It’s on my list…in the meantime you can always pair two of my 45 minute workouts together! 🥰 Check out my long workouts playlist 👈👈👈
Wow. Pilates class does not get better than this. Since I can't get enough of Dansique Fitness, 90 minutes is perfect for me. Your uplifting, fun, encouraging energy adds so much to the process. The workout is a beautiful fusion of Pilates and ballet elements. Thank you so much for generously sharing your knowledge and skills. Hope to make it to your live class soon!
Hey Desiree, I've been doing your pilates classes for almost 3 weeks now (4 times a week) and I've noticed a huge difference in my shape. I'm alot more toned and my stomach is totally differe t then it has been with any other exercises that I've done - it's flat and looks like I got abs. Thank you for your videos and the hard work, you're so much fun too which makes the class more motivating xxx
Thank you so much! Your comment really made my heart smile! I’m so glad you are enjoying my workouts and having wonderful results! Keep it up! XOXO 🥰💖💪🏼
Woww!!!! 90 mins workout....😳It does take a lot of effort and preparation for planning everything. I really appreciate the amount of hardwork you put to post such an amazing video. Keep it up Desiree.......👍....I am definitely gonna try this one next time. Thanx a looooot!!!!😘😄😄
Thank you soooooo very much for you lovely comment! I really appreciate YOUR recognition and appreciation for all the time, effort, and energy I pour into all of my workouts! I'm so grateful for supporters like you. THANK YOU!!! xoxoxo
I did this on Friday after work. I didn’t realize this one was geared more towards dancers. I’m a guy, and no dancer, but I enjoy Pilates, but this one definitely kicked my butt. I was tired after a long day of work, but wanted to do a long and low impact movement (it was low impact recovery day), so I did this even though my body had to modify some moves.
Yes, lots of dancers gravitate towards Pilates but Pilates is for EVERYONE!!! I’m so glad you gave it a try and it kicked your butt! Thanks so much for your kindness and support…really appreciate it! 🥰💖💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness I used to do it once in a while at the end of a hitt routine for low impact when I first discovered it on a hitt channel a few years ago, now the last few months it’s been a regular addition to my workout to add in extra core work to build it up for yoga, so I often look for new channels to follow and practice too. Hopefully there will be more 90 minute ones in the future. Thanks again for a killer practice
@@DansiqueFitness I just redid this one today as I wanted to do a super long class today after work. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing more Pilates, along with my daily yoga classes, but it was so much easier this time around. I even used my heavy fabric resistance band for some poses for an extra challenge. I think next time, maybe this weekend, I’ll step up the challenge further end try it with my 2lb ankle weights. Love your 60min+ classes.
You gave me a reason to continue and hope! as long as a talented and gifted person as you can share such a gift with us all, it is a real motivation. Thank you for all the huge work you've done to prepare and bring to us these amazing videos to help us all. Many, many, many thanks from Bucharest! Big hugs 😘😘😘!
What an unselfish gift, Desiree! Thank you for inspiring movement that heals body and spirit. Six months after a sesamoid fracture, you've kept my core and smile strong! 🌟
I have just completed this session! Although some of the exercises were challenging for an old dancer, l feel great now. Thank you so much, Desiree. Love from London. XXXX
You're so welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I really hope to see you in my live online classes! You're 5 hours ahead of please considering joining my Thursday class (5pm for you)! Sending tons of love right back! xoxo
Felt like doing a longer session today so came back to this one.Gosh that was intense !!!! But as usual feeling so good after. Will try your 10 mn stretching to cool down now 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm just going to pour my heart out here. This workout really challenged me in ways both physical and mental. I am not a dancer, and am relatively new to pilates (I've only been doing it for about 2 months), but for some reason I keep setting my expectations for myself very high. I was hoping to follow this workout through to the end and do so with perfect poise and elegance. In reality, my entire body shook through many of these exercises, my back was not perfectly straight, and I didn't have the full range of motion that you do. While I did complete the entire video, I was unhappy with my form and inability to do some of the exercises, like the very last "dance" featuring the teaser. I recognize that, in setting these unrealistic expectations for myself, I am causing myself a great deal of emotional distress and am losing confidence when I should really be building it. I should be proud that I completed this workout PERIOD, instead of dwelling on the fact that my poses were imperfect.While I know that I need to manage my expectations better, I simply do not know how to. I know I'm not the only one to struggle with this. For those of you watching, if my story resonated with you, I would like to ask you what you do to manage your own expectations?
