An article write-up of this video is also available at along with links to code, videos covering gameplay, and a few more goodies.
I know in one night ultimate werewolf, there are some situations where the good team are incentivized to lie. For example, the troublemaker can lie about switching players A and B when they actually switched player C and D. Then player A might admit truthfully that they had the werewolf card and claim B is now the werewolf, because player A thinks they are now playing for the good team. After player A has made their role claim, the troublemaker can change their story and say that they actually switched players C and D, and tell everyone to vote out the player A because he was tricked into admitting he was a werewolf. If you remove the assumption that good roles always tell the truth, the game of one night ultimate werewolf becomes 10x more complicated.
An article write-up of this video is also available at along with links to code, videos covering gameplay, and a few more goodies.
I know in one night ultimate werewolf, there are some situations where the good team are incentivized to lie. For example, the troublemaker can lie about switching players A and B when they actually switched player C and D. Then player A might admit truthfully that they had the werewolf card and claim B is now the werewolf, because player A thinks they are now playing for the good team. After player A has made their role claim, the troublemaker can change their story and say that they actually switched players C and D, and tell everyone to vote out the player A because he was tricked into admitting he was a werewolf.
If you remove the assumption that good roles always tell the truth, the game of one night ultimate werewolf becomes 10x more complicated.
Correct. That's why that assumption is in place during phase 1 of development. Very good justification of my scoping decisions!
Is it kind of like The Resistance?
Avalon / the resistance are social reduction card games like ONUW, so yes, there's a high degree of similarity.