticed that too ? Lol
I hated that
I honestly didnt know her till Justin got married with her
right, Selena was way better
@@allilililii lmfaooo get over it
@@allilililii I like more selena gomez than her 😀I want Justin to get back with selena
Tony DR yesss!!
hailey: "i don't understand why you're filming and not talking"
paparazzi: "are you having a good day today hailey?"
hailey: *ignores him*
no she said "I don't know why you are following me I'm not talking" and he said....
no she said "I don't understand what you're filming, I'm not talking"
no she said fuck you. bye
netflixer lmaooo
netflixer EXACTLY
The friend is loving the fame
Cristina Montero She truly is, but she is a peasent like the rest of us 😂 on a serious note, she wishes she was the celeb lol.
Raquel they both are just loving the attention it hutrs XD
she's been friends with the jenners for so long and she seems like she doesn't want fame otherwise she wouldn't of been a model or something ages ago
JAJAJA obviously
that's her friend? i thought she was her manager or personal assistant lmao oh my
She was trying too hard im sorry
How do you know?
333.... ahm ima just
Aleena Faisal you ruined it
I mean she didnt ask for them there
no she’s not stfu
Her friend is acting like the paparazzi are there for here.
What she be doing on that phone tho?
sonikasan probably scrolling through the same thing
ong thats what i was just thinking
No she isn’t she’s just walking lol
am i the only one disturbed with the sound of her shoe?
Raine Montefalco ASMR lol😂
Raine Montefalco yes
Omg I thought I was the only one
lol didn’t realize this was 4 years ago and when i heard “are you and justin dating” i was like wait a sec-
Same lol
emilyjosephine they been together that long and Selena’s still acting stupid
Jennie Woo they were together for like a month or two and then they didn’t speak for 3 years (i’m assuming idk know irl so I wouldn’t know) and then they got married so it’s not like they were together for 4 years
OMG same 😂
You can tell she's loving it. She goes from an 'outside' cafe to a building, then goes to another cafe to get another drink.
Han she’s hiding from people like you that always have something to say
Are you fucking dumb, no one would ever enjoy this.
Rochelle Smith true. This would be beyond horrible.
Rochelle Smith no, are YOU dumb? She clearly wanted to be filmed, did u not watch the video?
WTF she’s just doing her daily things... meeting friends and all that.. She has a life you know.. don’t know bout you.
Her little friend thinks she's famous too XD
Kassandra Simonsberg 😂😂 what if she was thinking like that
Hahahah I was thinking the same thing LOL
Who is she tho?
Kassandra Simonsberg ikr I don’t like hailey but her little friend be looking like a rag next to her doe
She loves the attention it is so funny to see her pretending that it bothers her.
shortriver ftq
She's not pretending.
It bothers her.
As it would for anyone if they had a camera in their face following them around on their private time.
Kingofmyrealm why do you even come in the coments section to write stupid things about haily that dont even makes sense.
sounds like a horse galloping down the street
Caroline Valdez 😂😂😂ikr
Caroline Valdez 😂😂😂ikr
lol ikr
A horse half duck😂
why is she walking so hard?
Ikr 😕
Lmfao. She's super stuck up.
+Quaberr truee lmfao
Well I mean she is a model
4:00 I'm imagining this scene like this:
Cashier: Why are there cameras
Hailey: I'm hailey baldwin
Cashier: Okay
He didn’t even know her but if she said who her husband is
Naomi Rosas HAAHAH
@@naomirosas8256 omg😂. Imagine her saying . Justin bieber is my husband . He's gonna be like:😱
I refuse to like this comment
Coffee guy didn't even know her name lol
everyone just knew all of the sudden bc of justin.there is nothing special about her she just wants to be in the centre of attention
I was looking for a comment that said that, lol 🤣
@@esmas.1324 shes a famous model-
@@ashlynhammons1609 but she wasn’t as famous as she is rn before the marriage with Justin
I know hailey because she get married with justin . But i still think hailey is not famous .
Hailey to the paparazzi: "I don't really understand what you're doing? You're not even talking?"
what's the point of talking if you're just going to ignore them??
+Emma Martinez she wants to feel important haha
That is not the point. There is no point that paparazzies are here for asking questions they can't just follow you. It's just she is not wants to be followed. IT'S JUST HARRASING
She is an model not an famous person. She don't want to be followed when she is walking or buying something. And yes. She loves attention because she is not famous or grown up. She is just 19 year old.
