Hoodie Hunt Ep.57 | Humane Blanks Hoodie Review |

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @v-725-v2
    @v-725-v2 10 месяцев назад +30

    Now they 100

  • @l.g.production5478
    @l.g.production5478 Год назад +8

    I’m feeling the toggle

  • @sandr921
    @sandr921 Год назад +20

    Which one would you recommend more? This one or velour?

    • @Matthew-fc9nw
      @Matthew-fc9nw 8 месяцев назад +4

      Velour, the cuffs on humaneblanks hoodies is horrible

  • @michaeltheewolf
    @michaeltheewolf Год назад +3

    Still waiting on the full zip if you can find a good one that is….

  • @MrMeMyselfandI
    @MrMeMyselfandI 11 месяцев назад

    Does it have two toggles or 1?

  • @fatcatpeople
    @fatcatpeople Месяц назад

    Can you do good hoodie for $40 tl $80.

  • @otrova_gomas
    @otrova_gomas Год назад


  • @Xolerys
    @Xolerys 11 месяцев назад +2

    Is it really 1800gsm? I feel like it’s a marketing scam

    • @LeoGlister
      @LeoGlister 11 месяцев назад +2

      It really is 1800gsm 😅. Super heavy in person. I would recommend the 900gsm tbh.

    • @Matthew-fc9nw
      @Matthew-fc9nw 8 месяцев назад

      It’s most certainly not 1800gsm, it’s at the most 1000gsm and the 900gsm is at most 500gsm
      I’ve got two of the 1800s and a 900, as well as plenty of velour hoodies and other things, it’s not nearly 1800gsm

    • @Xolerys
      @Xolerys 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@Matthew-fc9nw so I actually bought one and I will say… yeah it’s probably really 1800 GSM. It’s extremely heavyweight pretty much overkill for a hoodie that the sizing needs help from the cords they include in the hoodie. I got really hot in it just moving around in 50 degree F weather. It’s insanely thick. Like I said it’s almost overkill that I wouldn’t recommend this as a daily driver regular hoodie to a regular person. But I really like fashion and see how far fashion goes to push the limits so I was intrigued by this.

    • @BusterBossJR
      @BusterBossJR 3 месяца назад

      @@Xolerys i guess it depends on where you live cus here in sweden its below 50 degree F like 8 months out of the year so might be good for me then lol

    • @ave4997
      @ave4997 2 месяца назад

      Whats ur guesstimate on how much it weights?​@@Xolerys

  • @ThesiKCOne661
    @ThesiKCOne661 Месяц назад

    $85 😂?? That hoodie is trash