Thank you for sharing! I want my channel to be a safe place for everyone to express their feelings and struggles so we can all try to help and support one another. I commend you for giving this workout a try…it certainly is long and both physically and mentally demanding so you should really be proud of yourself. Like I always say, PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS! If everything was easy then there wouldn’t be a need to strive to do better. It’s the struggle that allows us to have that amazing sense of accomplishment when we finally reach our goals. I do suggest incorporating shorter and maybe not quite as advanced workouts into your mix. This will help you not feel so defeated all the time. It’s all about balance…we need to do things that are appropriate for our current level of abilities AND we should also challenge ourselves too. Keep moving and keep at it. We are all here to support one another and cheer each other on. You got this! 💖🥰💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness Thank you so much for the words of encouragement!! I think its healthy to have goals when it comes to exercising and moving our bodies, but the mistake I made was in setting expectations. Ultimately, I am proud I made it through the entire workout and did something great for my body and brain. As I continue to grow my strength and flexibility ill be able to do even more and how exciting is that? I'm grateful to be on this journey and to be able to watch myself become better and stronger than I was the day before. Thank you for helping me on this journey ❤
I have never done pilates that long without a rest. I was a ballet dancer as a child so I really could connect with the ballet poses. Thank you so much again for another great wprkout!
I love this video sooooooo much. I struggle with the teaser poses, but I’m getting stronger. I sweat so much with these workouts to the point where I can’t hold my legs up, so I get some paper towels, hold them around my ankles and I’m good. I feel so accomplished when I’ve completed each workout. I simply cannot thank you enough Desiree for such amazing workouts and you make me laugh every time you go, yayyyyyy or woohoo or that was amazingggg, I just love it. I love the inner thigh workouts where we shoot the legs up in the air and then bring them around. I love the oblique swivels, there’s just so much that I love, thank you❤️❤️❤️
Yayyyy I’m so happy you’re enjoying my workouts so much…that really means a lot. And because you’re enjoying the movement, you’ll stick with it and it’ll just become part of your everyday routine like brushing your teeth. Like I always say, “movement heals,” and when you find movement that you truly enjoy…well, that’s priceless!!! 😘😘😘 So grateful for your continued love and support; thank you! 💖
Love you talking with us while doing the exercises, giving tips and correcting what we are probabily doing wrong! Love from Brazil!!! Thank you so much!!!
What a fantastic way to start the day! I even think I did better than last time I did this one. (Got my heels just touching the floor on downward dog!) Thank you Desiree ❤ 😊 💓
I hadn’t tried that one in the past three months as I see from my comment. Great one which is definitely leaving me sweaty but great as usual with your workouts 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Today I felt like giving me some extra time I definitely was looking for the longest workout. Didn’t remember how waoooo it is !!!! Gosh I am running water from head to toes !!!!! But I feel sooooo goooood 🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍😍
Nothing else to say except Desiree is AMAZING!!! Her instructions are beyond crystal clear. Nothing is rushed. Beyond challenging! I am far from a flexible person but I keep listening to her cues and do my best. I cannot wait to see the future changes in my flexibility and hope to continue to elongate my muscles :)
Aww thank you so much for your lovely comment Lauren!!! I appreciate your love & support more than you’ll ever know! Please keep me posted on your progress! 💖🥰💪🏼💖🥰💪🏼
I just want to thank you so so much for this workout, Desiree. I just recently discovered it, I've been looking to add more stretch and strengthen type exercises to improve my dancing so it's perfect. I did it yesterday and I loved it so much, it's challenging but so much fun!
Thank you for this long class Im definitely doing it again! Agree on working the back too! When I do other workouts I end up doing bridges because I feel that movement was missing. This is super complete, as a dancer I love to stretch. Thank you!
Amazing! Been doing Pilates for 6 years, this has changed my same routine. I feel extremely challenged and look forward to more changes with flexibility and strength. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and skills on RUclips.
Wonderful, thoughtful workout. Excellent cue-ing to help us avoid common mistakes: for me, the cue to lengthen rather than grip in the quads is esp. helpful. I will do this again: it’s great for the weekend when I have a bit longer to dedicate to my workout. Thank u!
You are an incredible teacher !!!! you mix ballet and pilates in the best way possible. It is so clear how much you love what you do. I am a pilates instructor myself and I learn sooo much from your videos!. thank you for sharing all this and hope to come to a reall life class one day !!
Desiree, I finsihed entire class. I was able to complete without stopping for a break at the 50 minute mark. I feel accom[lished and energized!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
@@DansiqueFitness Just did this class and is crazy hard but in a good way. First time I did class for 1.5 hours since my cancer diagnosis! I miss those days so much. One day I'll take your online virtual class when I feel comfortable to be seen...
