The Tragic Story Of Big L

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 920

  • @tomosarmy
    @tomosarmy Год назад +602

    L was one of the rappers with biggest potential in the hiphop scene,my favourite rapper.

      @WAYOFiLLNEZ Год назад +2

      True talk

    • @benjaminrichter4565
      @benjaminrichter4565 10 месяцев назад +4

      He was the Rapper with the biggest Potential. I mentioned it in another Vid already today cause i think a lot of him every fkn February. Specially this year. He had it all. The voice, the flow, the rap intelligence, the freakin speed and chain lines that inspired many other rappers. Also he was smart. He didnt only party and fuck all night n day. He was informed about his world, but also the world itself. The by stupid mainstream ppl disliked albums. They didnt get it. He wanted to tell a story like Scorcese, and he wanted that 40s tribute beat. He knew many wouldnt understand and wouldnt like it, he didnt care. and he knew exactly that he was in danger, he wasnt stupid. but he was so stubborn and underestimated the insanity of one of the 2 most disgusting persons of NY. he didnt want an army arround him. jeez, he should have. if i imagine the project that would have been next. it would have been greatness i bet my fkn .....! well, that was his death sentence. too many ppl knew that his success would cost em a bit of their beloved money. and others also checked the nike sports bag and broke their promises. and the stupid wnb rappers who wear las vegas raiders caps since SOC was in cinemas, recorded super sweet 16 featuring this bunch of pricks and think that makes em part of the rap scene, they still download this low level crap on spotify since they dont own 1210s and praise this "label" as one of the best. its the reason why there are only about 10 rappers left i listen too sometimes who were there when i was a teen. but the fact this cancer that began to spread 25 yrs ago since the Killing of L was a message and why they talk about "keepin it real" they all pay taxes and the grey eminence laughs cause one of em gets one platin record after the other and the other one gets one platin omega, platek pp, cars built in italy and get smashed by a cheap, i think the rap scene is dead. it only lives on youtube, but on channels like this, owned by singapoore companies and completely created by bought software. one luck we had that many us soldiers in germany back in the day, otherwise i micht had missed L too.

    • @fatimacottle1968
      @fatimacottle1968 10 месяцев назад


    • @benjaminrichter4565
      @benjaminrichter4565 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@fatimacottle1968 jesus, he would have puked about such a comment. do you know at least a bit what kind of a guy he was even without knowing him in person ? i can tell ya. he was funny, loyal (thats why the jay-z deal never happened). he loved typical oldschool mafia / crook shit like dillinger, babyface, bumpy, capone, gotti and their "soldiers". he hated the crap some ppl released, he hated the vid to "put it on" but needed a fast deal, he hated the beginning of the end of the internet and the only thing that is not painful about his murder is that he does not have to see posts like yours. "evildoers" "spirits" what the fuck you think he was? a fkn priest or an elementary teacher ? jeez some ppl obiously dont understand the term " rollin in his grave".

    • @KAIJU3734
      @KAIJU3734 6 месяцев назад +1

      My goat bigL

  • @Skwaktopus133
    @Skwaktopus133 Год назад +1201

    Big L didnt "keep up" with Jay-Z wtf? Big L was already centuries & miles ahead of Jay-Z, Jay-Z was trying to keep up with Big L

    • @Gunmannn.
      @Gunmannn. Год назад +149

      Facts plus Big L made HOV sound trash on that freestyle with him

    • @YoVisine
      @YoVisine Год назад +30

      That's MF right 💯

    • @ipods36
      @ipods36 Год назад +59

      @@Gunmannn.yo I just said this on a jay z birthday post this last week and pissed like everyone off lol, big l made jays part sound boring

    • @Gunmannn.
      @Gunmannn. Год назад +38

      @@ipods36 lmao facts! Jay riders be annoying af

    • @calds6705
      @calds6705 Год назад +7

      word. I mean, there is a freestyle to prove this!

  • @MetalSonic420
    @MetalSonic420 Год назад +1320

    The biggest "What if" in hip-hop history.

    • @Oswald_lusambya
      @Oswald_lusambya Год назад +21


    • @yn.ft6973
      @yn.ft6973 Год назад +11

      no cap

    • @BlkBornSeed
      @BlkBornSeed Год назад +22

      I don’t know about biggest. Soulja Slim up there as well.

