Samanta Tina-I Got The Power- Official Video
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Music- NiklāvZ/Samanta Tina
Lyrics- Aminata Savadogo
Mix, master: Arnis Račinskis
Director- Samanta Tīna
Video- Ritvars Bluka
Gaffer- Nikita Karpovs
Camera asistant- Alise Līce
Stylist- Samanta Tīna
Makeup- Jana Kozlova
Official Sponsor: SIA MS 16 &Tenisa Club Enri
Thanks for support: Babolat
#SamantaTina #Igotthepower #power
"Cutting the wire"(my supernova winner), "Still breathing" (my ESC winner) and now "I got the power". I love It so much!
Don't forget "We Live For Love". Also a great song
I’m booking my tickets to Riga 2022 right now!
So excited for esc 2021! You are gonna rock it!
i lOVE IT so much, 12 points from 🇬🇧🇱🇻🇬🇧, can't wait to see what she will send to Eurovision next year and "burn the stage down!!!!!" as she put it.
she could chill a little after still breathing but no. she's samanta tina, she's serving us another bop! this is so good!!! i'm so ready for your eurovision 2021 participation!
Dying for this to be released on Spotify and Apple Music 😭 actual queen 💖
Diezgan skumji paliek palasot tieši latviskos komentārus. Samantai ir lieliska balss, un viņa spēj radīt ko fantastisku, bet latviešiem jau, protams, ļoti patīk kaut ko riebīgu iekomentēt. Skaistums tāpat kā spēks var tikt saprasts dažādi, jo abos gadījumos ir garīgais un fiziskais(ārējais), tikai zēļ, ka liela daļa Latvijā aprobežojas ar otro, un šķiet tieši tāpēc šī dziesma Latvijā netiek “izdzīvota” apvienojot abus. Man patīk! Gan still breathing, gan I got the power ļoti aktuālas dziesmas! 👍
Piekrītu visam, ko rakstīji!
Latvieši ir tādi kuriem patīk kko uzdirst🤣🤣
Ļoti viegli norakstīt visu uz kaut kādu ieriebšanu tikai aiz nenovīdības, bet varbūt tomēr tie "latviešu komentāri" nāk no cilvēkiem kuri ir dzirdējuši pasaulē ko labāku, tātad viņiem ir ar ko salīdzināt?
Fakts ir ka Latvijā haltūra tiek uztverta par normu, to jau atspoguļo tas ka Eirovīzijā gadu no gada mūsu izvirzītie bāleliņi izgāžas, un vairākas reizes pat pēdējā vietā paliek.
Vai Jūs neesat kādreiz aizdomajūsies, ka varbūt tie daži rupjie komentētāji, atšķirībā no masas, vienkārši atļaujas pateikt, ka karalis ir pliks??
Wow the queen did THAT!
This made me feel stronger!!!!
Okay,,, still breathing is a masterpiece,, this is ART,,, we all knows what this means right?? She will SLAY and WIN Eurovision next year,, periodt
Next winner of Roland Garros, I call Samanta Tina ❤️
Why Roland Garros and not another one?
@@fabb4i2 Cuz I don't really know much about tennis lmao
@@thomaslacabane8811 😂😂
See you next year Samanta ❤️❤️❤️
Aminatas lyrics + Samantas power voice and energy = killer combo
samantas balss + aminatas lirikas = 🔥💯💥🔥💥🔥💯
You know you're badass when your name is Samantha Tina ❤️❤️
Lieliska dziesma! Man ļoti patīk! Varbūt vajag radīt, kādu dziesmu par latviešu skaudību un nepatiku vienam pret otru! Ļoti nepatīk, ka komentāros aizskar cilvēkus no šī videoklipa! Jā, katram atšķirās mūzikas gaume par to nestrīdās, bet nevajag jau sākt ,skarbi runājot , apdirst, šos cilvēkus, kas ir iesaistīti šajā videoklipā
Varbūt tie visi, kas apdirš videoklipā un dziesmas radīšanā iesaistītis, lai piesakās uz kādas dziesmas videoklipa filmēšanu! Es domāju, ka jūs ļoti noderēsiet, ar jūsu ieteikumiem , kādam jābūt izcilam videoklipam!
