Battlefield 5 How To Play Medic

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Now that I have your attention with the click bait title please read the following. The subject or main point of the video isn't about the Medic weapons, it's about "kit switching" or in Battlefield 5's case the ability to switch primary weapons with the ones dropped by downed enemies and friendlies while still keeping all of your class's gadgets and abilities.
    Normally in previous Battlefield titles you would switch to whatever class you picked up when switching kits with ones from other players in the server. So if you were a Medic and you picked up another player's sniper rifle in BF1 or BF4 you'd switch from Medic to the Scout or Recon class and whatever gadgets that person had in their loadout. In BF5 you only switch out the primary weapon. To me this doesn't make sense for two reasons. For one DICE stated that in BF5 their focus was on squad play and making classes more valuable with the Attrition system. Classes are generally defined by the weapons they wield and the gadgets available to them so being able to swap the primary weapon of a class to some other class's primary weapon seems counter to DICE's main focuses for the game. The other reason is I can't think of why you'd want to allow people to switch only the primary weapon other than you want to allow players to abuse the system and make an overpowered loadout in your game.
    It just seems like a change to a classic feature of Battlefield that is only meant to be abused or exploited. If they weren't going to let you switch the entire class when picking up other player's kits they should have simply just made it so you can't pick up them up. I mean switching kits/classes with ones found on the ground has been something you could do since the beginning so losing that is losing something sort of unique to Battlefield.
    Also in case people were wondering yes this does let you level the weapon(s) you pick up as well as level the class you originally spawned in as.
    Side note I don't have a simple fix for Medic weapons and their balance with other class weapons. The recoil patterns, muzzle velocities and sight limitations for them seem like they were originally intended for BF1's version of suppression. The only suggestions I could make that wouldn't break the game because they are minor changes are making them laser accurate with reduced recoil ( think BC2 tap fire ) and increasing the muzzle velocities because more than that would likely cause SMGs to become way too powerful ( people keep asking for damage buff, bad idea, especially since they still haven't addressed the low time to death issue ). Also regarding sight limitation I don't understand why more people haven't brought this up which is that literally all other classes except Medic can equip 3x scopes on their primary weapons and on that point all other classes except Medic have weapons that have range. What purpose is there to isolate the Medic class's combat abilities when all other classes can fight at the same ranges? Which brings me to how I'd actually address this issue which would require major changes. You'd have to swap weapons and gadgets and return to a state of class balance similar to BC2/BF3/BF4. Right now in BF5 the Assault class is similar to the Assault class in BF1. It's not a support role class like the other classes. It's a bastardized version of the Engineer class which was a support role class in previous Frostbite Battlefield titles. All four classes or all classes available in a game with multiple classes like Battlefield should be support role classes so they all depend on each other to handle all situations you'd come across on the battlefield. Medics heal and revive, Supports provide ammo/resupply for gadgets, Snipers/Recons provide spotting and marking targets ( preferably 2D ), Engineers repair vehicles/emplacements. Yes some gadgets would have to be swapped around for example rifle grenade, dynamite, mines, etc. to give AT utility to more than just the Engineer and Support class. Because right now with the state classes are in for BF5 the Assault class doesn't need the other classes. It has the weapons, gadgets and game mechanics to handle all situations. Again this is a type of suggestion that would require major changes and not something likely to ever happen but it's how I'd handle or "fix" the issue because right now I don't really see a reason to play the Medic class or a way to have fun with it ( especially when the smoke grenade launcher doesn't one shot enemies ).
    Oh and the argument could be made that the Assault class is similar to an old AT class like from Battlefield 2 to which I would respond if we are going that direction then the other classes would have to lose all AT or anti-vehicle utility and the Assault class given really crappy MP5s.

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