    • @JonPaul404
      @JonPaul404 Год назад +21

      For sure the biggest in New York history. I would say Soulja Slim, Tupac or Big if you talking hip hop history. Pun or big if you talking NY history personally

    • @bigaudip33
      @bigaudip33 Год назад +2


    @CC_SENJU Год назад +368

    "ask Beavis I get nothing butt head"

    • @sbrooks904
      @sbrooks904 4 месяца назад

      wow amazing

    • @Menotyou20245
      @Menotyou20245 4 месяца назад


    • @Archemideez
      @Archemideez 3 месяца назад


    • @TheJDeuce
      @TheJDeuce 2 месяца назад

      Remember hearing that featured on The Big Picture posthumous album. I was like yooooo 🔥

    • @Kstretch271
      @Kstretch271 2 месяца назад

      Big L line

  • @Sanncheztv
    @Sanncheztv 9 месяцев назад +227

    You WILD for saying he couldn't keep up with Jay-Z. JAY had nothing on Big L, from freestyle to rap song this man was futuristic from the get go

    • @bboynitro
      @bboynitro 8 месяцев назад +8

      maybe use a q tip?

    • @unlmtedodzz8478
      @unlmtedodzz8478 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@bboynitroright cuz the video didn’t even say that 😂

    • @bboynitro
      @bboynitro 8 месяцев назад

      @@unlmtedodzz8478 fr lool

    • @scottyknox
      @scottyknox 7 месяцев назад +1

      “Had nothing on big l”
      Hard to take anyone’s opinion seriously that doesn’t consider them both the same caliber.

    • @Sanncheztv
      @Sanncheztv 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@scottyknox don't be mad because statements are true. Jay-Z is an artist Big L was a rapper.

  • @spl2238
    @spl2238 8 месяцев назад +121

    Big L and Big Pun are 2 huge losses that aren't respected enough.

  • @notmyrealname3901
    @notmyrealname3901 Год назад +286

    Not a ton of songs, but Big L is definitely one of my all time favorites!

    • @randomeldenringclips3998
      @randomeldenringclips3998 Год назад +13

      lifestylez of the poor and dangerous is a top 3 album of all time in my book.
      up there with ready 2 die by biggie.

    • @jbrass03
      @jbrass03 Год назад +7

      Digging in the crates had some heat

    • @hiphop1forever828
      @hiphop1forever828 11 месяцев назад +1

      Big L's top 3 undoubtedly

    • @jonathanshaules1967
      @jonathanshaules1967 9 месяцев назад

      Look up furious anger. 🔥 banger he’s featured on.

  • @BlleezysOriginStories
    @BlleezysOriginStories 10 месяцев назад +107

    When a lyrical legend like Nas says he was scared of you lyrically, you must be a legend yourself. Or at least he could have been. R.I.P. my favorite rapper.

    • @bboynitro
      @bboynitro 8 месяцев назад +5

      thats why u gotta gtfo the streets once u start making waves in rap, bro was THE BEST rapper on earth, and was walking around his city with a target on his back

    • @NikkiNikki-d8k
      @NikkiNikki-d8k Месяц назад

      Sorry but nas fuckin sucked, was only popular because of producer DJ premier

    • @garyj6223
      @garyj6223 18 дней назад

      @@NikkiNikki-d8k Nas was good. He wasn't Big L and never tried to be, They both had their own style.

  • @jayperez019
    @jayperez019 Год назад +245

    It’s sad how Big L isn’t here to see how popular he got 😢

    • @vicvega24
      @vicvega24 5 месяцев назад +9

      Shows you they don't care about your guts until you're dead.

    • @ChiefBrandon
      @ChiefBrandon 2 месяца назад +1

      Man am 25 years old and just discovered this guy on Spotify. Am a real hiphop fan from the Netherlands but never heard of him. He got crazy punchlines and flow

    • @salineaddict9850
      @salineaddict9850 2 месяца назад

      @@vicvega24 tbf most people that listen to Big L weren’t born til after he had already been gunned down.

    • @millanomics3271
      @millanomics3271 2 месяца назад +1

      Big L knew he was great bro just like pac and biggie they’re not here to see the impact but they all knew they would be popular forever. They were better than all the guys who survived and made it this long today. Trust me they knew. They also knew that the 90’s was a deadly time in hip hop and that cause they held the top spots they were targets. They went in and made a legendary footprint

    • @sabrinaa9095
      @sabrinaa9095 Месяц назад

      Big L got cosign by jayz and dame dash and others and got signed to record label and released an album that did basically no sales so he got dropped. he wouldnt have been popular.