Dana Yayyy good for you Dana! And just so you know, you can turn off your camera if you want...although once class starts and I “spotlight” one will be able to see you but me! Can’t wait to have you join in! Xoxo 😘
I salute you my dear for giving us this long class! V good and great to do it on a wekend with no rush to go anywhere and no distractions! Lots of Love and Hugs! 🙏❤️👍😘
My pleasure! If you haven’t already, please check out my new platform…I upload more often over there and your support would really mean a lot to me. 💖
Loved this! I feel at least a 1/2 inch taller ;) Do you prefer doing the voice over videos or the talking straight to us? It's a very different feeling!
Good lord that was hard! You are so super strong! I think this is one to come back to in a few weeks to measure improvement. (Maybe at the end of the 28 days) Very challenging. Thank you once again. Xxxxxx
Hello , Hello Hello wow this was an amazing experience. This is my first time with you and possibly the 3rd time having pilates lessons I'm used in cross fit workouts and rhats the amazing thing I just love love love your work and your cheerful disposition. Thank you so very much. ❤💯
I am in the middle of your 1-2-3 challenge (I've sporadically done your videos since March and have enjoyed them through lockdown!)and just did this session. I thought I would quit 2 or 3 days into the challenge, but here I am two weeks in, and am planning to start the cycle over when I finish the first 30 days! I can genuinely see and feel a difference already and it's a great feeling. Thanks so much for your thoughtful, fun workouts and encouraging positivity!
What wonderful news!!! I’m so glad you kept with it...see, we are always stronger than we think we are! Keep me posted on your progress. I’m so happy for you!!! BIG HUGS! 🤗💖🤗💖🤗 Hope to see you in my live online classes sometime!
The exercise video you uploaded saved me during my isolation from Wuhan pneumonia. I used to do intense weight training, but your video made me try a comfortable way to exercise!!! My body got a full stretch, and every muscle is moving smoothly. After doing 90 minutes of exercises, my whole body is rejuvenated. Thank you sooooooo much!!!
I waited for the weekend to do this: like a child opening its Christmas present. What a creative and challenging set of moves. Superb teaching points kept me in check. My body is so grateful and so am I! You are the bomb. Thank you for being amazing, x from London
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Please come join my live online Pilates class on Mondays! It’s noon my time...and 5pm in London! I really hope you can make it sometime, it would mean the world to me! 💖🥰💖🥰
My favorite Desiree!!!! I absolutely LOVE this workout with you! Thank you so much! You always challenge me to move my body in new and beautiful ways. xoxoxoxoxo
great and so challenging.beautiful stretches especially combination movement of teaser and roll over.plank and jump to squat. amazing.i really enjoyed it.thank u so u
I’m glad you loved it! Please help support Dansique Fitness by attending my live online classes! I teach Pilates every Monday and Thursday...hope to see you! 💖🥰
Added most of my videos to my own workout program/routine. Looove them! I found your videos when I was taking beginner adult ballet classes but they went online and I just couldn't follow along with them :( your videos have been so helpful and my technique has improved a bit! I'm also getting stronger and more flexible :)
It's been difficult for a lot of people transitioning into online classes, so I completely get it! I'm very happy that you've been enjoying my RUclips vids though...and yayyy for improvements! I'm so happy you're feeling stronger and more flexible! That's great! I hope you'll give my live online Pilates classes a try! I teach them every Monday and Thursday. Click this link >>> XOXO
@@DansiqueFitness Just finished! So happy and proud of myself ... although a couple of exercises are too much for me (teaser poses basically). Thank you so much Desiree. Tons of love from Italy
Supercalifragilisticexpicdelicious!!!! The best possible enjoyable workout!!! Thank youuuuuu I loved it so much . Can’t wait for tomorow to do it again and do it better❤️
I love this! As a fellow dance it was so fun when you were talking about dance positions I’m like Yass what a vibe! This was so amazing I really appreciate all the hard work you put into these workouts for us! Thanks again sending love xx
Thank you so much 🤗 It's always really nice when someone recognizes and appreciates ALL the time, effort, and energy I pour into my content! I hope to see you in my live online classes too...I teach Pilates Sculpt every Monday and Thursday! XOXO
I just love your 60 min low impact high intensity workouts! Let’s have 90 minutes please! ❤
Thank you! 😘💕
Please do more 90 minute workouts. 💕 I'll even start a petition 🤣
It’s on my list…in the meantime you can always pair two of my 45 minute workouts together! 🥰 Check out my long workouts playlist 👈👈👈
Wow. Pilates class does not get better than this. Since I can't get enough of Dansique Fitness, 90 minutes is perfect for me. Your uplifting, fun, encouraging energy adds so much to the process. The workout is a beautiful fusion of Pilates and ballet elements. Thank you so much for generously sharing your knowledge and skills. Hope to make it to your live class soon!
