アニーの成長 ネネを学ぶ Growth of Annie Grandma Nene and granddaughter Annie

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • 2:20 ネネがアニーの匂いを嗅ぎタッチして歩きを促す。
       アニーとネネの散歩。 Walk of Nene and Annie
    アニーの経歴 Annie until now
    2014`11 アニーの群れ入り同居開始当初ネネは、息子キヨマサを守ろうと孫のアニーをド突き攻撃したこともありました。
    2014`11 Annie herd containing live the beginning of Nene is, there was also the grandson of Annie tries to protect his son Kiyomasa was de-butt attack.
    And Annie is now in withdrawal in the small room.
    After three months, Annie, to the herd and it is fun to play with Kiyomasa than withdrawal
    It went on.
    Father, sometimes violent in the display, eye scary grandma,
    Tricky mother. It leads to now consider the behavior Standing in the three persons of the adult gorillas. Also was a poor Nene was overcome by observing or contact themselves.
    Look to Nene's Annie also has a feeling that was recognized as a member of the flock.
    (ネネ) 重厚な雰囲気ですが、怒る時には怒り、優しい母の顔など色々な表情を見せてくれます。
    (Nene) is a heavy atmosphere, but when you get angry anger, show us a variety of facial expressions such as a gentle mother's face.
    NENE ♀ 1972 Wild.
    (アニーちゃん) 家族の助けもあり人工保育から群れ入りし現在3才に。芯の強い、健気で頑張り屋。とっても可愛い仕草がチャームポイント。
    (Annie) help of family There is also a herd containing the current
    3-year-old from an artificial nursery.
    Heart is strong, brave girl. Very cute gesture charm point.
    Annie .♀ mother AI father SHABAN
    2013.6.2 Higashiyamazoo.  human rearing One year

Комментарии • 13

  • @glynisakabonniekenzie7664
    @glynisakabonniekenzie7664 2 года назад +10

    Sweet little Annie has tried so hard over the years to gain acceptance from Nene, despite this Annie has grown to be strong and confident. My only regret is that Annie has not witnessed a baby being born in the troop so she has no knowledge of how to care for a baby. Annie is intelligent and very caring so hopefully when it is her time to have babies she will do well.

  • @sandraphillips1718
    @sandraphillips1718 Год назад +3

    Nene is such a good Mom❤❤❤

  • @にわとり子-i7b
    @にわとり子-i7b 2 года назад +4


  • @gracelove-hopefaith9838
    @gracelove-hopefaith9838 6 лет назад +8

    今後 キヨマサくんがママから離れるほど ネネさんとアニーちゃんは近くなっていくかもですね! ネネさんのにおいをかいで 誘導する姿が優しく、ほっこり。。!💖
    アニーちゃんも以前ほど心のバリアというか、警戒心もなく 落ち着いてきている気がします。今後も見守りたいと思います💛

  • @annecorey607
    @annecorey607 6 лет назад +12

    She is cute love to play with her grandma she is funny and lonely at time love to play with any one in the family thank you for sharing this video is good Bless you all .

  • @denisemorris1177
    @denisemorris1177 2 месяца назад

    Annie was a beautiful baby and still is. You could not love her ❤❤

  • @lenamartinez7999
    @lenamartinez7999 3 года назад +2

    Bosch thank you for sharing this video and he is just so cute so precious it's a shame that she is very much isolated due to her grandmother's Behavior Nene and her mother Ai. I don't know why the zoo does not separate Ai and Annie like they used to when she was small so that there can be more Unity between the both of them and maybe her mother will love her enough to defend her from her grandmother or anyone who tries to beat her up which is what her grandmother does to her a grandmother has divided this family big time I don't believe your Benny deserves this from the two female gorillas that he has I truly believe he deserves better

  • @maiduran
    @maiduran 5 месяцев назад +1

    Me encanta ver a nene cuando era bebé kio❤

  • @maryeddy4871
    @maryeddy4871 6 лет назад +16

    Just my opinion.. But it always seems to me in the many videos i have seen with Annie and Nene, that Nene really does not want to be bothered with Annie and is irritated by her trying to get close to her. Nene ignores Annie or walks away. It is heartbreaking to watch how Annie "NERVOUSLY" approaches, followes and tries to get affection from Grandmom, Nene only to be rejected each time. Im sure little Annie see's all the affection, patience and love Nene shows Kiyomasa and maybe she is hurt and confused why Nene won't adore and want to love her. Annie is like a child, trying to get parents attention only to be rejected and watching her little sweet face and body language shows disappointment and caution as she tries over and over. I know you are the expert to this Troop and know them very well and I'm sorry if I'm wrong. Just the videos I have seen show Nene very distant from Annie and even Nene attacking Annie as she thought Annie was too rough or bulling Kiyomasa! My heart sank seeing the attack, but harder then that was after Shabani would step in and protect Annie ( giving Nene a few slaps ) Annie's mom was NOT checking on her daughter, Annie after. One video Al went to her mom's side (Nene ) and then camera showed poor little Annie sitting alone after Nene attacking her. Annie looked so scared, confused and sad. She needed her mommy to reassure her little spirit and comfort her. But Al never does, so she just sits scared and alone until the moment passes. I really don't understand Al. Is she aware Annie is her baby? I know she was hand reared, and although i have seen be loving, playful and sweet to Annie, she doesn't seem to have that instinct to ever protect and comfort her. Just sad seeing little Annie go through that and watching Kiyomasa being so loved and coddled by Nene when she doesn't get that consistent affection. Anyway, God Bless Annie because she is very spirited and a strong and sweet little girl. She is just so adorable with her smile and "underbite" smile. Just a beauty. Sorry for this long comment. I just always feel for the underdog and Annie just seemed so guileless and wanting to be loved like Kiyomasa. And even a little kindness from Nene, but as i think of Nene as such a wonderful, tender and doting mother, she does not seem to have any connection or affection for her grand daughter, Annie. Just odd to me. But daddy loves and protects her and so does Kiyomasa! :-) What is your opinion since you are the expert of this troop. I just get sad at times seeing any soul craving closeness and love only to be rejected and seeing the sadness and pain in their sweet little eyes. I know Annie is OK and loved now, but seems it wasn't easy for her. Thank you dear!