  • @joemayo3380
    @joemayo3380 Год назад +127

    Big L is still and will always be my favorite

  • @senpaishady3421
    @senpaishady3421 6 месяцев назад +58

    Flow of biggie, energy of 2pac, dictionary of Big Pun and lyrics of Nas, that was Big L for ya 🐐

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 месяцев назад +9

      His lyrics were more like slim shady and his vocabulary was more wutang/gza style

    • @GuyVick
      @GuyVick 3 месяца назад +4

      Tbh EM takes a lot of inspiration from L

    • @tayeeinthacut9661
      @tayeeinthacut9661 2 месяца назад

      @@Clashedroyaled nah slim shady is similar to him big L did it first imo his beats reminds me of Wu tang n he rap similar to big daddy Kane

  • @chrisk1722
    @chrisk1722 9 месяцев назад +19

    I remember the first time hearing him change my Outlook on rap forever

  • @yn.ft6973
    @yn.ft6973 Год назад +68

    one of the coldest freestylers i’ve ever heard

  • @Scootskatebmxx
    @Scootskatebmxx 11 месяцев назад +27

    They need to make a moive about him to give him credit and that will help keep his name alive

  • @GeminiJo
    @GeminiJo 9 месяцев назад +10

    Born 89. We love you Big L. Thank you for your work. We all know what really happened. ❤

  • @TeeMoneyy8
    @TeeMoneyy8 9 месяцев назад +15

    He’s my favorite of all time to this day. In my teens I had a bad break up and Ls music got me through that shit. Something about how he rhymes just builds my confidence it’s hard to explain

    • @ccreighton1288
      @ccreighton1288 8 месяцев назад +1

      He is my all time fav rapper too. His style, punchlines, delivery, flow, and lyrics are second to none.

  • @PRESTIGEworldwide32
    @PRESTIGEworldwide32 11 месяцев назад +51

    Big L is one of my favorites even though he didnt release a lot of music. its a shame he didnt get to have a proper carreer. should have been one of the legends.

    • @deeeeeepanshu
      @deeeeeepanshu 8 месяцев назад +1

      I'm back to snatch my crown back

    • @the_potatoking1279
      @the_potatoking1279 6 месяцев назад

      If he lived a little longer he would’ve become one.

  • @cjjones258
    @cjjones258 Год назад +64

    R.I.P. Big L

    • @deeeeeepanshu
      @deeeeeepanshu 8 месяцев назад +1

      I'm back my nigga ❤

    • @pazdimas1684
      @pazdimas1684 2 месяца назад +1

      Danger zone 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @lukemarks92
    @lukemarks92 Год назад +101

    Big L slayed JayZ on that radioshow. Jay z kept up. Barely. Big L rhyme schemes and bars were way ahead of jayZ he struggled to keep up. Big L was a monster

    • @YoVisine
      @YoVisine Год назад +8

      That's a fact 💯
      Go listen to it if you don't believe us.

    • @Genes3x456
      @Genes3x456 Год назад +5

      Jay Z took him out. Him and Beyoncé both do witch craft

    • @tony4534
      @tony4534 Год назад +6

      Big L was going to sign to rocafella. That tells us all we need to know…

    • @SoulOfTheSouth
      @SoulOfTheSouth Год назад

      @@Genes3x456Stfu. This actually happened.

    • @gregsmith1342
      @gregsmith1342 10 месяцев назад +1

      You dudes are nutz, his lifestyle was his own demise, he took his self out! I already knew about what happened to him before this video, even though it definitely add more details, dude and his brother was into street ish, that what got him killed! Can't go around sticking up stash houses and think there won't be a repercussion, don't care who you are, if someone in your crew involved you are involved, doesn't matter if you was there or not! He definitely had his own style and was on his way, it was bad timing and marketing, also his involvement with the street ish!

  • @PlanetNinetyTwo
    @PlanetNinetyTwo Год назад +75

    It's tragic. Big L and his family should have moved out of there the minute things started ticking along.