Tad nu redzēsim, kas tad jums sanāks un kā jūs justos, ja jūs kā cilvēkus apdirstu
Anita Thingelstad Man prieks! Žēl, ka tikai jums tā runāšana lielāka nekā darīšaba
pilnīgi piekrītu super komentārs
Excited to see your 2021 entry😍 Hoping for a I AM A COMPOSER moment and again an insane rythm 😁
So happy you and Aminata continue your collaboration!
I'm happy for you that you are going to represent Latvia next year!
We love you, Samanta Tina. ❤️
Your song Still breathing is the reason I am gonna survive this year, you're amazing!
Greetings from 🇷🇸
Perfekta dziesma, Samant, tu kārtējo reizi pierādi, ka Latvija var un paldies Tev par to, brīnišķīga dziesma un par ļoti aktuālu tēmu mūsdienās, paldies Tev, Bučiņaas ❤️❤️❤️😘😘🏆🎼
Ok, nu super.
😍 Nu ļoti smuki, burvīgi! 💞
amazing, lovely, bop, powerful... Samanta keep on creating this incredible music girl. So happy to see you in Eurovision 2021.
Life is music, you are the best composer!
Reta dziesma no pašmāju izpildītājiem, kura izklausās kā no MTV . Samanta paceļ laktiņu!
Tā tik turpināt!
Go girl, u got the power!
kaut kur tur bija kompliments.. dziesma tāds pats musars kā MTV.
Yet again. Another song that is so good with a great meaning too from miss Samanta. And Congratulations with your return to Eurovision!🥳🥳🥳
Respekts Niklāvam par tik traki labu instrumentālu!
Perfect!👌Samanta Tina is my favorite singer from Latvia!!!🤩
Greetings & big loves from TURKEY! 😍🇹🇷💗🇱🇻.
Another masterpiece from Samanta Tina
Ļoti laba dziesma! Malacis Samanta!
this woman cannot make a bad song, she wasn’t lying when she said she’s a composer
Samanta, super balss! Tava labākā dziesma vēl tikai būs!
I agree on super balls!
Jā klips galīgi garām! Ļoti nebaudāms uz bezsakarīgs.
Par gaumi nestrīdās!!! Varēji jau paklūsēt!
kārtejā sieviete kritizētāja , kas Jums ir sievietēm ar gaumi šogad? ari vārdi kurus Tu lieto savā komentā ir tik bābiski
Turkey won Eurovision in Riga,LATVIA in the 2003. Latvia is auspicious a country for us. 🇹🇷💗🇱🇻🎤
And us in the 🇬🇧UK got a Null (0)🤣
@@kieranedmunds2936 To be honest, UK's song is was disgusted! 🇹🇷💗🇬🇧
This is so good!
sending love and every 12 points to Samanta Diva
😘😘😘kisses from Greece😘😘😘
Diemžēl šoreiz ļoti banāli. Video neuzrunāja.
Man patīk pati Samanta Tīna un viņas balss, bet diemžēl ne šis video un dziesma.
Mazliet CRINGE😐
jeb neērti skatīties 03:13, bišku pa traku centies māksliniec.
First Lady Gaga and her Rain On Me and now the latvian queen herself with this PIECE OF ART !!! Samanta I LOVED THIS! So unique and powerful ❤
Need this on Spotify ASAP to stream
Thanks! I hope on Monday it will be!:)
Samanta Tina glad to hear that 😍
Enerģiski, spilgti... man patiik🔥👍🏼
labais gabals, esmu vienmer apbrinojis Samantas balsi un prasmi pasniegt dziesmu, Visus kas apdirs dziesmu un to izpilditaju lai iet uz visam 4 debespusem!
Samant ta tik turpinat un vel vairak speku un energiju turpmakajiem gabaliem!!!
Pilnīgi piekrītu Tev! Samanta ir visvairāk gatava no LV māksliniekiem, lai visa Eiropa iepazīst viņu!