Hey Desiree, I've been doing your pilates classes for almost 3 weeks now (4 times a week) and I've noticed a huge difference in my shape. I'm alot more toned and my stomach is totally differe t then it has been with any other exercises that I've done - it's flat and looks like I got abs. Thank you for your videos and the hard work, you're so much fun too which makes the class more motivating xxx
Thank you so much! Your comment really made my heart smile! I’m so glad you are enjoying my workouts and having wonderful results! Keep it up! XOXO 🥰💖💪🏼
I have incorporated this session in my weekly workouts!! You have amazing vidoes!! Please do another 90 minute session!!
I plan on it! Hope to see you in my live online classes sometime! Classes are an hour and 15 minutes! 😘😘😘
What type of results did you get? Is the difference noticeable?
I love your classes. Please consider adding more 90 minutes classes. You are an amazing instructor.
I really appreciate that! 💖💛💚💜
Woww!!!! 90 mins workout....😳It does take a lot of effort and preparation for planning everything. I really appreciate the amount of hardwork you put to post such an amazing video. Keep it up Desiree.......👍....I am definitely gonna try this one next time. Thanx a looooot!!!!😘😄😄
Thank you soooooo very much for you lovely comment! I really appreciate YOUR recognition and appreciation for all the time, effort, and energy I pour into all of my workouts! I'm so grateful for supporters like you. THANK YOU!!! xoxoxo
the BEST!!! i so love when you narrate as you go, because i can stay with you! this was amazing. do more 60s and 90s for int/adv
Thank you Linda! 🥰🥰🥰
I did this on Friday after work. I didn’t realize this one was geared more towards dancers. I’m a guy, and no dancer, but I enjoy Pilates, but this one definitely kicked my butt. I was tired after a long day of work, but wanted to do a long and low impact movement (it was low impact recovery day), so I did this even though my body had to modify some moves.
Yes, lots of dancers gravitate towards Pilates but Pilates is for EVERYONE!!! I’m so glad you gave it a try and it kicked your butt! Thanks so much for your kindness and support…really appreciate it! 🥰💖💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness I used to do it once in a while at the end of a hitt routine for low impact when I first discovered it on a hitt channel a few years ago, now the last few months it’s been a regular addition to my workout to add in extra core work to build it up for yoga, so I often look for new channels to follow and practice too. Hopefully there will be more 90 minute ones in the future. Thanks again for a killer practice
@@DansiqueFitness I just redid this one today as I wanted to do a super long class today after work. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing more Pilates, along with my daily yoga classes, but it was so much easier this time around. I even used my heavy fabric resistance band for some poses for an extra challenge. I think next time, maybe this weekend, I’ll step up the challenge further end try it with my 2lb ankle weights. Love your 60min+ classes.
You gave me a reason to continue and hope! as long as a talented and gifted person as you can share such a gift with us all, it is a real motivation. Thank you for all the huge work you've done to prepare and bring to us these amazing videos to help us all. Many, many, many thanks from Bucharest! Big hugs 😘😘😘!
Thank you for your lovely comment Monica! Your kindness and support means the world to me! 💛💛💛
omg i love this baller dancer pilates workout!!! plz do more 90 min workout, love you !!
What an unselfish gift, Desiree! Thank you for inspiring movement that heals body and spirit. Six months after a sesamoid fracture, you've kept my core and smile strong! 🌟
Wonderful! 💖🥰💪🏼
I have just completed this session! Although some of the exercises were challenging for an old dancer, l feel great now. Thank you so much, Desiree. Love from London. XXXX
You're so welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I really hope to see you in my live online classes! You're 5 hours ahead of please considering joining my Thursday class (5pm for you)! Sending tons of love right back! xoxo
Thank you dear Desiree: best workout ever🇺🇦🌻💗
Felt like doing a longer session today so came back to this one.Gosh that was intense !!!! But as usual feeling so good after. Will try your 10 mn stretching to cool down now 🙏🙏🙏🙏
OMG Great work!
I'm French and i love this! Bravo de France ...bone by bone by bone, ça fait boudoumboudoumboudoum yessss!