  • @deeeeeepanshu
    @deeeeeepanshu 8 месяцев назад +13

    love to see how people still love and remember me idk man but im back again for everyone who loved me from heart . A SMOOTH KID THAT WILL RUN UP IN YOUR BABY MOTHER

    • @ooo662
      @ooo662 4 месяца назад +2

      Ur a whole goof ball

  • @1107z-jd7mg
    @1107z-jd7mg Год назад +46


  • @doom8722
    @doom8722 11 месяцев назад +9

    Sick video bro. Thanks for your knowledge. Big L R.I.P

  • @1107z-jd7mg
    @1107z-jd7mg Год назад +27

    Big L is a Dope Frestyler

  • @altheab.7725
    @altheab.7725 10 месяцев назад +37

    It's not the quantity of records that makes a rapper but the quality! Just one verse from Big L makes you understand his superiority in rap.... Rest in Heaven L.

    • @dreamsneverdie3523
      @dreamsneverdie3523 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @altheab.7725
      @altheab.7725 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@dreamsneverdie3523 yes Heaven , why not ? Did I have to say Hell?

    • @Raps-2k
      @Raps-2k 9 месяцев назад +1

      no heaven, just black void

    • @altheab.7725
      @altheab.7725 9 месяцев назад

      @@Raps-2k Maybe, but not for Big L. He's in Heaven.

    • @LubovUg
      @LubovUg 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Raps-2k idiot

  • @Tonybologne805
    @Tonybologne805 10 месяцев назад +5

    “I walk through the ruggedest blocks w/ jewels flooded w/ rocks/ Hustlin on hot corners that be smothered by cops” Your mans was nice

  • @emeraldkaysgarden
    @emeraldkaysgarden Год назад +26

    Big L was Harlem legend cut too soon.🙏🏽💯

  • @mcleod56ify
    @mcleod56ify Год назад +12

    I remember hearing about him and I was shocked that he was around the 90s cause I didn’t hear about him till the late 00

  • @CakeMonster82
    @CakeMonster82 Год назад +19

    First off big L put out two albums secondly on my pops grave I was putting people on in 99-00 about his second album and how so many people stole big L style back then smdh Ebonics is crazy so many people copied that scenario and rap flow 9& freestyle is one of the greatest freestyles of all time I mean back then when I was playing his first and second album people had no clue who he was yet no one never told me he wasn’t nice or people didn’t steal his flow oh yeah they also had a group called NFL which stands for Niggas For Life that was back around them children of the corn days I go way back when it comes to Big L he was truly the best of his era definitely one of the best ever

  • @jimmydatrackstar
    @jimmydatrackstar Год назад +77

    This is sad. Dude clearly got set up and didn’t even know it: left the house blindly walking to meet a friend while the shooter just hid waiting for him… 9 times in the head and chest? Yeah naw that’s an assassination

    • @jimmyog
      @jimmyog 11 месяцев назад +6

      man how i wish L really stayed home that night, it’s always someone u know too… 🐍 who knows what might’ve been

    • @jayperez019
      @jayperez019 11 месяцев назад +15

      @@jimmyogI feel like even if he did stay in that day they would’ve just came for him another time

    • @tajdyer2803
      @tajdyer2803 10 месяцев назад +2

      Man, i bought the ethylene book just to read the description of the scene. As i read it more, the sadder i became. If only he didnt get involved in his brothers situation and/or if dame dash got to him sooner afyer his debut 😢. Big l was doing clubs and house shows to showcase his talent.

    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад +14

      Big L only died because he was told to do a hit and kill the person that killed him but he heard what L was gonna do and shot him first. He mustve been scared from how much times he shot big l. Also big l killed people. Big l wasnt innocent. Also big l was involved in a hit before this. Just because he was a very good rapper doesnt mean he was innocent

    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад

      big l set his killer up thats why big l is dead

  • @Feodora1801
    @Feodora1801 10 месяцев назад +6

    thank you so much for this piece of history

  • @frshphade.masterbarber
    @frshphade.masterbarber 9 месяцев назад +5

    When you make a song called “devil’s son” and proclaim that you’re not down with Jesus Christ.. you begin to realize the handwriting was on the wall for L from the beginning.. very tragic

  • @richiesantos4818
    @richiesantos4818 Год назад +19

    I'm mad you kept showing "Juelz" but saying "cam" LMAO

    • @Nobbinmaug
      @Nobbinmaug 2 месяца назад

      I kept thinking the same thing. WTF?

  • @jeffaholics2289
    @jeffaholics2289 Год назад +10

    Respectfully, he didn’t keep up with jay z on the radio, he murdered him in cold blood.