"My rules my life".. well that gonna be my mindset. Damn this song is so good ♥️🔥
This song gave me power🤩💯
The talent,, ur voice, the msg in the song i,, EVERYONE should stan u asap bc ur a god goooooood! LOVE IT! ❤
Love it❤️
Greetings from 🇱🇹
Thank you! I really needed this song ❤️
Please stay with this same energy for Eurovision2021(with better instrumental😅(
Is so perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰
Woow, tik lipīgs gabals! ❤️❤️❤️🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻👑👑👑
Vajadzēja atstāt šito eirovīzijai!
Love it. ❤️
Greetings from Germany. 😍
12 points from Romania 🤩🇱🇻
👍👍👍👍man patīk
Queen Samanta 😍😍
I can't believe it, it's even better than I thought it would be. I can't get it off my mind now. Samanta we love youuuu😍😍❤️
Let's say, this is a big BLOW to my head, that is nice how this song represents the equality of a woman, EVERY WOMAN IS A QUEEN AND SHOULD TREAT THEMSELVES AS THAT, (don't listen to those haters, they just jealous)
„Fuck all your stereotypes
Every woman is a fashion model”
Oh my god. The best lyrics in the song. Love you very much Samanta from Russia!!😘😘😘😘😘🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
I think that lyrics belong not only woman and as well it belong to all people who cannot accept themselves.
It's exactly the same situation as the song " Still Breathing"
3 months ago I'd listened to the song over 50 times in one day❤.. Cuz I felt in love with the song ❤❤❤
And now I'd listened to " I Got The Power⚡🔥" over 50 times too !!!
Samanta, your songs are like a drug for me !!😂❤❤
Quite simply, your songs give me a powerfull motivation! ❤
Keep it up Queen ! 👑❤
ESC 2021 😍 trop hâte de voir qu'elle chanson elle interprétera si c'est aussi rythmé que celle ci ou still breathing omg 🔥🔥🔥
Samanta Tīna tik skaisti dzied! 💖Viņa ir mana mīļākā dziedātāja! Samanta Tīna ir labākā! ☺️💖
Yessss 😭😭😭😭💓
amazing 😉
OMG, this is great!
Congrats Samanta, kisses from Poland! ❤
Samanta! It's amazing!!! 😍
No one:
Samanta Tīna: Life is music, I'm the power!
As always you surprised us, Samanta! Bučiņas
I'm so happy that you're going to represent Latvia the next year !! ❤
And yes... You got the power girl !! 🔥⚡
Really good job 🖤
You are my icon, I am so glad you're going to be in ESC 2021! Another fabulous tune.
So catchy, well done 😁
Šī ir labākā tava dziesma uzreiz pēc I need a hero! Izcili! 👍👍
This is a BOP!!!♥️🇪🇸
Every song that she is going to compose cuz she is a composer is going to be hell good👑💥🔥❤
12 points from Bulgaria🇧🇬
Wow, that's a fasntastic song!!!!!
12 points from Serbia 🇷🇸😎
Люблю тебя ❤,Саманта)
Wow These beats
I’m so happy you’re back next year😍
Samba tīna😚❤
Vai nav tā, ka 0.15 sec textā ir kļūda: do no feel... :) Samanta malacis un priecājos, ka pārstāvēsi mūs 2021!
kāda starpība?
tu esi bijuse radiņos seriālā
Eurovision 2020 was canceled, yes, it was and it is so so so sad...but, one think that makes me very grateful for this year is that thanks to ESC I got the oportunity to meet u and to listen to your amazing songs!!! Still Breathing will be always on me and it's one of my fav songs of all time !!! and now you gave us another BOP...guuuuurl ❤
❤❤ this video is FIRE! Congrats ❤ can't wait for Eurovision 2021 becuase I'm sure you will give to us another iconic song and vid ❤
This could be eurovsion content 🔥❤
Your song is so powerful and has a big meaning ❤
Amazing ❤️
Great song & Great video 😍
Bop! Bravo queen for making great music and good luck in Eurovision 2021!
Can't wait to be on Spotify as well!
Amazing song as usual, I'm happy you're getting the recognization that you deserve 💓
Niklavz GOAT
2022 Latvia😘😘😘😘
This is amazing, hope you'll bring us another bop for Eurovision ❤❤
Omg!! I love it😍😍😍
Met you in Eurovision and stayed, your voice is awesome and I love this song