    • @iboschi5977
      @iboschi5977  6 лет назад +24

      It is a long comment welcome.😊 I think your opinion is correct. It is knowledge from keepers and books.
      The wild Female gorilla loves her son more.  Daughter Gorilla seems not to give her daughter affection to her daughter because it leaves the group. Daughter gorilla gives a little affection to her daughter in order to leave the group. give a lot of love to son. Nene does not interfere much with Ai or Annie.
      Ai does not recognize Annie as her daughter. Ai recognize it as a member of a group.
      Nene recognizes Annie as a member of herd.
      But Annie throws ropes and trees to Nene, so Nene's impression of Annie is bad.
      I am watching because Annie has entered the family group at the age of one.
      Fans sympathize with Annie who can not get the affection of mother.
      However, rather than pathetic, I am deeply impressed by the strength of Annie, living.
      From now on I want to watch over purity of heart, strong and cute Annie.

    • @maryeddy4871
      @maryeddy4871 6 лет назад +6

      Highlighted reply
      i ボッシュ, thank you so much for the kind reply. I knew you could give me detailed information on this Troop, that is why i was comfortable sharing my opinions and knowing you could inform me of what I was seeing incorrectly or what i misunderstood.
      I do see how brave and strong Annie is, despite the loss of affection a mother usually gives child to give them confidence. I think she is a tender, strong and beautiful little girl and I do respect and love her spirit. BUT, the males leave the Zoo troops and mothers also to go form their own family Troops in other zoo's too, so i don't see why a daughter would have less affection.
      I understand that Annie may do things to Nene that seem bad. But i feel, like with a any child who wants attention and does not know how to get it, they think even bad attention is better then none at all. Understand? Annie has tried to gently and affectionately get close to Nene and was ignored. So, maybe Annie knows being aggressive and behaving badly towards will get her attention and reaction, even if bad. Maybe it is Annie showing frustration and anger towards Nene for her rejecting her. I know it sounds strange, but kids do this too. They crave love and affection and try different ways to get a response. Maybe a part of learning.
      Well, despite how Annie lacks closeness, she gets a lot from Kiyomasa who i see tries to hug and be close to her. She has learned to be strong and confident despite how little she got from mom and Nene. That is so wonderful to me and that makes her a very special and brave little soul. Shabani's protection and affection has also given her comfort in the troop because she is aware that daddy will not let anyone hurt her and will run to rescue her. I just feel bad that after a attack, no one checks on her or comforts her. I did watch Shabani check on her after a few, but at times I feel she fears Shabani and just submits to him but would rather run away most times. A few times when Shabani forced her to grooming, she urinated and seemed fearful. But maybe as she grows bigger she is braver and do see her now enjoy attention from daddy, but only on her terms. She has learned to be independent and to self sooth. So, maybe when Kiyomasa wants to often cuddle and hug, she feels awkward and has to control how,when and how much she will tolerate. You can see how Kiyomasa adores Annie, but she seems to call the shots and he just will be glad and submit to whatever affections she will allow him at the time. They are beautiful together. Kiyomasa is very affectionate. I feel he got so much affection from Nene that it formed his personality to want closeness and love from females and especially his little sister, Annie. Having Kiyomasa as a big brother gave Annie a lot of the attention and affection she was missing from mom and Nene and i think Kiyomasa is a blessing to Annie and helped give her confidence having someone adore and crave her affections.
      Thank you again, dear friend! You are always so kind and respectful to fans of your page who comment. I appreciate and thank you for sharing beautiful videos and kind comments. You are wonderful and a very kind person. :-) :-) :-)

    • @maryeddy4871
      @maryeddy4871 6 лет назад +6

      I understand. I know Google Translation sometimes is wrong. Yes, I agree with you. Kiyomasa's affection, play and love was something Annie desperately needed and I'm so glad they both have each other.
      Thank you so much for the kind comment. :-)

    • @twemont
      @twemont 5 лет назад +5

      @@iboschi5977 I am glad her dad and brother show her so much attention. Doesnt replace mom and grandmom but at least she has them