I send my dog and cat and my link-2 blood Hound in the link arrows rise on up link-3 enderman of cool and doom you maybe asking why I didn't summon a link-4 mob because a link-2 monster can be treated as 2 monster well you see its because it gain 500 for every monster my graveyard and it gains a 1000 for the link rating of the link mob so 7500 atk it is
I send my dog and cat and my link-2 blood Hound in the link arrows rise on up link-3 enderman of cool and doom you maybe asking why I didn't summon a link-4 mob because a link-2 monster can be treated as 2 monster well you see its because it gain 500 for every monster my graveyard and it gains a 1000 for the link rating of the link mob so 7500 atk it is
Wow only 1 comment what's happening