  • @thedreadedverse
    @thedreadedverse Год назад +26

    Big L is one of my fav, be he did not start shit, bruh. You could definitely say he's an early innovator of the sub-genre, but the originator of horrorcore is Ganxsta N-I-P from Houston, Texas. Wrote for the Geto Boys, got a platinum plaque way before L put out Devil's Son.

    • @snus9088
      @snus9088 Год назад +3

      Big lurch as well

    • @bryanstagl4797
      @bryanstagl4797 Год назад

      Thank you

    • @obsidian2404
      @obsidian2404 11 месяцев назад

      @@snus9088Big Lurch the best if anything at that shit. Unfortunate what happened to him to, he clearly feels horrible about it. People say cocaine is a hell of a drug but they wouldn’t be saying that if they tried PcP

    • @rosecity_chris
      @rosecity_chris 11 месяцев назад

      Brotha Lynch prolly did it best in the 90s

    • @TerrenceBattle-my7ud
      @TerrenceBattle-my7ud 9 месяцев назад +1

      Kool g rap too

  • @JonnyStarseed8
    @JonnyStarseed8 9 месяцев назад +4

    to me big L was one of the original serious metaphor punchline creators.. 1/5 that taught me how to rap & put it on beat was the first beat I ever wrote a song to in 5th grade .. rap would be incredibly different and maybe on another level just cause this one dude alone 🥲😌

  • @wizardmoto
    @wizardmoto 11 месяцев назад +17

    "I seen Biggie, Big L, Big Pun pass away; Buff from The Fat Boys, Jam Master Jay" -RA The Rugged Man
    There's a reason Big L was mentioned next to those legends. Highly underrated

    • @The_Scouts_Code
      @The_Scouts_Code 9 месяцев назад +1

      Big L > Pun > Biggie.

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@The_Scouts_Codebro big pun is great but he is literally a worser version of notorious

    • @The_Scouts_Code
      @The_Scouts_Code 5 месяцев назад

      @@Clashedroyaled i gave biggie an honest hearing. I wanted to like him. I tried to find songs that i liked or at least respected.
      He’s not just overrated, he’s actually mediocre. And it’s not just a matter of taste - he’s technically and lyrically unskilled.

  • @llpskiilo2373
    @llpskiilo2373 Год назад +35

    He did not create horror core but he was a beast at that style

    • @RayDugish
      @RayDugish 10 месяцев назад +5

      brotha lynch hung did

    • @Panzerd3rd
      @Panzerd3rd 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@RayDugishnah it was the south specifically Memphis with triple six mafia, dj squeaky, gangsta pat, ect

    • @mrskinszszs
      @mrskinszszs 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@Panzerd3rd Geto Boys

    • @MoCoJags
      @MoCoJags 10 месяцев назад +3

      Horrorcore is a gay label anyway who cares

    • @gregsmith1342
      @gregsmith1342 10 месяцев назад

      Stra8 crappola

  • @ryggamortis7594
    @ryggamortis7594 7 месяцев назад +4

    I always said if Big L did a track with Eminem and Big Pun itd be the greatest rap song ever

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 месяцев назад +2

      Big pun doesnt fit big L and em’s style, immortal technique is a better match

  • @d4m6n
    @d4m6n 4 месяца назад +1

    I remember putting everyone on at my school about Big L. Dude was a beast.

  • @ST69
    @ST69 9 месяцев назад +4

    Big L was easily the best rapper of all time . Anyone who’s actually knows , simply just knows

  • @jreadystayreadyofficial4351
    @jreadystayreadyofficial4351 Год назад +18

    Bruh u showing Juelz kallin him Cam 😂😂😂

    • @ChefTuck
      @ChefTuck 6 месяцев назад +1

      I was looking for this comment he did tht shit like 3 times 😂

  • @markfordjr3677
    @markfordjr3677 Год назад +14

    " Big L was always into horror movies" Just like I am

  • @gingerben9310
    @gingerben9310 10 месяцев назад +6

    Big L murdered Jay on that freestyle. Big L is in my top 3. What a rapper Lord Finesse is so smooth the way he raps. He doesnt get talked alot about either which is strange. Even Nas said Finesse was a nice rapper meaning sick.

  • @shanereynolds4276
    @shanereynolds4276 11 месяцев назад +4

    He embodies the 90s style. Which is the cream of the crop

  • @ThomasLynch-ti7wr
    @ThomasLynch-ti7wr 8 месяцев назад +2

    Hes right when he said L dropped one album when he was alive, Big Picture came out after he died. Primo, Pete Rock, DITC, Guru, Sadat X, Kool G Rap, Big Daddy Kane all helped put it together.

