The Pain of Betrayal

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend or relative? It happens and it is very painful.
    In this video, we delve into the pain of betrayal, focusing on the story of David being betrayed by Ahithophel.
    Betrayal goes beyond disappointment. It is very painful. At the time of preparing this video, Kenya's youth, the Gen Z,
    have been protesting about a Finance Bill that was going to increase taxes and introduce new taxes on products that were
    not previously taxed.
    The President had to refuse to sign the bill into an Act of Parliament to quell the protests.
    The Gen Zs were really hurting because of the betrayal of their members of Parliament whom they had voted for who were not listening to them anymore. They had told the MPs to reject the bill but the MPs approved the bill with minor amendments.
    Betrayal is a result of someone going against what you had agreed upon or what he or she had promised. The person does the opposite without caring about your feelings.
    Sometimes betrayal is by a relative. I saw a video in which a lady was narrating how her sister snatched her husband from her. The lady had been very caring towards the sister but the sister returned evil for good.
    We'll see later why such cases of betrayal happen. For now, let's look at a case of betrayal in the Bible. David was betrayed several times during Saul's reign, however, they were not very close friends that betrayed him. In Psalm 55 David described how he'd been betrayed by a very close friend when he was king. It is believed that David is referring to Ahithophel who was a once very trusted adviser and full of wisdom.:
    But before we actually look at the betrayal, let's understand the context.
    What is the context?
    David had been the king of Israel. Absalom, his son, wanted to take over the kingdom by force. He therefore conspired on how he'd kill his father. Sadly, Ahithophel, David's counsellor, decided to join him and advise him on how to kill his father, who had run away to hide from Absalom.
    It would be good to elaborate on this, especially for the people who don't know the story. I'll read from 2 Samuel 15:1-10 to see how Absalom started winning the people's hearts away from David to himself.
    David described his betrayer:
    Psalms 41:9 Yes, my own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, who ate bread with me, has lifted up his heel against me.
    Psalm 55:12-14
    (12) For it was not an enemy who insulted me, then I could have endured it. Neither was it he who hated me who raised himself up against me, then I would have hidden myself from him. (13) But it was you, a man like me, my companion, and my familiar friend. (14) We took sweet fellowship together. We walked in God’s house with company.

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