+Beril Fenty she is the daughter of a "famous person", she is hott, she is JB's current fucktoy & she's a model. of course they are going to follow her
+Beril Fenty totally agree otherwise. unfortunately when your parents are famous, you're born into it. I have no patience and would lose my shit over people following me like that 😂
no one:
Hailey: *stomp* *stomp* *STOMP*
Lmao I kr
When I read the stomp stomp in my head I heard womp womp 😂💀
When she drives off and has the biggest grin on her face... Lol she loves attention. Its embarrassing.
+TubularKid No your embarrassing cos everyone knows she is the biggest attention seeker lol
Fuck off
+Noble Hailey Baldwin is a famous model and is dating Justin Bieber. She's 19
+the100_fandom 🙌🙌
+kaisha x She love all the attention
The only reason why people even know that she exists is because of Justin Bieber I didn’t expect this to blow up but then I worded it wrongly what I meant is that most ppl know her for being with Justin not that she isn’t already a queen or that her father wasn’t big already I’m just saying a lot more ppl know her from Justin 👏
Her father too. She was born famous.
You are wrong she is a beautiful smart lady
Well to be fair they weren’t even official when those video was filmed sooo.. the paparazzi are following her regardless of Justin and yes of course now that she is married to him, she’ll get more notice.
She was honestly irrelevant before Justin, her “fame” isn’t even her own
Thats mean
@@tiktokeverything9911 nah it's the harsh reality
Stop the hate. There is no need for it. Especially because that’s not true
@@mariamgazarin3789 i mean it kinda is true... most ppl didnt even know who she was before she was with justin
you can tell how much she was loving that attention
+TubularKid haha nope. watch how she struts down the streets. she's never had this publicity before and nobody knew or cared about who she was until she began "dating" justin. there's too many signs that the relationship is PR. probably to help her struggling career and get her up with her peers (Kendall Jenner, Bella and Gigi Hadid, etc.) Also she's been in love with Justin forever. He's never and to this day hasn't shown any REAL romantic interest in Hailey. A lot to ponder...
TubularKid Lmao no she's not struggling anymore after she got the publicity from jb!
+Sarah she walks like a fuckin man 😂😂😂with that big ass gap between her theighs
+Nataja Holloway 😂😂 Stupid ass hater . Jealous bc she and Justin are closer than you'll ever be with him 😂 .
Jolly Llama bæ unless she's 9 y/o I don't believe she's jealous lmao.
I love how she acts like she doesn’t love it. So obvious she prob called them lol
وردة سيرا that’s because you’re an idiot
وردة سيرا absolutely no problem
Red Rum bro stfu she’s just walking calm the fuck down and keep ur useless ignorant dumb ass comment to ur fucking self because nobody asked
Casper Chapman yikes ur a fire gine aren’t ya 😂
Ronnie Raulston tf is that supposed to mean
the coffee guy didn’t even know who she was lmao
paparazzi never followed her before lmao that's the funny part
Justin might be an idiot . I doubt she likes him
+tony nkem look at justins pic on Instagram of them kissing
+poppyseeds396 yeah ik but that doesn't mean she likes him . Someone can kiss u and use u
And u say that because u she all the videos of paparazzi? U are so dumb omg
Bc her parents are the ones famous. 😂😂
she's loving that promo
Ikr smh
right smh
+selenator forever funny how ur selly was using j for promo too but ok
I don't know why wasting time on her tbh
Girl really has to learn to be HUMBLE if a different celebrity like madison beer or selena gomez she would have nobody giving her attention geesh
True true
Esmeralda Rodriquez Madison beer isn’t a celeb lolll
@@afannyr9737 yes she is
@@afannyr9737 she’s is she’s just not a A list like Beyoncé or ari or someone but she is considered a celebrity
@@newtella8047 no she sing at all lol
Idk why she's famous, but her outfit is bomb😍
she is a model
+Victoria Figueiredo no she's not she's a wanna be lmao she's just another rich kid with a famous dad
+victor cortes she is a model for Tom ford toi :3
+victor cortes google her
+Victoria Figueiredo I know who she is. She's just a rich girl who got connections. She's not even the height of a runway model she just has her dads connections to let her do whatever she wants
I might be the only one that feels this way but I just don't feel that she's a real celebrity like yea she's the daughter of a REAL celebrity, she's not that interesting tbh, I'm sorry that's just my opinion
Isn't she the niece of the actor Baldwin? Sorry, maybe I'm wrong but I read it somewhere.
