Trust the Bard Shiroe.... Henrietta will inspire you to "perform"..... Meanwhile in adventure boot camp, the Role Players learn to become Roll Players.... Your class is not a fashion choice. You have a job to do! Crusty has all the Rizz... Let him cook!
Trust the Bard Shiroe.... Henrietta will inspire you to "perform".....
Meanwhile in adventure boot camp, the Role Players learn to become Roll Players.... Your class is not a fashion choice. You have a job to do!
Crusty has all the Rizz... Let him cook!
man season 1 of log horizon was so good, still makes me mad with the studio change for season 2 :(
For a fraction of a second I thought that girl pulled out a pack of cigarettes but it was just evil megane's notes.
Crusty bouta put the Adventurer moves on Renner
14:07 grazie = thank you in italian
For me both season 1 and 2 are pretty good enough but season 3 kind of rushed...Isuzu have her own theme later on...A birthday song
I wonder if some isekai will ever be filmed in a fantasy world, and not a fantasy one, for example, in cyberpunk😅
That David cage game, omnikron? Is a sci fi isekai