  • @jasonolafami4528
    @jasonolafami4528 Год назад +4

    Big l's first album went gold

  • @user-gg9fp1fh5u
    @user-gg9fp1fh5u 5 месяцев назад +2

    Who here in 2024 for Big L the most slept on Mc

  • @Watcher234
    @Watcher234 Год назад +17

    His Mom definition of a strong black woman.

    • @Menotyou20245
      @Menotyou20245 4 месяца назад +1

      Why say black woman, she is the epitome of what a real woman is and does. Rip L...❤

  • @GetawayMayne
    @GetawayMayne 9 месяцев назад +2

    Im surprised a lot of people haven’t heard of him. Yo manz was cold AF!

  • @DeAngeloYoung6
    @DeAngeloYoung6 6 месяцев назад +14

    Who here after the mase story ?

  • @th-pw8pn
    @th-pw8pn 9 месяцев назад +1

    His LOTPAD album was great back in the day and is probably even better now! I can still listen to it from nose to tail and enjoy it. It's just one of those timeless albums.
    No one releases one album, gets immediately noticed by so many people, and is still relevant and talked about ~30 years later if they're not bringing something a little special to the party...

  • @daspy1017
    @daspy1017 Год назад +7


    • @dancoast9881
      @dancoast9881 Год назад +1

      Ayo you better flee hops or get your head blown three blocks…L keeps rappers hearts pumping like reeboks 😧

  • @Coffeetime1991
    @Coffeetime1991 28 дней назад

    Big L is my top 5. I am from the Bronx ny, grew up there in the 90”s and early 2000s I was a kid when i heard big l and fell in love with his talent, so sad we got stuck with jay z “fed up with that bullllshhhhi” was my favorite song

  • @mila1012
    @mila1012 Год назад +19

    Jay z prolly took him out

    • @marygrey536
      @marygrey536 10 месяцев назад +1

      Exact thoughts

    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад +2

      fool. Big L only died because he was told to do a hit and kill the person that killed him but he heard what L was gonna do and shot him first. He mustve been scared from how much times he shot big l. Also big l killed people. Big l wasnt innocent. Also big l was involved in a hit before this. Just because he was a very good rapper doesnt mean he was innocent

    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад


    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад


    • @screwvo83
      @screwvo83 8 месяцев назад +1

      I thought the same since he took his style after he signed him he then took his LIFE! Death Clause Diddys best friend

  • @jonaveul
    @jonaveul 3 месяца назад +1

    “It’s the triple 6, in the mix, straight from H E double hockey sticks “ 🔥🔥

  • @jonathanshaules1967
    @jonathanshaules1967 9 месяцев назад +3

    Furious Anger · Big L · Shyheim
    🔥 🔥 🔥

  • @Hedgeknight420
    @Hedgeknight420 6 дней назад +1

    the real ones always get less famous , typically taken out by those who are more concerned with fame . Too bad , L was a real one.

  • @dutchdude1985
    @dutchdude1985 10 месяцев назад +27

    Its such a shame howmany greats were killed around Diddy and Jay.
    The game's worst kept secret is Diddy stacking booties and bodies, Jay's been more low key about it but you cant convince me L's death wasnt Jay's removing his main competition just like he would remove Aliyah after which Beyonce really blew up.

    • @GeminiJo
      @GeminiJo 9 месяцев назад +1

      We all know what really happened. Karma has no expiration date as we can see.

    • @fabricator.cap.hill.seattle
      @fabricator.cap.hill.seattle 9 месяцев назад +1

      "you cant convince me L's death wasnt Jay's removing his main competition just like he would remove Aliyah after which Beyonce really blew up"
      You cAnt ConvInce mE L'S DeaTH waSnT JaY'S rEmoVinG His mAin comPetItIOn JuSt LiKE HE WOulD rEmOvE AlIYAh AfteR WhiCH BeYONcE rEally BLeW Up

    • @GeminiJo
      @GeminiJo 9 месяцев назад

      @@fabricator.cap.hill.seattle omg Beehive and Cock Nation welcome!

    • @gregsmith1342
      @gregsmith1342 9 месяцев назад +3

      lol stra8 weirdos, L was and his brother was into some street ish, unfortunately his actions was the cause of his own demise, don't know why people come up with goofy conspiracy theories!