Lauren Rutherford yes! Totally agree, tell it like it is 👌🏻
she's the daughter of Stephen Baldwin and the niece of the other Baldwin's
Lauren Rutherford not her fault she just hung out withbbeiber lol fuk you want her to do
Lauren Rutherford exactly
The pony tail swing wasn’t necessary
Because yeah, she can control the movement of her hair
Hola Amigos She most definitely can
Hola Amigos she’s walking mad hard for what
for real i only did that with my pony tail in like middle school 😂😭
sara valjevac literally!
ignores all of his questions, doesn't make any sort of interaction, gets mad when he stops giving her attention that she acted like she didn't want... wow, narcissism is a weird thing
I agree!👌🏼
she literally said why are u filming i’m not talking???? y’all are crazy
Paparazzi: what's the best gift Justin has given to you?
She should've said: My career
JK HAHA no hate sry it's just too funny, I had to. XD
😂it's funny because it's true
It’s true 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 I love her so much but this is too funny
Lmao just said the facts
it's true tho
She’s walking like James Charles does in heels
Bayleigh Fletcher omg I’m fucking dead
Bayleigh Fletcher - I would sooner call it "galumphing" 😂😂
Edit: In the first definition, not the second haha
i knowwww!!!
She's Alec's daughter... she's already known
She is a model
+C Whitten Hailey is not Alec Baldwin's daughter, she's Alec's niece
You act like you're popular are you're only known because you commented on this video.
I've never commented something negative about a celebrity on any social media, but I'm sorry I just have to say did anyone else notice how rude she was? When she told that paparazzi 'move I need to go to the store'. For those who are saying she's just walking away from the paparazzi, living her life, she still seems rude af and when she went in the car with the smirk, all I saw on her face was 'I'm loving the attention'
Wattpad Trailers omg it’s true. I saw it too.
😂so what if she say "move, i need to go to the store" u excpeting her just STay there untill the guys decide to move? What should she do? 😂😂 This ppl just want a reason to hate
I think she said i need to use those doors or i need to get in those doors or something
Ummm why would u be nice to sometime who only wants to cause drama and follows u around
She is famous for dating Justin Bieber.
Who tf is this gurl tho
ZO DIAC shes a model I think
Just Some Guy without a Life no
1. She THINKS she is all that
2. She loves the attention
4. Is she even famous???
NNRainbow Vlogs she's a model and she's Alec baldwins daughter I haven't ever seen her model anything though
Musicsavedme Stephen Baldwin's daughter actually. Alec Baldwin's daughter is her cousin, Ireland. But yeah lol.
She's not famous 😂😂😂
Queen Savage The 3 question is that she's a celebrities daughter and Justin's fiance
Ummm...She's a Victoria Secret model
Her ponytail is so annoying. I wanna snatch it.
lmao same
Korry Sinclair 🙈😂
Dead 😂😂😂
Why did u have to say that now i want to
Hailey always has the best outfits. The fit she's wearing rn is fire too
She can make a dress out of a trash bag and call fashion
@@gregorybuell686 but did she tho no exactly and your point is
She's walking around like she's famous for something other than knowing the right people. I didn't even know who she was until I Justin was seen with her. Smh.
i got so confused when i read " hailey baldwin gets mad when paparazzi stop asking her about justin " 😂😂😂😂 like wtf .
+Brenda Elizabeth same
Yeah same😂😂
At 2:32 she said: "I don't understand what u r filming you r not even saying anything" and when he asked her a question she did not answer and kept walking
+awesome Aisha no she said she wasn't talking to him "I don't understand what you're filming I'm not talking to you"
paparazzi: asks questions.
hailey : ignores him
paparazzi : breathes
hailey: why did u stop asking questions!?
paparazzi: hailey are you having a good day today?
hailey: ignores
She didn’t even say that
@@mrs95shenny exactly idk why they hate her so much 🤦🏾♀️
@@trainarrival394 idk 🤷🏼♀️ and also I noticed in the comments people really don’t care to listen, she says: “i don’t understand why you are filming, I’m not talking” and all the hate comments understood a different thing 😂
@@trainarrival394 they just love to belittle this girl , she’s done nothing wrong , just walking and going on about her day.