Thank you for your love & support! 😘😘😘
Simply perfect. Do not change. I follow you from France. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your love & support! 💖😘💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness please
I'm just going to pour my heart out here. This workout really challenged me in ways both physical and mental. I am not a dancer, and am relatively new to pilates (I've only been doing it for about 2 months), but for some reason I keep setting my expectations for myself very high. I was hoping to follow this workout through to the end and do so with perfect poise and elegance. In reality, my entire body shook through many of these exercises, my back was not perfectly straight, and I didn't have the full range of motion that you do. While I did complete the entire video, I was unhappy with my form and inability to do some of the exercises, like the very last "dance" featuring the teaser.
I recognize that, in setting these unrealistic expectations for myself, I am causing myself a great deal of emotional distress and am losing confidence when I should really be building it. I should be proud that I completed this workout PERIOD, instead of dwelling on the fact that my poses were imperfect.While I know that I need to manage my expectations better, I simply do not know how to.
I know I'm not the only one to struggle with this. For those of you watching, if my story resonated with you, I would like to ask you what you do to manage your own expectations?
Thank you for sharing! I want my channel to be a safe place for everyone to express their feelings and struggles so we can all try to help and support one another. I commend you for giving this workout a try…it certainly is long and both physically and mentally demanding so you should really be proud of yourself. Like I always say, PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS! If everything was easy then there wouldn’t be a need to strive to do better. It’s the struggle that allows us to have that amazing sense of accomplishment when we finally reach our goals. I do suggest incorporating shorter and maybe not quite as advanced workouts into your mix. This will help you not feel so defeated all the time. It’s all about balance…we need to do things that are appropriate for our current level of abilities AND we should also challenge ourselves too. Keep moving and keep at it. We are all here to support one another and cheer each other on. You got this! 💖🥰💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness Thank you so much for the words of encouragement!! I think its healthy to have goals when it comes to exercising and moving our bodies, but the mistake I made was in setting expectations. Ultimately, I am proud I made it through the entire workout and did something great for my body and brain. As I continue to grow my strength and flexibility ill be able to do even more and how exciting is that? I'm grateful to be on this journey and to be able to watch myself become better and stronger than I was the day before. Thank you for helping me on this journey ❤
Thank you for turning my Sunday into a fun-day😍 challenging but in all the good ways!
You’re welcome! 🥰🥰🥰
90 MINUTES!!!! This is the highlight of my week! LOVE IT!
Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you join my live online classes too...I'd love to have you!
I have never done pilates that long without a rest. I was a ballet dancer as a child so I really could connect with the ballet poses. Thank you so much again for another great wprkout!
Thank you Jennifer! 🥰🥰🥰
Sooooooo good !!!! love ya girl
Thank you Ava! 😘
this one is my FAAAAAAVOOORITE. I love the slower pace. Its AWEEEESOOOOME. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My pleasure! 🥰💖💪🏼
I love this video sooooooo much. I struggle with the teaser poses, but I’m getting stronger. I sweat so much with these workouts to the point where I can’t hold my legs up, so I get some paper towels, hold them around my ankles and I’m good. I feel so accomplished when I’ve completed each workout. I simply cannot thank you enough Desiree for such amazing workouts and you make me laugh every time you go, yayyyyyy or woohoo or that was amazingggg, I just love it. I love the inner thigh workouts where we shoot the legs up in the air and then bring them around. I love the oblique swivels, there’s just so much that I love, thank you❤️❤️❤️
Yayyyy I’m so happy you’re enjoying my workouts so much…that really means a lot. And because you’re enjoying the movement, you’ll stick with it and it’ll just become part of your everyday routine like brushing your teeth. Like I always say, “movement heals,” and when you find movement that you truly enjoy…well, that’s priceless!!! 😘😘😘 So grateful for your continued love and support; thank you! 💖
Loved this class. We hit every body part and took our time
I’m so glad you loved it! 🥰
Merci 🌸 tky ...i love your classes superbe 🌸 🌹 🌷
Thank you lovely friend! 😘😘😘
WOWWWWWWW!!!!! CRAZY AMAZING, thanks so much
My pleasure! So glad you enjoyed it! 🥰🥰🥰
Love you talking with us while doing the exercises, giving tips and correcting what we are probabily doing wrong! Love from Brazil!!! Thank you so much!!!
My pleasure! Hope to see you in my live online classes! 💖💜❤️
Absolutely love this. Such luxury for your body. Felt sore and achy, and this was a perfect workout to re-align everything. Thank you!
I’m so glad it was exactly what you needed! 💖💖💖
I love that you have done a 90 min class. You are amazing, thank you. 😀
Dionne Lindstrom my pleasure! 💖💜❤️
Just magical!!!Totally reborn!!!Thank you!!!