    • @aaronward4162
      @aaronward4162 3 месяца назад

      @@gregsmith1342They don’t know L was tryin to kidnap a cat and dude came back and shot him in the face

  • @schaefer1898
    @schaefer1898 11 месяцев назад +2

    That Amsterdam live footage changed my life. And he was only 23 or 24 back then, pfff....

  • @shanereynolds4276
    @shanereynolds4276 11 месяцев назад +5

    Its crazy because recently ive heard his music and im like who the f is that?? I grew up in the 80s and 90s and never really heard of big L. But when i hear him i know automatically hes from the golden era and hes solid gold!

    • @TerrenceBattle-my7ud
      @TerrenceBattle-my7ud 9 месяцев назад

      The legendary 7min freestyle between him & jz he had Jay stumbling mumbling like a new age Lil nigga today😂 L lyrics was insane and 100% independent "flamboyant 4 life"

    • @TerrenceBattle-my7ud
      @TerrenceBattle-my7ud 9 месяцев назад

      Side note, Big L use to sell wet(pcp) to method man/wutang before they blew.

  • @cakestepcakestep
    @cakestepcakestep 7 месяцев назад +1

    “He started throwing parties and selling tickets, plus he moved a little weight on the side to pay for studio time and equipment” bar lol

  • @jaysonmanman
    @jaysonmanman 10 месяцев назад +3

    There needs to be a biopic for Big L.

  • @JWFdocumentaries
    @JWFdocumentaries 10 месяцев назад +2

    great vid

  • @EazyEv1.0
    @EazyEv1.0 Год назад +6

    Big L forever 🕊🕊🕊💯💯💯

  • @gemstar3824
    @gemstar3824 5 месяцев назад +2

    The world got robbed when L got taken from us. What an absolute tragedy.

    @JKDVIPER Год назад +4

    11:51 What a suffering life he must have led. So much pain and coldness. He was talented beyond anything we now see, but STRESS got him. The world took over and he lost control of the ride.” 💯definitely a major top 5 rapper if all time. 😎☑️

  • @lazybread6920
    @lazybread6920 10 месяцев назад

    Casualties of a dice is the first song I ever heard from Big L and I instantly became a fan

  • @rogdawg123
    @rogdawg123 10 месяцев назад +3

    big L is the 🐐 of hip hop

  • @YJSho_Nuff_
    @YJSho_Nuff_ 9 месяцев назад +1

    Id argue the group Flatliners started the whole Horrorcore rap genre. Big L helped make it more relevant back then

    • @wxchief6737
      @wxchief6737 9 месяцев назад

      i’m pretty sure horror rap started in memphis…

  • @alejandro8790
    @alejandro8790 10 месяцев назад +3


  • @Yes-qj4bi
    @Yes-qj4bi 8 дней назад +1

    The xxxtentacion of the 90s by potential

  • @chrisgoffe5048
    @chrisgoffe5048 Год назад +11

    ..bro was just watching every Big L deal ..the biggest what if in hip hop not really fussed about hop hop deaths ..but would of liked to see Big L and xxxtentacion in later years

  • @kennygoat7384
    @kennygoat7384 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @souldrifterbeats
    @souldrifterbeats Год назад +4

    Is it me or was this dude trying to rhyme and spit bars while he narrating lol 😂😂😂

  • @marcosbenavides8394
    @marcosbenavides8394 9 месяцев назад +1

    I still have his album(My favorite album all-time)

  • @jasonone8726
    @jasonone8726 Год назад +8

    Big L should've stayed out of the streets and left that lifestyle behind.

    • @isaiahwinbrone
      @isaiahwinbrone Год назад +8

      If he was still alive today he would put out multi-platinum albums

    • @ashtonrussell
      @ashtonrussell Год назад +4

      ​@@isaiahwinbronefr rest in peace to Big L 🙏🕊💙🏁🏁🏁🏁

    • @aaronflowers8881
      @aaronflowers8881 Год назад +7

      @@isaiahwinbrone Nah people would clown him like they do every legend. They'd probably make some stupid meme about him. If you're around too long you start to get disrespected.

    • @GodzillaKaijuGK
      @GodzillaKaijuGK 10 месяцев назад +1

      Big L only died because he was told to do a hit and kill the person that killed him but he heard what L was gonna do and shot him first. He mustve been scared from how much times he shot big l. Also big l killed people. Big l wasnt innocent. Also big l was involved in a hit before this. Just because he was a very good rapper doesnt mean he was innocent

  • @zoomanx9661
    @zoomanx9661 10 месяцев назад +2

    This could be made into a movie.