1:26 -What's the nicest gift Justin has ever gotten for you?
- His clothes😂😂😂
+Sarah she meant that she always borrows/takes his clothes. her and justin always joke about it all the time..
I love how she says he's not talking to her but then when he does she still ignores 😂😂😂
Yeah that's what I'm saying😂
Sierra Peak ikr she is so cringey
1- She went from an "outside" cafe to the different building to buy an another cup.
2- swinging her ponytail like crazy.
3- Walking so damn hard like a horse.
4- speaks to pappo that why u not "talking" and filming me.
*cHiLl sHe'S jUsT waLkiNg*
Yet people say she doesn't craves for attention, smh 👁️👄👁️
She’s don’t please stop assuming! So what ? If she walks hard and swings her pony? She’s a model. Also she just want to have a good time with her friends. She’s doesn’t like paparazzis.
@@dontreadmyname3904 Stfu x
man these videos showing continuously are edited shots, dont people have life except for hating
Y’all toxic for assuming, the way y’all think only reveals a lot about y’all 😭😭
i like her walking, or is it just me
the sound of walking.
+w9s9 Omer yesss sameee
I think that was the only reason I watched till the end..
+Zorayah Begum same
+Zorayah Begum me too haha
she is so rude OMG
Her hair is like swaying everywhere with her shoes like stomp stomp
Her friend looked like she was loving the attention more than hailey tbh😂
no, Hailey loved it the most
I felt like Hailey annoyed her friend's talking 😂
Who the hell is this girl, never seen her in anything, why is she famous?
for sleeping with justin bieber and being friends with kendall jenner
Mmm... Weird!
She's a Baldwin, but being part of the Jenner clan did get her a lot of attention.
So... she really didn't do anything. Nice.
John D Nope. Just famous for being famous.
Like a few years ago. Hailey tweeted and I quote "I'm Jelena all the way."
Now: 2018
Justin Bieber: Will you marry me?
Hailey Baldwin: Yes!
Me: what a bich
Smart Gurl finally someone said it
Smart Gurl right like really
well some things doesn’t work out, jelena is one of those things. and i ship jelena way more than jailey but just be honest if justin proposed to you would you say no? i dont think so. don’t hate hailey, shes just doing her thing, she makes justin happy, like no one ever could. selena couldnt, the fans coulndt, fame couldnt, it seems like right now hailey is the only one. maybe it will change. but dont say bitch, im pretty sure you’ve changed your opinion in a few years about something that u couldnt control
Richa Gomez oh my god just let them be. You have no idea what they’re actually like or what went down. Famous people are completely different behind the scenes, let them live their lives Jesus Christ
Don’t even- she’s the one that helped Justin get off the drugs he was doing and pills he used to pop everyday and once he’s actually healthy
People like her are the last that can complain about being followed around by paparazzi. She's only famous because she's friends with the kardashians, her relations to Alec Baldwin didn't get her anything before that. She only became interested in modelling once Kendall got into it and she had enough fame to wind in too. It's a shame what the modelling industry has stooped to.
The guy at the cashier is so cute
That was awkward to watch . She loves swaying her pony lol
Tired of celebrities walking around like they are gods. I admire there sense of style, voice or phisique but just because you are so & so doesnt make you better than anyone. Oh another thing, you choose to live in the eyes of the world so why treat the paparazzi that way? He was just doing his job. Bye!
she's not even a celeb shes just acting like she is cuz she's dating jb
How would you feel being followed around by people taking photos of you 24/7, disrespecting you and constantly asking about your personal life.
+Livvy McLaughlin .. I mean I get that it must be really annoying to have people following you around taking pics and asking personal questions all the time but it is their job it's part of being a celebrity there's no way in changing that. I'm glad they're adding laws for paps but then when you think about it , it IS a paps job too. It's just how it is /:
totally agree with you
celebrities call the Paps themselves, you think they are in every parking lot or all the airports waiting for them? NOT! in fact the actors even pay them to be photographed!
P.s. my friend is a paparazzi
all i saw was paparazzi harassing her..she's trying to live her life and these people crowd her constantly and bombard her with questions, it must get really frustrating
Well SHE ask to the paparazzi to make her questions about Justin n stuff and then she doesn't even respond so..
+tanya i mean maybe i missed it but i never saw her specifically say that in the video...