Aww my pleasure! 💚
The nice pace of this video makes it possible to work out with you for 90 mins. Thanks so much❤💯
You're so welcome! xoxo
It‘s awsome. I‘m Looking forward For Long Pilates videos. And you are Really the best!!!!!!!!! Thank you and i Hope you do this another time
Glad you enjoyed it! Hope to see you in my live online Pilates classes!!! They are an hour and 15 minutes! :)
Great workout!
I’m glad you loved it! 😘
What a fantastic way to start the day! I even think I did better than last time I did this one. (Got my heels just touching the floor on downward dog!) Thank you Desiree ❤ 😊 💓
Wonderful! See, practice makes progress! Woohoo!!! 🥰🥳😘
Thank you, Desiree🇺🇦🌻💗
I hadn’t tried that one in the past three months as I see from my comment. Great one which is definitely leaving me sweaty but great as usual with your workouts 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Caroline! 🥰🥰🥰
Today I felt like giving me some extra time I definitely was looking for the longest workout. Didn’t remember how waoooo it is !!!! Gosh I am running water from head to toes !!!!! But I feel sooooo goooood 🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍😍
I’m so glad you enjoyed it and felt great! 🥰🥰🥰
Really enjoyed you talking us through the exercices. It’s very challenging but very well paced out. Thank you, again.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 🥰🥰🥰
I just love love love this workout, Desiree!! Wanted to ask you, what does it mean to grip your legs? Thank you for your creations!!! 💕💕😘❤️
So amazing this long pilates class!!! Very good for sundays workout!!! Love so much! Thanks a lot! Love from Brazil!!
You're so welcome! xoxo
One of my favorite Pilates workout. Your explanation is funny, makes it easier to finish it.thank you Desiree! Greeting from Germany.
Thank you for your kindness and support! 🤗🤗🤗
Nothing else to say except Desiree is AMAZING!!! Her instructions are beyond crystal clear. Nothing is rushed. Beyond challenging! I am far from a flexible person but I keep listening to her cues and do my best. I cannot wait to see the future changes in my flexibility and hope to continue to elongate my muscles :)
Aww thank you so much for your lovely comment Lauren!!! I appreciate your love & support more than you’ll ever know! Please keep me posted on your progress! 💖🥰💪🏼💖🥰💪🏼
I just want to thank you so so much for this workout, Desiree. I just recently discovered it, I've been looking to add more stretch and strengthen type exercises to improve my dancing so it's perfect. I did it yesterday and I loved it so much, it's challenging but so much fun!
Thank you so much! 🥰💕🧚🏼♀️
Thank you for this long class Im definitely doing it again! Agree on working the back too! When I do other workouts I end up doing bridges because I feel that movement was missing. This is super complete, as a dancer I love to stretch. Thank you!
I’m so glad you enjoyed this one! 🥰🥰🥰
90 minutes‼︎‼︎
I was looking for a long workout, so I'm very happy😭❤️
Thank you🤍
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for your kindness and support! 😘
Desiree,I did it before my vacation for supporting result👀, it was definitely a challenge: all combinations were amazing!
Much much love and hugs💖💕💖
Enjoy your vacation! 🥳🥳🥳
You’re so talented and productive. Thank you for this comprehensive program for whole body.
Amazing! Been doing Pilates for 6 years, this has changed my same routine. I feel extremely challenged and look forward to more changes with flexibility and strength. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and skills on RUclips.
Thank you for your lovely comment Lesley! 🥰🥰🥰
Wonderful, thoughtful workout. Excellent cue-ing to help us avoid common mistakes: for me, the cue to lengthen rather than grip in the quads is esp. helpful. I will do this again: it’s great for the weekend when I have a bit longer to dedicate to my workout. Thank u!
Thank you for your lovely comment & support! I’m so glad you enjoyed this workout! 💖🥰💪🏼
You are an incredible teacher !!!! you mix ballet and pilates in the best way possible. It is so clear how much you love what you do. I am a pilates instructor myself and I learn sooo much from your videos!. thank you for sharing all this and hope to come to a reall life class one day !!
Thank you for your love & support! I hope you’ll join my live online classes too...I’d love to have you!
Desiree, I finsihed entire class. I was able to complete without stopping for a break at the 50 minute mark. I feel accom[lished and energized!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
I’m so proud of youuuuu!!! 🥳🥳🥳
@@DansiqueFitness , aww thank you, Desiree!
