I've been there. A couple decades ago I needed to add a memory chip into a project, but the microcontroller didn't offered any bus to make it easier. So I did it using 2 IOs and some coding, and so I realized the timing isn't very strict with I2C, as long as you time clock-data properly.
you can also use the pwm interface on the as5600. you just need an interrupt pin on your microcontroller. i like to use the pin change interrupts on an atmega so you can have a sensor on every pin on a port and handle them in parallel in the same isr if you need a lot of channels. you can burn the settings on the as5600 so you no longer have to program it every time, but i think you can only do that once.
try to use references like: "&Name_of_register" to find out the values of the setup registers in the Arduino chip while running. You can find the names of these registers in the datasheet of the atmel 328p. You can also drop your data at the right address to send it via the Two Wire communication. No need to use the Wire library, much faster when using direct addressing.
i never really use the arduino functions anymore and just attack the registers directly. gives you more flexibility with less code. useful when program memory is limited. still use the arduino ide though. the datasheet is your friend.
@@LordOfNihil the Arduino IDE, yeah, rocks, plain simple, you only need 2 buttons, compile and burn further no visual distraction. i used it with Microchip Fubarino, 32 bit, stamp sized pcb. I have done pic16F, pic18F.
You really need to use a 23lc1024, 128k sram chip, i made a very simple midi sequencer some time ago using a similar to chip like the Arduino, this allowed me to create a 96 ppq midi sequencer, simple with 74hc126 for leds and 74hc585 for buttons and 100% accurate up to 999 bpm, max Ableton. makes your live easy. : )
Bro woke up one day and decided he is silicon now
No way! That's crazy...
I've been there. A couple decades ago I needed to add a memory chip into a project, but the microcontroller didn't offered any bus to make it easier.
So I did it using 2 IOs and some coding, and so I realized the timing isn't very strict with I2C, as long as you time clock-data properly.
you can also use the pwm interface on the as5600. you just need an interrupt pin on your microcontroller. i like to use the pin change interrupts on an atmega so you can have a sensor on every pin on a port and handle them in parallel in the same isr if you need a lot of channels. you can burn the settings on the as5600 so you no longer have to program it every time, but i think you can only do that once.
try to use references like: "&Name_of_register" to find out the values of the setup registers in the Arduino chip while running.
You can find the names of these registers in the datasheet of the atmel 328p.
You can also drop your data at the right address to send it via the Two Wire communication.
No need to use the Wire library, much faster when using direct addressing.
i never really use the arduino functions anymore and just attack the registers directly. gives you more flexibility with less code. useful when program memory is limited. still use the arduino ide though. the datasheet is your friend.
@@LordOfNihil the Arduino IDE, yeah, rocks, plain simple, you only need 2 buttons, compile and burn further no visual distraction. i used it with Microchip Fubarino, 32 bit, stamp sized pcb.
I have done pic16F, pic18F.
@@AnalogDude_ ive used a lot of at megas and tinys, esp8266/32s, stm32, to name a few, never used pic though.
You really need to use a 23lc1024, 128k sram chip, i made a very simple midi sequencer some time ago using a similar to chip like the Arduino, this allowed me to create a 96 ppq midi sequencer, simple with 74hc126 for leds and 74hc585 for buttons and 100% accurate up to 999 bpm, max Ableton.
makes your live easy. : )