+cxrlinex kxogh i mean duh he's one of the biggest celebrity's rn..none of us actually know her personally or have even spoken to her most likely so how do we know whT she's thinking? NOBODY KNOWS WHAT SHE IS THINKING EXCEPT HER.
"Crowd and bombard with questions" Sorry, did you watch a different video from what I was watching? That's not "crowding" nor "bombarding" with questions. If you think that's bad watch what Bieber has to go through smh.
Yeah you you must not have watched the video
when fame gets to people’s head
Sesli güldüm
she walks like a damn horse
She ignored everything he said, she literally was just walking.
And now they’re married..smh
Nah i prefer Selena
Taehyung's trash /NCT's Trash heyy! :)
TheIJP123 hello!
Darragh Ruddy no thanks i'm a winner
Here's my question: Who tf is this girl?
Twenty Øne Crybabies that Phanic! at the discø Justin Bieber's ex gf and a model
Lovely Emma they are engaged now
Queen Sherriii and what tf does she do?!?!!
Queen Sherriii Justin’s wife 🙄🙄
@@jasminejama9161 just famous because of her daddy and being Justin's fiancee
I don't like her I don't know why but I just don't like her😕😕
why she walking like she got no knees
Am I the only one who thinks the guy at the coffee shop place is hot? lol
+ANTMfan312 Nope I do too haha ;D
+VioletSky908 Yay! I'm not alone :) lol
Me too girl. He was so cute :)
+ANTMfan312 looks like josh hartnet
oh my god same here....
Sorry but I really don't see how she's loving the attention she's just walking I actually like her attitude about it like "not today bitch"
+Olivia Fitzpatrick She's a shady ass bitch.
+Olivia Fitzpatrick they're just jealous because bieber doesn't want them lol
so true
so true
it’s funny how she never knows where to go
Why is she even famous
bc of justin
She is a model, a very very good model! 👌
Because her name is "Baldwin", she's friends with the Jenner/Kardashian/Hadid and dated Justin Bieber for like two seconds lmao.
Camilla Gruber good never seemed to have worked for her advantage...
She famous cause she brain wash justin into marriage no prenup.
Her jacket is so cute
that was the longest 5 minutes of my life 💀💀
Oh my god she is NOT a freaking superstar to act like that! Even Karlie Kloss or Cara Delevingne TRY to answer questions and take photos from both the fans and paparazzi then this Hailey (who?) acts like she's a Queen. Eeew
When she said "why ain't u asking come questions" something like that and he does, she just ignores him.. Wow lol
I dont know why you are filming. I am not talking. So she didnt ask for questions.
@@WhatEver-mv6qi she kinda did
Lol why do people want to record her , she has some attitude, she was like move u peasant to that paparazzi and also she only has fame of Justin, but she still not even that famous she just acts she’s all that like boi, people record u coz of Justin , never would they before that
They record her because it makes views
Thing is the more she ignored them, the more they stick to her.
+Lovely Tran there you have it haha
+Lovely Tran but that doesn't mean shes loving the attention, which is what im trying to say. if she answered, shes likes attention. if she doesnt answer, she likes attention. theres no winning for her and its sad.
Yasss 👌🏼
omgxitsgabby I don't need to grow up she's only with Justin for the clout if u know what that means and u can't judge people or harass them just on there opinion
Lol she should be happy because without all this Justin Bieber drama these paparrazzi wouldn't be there talking to her
This is why we all love Selena lmao
Jelena for life
Yes not this ugly Hailey 👌♥️
Feyza Balci ugh yeah
@@FeyBal2238 how is she ugly now wtf
@@FeyBal2238 you shaming her buddy
why are people saying shes being an asshole. she just walking and living he life. if she doesn't want to talk to the paparazzi then she doesn't have to. if it was Beyonce ya would be saying how she a diva and she need to slay.
NONONO Beyonce doesn't even talk about being a diva she might seem like a person who does but when u actually see the real her she is the most kindest person on earth that I know she's so considerate and loves others she ain't only a diva she's a loving diva😕😕
Leah W that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if it was some one like Beyonce or say Nicki Minaj no one would say anything
Miracl3 Child I wasn't trying to say it in a mean way😂😂 its just that anything that has Beyonces name in I really have to comment😂😂
Leah W no you don't for what? 😞
4:50 😂 😂 😂 the cameraman get scared 😂 😂
Ikr lol
I'm sorry, I'm not sorry but she seems rude af
shes actually really nice
+Kristine Long have you never seen another celebrity with papparazzi most celebritys have been uch worse towards them. Stop hating just because it's hailey. There fucking paps. Paps are rude.