    • @GeminiJo
      @GeminiJo 9 месяцев назад +1

      there's plenty of movies with backdooring.

  • @RonnieMotlokwa
    @RonnieMotlokwa Год назад +8

    I feel so angry 😡 😡 dat L Never got the credit he deserved

  • @1stAmendmentDrone
    @1stAmendmentDrone 10 месяцев назад +2

    He was so ahead of his time his parents haven’t met yet.

  • @rosuzzieagnes124
    @rosuzzieagnes124 Год назад +3

    Is this not the same dude from the other hip hop Channel

    • @chrisgoffe5048
      @chrisgoffe5048 Год назад +3

      Hip Hop daily

    • @toonsquad497
      @toonsquad497 Год назад

      ​@@chrisgoffe5048bro was thinking same thing before I scroll to urs 👊🏾

  • @natoshiapurnell5652
    @natoshiapurnell5652 9 месяцев назад +1

    Flamboyant ft Fat Joe is one on my favorite rhymes by Big L. Gone too soon. He lyrically definitely repeated.😔

  • @nicetoast-fh5kh
    @nicetoast-fh5kh 10 месяцев назад +3

    Big L rest in peace ❤

  • @DrewRandIsCool
    @DrewRandIsCool Год назад +2

    Big L was one of a kind and what if he wasn’t murdered he could’ve had his own legacy

  • @channelbitcoin21M
    @channelbitcoin21M 10 месяцев назад +6

    Will you do one of these video on Charizma? He was such a talent and idk much about his life or how he died. I’d love to hear more

  • @psykolikwid
    @psykolikwid 10 месяцев назад

    What a legend- good job keeping his name on people’s minds.

  • @Valuingzeus
    @Valuingzeus Год назад +3

    Every time you said cam name juelz Santana was on screen

  • @thehound510
    @thehound510 10 месяцев назад

    His technique and multisyllabic game was ahead of its time. No wonder he influenced some of the best rappers around today.

  • @slothmarathonpromotions2470
    @slothmarathonpromotions2470 11 месяцев назад +3

    Big L had huge potential

  • @samcharman100
    @samcharman100 7 месяцев назад +2

    He said there was rumor he beat JZ in a rap battle……JZ was nothing compared to Big L lyrically, completely different levels

  • @oguntuyi9286
    @oguntuyi9286 10 месяцев назад +4

    He was bigger than JAY Z. Get your facts right.

    • @aailli
      @aailli 6 месяцев назад

      lmao No he was not. You must be young.

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 месяцев назад +1

      He was better but never bigger

    • @Caraxes_RoguePrince
      @Caraxes_RoguePrince 3 месяца назад

      Think you meant better not bigger lol

  • @ryantylerMachete
    @ryantylerMachete Месяц назад

    "on the shelf is where your LP cold stood
    Because it was no good, that shit ain't even go wood" one of my favorite bars of all time, makes me laugh every time

  • @FastwayIndustries
    @FastwayIndustries 11 месяцев назад +3

    Rest in peace big L💪

  • @haydenpeka7148
    @haydenpeka7148 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @frankmfeb13
    @frankmfeb13 Год назад +4

    Dont get it twisted , L was way better than Jay during that freestyle. Jay is good, but theres so many other rappers that are better than him.

    @KINGMONKEY1989 2 месяца назад

    To me Big L is everything I love about Hip Hop. I will never forget hearing Da Enemy ft Fat Joe which is what made me a fan in the first place. I have no doubt in my mind that he would have become so much more than he always was and thats genius emcee.

  • @roblucas9599
    @roblucas9599 Год назад +3

    Rip Big L

  • @CarlosHernandez-rl2wg
    @CarlosHernandez-rl2wg 7 месяцев назад +2

    Big L is one of the greatest ever. However, he didn't create horrorcore. Look up Esham and Ganksta NIP. And also, he dominated Jay on the Stretch and Bobbito show, not "kept up".

  • @alvinharris0
    @alvinharris0 Год назад +4

    Why do you keep showing juelz and saying Cam'ron 😂

  • @MuzikJunky
    @MuzikJunky 8 месяцев назад +2

    The Geto Boys, Gravediggaz, and Insane Poetry did horrorcore long before Big L, even though he’s probably the greatest emcee with the smallest discography. Peace.