I’ve been eyeing out this one for a while, today I did it! Thank you 🙏🏻
I’m glad you finally gave it a try! Thank you for your kindness Meredith! 💖💖💖
Absolutely loved it! Specially the pilates dance sequences! You just made my lockdown saturday 😘
I’m so glad you loved it! 💖💜 Come try my live online classes sometime!
I love love love this ♥️🌟 thank you xxx
Thank you Victoria! 😘
OMG 90 min. LOVE! I'm doing this tomorrow! Love you Desiree - your classes are amazing!
Yayyy let me know how it goes! Hope to see you in my live online classes too! xoxo
Just did this class and is crazy hard but in a good way. First time I did class for 1.5 hours since my cancer diagnosis! I miss those days so much. One day I'll take your online virtual class when I feel comfortable to be seen...
Dana Yayyy good for you Dana! And just so you know, you can turn off your camera if you want...although once class starts and I “spotlight” one will be able to see you but me! Can’t wait to have you join in! Xoxo 😘
I have done this workout several times, strength and stretch combined it❤
Thank you! 💕💕💕
Just finished. It is a challenge, but it worth every moment. Thank you so much, Desiree. Greetings from Genoa
Yayyy thank you for your love & support! 💖❤️💜
I salute you my dear for giving us this long class! V good and great to do it on a wekend with no rush to go anywhere and no distractions! Lots of Love and Hugs! 🙏❤️👍😘
Thank you my lovely friend! 🌷
This was amazing. Looking forward to working out with your other videos. Thank you for the cues on a strong back.
My pleasure! If you haven’t already, please check out my new platform…I upload more often over there and your support would really mean a lot to me. 💖
Amazing challenge, thanks for the descriptions while you go , it really helps me correct my posture. Xx
My pleasure! 😘
Ooh - this was challenging. Loved it!
So glad you loved it! 😘
Strong, intense and also relaxing! Simply PERFECT! Thank you soooo much!!!
Glad you enjoyed it Zoe! xoxo Hope you can make it to class sometime!
This was great! I especially enjoyed how you incorporated a lot of stretching in the class however it was still a real challenge.
I’m so glad you loved it! 💖❤️💜
Loved this! I feel at least a 1/2 inch taller ;) Do you prefer doing the voice over videos or the talking straight to us? It's a very different feeling!
I'm so glad you loved it! Talking to you is certainly easier and less time consuming...but I think most people prefer voiceovers. I enjoy both! xo
I really enjoyed this video even though it hurts!😣🙂
Good lord that was hard! You are so super strong! I think this is one to come back to in a few weeks to measure improvement. (Maybe at the end of the 28 days) Very challenging. Thank you once again. Xxxxxx
Thank you! This is a great workout to revisit often…always something to improve upon! 🥰💖💪🏼
Hello , Hello Hello wow this was an amazing experience. This is my first time with you and possibly the 3rd time having pilates lessons I'm used in cross fit workouts and rhats the amazing thing I just love love love your work and your cheerful disposition. Thank you so very much. ❤💯
Welcome to the DF family Katerina! I’m so glad my workouts are resonating with you. Thank you so much for your love and support! 🥰💖💪🏼
@@DansiqueFitness You made happy too, I'm so thankful for effort to make people better in so many ways 🙏 ❤
I'm so excited to try this tomorrow morning!! Thank you! I LOVE YOUR LONGGGGG PILATES WORKOUTS!!
Let me know how it goes! 😘
I am in the middle of your 1-2-3 challenge (I've sporadically done your videos since March and have enjoyed them through lockdown!)and just did this session. I thought I would quit 2 or 3 days into the challenge, but here I am two weeks in, and am planning to start the cycle over when I finish the first 30 days! I can genuinely see and feel a difference already and it's a great feeling. Thanks so much for your thoughtful, fun workouts and encouraging positivity!
What wonderful news!!! I’m so glad you kept with it...see, we are always stronger than we think we are! Keep me posted on your progress. I’m so happy for you!!! BIG HUGS! 🤗💖🤗💖🤗 Hope to see you in my live online classes sometime!
@@DansiqueFitness I definitely shall keep you posted! Thank you again Desiree, and hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! 💕
The exercise video you uploaded saved me during my isolation from Wuhan pneumonia. I used to do intense weight training, but your video made me try a comfortable way to exercise!!!
My body got a full stretch, and every muscle is moving smoothly. After doing 90 minutes of exercises, my whole body is rejuvenated. Thank you sooooooo much!!!