+Ellen Boylan is she even a celebrity
Morgana a celebrity is someone who attracts public or media attention... so yes by definition she is a celeb.
@Sarah Thanks for being respectful!
SHE'S SO thirsty for attention lmfao
Sarah Sure Jan. You're a bullyber so I ain't worried.
+Sarah she said to the one filming her I don't get why your following me around your not even talking to me but when he started talking to her she ignored him
she's literally just walking down the street you idiot lmao
yeah she's trying to act like kim k😂😂
she's one of those typical teenage girl who just want the paparazzi's to just follow her!
Is she famous ? Who is she ?
She is Hailey Baldwin , she is a model. And who are you?
Correction: a model who is only famous because she's with Justin Bieber
+N Gamer .The fact that you know her because of justin,doesn't mean she is famous because of him. You probably don't know much about fashion that's why you don't know her. ☺
+Paulina Nuñez may I ask you how YOU found out about her because 99% of everyone found out about her through Justin. And she isn't even a celebrity or supposedly "famous"
+Kidrahul4ever i knew her from cody simpson's video lmao irrelevant ass
Why is she all of a sudden relevant to everyone oh wait yeah Justin. Keep in mind she isn't used to this she doesn't even have a body guard with her. And people didn't even know who she was lol...Justin stop making her famous lmao
Ikr it's so annoying
But you have her in your profile picture ? 🤔😴
Eskaye Cameron I like her for a friend for Justin but not gf
Celeste and now Shawn lol
Am I the only one who enjoyed seeing papparazies in action first time? The whole video was fucking hilarious 😂😂😂😂 HAHAHAHAHA
She's mad because she's friendzoned. She's obsessed with Justin.
jellycreamjimin how would you know that?
And now they are getting married
Garima Agrawal well darn dang it for u then!
No, he was in love with her years ago, but she was too young. And he was also young and very busy. Now, she isn’t. And now he’s ready to commit. He considered her marriage material years ago.
jellycreamjimin 😂😂😂
i love how her hair swings back and forth😂😂 attitude much?!!
Maggie Funck shut up. you can tell from the beginning to the end of the video how her hair drastically swings because shes doing it on purpose.
anita xay its because how hard she walks.
anita bay shut up
anita bay it’s insane how hot she feels, that’s exactly how she’s walking and that’s exactly why her pony tail is like thatv
Who else thought it was funny when her friend tried to lock arms with her and she rejected her but she thought she was going to hold her hand 😂 0:43
"I don't really understand what you're filming, you're not talking"
Like she would answer anyway lmao
Okay, but damn, her outfit is on point
she has on a pair black jeans black boots and a red & black leather jacket. i mean i have that it may not cost as much as hers
but it's just a causal outfit
She only got famous bc of Justin 😂😂
And her famous modal friends like Kendall bella gigi
shes so nice why are yall so rude to her tf
She isn't acting nice lmao
+Bre shes just walking -_-
+Marialaura Cevallos De Barrenechea ikr. Why do the bieber fans always gotta point out every single flaw in one of his girlfriends. To be honest if they're his "fans" they would actually be happy for him that he found somebody to love. 😂😂😂smh
+champagne mami of course a girl named "Champagne mami" would think so lmfao lemme guess all these little divas are your "Goals AF"
+BOY of course a rat named "BOY" would comment on something like that. let me guess you probably have no life and play vg everyday and you probably think you're so cool and shit🤔
I bet she called the paparazzi to say where she was.... Attention seekers
2:49 i was okay until i saw her do that, like really
Day 11 : trying to find the part when she was mad ?!!😹
Har Kang Ok thanks
She’s rudeeeee
Noo she’s not, she’s super genuine and kind.
2:54 that pony tail is just dancing ♥️
I basically watched this to see how fierce Hailey looked walking the streets
I'm so ashamed of myself for taking 5 minutes out of my day to click this video because I'm nosy and bored and I most likely will click on similar videos like this. Smh lol I need to go out more damnit!
Love the way she complains tha he’s not talking and then he asks her summin and she just ignores him 😂😭
I'm in love with her outfit!
Yeah it's cute but her personality ain't it
@@zodiac6669 Why? Have you met her? Have you seen her? Are you her close friends ? NoNoNo so stop assuming.