Wonderful! I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you for your kindness & support! 😘
I've just completed this workout and am feeling great, many thanks. Say hi to your dog
Haha! I will! 💖🥰💪🏼🐶
Great video, this is what i am looking forwards. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your love and support! xoxo
Loved it! Thank you so much!!
My pleasure! 🥰
Thank you! Your workouts are so wonderful 💕💪
Amazing!!!! Loved it so much. I really like how excited you get about these exercises; it helps to keep me going. ☺️
Glad you enjoyed it! xoxo Hope to see you in class!
I waited for the weekend to do this: like a child opening its Christmas present. What a creative and challenging set of moves. Superb teaching points kept me in check. My body is so grateful and so am I! You are the bomb. Thank you for being amazing, x from London
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Please come join my live online Pilates class on Mondays! It’s noon my time...and 5pm in London! I really hope you can make it sometime, it would mean the world to me! 💖🥰💖🥰
I loved hearing your dog! Thank you for an excellent class!
My pleasure! 😘
I can't believe I got through this! Woohoo!!
Yayyy!!! 🥳🥳🥳
another great one !!!!!! thanksssssss and Happy 2021 to you Desiree. Big virtual hug
Same to you! xoxo
My favorite Desiree!!!! I absolutely LOVE this workout with you! Thank you so much! You always challenge me to move my body in new and beautiful ways. xoxoxoxoxo
Aww you’re the sweetest Natalie!!! I’m so happy to have you as a student! 💖💜❤️
@@DansiqueFitness xoxo
Amazing class!!! Thanks! By the way the dog didn't disturbed ❤⚘
Haha thank you for letting know know! 🥰💖🐶
great and so challenging.beautiful stretches especially combination movement of teaser and roll over.plank and jump to squat. amazing.i really enjoyed it.thank u so u
I’m so glad you loved it! ❤️💖💜
I can’t believe I fully did it!!!😱😱😱😱
Wonderful!!! 💖💖💖
Loved this one, very well explained :)
Thank you! Hope to see you in class! 🥰💖🥰💖
Amazing workout. Thanks.
Yes!! I love longer classes like this one. Keep it coming, please :)
I’m glad you loved it! Please help support Dansique Fitness by attending my live online classes! I teach Pilates every Monday and Thursday...hope to see you! 💖🥰
Added most of my videos to my own workout program/routine. Looove them! I found your videos when I was taking beginner adult ballet classes but they went online and I just couldn't follow along with them :( your videos have been so helpful and my technique has improved a bit! I'm also getting stronger and more flexible :)
It's been difficult for a lot of people transitioning into online classes, so I completely get it! I'm very happy that you've been enjoying my RUclips vids though...and yayyy for improvements! I'm so happy you're feeling stronger and more flexible! That's great! I hope you'll give my live online Pilates classes a try! I teach them every Monday and Thursday. Click this link >>> XOXO
@@DansiqueFitness thank you so much! Will definitely join the classes if work doesn't clash with it! Been looking forward to some pilates :)
Amazing lesson! Just completed.Quite challenging but witth your enthusiasm you motivated me and I enjoyed and did it!!!!🤗❤️
Great job! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Hope to see you in class sometime.
LOVE LOVE LOVE these, please post more of these💖
More to come! You can also come try my live online classes sometime too! Very similar to this workout! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you very much - it is amazing! Please more of these 🤗
Greetings from Switzerland 🇨🇭
Love, Christine
Glad you loved it! 💜
Amazing such a great session for a quiet sat afternoon Melbourne time . Thank you
Glad you enjoyed it! XOXO
Great! love as always.
You're simply the best, better than all the somebody said :) Can't wait to do this work out!
Aww thank you so much! Let me know how it goes! xoxo
@@DansiqueFitness Just finished! So happy and proud of myself ... although a couple of exercises are too much for me (teaser poses basically). Thank you so much Desiree. Tons of love from Italy
Supercalifragilisticexpicdelicious!!!! The best possible enjoyable workout!!! Thank youuuuuu
I loved it so much . Can’t wait for tomorow to do it again and do it better❤️
You're so welcome! I'm so glad you loved it! Hope to see you in my live class again soon! xoxo
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved this workout!!!
I’m so glad! 😘
I love this! As a fellow dance it was so fun when you were talking about dance positions I’m like Yass what a vibe! This was so amazing I really appreciate all the hard work you put into these workouts for us! Thanks again sending love xx
Thank you so much 🤗 It's always really nice when someone recognizes and appreciates ALL the time, effort, and energy I pour into my content! I hope to see you in my live online classes too...I teach Pilates Sculpt every Monday and Thursday! XOXO
That one was realllllllllly amazing waohhhhh